Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily Feb 18 2019

♪ Ready, OK My name is Corn ♪

♪ That's as in "Uni"♪

♪ Check out my horn Ain't it a beauty? ♪

♪ Uh-huh, my name is Peg ♪

♪ And I've got wings ♪

♪ Let's shake a leg and do good things ♪

♪ OK, we're Corn and Peg ♪

♪ The perfect team ♪

♪ And we help friends to do good deeds♪

♪ And this is Todd ♪

Yup, just Todd.

Now it's time to count the corns.

No, not that kind of corn. Unicorns!

Get ready to count every unicorn you see.

Ready? Start!

[music playing]


Cabriole, Grand Jete, egg flame!


Let's do it again.



Aw, you two are so sweet when you play together.

Are you guys tea partying?

Thanks for coming, pops.

The coals have scattered all over.

We have to put them out before we can start the corn roast.

[music playing]

We're going down!


- Shoe? - No, I'm not going to shoe.

Wait, what?


You need shoes for your horses.

My unicorn wears them. She's got hooves too!


Hey, hey!

The unicorn!

Molly look, unicorn tracks!

If I follow them, I'm sure I'll find a real unicorn.


I wonder where that unicorn went.


You're turn!

Babies aren't really my thing.

But I saved you the fun part.

It's baby burping time!


Swego, give us back our toys!

No way, this is a lot more fun.


Captain Thunder Hoof!

[music playing]

Corn! Peg!


I found the very best corn cob for you, Chickaletta.

The corn's all ready for plucking.

And Chickeletta's sure enjoying it.

Huh, cool green powder.

Oh, no. This better not be sneezy bug powder.


Zack, what have I done?



It's time for Bubble Guppies!

Good morning, Trinket. Rise and shine!

Huh? What? Is it time?

Hey, who wants corn for supper tonight?

I got plenty!


They want green bows and blue bows.

Old bows and new bows.

They want big ones and small ones. They want tiny and tall ones.

Thanks, Captain Thunder Hoof!

You're welcome.

Hey Molly, I figured out how to get the unicorn to come back.

We just have to use our manners.


Oh, unicorn!

Would you please come out so I can take your picture?


Molly, look it worked!

Just a little more.

Pretty please!

It helps if you use extra good manners.

- Neigh! - Ah!


Wait, come back please. I didn't get a picture.

Great counting! That's a lot of unicorns.

And a lot of corn too.

That bow is perfect for you. It's got corn on it.

And my name is Corn!


Thanks for counting with us.

You can find more of your favorite shows weekday morning on Nickelodeon,

and everywhere you find Nick Jr.

For more infomation >> Count the Unicorns Game 🦄 Ft. Corn & Peg, Shimmer & Shine, Bubble Guppies & More | Nick Jr. - Duration: 5:20.


This week's news without the bullshit - Duration: 3:56.

Welcome to this week's news without the bullshit.

Let's get started.

The US president has declared a national emergency this week, which has granted him access to

reallocate roughly 8 billion dollars, to build a wall on the Mexican border.

The money has been tapped from multiple sources, including military construction projects and

counternarcotic programs.

At the same time, scientists predict that the earth's ecosystem will collapse completely

within 100 years, a Russian town is invaded by polar bears, and a famous drug lord is

surprisingly found guilty.

Moving on, the mars opportunity rover has been declared dead this week, spending nearly

15 years on the red planet.

The rover malfunction is attributed with a dust storm that blocked sunlight from recharging

its batteries.

Opportunity was only expected to last 92 days, and has broken the record for the longest

distance driven on another planet, at over 45 kilometres.

From the efforts of Opportunity, scientists have been able to confirm that there had once

been bodies of water on the surface of the planet.

A study from Oxford researchers have shown no evidence of increased aggression among

teenagers who play violent video games.

The notion that games increase aggression has been the topic of morning shows and mothers

groups for decades, and even the current US president has expressed concern for the medium

as a whole.

One of the co-authors suggests that researcher bias may have influenced previous studies

on the topic.

The team stated that methods to prevent cherry picking should be used in other areas of technology

research that are prone to moral panic . Although the study could not find an increase in violent

behaviour, it did cite an increase in trash talking, trolling and competitiveness while

engaged in violent games.

Which by all accounts, is a pretty fair statement.

In Kangaroo land, the biggest cargo ship in the nation's history is too small, and teenage

degenerates are participating in the new rebellious trend of vaccinating themselves.

Meanwhile, the US national debt has reached 22 trillion, Ikea knows that New Zealand is

imaginary, and a black leopard has been documented in Africa for the first time since before

world war one.

In technology, Amazon makes tax a difficult and obscure concept to understand, an apple

lawyer who was hired to prevent insider trading, has been charged with insider trading, Netflix

is keeping track of viewer decisions made in interactive media, and internet service

providers are being dodgy.

Google has also decided to continue to allow ad blockers until further notice, after it

was recently announced they would disable them entirely on the chrome browser.

In entertainment, Dave chapelle wins a grammy, a fresh prince actor fails to sue fortnite

over a dance, and Disney's Aladdin trailer makes will smith look more out of place, than

a grown man flossing in front of a crowd of adults.

Moving on, Ben Affleck has decided not to reprise his role as batman in any upcoming

films, citing that he couldn't make the character work.

This comes after rumours that superman actor henry Cavil would not be a returning part

of the DC universe, and that his attention would be focused on other projects such as

the upcoming TV adaption of the Witcher.

In other news, an inmate uses his unique skill set to rescue a child from a locked car, and

French people participate in their national past time.

For more infomation >> This week's news without the bullshit - Duration: 3:56.


How to Growth Hack Your Personal Brand | Neil Patel - Duration: 5:15.

Did you know that a good strong personal brand

can make you over a million dollars a year?

I myself can generate over a million dollars a year

just from speaking fees because of my personal brand.

Hi, everyone, I'm Neil Patel

and today I'm gonna teach you how to growth hack

a personal brand.

(calm music)

Before we get started, make sure you subscribe.

That way, when I release more videos like this,

you'll get notified.

Everyone talks about how personal branding

takes a long time and it does

but that doesn't mean you can't get results faster

and today, I'm gonna share with you

how to build a personal brand like me.

Do you wanna learn how to build a brand like me

or Gary Vaynerchuk or Tony Robbins?

If you do, this video will break it down step by step.

The first growth hack I have for you

is to pick a niche and a big one.

Here's what I mean by this.

If you wanna build a personal brand and a niche

that's so small that only 10 people care about it,

there's not really any money to be made.

If you wanna do well, go to Google Trends.

Type in whatever niche you wanna be an expert in.

Make sure that niche is bigger than digital marketing.

Google Trends will allow you to compare to it.

As long as it's bigger than digital marketing, you're fine.

That's a big enough niche.

The second tip I have for you is to leverage video.

See, when I started building a personal brand,

I was old school.

I would write blog posts, go to offline events

and that's great and all but these days

you can build that in-person kinda feel and connection

through videos over the web

because of channels like YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn.

You can get your message across

and it's much more effective than in-person events.

So go and create content.

Just bust out your phone, create videos related to any topic

that's related to what you wanna be an expert on,

push it out there,

upload those videos to all those social channels

and make sure when you're uploading these videos

to use the right keywords.

Through tools like Ubersuggest,

you can see what phrases are popular within your niche.

Integrate those keywords in there

and that way when people wanna find your videos,

they're more likely to see it

because you're leveraging popular search terms

then I want you to interview other successful people.

Being an expert isn't easy.

It takes a while but a quick hack to make it faster

is get seen with other experts.

So if people see let's say you and Gary Vaynerchuk together,

they're gonna be like, oh, Gary knows him,

Neil or John or Chris or whatever your name is

may also be an expert too

and an easy way to do this is do interviews.

So hit up the Gary Vaynerchuks,

the Tony Robbins of the world, the Seth Godins and say hey,

do you mind if we do an interview?

Interview 'em over Skype

getting maybe a 10 minute interview.

People will see your face next to theirs.

When you're editing the video, you can just pop it up.

Technically, you don't even really have to edit it much.

Pop it up on all these social sites.

Again, it'll make you seem as an expert

because these other people are experts and you're with them.

Now, when you pick these other experts to be interviewed,

you don't wanna just pick random people like Gary Vaynerchuk

or Seth Godin 'cause you see 'em all over.

More so, you need to pick other experts within your field

so that'll help brand you in a more positive light.

You'll then also wanna speak at four conferences a year.

That's the next tip for you.

I know I mentioned with videos

hey, it's just as good as in-person events

and yes, it's much more effective

but still that in-person event

but people seeing you, a lot of 'em over time

as they like your speech,

they'll wanna take pictures with you,

they'll push it out on the social web.

It'll help brand you as an expert

and I know at the beginning no one's gonna pay you

to do a speech and even if you have no practice

or experience speaking on stage, that's okay.

No one cares.

Just apply to all the events within your space.

Some of 'em are gonna say yes.

All you need to do is speak at four a year,

one per quarter.

Trust me, it adds up over time.

The fifth tip I have for you is to help people out.

Helping goes a long way.

Don't just help people because you're just like,

hey, if I help 'em, I'll get a more personal brand

and it'll be bigger and I'll make more money.

Help people 'cause you care.

If you truly care and you wanna be an expert in your space,

you gotta pay your dues and help people out

whether it's responding to them on Facebook groups,

responding on Twitter, answering comments

when people leave a comment on your blog.

This all shows goodwill

and it'll help you build a personal brand.

The sixth tip I have for you is to stand out

and when you're standing out, don't try to be too crazy.

Just be yourself.

Look for something that's unique in yourself

that other people don't have.

Good example of this,

if you look at Gary Vaynerchuk's videos,

a lot of 'em he cusses.

He doesn't cuss because he's trying to be cool

or anything like that.

It's just his natural self.

So when you cuss or you're being your natural self

in a way that other people aren't, it'll help you stand out

and last but not least, be patient.

It's not gonna happen overnight.

You're not gonna make a million bucks from speaking fees

in one or two years but over three, four years,

you're gonna do better

and even though I'm telling you to be patient,

if you follow these growth hacks,

you should see results each and every single quarter.

So when three months passes,

you should see your brand growing and growing

and you'll notice when you go to Google Trends

and you type in your name,

you'll notice that the chart is going up and to the right.

That's a good leading indicator that you're growing

and you're gonna become an expert within your field.

Thank you for watching.

If you enjoyed this video, make sure you like it,

share it, comment and tell other people about it

and of course if you ever need help with your own marketing,

check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital.

For more infomation >> How to Growth Hack Your Personal Brand | Neil Patel - Duration: 5:15.


Face Pot Garden Ideas | John Ideas - Duration: 11:14.

For more infomation >> Face Pot Garden Ideas | John Ideas - Duration: 11:14.


VideoCast #50: Be Alone, Be Destroyed - Duration: 28:51.

This is Deliverance Ministry.FM video cast number 50.

Hello again everyone.

Welcome to this episode of Deliverance where we give you proven insights about the

demonic realm and deliverance ministry so that you can wage spiritual warfare more effective.

My name is Dr Don Ibbitson with Above & Beyond Christian counseling.

And I'm joined once again with my colleague and cohost Dr Phyllis Tarbox.

Hello everyone.

It's good to be here.


We enjoy doing these.

We do these recorded much of them at one time actually.

And so we're just plowing through.

These were um, and um, you know, any good God is here.

I've enjoyed doing the ones we've done so far and I think we have an excellent topic

this time.

Don't you think?

So do you think can be addressed.

It needs to be addressed.

The title is be alone.

Be destroyed.

Who I almost feel like better.

Go find somebody and I think you could make a movie about that.

Getting goofy.

We see many people in here for counseling coming in for deliverance.

They profess the Lord or Profess Christ, they love the Lord.

They love Jesus, but they're not in church.


And there's a variety of reasons for that and we're probably getting into some of that.

But the problem is I can see in general, and I will say for me personally, I don't think

I've ever met one spiritually healthy person or a couple that's not been a, it's been out

of church for a long period of time.

And I think that's the key thing.

There's some people that are seasons and there's transitions.

I get that, but, but they've ever been out of church for a long time, like months and

months and months.

They're not healthy.

And the Bible has so many encouragements and admonitions and directions, um, and really

warnings against.

I'm trying to live the Christian life alone or in a bubble and we see that.

And so we want to examine that topic in light of what the word says because at the end of

the day, I mean, are, you know, tell people her our opinions and, you know, $3 will buy

you a cup of coffee.

It's really an honor, I can tell you from our experience, we're very strong advocates

and encouraging people to be in a good, healthy spirit filled Bible believing word, preaching


Um, so we're going to share some of the experience we've had with clients who haven't, who have

been isolated and, and once again, you know, we'll see.

This is, you know, this is not a flesh and blood thing.

This is a spiritual struggle keeping people out of church.

So that's the topic.

Be alone, be destroyed.

What does the Bible say?

Let's go to the word that's our ultimate source.

What is the word say about, um, you know, in terms of believers and where we should


Well, he didn't create us to walk alone.

He cried.

He knows you

anywhere in the Bible that you see God's people were always gathered in tribes.

And you know, that's how we first recognized a lot of this where the 12 tribes, right?

And then in the purpose of the tribe was basically for the protection of the people.

Um, even the way they settled, like when the tribes moved across the wilderness, they,

they settled.

I'm like, they did in the old west days, they settled, settled in, like circles, joined

together, shields locked.

We talk about this a lot at our church.

Um, but, but he, he also gave the, the inheritance and the promises out to the tribes.

Like if you look at numbers 26, 55, it says, but the land shall be divided by lot.

They still receive their inheritance according to the names of the tribes have their fathers.

So, you know, he, he never said, I'm going to know.

Well I won't say that he wanted, didn't address individuals, but you know, when he was blessing

he was always about the tribes because the tribes, they were aligned very specifically

to move God's presence.

You know, I don't want to get into too much of it, but there were certain tribes that

were aligned in the front leg Judah and is the car in Zemulon that were.

Judah goes first with praise.

This car is the timing.

And then Debbie lawn was the financial promise and the blessings and I, and I think, you

know, as our tribes were more the warfare tribes that bring up the rear guard, you know,

that protect them from behind, but it was all, all the tribes were set around this arc

for the movement of God's presence.

So he was, uh, he was, uh, he was, uh, he was a numbers kind of guy.

Even see that in Luke 15, 14 where God talks about how he'll send.

It's about going out in retrieving the one lost sheep and bringing it back to the fold

where it belongs, right?

Because it shouldn't be out there by.

It's by itself.

He says, what, what man among you, if he has 100 sheep and has lost one of them, does not

leave the 99 in the open pasture and go after the one that is lost.

That's a good phrase.

That implies that the one who's on his own, he lost his last.

And you know, you started off with a good theological and biblical to tribes and all

that good stuff.

And I'm sure some part of our audience just gravitating onto that and it's good stuff

and it's biblical, but I come back, I just like, I like the earthy, simple analogy that

Jesus uses in the New Testament and he talks about that we are sheep.

You touched on it.

We are sheep and sheep need other sheep and they need a pastor.

And there's other scriptures talks about shepherds, you know, that Jesus is the shepherd.

We are sheep.

And you know, for many people get offended at that because let's face it, she's the brightest

animals in the face of the earth.

It's all good.


Now y'all know who I to, but I'm sure there's somebody new interpretation of that.

And um, but the whole picture, she pits so good because part of it is, like you say they

were herds.

I mean sheep are designed to be in a herd and we need to shepherd.

And yes we understand Jesus is the great shepherd.

But I think the church model, there were shepherds, you know, bob talks about pastors, elders

and teachers.

So that whole implication, it's it, it's talking about, you know, like you said, it has the

things what the tribes and they looked this one in the new testaments, like man, we are

our sheet and even in the old, in the new testament it talks about in the book of acts

about the gathering together.


And so that's part of the model for the, uh, for, for the Church and um, that, that we

are, that we are to be together.

And so I think that's, uh, that, that the notion of going in, being back in the fold

and in the fold there's protection, right?

And so do so many there.

But let's be honest, we, we say, you know, many people who for a variety of reasons,

um, they're not in a, in a, in a, in a, in a herd, putting it like that, a healthy herd.

And so what, what are some of the, what are some of the things that, you know, excuses

or things that you've typically heard?

Well, honestly, they, that they don't have a church that's like perfect enough, you know,

they love Jesus, but they don't like his church because there's people there.

So they leave, like they're wounded, they're hurt, they've lost hope.

Um, and it's because, you know, they really, they got this ideal that what it should look


Uh, and, and they, and they, they don't like the church and you know, you'll hear that

too from a lot of the young people.

They don't like that.

They don't like the old their parents way at church.

They want, they want something new.

We don't want to go to that stuffy stuff.

We want, you know, and I know there has to be some new wine for the young people and

there's a lot of different things that are out there.

But, you know, I think that, I think that's what a lot of people do.

They, they wound up wounded or they're, they're not fed and they just back off and don't go


We see that a lot.

They've been wounded men in church or maybe the church for whatever reason.

Maybe you know, I think people go to church because they want to find God there, go and

if, if you're in a place in an environment where you don't experience the presence of

God or God's not there on there the worship of the teaching and then people get double

disillusion and we see that in the church nowadays.

I don't know the numbers off hand, but it's certainly in the United States.

I mean a lot of people are abandoning the traditional church and we can, you know, all

the discussions about.

I know the church is not a building, it's the people, but still we find many people

who are isolated.

They're not with a group of people.

Many times, yeah, maybe they were bored and when they got hurt they got wounded.

So they stay at home.

And the problem nowadays, and I think it is a problem because people can rationalize,

well, I don't need to go to church.

I can just turn on my TV.

Oh, I know.

I hear that all the time and I, I know quite a few people that do that.

They just do Internet church and they're completely isolated and they've separated from everybody



They will.

And, and I get it.

Some churches broadcast there, um, I guess their services right.

And they can pray him and they can send in their money and their title and whatnot.

And so once again, you know, it's a good supplement.

You know, there's plenty of churches out there that I love to watch online but you, but you,

the idea of churches corporate to worship the Lord, to come together and to worship


Don't you think that's a big part of it?

I think it is.

That's the model that we have and there's that weird the Gavin because when you get

people together and you're right, there's no such thing as a perfect church, but I believe

in the proverbs that talk about iron sharpening iron, right?

And you need to be in close proximity and, and, and, and the, the, that fellowship and

is more than just teaching.


You don't need to go, you know, you can get teaching on TV and there is good teaching

and there's some good ministries and churches that have cheating and you're right, it can

be a good supplement, but that's not church.

I'm just going to say that's not church.

That's not Ecclesia, that's not the gathering of believers.

You know, it's, it's, um, you know, you see in the, in the old, you know, a lot of people.

I, I kinda laugh.

People talk about having the New Testament, the new testament church.

Well, the new testament model, people would, a lot of times they would meet in people's

homes, it would fellowship and then the other dynamic which we lose sight of as the church

grew, get gang busters because they were persecuted and they were scattered.

We tend to blow past that part, but, but there's a lot of home churches and smaller.

But however, the gathering of the bullying either.

And so once again, church on TV is fine and praise God for anointed, gifted and talented

and teachers of the word.

But that's not church with some people.

You just, well, you know too far.

Oh, I can't find one and I get it sometimes, you know, we do Internet things and people

all over this car, literally all over the world and sometimes people live in the only

live out in the rural areas or in the sticks and maybe there aren't good churches or there's

a church, but it's not a right.

And I don't know, that's a tough.

That's a tough one.

But I think if you traveled to your church, um, you're blessed, you know, sometimes you're

going to have to travel to find that place of worship, but you'll be bled.

I travel a long way.

I think a long way to go to my terror side.

It's not in my neighborhood, it's pretty far, but I'll tell you what, it's so worth the

spiritual camaraderie in the tribe being in the sealed locking to be in the right place.

So if you have to drive, you know, then even if you're on the country right now, just talking

about city folks, I believe God's going to honor that.

And sometimes people can be so critical.

There's lots of good churches all over and maybe they're not perfect churches, but you

go, you spend time, uh, you plug in there, you know when serve, I believe God's going

to honor that.



So I'm just going to.

It's just too far to go.

There's no good churches.

I think that's, that's the exception rather than the norm for most people.

But it's a big excuse.


I, and I think it's funny because I don't think I've, I don't, I don't want this to

always be forever, but I've never gone to a church.

It's been close to my house.

I've always traveled like across the bridges some way or another to have to go to a church,

but you know, you want to find the one that's the fit.

That's a good fit.

Well, exactly.

And I think if you just have the mindset when the white God wants me to go, we talks about

don't forsake the gathering together.

I think the Bible is very clear.

We're, we're, I believe, commanded felony.

It's not.

I don't think it's an negotiable.

I think we really need to be committed to pursuing and seeking out a church home.


I think it's very clear and there might be a coroner case of people who for whatever

reason just can't get our domain, but that's not, that's going to be, that's not the norm

at all.

Most times we just get, we just don't want to make the effort and because it's too easy

to fall back into the TV, sit at home with your coffee in front of the TV and watch and

watch TV.

But you know, certain temperaments are going to like that too.



I mean that can rationalize, hey, I'm using the word of God.

I'm getting, you know, that's my church or you know, I watch so and so.

That's fine.

No, I know.

I have a lot of friends that do that too.

They pick some of these big ministries and they just tie them to him and sit at home

and you don't ever see him.

They don't see and they're missing out.

They're missing out on so, so much.

And so sometimes it's not that, well, I don't watch tv, I just have the word [inaudible],

I just, I just have the word of God, I have the Bible and that's it's just me and God

and they'll use that.

I don't, I tend to find a church I like, I don't need that.

I have the word of God speaks to me and you'll hear that and that's, and that's.

And that's their answer.

And then they set up home fellowships with just them and their family and they don't

have anybody else that they're accountable to but them in.

Then it's, and they stay at home and there's no outside influence, no fresh water or nothing,

no fresh, but they just stayed home and they do their family Bible study on Sunday mornings


It's concerning, isn't it?

It is.

And I think it's, it's another form of isolation.

It's like you gotta have, you know, I, I just, I think if, if people are just on their own

and there's no accountability and there's no sort of covering over the tree is too easy

to get led astray.

You're right.

Because sometimes, well it's gotten.

I mean, just think who's in the room.

They're your spirit, your flesh, your unrenewed mind is you might have the Holy Spirit there,

you have the word of God, but if there's no discernment, there's another voice in the

room too.

And that's a demonic realm.

They will, you know, we see the influences of the demonic realm even in churches and

in high powered, in bigger churches with more structure, more kind of.

But you can imagine if there's no structure, no accountability, and there's just, you know,

me and God and no more.

It's like, yeah, it's too easy to go stream.

And we've seen that and they get, you know, just, um, I think it's easy to be misled.

Becomes the demonic round can become the third voice in the conversation and people can't

discern it.

They don't pick up on it.

They don't.

Many times they don't have the teaching, they don't have the word of God.

People you know, to, to balance it.

Or they get, they don't know enough or they're just, you know, they don't have something

to counter would say, no, that's not God.

That's not God.

That's not right.

Right, and you know, plenty of times we've all been in church where we've had, we've

gone off astray with some thought process or some thinking pattern that were going on

and we go to church and boy, somebody just has to give a word or you know, I've been

corrected plenty of times where it's like, wow, thanks [inaudible].

I could really.

I could have made that my religion going off on that, that channel.

But they brought me right back into focus.

Yeah, exactly.

Sometimes because it's the whole word of God.

It talks about.

I think it's an Isaiah, the whole word of God and complete line upon line, precept upon

precept and hopefully in a healthy church that's preaching the whole Bible, the whole

not just the parts they liked and ignoring the parts they don't like and yeah, some sort

of accountability and some sort of competence.

And so once again, these aren't guaranteed but they are safeguards.

So I think that's part of the dangerous people even if they're not doing it on church, just

off by themselves and then take much to get off the narrow road.

Toxic Matthew seven, 13, 14.

About the narrow road that leads to life and alive.

You get off the narrow road sometimes, you know, sometimes you're driving on the shoulder

and going off the cliff and don't even know it.

So that's another, um, admonition and direction to, uh, to really be in church.

And, and we, we touched, we, we've, um, we talked about in the Bible and you know, even

with Jesus, I mean, you know, he had his 12, he had his, he had his small little, he had

his little church and there was others.

I mean, there was more than just a 12.

I think there was another group that we're part of his entourage, I guess you could say.

And so, um, and then in an accident, Church of acts, we touched on acts 2:42.

They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship

and to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

So fellowship, that's, that's the part of it that sometimes if you're, if you're alone,

where's the fellowship?


Where's the fellowship with other believers?

And Fellowship is more than going to a baseball game and you know, it's, there's no, there's,

there's that, you know, that socialization, right?

And iron sharpening iron.

I think it needs to take place kind of in the context of fellowship because we can,

you know, we get a better revelation.

Say, Hey, we're all works in progress here.

And so, um, so that's, um, that's, that's, that's something.

So that's, that's pretty clear that that was to happen.

And so, and, and, and in First Corinthians 12, 12 talks about that we are the,

where the body and the body is one and yet they have many members and all the members

of the body though they are many are one body, so also Christ.

And then the body is defined in Colossians 1:24.

So that we're clear on this.

Now I rejoice in my suffering for your sake.

And in my flesh, I do my share on behalf of his body, which is the church in filling up

what is lacking in Christ's afflictions.

So here you have it.

And another scripture in a, it's probably in that same section.

I was more, one, one part of the body has said, well, I don't want you, I don't need,

you know, what, I don't want you to, I don't need you, you know, or, or, you know, our

finger are our toll.

Kango often kind of do its own thing.

So part of that mindset of the body of Christ.

And I think sometimes we lose track of that, that it's that, you know, um, and I believe

as we get isolated, we would just get mad at the body, you know, truthfully, we're mad

at the body can, we'd love Jesus, but we're mad at the bond.

It's like, you know, bearing with each other and I love it.

Citizen Collagen's forgiving whatever grievances you may have against one another.

And, and, um, so that, that, that, that definitely can happen.

But yeah, that's another thing.

It talks about the, we're, that we're one body and somebody, um, but we've seen it so

many times we're where people, something happens, they get traumatized in church, they get abused,

they get mistreated.

Or I've had it where the pastor, you know, people have made the pastors and I love Sarah,

or they put the man of God and he runs off with the church secretary and, and they get


They get married, which, and, and their, and their faith gets shipwrecked.

Well, was it wrong for the pastor to, to, uh, to do that?

Of course, yeah, of course it was, but it's an equally wrong for that person to della

have their faith shipwrecked because of that.

They put that man of God or on an idol made him an idol if you like.

And you know, and at some point you got to get the revelation and st man that was, you

know, he's flesh and blood to or whatever, whatever, the offense that wasn't God's will.

And that was the thing of the enemy.

I'm not going to let that ship wreck my faith.

And so it's just.

But we've seen it sometimes people for a long time are literally isolated and you know.


And they'll pull out on that offense.

They will.

Just one example.

But there's others that just, you know, there's many way people get offended and they just,

they get weary, they get tired.

Yeah, they do.

They do.

I had, I had one client that, that had been out of church for a long time, long time,

and she was struggling with a lot of different problems and she had a, she had a dream that

she was like a little lamb.

It was the cutest thing.

I don't think she knew that much about the Bible, but she was a little lamb and she was

snuggling up along the legs of Jesus and just, you know, just purring around in like a little

cat, you know, that picture and that he took her and he brought her back to the fold and

I said that's that scripture about the lost sheep.

And she was a cat.

Except she was.

No, she was a laminar enter dream.

But she was moving around like a cat.

You know, how cats kind of move around your legs.


But she's.

But that's what I said, you know, and that's because you've been lost and you know, I watched

her after she went through counseling and you know, we got rid of a lot of that because

there, there is a spirit of hiding that comes in with that that will cause you to just be

comfortable and hide and retreat and isolation.


And we, we cast that thing out.

Um, she ended up joining a, one of the bigger churches, which was surprising and most of

the time a lot of those people go to the smaller ones, but then she went to a bigger one and

just really plugged right in.

So it was good to see.

But Nice alation often times if you've been out for a long time and you've got all this

rationalization and all this hardcore stuff that you're backing it up with, you know,

you need to look again because God did create a salt be together and it could be something

that's really trying to sabotage a lot of your walk with him.

Lord, I think.

Yeah, that's what's in you or what's going on in your life.

I would say the issue is if you're isolated and none of the issues you're not, there's

no such thing as a perfect church and, and you know, just going in, bearing, finding

a good home church where you can plug in.

Sometimes people, I think going with a scorecard, you know, when a grade book and they just

started marking the religious spirit that we are the we talked about in a previous session

and, and rather than how can I be served or what, how can I get mad and you know, going

through the buffet line at a restaurant, it's like, well, what, you know, what's the heart

of the people, what's the heart of the pastor and how can I plug in, how can I serve?

You know, even Jesus didn't come to be served but to serve.

And so if he's our model, yeah, you want to be in a healthy church.

Healthy churches are alive.

Church is an organism and it's alive and it should be growing and, but there's life there

and it's where God is.

He's in the midst of his people and so you find one they're there and you plug in.

Um, and I think that's going to be, you know, part of the prayer, and I tell people all

the time is just go out sometimes you know what to use the very telling now too.

You got to start kissing some fraud.


Go look for some churches, go just go, you know, just go, you know, I can tell you over

the years, um, my wife and I haven't been out of church for more than a couple of weeks

at a time.

We haven't, we're not sure.

Choppers, I think of all our years of walks with the Lord, we've probably only been in,

in over 30 plus years, like four or five churches and I'm just gets close.

And so, you know, so it, all that time we've never been between churches that long because

we've recognized, oh no, we need to be in church and we want to be in church.

And so if you have a, you know, it's.

So it's like the Nike Ad, you know, just if you're isolated, like just do it.

I tell people, just get up, start going, research, ask some friends, press.

Just start going say, Lord, is this the church home that you have for me?



I just, I just did that with a client.

You know, he, he came in, he was, hadn't been in church I think for like 25, 30 years anyway,

and he wanted to go through deliverance and I said, no, I really did.

I said, will pray for you when you start to connect with the body because the last thing

I want to do is take you through deliverance.

Have you get hammered by a spirit isolation again.

So bless his heart.

He just started going out and trying all these different churches and he found one that he

thought he liked and then he tried another and he liked that one even better and he got

so plugged in and so on.

Fire for the Lord and his deliverance was awesome.


Yeah, that's, that's important to you.

It is.


And that's part of our encouragement for people have to be in a good healthy church because

a, I think it's really hard to stay free.

It is the afterwards, plus all the other benefits.

We get fed there.

We get to serve.

Um, and so, but you know, it takes, there's a law of inertia sometimes if you're not,

if you're not doing and if you need the limits in the, I get deliverance.

But I think your point is well taken.

Just start, say, just believe in your heart.

Jesus, you have a church home for me, you and yes you are my great shepherd, but you

know, just start going in and just, you know, is the spirit of God there.

Do the people worship?

Do they preach the word, you know, and just, and have grace.

Bear with each other and love.

Don't, you know, just won't be a perfect church.

And you know, maybe going a couple of times, yeah, that's not the right one.

Okay, fine.

We'll just move on.

You move on.


But I believe you have to have the mindset that it's fundamentally unhealthy to be alone,

to be isolated.

You know, God created eve is, it's not good for man to be alone.

Well, he gave me, but I think the church is not good for us to be.

So that's really the point that we're, that we're trying to try and make.

So any final thoughts on any of this?

Phyllis, you want to share it?

The folks just find your place in the camp industry member that this is really about

us giving back to the Lord.

I mean, church is a place to worship him.

It's a place to offer up that corporate worship and, and, and say thank you.

So, you know, the teaching is a benefit, but I really think it's really about the worship

where we come together and worship the lord as one body.




And I would, the thing I would add is kind of touched on it that, you know, this is a

spiritual struggle.

If you're isolated, you fallen victim to a tactic of the enemy.

I mean isolated for a long period of time.

Um, you know, that the thief comes to kill, steal and destroy.

And one of the tactics is just to get us mad and get us isolated and just look at the.

The hunting habits of alliance.

One of the scriptures talks about it.

That seems like a roaring lion looking for whom he may devour.

If you ever watched those, and I'm sure everybody has national geographic type shows where you

see the lions hunting.

I mean they always try to peel off the somebody from the herd they get the week they get the

young are they get the old and you know what?

I haven't even saw one video where they had a herd of elephants.

They peeled off a healthy elephant, one healthy elephant, and they took that elephant down

in a herd of elephants.

They can't even get to the babies because the herd protects them and that that dynamic

is so powerful.

You get an a healthy herd.

There's protection there, there's growth there.

And that can happen.

In Seoul.

It's no, I don't think it's any.

It's no coincidence that that's one of the illustrations.

You used the word about scenes like a roaring lion looking for whom he may devour.

Well, one of the tactics lyons is to isolate, so get plugged in, get plugged in so you can

grow and really prosper in all things.

Hope you've enjoyed this podcast.

We think that spoke to some of you.

I know, and hopefully it will be motivation for you to, to really start moving into a

new direction.

Um, we're on Itunes, deliverance ministry dot FM.

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And finally, just look at our warrior partners page.

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So please consider doing that.

It's called the warrior partners page.

Once again, hope you enjoyed it.

Let us know a future topics you'd like us to explore because we really do want to come

up with content.

We've hurdled from lot of you, how much you're enjoying these.

And so that's our motivation to keep going.

And as you get topics that that you'd like us to do, please let us know.

So God bless you and we will talk to you next.

For more infomation >> VideoCast #50: Be Alone, Be Destroyed - Duration: 28:51.


Top 50 Funny Kids Pranks 2019 - Try Not To Laugh | Life Awesome - Duration: 10:30.

Top 50 Funny Kids Pranks 2019 - Try Not To Laugh | Life Awesome

Here is the video of pranks about kids in February 2019

Have fun and remember, life is better when you are laughing!

For more infomation >> Top 50 Funny Kids Pranks 2019 - Try Not To Laugh | Life Awesome - Duration: 10:30.


Cult Building 101 ft. Michael Keaton & Owen Wilson | Documentary Now! - Duration: 1:51.

Doss: The three of us move into an office, we start making a plan.

I gotta say, that damn Wayne,

he may have been half a kook,

but, boy, when it came to cults, he was smart as all get-out.

We asked him, "How do you get members?"

He said we should take out an ad with nonsense words on it.

People just started calling in

and started sending money for tapes.

He couldn't be Paternius anymore,

so we had to come up with a new identity.

Cooper was from Pittsburgh, big Steelers fan.

Cooper: Oh, yeah, man, I love the Steelers.

Doss: Wayne suggests everyone in the cult

should just be the players names rearranged.

Cooper: Bradshaw became Shawbard.

Greene and Harris became Negree and Sharir.

Father calls me Ra-Temblar.

"Tem" is for the temple, and "blar"

is for the blaring of the message of love.

I was named after God's kindness.

Nope. You weren't named after kindness,

you were named after Jack Lambert,

meanest son of a bitch to ever play the game.

When God saw Jack Lambert play football, he pissed his pants.

Wayne even thought everyone should wear Steeler colors.

These people thought they were on a path to enlightenment.

And unbeknownst to them, they were dressed like

a bunch of drunks at a tailgate.

[Laughs] We had a lot of fun.

I don't think about it much because of how it ended,

but those were good times to be

in the elite cult unit of the FBI.


For more infomation >> Cult Building 101 ft. Michael Keaton & Owen Wilson | Documentary Now! - Duration: 1:51.


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Thank you for watching! Hope you can enjoy it!

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