Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 8 2018

(Jeopardy! theme aong plays on melodica)

- I'm Buzzy Cohen, a music executive

from Los Angeles, California.

I'm a nine-time Jeopardy! champion

and the winner of the 2017 Tournament of Champions.

(upbeat music)

I think I took the test in April of 2015

and a lot changed in my life.

I got the initial call from the contestant team,

right after the new year.

- [Woman] Tell us about yourself.

- I am 30 years old, I live in L.A.

I'm originally from Jersey, proud of it.

- [Woman] You're from Jersey?

- I'm from Jersey, yeah.

Jeopardy! was a really big boost in terms of,

like, helping my self-esteem

and really showing me that, what I was capable of.

- The first one, there was something a little bit

about proving to himself something.

- Let's make it a true daily double.

- [Alex] All right, for 8,000 then, here is the clue.

- What are moccasins?

- [Alex] That's right.

(audience applauding)

- Really showing me what I could do for, like, myself.

It was really transformative for me.

- It's almost one of those things where, you know,

you, other people can see who you are, before they can.

And I think it was just a reminder, of who he really is.

- [Alex] Eight day total of a $147,803.

He's on a roll, folks.

- By the time I got back for the tournament of champions,

I was a really different person

than I was when I first walked in to the studio.

I told people that I was basically

training like an Olympic athlete.

That approach was holistic, and so I came to the gym

and I started out, I was like three times a week,

and I told Kasey, "I'm gonna come in on fourth day a week."

- Seeing the confidence that he would develop

as he gained strength and changed his body,

you know, also helped his mind.

We were able to do trivia while

he was holding the top of a chin-up.

The training definitely helped

just from a confidence setting standpoint.

- It was incredible to see the second time around.

It just, to be able to be this connection to

a game that he really loves.

- [Alex] Buzzy,

- What's Alabama?

- [Alex] Right, Daily Double.

You have just doubled your score.

Enjoy the moment, Buzzy!

- Since then, he's always had that mentality,

I'm gonna do something, I'm gonna win it.

- After the tournament, I was like,

I need something else.

- He was like, I wanna compete in the deadlift meet.

Do we have enough time for me to get ready to win?

- With some focus and really proper training,

I could do this incredible thing

that I really didn't think I was gonna be able to do.

Feeling good, feeling strong.

Feel ready, feel really ready.

- [Male Voice] Let's go, come on, yeah!

(cheers loudly)

- I think the preparation that I did

really transform the kind of Jeopardy! player I was.

What that showed me was that,

you can be really successful at a lot of things.

And when an opportunity comes my way,

instead of maybe being a little fearful

or sheepish about not being able to pull it off,

or feeling overwhelmed by it,

I welcome it and really wanna sink my teeth into it.

For more infomation >> J!Effect: Buzzy Cohen | JEOPARDY! - Duration: 3:12.


What Is ... Yes? Getting Engaged on Jeopardy! | JEOPARDY! - Duration: 1:00.

(audience laughing)

- Okay, now ladies and gentlemen,

normally when I interview the contestants,

I base my conversation on little bits

of information they have supplied us,

but with regard to Michael Pascuzzi from Orlando, Florida,

I have absolutely nothing on the card,

so what do you want to talk about?

- I can fill in for you.

I just wanted to say one quick thing

and ask Maria Schaefer right there.

- [Alex] Who is Maria, where is she?

Oh, hello Maria.

- If she would make me a winner today, and marry me.

(audience applauding)

Will you marry me?

- Yes, of course. (laughing)

- Sorry Maria, you responded too quickly,

I was about to say we'll have the answer

to that question right after this commercial break.

- That would be what is yes? (laughing)

- What is yes, alright good for you. (laughing)

(audience cheering and clapping)

For more infomation >> What Is ... Yes? Getting Engaged on Jeopardy! | JEOPARDY! - Duration: 1:00.


Is Everyone A Little Bit Racist? | Implicit Bias - Duration: 5:26.

[ ♪INTRO ]

In May 2018, Starbucks closed all their American stores for a day to train their employees

about implicit bias after accusations of racism.

In fact, companies all over have been doing this kind of diversity training,

teaching their employees about biases in the workplace.

So what are they trying to do, and how can we tell if it's helping?

Well, implicit bias means something pretty specific to psychologists,

and it might not be exactly what you think of when you hear the word "racism."

And, despite good intentions, this training might not be helping as much as we'd hope.

First, though, we should mention that even though race and racism are complicated topics,

a lot of this research relies on simple comparisons — like, using generic examples of people who are black or white.

Sometimes that's a necessary part of the study design.

And in this video, we're just skimming the surface of this complicated part of psychology.

Explicit beliefs are obvious biases that people might straight-up tell you,

like thinking men are better at math than women.

But psychologists use the word implicit to refer to things that act outside of your awareness.

Which means implicit biases are harder to find, and harder to get rid of.

One famous way to measure them is called the implicit association test, or IAT.

The basic idea is to have people play a sorting game as quickly and accurately as possible,

moving pictures to either side of a computer screen.

For example, a test for implicit racial bias might involve pictures of faces of white people

and black people, mixed in with pleasant and unpleasant photos.

And then participants would get different rules about how to sort them.

According to the IAT, if people make more mistakes when they're told to sort a black

person's face with a picture of a flower or a bunny, they have an implicit association of whiteness with pleasantness.

Over several decades, psychologists have used the IAT to note lots of implicit associations that seem to be lurking in people's minds

— like women with family, men with work, white with good, and young with good.

These implicit associations might contradict your explicit beliefs, or even be negative things about you.

Like, women and black people have shown negative associations with their own identities.

But there's some debate over whether the IAT means anything beyond how good you are at a sorting game.

In a 2009 meta-analysis published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,

researchers looked at 122 studies with almost 15,000 participants.

All these studies tested whether the IAT could predict prejudiced behavior better than just

asking people about their explicit beliefs in a survey.

Over all the studies that tested for implicit associations of black and white people,

the IAT was a better predictor of behaviors like using slurs and workplace discrimination than explicit questions about racism.

But that wasn't the case for other areas of discrimination, like gender, sexual orientation, or political party.

In other words, there was a clearer separation between implicit biases and explicit beliefs

with racial prejudice than other kinds of prejudice.

And that's not the only concern with the IAT.

More recent research has found that the IAT isn't any more useful than more subtle survey questions when measuring racist beliefs.

For instance, instead of asking someone if white people are smarter than black people,

newer surveys might ask if black people are "getting too demanding."

And finally, psychologists have only found the IAT to be useful for looking at whole groups,

like hundreds of people participating in a study.

Individuals are likely to get a pretty different score if they take the test a second time.

So many psychologists disagree about whether the IAT is the best way to measure implicit biases.

But implicit biases do seem to be real, and affect our judgment in other ways too.

Like, in a 2012 study, 127 science faculty were asked to review application materials for a lab manager job, with either a male or female name at the top.

Participants gave higher ratings of competence, hireability, and higher starting salaries to the resumes with male names.

You can find a similar effect with race.

Researchers sent thousands of resumes to job ads in Boston and Chicago with either stereotypically white or black names at the top.

And the white names had a 9.7% chance of getting called back, but the black names only had a 6.5% chance.

Even without explicitly reporting any racist beliefs, participants in studies have also

been more likely to remember a character in a story as aggressive if the character was black.

Or they overestimated the ages of black kids compared to white kids, and rated black men as taller and stronger than white men

— even when their strength and height were matched.

So, can we fix these sorts of implicit biases, and does corporate training do any good?

Well, we start unintentionally learning these associations young, through our environment and culture.

So they're hard to avoid.

A recent meta-analysis of 492 studies that's still under review found that interventions,

from perspective-taking to giving counterstereotypical examples, can change people's scores on implicit tests like the IAT.

But that doesn't necessarily translate into changing behaviors.

But an earlier meta-analysis of 515 studies in 2006 reported that just spending time with

diverse groups of people works to counteract prejudice pretty well.

This so-called intergroup contact works better in some situations than others.

Like, having coworkers of different races is more likely to reduce prejudice than, say, managing employees of different races.

So it's not as simple as "everyone's a little bit racist."

But it's good to understand that sometimes you can be biased in your actions, behavior, and judgments

— so we can all work to be better.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych, and thanks especially to our patrons on Patreon who make all of our channels possible.

If you want to support us, you can go to, or just share our videos to help everyone see the world a little more complexly.

see the world a little more complexly.

[ ♪ OUTRO ]

For more infomation >> Is Everyone A Little Bit Racist? | Implicit Bias - Duration: 5:26.


Trump Tax Cuts Have DESTROYED The Budget - Duration: 2:53.

During the Bush administration, Dick Cheney famously said, "Deficits don't matter."

And the reason he said that is because obviously, the Bush administration was running up the

federal deficit, spending far more than we were taking in, and it actually eventually

led to an economic collapse exacerbated by the corruption of the big banks, the housing

market bust, and all kinds of other things.

But that federal deficit played a major role in that economic collapse.

Today, under the policies of Donald Trump, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and every other

Republican in Washington DC, the federal budget deficit is now 21 trillion dollars.

21 trillion dollars.

And the reason it's gotten so high recently is because of that massive tax giveaway they

just gave to the top one percent.

Those tax cuts have absolutely destroyed the United States budget.

And a new report from the Congressional Budget Office, the CBO, says that within just a few

years, we're going to be paying more for interest on our federal debt than we are for the military

or Medicare spending.

So most of the money spent by the federal government in just a few years is going to

be spent on interest on all that money we've had to borrow.

And here's the problem.

To an extent, Dick Cheney is right.

Deficits don't matter.

Economists will tell you the same thing.

They'll also say the rest of the sentence.

Deficits don't matter when the economy is bad.

See, that's the difference.

Running a high deficit in a bad economy is actually a good thing because that means the

government is spending more money, and that can help kickstart the economy.

It's what Barack Obama did, and guess what, folks?

It worked.

When the economy is good, every economist out there in this country worth their salt

is going to tell you that you have to reduce spending.

The economy's chugging along fine, so you reduce spending, you reduce borrowing, and

you start paying down that debt.

But we're not doing that today.

The economy is doing fine for now.

Most economists predict things are about to go south pretty quick, but we're also ballooning

the deficit at a time when we should be paying it down.

We're taking in less revenue because of the tax cuts, so we don't even have the means

to pay it down right now.

All of this spells impending economic disaster, and when it happens, ladies and gentlemen,

you can place the blame for it squarely at the feet of people like Donald Trump and Paul


For more infomation >> Trump Tax Cuts Have DESTROYED The Budget - Duration: 2:53.


Powerful Panel Discussion Tip #169 with BrianWalter: Using Technology to Interact with the Audience - Duration: 1:25.

Brian, do you ever use technology when interacting with the audience?

I was advising and producing a panel for a manufacturing company and so they had outside

experts come in and what we did is we came up with questions, so there was like 7 or

8 questions, and we put them up on a screen, and then we had the audience with their A.R.S

devices, Audience Response Devices, so they can vote in the moment.

And we said—and this is after they've done a couple questions-- so it's like round

one was done.

So now for round two, where would you, the audience, like this to go?

And they're like [make noise] and there it was on the screen.

So, it was kind of like the audience is in charge.

"Okay, panel, the audience wants to go here."

And then we did like the top two, and then we reset and created a new slide that had

a few options.

And now for our third question here, where do you want to go? [makes noise] Voting [makes

noise] here it is.

So the audience got the sense of we're in charge.

That makes it more interesting for the audience.

For more infomation >> Powerful Panel Discussion Tip #169 with BrianWalter: Using Technology to Interact with the Audience - Duration: 1:25.


LONGEST REAL SNIPER SHOT IN FORTNITE?😲 - Fortnite Weekly Funny Moments #9 - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> LONGEST REAL SNIPER SHOT IN FORTNITE?😲 - Fortnite Weekly Funny Moments #9 - Duration: 9:41.


ما هي مميزات وعيوب شريحة منع الحمل ؟ - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> ما هي مميزات وعيوب شريحة منع الحمل ؟ - Duration: 1:01.


朗読 聖霊の御言葉「招かれる人は多いが、選ばれる人は少ない」 - Duration: 16:48.

For more infomation >> 朗読 聖霊の御言葉「招かれる人は多いが、選ばれる人は少ない」 - Duration: 16:48.


Brick Factory to Help Christians in Pakistan 2018 - Duration: 2:20.

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For more infomation >> Brick Factory to Help Christians in Pakistan 2018 - Duration: 2:20.


Trump Just Launched A Delusional New Attack On Democrats And Kavanaugh'S Accusers - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Launched A Delusional New Attack On Democrats And Kavanaugh'S Accusers - Duration: 2:11.


Taylor Swift Faces Major BACKLASH From Fans After She Endorses Democrat Candidate - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Taylor Swift Faces Major BACKLASH From Fans After She Endorses Democrat Candidate - Duration: 2:58.


A "Lifelong Republican" Just Blindsided His Own Party With An Unprecedented Midterm Election Demand - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> A "Lifelong Republican" Just Blindsided His Own Party With An Unprecedented Midterm Election Demand - Duration: 3:22.


This Tweet About Brett Kavanaugh Just Ended A Top Democrat's Career - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> This Tweet About Brett Kavanaugh Just Ended A Top Democrat's Career - Duration: 3:20.


24 Hours After Taking Oath, Justice Brett Kavanaugh Makes SCOTUS History - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> 24 Hours After Taking Oath, Justice Brett Kavanaugh Makes SCOTUS History - Duration: 4:50.


Taylor Swift Breaks Political Silence As Hardcore Leftist, Immediately Regrets It - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Taylor Swift Breaks Political Silence As Hardcore Leftist, Immediately Regrets It - Duration: 4:52.


2019 Hyundai Accent: Efficient Powertrain |Bright Side Car| - Duration: 4:25.

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Pls Subscribe Bright Side Car to get more VIDEOS!

Pls Subscribe Bright Side Car to get more VIDEOS!

For more infomation >> 2019 Hyundai Accent: Efficient Powertrain |Bright Side Car| - Duration: 4:25.


Susan Moody and María Tomás-Keegan, Part 1 - Duration: 12:18.

hello welcome i'm Susan F Moody your guest host for today's episode of tips

for the transition i have the privilege today to interview your regular host

María Tomás-Keegan creator of transition and thrive with María. María has been

interviewing each of the co-authors of the new book for resilience to

brilliance and since she is one of the authors herself we thought this might be

a fun way to get María's story out to all of you I am also one of the authors

and the gather of the other officers for this inspirational book specifically for

women entrepreneurs the title of María's chapter is learning to swim in the oven

Flo brief we all experience it over our lifetime but how we individually

experience loss and grief can be very different and in a very personal way

María will share with us today her journey through the grief process

starting at the age of 13 right up to a few months ago hi María thank you for

the opportunity to be your guest hoast hello Susan

how does it feel to have the tables turn it feels a little strange I must say I

can only imagine let me imagine well let's start our interview with you today

by having you tell us a little bit about your story okay well um the story this

part of my story the the grief part of my story has been a long journey as you

said it started when I was about 13 and I was partially raised by my great aunt

she lived in our household of six people and my chipmunk two parents and my three

brothers and I and she joined us to help raise the kids because mum was a nurse

and worked nights and my father worked days and they needed help so she came

from the Philippines to join her in me and she was just a a really important

part of my life and as we all got older she got older do

unfortunately and instead of her taking care of us we started to take care of

her and I lost her when I was 13 and it was a significant moment in my life that

I won't ever forget all that she did for us and it was such a big loss and I just

didn't know how to deal with it I

withdrew a lot and wouldn't speak about her would not go near her room and I

realized that I was getting and my parents realized that I was getting into

a really deep funk over it so my mom was the one who helped me to talk about it

and talk it out and I soon was able to surround myself with things that Tia

Hilda had made for had given me and started to think about them differently

and think about her memory differently that I still decided to or asked my

parents if I could move into her small room and make it my bedroom oh and then

Liam and then I I learned yes I learned that I could feel the loss and breathe

and still be able to move forward I think when you're talking about because

you lost her at such a young age that that probably deeply affected you some

of us don't lose somebody close to us a little bit later yeah it was him it was

a huge loss for me and I had no idea at that age what to do

yeah so my mom helped me a lot with that I'm talking it through so then the next

time it happened for me it was it was not quite so unexpected what I started

to feel fast-forward a little a number of years and I lost my mom who was me

she was my rock she was my confidante she was my best

friend we had an envy of a relationship a lot

of mothers and daughters don't get to experience that and it was very special

to me and when I lost her it was the first time I was reminded about a hole

in my heart which I first felt that's how I describe it now I didn't describe

it that way when I was 13 but I was reminded about how that felt and I have

never cried so much in my life as for that loss it was the first time also as

an adult I was in my 40s so I had losses between but none so significant as this

it was the first time I really recognized the ebb and flow of brief

that it it can come it can come just set it set me in a tailspin sometimes it Oh

totally overwhelmed me and then it would it would M and I would feel some room

and each time each time the wave came it over time it felt like it why

maybe not as big and when it was maybe not he stayed away a little longer and

that's what that that Evan flower brief feels like to me he's like a wave mm-hmm

so what I did when I lost my mom I I needed to it's something I learned when

I lost you Hilda I surrounded myself with things that she had made I

surrounded when my mom passed I surrounded myself with pictures of her

and I would I would listen for her voice I would listen to what how she would

what she would say to me at this time and she and I made lots of things

together and hard and we sent each other gifts and I said I just surrounded

myself with that stuff in fact among it a lot in the beginning and then as time

passed a little less often and now I'm sitting in my home office and I have a a

pencil sketch of her that my father drew that's sitting right there looking over

me every day so it is is the it's the way I continue to deal with the loss of

my mom and it is nearly 20 years now and I planted a tree in her memory

oh that's very cool I think that's cool like you're saying that you have to do

what you feel comfortable with and I love how you say about the ebb and flow

because having just lost my mom myself last year you just never know when it's

gonna catch you that's right that's great it's so true Susan it is still to

this day there are times when something will happen I will hear a song I'll

watch a movie is particularly movies can do it to me about relationships with

mothers and daughters and that

you know never really get out mm-hmm yeah what's that 20 years yeah and then

most recently I thought I was prepared for anything after losing my mom and

then a few years later I lost my dad another significant loss but late last

year and early this year within all three or four months of each other I

lost two of my older brothers one totally unexpectedly the first one and

the second within months of that back to has struggled with all summers and I

just never expected I haven't thought about losing a brother never in my in my

mind even begun I had begun to think about that possibility

so it really don't the winds totally out of my sails

and you know it's I I'm I realized that there's a big part of my my essence that

was tied to having three older brothers you know I was luteolin hurled the

youngest I was so proud of having three older brothers and then two natura them

are gone so it it is a different kind of long some very different kind of loss

and I am still struggling this one I've not I have not recovered from this I

don't know exactly what the what the what the remedy except terrible word to

use in this case but will be for me I have things that they each have given me

that I I wear or I touch my oldest brother who died from Alzheimer's was a

wood craftsman has made me all kinds of bowls and boxes and and those are those

are with me I touch them every day my middle brother gave me something that is

to me and I wear it a lot so I act well and my remaining brother and I just have

stayed very close in a very different way and I I always say to him take care

of yourself because I can't put this year - no well thank you for sharing

that personal reflection I know I have three brothers as well like I can't

imagine no so and you also spoke about in this particular segment about how you

stay in touch personally with items to get through your grief and in our next

segment I'd like to talk more about the emotional journey of grief if you will

so I'd like era - please stay tuned I'm Susan F Moody and I'm going to see

you next time on tips the transition with María Tomás-Keegan Thank You

For more infomation >> Susan Moody and María Tomás-Keegan, Part 1 - Duration: 12:18.


Susan Moody and María Tomás-Keegan, Part 2 - Duration: 9:23.

hello again and welcome to part 2 of my conversation with María Tomás-Keegan who

shared her story of personal loss of accounts her mother and her two brothers

I'm Susan F Moody I'm your guest host today of tips for the transition I'm

standing in for María because we just can't figure out how she could interview

herself and she has an important story to share with us

María is one of the co-authors of the new book titled from resilience to

brilliance and it's going to be available on Amazon the inspired stories

in this book how Buster know that we're not alone when light passes us

curveballs and shares some transitional tips and strategies from other

successful entrepreneurs just like María so María thank you for sharing your

story when we last left off really getting into the emotional and personal

journey of grief with your brothers and your mother's and your aunt and others

who have been watching or probably struggling with some of those same that

same journey as you and if you could share some of the ways you thought to

make that journey a little bit easier I know it's never easy but how much is for

sure and you're still going through the journey but some of the things that that

you're going through I think it's important for the viewers to kind of

hear that they they're not alone and it's okay to feel the grief and

experience a loss yeah Susan you're so right about that um I don't know that

the the journey through grief ever ends once it starts which is a you know I

guess what is that that's not a terribly encouraging way to put it I suppose but

I find it actually helps me a lot of other parts of my life it helps me to

understand that life goes on we hear that all the time and that my

situation could be a lot worse and what I like to try to do each time I lose

something significant in my life is to find the gift that they left me very

nice so everyone has to do that in in a different way and it depends on who

you've lost and the kind of relationship you've had with them but if you feel

significant wreath after it loss and you've probably had a significant

relationship and you're going to go through all kinds of things it might be

anger it might be you know and it could be anger it you know God or it might be

guilt that maybe didn't do enough I know that I felt that a couple of times with

you know that I didn't do enough to help my other aunt when I lived with her and

was her caregiver and she was studying now I I really wanted to save her and I

I couldn't and I kept thinking about that for one it could be it could just

be that hole in your heart I spoke about earlier that you just don't know how to

feel but I believe that when I have surrounded myself with memories that

helped me to heal that hole and think about the good things that the people

who are long have left for me so that I can just be a

better me because if their gift mm-hmm all right I love that you're talking

about the gift that they have left behind because I think even when we have

relationships that aren't it's smooth and steady and as loving as I was like

like you had with your aunt your mother than your brothers there's still a

relationship there and to to recognize sometimes we learn from that Camillus

relationship right and that there is still a gift in that relationship so I

love that perspective of looking at whoever's touched our lives good pattern

differently they've they've left you a gift of some sort yeah you know I think

that's with it almost any kind of loss no I've been talking about the loss of

people um I have a really soft spot in my heart for rescuing animals and and

I've lost a number of them over the years and there's a kind of loss but

it's lost nevertheless and I I tend to fill those losses with more animals

because they need to love them I want to love them it's just a part of me and

there are so many out there who need love so together so that's just another

kind of loss that and we go through emotions with all of that yeah so I

don't I don't know what else to share except that we all have to find our own

way of dealing with the grief and as you say whether it was a relationship that

was smooth sailing or or a bit rocky there's still that sense of loss and the

emotions can be very different depending on relationship what we have

to figure we have to find a way and I believe talking with others about how

they would oops give us just some ideas of what

might work for us especially if we are stuck in a rut and don't can't find our

way out mm-hmm because that is no place to stay when you are feeling deeply and

lost staying stuck in that rot can eventually become your grave and I don't

mean that literally I mean that figuratively but it it's really a hard

place to dig out from and when you feel the ebb and the flow of the emotions

when you allow that to happen then there's a there's an opportunity to

release and relieve it over time but when you stay stuck in it that

opportunity doesn't present itself well you've given us a couple of great ideas

of how to go through that ebb and flow I think it's important to sometimes we

don't talk about the grief that we're experiencing we think it's a taboo

subject and for just hearing you kind of give us permission to speak about it as

I think others want to help you through the grief they just don't know how to

approach it all right and what to say to others so I

think just being open to letting like he said share your grief with others and

just for listening year I love how you said how to fill the hole in your heart

with you sometimes it's with getting new animals or surrounding yourself with

different personal items so I think you shared some really great ideas during

this during a segment with us so thank you thank you for that as those of you

who are follows and Luria's interviews know we are saving the best for last

in our wrap-up segment you're going to hear various about the lessons

that's a more helpful tips on how to manage and get through loss and grief

that accompanies when you lose somebody or something that you really love safe

tune for tomorrow with María I'm Susan F Moody and I'll see you next time on tips

for the transition Thank You María

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