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Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.39 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.07.27] - Duration: 32:17.(Episode 39)
This is my turf.
Why are you here?
I came to work out.
How are you?
Not well,
thanks to you.
You should go home and unwind
after a long day at work.
I don't think that's any of your concern.
You lied about having a boyfriend, right?
Mr. Jin.
It makes no sense
you're boxing with your boss
if you're seeing someone.
So you lied, right?
I'm interested in Officer Moo,
so please make yourself scarce.
It's you who should make yourself scarce.
I didn't know I'd get an answer
about your feelings through Mr. Jin.
Why did you tell him about me?
No, it wasn't like that.
So someone other than me asked you out?
It's fine.
So long as I know how you feel.
But don't get entangled with Jin Dohyeon again.
Who do you take after that you're so clumsy?
Mom says I take after my dad,
but, objectively speaking, I take after her.
I think so too.
I take after my dad.
He's been single for a very long time,
but I think he's fallen in love recently.
That lady?
But grandma disapproves,
so there's tension at home.
How do you feel about it?
My dad was always strong.
So it broke my heart as his son
to see him grow old and weak.
I'd like him to do what he wants now.
Why are you staring?
You've never spoken at such length
nor have you ever spoken about yourself,
so it feels strange.
You'll get used to it in time.
I like you.
You're a good person.
Not a nasty boss?
I'll wait.
I won't push you until you're comfortable
about going out with me.
Although it's frustrating
you're not yourself and being vague.
There's no use in waiting.
I won't change my mind.
Don't worry.
I won't change my mind either.
Who is it?
How did you know...
I asked Juyeong.
I'm sorry as I'm sure I'm not welcome.
Please sit.
Would you like coffee?
Oh, no.
I'm not that shameless.
Please sit.
I came to give you this.
What is it?
I scrimped and saved to rent a room
for Juyeong and me.
I'm sorry I've been so selfish.
It's not much, but please take it.
Ms. Oh.
Who do we have here?
How uncanny, Oh Gyeonga.
No, no.
I'm not Oh Gyeonga.
You have the wrong person.
I'm Chullae, Oh Chullae.
Give me a break.
Who are you trying to fool?
Come here.
Hey! Hey, stop. Stop right there!
Hey, hey, Suja.
Let's talk first.
Let go of me!
- Calm down. / - Hey,
we need to get her.
Hey, sit down. Geez.
Fine. I'll hear you out.
Why was Oh Gyeonga at your place?
Turns out she is
the mother of Juyeong,
who works with Suhyeok.
She seems to be on the run
from creditors, not able to even
keep in touch with her son.
Yes. She has nowhere to go,
so she's staying at my brother's office.
She doesn't have the means to pay us back.
What was that bank passbook then?
Oh, that...
Why? Did she give you back your money?
Hey, Na Suja!
What do you take me for?
One can't trust anyone.
Lee Seonok, shame on you.
Shame on you.
The world really is small.
It's uncanny she's the Ms. Oh you mentioned.
Her real name is Ms. Oh Chullae.
It's not Oh Gyeonga?
How do you know her?
What happened is...
No. It's too complicated.
Anyway, Suja seemed very angry.
What do we do?
What can we do?
I'm sure she'll simmer down.
Goodness me. Goodness me.
Wonder if Suhyeok's pulling another all-nighter.
It's donuts, your favorite.
Have some.
Give them to Haechan.
Have you ever seen me snacking at night?
I'm sorry.
Why? Go off at me like you did yesterday.
I was upset too.
You know I've always been rude.
Glad you know.
I'm not comfortable with it myself
to hear dad of all people talk about marriage.
That's why you're against it too, right?
He might be duped
as we don't know much about Ms. Oh.
She can't think we're rich
because we're the head family, right?
Yesterday, you told me to let him marry.
That's because I feel sorry for dad.
Like Taejin said, dad said he loved her
and it seemed like dad wouldn't
think about remarrying after this.
Anyway, I'm sorry, grandma.
You're too old to act like a baby.
Let go.
Good grief.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
I heard Ms. Oh came to the restaurant.
Why didn't you make her stay?
I felt too guilty.
I've wronged her in many ways.
I caused her a lot of grief.
She's very tenderhearted,
but I can't even protect her at my ripe old age.
Don't you know where she is?
Why didn't you ask her where she's staying?
It's odd the more I think about it.
How can someone like dad
rush into a remarriage?
I've known it was brewing for a while, Huijin.
Give me a break.
Hey, when Ms. Oh ran away,
Father brought her back.
And he started dying his hair after
she came to stay with us.
When I hurt my hand,
Father volunteered to help out at the restaurant.
Yes. You're right.
History was made that night.
What history?
When Ms. Oh had left,
Father was out all night without a word.
Don't you remember?
Oh, right.
What are you getting at?
Do you think dad's like you?
Geez. You don't know anything.
All men are the same.
Slow down. Slow down.
No nagging allowed.
What's the matter?
That pair is ticking me off.
The single mom and her tumorous sidekick.
Single mom?
Are you upset over that Officer Moo woman again?
But what tumorous sidekick?
Cha Taejin.
They're going out.
It's for the best.
How is it for the best?
Keep it down.
I asked you how it's for the best.
Does he think he's in his own house?
What did you just say?
Let's go.
What's with you?
Let's go!
Huh? Dohyeon...
Hello, Chairman Jin.
What brings you here?
Dohyeon and I had a drink,
and he wanted a nightcap at home.
I see. Where's Dohyeon?
He had to use the restroom.
Okay. Have a good time then.
How badly is he hurt?
A few punches were exchanged,
but thankfully Dohyeon was drunk.
It won't show if he does a cold compress.
Dad will throw a fit again if he finds out.
Don't worry.
We settled with the victims.
I see. What a relief.
You should get going.
Yes, I should.
I'm off. I'll see myself out.
Okay. Drive safely.
What's all that?
Senior Inspector Lee wants these organized.
What's all this?
Extra pay for 112 dispatches,
daily log for the Child Safety House,
domestic violence,
and Child Abuse Inspection Team.
This is a lot of stuff.
We have tons to do,
so why's he making more work?
Officer Choi,
divide those up and put a pile
on each officer's desk.
Yes, sir.
Filing is beneath my rank.
What is the raison d'etre of the police?
To protect citizens' human rights.
Thus, to prevent innocent victims,
we must be committed to the basics.
How is the rookie better than you?
Anyway, please exempt me.
I'd rather do another round of patrol.
Then go.
Go on then. Go.
Drunk homeless man in the playground slide
at the park on Geonguk-ro.
Please respond.
Cham 1 will respond.
- We're off. / - Yes, okay.
See you later at the office.
Let's have a nice lunch.
Wow. This is unexpected.
You said no when I asked you to come.
I'm busy.
I'd like to have the black bean noodles you like.
Suit yourself then.
Geez, dad. I know you're happy.
Don't stay out so late.
If I hear you're unwell again,
I won't let you volunteer or cook.
Have a nice day.
See you later.
Knock knock.
It smells very good as
I used freshly roasted beans.
Mom, let's hang out today.
Actually, I have something to discuss with you.
I'm sorry.
Today's not good for me.
We know your dad is sounding a warning alarm.
I must humor him.
We'll talk some other time.
Um... Mom...
Why? Is there something else?
Go ahead.
Who's Huijin?
H-How do you know Huijin?
When Dr. Han came because you were sick,
I heard you say that name.
- Pardon? / - Huijin's my daughter.
It's late. Go to work.
Why are you here?
I have an appointment with President Jin too.
Looks like the mall project will be yours.
Thank you.
Dohyeon's very picky,
but Bora must have come through for you
as there was a better proposal.
What do you mean?
Bora's President Jin's younger sister.
Jin Bora.
You didn't know?
Where are you?
The president of Dami Planning is here.
President, my foot.
Can any old chump be president?
I'm not in the mood,
so tell him to come some other time.
Yes, sure.
I'm sorry.
He's not coming.
Yes, I heard.
Then see you around.
See you.
Jin Bora...
She's President Jin's sister?
I have something to tell you.
I know where Ms. Oh Chullae is.
How do you know that?
I'll have it if you don't.
Wow. You must be spoiled, boss.
Why are you using your serious voice?
You're scaring me.
Should we pull out of the Dongdaemun project?
What? Are you crazy?
What are you talking about?
We're done for if that falls through.
We'll end up on the streets penniless.
Why? Did that jerk of a client say something?
Be that as it may,
we can't afford to be proud right now.
Hurry up and finish eating.
You said the barbecue joint wants flyers.
But I'm not done yet.
Wait up.
Are you going out?
Man. This is driving me mad.
What is it?
I don't know.
Suhyeok said we should drop the Dongdaemun project.
Maybe that client said something.
Darn it.
But we can't afford to drop it.
Hi, Taejin.
Is something wrong?
Dad, I know where Ms. Oh is.
Where is she?
Yes, okay.
Text me the address.
Hello, Ms. Heo.
Mr. Jeong, go home and pick up my wife.
Seonghui was here? What do you mean?
Yes, okay.
Did you upset your mom again?
What are you talking about?
Your mom was out front but bolted off
like something traumatized her!
I didn't even see Ms. Heo today.
You know I left home at the crack of dawn.
Are you sure?
Geez. Think what you will.
Darn it.
Maybe something's going on with Ms. Heo.
Nothing's going on.
Never mind then.
What's with Chairman Jin?
I don't know!
He seems upset about something.
Did you see Ms. Heo today?
Ms. Heo?
She was here?
How odd.
What is?
Ms. Heo.
You know she never betrays her emotions.
But she seems bipolar these days.
More so than you?
Oh, come on.
Wonder what's with her.
No, no.
There's no reason to be nervous.
It was just a coincidence.
You really are unconscionable.
How else could you have left the kids you bore?
The heavens will
punish you.
You're free, right?
And if I am?
Let's grab a drink.
Don't you remember what you did last night?
I was scared Chairman Jin would find out.
You're such a wuss.
Did you run upstairs because you were brave?
The 3-strikes-and-out rule is scary.
So why drink again tonight?
I have to go somewhere after a drink.
They'll get it from me.
How did you know...
Where do you think you're going?
You can slip away from me once but not twice.
Geez. Let go!
I'm not letting go.
I'm not letting go
until you pay me back.
Let go and we'll talk.
So you can run away?
My money! Give it back!
What are you doing?
Let go of her this instant.
What? Goodness me.
Are you okay?
Who are you?
Are you her husband or something?
Who are you?
Who are you to hurt her?
Go ahead and ask her.
So you must have some shame.
I came to catch this wretch
who ran off with my money.
How much was it?
Why? Will you pay me back instead?
How much was it?
Hey, where are you going?
Geez. Let go. Let go!
Good grief.
If you want that money,
call me
instead of harassing her.
So you're Juyeong.
See you again.
She's really good.
She must've found a boyfriend amid all this.
Geez, Suja.
Shame on you too, Suhyeok.
Your mom will be okay.
What happened?
It's nothing.
Can we talk?
It's fine. I don't want your sympathy.
As if.
Drink, squirt.
I should've protected my mom.
What kind of dated thinking is that?
I bet your mom would hate hearing that.
Just mind your own life.
Your mom's life is hers.
I know, but I still feel awful.
Man. This is maddening.
What's driving you mad?
I don't know
if it's because of this crappy situation
or because mom's seeing someone.
Are you a little kid?
I wish my mom would find a boyfriend.
Don't be flippant because it doesn't concern you.
Should I not have told you?
About what?
About Ms. Oh Chullae.
I would've found out eventually.
But you must be upset to learn
that the woman your father likes
was on the run for taking off with joint funds.
Ms. Oh seems to have been in dire straits.
Loan sharks were after her,
and she did it to protect her son.
I don't know.
Not everyone in dire straits would've done the same.
So have you changed your mind?
The decision is for dad to make.
Let's go back in.
Why, mom? I'm busy.
What's this?
Give it back to Juyeong's mom.
From $5 to $10
and even a few hundred at times,
she made a deposit every day.
She said it was to get a room for her and her son,
so the money means a lot to her.
This also tells me she might
pay me back once she starts doing better.
Aren't you going to regret giving this back?
Of course, I will.
Geez, Suhyeok.
Give it back before I change my mind.
Mom, thank you.
But make sure they pay back.
Of course.
Is Juyeong okay?
Suja came by
and went ballistic on Ms. Oh.
So Suja did go?
But a middle-aged gentleman came,
offered to pay Suja back,
and went out with Ms. Oh.
And that made Juyeong feel even worse.
A guy?
I never heard she had a husband.
Officer Moo.
As you can see, I'm a bit drunk.
One should never drive drunk, right?
Your problem is you do whatever you please.
And it's suffocating me.
Eunju would make a great match for Taejin.
Sell Eunju to him every chance you get.
Oh? It's that police officer.
One shouldn't covet what one can't have.
Suhyeok, I can't be friends with you.
I like you too.
Who was that man?
Is he your boyfriend or something?
I'm sorry I'm not good enough.
Want to make a bet?
I bet Officer Moo
will fall for me within 3 months.
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V-Ray 3.4 | Desafio 60 Materiais em 60 Dias | 02 de 60 | Chocolate - Duration: 5:13.hello Masterfans
Welcome to Mastertuts
I am Henrique Barros
Architect and instructor of courses Mastertuts
And in this video lesson
We're going to continue our challenge
60 Materials after 60 days
And in class today we will meet one more request
To learn how to set the chocolate material using V-Ray 3.4
So come to our class
I will open SketchUp
I already have my scene prepared
I go to enable Frame Buffet
For us to see our scene so far
Look there
I have no material configuration yet
Let's start creating new material in SketchUp
I'm going to name him chocolate
Then we take a tint
Just to have a color
That's closer than we want to create in the material
Let's Click OK
Then apply this material to our object
Let's make an initial Render order to understand the properties
As we can see at the moment
we do not have any material property
Only the color
And Diffuse will be used only to view the material on the screen
We will set these properties
So it really has a bit of Transparency
Especially at the edges of the material
This effect we'll get working with the property translucency
I'll close the window frame Buffet
And now let's go to the Asset Editor
And set the required settings for this property
To start setting our material
We will modify the refractive
You will put the refraction of this material in 100%
And click Ok
Note that when we change the color of refraction to 100% White
The color of the material passes Diffuse not have more functionality
You can use any color here
To be able to represent this material
It is interesting that you use similar colors to the material you want to develop
For it to be no different in the viewport SketchUp
To that we can have the color of our material
We will change Fog Color properties
And enter the following values
60 for red
19 for the green
8 for blue
We already have the color of our material
Note that the preview the material takes on a Gradient
Among the darkest area and the lighter material area
Precisely this effect that we want to represent
So we get to have a better quality of our material
We will modify the Fog Multiple choice for the value 5
And then change the Fog Bias for value, 2
With this property we can define the transition
Between transparency and the colored area of our material
Now we will reduce property Glossiness
To be able to create a noise in this material
Although this option it is changed
When we work with the translucency settings
Finally the properties of our material
We go to translucency setting
And now choose Hard
Then change the foreground and background coeff
What sets how much of the light being absorbed by our material
So I will modify this value to comma 5
Now we have all the properties defined for the material
Let's change the reflection configuration
So we can have a better quality of presentation
We will also reduce the value of the reflection Glossiness to com 8
To make the reflection less clear
Look there
We already have the results for our material
Let's go to the frame Buffet
Let's save this scene in history to compare
And now we Render to see the result
Come on
After the render finish this here is the result we got
We have a material where the edges appear with the lighter shade
Note that the material only with the color of the Diffuse
It is completely homogeneous
While this configuration translucent
It causes the material it creates this very interesting effect
Look there!
You can set this material
Using other colors too
Based on this idea in order to create this property
Note that our scene she got some white dotted here
Caused by reflection
But are easily removed when you put quality in their rendering
So that's it
This configuration is for you can create a chocolate material
I hope you enjoyed this lesson
subscribe to the channel
For you not to miss any video of this challenge
Thank you again for watching
A big hug
And Thanks!!!
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