According to a new report in the New York Times, Donald Trump was actually given a diagnosis
of bone spurs to get himself out of the Vietnam war by a doctor who wanted nothing more than
to get favor with Trump's father fred.
That is actually the conclusion, not have reporters trying to make Donald Trump look
bad, but of the two daughters of the doctor who actually gave Donald Trump that diagnosis,
the doctor was Dr Larry Bronstein, who passed away in 2007.
He was a podiatrist.
He ran his office out of a building actually owned by Trump's father, fred Trump.
So when Fred brought in little donnie trying to come up with a way to get him out of Vietnam,
the podiatrist, according to his own daughters, came up with the made up diagnosis of bone
Well, it's actually pretty simple.
Donald Trump had obviously gone through regular health physicals prior to going to the podiatrist
and everything checked out fine.
He was not able to get an actual exemption based on his normal health.
So you'd go to a guy who specializes in this kind of thing.
He knows what he can say that other doctors can't necessarily refute and the government
can't argue with, and that was something as simple as bone spurs because bone spurs typically
do not present with any symptoms at all.
Most people have bone spurs and may not even know it.
Others may occasionally feel foot pain.
They take Ibuprofen, Tylenol, whatever it is, and they're fine.
They move on with their day.
They don't know it's an actual problem and so that's why the doctor picked that because
it's not something that would be debilitating enough to where somebody could look at them
and say, Oh, you clearly don't have this.
You look perfectly fine.
You're walking normal.
Get on the bus or going to Vietnam, and that's why he did it.
And the two daughters who survived, the doctor told the New York Times that their father
would speak of this frequently about how he, you know, gave this diagnosis in order to
get favor with Fred Trump and the favor that he got in return was that anytime there was
a problem with this building where the doctor was running his office, he'd call Fred and
Fred would send people down immediately to fix it.
That was the little quid pro quo there.
I'll get your son out of Vietnam and then anytime there's a problem with is building,
I'm going to be first on your list and you're going to send somebody down here to fix it.
Worked out pretty well for both of them.
But here's the thing.
Trump had claimed during the campaign back in 2016 that he couldn't remember who the
doctor was.
You know, it was so long ago.
He didn't know the doctor that gave him the diagnosis, but he had plenty of documentation
to back it up and he never provided the documentation.
And at this point, most medical documentation regarding exemptions from according to the
national archives has already been destroyed.
So there is no way to actually go back through and see what Donald Trump's actual diagnosis
was or the reasoning behind it.
If Trump's not going to release it, the daughters say they no longer have it either.
It was all sold when his father, uh, when their father is huge.
We sold the podiatry office.
So there's not any record really.
We don't know for certain that these two women are telling the truth, but there are story
certainly does seem to add up with Donald Trump and all of it paints a picture of a
man who was too cowardly to afraid and whose own father used his power in the city of New
York to get his son out of conflict.
And based on other reporting from the New York Times over the last few months reporting
that really should have garnered a lot more coverage.
That seems to be the Cmo of Fred Trump.
Not only was he a decent businessman making tons of money, possibly through shady scheme
sometimes, but he would also do whatever it took to protect his own son.
Clearly not a trait that he was able to pass on to his own son as his kids seem to be getting
in constant trouble in daddy's not there to bail them out.
Trump has some answers, right?
I mean at least some questions that need to be answered.
Whether or not we get truthful answers is beside the point, but this needs to be an
I mean, John Kerry's Vietnam service was something that was attacked relentlessly by Republicans
in 2004.
I think at the very least, Democrats could run at least one ad maybe questioning why
Donald Bone Spurs.
Trump can't seem to remember the doctor's name, can't seem to provide any evidence and
seems to be according to the doctor's own daughters.
Absolutely lying about ever even having a foot problem.
For more infomation >> Podiatrist's Family Says Their Dad Fabricated Trump's Bone Spur Diagnosis To Avoid Vietnam - Duration: 5:01. -------------------------------------------
Pick a Card - Wybierz kartę Sprawdź Co czeka Cię w Miłości ♡ Styczeń 2019♡ - Duration: 24:43.
For more infomation >> Pick a Card - Wybierz kartę Sprawdź Co czeka Cię w Miłości ♡ Styczeń 2019♡ - Duration: 24:43. -------------------------------------------
10 Free Windows 10 Apps You Should Try! - Duration: 15:11.
For more infomation >> 10 Free Windows 10 Apps You Should Try! - Duration: 15:11. -------------------------------------------
Noticias Telemundo, 31 de diciembre de 2018 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 21:35.
For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo, 31 de diciembre de 2018 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 21:35. -------------------------------------------
Revealed: Things Meghan Markle will have to give up after she married Prince Harry - Duration: 10:44.
Revealed: Things Meghan Markle will have to give up after she married Prince Harry.
Since all eyes have been on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's royal wedding,
it was pretty easy to forget about all the things that will take place after the big day.
Marrying into British royalty is a bit different than becoming a Disney princess. By that we mean there are rules.
It's true that Markle had already begun making some major compromises for her Prince Charming long before the wedding.
For one, Markle, who was actually Protestant, was baptized and confirmed into the Church of England prior to marrying Prince Harry, CNN reported.
According to New York Post, Markle also sold her home in Toronto, Canada. Though we're sure she doesn't mind bunking with royalty.
Of course, Markle's both small- and large-scale concessions will only increase in number now that the royal wedding has taken place.
Here are some things that Markle will be barred from doing now that she has said "I do" at St. George's Chapel.
So long, selfies.
Pictures abound of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle greeting well-wishers in Nottingham after announcing their engagement.
However, what you won't see are any selfies of the pair — whether alone, with each other, or with members of the crowds.
Taking a selfie seems like an innocuous thing to do but they're a no for royals.
Matthew Barzun, a United States ambassador with whom the Queen confided,
explained Queen Elizabeth's disdain for cell phone photography to Tatler magazine.
Apparently, the Queen finds it "strange" to see a sea of cell phones aimed at her when she walks toward a crowd.
As far as first-world problems go, this one may pretty much take the cake.
Still, it's not hard to understand her point. "She was essentially saying: 'I miss eye contact,'" Barzun explained.
It seems the Queen's personal distaste for selfies has trickled down to the rest of the royal family.
You won't find any selfies taken by these Brits and the only selfies of Markle you'll find are from her pre-Harry days.
No more signing autographs.
As an actress, Meghan Markle has likely signed her fair share of autographs.
As a soon-to-be royal, however, those days are now behind her. The reason for this is understandable:
Royals are prohibited from signing autographs due to the risk of signature forgery, as explained by Express.
But, what fun are rules if you can't break them from time to time, right?
When asked to sign autographs, Prince Charles usually defaults to an apology and tells the public he is unable to do so,
The Telegraph reported. Be that as it may, when visiting the Lostwithiel area after a natural disaster,
a man whose home had been badly damaged asked for his John Hancock.
Charles, feeling moved, obliged by writing "Charles 2010".
He may have technically broken the rules but he didn't actually sign his name.
Markle did something similar in January of 2018 for a 10-year-old fan.
According to Time, instead of signing her name on the paper provided, Markle wrote "Hi Kaitlin".
Since Markle hasn't attempted this again, the Queen may feel a certain kind of way about skirting the rules.
No more autographs — signatures or not — it seems.
Voting is out.
Meghan Markle is far from being apolitical. Robert Lacey, a historian and biographer of Queen Elizabeth told The Guardian,
"I can see that this is going to be a real problem in the months and years ahead for her, an existential problem.
I don't imagine the Queen will be in a rush to have Meghan at Balmoral [royal family's vacation house in Scotland] when Trump visits".
This poses a bit of a conundrum for Markle as a member of the royal family
because they are expected to stay mum regarding politics — including their thoughts on specific politicians.
Per the official website of the British royal family, the Queen must "remain strictly neutral with respect to political matters".
This includes voting in elections. Although the Queen is the only one explicitly prohibited from politics,
members of the royal family abide by the same policy.
Unfortunately for Markle, this means she will not be able to share her political views.
No more bare legs for Meg.
When pictures surfaced of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announcing their engagement,
your eyes may have fixated on the ring immediately.
After all, seeing the ring is what most of us want to do when someone we know gets engaged.
The ring turned out to be beautiful, as was to be expected,
but Markle's legs were what actually stole the show that day. Specifically, her bare legs.
Royal expert Victoria Arbiter explained the situation to Business Insider, saying,
"You never see a royal without their nude stockings".
Uh-oh. Arbiter added, "I would say that's really the only hard, steadfast rule in terms of what the Queen requires".
It could be that Markle didn't know the pantyhose policy at that time — ugh,
Harry, why didn't you tell her? — as she now abides by the Queen's preference.
Since this is a rule Markle has already begun embracing, it will undoubtedly continue to be important now that she's a married lady.
Best not go to bed before the Queen.
It may be obvious to you by now that Queen Elizabeth has some pretty peculiar policies.
One of the strangest may be the very one Harry's late mother, Princess Diana, hated to follow.
In an interview for Juliet Rieden's book, The Royals in Australia, the Queen's private secretary,
Sir William Heseltine, told of Diana's agony while sitting through long royal dinners.
He explained, "There'd be an hour or so in the sitting room of everyone sitting around making conversation,
and nobody felt it right to go to bed before the Queen did".
Eventually, Diana got so sick of the pomp and circumstance that she'd excuse herself and go to bed anyway,
despite it being considered "rather bad form".
If Markle is looking to stay in Queen Elizabeth's good graces, she probably shouldn't follow in Diana's footsteps.
When staying at the Queen's residence, she'll unfortunately have to put up with the long;
and probably sometimes boring — dinners and social engagements and wait up until the Queen decides to hit the hay.
Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
As far as board games go, Monopoly is probably one of the worst, aside from Risk of course — eek.
Monopoly is really only fun if you win and really, does anyone play long enough to win?
Apparently Queen Elizabeth shares this sentiment too. According to The Telegraph, Prince Andrew, a son of the Queen,
brought the popular game to the headquarters of the Leeds Building Society because he's literally "not allowed" to play it back home.
Apparently, the game gets too vicious.
You have to wonder how the Queen decided that Monopoly was just too vicious to play.
Did she hear horrible tales of others who played the game? Could it have caused an epic royal battle in the past?
We may never know. One can only hope that Meghan Markle is not a die-hard Monopoly fan.
If she is, that may just cause some serious tension between her and her grandmother-in-law!
Who's Meghan Markle?
Did you know that Markle's first name isn't actually Meghan?
When Queen Elizabeth formally consented to Harry marrying Markle, this news was officially confirmed.
Meghan Markle is actually Rachel Meghan Markle. Ironically, Rachel is also the name of Markle's character on Suits.
It seems Markle prefers to go by Meghan as this is the name used on the royal wedding invitations.
Regardless of which name she prefers best, Markle's name has changed since wedding day — and in a big way.
According to an interview with royal expert Imogen Lloyd Webber for People,
Markle now has the title Her Royal Highness Princess Henry of Wales.
However, the Queen gave Harry a new title (Duke) after wedding Markle.
Markle then became the Duchess of Sussex — much like Kate Middleton's title, Duchess of Cambridge.
No more acting for this actress.
When someone marries into the royal family, their careers don't often come with them.
When Prince Philip married Queen Elizabeth some 70 years ago,
he became her consort and remained one for over six decades, his biography explains.
Prince Philip's days were, and still are, filled with official duties.
Although Philip was not an actor like Meghan Markle, his official responsibilities crowded out the ability to lead a "normal" life.
Grace Kelly, who was an actor prior to marrying Prince Rainier III of Monaco, left her Hollywood career behind.
Markle followed suit — by quitting Suits. In an interview with BBC, Markle explained her decision, saying,
"I don't see it as giving anything up. I just see it as a change. It's a new chapter".
Harry, who was also present for the interview, added, "It's not easy for anybody,
but I know that at the end of the day she chooses me and I choose her and whatever we have to tackle together
or individually will always be us together as a team, so I think she's capable of anything".
It seems her last role may just be a one-off television show. That is, of course, the widely-televised royal wedding!
Traveling solo is a no-go.
Meghan Markle's days of being able to travel solo were a thing of the past before the wedding even took place.
According to Express, Meghan was issued royal protection officers in the wake of her engagement to Harry.
As you might expect, all current and prospective members of the royal family need ample security.
According to Gordon Rayner, a writer for The Telegraph who has attended 20 royal tours,
the royal family has some unique security needs.
Heightened security is especially needed and utilized while they're away on royal tours.
For example, Rayner wrote, "Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall sometimes take their own alcohol so there's no danger of their drinks being spiked". Yikes!
Additionally, the royal tours may look effortless to an outsider but they can actually take six months to plan.
Rayner gave his perspective, saying, "Touring the world meeting heads of state
and being shown cultural treasures sounds like a wonderful life. Yet I have no envy for the Royal family".
He added that their site visits are hardly ever longer than 40 minutes at a time and they likely will not travel to that same location again.
Thankfully, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will at least get a real honeymoon.
Well, as real as you can get when you need to be guarded 24/7.
Thanks you for watching! Please to Like and Share if you feel the video is useful.
And don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comment section below.
For more infomation >> Revealed: Things Meghan Markle will have to give up after she married Prince Harry - Duration: 10:44. -------------------------------------------
COMO PEDIR UN DESEO POR CADA CHAKRA 2da parte programa - Duration: 1:00:51.
For more infomation >> COMO PEDIR UN DESEO POR CADA CHAKRA 2da parte programa - Duration: 1:00:51. -------------------------------------------
How to Set Up Wi-Fi & Mobile Hotspot on Your Samsung Galaxy Note9 | AT&T Wireless - Duration: 1:27.
Wi-Fi & Mobile Hotspots:
Set Up & Manage Wi-Fi.
To set up a Wi-Fi connection,
swipe down from the top of your screen
to access your Quick Settings,
then select and hold the Wi-Fi icon.
Select the switch to turn it on
A list of connections will appear.
Select your Wi-Fi network or select "Add Network",
then follow the prompts to connect.
Use A Mobile Hotspot.
A mobile hotspot
uses your device's cellular data connection
to get Internet access on other devices,
such as a laptop or tablet,
which can be helpful if you don't have easy access to Wi-Fi
To create a hotspot,
swipe down from the top of your screen
to access your Notification Bar
and select "Settings",
then "Connections",
select "Mobile Hotspot and Tethering"
and select the switch to turn it on,
then follow the prompts.
To change or customize your hotspot settings
such as the network name, password or security,
from the Mobile and Tethering screen,
select "Mobile Hotspot", select the Menu icon,
then configure mobile hotspot and make your updates.
We hope we have helped you use your Wi-Fi
or mobile hotspot connection.
Let us know and thanks for watching!
For more infomation >> How to Set Up Wi-Fi & Mobile Hotspot on Your Samsung Galaxy Note9 | AT&T Wireless - Duration: 1:27. -------------------------------------------
How to Access & Manage Contacts on Your Samsung Galaxy Note9 | AT&T Wireless - Duration: 1:20.
Create, Edit & Delete Contacts.
To create a new contact,
swipe up from the center of your Home Screen
to access your Apps Tray.
Select your Contacts App.
Then select the Add icon.
Choose where to backup and store your contact.
Then, add the contacts details and select "SAVE".
Edit Contacts.
From your Contacts App find and select your contact,
then select "Details".
Select "Edit" to make your changes.
To delete a contact,
from your Contacts screen,
select the Menu icon, then "Delete" to delete it.
Backup & Manage Contacts.
Manage your contacts and keep them backed up
just in case you need to replace or reset your
device or SIM. To transfer and sync your contacts,
from the Contacts App,
select the Menu icon, then "Manage contacts".
Choose the desired option.
We hope we have helped you with your contacts.
Let us know and thanks for watching!
For more infomation >> How to Access & Manage Contacts on Your Samsung Galaxy Note9 | AT&T Wireless - Duration: 1:20. -------------------------------------------
How to Extend Battery Performance on Your Samsung Galaxy Note9 | AT&T Wireless - Duration: 1:31.
Battery Tips:
Identify Your Battery Usage.
For overview of your battery use
and to figure out what apps and features
are consuming the most battery,
check your current usage.
Swipe down from the top of your screen
to access your Quick Setting, go to Settings,
select "Device Maintenance",
then "Battery", then "Battery Usage".
From here you can view Overall Battery Usage details
and review specific apps and features using your battery.
Close Apps & Disable Features.
To close apps that might be draining your battery,
select the Recent Apps button
then select which pages you'd like to close.
To disable features that may be using your battery,
swipe down from the top of your screen
to access the Notification Bar,
then select "Wi-Fi", "Bluetooth",
"NFC" or location services to make sure they are turned off.
Use Power-Saving Mode.
To make sure a low batter,
last until you can get to a charger,
turn on Power Saving Mode.
Go to Settings and select "Device Maintenance",
select "Battery",
select your preferred power-saving mode.
[Alert Sounds]
We hope these battery tips
will help keep your device running smoothly.
Let us know and thanks for watching!
For more infomation >> How to Extend Battery Performance on Your Samsung Galaxy Note9 | AT&T Wireless - Duration: 1:31. -------------------------------------------
Don't Repeat The Same Bad Habit Of Falling Off Your Fitness Plan 1 Month Into The New Year - Duration: 3:20.
do you know what the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing
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hey what's up guys this is travis gil with fitness artist i want to talk to
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For more infomation >> Don't Repeat The Same Bad Habit Of Falling Off Your Fitness Plan 1 Month Into The New Year - Duration: 3:20. -------------------------------------------
Jogando free feri (parte 14) - Duration: 23:23.
For more infomation >> Jogando free feri (parte 14) - Duration: 23:23. -------------------------------------------
🔥 Effectrix Trap Presets Bank "Crossroads" (By @LoopLegendz) - Duration: 1:36.
Effectrix Trap Presets Bank Fl Studio
For more infomation >> 🔥 Effectrix Trap Presets Bank "Crossroads" (By @LoopLegendz) - Duration: 1:36. -------------------------------------------
Simply Not Silent | Introducing New YouTube Channel - Duration: 0:59.
Hey guys welcome to my channel "Simply Not Silent".
Now the meaning behind this title represents me as a Deaf person having a lot to think
of and to share in terms of things that I like to do and talk about such as fashion,
hair and more.
These viewings will be fun and exciting!
If you want to see more, please join by subscribing, giving this channel a thumbs up and share.
I look forward to seeing you again.