Thor (2011) Cast - Then and Now ★ 2018
Real Nerf Guns N Strike Elite Infinus and N Strike Elite Strongarm - Duration: 4:47.Real Nerf Guns N Strike Elite Infinus and N Strike Elite Strongarm
[Minecraft] La pêche, aventure survie #MamielouJoueAMineCraft épisode 10 - Duration: 1:54.Hello everyone. It's Lou. We find ourselves for an episode
special minecraft for fishing and we let's start by making a cane to
peach. For that you need to three sticks and two sons, son you
can get from spiders, this is this type of mob gives you some
string, and you combine this with the sticks to have
your fishing rod. She can be delighted as for example here on the table
of enchantment with lapis lazuli. We place the fishing rod on the table
of enchantment with lapis lazuli and one gets an enchantment.
I will take you now to the peach.
This is the little corner that I have crafted and just now
to wait for the fish to bite the hook and once it's done you
bring the line back to you. here is some of the fish that you
can fish in the sea and on the wiki of minecraft you will be able to find these
small funny animations of the globe fish.
the fish can get leather and eat and it can also serve you as bait.
It's a great bait to get cats. I have not found any on my
map. I hope I'll find some soon. Well, that's it for today. If you
liked, like. If you are not a subscriber, subscribe
and I'll see you soon for a new video.
2019 Honda DN-01 680cc New Model - First Look | Honda DN-01 Scooter 680cc | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
Today I want to review what has been our year 2018
through 10 intros of our urban explorations in abandoned places
so leave us your comment on which has been your favorite
I also wanted to tell you that there will be news in 2019
let's try to upload 2 weekly videos
one on Thursday with abandoned places as always
and on Saturday or Sunday we will have vlogs, either from abandoned or non-abandoned places
So, subscribe and activate the bell to receive notifications
and do not miss any video
without more, we start with the top 10 of urban explorations in abandoned places
10. abandoned writer's house with everything inside
9. Abandoned family house intact
8. Mysterious abandoned house of the cribs
7. abandoned houses where we find disturbing things
6. Abandoned house with everything inside and classic cars
5. time stopped in this abandoned house
4. Sinister abandoned hotel
3. Someone speaks to us in this abandoned house and is not human
2. Abandoned house of the English
1. Mysterious abandoned house in the forest
So far the top 10, however now we will review the intros of other urban explorations that were important this year
link of the videos in the description box
Is there anyone dead in this abandoned house?
- That's the backbone! -There is someone
We almost died of fear in this abandoned house
abandoned brothel
abandoned hotel paranormal
Did macabre deaths occur in this abandoned house?
abandoned luxury hotel
I should not go down alone to the cellar of the abandoned German house
- anyone there?
we return to the house of the cribs
Up to here the review of some of our urban explorations of 2018
tell us if you had highlighted any other of our explorations that do not appear in the video
and leave us in the comments that you think this initiative to upload 2 weekly videos
including videos of abandoned and non-abandoned places
I advise you to subscribe, activate the bell so you receive all the notifications of the new video
Like us if you liked the video and share in your social networks
with this you help us a lot to be able to continue with the channel
Thank you very much for being here
thank you for joining us throughout this 2018
and I hope that throughout 2019 they will join us in all our new adventures
without more, I wish you happy 2019 and I hope you in the next video
a greeting
Año nuevo: cómo planificar esta nueva etapa de forma realista y satisfactoria - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
Korea E 9 Work Visa || 56,000 Workers Visas in 2019 - Duration: 11:25.Subscribe Now
Homus de Cenoura Assada e Canapés - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Obviously something must be wrong with you, Sakura, because Gastecup don't hate
That must mean Sakura is a liar, then XD
Creating a Content Marketing Strategy for Your SMMA Step by Step Guide - Duration: 21:52.As marketing costs and ad costs for platforms like Google or Facebook
marketing or Instagram continue to rise things like content marketing and SEO
become ever more important because of the fact that it doesn't cost any money
after you create that piece of content it just keeps going forever and ever and
ever so in today's video we wanted to show you guys exactly how we've been
able to create such strong content marketing strategies for ourselves and
for our clients so in this video we're gonna teach you that stay tuned here we
all right what's going on everybody Jordan Steen aka Cereal Entrepreneur
here and at this channel we talk all about starting a social media marketing
agency ,a digital marketing agency building a personal brand or really just
starting a business online so if you guys are interested in learning more
about that make sure to hit that subscribe button in the bottom right
hand corner of this video and then the notification bells do you get all of our
updates. Now guys content marketing is taking any type of content whether that
be something physical or digital and basically turning it into something
valuable, informational, entertaining or that even more popular phrase called
infotainment basically taking it into something that your potential audience
will use and is practical right they can actually take it and use it in their day
to day life today or tomorrow and it actually provides value to their day or
to their life now good content marketers already understand that content really
comes down to the value you provide you should be giving pretty much every
answer that a potential customer could have away into your piece of content the
big issue comes down to when people ask well Jordan what am I gonna do if I'm
just giving it all away for free that's the best part you don't give it all the
way for free in one big article number one nobody's gonna read that but number
two because the best strategy is actually the piece mail it all together
and give it to them in little little chunks so that way over time they're
just like oh my god there's so much here I need this person's help or I want this
person's product or service so again let's go ahead and talk about the exact
step-by-step strategy that I use to create my content strategy to where we
know we're gonna get results instead of just hoping that it works oh and make
sure to stay tuned to the end of this video because we are going to show you
guys exactly how to create your content calendar, what tool we use and how we
actually go about setting it up this is something you're definitely going to
want to use if you're creating a content marketing strategy in 2019 alright guys
so let's go ahead and jump into creating the content marketing strategy you guys
can see on my screen we're gonna go through several different things all of
these little apps up here that you can see your apps we're gonna go through and
talk about how we use them and the exact process we take to set up this content
marketing strategy the first thing you're going to want to do guys is
create your goals and objectives so we'll come in here and I like to use
lucidchart to do all of my operational or operational workflow planning or any
kind of ad flow or content flow planning really just any kind of planning in
general I find it comes useful because you're able
to draw arrows to things and basically line things up in the diagram that's
beneficial so if you want to check out lucidchart we'll leave a link for it in
the description below but basically goals and objectives all you're going to
want to do is what is the goal of your content are you trying to drive leads
with your content are you trying to you know build sales for your content are
you really just trying to inform your audience with your content not all the
time is someone using their content to sell directly though that's what it
indirectly does right so line up the goals that all that mostly influence
your your KPIs meaning your key performance indicators what's going to
actually get people to the next stage of the sales funnel so from top to middle
to bottom and so with our content we'll just say for social media marketing and
digital marketing agencies we want to make new people aware of SMMA as an
opportunity we want to drive traffic to lead to landing pages and specifically
our SMMA mini course all right and then ultimately we want to drive that traffic
to our CEA website to Cereal Entrepreneur Academy to purchase the DMS
right that's it those are main high level goals that we
want to focus on with this content marketing strategy you can even go more
specific so these are high level goals you could go even more specific so we
want to increase search ranking for the keyword sets for social media marketing
agency digital marketing agency you know you can go very specific and target
specific keywords you want to start ranking higher for or content that you
want to rank number one for on Google or YouTube so it's just up to you what
stage you're at in the funnel or what stage you're at in the planning process
really to determine what kind of goals you're going to do and so remember what
I like to do is I create a high level strategy and then with keywords
specifically in creating content you're going to want to create a sub
tragedy that focuses on main sets of keywords so for a gut for again for us
it's so to start a social media marketing agency how to start a personal
brand how to become an influencer on Instagram how to start a blog how to
start a YouTube channel all of those are things that we try to target and we're
trying to increase our search ranking for right and so what I want you guys to
think about is you start off with those words but beneath that there's a bunch
of subsets right so for example how to start a social media marketing agency
could a subset of that could be how to start an SMMA starting an SMMA pricing
structures for SMMA pricing for SMMA just that outsourcing for SM ma scaling
your SMMA there's so many different subsets right so all of those add to the
how-to that start your SMMA keyword set right and so that's essentially what
you're trying to do with your content now the next thing you want to do is
create your buyer personas and if you don't know your buyer personas then you
need to figure them out quickly but basically these are just the people who
are going to be engaging with your content so you'll look at your
objectives and say okay well who are those people mail for us this would be
males right typically between the ages of 18 to 35 we would say that they're
entreprenuers spread this out a little bit so we get a little room
entrepreneurs would be for sure marketers, college dropouts, never went to
you know just wants control of their career whatever makes up your buyers
that's what you want to lay out because again this helps you determine okay well
do we need to actually send this type of content to that person or do we not
right so I'll show you guys like and this is more for the ad strategy so
right here like for example one of the questions we like to ask when we're
creating new content and ads is what are the types of viewers that we're gonna
have so we have people that has seen our channel and never heard of SMMA or
digital marketing agencies they've heard or they've heard of social media
marketing agencies or digital marketing agencies but they've never seen our
channel they've heard of both of those topics they've seen our channel and
they've subbed or they've heard of all of those
topics they've seen our channel and they haven't subbed right so we're trying to
figure out who we're trying to break down who our audience is and who we're
actually trying to talk to with this content that we're creating so that's
what you're gonna do there next thing you need to do is perform a Content
audit so what I've done here you can see right here this is our content audit
where you can see all of these are keywords that were ranking for because
that's really what it comes down to and then how people engage with the content
what's perform the best right and so how did we put all of this together how do
we know well the only way you can do a Content audit is if you have content
currently so if you don't then you're not gonna be able to really perform a
content audit outside of looking at competition right so that's where I
would start if I were you guys look at the competitions content see how people
engage and react to that kind of content but if you have your own then you're
going to want to look at a tool called Google search console and that's this
tool right here and it shows us all of our traffic so we've received in the
last three months twenty five point two thousand clicks and a total of 1.1 1.6 1
million impressions an average click the rate of 1.6 in our average position is
49 point two now unfortunately our position dropped off when we switched
from our kajabi site to our from our teachable site to our kajabi site so
we're working on building all of that back up you can see what there was this
huge drop-off right here and now we're starting back to climb up we had a
couple of those actually back here because of you know just changes being
made to the site so that kind of stuff happens but anyways the tool itself what
you want to look at you click performance over here and it's gonna
show you all of your keywords so you can actually turn these two columns on and
now look I can see what keywords I ranked number one for and what keywords
so let me break this open a little bit more I can see what keywords I ranked
number one for what the click-through rates like what clicks I'm getting on
them so why is this important let me show you this right here I'll show you
exactly why this is important because as far as Google is concerned when I go to
YouTube and I have another queue it's a called keywords everywhere you can see
right here it's this tool right it's a plugin for google keywords everywhere
great plug-in you should check it out but if I type in top SMMA niches you
can see it actually says there's no search volume if I click on it you'll
see volume zero cost per click zero competitions here but what does Google
search console tell me well top SMMA niches though it
says zero for all of these I'm getting nine clicks roughly 22 impressions and
I'm ranking number one for that search okay and there's other sub niches for
SMMA six nine 66.7 so I am getting some traffic now granted that isn't a ton but
it is very very specific traffic that I know that if someone is in the marketing
agency space they're gonna be typing in a topic like that and so that's why
we've actually got a lot of free traffic one of our SMMA niches videos I think
has like 10k views on it so that's 10k free views talking about that topic and
again this is just the last three months when it first you know when it first
came out it was even more popular so and that's what you're looking at you're
using this tool to determine okay where do I rank for keywords currently where
am i ranking number one right that's great but where am i ranking like number
ten plus and how can I increase those ranking so we'll go down where am I
ranking down here these are the keywords that I'm gonna start trying to increase
if they make the most sense so how to start earning from digital marketing
that says zero but it's getting seventeen impression so that might be
something I look at but really I like to look for the ones with search volume
that I can get into Tai Lopez I'm not really interested in that starting a
social media marketing business we're ranking 9 for we're getting 392
impressions for so what that means is we could probably create a topic with that
exact title and it would get a lot of search volume and we would actually
probably get a lot of clicks to our site because of that right so that's
something that you guys want to understand you have to perform that
audit to know where your stuff you know exists currently and when we get even
you know more money in the future when we scale more we're gonna have software
that helps us do this even better it's super expensive so we're not doing that
now but in the future we plan to do that too so all of these have built to
conducting an audit now that you've done your audit right you know where you
stand currently and what keywords might be good for targeting the next thing to
do is to get into the keyword research phase okay and so that starts with
several tools I've mentioned keywords everywhere that's a great tool for when
you're on Google and YouTube it'll show you keyword traffic and suggested
traffic another great tool is to do Ubersuggest and so what you'll do is you'll
start with your high level keywords like for example with us it's starting a
marketing agency so starting our
start a social media marketing agency and it's going to give us a bunch of
suggestions and stuff like that so we will actually take that we'll put it
there I'll do the same thing over at Google on Google Keyword planner you
just go to keyword planner click find new keywords you do have to have an ads
manager account set up to do this so just make sure you have that set up
first and then we'll click get started and then it's going to start giving us
keywords as well you can see all of these are keywords and then I like to
sort by competition to get the high competition or go for try and target for
a newer channel target lower competition with high search volume right and so
we'll go through this entire list and we'll pick out keywords that are
relevant to our KPIs which are trying to sell people to start their own social
media marketing agency same thing what we'll do and then we'll we'll start to
so basically we'll create an Excel spreadsheet let me show you what that
looks like over here that's landing pages we have our Excel
spreadsheet here of keyword list though so let me pull this up and you guys can
see right here this keyword list is a bunch of different keywords that we
already know you know where they currently exist what the volume is what
the competitions like and so this is what we use to basically prioritize and
then build our keyword sets that we target with our content that we create
right the next thing is Google Trends so once we you know figure that out one of
the best ways to start if you don't know where to start and you have a new
channel is Google Trends you'll come in start a social media marketing agency
and this tells how relevant a keyword is over time right and so what it does is I
can actually say when I first started give this example all the time but I can
put start a digital agency and what it's gonna do is it's gonna compare the
popularity of the two right so social media marketing agency starting start a
social media marketing agency is actually a little bit more popular than
start a digital marketing agency and so that tells us which keywords to target
so let me give you an even better example we'll just put in social media
marketing because when I was first trying to create my course I had
figure out which was more popular digital marketing social media marketing
or digital marketing which one gets more search traffic and in general you can
see digital marketing is actually way more popular of a keyword than social
media marketing even though right here it's actually
showing them coming together and being about the same typically it's pretty far
above that and you can do last 12 months you can do all categories and you can
separate it out by business and industrial you can do web search so that
way you know what types of search you're doing look youtube search boom I can go
there and show the popularity for that search on YouTube social media marketing
is much more popular so that's why this tool is important it's gonna tell you
where people are searching for things on what platform how popular they are all
of that really cool information next I recommend getting some sort of paid tool
like SERP stat or AAH refs but basically what this allows you to do is get
third-party data about keywords so we'll take that same thing social media
marketing or start social media marketing agency I think I put start a
social media marketing agency start a social media marketing agency we'll do
search and it's gonna find keywords for us while we do that we'll go back over
to Ubersuggest and see what keywords they found also some things for you guys
to know search volume is important obviously pay difficulty is how many
competitors are out there paying for ads with this specific keyword right 79 is
hard because it's out of 100 SEO difficulty means how hard is it going to
be for you to rank organically for a specific keyword based on how many other
people are creating content around it as well there's a whole scale basically
there's a cool scale over on SERP set so you can do SERP stat keyword difficulty
and they actually have a little scale in case you guys ever forget but that scale
basically says that from 0 to 20 is easy anything from I think 21 to 40 up 21 to
40 is medium 41 to 60 is difficult in 61 to 100 is very difficult so if you have
a new channel you're wanting to start here once you start to getting some
traffic you move up into these keyword difficulties once you really have a
large following difficult and then the super large followings they go after any
keyword they want right and so you'll use that to determine what keywords you
should focus on so look I can see these keywords right here and look no data for
difficulty let me just click how to start a social media marketing agency
because I don't have how-to up there so it'll give us information for that word
but you're looking for scores with low key word difficulty not too much
competition if you can but that doesn't always mean it's a bad thing because
competition means that people want that keyword it's an important keyword right
and so you can see it the cost per click is generally about seven dollars and 22
cents for that specific keyword there's about 390 searches per month and I know
that the keyword difficulty is actually probably around the 30 to 40 range
because this is what I do all the time so that being said it would be a good
keyword for us to target right and so that's what all of these tools tell you
to do it helps you prioritize your keywords into lists of keywords that you
know you'll rank for versus ones that you're hoping that you just created an
awesome video for so now that you've done your conduct you've conducted your
content audit you've done your keyword research the next thing again is once
you have all those keywords you know on a list on Excel you'll want to
prioritize based on things like the search volume how much competition there
is in paid search how competitive it is for search difficulty and then you're
just put a personal score I like to do a personal score and look at all of the
metrics come up with those keywords and say okay which ones do it comes down
really just you making a good decision as a marketer by looking at all the data
and saying I know these will be easier to target for we'll do this on the first
and second month of creating content and the third month will switch to these
topics all right so prioritize your topics make sure that everything makes
sense and that you're building on top of each other not that you know one month
we're gonna do one on social media marketing and then the next month I'm
gonna do something on I don't know how SEO affects pay-per-click marketing
right you need to in the beginning pick a niche and stick with that niche and
become the expert in that niche then start branching out from your content
from there finally you need to set your content calendar so once you prioritize
your topics and your keywords then you actually need to create article topics
based on those keywords so that's when a Content calendar like this comes in
handy you guys can see like if I were to keep going up it'll take forever to load
but there would be up see though there's content here and you keep going up
forever and ever there's always content on here but
this is our content that we're actively and currently working on and you can see
we have all of this information here with keyword research being submitted at
a certain stage we have outlines and everything like that but we're planning
our content out and you can see all of these other steps first draft second
draft copy drafts you know revisions proofing you know post being scheduled
video transcription being done there's so many different steps that we're doing
to plan this campaign and then everybody has different jobs you can see all of
these are different people over here with different jobs and due dates on
tasks so you know it's just making sure that you're doing everything and
planning everything to execute properly if you're not doing all of these steps
it's gonna be very difficult to create a content marketing plan that's successful
the last thing I like to do is once you have the content marketing plan for at
least the first month and a half I recommend getting a month and a half out
right planning a month and a half ahead that gives you enough room to make
adjustments that's why you know we're actually right here with our content
creation but we're already here with publishing and scheduling right we're on
this week right here but we're a month and a half ahead roughly and we're
planning on even getting further ahead than that in 2019 but once you do that
one of the best things you can do is create a campaign planning calendar and
this is where you just go in and you add topics for future so you can see in here
this is all the way up to February and we're adding in more and more topics
this will be done to March by the end of the week probably so that's so that way
you can see what the big picture looks like what topics are you creating in
January that you can also help you know build in February that are going to
mingle together so that way you get more traffic to your articles basically all
of your content is being shown to people instead of you know suggesting a bunch
of other people's content so a quick question for you guys when it comes to
creating your content marketing plan have you or have you not used this
strategy or a strategy similar to it if you have used this strategy before I
just want you to write "Yes I've used it before" below in the comments if you
haven't I want you to tell me why you haven't used a strategy like this or
maybe you've used another strategy and leave what that strategy is below let me
know if there's anything I can do to improve my content marketing strategy
and make it even more killer in 2019 make sure to leave that comment below so
guys as you can see with content marketing it comes down to more than
just planning it really comes down to making sure that you know what keywords
are going to help you rank and you're creating topics that people
actually want right you can't just base it all in keyword research it also has
to be based on topics that people want but keyword research is super important
and by the way if you're wanting to know more about keyword research make sure to
check out this video in the top right hand corner about how to do keyword
research really the right way we've put together a video that goes more into
those topics that I was just discussing a minute ago and since you guys stayed
till the end of the video I told you I would tell you guys where to get the
content marketing calendar a role right below this video in the description
there is going to be a link at the very top of the description about the content
marketing calendar there will also be a link there for the marketing agency
checklist I recommend checking out both of those things because it's going to
help you with your marketing agency tremendously but that's it for me guys
thank you so much for joining make sure you hit the subscribe button and the
notification bell so you get all of our updates or free trainings free templates
free giveaways that we do here at my channel every single week but I'm gonna
get out of here guys and I will see you on the next video so for now Cereal
Entrepreneur out! ready to start living the six-figure work where ever be your
own boss lifestyle well at Cereal Entrepreneur Academy
we'll teach you how to use a laptop and internet to start your own social media
and digital marketing agency get started with our free Facebook Ads training
links in the description below guys see you in the course, Cereal Entrepreneur out!
みこ杯に向けて猛特訓! - Duration: 1:52:55.-------------------------------------------
K-391 - Earth [NSC Release] - Duration: 3:55.❤️Thanks for watching. Please like, share, comment and subscribe our channel.❤️
Introducing iPhone XS and iPhone XR Apple 2019 - Duration: 4:09.
Introducing iPhone XS and iPhone XR Apple 2019
The Hottest Day on Camino de Santiago in Catalonia, Spain - Day 3 | From Pont de Bar to Seu d'Urgell - Duration: 18:48.Good morning on our day 3 of Catalonian Camino de Santiago!
We are feeling refreshed and energized and are ready to start this new day!
Today we are going to get to Seu d'Urgell and it's gonna be 20 kms once again.
And we expect the trail to be quite challenging and hard just cause we see the mountains around
us but the day is beautiful and sunny and we can't wait to see what it brings to us.
Let's go!
We just wanted to show you how we store our little things.
We find this plastic and silicon containers very convenient.
For example here we store our hand soap, shampoo, my face cream, hand cream.
Here we have the shower gel.
And then we have our food store.
these are the mix of our favourite spices turmeric and oregano.
Here is the olive oil and salt.
And we find that it makes a huge difference to bring with us the spices and olive oil
just makes the food to taste so much better, so good.
And these silicon containers we like better than the plastic ones.
So just a recommendation.
And if you want to know more of what we take with us and how we store things
just leave us a comment below.
What kind of fruit this is, not sure.
Is this a fig?
No, I don't think so.
It's been a pretty good marking so far, that's just great.
We are kind of on a dry food supply right now, running out of food.
Just because we don't have any shop around us, we have only left 2 bananas and some cookies
and some chocolate.
So we start to be a bit concerned if we got enough for today.
But we are sure we'll find something.
And by the way do you like my new cap style?
It's very trending I think.
Just because the sun is shining so hard on the back, that's why I'm wearing it like that.
Seems that the ears have developed before the body on this baby.
So cute!
As we can see this 1.5 kms we have to go through the road but there is no alternative way.
Just nothing we can do.
Thanks God the road is over now and there is no sidewalk or anything and no marking
whatsoever, so you won't see any marks.
You have to go by your intuition and you have to have your GPS.
And we are using the other map on Wikiloc that the other person uploaded.
So that's why it's kind of helping us to find our way.
Otherwise we wouldn't find it that's the reality.
We want to tackle this mountain before the heat comes otherwise we will be dying of it.
This mountain has the same altitude as our village Llivia.
It will be hard and interesting.
Finally we found the direction we should go to, we got so much lost here in this little
little village.
And there's no marking we just were wandering around the streets and such.
So happy we found it.
There is our way.
It's been such a nice path that goes through the forest, lots of shadow, especially in
this extremely hot day like it is now with no wind.
So hot.
Breathing fresh air helps a lot while conquering the mountain.
It's expanding your lungs, especially when there is so much of it, that's great.
Just did the peak of today.
Now the easier way is starting, coming down.
Sometimes you think that the way down is easier than the way up but nope.
Especially with such small rocks that are coming down, especially on your knees,
so hard.
So I had to give away my backpack to my dear husband if not I wouldn't be able to do it.
And I know why, because it's so much weight on my knees.
The way down is over, we survived.
For the first time trying dehydrated apple, let's see what it tastes like.
Tastes good, almost like a real apple, a good snack.
It contains can you beleive it, two apples.
And it weighs nothing so just perfect for the hikes that we do.
We will always go for these snacks from now on.
Half of the way is finished, going strong.
So grateful that the clouds came out, very important for us.
Right now yes.
Blackberries are so good.
We were looking for some bench or a picnic table but there is nothing in sight.
So what we do - we are resting on the side of the road, gonna have a snack now.
Hungry and tired, exhausted.
We just arrived at Seu d'Urgell our destination and there's just a bit left to our camping.
And we just went out of the supermarket, very happy, bought loads of food.
And now we gonna eat, no I'm just kidding, what about the day, what do you think?
The day was extremely hot, it was killing.
The route was hard, going in the mountains, in the hills with ups and downs.
Lots of hard routes.
That's true.
The first part was very interesting in the forest area.
Yeah, exactly it was beautiful.
But then it's kind of got a bit boring, you know going through the same villages, houses
and well, very plain.
And now we're heading to our camping, we will show you around tomorrow.
And all we want for today is to eat some food and have a good rest, because tomorrow awaits
us maybe the same difficult day, who knows.
See you tomorrow!
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Hope you are all having a wonderful day and we'll see you in our next video!
✯HITY 2019🎵✯🎵Mega Muza do Auta 2019🎵✯🎵MEGA BASS🎵✯🎵BASS INDIA OFFICIAL - Duration: 33:35.BASS INDIA OFFICIAL
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