Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 9 2018

Senator Ted Cruz is still fighting for his political life down there in the state of


And in an attempt to kind of help him out a little bit, the state election authorities

have been purging thousands of newly registered voters from the voting roles.

You see over the last four years actually, there has been a surge in new registered voters

in the state of Texas.

There's actually served by 11%, which is a pretty big increase.

Republicans are worried because anytime there's an increase in newly registered voters, it

is typically among the younger generation as these registrations are, and those people

tend to go a little bit to the left and they're not really thrilled about Republican candidates

right now.

They have no reason to be ever, really.

Nonetheless, the state of Texas has decided that they were going to toss out thousands,

thousands of these newly submitted voter registration forms in the state of Texas because they allegedly

didn't include a signature on the registration.

Now, Texas law does not require a signature on your voter registration.

That means that not only were they purging thousands of voters, they were purging them

illegally from the voting roles.

And they did it, this Republican controlled state, because they understand that if you

get rid of the young voters, you get rid of the new voters, you get rid of the people

who clearly want to participate in the process and you're going to help Republicans by doing


By getting them out of there, you help Republicans.

And at a time when Ted Cruz is kind of consistently tied statistically with his opponent, Beto

O'Rourke, that's a perfect time to purge voters that might push O'Rourke over the edge and

finally unseat Ted Cruz.

And that is exactly what's happening in the state of Texas.

It's happening all over this country.

It's happening in Florida.

It's happening in Ohio.

It's happening in all kinds of states where there are very hotly contested elections were

Democrats have the opportunity to take over once strongly held Republican seats in both

the House and the Senate.

The only way Republicans feel they can win is to cheat.

But as long as we do have groups out there, which there's been a lot of voter groups out

there in Texas helping these people who had their applications rejected, resubmit them

and finally get approved thousands, I think 2,400 actually have already been re-approved

after being rejected.

That's likely not enough to sway the election.

But hopefully it's enough to make sure that we have people out there who want to participate

in the process and are allowed to participate in the process.

Republicans are pulling out every single possible dirty trick.

We need more organizations out there helping people to overcome these hurdles.

Because if we can do that, if we can get people to the polls, if we can get them to cast their

votes, we can finally get these vote suppressing, voter purging Republicans out of office and

maybe get some laws in place to where we don't have to deal with this form of election cheating


For more infomation >> Texas Illegally Purges Thousands Of Voters To Help Ted Cruz Win Re-Election - Duration: 3:27.


Air & Liquid Systems Corp. v. Devries [SCOTUSbrief] - Duration: 4:15.

Asbestos is a product that was used up until the 1970s.

Uh, it was originally considered a wonder product.

What began to be apparent throughout the middle part of the 20th Century is that when asbestos

can cause a whole variety of cancers, including mesothelioma.

DeVries v. Air and Liquid Systems is a case about how far liability goes for the manufacturer

of asbestos products.

Traditionally, asbestos manufacturers were held liable for personal injury caused by asbestos.

What has happened is that as fewer and fewer of those manufacturers are still extant and

solvent, plaintiff's attorneys and plaintiff's have to look for increasingly tangentially

related manufacturers who can actually pay a judgment.

The parties in this case are the petitioner, Air and Liquid Systems Corporation, which

is a company that created manufactured products that were used in naval vessels,

and then, the respondent is Roberta DeVries.

She is the widow of John DeVries and the administrator of his estate.

Mr. DeVries worked on putting various kinds of products into naval ships.

And so, he very often worked with products where they were originally manufactured without

an asbestos part, and then either he or other people would install a part later and a lot

of these parts required replacing over the course of many years.

What makes this case a little bit unusual is that the federal courts now have to have

a federal common law definition of product liability because of the maritime clause.

A maritime law is the uh, body of law that governs interstate commerce on the high seas.

And, maritime law is an area of law that's specifically committed by the Constitution

to federal courts.

So, federal courts have, essentially, exclusive jurisdiction over maritime law cases.

There's a split between uh, the Sixth Circuit and the Third Circuit in this case.

The Third Circuit held there's a multi-factor test that should be applied to determine whether

or not a bare metal manufacturer can be held liable for an asbestos product.

So, this multi-factor test looks at things like how foreseeable was it that the product

was gonna be fitted with an asbestos part later.

What was the manufacturer's knowledge of the hazards of asbestos?

Things like that.

Other courts, especially the Sixth Circuit, have held that there's a bright-line rule


If you didn't manufacture the product, you didn't sell the product, you didn't distribute

an asbestos-bearing product, you can't be held liable as a matter of law for later asbestos-related

injury from an asbestos part that gets fitted into your product.

The best argument for Air and Liquid Systems is the traditional notion of tort law that

if you didn't manufacture the product, you didn't sell the product, you didn't distribute

the product, then you can't be held liable.

You have to have been at fault for an injury to be liable for that injury.

And, Air and Liquid Systems' strongest argument comes down to the fault argument.

We weren't at fault here.

We didn't make this product, so we shouldn't have to pay for it.

The best argument for Mr. DeVries and his estate is simply this.

There was an injury.

And, there was a product here that was manufactured that Air & Liquid Systems may have known

was going to be fitted later with an asbestos product.

If there may be some knowledge, why should a company be able to get out of liability

simply by the accident that it manufactured a product that somebody else later fitted

with an asbestos part?

There's a kind of equity argument there.

There's an injury.

Shouldn't somebody have to pay for that injury?

For more infomation >> Air & Liquid Systems Corp. v. Devries [SCOTUSbrief] - Duration: 4:15.


Graban a exterminador robando a sus clientes | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Graban a exterminador robando a sus clientes | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:43.


Persecución policial termina en violento choque | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Persecución policial termina en violento choque | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:33.


Bandidos escapan de la cárcel en un contenedor de basura | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Bandidos escapan de la cárcel en un contenedor de basura | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.


Great Estates: Taking a Peak Into a Charleston Home | Southern Living - Duration: 3:16.

The solarium Oh my!

Is that even how you say that word?

Solarium? Solarium? Solarium?

It definitely has to do with the sun.

Okay Betsy, we are headed to your hometown.

This is a house that was built in 1837,

it has been in the same family for five generations,

it's on the market for 6.95 million,

and it's 180 years old.

I have definitely walked along that.

Oh you totally have.

It's extra wide and it's because it was made

two hoop skirts wide, so the women could walk

next to each other and have a little talk,

and didn't have to worry about sashaying

off the promenade.

Well that is--

I love that.

It's really fun.

Oh my gosh.

Okay, the foyer, I'm in love.


So what kind of--

Do you know what that kind of molding is called?

I actually don't.

It's worth a Google.

And then you have that nice little nook, in the back.

For your bust.

What would you put up there?

I don't know.

It could be fun to actually put a kind of funky,

more modern statue, maybe.

I love that idea.

Or a framed picture, or something,

that's very sentimental and fun.

Of me.

Of you.

Of Katherine.

So this room really puts the formal

in formal living room.

It does.

What do you think?

What would you do with this room?

If you had your druthers--

I guess, multiple seating areas.

I love a dueling sofa situation.

Ah, love a dueling sofa.

Oh, and just lots of little side tables.

I have a side table problem.

Side tables everywhere.

Yeah, bones-wise though, you really can't beat this.

You can't. I mean--

I mean you could put anything.

I mean you could put a bay window.


You can do whatever you like.

And that is a killer mantle.

It's just gorgeous.

Love the arched doorway.

Love that giant arch.

It just speaks for itself, the architecture.

It really does. So beautiful.

The solarium. Oh my!

Is that even how you say that word?

You've got the feeling of being outside,

without the mosquitoes.

Which is key.

And this just lets you enjoy the beauty

of the great outdoors, without the perils.

Mm hmm.

A little green space.

A little lawn for your Easter egg hunt.

That's so sweet.

Can you just envision?

Yes, that's perfect.

Little pastel hued dressed children

running around looking for Easter eggs?

Yeah, just--

Just any kind of party.

Just really any.

Or just, y'all come on over and sit a spell.

Yeah, just Friday afternoon--

Friday afternoon hang.

Happy hour hang.

Love it.

So there are four additional bedrooms

on the second and third floors of the house

and I guess this is one of those.


I wonder if I know those people in the painting.

You could just put one bed in there,

and it would still be beautiful.

I just love a fireplace in a bedroom.

Me too.

And I think a lot of the old houses in Charleston

have those, and it's just so cozy and nice.

It's nice.

That is--

That is dreamy.

That is really dreamy.

And you're nice and high up,

so maybe a little more privacy.

All of the Charleston single houses

have these porches, along the side,

so that the breeze could come through.

Oh, I love that.

And they could catch the breezes off the water,

and make the most of your non-air conditioned lives.

That's so smart.

There does look to be a slight slant,

but that just comes with a historic house.

Nothing to worry about.

Nothing to worry about, just don't drop anything.

I would live there.

If I could, I would.

If I could, I would.

In the meantime we can just stroll on by.


There's room for both of us on that sidewalk.

Oh totally.

Hoop skirt and all.

Hoop skirt and all.

For more infomation >> Great Estates: Taking a Peak Into a Charleston Home | Southern Living - Duration: 3:16.


Fossilized Oosik: Ancient Walrus Penile Bone - Duration: 1:01.

This oosik once belonged to a walrus.

Fossilized oosiks, or penile walrus bones, have survived for millennia in the icy tundra

of the Artic.

Like a small number of other mammals, walruses have a bone called a baculum inside their

reproductive organs.

Scientists aren't certain what the bone is for, but hypothesize the bone helps them

reproduce more competitively by mating for hours at a time.

Inuit hunters in Alaska have recovered oosiks from 30,000 years ago, polishing the blunt

instruments and using them as clubs to hunt seals.

Believe it or not, the largest oosik ever recovered was 4 feet long, and purchased for

$8,000 by none other than Ripley's Believe it Or Not!

For more infomation >> Fossilized Oosik: Ancient Walrus Penile Bone - Duration: 1:01.


Nuevos detalles del fatal accidente de la limusina en NY | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Nuevos detalles del fatal accidente de la limusina en NY | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:56.


Panfletos incitan a denunciar indocumentados ante ICE | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Panfletos incitan a denunciar indocumentados ante ICE | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:38.


Arrestan a sospechosos de pertenecer al cartel de Sinaloa | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Arrestan a sospechosos de pertenecer al cartel de Sinaloa | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:55.


Una pelea provoca tremenda estampida en un concierto | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Una pelea provoca tremenda estampida en un concierto | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.


Debating SurveyMonkey's Underwhelming IPO - Duration: 14:58.

Dylan Lewis: Welcome to Industry Focus, the podcast that dives into a different sector

of the stock market every day. It's Friday, October 5th, and we're talking about a .com

tech stock gone public. I'm your host, Dylan Lewis, and I'm joined on Skype by senior tech specialist,

Evan Niu. Evan, what's going on? Evan Niu: Not much. It's getting cold in Colorado?

Lewis: What were you doing in 1999?

Niu: I was in high school. Must have been a sophomore, something like that.

Lewis: I was playing baseball and hanging out at pool parties, because I was a middle

schooler at the time. The company that we are talking about today, SurveyMonkey,

was founded in 1999 and has enjoyed quite a lengthy lifetime as a private company, kind of an

under-the-radar unicorn. Niu: Right. The brand's been around forever.

I recognize it from high school. This was right when everyone was going on the internet

and you'd take these random little online surveys and polls. Yeah, they've been around forever.

Lewis: Shares hit the market last week.

The company IPO-ed under the ticker SVMK. In case anyone is not familiar, it is a software as

a service company that allows people to design and distribute surveys. They have some partnerships

and integrations that work with a lot of the other major tech platforms out there.

I'm sure that a lot of our listeners have probably taken a SurveyMonkey survey before and maybe

not even realized it. Niu: Lots of people use this service,

because it's free and very easy to use, anytime they want to go out and collect some data or feedback

about their business, how they're doing, all sorts of purposes.

Lewis: They have that free tier. That offers some limited functionality. They have some

response limits, things like that. Then, they have several individual tiers. Those go from

$37 a month, or just about $370 annually, to over $1,000 per year. It scales with different

functionality, branding, data exports, all that kind of stuff. They also have a negotiated

pricing on their enterprise segment. They have a B2B side of their business.

But I think that really, they start out with consumers directly.

Niu: Right. They said the vast majority of their accounts are individual accounts.

They estimated that roughly 12% of revenue comes from customers with organizational-level accounts,

those enterprise negotiated ones. They have about 3,000 organizational customers out of

about 615,000 total paying users. That's a pretty small proportion.

But that being said, I think that a lot of these accounts are still using these individual

accounts for business purposes, even if they're technically registered as an individual account.

SurveyMonkey says that about 80% of accounts, they estimate, are still using these for some

type of business purpose. It makes sense, if you think about it. This isn't the type

of service where you need everyone in your organization to have an account. Anecdotally,

my wife actually has one at work. She was telling me, she works for the state of Colorado,

she actually shares an account with another department. That's kind of an exact situation

example here, where you have one account, it's probably registered as individual.

I'm not sure how that one's registered. But, you have lots of people across departments using

this one account. Lewis: If this sounds at all familiar,

this idea of a free service that people come into, they tend to deal primarily on the consumer side,

and then build their way into businesses, it's because it is. We talked about a company

that has a very similar model maybe a month or two ago with Dropbox.

Niu: Right. Like Dropbox, they have this huge mass of free users, and their challenge is

to try to convert those over. But you can see in the numbers that their conversion rate

isn't super high. That's also similar to Dropbox. Dropbox isn't really super aggressive with sales.

They rely more on word of mouth marketing. Same story here.

Lewis: The drilldown on that, since inception, the service has 60 million registered users.

They count 16 million active users, people that have used it in the last year, and 600,000

paying users. Roughly 4% of active users are paying users. To your point, not a huge majority

of them paying for the service. Looking at the books, there's a lot going on.

You think, okay, this company's going public, they must be showing some pretty gaudy

growth rates. Not necessarily the case. You have to take a step back and remember,

this business has been around for 19 years. Niu: [laughs] Right. Last year, in 2017,

revenue only grew about 5-6%, somewhere around $220 million. One thing that stands out to me is

that while growth is slowing, their costs are rising even faster. For example,

if you ignore some of these restructuring costs they had over the past few years, a lot of their

operating expenses are jumping. R&D was up 40% last year. Sales and marketing about flat,

but general & administrative was up 30%. When you compare that against 6% revenue growth, obviously,

you're getting pinched on the bottom line. In this case, they're posting net losses still.

And it's like, what are you spending $50 million in R&D on? How complicated

should the platform be? I mean, I just don't know what they're spending the money on.

Lewis: Yeah. For a company that posts 70% gross margins, they post operating losses

because their costs are currently outstripping their revenue growth. There was some slight

revenue acceleration that we saw with this business. In the first half of 2018,

they put up 14% year over year growth over the first half of 2017. That's still not very

blistering, though. This company is losing money, it looks like it's going to continue

to lose money for quite some time. A big part of that is the fact that they have some pretty

hefty interest payments, as well. Niu: That's another thing that jumped out at me, too.

This company is very deep in debt. For example, before the IPO, at the end of

the second quarter, they had about $40 million in cash on hand, and they had $320 million

in net debt. Most of that would be in these credit facilities, like a term loan, as well

as revolvers, with some of these big banks who, interestingly, were also underwriters

into the IPO. They did say they're going to put $100 million

of the IPO proceeds towards paying down some of this debt. After the IPO, now they have

about $125 million or so in cash, and $220 million in net debt. That certainly improves

their financial condition. But if that's the reason why they went public, that's not really

inspiring to me as an investor. I mean, I understand if you want to swap out some of

this debt capital for equity capital. You do save a lot of money, because these interest

payments and the interest expense is huge. Interest expense is over 10% of revenue every quarter.

They're already operating at a loss, and then on top of that, having to pay out

tens of millions of dollars of interest every quarter, it's just a tough position to be in.

Lewis: All told, looking at the numbers,

there isn't really a lot for me to like here. I think the growth rate is relatively low,

given that this is not a profitable business and it's been around for such a long time.

Right now, the company trades at roughly a $1.8 billion valuation, which puts them at somewhere

between 7-8X sales. That feels a little pricey for the current state of this company.

Niu: Yeah, I don't really see anything that's really inspired me, either. Another risk that's

on the horizon there, too, is that SurveyMonkey does name Google specifically as another provider

of online surveys. We use Google surveys at The Fool internally. I think that's another

risk factor. They also mentioned that 80% of their new paying users come either to the

site or through organic search. They don't break that down even further,

but there's some portion of their new business coming from organic search that could be at risk

if Google, which is obviously a competitor, ever tweaks their search algorithms. I think

that's something to keep an eye on, too. Lewis: There's also the risk of, if you're

using the free side of this as your acquisition funnel, and you have someone who does a

"good enough" version of what you do as a feature, as part of a larger business, that could really

limit the number of people that are coming in at the top of that funnel for you.

Niu: Right, exactly. That might also explain why their growth rates aren't that great.

I just don't see where they go from here. It's hard to imagine, what is exciting about

this business in 10 years? Lewis: We're going to try to solve for that.

Evan, on Twitter, I mentioned that we were going to be talking about SurveyMonkey and

this new IPO, and I asked if people had any questions. As always, the internet disappointed.

[laughs] We have Market Foolery host Chris Hill immediately chiming in. This is a five-parter,

so get ready. "1) Why'd they pick Monkey for the company name? 2) Aren't dolphins the most

intelligent animal on earth? 3) Did Survey Dolphin even make it through the first round

of voting? 4) The company's HQ is in San Mateo, California. Not a question. 5) What?

They don't have dolphins in the Pacific Ocean?" [laughs] So, I think Chris is having some

fun here, but it does beg the question, why are they called SurveyMonkey? So, why don't

we briefly touch on this? CEO Zander Lurie has mentioned this actually publicly in Quora,

this great platform for asking people questions. Do you want to take this one, Evan?

Niu: Lurie answered on Quora, he was talking about how, in the .com bubble, everyone had

these weird internet names. I mean, these names sound normal today, because they've

been around forever. Like Yahoo, eBay, Amazon, he even mentioned Amazon. They had all these

different names. Again, this company is 20 years old. He says they were looking for something

fresh that also described the product, an online survey tool. What is curious and uses tools?

Monkeys. So, SurveyMonkey is what they came up with. I think that's kind of a silly

justification or story or whatever. But it is what it is.

Lewis: You know what, Evan? I think in 20 years, a lot of people are going to be looking at companies

like Shopify and Spotify, and be like, "How come every company was ending

in -ify, and putting all these weird names, like Lift with a Y for Lyft?" Well, it's because

domain names were bought up at that point. People had to start getting creative with

how they were naming their companies because they needed domains that fit whatever they

were going to name the business. Niu: Or throw an R at the end of something.

That's popular now. [laughs] Lewis: Of course! Right! So, I think it's

the same thing. It's just a bygone era in tech, if you will.

Niu: A sign of the times. Lewis: A sign of the times.

We did have one helpful listener question, though. I want to praise Austin Lieberman for asking this

because I appreciate it when people reach out with real, legitimate questions, Chris Hill.

Austin asks, "Do they have a moat? Seems like

there are many other free options. Also, are they mostly B2B or mostly B2C?" His question

here really hits on something that we touched on earlier, this idea that they named Google

in their risks. Probably the other surveying tool that people are most familiar with is

Google Forms, to your point earlier, Evan. Niu: Right. I think that's the thing that's

really at the crux of it. I don't see them having this really strong competitive advantage.

As far as B2B vs. B2C, as we were talking about with some of these numbers before, they

fall in somewhere in the middle. They have a lot of people that use it for business purposes,

but they don't have that much of a need for all these high-end options. They just get

these individual accounts, and that's perfectly fine. That's all they need to do. But they're

still using it for business. It's a weird mix them all of the above. They're in the

middle of the spectrum of business customers or individual consumers.

Lewis: Yeah. When I look at this business, I see what is, I think, really a feature or

a very limited use case tool for a lot of the people that are using it. On the low end,

you see that Google Forms could easily come in. It's just a feature that they've built

into all of the other Google account functionality that they have. Granted, it's much more limited

in what it can do than some of the more advanced features on SurveyMonkey, but still.

Then, you go to the high end, and where I think SurveyMonkey wants to be on the enterprise side.

If they're doing stuff that's a little bit more about employee engagement or market research,

well, there's a lot of HR companies that are in that space, and are probably building

some form of surveying into a tool that also does payroll, also does accounts receivable,

does all these other things for a business. I worry with them that they are squished at

both ends of that market. Niu: Right, and it's not really possible

for them to expand into the deep HR software space or CRM space. Those companies are much

more likely to tack on this free survey stuff as an add-on to their platforms, which are

much more important than a survey platform trying to expand into these other critical

functions of a business. Lewis: Yeah, absolutely. To Austin's question

about B2B vs. B2C, you hit on this a little bit, this is very much the land and expand

model that they are using. We saw it with Dropbox, it's similar here. They are

using individuals with personal accounts to get in the door. Then, the idea is, when these

needs come about with a business, that individual, that user, will be the advocate for this service,

because they've used it, they know it, the functionality is great. So, they are this hybrid,

like you mentioned. It makes it hard to put them into an individual box.

It also makes it a little tougher to know where their most desirable market is.

Niu: I mean, if anything, what it tells me is that the individual plans that are

more affordable are perfectly good enough for most of these business use cases that they envision

trying to upsell people to. Clearly, given these numbers I mentioned earlier,

they don't have a strong value proposition for these enterprise organizational accounts.

These individual features are perfectly fine. So, I think they do face an uphill battle with

these upsells.  Lewis: Is that to say, Evan, that you

are not particularly excited about the SurveyMonkey IPO?

Niu: I'm excited to sit on the sidelines and watch it, but I'm not going to touch it myself.

Lewis: I am right there with you.

Thanks for hopping on this episode, Evan! Niu: Thanks for having me!

Lewis: Alright, listeners, that does it for this episode of Industry Focus.

If you have any questions, or if you just want to reach out and say hey, you can shoot us an e-mail

at, or you can tweet us @MFIndustryFocus. If you want more of our stuff,

subscribe on iTunes, or check out The Fool's family of shows over at

As always, people on the program may own companies discussed on the show, and The Motley Fool

may have formal recommendations for or against stocks mentioned, so don't buy or sell anything

based solely on what you hear. Thanks to Austin Morgan for all his work behind the glass today.

For Evan Niu, I'm Dylan Lewis. Thanks for listening and Fool on!

For more infomation >> Debating SurveyMonkey's Underwhelming IPO - Duration: 14:58.



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For more infomation >> BEST NEW & FAST 🔥 BUILD FOR KODI 17.6 OCTOBER 2018 🔥 SILK BUILD KODI 🔥 FROM UKODI1 WIZARD - Duration: 14:32.



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here press on install from zip file, so

Press on repository is a max wizard

So right here you get the wizard install it into Europe aza trees

So now press on install from repository once you get the wizard install it in your repositories

So right here you got it press on other Mac's with our repository

Sorry you guys press on install from repository and

then choose either max repository and

Then press on program add-ons

So here we got the other max wizard right here. So in install it and

Install it back

So I'm just in install it and install it back to show you how to do that press on install

For you the first time you press on install. That's it

So once you get the wizard install it to your Kodi just open it


Go to builds as you can see the Ezzor max wizard is install it to your kodi press on it

Right here, press on open

So here you guys got dill to get maintenance you got save data you got contact you got settings press on bills

So here you got 13 builds for kodi 18 for kodi Leia scroll down to

kodi Krypton builds, so right here you get the vodka

kodi build so don't drink it work vodka

all the time just

Once a week or the dog drink alcohol. That's all - Matt gimme any

Problem with your health. So just press on vodka Buhl version


So right here scroll down if you got a previous bill you got a lot of problems do a fresh install

So right here standard install if you don't have anything installed here to your kodi, press on the standard install

So I don't have anything install it to my cody and dust2

Standard install

So right here press on yes install it

I'm here. My dear friends. You got the download process going. So do not press on cancel or press on this empty space

Just be patient and wait until everything is done, right?

Then you can use this great build and watch movies and watch TV shells and a lot of things

So right here guys you get everything done right the demo process and installing your files

So now press on first close kodi and restart the game if you got any problem and issue

Anything just screen it send it to to my page

I'm gonna replace you and help you for free without any problem. If I got time, I will help you for sure

Don't forget to like the video share it with your friends and family. And now I'm gonna leave you with the

trivial steps

So here my dear friends we are in the end of the video

rest on subscribe and

Click on the bell icon to get notified every time I post a new video

Don't forget also to check my videos in the community

so that way you're gonna be

notified about any video

I posted to my community or if you missed any video you will get it on videos

Thanks for watching me and see you tomorrow for another kodi bill

Don't forget to Like share subscribe to my channel and leave me your comment in the comment sections

For more infomation >> FASTEST & BEST KODI BUILD 🔥 KODI 17.6 OCTOBER 2018 🔥 VOKDA KODI BUILD 🔥 EZZERMACS KODI WIZARD - Duration: 14:16.


Bringing Virtual Reality to Brain Surgery | Freethink - Duration: 5:31.


- [Woman] On Monday, June 5th, 2017,

I felt the worst headache of my life.

Like an ice pick driving through my skull.

(intense music playing)

A CAT scan revealed a bleed in the side

of my head the size of a softball.

The only option to stop the bleed was

to have a craniotomy to remove it.

Being completely out of control is terrifying.

(intense music playing)

- [Doctor] It's difficult to talk to patients

about brain surgery because it's very abstract.

We're combining delivering difficult news

about a scary diagnosis with the additional fear

of not knowing what to expect,

and not being able to understand

what it is I'm explaining to them.

When we show them a model,

when they fly inside their own brain,

they can see the structures.

They can see the tumor, they can see the aneurysm.

- [Woman] This device creates an experience for the patient

where nothing is unknown anymore.

(intense music playing)

(cars driving)

- [Surgeon] While it's certainly daunting

to think about somebody tinkering around inside your head,

there's a whole bunch of anxiety that comes with that.

Patients are looking for some hope.

They're looking for a way to understand what's happening.

What's made brain surgery, historically, pretty challenging

is surgeons have to look at two dimensional imaging

and in their mind's eye, create a three dimensional map

of how they might approach the operation.

We thought, you know what.

We can intervene here and we can take MRI and CT scans

and fuse them together in our software

to create a virtual reconstruction

and change the practice of medicine for the benefit

of the family, the surgeon and the institution.

It is that person's anatomy VRalized.

The Intel processor really allows our content to come alive.

- [Man] We've worked with Surigcal Theater,

taking our latest desktop

and notebook processor technologies

so that we can very quickly render those 3D environments

in the exam room and allow that patient

to have a real-time, immersive experience

while their providers in the room.

- [Provider] Hi there.

Good morning.

Good to see you again.

What you're looking at now,

this is a three dimensional model of your brain.

You see the tumor there in green?

- [Patient] Yes.

- [Provider] Now, you're getting something to see

that most patients never get to see.

(intense music playing)

- [Woman] I was totally panic-stricken.

I'm not a doctor so I couldn't understand

what they were trying to tell me

because I had never physically seen a craniotomy before.

It's so hard to wrap your head around

what they're about to do.

(intense music playing)

When I put on the goggles,

my surgeon asked me if I was ready to fly.

In the moments where they

were telling me really terrifying things,

I also felt a little bit of peace

from the way it was being presented.

I was able to, in real-time, see inside my brain.

I was physically there with them,

looking at exactly what they were trying to communicate.

- [Another Doctor] Before Surigcal Theater,

preparing for surgery was literally me

sitting over a cup of coffee,

kinda thinking okay I'm gonna do this

and then I remember that the optic nerve is here.

But those preparations were kinda ad-lib.

Now, with 360 degree 3D reconstructions,

we're able to be inside that environment

which is as close to brain surgery as we can actually get

without being there in the operating room.

(intense music playing)

The advantage that the virtual planning

and rehearsal brings to our readiness for surgery

is the ability to simulate multiple different approaches.

In a real patient, we don't get to try that more than once.

We only get one shot at it.

In the virtual model, we can do two plans,

three plans, five plans, and see which one is the best

for the individual patient.

- [Provider] Can you make the bone look a little more

like bone, so it's not translucent at first?

Now that I can see the frontal sinus,

I'm planning it you know--

- [Man] Different.

- [Provider] Yeah. Yeah.

(intense music playing)

Let's bring in the microscope.

- [Doctor] When we're in the operating room

and we get to the time of surgery,

because we've done the preoperative rehearsal,

it kinda feels like deja vu.

Like okay, I've been here before.

I know where the important structures are gonna be.

(operating room noises)

- [Provider] Here we are.

We're coming up to the back of the tumor right here.

This would be a good place to do an overlay.

Make the tumor more translucent.

(intense music playing)

- [Woman] I was at the hospital in the ICU for 10 days

and I had two angiograms, two MRIs,

two CAT scans and a craniotomoy.

I had a risk of having epileptic seizures

for the first of my life.

Not knowing that I'd ever be able to drive a car again,

that I would ever be able to run again.

But I would say the biggest testament to how everything went

is the fact that I'm sitting here today.

It was nothing short of a miracle.

- [Doctor] I think this technology

is absolutely groundbreaking.

(intense music playing)

I wouldn't use the word revolutionary.

I would say it's evolutionary.

(intense music playing)

I think virtual reality will change the face of healthcare.

I think it some ways it already has.

(intense music playing)

This is just an expertise that Intel possess

that has helped us advance in ways

we never thought possible.

People are demanding transparency.

I think people deserve to be spoken to

in a way that they can understand.

(intense music playing)

- [Woman] It made me grateful for each and every moment

that we have.

We experience life in three dimension.

Why should our medical care be any different?

(intense music playing)

For more infomation >> Bringing Virtual Reality to Brain Surgery | Freethink - Duration: 5:31.


Micronesia Visa not required || 30 days Visa Issued on Arrival 2018 - Duration: 2:10.

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For more infomation >> Micronesia Visa not required || 30 days Visa Issued on Arrival 2018 - Duration: 2:10.


Boishakh Elore | Erin Zaman | বৈশাখ এলোরে | Bangla New Song | Boishakh Song | Video Song | Official - Duration: 4:25.


For more infomation >> Boishakh Elore | Erin Zaman | বৈশাখ এলোরে | Bangla New Song | Boishakh Song | Video Song | Official - Duration: 4:25.


Marcus Garvey Drive, Kingston, Jamaica - Duration: 18:37.

Driving west on Port Royal Street

Urban Transport Center >>>

<<< Newport East

Water Lane >>>

Marcus Garvey Drive begins (Driving West)

Rum Stores Road >>>

<<< Newport East

Industrial Terrace >>>

<<< Petrojam Limited

<<< Petrojam Limited Gate 5

East Avenue >>>

<<< T Geddes Grant Ltd

<<< Fourth Avenue - Kingston Wharves

<<< Newport Boulevard (Parallel)

<<< Eight Avenue - Kingston Wharves

<< To Portmore via Port Kingston Causeway

<<< New Three Miles Bypass Road

Detour - Overhead Bridge Construction Site ahead

Marcus Garvey Drive ends

Majestic Pen Road

For more infomation >> Marcus Garvey Drive, Kingston, Jamaica - Duration: 18:37.


ASUS introduces the Chromebook C423, comes with 180-degree hinge, an optional touchscreen and more - Duration: 2:37.

Asus is releasing a new mid-range Chromebook the C423 which features a

180 degree hinge and an optional touch screen the new 14-inch Chromebook from

Asus follows HP's launch of the 14 inch touch display Chromebook x360 14 which

has a 14 hour battery life and can be configured with eighth generation Intel Core i3 and i5 CPUs

Asus is offering the aluminum Chromebook C 423 with a 14 inch FHD touchscreen

and an Intel Pentium quad core and 4200 CPU as well as one with a standard HD display that's powered by an Intel Celeron

n3350 dual-core CPU the touch screen option comes with thin bezels on the

sides that measure 5.8 millimeters both models come with up to 8 gigabytes of

SDRAM and either 32 gigabytes or 64 gigabytes of emmc storage there are also

two type a USB ports to type-c USB ports with display and power support a microSD

slot a three point five millimeters headphone jack and an HD webcam

the Chromebook C423 also has 802.11 AC Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0 support

Asus says the device has a 10-hour battery life it measures twelve point seven

inches by nine inches and is 0.63 and thick and it weighs between 1.2

kilograms and 1.34 kilograms depending on the exact specifications

Asus says it has tested the devices 180 degree hems with 20000 opens and closes

to ensure it will last the company hasn't revealed pricing or availability

details yet though it's likely to cost less than the 500 $99 which HP is asking

for its new Chromebook

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