Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily Feb 3 2019

10 Weirdest Street Foods In The World.

Number 10.

Prepared from the Greenland shark, hakarl is a popular street food in Iceland, and is

extremely poisonous when eaten raw.

To prepare it, the shark is placed in a grave and is covered with stones for 3-4 months.

Then the shark is cut into strips and allowed it to remain dry for months before serving

on the plate.

Number 9.

Andouillette is probably the stinkiest dish you will ever taste it in your life.

Prepared from pig intestines, onions, wines and different seasonings the dish is famous

in the French markets.

The pig intestines are crammed into a sausage, fried up and covered in mustard sauce.

So, are you in the mood for tasting this stinky dish??

Number 8.

Winkles are a stylish dish and very popular in the streets of England.

Collect these winkles from the beach and use in the meal you will prepare for the evening.

Dip the winkles into mustard, mayonnaise or hot butter to make it taste better.

You will mainly find the winkles on the coast of England.

Number 7.

Meat is the favorite dish of the Philippines, almost every part of it is used in dishes

in one way or another.

Isaw is the pork intestine, but before you make a weird face, let us tell you that meat

is cleaned inside out a number of times and then prepared with the sauces.

So, give it a try to this not so tempting dish on the streets of Philippines whenever

you go.

Number 6.

Tuna eyeball.

Even though the name sounds very creepy, the dish is quite tasty and resembles an octopus.

The dish is prepared in no time.

Simply boil and season it with soya sauce, garlic and other seasonings which you like.

While walking on the streets in Japan you can't avoid tasting it.

Number 5.

Another weird street food on the list is the juicy worms that are said to be full of meat.

The Mopane Worm is the favorite snack of the Zimbabwe locals.

The worms are collected from trees and then they are fried.

The Mopane worms are first rehydrated and then served with chili sauce.

Travelers say that it is worth tasting!

Number 4.

Balut looks like a normal hard-boiled egg, so is there anything weird about it?

Yes, the developing duck embryo is boiled alive in its shell.

It looks really weird and savage but is a popular street food in the Philippines.

The dish is served with beers.

If you plan a trip to the Philippines, are you ready for this scrumptious dish?

Number 3.

In Italy, Casu Marzu is a rare cheese dish that is prepared using the larvae of flies.

This traditional Sardinian dish is actually sheep's milk cheese famous for live insect


While there are some who kills the insect and keep in the refrigerator before consuming,

there are some who loves eating the living larvae.

Number 2.

While wandering the streets in Thailand, you can serve yourself with the good source of

protein, but the most popular street snack among people

here is the fried giant water beetle.

Also known as maeng da, these water beetles are nearly 3-4 inches long and are fried in

oil with chili peppers and then eaten like potato chips.

Number 1.

You may find oysters strange, but these rocky mountain oysters are unique as they are not

at all oysters.

Instead, they are sheep, or pig testicles coated in flour and then deep fried to enhance

the taste.

But you will find it great as a part of an animal is used in a tasty way, otherwise it

would have been wasted.

For more infomation >> 10 Weirdest Street Foods In The World - Duration: 4:20.


LEGO Overwatch Watchpoint Gibraltar review! 75975 - Duration: 19:24.

hello everyone this is the Lego overwatch watch point Gibraltar set and

players of the game will readily recognize that this is based off one of

the scenes from the map in game of the same name this is the largest of the

minifig scaled sort of minifig scaled sets that they've released at least up

to this point comes with four figures in total including a big fig of Winston and

let's get a closer look down here at the base is the drone charge station that is

the final checkpoint in the payload escort mission that's played on this map

this is a printed large dish piece and that same piece is also made available

in the tracer vs Widowmaker much much smaller set sold separately which comes

with the drone that's intended to be I was gonna say driven up to this hovered

up to this and it would just get connected to the base with a little 2x2

queer brick underneath that makes it look like it's just above the ground

this is also able to integrate with the main rocket but we'll get to that a

little bit later on this has the full launch platform which is pretty sizable

and looks pretty good one sticker there and they're using the

rollercoaster pieces in the red color and this just looks really good you know

there's plenty of space to put a minifigure up there these rollercoaster

pieces do have bar sized rails which means that you can attach figures at any

point along those like so just snaps right on like that so that's actually

very convenient you can use it as a ladder you can use it for opposing

figures that are in flight and also some of these smaller bars that are the cross

members can be used to hold on to figure this not the best example right there

but you know these are also spots where you can make connections and if you want

to add on some other items that have clips you know you can start to build

things out from there so you have plenty of possibilities for for display with

this and foreplane got the small platform above snot all that

but you can do their you can have a figure you know standing up here doing

the doing the overwatch thing watching or the map but you can't really walk on

this part of the platform here it's just not not very stable they have a couple

spots where you can remove some pieces do a little bit of modification you

could actually get a figure to hold on or their feet to get stuck into that

it's just intended to represent a little gangway for transfer over to the main

cockpit of the rocket before I get to the rocket itself which is the main

thing I want to focus on just want to make sure that you see what this looks

like from all different angles so this does not have the the coaster rails

along the back they just use these plates but it's not such a bad thing and

it's sturdy enough and built well enough I think and the entire rocket is able to

just sit there it's it's not attached with any studs or anything it's very

convenient to get it to actually launch and there's a little bit of detail

around just to keep things interesting the so-called rocket is like a vertical

launching space plane it's very sleek I think that the shape is pretty well

captured here in Lego form the cockpit up front it's able to just accommodate

one single figure yeah they've got just a control yoke there

this next section opens up just a little bit to give you some ordnance there that

it can be fired out that's actually on a ball-joint so you can bring this out and

turn it around and face it in different directions for defense I suppose

this is like a second cockpit right here figures have to stand in there you've

got a small console it's just a printed piece down below and then you have the

main cargo area in the back now on top of this is where you can place the small

drone you can connect it's supposed to be a a charge port up there you can just

connect this directly however you want and I mean that looks good it almost

looks like it was designed to go there like the steward designed to go together

well indeed they were so that's that's all good you could also

leave a spacer between there if you want to leave the two by two clear brick

let's use as a stand between the two I think it looks better just to keep them

all together again that drone that separate craft is sold separately so

it's not included in this I just want to show how those go together got your

engines back here some small winglets or stabilizers you can change the angles of

these if you want to I don't know why you'd want to maybe just to change the

look of it a little bit I guess that's not bad not bad but all this back here

is intended to open up you can open the top so and then the sides also open out

this cargo area is very empty by default and they don't really give you much to

put in there at all the most important things are the banana and peanut butter

for Winston they mention Lego does in their description that this is a large

enough area to actually carry Winston but to make that happen

need to remove his pack and lay him down I think I can get that to work like that

without removing his weapon yeah there we go

just that quite it doesn't quite work yet need to get that need to get that

foot down a little bit farther come on get down there so it's it's it's not

like it really accommodates him properly you know he can stand up with everything

open but I think if I remove this weapon then it's gonna work out it's just not

the best accommodation and that's just a limitation there we go that's just a

limitation of physics you know the size of the thing is limited and there's only

so much you can do with something this large so at least you can transport him

in there it's plenty good for kids but it would have been nicer if there was

some ability to get him to actually sit down and you know look like he was well

not just being transported you know actually supposed to go fly this thing

off himself he's not able to fit in either of the control areas and that's

perfectly understandable though this also has the ability to split into two

separate crafts where the front section being very sleek and looking somewhat

believable I could just imagine these having some flexible control surfaces on

the back so you could actually do a re-entry with this part potentially has

a single engine on the back right there you know send one person off in this and

that leaves you with this also with a cockpit basically this almost works for

me almost I like that that's making sense to me that's still looking cool

you know it's just a an alternate form you know I don't expect this to be super

sleek when you've broken half of it apart and a couple of weapons up front

as well as don't physically shoot but the look is good and then at the front

it just kind of falls apart if you ask me it just gets very super blocky and

then having that Technic pin sticking out there is kind of weird kind of

awkward a little bit of modification though I think would make this look

pretty nice would have been nice if they had actually included one other just

small sub-assembly that you could clip on to the front of this to give it a

nose that should be an easy thing for for people who have some extra pieces to

do I strongly recommend it and you just store that back here take a moment to

look at Winston by himself he's what we call a lego big fig and follows most of

the conventions of modern big figs which haven't changed all that much over time

articulation is very minimal and get arms that go up and down you can also

rotate these hands and they have a section on them that is able to hold on

to for instance the leg of a person's he can grab a person and kind of toss them

around I think that's overall the figure looks

pretty good the face is a little bit flat to me

I feel like the nose makes him look a little bit more humanoid than he ought

to he should look a little bit more gorilla ish just my opinion but overall

the figure looks pretty good because the color scheme is is carried through well

and doesn't the whole thing doesn't suffer from the usual in my opinion the

usual issue of these looking fairly plain it looks pretty proper to me he's

got his Tesla cannon there she does use four stickers or a fairly small piece or

a small sub assembly and then he's got his jump jet pack on the back which is a

nice build it's simple enough but it definitely does a trick I think it looks

pretty good looks pretty proper and was enjoyable but you know to put together

and of course you can leave that off if you want to there's nothing else that

you can do with these figures though in terms of posing them can't turn the head

and you can't do anything with the legs they're just always there just like that

so it's just a matter of arms up and down and that's she asked about it in

contrast here's one of the regular mini figures this is fara and I think this

looks really really good reuses a Nexo Knights armor piece yeah

it's coloured nicely its dual moulded so you can see a little bit of transparency

with the trans blue coloured plastic that's attached in there looks really

good she's got her Jump Jet pieces on the back as well

those can be posed in different ways you can angle them in and out because of the

way that they're set up and also up and down you might be able to make them look

a little bit better than I have set them up right here but that's the the basic

idea new helmet piece just for her stud shooter is set up to fire off something

a little bit some a little bit larger than a standard stud you know a little

bit more substantial but still just works the normal way I think this is a

very good looking figure and there's more to be seen that's hidden most of

the time there's the rest of the torso print which does look excellent to me I

also really appreciate just how bright the silver is on the lake print there

really really stands out a good print for the face it's unique and there's the

alternate face also very expressive there's a lot of print on the back of

the torso that normally you don't see cuz that's usually just kind of hidden

away covered up good stuff here is Reaper and his customized kind

of brick-built weapons there are supposed to be shotguns his own special

ones they're built off the new blaster piece here done in dark grey new for

2019 the print on the face is not quite right wow it really reminds me of gariss

from Mass Effect look what it's done right now because it actually has a

little extra texture that's not supposed to be there it's supposed to be much

more clean looking than that but I think that the overall effect of this figure

is very nice I feel like a lot of people will probably use this as a as a base to

for additional customization maybe bring in a different set of legs to get a

little bit of print in there you know Stu Mathers there's absolutely nothing

down there but it's not that bad the cape I believe is a new shape for

this year and there's no alternate face to be seen on this one which is okay

because he doesn't need any well look at that back torso print another thing that

most of the time you just don't see and it looks pretty good but there's more

still that you can do with this figure alternate leg piece included it to put

him into his wraith mode that's absolutely perfect for Lego you know

it's obviously the right piece and it's wonderful that they included that it has

an alternate I love it when Lego includes you know just one extra piece

that can make such a difference you know it's great to have both options in one

set rather than having to you know get one version of Reaper and one set and

another version in another just to get both of those options yeah I really like

that and I really appreciate it last up here is mercy look at that torso

print there that's a fantastic torso print looks

really really good and they tried to get that print to continue straight through

into the hips and down to the legs it's not produced at least the one that I got

isn't that produced all that well you know falls apart just a little bit with

the sharpness with the crispness but definitely the intent is there I can see

what they're going for and you know if I had gotten a little bit more lucky

I probably would have gotten it to look a little bit better than that

I like the hairpiece there which is a dual molded part of course she has to

have wings and that's just a an established pattern for Lego already the

staff I think looks fine and appropriate for the print on the back of the torso

is just about as good as the print on the front which is fantastic and here

you get to see probably the better of her two absolutely horrible disgusting

unacceptably terrible terrible terrible face prints the design is fine

but I mean I don't really need to to say anything much this is one of those

wonderful cases where I can just say look we're go has done a terrible job on

something and people won't come rushing to the defense of the holy Lego because

it's just too terribly obvious that this is terrible yeah it just needs way more

opacity and I mean you I mean just look at it that's that's not even knockoff

quality that's particularly poor flea market corner stall knockoff quality or

lack there like I said this this is probably the better-looking of the two

which is a real shame I don't need to harp on this very long because it's just

obvious they just totally messed up on this and they need to not do that it's

not the first time that they've done this or something like this this badly

in in recent years and it's not acceptable

that we pay you know good solid premium prices for a solid quality product from

Lego and here the last few things just a small health pack which is a printed

piece therefore the the cylinder part which is nice it's not the best print

but it's not bad and I think it's more than good enough for for what it is and

get a couple extra projectiles for a ferry's launcher well we're looking at

really little stuff here are the spare pieces the leftovers the true extras so

you know a fair little assortment of things including some uncommon colors

but nothing too fancy the fanciest thing included in the set part wise aside from

the printed dish piece for the drone charging stand or port when you got

station is this it's a brick separator part in the teal color suite if you want

to see the rest of the pieces put together to create this set you can

check out my speed build over on my speed build channel and I will link to

that from the end of the review here and also from the pinned comet I've been

experimenting a little bit with some different things to hopefully make it an

interesting experience for you to watch overall I feel like this is a pretty

decent set I'm happy with it just looks pretty good on display to me I

especially appreciate the care that went in to the tower you know often times

they'll just make things like that really small these days and not very

well detailed but this is nice in terms of value I think that the price is okay

of course I could ask for it to be priced lower and I'm sure that these

will be available for lower prices over time the price to part ratio does not

look great here on paper but you do have to consider the fact that there is a big

fig in this set which always bumps up the price quite a bit those do cost

quite a lot more to produce it's not just a matter of the amount of plastic

that goes into it but the actual process for a creation and also packaging and

you also get these roller coaster track pieces which are rather large and more

expensive that's a big printed piece the volume of stuff that I get here and

looking at this on display it looks like it's priced about normal which is

expensive Lego is expensive but I don't feel like it's a ripoff here at all for

anything except for the face for mercy if you look like that then that would be

great I actually saw a lot of people when I first bought this set I think it

was in the haul video where I showed all the sets that I had gotten I saw a lot

of people saying please you know say bad things about Mercy's faceprint and I

looked at picked I looked at the pictures on the Box I look at the

pictures online official pictures and I'm like well it doesn't look that bad

to me I mean I guess there's some subjective things you could ask about

how the eyes are done or the the black outline or something that I saw done

personally I get it I get it you guys but yeah that's the look that's very

major low point of them they said everything else I think is pretty good

the the rocket itself is not overwhelming

I hesitate to say underwhelming I guess the interior is a little bit

underwhelming to me but the shape of it is really nice it looks so smooth in

person I think it actually looks really cool so yeah I'm happy with set overall

I hope you enjoyed this review whether you liked the set or not feel free to

leave a comment down below check out the speed build if you'd like to now I'll

talk to you in soon


For more infomation >> LEGO Overwatch Watchpoint Gibraltar review! 75975 - Duration: 19:24.



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Hello guys, I'm kodi best build and back with a again with another video

Yesterday will revealed this great amazing build for kodi on Xbox one or any other device working with kodi 18

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So today we're gonna install this great amazing

No limits kodi build its one of the best build for kodi Krypton or kodi 18

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And there and then guys press-on skin and go to your skin right here right click on it

So here press on its GRE is the default on the normal skin of Cody as you know, guys

I love the maroon color and God chose. Maroon, if you love green, click on green, but always they choose maroon this time

I'm gonna use the green one

So here guys back and back to the normal skin of Cody and you are here in the home page

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press back and

here guys, click on file manager

Then scroll down to add source click on it

then press none and here guys just

Copy and paste the source do not do anything. So as you can see no limits comm

Slash Cody, so press on ok

Here you got it Cody. It's ok. You can see if Cody or can change the name to anything. You want it press on. Ok


He'll press back

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here guys scroll down to add-ons click on add-ons

Then press on this lift box in the top right here click on it

And here guys click on install from zip file and

Then choose your file scroll down to

Your file as you can see right here. We named it Cody and

You guys you got the blogging program as you can see 4 30 18 and for Cody Krypton

So I got Cody a 18 I'm gonna reveal this build for Cody 18 as it works on Cody

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Ready to use right now

So here guys, we got the build menu as you can see

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the no eggs section if you are single and you live in your own or you like to

watch the adult get this one and take your

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It has a lot of great sections sports kids TV shows movies live TV a lot of things

So here guys you get everything done, right

So we got this download process by the way

Done and now it's installing your files

do not press also right here in this empty space or press on cancel just keep waiting until

Everything is done, right then. You can restart Cody and get this build working

So right here guys you got everything done right without any problem now

press on first close Cody and restart Cody in your Xbox one or

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Working well without any problem. If you got any issue any questions, just put it in the comment section

I'm gonna replay you guys and thanks a lot for your time. And now we're gonna move to the next process

We're gonna review the build and see what this bill is having of

add-ons and lot of great

working things

So right here guys after installing this great build you get this amazing homepage

So here we got some movies collection. We got comedy it got a lot of great stuff

So he has got collections

And here we got Network

He got some live TV and here got sports

Where he can watch all the greatest events

Here we got the magic dragon the dragon

Remind me of the dragon are on

Game of Trance if you remember this theory, it's really great

So here guys, we got catch-up TV get movies. You got kids you got music

You got a lot of things and here we got you cater. You got her place

So if you wanna enjoy this section you got fitness cooking

Movies and he'll get favorites

got some tolls and

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customize this skin he'll got power if wanna force close Cody and

Here guys got kids

This is a great section for your kids. You can enjoy your time with your kids and watch any

family movie you got Harry Potter you got

Thing you got a lot of great amazing movies for kids

and he'll guys got music where we can watch and

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Here guys got movies. You got all the popular movies where we can

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use a VPN to install this great or to watch movies to get the best of movies and

TV shows

you better get a VPN for your safety for so the ISP is blocking you and

tracking your device and if you watch a

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Australia and

Norway or whatever, so if you live in the u.s. A choose Norway or choose Europe so they can

charge you if you live in Europe and watch you from us, so

That's how it works. So you got movies right here, and then guys you got TV shows

So enjoy this great section


Here guys, you got a great TV shows. You can watch Game of Thrones. I'm just waiting to season 8

He'll get Vikings

So we got a lot of great amazing Kodi add-ons right here down got supremacy so

Guys, this is the Kodi No Limits build for Cody 18 and a Cody crime town if you got any

Problem or any question just put it in the comment section

Thanks a lot for your time for watching me and for sharing this video

It's really an amazing pleasure to have you all guys who are now 10,000 subscribers to the channel

So gonna go for more

So thanks for watching and see you tomorrow at the same time and same place on Cody best build channel

For more infomation >> NEWEST & BEST KODI BUILD 🔥 FOR KODI 18 LEIA FEBRUARY 2019 🔥 KODI NO LIMITS BUILD FOR XBOX ONE - Duration: 13:04.


Uomini e Donne: Gemma Galgani 'smascherata', ecco la verità sulla dama | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Gemma Galgani 'smascherata', ecco la verità sulla dama | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:00.


Dj Scott Wenger - Adrenaline OverLoad - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Dj Scott Wenger - Adrenaline OverLoad - Duration: 4:11.



[LOONA - Hi High] You know it's been a long day...

[LOONA - Hi High] I haven't seen you today...

[K/DA - POP/STARS] You know who it is. Coming 'round again.

[LOONA - Hi High] I'm sure... [K/DA - POP/STARS] You're ready for this?

[K/DA - POP/STARS] Let's go!

[Wanna One - Boomerang] I threw it toward your heart, oh my god.

[Wanna One - Boomerang] But the arrow came back to me like p-py-pyoo~

[24K - Bonnie N Clyde] Our relationship is dangerous, danger!

[WOO JIN YOUNG, KIM HYUN SOO - Falling In Love] Bang bang, it's too late for me to snap out of it!

[WOO JIN YOUNG, KIM HYUN SOO - Falling In Love] The game is over, every day, my eyes close in this fluttering feeling.

[WOO JIN YOUNG, KIM HYUN SOO - Falling In Love] Yeah yeah just thinking about it makes me smile, yeah!

[NCT U - BOSS] Woo, I'll break it down.

[NCT U - BOSS/K/DA - POP/STARS] Woo, down down down!

[DREAMCATCHER - YOU AND I] Close your eyes. Hold my hand.

[DREAMCATCHER - YOU AND I] Forget all the times you were alone.

[DREAMCATCHER - YOU AND I] I'll be on your side in this dark world, baby.

[DREAMCATCHER - YOU AND I] Now be with me~ Baby you and I!

[Seven O'Clock - Nothing Better] Let me take you to the second verse...

[ONF - Complete] You complete me~

[SNUPER - TULIPS] So lovable~ Oh my!

[NCT Dream - We Go Up] We go up! uh uh uh go up!

[ONF - Complete] You complete me~ [Red Velvet - Power Up] Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah~

[ONF - Complete] I'm dizzy, please hold me Don't say anything else.

[Red Velvet - Power up] Let's power up!

[SOYA - Artist] Back when I didn't know anything I long for it because it gets farther away...

[fromis_9 - DKDK] Rub dub rub dub!

[GOT7 - LOOK] If you still don't know...

[Red Velvet - Power Up] This hotness, this newness, it's mine~

[EXO - Love Shot] It's the love shot!

[GOT7 - LOOK] Oooh~~~ [SNUPER - TULIPS/EXO - Love Shot] Tulips! (Na nanana...)

[GOT7 - LOOK] Oooh~~~ [SNUPER - TULIPS/EXO - Love Shot] Your lips. (Na nanana...)

[GOT7 - LOOK] Oooh~~~ [SNUPER - TULIPS/EXO - Love Shot] Oh my! Oh my! (Na nanana...)

[GOT7 - LOOK] Yeah yeah yeah yeah~ You look at me now!

[TEEN TOP - Seoul Night] In this city after sunset, Let's start our own love film~

[Oh My Girl - Secret Garden] Beautiful~

[Honey Popcorn - Bibidi Babidi Boo] Every time I see you, I imagine this like a fool~ [gugudan - The Boots] Say the magic word~

[BoA - ONE SHOT, TWO SHOT] I've fallen. Everything is already perfect~

[UNB - BLACK HEART] I've fallen for you, no point in denying.

[SHINee - Good Evening] Going to you!

[SHINee - Good Evening] If you happen to think of me,

[UNB - BLACK HEART] In one moment, I'm pulled to you like black heart.

[WJSN - Save Me, Save You] Tell me, hurry and tell me. [TEEN TOP - Seoul Night] Hurry and tell me!

[gugudan - The Boots] Like this lalala like this! You're like a miracle!

[WJSN - Save Me, Save You] Tell me, with your arms around me.

[MOMOLAND - Bboom Bboom] In front of you, I'm bboom bboom!

[MOMOLAND - Bboom Bboom] I'll give it to you..

[UNB - BLACK HEART] Ooh~ [Oh My Girl - Secret Garden] My secret garden~

[MOMOLAND - Bboom Bboom] GREAT!

[NCT 127 - Simon Says/MOMOLAND - Bboom Bboom] Woo! HO!

[MXM - Diamond Girl] Uh huh!

[MOMOLAND - Bboom Bboom] GREAT!

[BoA - Woman] A true woman~

[MXM - Diamond Girl] I can see right through you but, I can't figure it out.

[MXM - Diamond Girl] It feels like you're mine, but I can't catch you.

[CLC - BLACK DRESS] What're you hesitating for?

[CLC - BLACK DRESS] Put away those thoughts, follow your instincts.

[Weki Meki - LA LA LA] Hello...

[LOONA - favOriTe] Hello?

[Weki Meki - LA LA LA] So, let's just go out...

[ASHLEY - Here We Are] Never leave! Have to stay!

[ASHLEY - Here We Are] Shine on me every day.

[ASHLEY - Here We Are] Only you can make me blossom~

[gugudan - The Boots] Ah ah oh uh uh!

[Super Junior-D&E - 'Bout You] I want to know you, just all about you~

[NCT 127 - Simon Says] The moment you find your true self,

[NCT 127 - Simon Says] Between reality and dreams~

[SEULGI,SINB,CHUNGHA,SOYEON - Wow Thing] Follow my heart that explodes, boom boom boom! The whole world is following me, zoom zoom zoom!

[SOYOU - All Night] Baby love me like you do!

[gugudan - The Boots] I will take you far away To wherever you wish!

[ASHLEY - Here We Are] No more worries, No worry, now here we are!

[WEKI MEKI - LA LA LA] The time is right now, like you babe!

[CLC - BLACK DRESS] Oh oh oh~ [BoA - Woman] Yeah~

[UP10TION - Candyland] Look, look, fall into me!

[CLC - BLACK DRESS] Oh oh oh~

[MOMOLAND - Bboom Bboom] Just feel it bboom bboom!

[CLC - BLACK DRESS] Oh oh oh~ I'm in the black dress!

[SF9 - MAMMA MIA] My heart grows hot Hot hot hot!

[MINO - FIANCÉ] I'm going where you are.

[MINO - FIANCÉ] I'm going~

[IN2IT - SnapShot] Yeah...

[IN2IT - SnapShot] Let's get it! [Kim Dong Han - Sunset] Hey!

[IMFACT - The Light] What you can't have always shines more when you can't have it.

[NCT 127 - Regular] "Diamonds on my neck."

[IMFACT - The Light] Just thinking about seeing you makes me excited like a child.

[Kim Dong Han - Sunset] You are my sunset!

[N.Flying - Hot Potato] I won't easily cool down.

[IN2IT - SnapShot] Baby... [NCT 127 - Regular] Burn it up burn it up turn it up!

[N.Flying - Hot Potato] I won't easily cool down.

[IN2IT - SnapShot] Baby...

[SF9 - Now Or Never] Like you don't care~ [NCT 127 - Regular] Oh~

[SF9 - Now Or Never] Risky like a game of tug-of-war, you burn me up!

[Super Junior - One More Time] One more time...

[April - The Blue Bird] My heart won't work like I want it to...

[NCT 127 - Regular] Oh~ [GFRIEND - Time For The Moon Night] I'm hesitating, but

[NCT 127 - Regular] Oh~ [GFRIEND - Time For The Moon Night] I like you too much to just stay here.

[NCT 127 - Regular] Oh~ [Kim Dong Han - Sunset] Baby! [IN2IT - SnapShot] Oh give it to me~

[Stray Kids - I am YOU] I'll stay by your side.

[Stray Kids - I am YOU] Will you stay in the same place as me?

[Jeong Eun Ji - Being There] Oh love... [Lovelyz - Lost N Found] Come find me...

[ASTRO - Always You] The one I love is you...

[HOTSHOT - I Hate You] I hate myself... [JBJ95 - HOME] I'm waiting~

[ASTRO - Always You] I waited for you, tears are coming.

[ASTRO - Always You] The one I love...

[The Boyz - No Air] My eyes, my breath, my heart want you!

[INFINITE - Tell Me] Oh~~~~ [PRISTIN V - Get It] We're inside this story Can't take my eyes off you~

[INFINITE - Tell Me] Tell me luv...

[JBJ95 - HOME] Come back, the way back home...

[INFINITE - Tell Me] Come back to me babe.

[BIG BANG - Flower Road] Yeah~ Oh~ [iKON - Goodbye Road] Goodbye goodbye, if only I knew we'd say goodbye.

[BIG BANG - Flower Road] Yeah~ [iKON - Goodbye Road] I wouldn't have loved you this much...

[APINK - I'm So Sick] I'm so sick of lying...

[MONSTA X - Jealousy] (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah...)

[MONSTA X - Jealousy] (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah...)

[MONSTA X - Jealousy] Oh! (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah...)

[MONSTA X - Jealousy] You make me jealous baby.

[LABOUM - Between Us] I get nervous without you...

[MONSTA X - Jealousy] Jealousy baby jealousy...

[JBJ - My Flower] Acting like I'm just a close friend.

[JBJ - My Flower] Like I'm just a guy friend.

[JBJ - My Flower] As I continue to linger near you.

[TWICE - What Is Love?] What is love?

[DAY6 - Shoot Me] Your eyes are getting colder. The mood is getting heavier.

[DAY6 - Shoot Me] I'm just quietly sitting here,

[DAY6 - Shoot Me] Trying to get my breath back.

[(G)I-DLE - HANN] You look at me with cold eyes.

[(G)I-DLE - HANN] You see me and turn as if you didn't know me.

[(G)I-DLE - HANN] I just stand here vacantly~

[MYTEEN - SHE BAD] She's bad bad bad...

[TVXQ - The Chance Of Love] Ooh~ [GYEONGREE - Blue Moon] You and me, me and you, bad case! Only scars remain, bad case!

[MYTEEN - SHE BAD] She's bad bad bad...

[TVXQ - The Chance Of Love] Ooh~ [JENNIE - SOLO] From now on, I'm shining solo.

[KHAN - I'm Your Girl?] And you ooh ooh~ I'm your girl~

[KHAN - I'm Your Girl?] You ooh ooh~ I don't understand~

[MAMAMOO - Egotistic] Umttiyaiya ttiyaiya~ You shouldn't just do whatever you want.

[Jimin Park - April Fools] I was doing fine but why are you in my heart?

[MONSTA X - Jealousy] Stop talking to me about other people. Stop it.

[MYTEEN - SHE BAD] On & on & on & on & on...

[Taeyeon - Something New] Something new~

[TWICE - What Is Love?] I wanna know know know know~ What is love?

[Heize - First Sight] I wanna have! [TVXQ - The Chance Of Love] Oh yeah yeah!

[MYTEEN - SHE BAD] On & on & on & on & on...

[Taeyeon - Something New] Something new~

[TWICE - What Is Love?] I wanna know know know know~ What is love?

[MYTEEN - SHE BAD] Na na na baby give me love now!

[AlphaBAT - New World] Aye! You'll accept it right away too, this feeling's a first.

[Monsta X - Jealousy] "I'm a Red Hare, going to you out of jealousy."

[gugudan - Not That Type] I'm not that type~ (I'm cool like that!)

[HIGHLIGHT - Loved] You should be in the one in pain. Take away at least some of the sadness.

[WINNER - Millions] You fly into my heart like a butterfly. Your wings flapping make my heart flutter.

[WJSN - Dreams Come True] Where am I to you? Where are you to me?

[SEVENTEEN - Thanks] If I could hear you, I would run to you without second thoughts. [KEY - One Of Those Nights] Oh~ Yeah yeah yeah~

[SEVENTEEN - Thanks] Back then~ [UNB - Feeling] Yeah we are yeah we are! Can't explain it with words.

[April - Oh! My Mistake] But why am I being like this? Why am I so nervous?

[APINK - I'm So Sick] Not a single bit of the feelings from before.

[APINK - I'm So Sick] Not a single bit of those emotions are left.

[Sunmi - Siren] Get away out of my face! Don't come any closer boy.

[Sunmi - Siren] Can't you see that boy?

[CHUNGHA - Roller Coaster] You're a roller coaster! [MXM - YAYAYA/DREAMCATCHER - WHAT] YA WHAT WHAT YA!

[CHUNGHA - Roller Coaster] Ahh~

[CHUNGHA - Roller Coaster] Roller coaster~ [MXM - YAYAYA/DREAMCATCHER - WHAT] YA YA WHAT YA!

[IU - BBIBBI] Stop it! Hello stuP-I-D!


[Samuel - One] Stop shaking me up. Don't do anything.

[HALO - O.M.G.] I can't escape.

[KEY - One Of Those Nights] I can't pretend to be strong anymore...

[Triple H - Retro Future] Retro sexy music~ [SHINHWA - Kiss Me Like That] Can't stop, can't stop...

[Triple H - Retro Future] Ah ah~ [SHINHWA - Kiss Me Like That] I can't wait, no more.

[Triple H - Retro Future] Hey come on sexy music... [SHINHWA - Kiss Me Like That] I can't stop, can't stop...

[BLACKPINK - DDU-DU-DDU-DU] Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du!

[Yubin - Lady] Don't beat around the bush.

[Yubin - Lady] Tell me straight up. I made time, especially for you~

[iKON - Killing Me] It's killing me, once again.

[iKON - Killing Me] Your traces remain and they torture me.

[iKON - Killing Me] It's killing me...

[BIGFLO - Upside Down] I wanna break it all down.

[BIGFLO - Upside Down] I wanna shed all the shyness between us~

[EXO-CBX - Blooming Day] So baby, can I be your boyfriend, can I?

[A.C.E - Take Me Higher] You're so beautiful, so dazzling! [EXO-CBX - Blooming Day] Oh~

[Lovelyz - That Day] Breathe in all the sad memories and blow them all out~

[SHINee - I Want You] I dreamed of this moment every day,

[SHINee - I Want You] I said [JEONG SE WOON - Baby It's U] Baby it's u!

[EXID - LADY] If tomorrow passes like this, each day will be hard.

[EXID - LADY] Don't do anything!

[The Rose - Baby] Tell me now!

[BLACKPINK - DDU-DU-DDU-DU] If you wanted something easy… [EXID - LADY] Hey!

[The Boyz - Giddy Up] If we're together, everything is good..

[Yubin - Thank U Sooo Much] Thank you so much!

[The Rose - Baby] Our times together...

[GWSN - Puzzle Moon] Puzzle Moon!

[GWSN - Puzzle Moon] It's a perfect picture, too pretty to close my eyes.

[GWSN - Puzzle Moon] The last piece sweetly fits perfectly.

[GWSN - Puzzle Moon] Yeah I Like It!

[BIGFLO - Upside Down] You can be my lady tonight~

[RAINZ - Turn It Up] Turn it up now! [Red Velvet - Bad Boy] Ooh~

[RAINZ - Turn It Up] Turn it up! (Come on come on come on yeah) [Red Velvet - Bad Boy] Hmm~ Uh...

[RAINZ - Turn It Up] Turn it up! Turn up the music loud eh! [Red Velvet - Bad Boy] Ooh~

[RAINZ - Turn It Up] Turn it up! I keep spreading to you. [Red Velvet - Bad Boy] Heyy!

[PENTAGON - Shine] I… how can I say this? Mm.. For a very long time, I've...

[Red Velvet - Bad Boy] That blank face, I like that~ Provoking my curiosity.

[Stray Kids - My Pace] I wanna be like him, I'm jealous, yes I'm jealous, yes I'm!

[Stray Kids - My Pace] I wish I was half of half of him.

[NATURE - Some (You'll Be Mine)] You know!

[NATURE - Some (You'll Be Mine)] Whenever I see him, both my eyes go "Heart Heart" (uh-huh!)

[NATURE - Some (You'll Be Mine)] I, oh my god, you, oh my boy, I can't believe it! (Some & love~)

[PENTAGON - Naughty Boy] Oh I've changed, But please look at me~

[VIXX - Scentist] I demand for a drop of you for blooming!

[PENTAGON - Shine] I'm a loser who loves you!

[BTS - FAKE LOVE] Love you so bad, love you so bad!

[Wanna One - Light] Do you feel the same?

[Red Velvet - Bad Boy] Ooh ooh! (Oh-eh-oh-eh-oh~)

[Red Velvet - Bad Boy] Can't escape, ooh ooh! (Oh-eh-oh-eh-oh~)

[Wanna One - Light] Do you feel the same?

[HYOLYN - Dally] There's no other way. There's no other way.

[BTS - FAKE LOVE] I'm so sick of this Fake love, fake love, fake love!

[UNI.T - No More] No more, no no no no no no no...

[HYOLYN - Dally] Oh you'd better stop... Oh you'd better stop... [VIXX - Scentist] Oh~ Yeah~

[VIXX - Scentist] Oh yeah~

[HYOLYN - Dally] Oh you'd better stop... [UNI.T - No More] Crossing the line....

[iKON - Love Scenario] We were in love. We met and became a memory that can't be erased.

[iKON - Love Scenario] It was a commendable melodrama.

[iKON - Love Scenario] A pretty good ending.

[iKON - Love Scenario] That's all I need. I loved you...

[GFRIEND - Sunny Summer] It's so summer summer, sunny summer. Let's have a good time! [TWICE - YES or YES] Ah~

[TWICE - YES or YES] Choose only one of the two YES or YES?

[TWICE - YES or YES] Ah~ [GFRIEND - Sunny Summer] It's so summer, sunny summer. Let's have a good time!

[TWICE - YES or YES] Make your choice come on YES or YES?

[Weki Meki - Crush] Crush!....

[MOMOLAND - BAAM] Uh! You're looking at me...

[Weki Meki - Crush] Just looking into your eyes feels electric.

[DIA - WooWoo] Woo woo woo baby woo baby baby~

[fromis_9 - Love Bomb] All night it's a P-P-Party!


[Oh My Girl - Remember Me] Actually, back then, it was only you and me in my world!

[Oh My Girl - Remember Me] Hello! [DREAMNOTE - Dream Note] The moment you hold my hand.

[NCT 127 - Touch] Na na na na na na!

[WINNER - Everyday] Every day, I pray, 365 days Instead of my name, call me my boy!

[DREAMNOTE - Dream Note] La La La La La~

[NCT 127 - Touch] Na na na na na na!

[VAV - Señorita] Yeah yeah!

[VAV - Señorita] Stealing glances, I was looking for chances. It's the reason I feel like I should go to you now.

[KARD - Ride On The Wind] "Am I not good enough to be your boyfriend? Is it too much?"

[LOONA - favOriTe] Wherever my heart takes me, feel it~ I'll go towards you.

[LOONA - favOriTe] Just stay where you are. Let's get it started.

[Girls' Generation-Oh!GG - Lil' Touch] You can't escape me now.

[Jonghyun - Shinin'] Shinin' shinin'...

[BTOB - Only One For Me] I'm on my way to you right now. [OH MY GIRL BANHANA - Banana Allergy Monkey] Oh yeah!

[BTOB - Only One For Me] Much faster than the end of spring. [MAMAMOO - Starry Night] Yayaya~

[Jonghyun - Shinin'] My place is right next to you.

[Jonghyun - Shinin'] We're like Geminis! (oh girl~)

[Jonghyun - Shinin'] Can't hide it.

[BTOB - Only One For Me] You're the only one for me!

[BTOB - Only One For Me] Hah ah ah ah ah ah ah~ [BOL4 - Travel] Take me to new world anywhere, wherever it is~

[MAMAMOO - Starry Night] Starry night.

[BTOB - Only One For Me] Hah ah ah ah ah ah ah~ [HYOLYN - SEE SEA] If it's with you, I'm down down down down!

[BTOB - Only One For Me] Hah ah ah ah ah ah ah~ [Golden Child - It's U] It's you, it's you, these aren't empty words!

[OH MY GIRL BANHANA - Banana Allergy Monkey] Oh oh oh!

[EXID - I Love You] I love you. I love you. I love you~

[CHUNGHA - Love U] I just wanna wanna love you!

[OH MY GIRL BANHANA - Banana Allergy Monkey] Oh yeah! [Golden Child - It's U] Wooh!

[yyxy - love4eva] Love4eva~

[NU'EST W - Dejavu] Du-ru-too~, du-ru-too~

[CROSS GENE - Touch It] You and I, we're about to touch, hey! [yyxy - love4eva] Aah~

[NU'EST W - Dejavu] Du-ru-too~

[(G)I-DLE - LATATA] Every day every night [PRODUCE48 - RUMOR] Say it to me!

[NU'EST W - Dejavu] Du-ru-too~, du-ru-too~

[CROSS GENE - Touch It] You and I, we're about to touch, hey!

[NU'EST W - Dejavu] Du-ru-too~

[(G)I-DLE - LATATA] Every day every night LATATA!

[Oh My Girl - Remember Me] Remember me...

[Sunmi - Heroine] The show must go on... [100% - Heart] Hmmm...

[Oh My Girl - Remember Me] Remember me...

[IZ*ONE - La Vie En Rose] La La La La Vie en Rose...

[100% - Heart] People are laughing, But my heart is crying.

[100% - Heart] You can't hear me...

[Sunmi - Heroine] You must go on...

[LABOUM - Turn It On] My greed wants you.

[LABOUM - Turn It On] My eyes look at you.

[LABOUM - Turn It On] I'm already captivated by you, your love.

[Wanna One - Spring Breeze] We'll meet again! When the spring spreeze passes...

[JBJ - Call Your Name] I'll call you...

[VICTON - Time Of Sorrow] Ooh~~ [IZ*ONE - La Vie En Rose] Don't forget this rose standing here.

[TVXQ - Truth] And look for true love~

[VICTON - Time Of Sorrow] I miss you...

[Girls' Generation-Oh!GG - Lil' Touch] Give me a lil' touch!

[Girls' Generation-Oh!GG - Lil' Touch] Didn't you know your heart wants me? Hurry to me quickly lalalalala, quickly...

[LOONA - favOriTe] Baby!

[SEVENTEEN - Oh My!] You're so bright~

[SEVENTEEN - Oh My!] You shine so brightly that it reaches outer space.

[GOT7 - Lullaby] It's magical.

[Golden Child - Genie] This trembling, this feeling at the tip of our fingers.

[Golden Child - Genie] Remember this moment!

[AOA - Bingle Bangle] Shake your butt!

[EXO - Tempo] Don't mess up my tempo. [BTS - IDOL] Oooh~

[EXO - Tempo] Listen, this will be enough. [AOA - Bingle Bangle] Bang bang!

[VICTON - Time Of Sorrow] Following the petals that are blown away...


[EXO - Tempo] I said don't mess up my tempo. [BTS - IDOL] Oooh~

[EXO - Tempo] This beat will steal her heart. [AOA - Bingle Bangle] Bang bang!

[EXO - Tempo] Don't mess up my tempo!

[UNI.T - I Mean] I only have you! [TWICE - Dance The Night Away] Let's dance the night away...

[TWICE - Dance The Night Away] Dance the night away! Let's dance! [The Boyz - Right Here] That's right!

[VICTON - Time Of Sorrow] I dance with you, like that day yeah~


[TWICE - Dance The Night Away] Dance the night away! Let's dance! [The Boyz - Right Here] That's right!

[UNI.T - I Mean] I mean~

[GOT7 - Lullaby] So this moment can last forever, [SEVENTEEN - Oh My!] What do I do?

[UNI.T - I Mean] Oh eh-ohhh~~

[Stray Kids - District 9] Actually, I don't know myself. It's frustrating, I'm always worrying.

[Stray Kids - District 9] Answer me, Give me an answer, a clear answer please!

[TARGET - Awake] Even though I see walls, it's not time to give up.

[TARGET - Awake] If I fall, I'll just get up again.

[TARGET - Awake] Brushing up my last fighting spirit!

[ATEEZ - Pirate King] Um OEO~

[Red Velvet - RBB] Oh my god! [Stray Kids - District 9] Better watch out!

[ATEEZ - Pirate King] Um OEO~

[NCT Dream - GO] Hey! GO GO! We be screaming GO!

[ATEEZ - Pirate King] Um OEO~

[Monsta X - Shoot Out] I am what I am! [Stray Kids - District 9] Better watch out!

[ATEEZ - Pirate King] Um OEO~

[NCT Dream - GO] We be screaming GO! (GO!) GO GO! (HEY!)

[IZ - ANGEL] Is this love?

[IZ - ANGEL] Are you a real person?

[Yuri - Into You] Even if I try hard, I can't hide my heart toward you...

[Super Junior - Lo Siento] I know, I'll be waiting, look for it Feelings inside your heart~

[Red Velvet - RBB] Alright!

[MONSTA X - Shoot Out] Fire, shoot out the words "it's over"

[MONSTA X - Shoot Out] Into my heart.

[NU'EST W - HELP ME] Every day, I'm breaking down, help me! (Help me!)

[NU'EST W - HELP ME] So help me! [MONSTA X - Shoot Out] Ah ah ah ah~

[Red Velvet - RBB] You're a bad boy and you're bad for me! You're a bad boy and you're bad for me!

[Red Velvet - RBB] You're a bad boy and you're bad for me!

[ATEEZ - Pirate King] Um OEO~

[Red Velvet - RBB] Oh my god! [Stray Kids - District 9] Better watch out!

[ATEEZ - Pirate King] Um OEO~

[NCT Dream - GO] Hey! GO GO! We be screaming GO!

[ATEEZ - Pirate King] Um OEO~

[Monsta X - Shoot Out] I am what I am! [Stray Kids - District 9] Better watch out!

[ATEEZ - Pirate King] Um OEO~

[NCT Dream - GO] We be screaming GO! (GO!) GO GO!

[NCT Dream - GO] We be screaming...


For more infomation >> [INSTRUMENTAL] 2018 REWIND K-POP MEGA MASH-UP: SOUNDS OF '18 | TOTALPOKEDRAMAFAN - Duration: 16:25.


Gemma Galgani in lacrime: 'Ho trovato la Polizia a casa mia, ecco cosa ho fatto…' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Gemma Galgani in lacrime: 'Ho trovato la Polizia a casa mia, ecco cosa ho fatto…' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:04.


Bầu Cua Báo Rung Lắc bầu cua Bịp Đánh Bầu Cua Chơi Bạc Bịp 2019 - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> Bầu Cua Báo Rung Lắc bầu cua Bịp Đánh Bầu Cua Chơi Bạc Bịp 2019 - Duration: 5:57.


STOLEN WOMEN,CAPTURED HEARTS-subtitrare in romana cu CC-subtitles with auto-translate - Duration: 1:28:04.

For more infomation >> STOLEN WOMEN,CAPTURED HEARTS-subtitrare in romana cu CC-subtitles with auto-translate - Duration: 1:28:04.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Zach King! | Best Magic Vine - Duration: 2:35.

Hello, welcome to my Youtube channel.

Today we created the famous youtube star, Zach King birthday celebration video.

Remember to comment and subscribe to the channel!

Good Trips...

Zach King happy birthday!

Who is Zach King?

Birthday, February 4, 1990,

Birthplace, Portland, OR,

Age, 29 years old,

Birth Sign, Aquarius,

Zach King About,

Internet star known as FinalCutKing who has amassed over 3.3 million subscribers on YouTube.

He was extremely popular on Vine and in 2014, he won a Streamy Award for Best Vine Creativity.

Zach King Before Fame,

He was homeschooled growing up and created his YouTube channel in January of 2009, when

he was 18 years old.

Zach King Trivia,

He received his pilot's license and completed 2 marathons before reaching the age of 25.

In 2016, he became a competitor on The Amazing Race 28.

He has over 21 million followers on Instagram.

Zach King Family Life,

He married Rachel Holm on December 28, 2014.

They welcomed a son together in August of 2018.

He has three younger sisters.

Zach King Associated With,

In February 2013, he collaborated with Andrew Hales on the YouTube video "Trying to Fit

in with People 2 w/ LAHWF."

Thanks for watching the video, you can share the video for Zach King fans.


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