Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily Dec 30 2018

welcome to another MedCram lecture we're going to talk about chest x-rays

today how to interpret them how to review them in a systematic way so an

x-ray is simply a film that is looking at material hitting the film and causing

it to either be dark or white it's a black and white film and that correlates

to about five different areas of density so everything's black and white going

from black this represents basically air so things that are air density on the

chest x-ray are going to appear black things that are dark gray that's usually

subcutaneous tissue or fat three you'll kind of see light gray and that's

usually soft tissues like the heart blood vessels things of that nature

four is going to be just off-white and this is going to be bone so ribs

clavicle things of that nature and then finally you're gonna see bright white

and so this is things like metal which is sometimes seen on chest x-rays either

because of pacemakers defibrillators or even buckshot from gunshot wounds so

these are your five things that you're generally going to see now because of

these different densities you're going to notice things on the chest x-ray if

there is a difference in density by objects that are next to each other

for instance if we've got object a sitting next to object B the only way

you're going to be able to see this line that separates them is if the density of

B is of one of these five different densities and it is different than the

density of a let's give an example of this here you've got the hemidiaphragm

at the sits at the bottom of the lungs that hemidiaphragm is made out of muscle

and right below it sits the liver both of which would be sawed

tissue and would be light gray okay so that's soft tissue density well right

above that is the lung and the lung is air density and so because you have two

objects right next to each other with different densities on this list you're

going to actually see that line very well now if something were to happen in

that lung let's say there were an ammonia that pneumonia in that area is

going to turn this air dense lung into a water dense lung and so therefore this

demarcating line is going to disappear and you're not going to see it on the

x-ray and so if you lose that line you can say then that there is no

demarcation there between the different densities so you would call that a right

lower lobe pneumonia that's as an example now there are many ways of going

through this in a systematic way one that was proposed by Talley and O'Connor

at the Trinity School of Medicine in Dublin Ireland that's just one of many

examples but let's go through a normal chest x-ray and kind of go through the

ABCs of how this works okay but before I do that let me just go

through a couple of basics so if you've got a person standing which is usually

the best way of doing a chest x-ray there's two ways of doing it you can

either shoot the film from front to back which is known as an AP or from back to

front which is known as a PA posterior-anterior versus anterior

posterior and it's really all about where you put the board the board that's

collecting the x-rays if the board is behind the patient like this that's

called an AP that's typically what you do in a portable x-ray when the patient

is in the intensive care unit when the patient's ambulatory the board is going

to go in front now the reason why it's better to have it in front is that the

heart and those objects are going to be closest to the film and that way you're

going to get less artificial increase in size you know that when you're playing

puppet with shadows against the wall that the

farther you move away from the wall the bigger your hand shadow is going to be

and it's the same way with x-rays the closer you are to that plate the more

truer and better focused you're going to be on getting the actual true size of

that object so in generally speaking a PA film is probably the best now with a

PA film they usually do something called a lateral film as well basically a side

view and so that way on an x-ray you're only gonna see two dimension on a

lateral film you'll be out actually make out three dimensions and you'll be able

to see things behind the heart for instance Whittle just pair as though

it's in the middle of the heart on a lateral film you'll actually be able to

see it behind the heart and be able to localize better where that object is so

generally speaking in a hospital but a patient is sick laying in a bed you're

just gonna get one view an AP view which is susceptible to magnification of the

heart and the vessels in an outpatient setting where the patient's ambulatory

you're gonna get a to view PA and lateral what you're not going to get

magnification artificially and you're going to be able to get a better view

now generally speaking we'd like to have patients take a deep breath in when they

shoot the film that way we can accentuate and see very well all the

different areas of the lungs however there's a couple of situations that you

should know where you want to do a exhalation film and that is when you're

trying to look for a pneumothorax and the reason for that is that's what it's

going to make the pneumothorax or the pleural air to be greatest and most

accentuated okay the other reason why you might want to do that is if there is

an elective caesarean more specifically because that air trapping is going to be

accentuated on exhalation because all of the air is out of the lung except for

that area where air is not able to come out so these are the two areas where I

would do a film on exhalation rather than inhalation well that being said

when you approach a chest x-ray the thing that you really want to make sure

is that you're looking at the right x-ray nothing is worse it's going

through the whole process of looking at an x-ray only to realize

that a it's either the wrong patient or B it's from the wrong date and once

you've got that then you can move on to the systematic review okay so here is an

x-ray for review notice that this little marker up here which says L on it is

referring to the side of the patient remember that the right side of the

screen is always the left side of the patient and vice versa so the first

thing that I like to do is I like to do a first a is the trachea I like to look

for the trachea as you can see it comes down in this area right here and then

notice that it branches this way and if you can make it out you can see it

branches this way and down like this now looking at the trach it is important

because you can tell if it's being shifted in one direction or the other if

it's being shifted in one direction or the other that could mean the presence

of a pleural effusion or atelectasis pulling or pushing the trachea in one

direction or the other the other thing too is if the patient is intubated I can

see if the endotracheal tube is in that trachea as well and we typically want

that between three to five centimeters away from the Carina which is right

there so one example of this for instance if we had a lot of fluid on

this side either inside or outside the lung let's say we had whiting out on one

side of the lung the question is is that a pleural effusion or is that a complete

add elective the right lung and the way you'd be able to tell is if this was a

pleural effusion a pleural effusion pushes and so the trachea would be

deviated to the opposite side however if it was an elective

atelectasis is a collapsible lung it would pull it towards the right side of

the patient or the left side of the screen the next thing I like to look at

is B or bone so I'd like to look at and compare the bony structures paying very

close attention to site size shape shadows and borders

you've got the Clavin holes right here okay so you can look

for any kind of fractures you'll notice here there's like a cacophony of ribs

going by the ones that are very horizontal are the posterior aspect of

the ribs and then you'll see ones in the front that are coming down these are the

anterior portion so you can see if those are fractured or not this one right up

here at the top you can see here right above the clavicle is related to the

first rib you see the second ribs here as well you can also look at the spinous

processes and see if they're lined up all the way down and you can look along

the edge and see if there's any compression fractures so these regular

intervals will be disturbed if there's any compression fractures so you can

look at those as well the other thing you can look at is for lytic lesions in

the bone I don't see any here this is a normal x-ray but sometimes you can find

lytic lesions and these are look like basically holes in the bone so they have

air density inside of bone density sometimes you can find some extra

cervical ribs which a little bit off of this but you wouldn't be able to see

that here so that's B for bone so we've covered a and B join us for the next

video where we talk about cardiac which is C thanks for joining us


For more infomation >> Chest X Ray Interpretation Explained Clearly - How to read a chest Xray - Duration: 10:31.


Ann Coulter Can't Make Up Her Mind About Trump - Duration: 4:27.

Ann Coulter cannot seem to make up her mind about where she stands on Donald Trump, you

know, just a few years ago, she actually wrote a book that seemingly was written overnight

in Trump.

We trust because she was certain that Donald Trump was coming to Washington dc to enact

all these horribly racist conservative policies as she was going to be right there with them

the entire way, and then over the last two years, there's been this roller coaster ride

with Ann Coulter and Donald Trump.

Every time he says we're going to build the wall, she starts salivating and swooning over

sweet, sweet Donald who's doing exactly what he promised, and then every time he backs

off that, she's calling for his head to roll because she hates him so much and thinks he's

a horrible human being.

Who's conned us all?

Well, one of those and cultures is actually right, but it's not the one who's swooning

over Trump.

It's the one who admits that he is a con man willing to say whatever it takes to get elected,

and Ann Coulter is one of those people who actually got conned.

Now I know there's still some some rumblings.

Is he going to get the funding for the border wall?

Is a coming in February?

Will they get it by New Year's Eve?

Who the hell knows at this point?

Uh, the answer is no.

He's never going to get the funding for the border wall and I think Ann Coulter knows

that, but before any of these arguments even started last week and culture talked to the

daily caller where she said that Donald Trump is likely to be the last republican president

ever elected in the United States because he is destroyed the people's trust by not

giving them the border wall.

I want to read this paragraph here from the week.

It's fascinating.

Here it is.

Coulter said that she won't vote for Trump in 2020 if there's no progress on the wall

by then as there would be no reason other than.

So Ivanka Trump and jared Kushner can make money, which seems to be the main point of

the presidency at this point, but she's not even sure Trump will make it that far.

My prediction is that his support will evaporate and Trump will very likely not finish his

term and definitely not be elected to a second term.

No Republican will ever be elected president again.

Now, as much as I would love to believe culture is right here that no republican will ever

be elected president again.

We're going to have republican presidents.

Again, it's just what does that Republican party going to look like, but that is a question

for another day.

What I find so fascinating about this is his cultures.

Again, the rollercoaster, she loves him, she hates him.

She thinks he's great, she thinks he's awful, and all of it centers around the border wall

culture understands the Republican base in a way that Donald Trump never can.

She knows that those hardcore MAGA hat wearing folks would be just as comfortable wearing

a white hood over their head because that's been her base for decades now.

She knows how to play to them.

She knows that they get pissed off when Trump says, well, maybe I'll get the border wall

funding in three months.

They go crazy and she jumps out there in front of the crazy so that it looks like all the

crazies are following her and they're just dumb enough to do it.

They're just waiting for the leader and Ann Coulter always swoops in like some kind of

demented superhero at the last second to say, come with me racists.

I will protect you.

That's Ann Coulter, and that's what she's doing.

At the end of the day, her saying, I'm not going to vote for him in 2020, it doesn't

matter if the border wall never materializes and culture will vote for Donald Trump in


If he is the Republican nominee, she would sooner die than vote for a Democrat or not


We know this, but what she's doing is she's playing that base, getting them riled up so

that they force Donald Trump to go out there and push for this wall, a wall that is likely

to signify the end of his administration because the harder he pushes for it, the harder people

like coulter make them push for it.

The more he alienates normal people within the Republican party because yes, there are

some normal people in the Republican Party, they're getting turned off by this, so as

a coulter pulls him further to the right, she's also doing the best job ever of destroying

his chances of winning reelection.

Thanks, Ann.

We appreciate it.

For more infomation >> Ann Coulter Can't Make Up Her Mind About Trump - Duration: 4:27.


The HORRIFYING Ending Of Bird Box You Never Saw + DELETED SCENES! - Duration: 7:50.

Bird Box may have terrified you with its chilling, post-apocalyptic setting, but it was originally

going to be even darker!

Yippee-ki-yay movie lovers, I'm Jan and in this video I'm revealing the horrific alternate

ending for Bird Box, as well as another terrifying river scene you never got to see, plus a deleted

scene that actually showed the creatures on screen!

Spoilers ahead so take care if you haven't seen the movie yet.

At the end of Bird Box, Malorie, Boy and Girl survive the rapids despite being capsized,

but then end up separated in the woods where they're tempted by the creatures to remove

their blindfolds.

Terrorised and chased by the monsters, they flee towards the School For The Blind, where

they eventually find safety.

In the original script, however, as the monsters chase them through the trees, Boy and Girl

make it to the door, but Malorie trips and gets left behind.

Boy and Girl get taken in safely by Rick, but Malorie – who's stranded – is flipped

over by one of the creatures.

The creatures' shadows "fall over her face" and Malorie fights back, telling the malevolent

forces to "stay away".

She pulls out her knife, then in a horrifying moment, puts the knife's tip right next to

her eyelid, warning the creatures that she'll make sure she can't look at them.

The creatures buzz around her and, in a close-up shot, Malorie pricks her eye with the knife

drawing a drop of blood.

Seeing this, the creatures all move back, and she's finally able to get inside the building.

This horrific moment would have tipped its hat to the end of Josh Malerman's book on

which the movie's based and which is also much darker.

Spoiler for the novel now: In the book's ending, after Malorie arrives at the School For The

Blind, she discovers that many of the residents have gouged out their own eyes so they can't

be tempted by the monsters.

In the novel, Rick tells Malorie that previously the school's security was much weaker and

a creature managed to break into the building.

During the attack, many people died and a mother "killed four children in a fit of rage".

The community decided they couldn't risk it happening again, so they blinded themselves

with various implements including forks, kitchen knives and even their own fingers.

The original screenplay has a similar scene that happens earlier but was cut from the

final film, where one night Malorie almost blinds her son deliberately with a hypodermic


The scene takes place at night and Malorie is terrified as she can hear the wind or creatures

bumping against the house.

The two children are asleep covered with blankets, but Malorie has reached the point where she's

decided that blinding them is the only hope for their survival.

Malorie places the needle right up close to Boy's eye, but can't go through with it after

Girl wakes up startled.

Bird Box director Susanne Bier has said, in an interview with Polygon, that when she decided

to make a movie about the apocalypse, it was important to her that there be a hopeful ending.

Bier says she didn't want "the audience to leave […] with a [...] completely bleak

point of view.

[…] And so […] it was key […] that […] this scary, dystopian story, […] has a hopeful


Certainly a version of Bird Box with Malorie almost gouging out her own eyes, very nearly

blinding her son on purpose, or discovering a community of people who've clawed out their

eyes as the only remedy against the monsters is much bleaker even if her family does still


Indeed, speaking to the Hollywood Reporter, Bier also said that she "cannot do horror"

and is "much more interested in suspense and thrillers", preferring "things that are threatening

but not gory".

Which seems to be why some of the more gory elements of the story have been toned down.

Unlike many horror or monster movies, Bird Box decides not to show us what the creatures

look like beyond shadows passing over surfaces and how the wind blows and leaves swirl when

they move.

However, there was a moment in the original script which was also filmed where Malorie

has a nightmare about seeing one of the creatures.

The script describes a scene where Malorie is making a phone call and a creature creeps

up behind her.

She hears it and shuts her eyes, trying to hide, but the monster stretches out "two ragged

fingers with wet, black talons on the ends [which] press against her cheek and eyebrow".

Similar to the final film where Gary forces Cheryl to look, in the deleted scene, the

creature forces Malorie's eyes open and she sees "a wide-mouthed, pale, wet face with

bulging eyes like a deep-sea monster".

Malorie then wakes up petrified from her nightmare and goes downstairs for some water.

In the script, this is the moment when Gary arrives at the house and it's Malorie, not

Olympia, who lets him in.

In an interview with Bloody Disgusting, screenwriter Eric Heisserer says he only added the nightmare

scene with the creature because "there was a time when one of the producers [… said]

'you have to see something at some point'".

Director Susanne Bier said that they actually spent a lot of time filming the scene, but

what happened was that when they reviewed the footage it just ended up being funny rather

than scary, which, of course, was the opposite of what they wanted.

Sandra Bullock has described the look of the creature in the deleted footage as "snake-like"

and resembling "a long fat baby".

Now, some people might like to have seen a creature to get an idea of what they looked

like, but leaving something unseen and to the imagination can often be very scary and

effective, especially when compared to a poorly-done CGI-monster.

In comparison, A Quiet Place only showed bits of its creatures which also worked fantastically

well to create a real sense of dread.

Also, if they had kept the deleted monster scene in Bird Box, it would have made it extra

obvious that Gary was going to be in league with the creatures and, on top of that, you

would also likely have worked out pretty quickly that the creature was just a nightmare as

you'd know the filmmakers would be rather unlikely to kill off the lead.

Bier has also said the idea of the creatures in Bird Box is that they tap into your deepest

fear, but as everyone's fears are different, if you give the monsters a definitive form

in the movie, it might take away from that concept.

In the end, we still have Gary's sketches as examples of what the creatures might look


The original script for Bird Box also reveals other deleted scenes that were rather dark.

A particularly interesting and terrifying one is an alternate version of the final river


In the final movie, just before Malorie and the children reach the rapids, Malorie is

faced with the dilemma of asking one of the kids to look so that she can safely navigate

the river at that point.

She realizes eventually that it's an impossible choice, and instead decides to do everything

she can so they all survive.

In the original script, though, we get a horrific scene at this point that feels inspired by

Hitchcock's classic film The Birds.

As Malorie and the children float down the river and Malorie tries to figure out what

to do, a flock of migrating birds pass overhead squawking normally.

But as they approach the rapids, the sound from the birds becomes more aggressive and

they start attacking each other.

Dead birds begin falling into the river and their blood splashes onto Malorie's face.

A bird then comes crashing into the boat as it tries to kill itself; the boat hits a rock

and the budgies inside the box start chirping.

Malorie hears the sound of a monster nearby and grabbing an oar pokes it in the direction

of the creature which retaliates by capsizing the boat.

This scene would have replaced the scene with the rapids that cause the boat to capsize

in the final movie, and it would also have skipped over Malorie having to decide which

child would face the mortal danger of being the look-out.

Like the alternate ending, a suicidal bird attack would have been a rather shocking scene,

so I can see why this wasn't included if the director wanted to tone down some of the story's


And showing Malorie deciding to save both children adds a touch more optimism to the

final movie.

So, do you wish any of these deleted scenes had been in the movie?

And what are your theories about the monsters in Bird Box?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you enjoyed this, smash that subscribe button and notification bell so you don't

miss any new videos.

Next up, tap left for more horror movie deleted scenes or tap right for another video you're

sure to like.

Thanks for watching and see ya next time.

Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!

For more infomation >> The HORRIFYING Ending Of Bird Box You Never Saw + DELETED SCENES! - Duration: 7:50.


Agujeros de Guión: ALIEN COVENANT - Duration: 10:23.


Makes talked about all the time Prometheus droppings, which were many. Today I will talk about its sequel.

He was hopeful that Ridley Scott did not commit the same mistakes, the truth is that it was tricky. But the man has done it again.

Hell, if he has done it again. Come on, let's see holes Coventant Alien script.


Let's start with one of the prologues of the film, where we see Dr. Shaw with David on the ship traveling to the planet of engineers.

As I mentioned in the video above. Why go to that planet when you know they want to extinguish all your race? As you arrive you are getting milks.

And what Dr. eats on the road between hypersleep and hypersleep? we are later revealed that David threw the black shit city engineer and killed them all.

Why? No end to be very clear.

David seems to have left him ínfulas creator wants to create the perfect lifestyle, but before you have to delete all other creators. Or some shit. Typical moved android.

The fact is that the virus is loaded with all engineers. Really? Do these people had no emergency plan in case your biological weapon turned against them?

Not even a fucking damn missile to bring down a suspect vessel?

They have allegedly spent thousands of years since the virus to slip on another planet, and all would have to be vaccinated or something.

Or have a minimum of defensive technology. A little foresight, dammit.


Now, we start with the film. Do not pass or 10 minutes there is already a critical flaw in the ship that killed Captain Branson and generates chaos among the crew.

All very because. And what the hell does the capsule James Franco? Why burn inside? Is there any way to open it manually?

And I wonder. What would have happened if the accident android Walter had been incapacitated?

And if he had not been able to wake the crew? Why not have more, just in case something happens?

It is also true that the design of the ship is a bit comical. If you know that in space there are storms of neutrinos or whatever,

It is better to do something more compact, better endurance impacts, not shape noodle, that breaks everywhere.

The fact is that while they repair the ship, Tennessee receives an unknown transmission from a habitable planet much better than that initially were, Origae 6,

and the new captain, Chris Oram, decides to go there to see what is without taking into account the opinion of the 2000 settlers who have criogenizados on the ship.

Daniels obviously opposed because of convenience script that planet was never detected despite scans,

and it is very rare that a lone transmission there singing Country Roads come. He puts the creeps.

Well, there they are going and reach the planet, landing on a pond, there was no other better place. The place seems cool, very similar to Earth. In fact, there is even wheat.

The same wheat that of our planet. Who planted? Daniels asks, but we'll never know.

Did David wheat seeds saved? He is planted it? What for ?, if no humans on the planet.

Chances are that crops be engineers, but having a cultivated field there without more, without a farm or a combine ... it's weird balls.

If you remember the first movie, Charlie's an idiot and takes off his helmet just because no oxygen, without considering that there could be any type of infectious substance in the air.

In Covenant same thing happens again, the guys go out without protection of any kind, but this time with serious consequences for members of the ship.

Ledward is infected with a kind of spore random, and meanwhile the other group finds a crashed spaceship in the woods.

How the ship crashed? No fucking idea. Why the doctor left a message to the drift of her singing a song by John Denver? No fucking idea. So the whole damn movie.


As the guy reaches the ship, Faris puts quarantined with Karine, and here and begins fucking crazy.

Called Neomorfo born, begins to eat Karine, Faris opens the door to shoot,

slips, recoils, try to close the door, the door ankle is broken, grab another gun, shoot the bug but it gives some petrol cans and take the ass all.

Fuck, what has training these people. What a mess.

And another neomorfo out of Hallett. It pyre but soon returns and has already grown.

They say that in the world there is no way of life, no animal. What is supposed to feed these neomorfos?

What the hell had to eat to grow? Wheat? Like a vegan alien.

The fact is that Walter snatches one hand, you're stuck thousand bullets and bug like that, and David finally arrives and saves them.

After that leads them to the city of engineers, it is abandoned and decorated with endless corpses very sinister.

Which by the way, nobody in the whole movie asks for them, those hundreds of humanoid corpses. It's stupid!

And as I mentioned in the video above. Austerity, little functionality ... I can not imagine a race of super-advanced aliens living in these caves.

Is this the famous home planet of Engineers? How can anyone, even Weyland, found that there is a huge city in it? Why do people go in togas?

Well, you know that fashion always comes back to the past. Although what I miss. I remind you that these people tore their ships with flutes.

And another thing. Is there more cities? I do not know if the planet of the same engineers should have many more cities, not only this.

Being so technologically advanced planet should be as Curuscant at least. Is there more planets of Engineers?

David spends living in that desolate city 10 years. ¿No other engineer made them a visit?

At this point in the movie, the remaining Neomorfo has grown the host and approaches the city to play some balls.

The first to fall is Rosenthal. Now you're eating protein but fine. David tries to gain his confidence but it unceremoniously Oram mows.

Of course, the smart thing to do throughout the movie.


Captain cosca already the fucking David hiding something pretty murky ... and of course, David tells him he began experimenting with neomorfos, although it is not clear where they come from.

How engineers dead? And why are so similar to those that emerged through the human DNA?

And he says that he began creating hybrids. What species? With wheat? He was there more creatures on the planet and David and the virus loaded it all?

Then the whole planet should be petado of neomorfos. And the spores how they arise? It seems that everything goes a little random.

Instead of "is that it has a wizard", the excuse is ... "That so has the virus, which is highly mutable".

Well, go assholes and follows David Oram to a dark basement, where he teaches her eggs.

Not yours, but a lot of alien eggs that do not really know how you created or what creature has hatched.

"Take a look," says David. And will the turkey and trust, pokes his head and ... poof, throughout the mouth.

And here not only takes place faster alien incubating history, also its growth. In a matter of minutes the alien is an adult, he has left little mustache and has taken a college career bitch.

And also it takes place the great revelation of the film and the series. It turns out that the creator of Alien as we all know was a thing of the crazy experiments of David.

And Elisabeth Shaw was the victim of them, but we are not aware what the hell made him, but had to be excruciating.

He has his body there on a table in full view of everyone. Hell, if you have visited hide it a little.

But several questions come to mind. If the creator of xenomorfos is David ... why in Prometheus was a mural with one of these creatures?

Some say that that thing that comes out is a deacon, the monster that appears at the end of the first movie.

However, we must remember that for the bug that appeared, I had to go through a fairly complex process:

Charlie first infect the black shit, then to impregnate the doctor, then take out the squid, then infect the engineer and finally Deacon is created.

It is if human DNA board and engineer ... should not have left another deacon?

To me the only thing that gives me penica from this source is that on the one hand demystifies a little mystery in itself with these creatures, and on the other discredits that trophy skull coming out in Predator 2. Too bad.


The alien, as I say, has grown in record time, he appears and kills Cole, and chases Daniels Lope and the city, or temple, or whatever that.

In this movie there is nothing clear. In turn, Walter, who has discovered the secret of David so random, fight with him, because the turkey is in the pot and wants to charge everyone.

Although we do not see, the winner is David. After kick his ass gives you time to trace his wounds, his hair, put on his clothes and cut one of his hands to look like him.

Tennessee comes to the rescue, but of course, the alien wants to get on the ship, they are written on the genes. In the end, luckily the girl manages to charge the monster and return to the Covenant.

And we come to the false victory of the 3rd act, where everything seems solved but no. The movie can not end with vivid minor characters, where we have seen that?

Okay, and where does this new fucking alien? Lope as stomach, which apparently has abrazacaras inseminated with just 5 seconds of love.

They spend two minutes and the alien is already great. In this movie everything goes very fast but the plot and the characters neurons.

Ricks and Upworth just as they had to kill each side of his ilk. Deader than this channel.

To date, eye, finally I upload video, and more will be forthcoming.

Between my book and the history of China and Japan puff, crazy. But about this movie.

The mission now is to bring the alien to the dock and throw it overboard. And well, Daniels get it! Goodbye, monster balls.

But this is not over, because there is still another alien. Nah, just kidding, whether it be a fucking joke. Now they are safe.

Well, no. In the last fucking time of closing of the capsule, Daniels realizes that Walter is David. Damn, aunt, but if the league could tell the difference between them.

This is sinister deck, and the other was not looking well you plan on staring. What a mess.

And if David why he has helped them kill their creation and half minutes before the movie he is angry because Oram kills a neomorfo?

No fucking sense. Like no longer she loves him because the alien has turned out black. Racist!

And the movie just so with the girl falling asleep and David regurgitating alien embryos to play cocinitas with the settlers, heading for Origae 6.

How all this will fit with the first Alien movie? How will it end a ship engineer on the planet LV-426?

Who is this engineer gigantón the pilot and which they say is fossilized from thousands of years ago?

Officially this movie takes place in the year 2104, and the first Alien in 2122, ie, 18 years later. And how did eggs to her?

Poor screenwriter whose turn it is to write the third part, the brown will eat.

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