Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 10 2018

Camp innovation is one of my favorite days of the whole entire year. It's about teachers gathering resources

They can take it back to their classrooms and use it with their students today

I taught about Google slides.

You know Google slides is something that looks like this and everybody gets bored and tuned out after a while because that's all they hear

so today we are going to

Smell something like student engagement

Google slides is a part of the Google suite and it is primarily used for presentations

But today I'm going to show teachers how to use it in a more creative way

So I am going to show you eight count them eight

projects that you can make with Google slides, that is not a

Boring presentation. Well, there are eight different assignments that I'm sharing today with teachers each

One of them can be used in any curriculum

We talked about comic books and making choose your own adventures

And so a lot of the teachers took those and ran with them and had a great time with it

So it's important that students to be able to show what they know and to show teachers what they've learned in a creative way

So Google is a thing that they all have for free all of our students have for free

So it use it in a way, that's fun and engaging and not just if I can consume the information

For more infomation >> TRUSD Camp Innovation 2018: Google Slides - Duration: 1:36.


外國人介紹台灣:台灣海灘有草泥馬咖啡店嗎?! Did you know Taiwan has an alpaca café next to the beach!? - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> 外國人介紹台灣:台灣海灘有草泥馬咖啡店嗎?! Did you know Taiwan has an alpaca café next to the beach!? - Duration: 7:41.


Huracán Michael arrasa todo a su paso | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Huracán Michael arrasa todo a su paso | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:20.


Lazos rotos 👬 👱👶 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 21:13.

For more infomation >> Lazos rotos 👬 👱👶 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 21:13.


Tengo derecho a opinar y no ser agredida: Lupita Jones | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Tengo derecho a opinar y no ser agredida: Lupita Jones | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:19.


Llamó al 911 al ver a un afroamericano con niños blancos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Llamó al 911 al ver a un afroamericano con niños blancos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:56.


How will weight gain affect the results of liposuction?-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 4:50.

Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Star Bodies.

Today we are going to discuss: How will weight gain affect the results of liposuction?

In this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know

to get the star body that you want.

Welcome back!

Liposuction is highly effective when it comes to contouring the body.

The procedure is suitable for patients who have poor body contour resulting from fat pockets

in different areas of the body.

Many patients ask me how weight gain will affect the result of liposuction.

I often respond by saying weight gain after liposuction will affect the body in the same way

as it did before the intervention.

It is the result of weight gain that has affected your body aesthetics in negative ways and

compelled you to consider liposuction.

In order to understand how weight gain changes the contour of the body after liposuction,

let us first take a look at what liposuction does to your body.

During liposuction, the fat deposits are surgically removed from different areas of the body.

The common body areas that develop stubborn fat pockets include the abdomen, sides, flanks,

upper back, thighs, and back.

As a result of the removal of the fat pockets, the body becomes contoured

and appears aesthetically appealing.

However, weight gain after liposuction can do the opposite.

It will trigger the development of fat deposits in your body areas,

including those areas that have been liposuctioned.

How does that happen?

Well, liposuction does not remove 100 percent of the fat cells from your body.

Many fat cells will remain in your body areas even after liposuction.

There is a limit to how much fat can be removed from your body during one session of liposuction.

When you gain considerable weight after the procedure, the existing fat cells in your body areas will expand.

Moreover, new fat cells will also be produced.

The expansion of the existing fat cells and addition of new fat cells

will make your body poorly contoured again.

However, weight gain will not necessarily affect only those areas that were liposuctioned.

In fact, the areas liposuctioned would be less affected.

Your body areas that were not liposuctioned would get most of the fat deposits this time around,

which will affect the results of liposuction in negative ways.

Your body may appear poorly contoured again.

In order to increase the sustainability of the results of liposuction,

make sure to keep your weight stable after the surgery.

The best way to do this is by eating a balanced diet and doing regular exercises.

In this video we discuss: How will weight gain affect the results of liposuction?

In the next video we will discuss: The popular mommy makeover.

Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel

for more information, here at the Star Bodies channel, only on YouTube.

Also, you can log on to our website,

for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.

For more infomation >> How will weight gain affect the results of liposuction?-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 4:50.


La historia no contada del narcotráfico en México | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> La historia no contada del narcotráfico en México | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:53.


3 Quick Tips To Help You Learn How To Become A Dog Trainer - Duration: 1:53.

Hi, Mirko here from Healthy Pet Systems.

Today I will give you 3 quick tips to help you learn how to become a dog trainer.

So let's dive in.

Being a dog trainer is a difficult career to pursue if you don't have the passion for it.


Because this job requires patience and love.

First, educate yourself and hone your skills.

Knowledge and skills in handling dogs and training them is an important factor.

Educating yourself could mean enrolling in a formal school or attending seminars or even

just reading books and other materials.

Second, get credentials.

Technically, becoming a dog trainer doesn't need licenses since it is unregulated.

But there are some institutions where you can get accreditations, certifications, and other credentials.

Third, find your market.

To be a successful dog coach you have to have your market.

Place your ads and look for customers.

It may be an easy process for one to become a dog trainer but it entails

passion for one to become successful.

To find out more, I created a great guide about the dog training.

In it, you will find 5 easiest dogs to train, how to train a dog not to bite, how to potty train a dog,

how to train a dog to walk on a leash, how to train a dog to come, and how to become a dog trainer.

The link is down below in a description.

If you like this video, hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future.

And remember let's keep our pets healthy!


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