Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily Dec 4 2018

The Picture Elements car in Home Assistant is one of the most flexible

cards available for the loveless UI allowing us to add icons text and

services on different parts of an image today I'm going to show you how to set

up an image of a floorplan and add entities to that image using the picture

elements car. Alright let's go ahead and get started. So here I have an image of a

floor plan that I created there are a few apps out there that you can use to

create this but one that I highly recommend is called Magicplan it is a

very easy to use app and it's available on both iOS and Android you can create a

floor plan for free and export an image for just $3.00 which is pretty cheap for

all the features that you get and also how easy it is to use so I definitely

recommend it if you would like to check it out you can find a link in the

description below alright so once you have an image of a floor plan you need

to save it in the www folder if you don't have this folder yet you will need

to create it inside the home assistant config folder now open the lovelace.yaml

file and set up a separate view for the floor plan. you also want to set

up the view as a panel select that the picture element card displays in full

width then define the card type as a picture elements and below add the floor

plan image using the path /local/ and then the name of the picture

including the file extension all right so now below you can start adding all

the elements that you want on top of the floor plan there are a few elements that

you can use the first one that we're going to look at is the state-badge which

allows adding sensors to the image define the element type as a state-badge

then for the entity enter the name for the sensor that you want to display now

to specify the position of the elements on the image you will need to use this

style variable and set the volume for the top and left variables if you

increase the percentage for the top it will position the element more towards

the bottom and the same thing goes for the left if you increase the value it

will move the element more towards the right the style variable uses CSS so

there are several things that you can change for example if you want to change

the size of the font you can change it using the variable font size save the

changes to the file and refresh the lovelace UI and you will now have a

floor plan image in a full panel view and with the new state badge created

there are no other variables available for the state badge that you can use but

to add more functionality to the sensor entity you could use the state label

with the state label you can add the same sensor and add some tags either

before or after the entity using the variables prefix or suffix you can also

use the variables tab action and hold action to either open the morning for

pop up call a service or navigate to another view here's an example for the

same weather sensor I set up the element type as a state label for the entity I

entered the same weather sensor then I added some text to show before the

entity using the prefix variable the text is also enclosed within quotes so

space could be added at the end to separate text from the entity value I

also added a tap action variable and I set it to navigate and then below I use

the navigation path variable set to the view where I want to navigate to lastly

I use the style variable to set the position of the label and I also change

the font size now the state label shows up with the entity data and when clicked

on is going to navigate to the view that are specified so apart from the state

badge and the state label you also have the state icon which allows adding

entity icons like switches and lights to see the current state with the state

icon you can also use the variables tap action hold action navigation path and

service here's an example that I set up from a living room light I define the element

type as a state icon for the entity I added a switch that is connected to my

lamp and I also give it a title which is shows up when I hover over the icon I

set up the tab action as a toggle so like that when I click on it it turns

the light on and off

by default the icons are a bit small but we can make them bigger by adding the

options iron icon height and iron icon a width to the style variable now there is

also the icon element which works similar to the state icon the only

difference is that it doesn't show the state of the entity it also has the same

variables available with the addition of the icon variable to be able to define

the icon that we want to display for the specific entity here's an example I used

this element I set up an icon element from a living room camera and I defined the

icon that I wanted to use for this entity then I added a variable iron icon

fill color to match the color of the icon with my current theme now I didn't

add the tab action variable because by default when you tap on the icon it

shows the more info pop-up but if you want to set something else you can

always say that variable like on this example where I set up an icon to

navigate to another view alright so those were the state elements available

plus the icon element now let's take a look at this service button which allows

adding a button to call a service a perfect example for this will be to

create a master button that would turn off all your lights at the same time let

me show you an example after you define the element type as a

service button add a title that will be the label for the button the service set

it to homeassistant.turn_off then set the variable service data with

the entity ID group.all_lights if you're like me and you have some light

entities and also some smart switches connected to lamps then you can create a

script like this to group all the lights together and then add the script name to

the service variable now anytime you want to turn off all

your lights at once instead of tapping on each individual light you can use the

service button to do it quickly so it is definitely an essential element to set

up on your floor plan especially if you have several lights all right last but

not least let's take a look at the image element which allows adding additional

images on top of the main picture it is very convenient because you can create

some cool effects like for example making a room on a floor plan look

darker when the light is off and then brighter when the light is turned on you

also have access to the variables that we use on the previous element with the

addition of the variables image camera image state image filter and a state

filter okay so for example to make the room look darker when the lights are off

you will first need to make a copy of the floor plan and crop the image to

just that room that you need after that save the image and the www folder then

in the lovelace file define the element type as an image set up the line entity

for that rule then add the tap action variable and if you want to tap anywhere

on the image to turn the line on and off then set it to toggle otherwise set it

to none if you are using a state icon to toggle the light now add the variable

image and add the path for the new cropped image then using the variable

State filter set up the brightness for the on and off state for the light

entity now position the image using the style variable and also add the width to

specify the size of the image now anytime that you turn the light on and

off the specific room in the floor plan will change between a normal image and a

darker image another way that we can set up the same example is by using two

cropped images for a room one with a normal brightness and the other one that

will be darker or you can do like me and set up a vignette to give it a better

look when the light is off then instead of using the filter and the state filter

variables you can use the state image and set up the two images on the on and off

alright so there's a lot more ways that you can use the picture elements card

and make it work better for your own setup I hope that this walkthrough of

the available elements can help you accomplish that

now of future videos I also want to go over some of the available custom cards

for lovelace I already have a few in mind that I want to cover but I would

definitely like to get some more feedback so definitely let me know in

the comments below alright guys like always thank you for

watching if you like this video give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe if

you haven't done so already and I will see you in the next video

For more infomation >> How to set up the Picture Elements card in Home Assistant - Lovelace - Duration: 9:02.


(FREE) Lil Baby Type Beat 2018 x Young Thug x Moneybagg Yo "BLASIAN" | Free Type Beat 2018 - Duration: 2:28.

(FREE) Lil Baby Type Beat 2018 x Young Thug x Moneybagg Yo "BLASIAN" | Free Type Beat 2018

For more infomation >> (FREE) Lil Baby Type Beat 2018 x Young Thug x Moneybagg Yo "BLASIAN" | Free Type Beat 2018 - Duration: 2:28.


5 Important Lessons Young People Should Learn From Larry Ellison - Duration: 10:34.

5 Important Lessons Young People Should Learn From Larry Ellison

Lawrence Joseph Ellison, popularly known as Larry Ellison, was born on August 17, 1944,

in New York City.

Ellison is an American businessman and entrepreneur, the co-founder and CEO of the software company,

Oracle Corporation which earned him the title of the fifth wealthiest person in the world

in 2014.

As of June 2018, Ellison was listed as the fourth wealthiest person in the US and the

eighth wealthiest person in the world by Forbes magazine with a net worth of more than $54.5

billion dollars.

So how did Larry Ellisonbecome so richand what can young people learn from him?

In this video, we'll share with you; 5 important lessons young people should learn from Larry


If you're new here, consider subscribing so that you won't miss other interesting

videos like this Lesson 1

Grow Despite Adversity Ellison was born to an unwed mother from Odessa

who was 19 years old at the time and not ready to raise a child.

After Ellison fell sick with pneumonia in 1945 at 9 months, she gave him up for adoption

to a warm and loving woman and a distant and strict man.

His adoptive father would always call him "good for nothing", making him feel like

he would not achieve anything in life and it led to a lot of quarrels and misunderstandings,

not to mention living in poverty.

However, despite growing up with anunsupportive adoptive father, Ellisonturned out to be independent

and self-assured.

These traits would eventually make him a very successful man.

The lesson for young people If you grew up in a discouraging environment,

don't lose your confidence or let it define you negatively.

Look beyond what you see and dream big.

The positive traits you take away from situations like that are sure to make you a wealthy person.

Dale Carnegie once said, "Develop success from failures.

Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success."

Lesson 2 When life gives you lemons, make a lemonade

Ellison experienced a rough childhood in Chicago's South Shore, more so, in a Jewish household,

with a complicated family.

Traumatized and abused until the age of thirteen by his adoptive father, Ellison's adoptive

mother still supported him as best as she could.

Unfortunately, Ellison's education wasn't easy too.

Though Ellison studied computer programming at the University of Illinois, formal education

never interested him and his grades were mediocre.

His mother's death during the second year became the final nail on the literal coffin.

Ellison dropped out without writing his exams.

The same outcome occurred after one term at the University of Chicago.

Knowing that there would be no place for him in Chicago, he moved to northern California

in 1966 at the age of 22.

It was here Ellison took his first step in his successful career.

The lesson for young people

Unlike some other billionaires, Ellison never had rich parents enrolling him in the likes

of Harvard, or MIT.

Nor was he assured of a secure future once he graduated.

All Ellison had were his tenacity and the one-person cheer squad in his adoptive mother.

Her encouragements of "always look forward" and "quit dwelling in the past" enabled Ellison

to turn the tables in life long after her death.

Where others saw his situation as "an unwanted child", he saw a chance for "a clean slate".

Moreover, even though he remained handicapped in formal education he never used it as an

excuse not to succeed.

If you feel that your background is too poor or your education lacking, be firm in your

resolve to be successful.

A disadvantage can be turned into an advantage.

Lesson 3 Be Ambitious

After settling in North California, Ellison saw the usefulness of his coding knowledge

in the software and IT industry.

Ellison got a job at Amdahl Corporation in 1973, before joining Ampex Cooperation later.

While he wasn't a great programmer, Ellison made maintaining his job his best achievement

at the time.

His next ambition was creating a job for himself, where he could work as he pleased.

He wanted control so he left Ampexa few years later, at about the time the CIA approachedhim

about a database project.

With his own 60% in $2000, Ellison and his fellow co-founders invested in the creation

of Software Development Technologies (SDL) in 1977.

During this period, the current database system became too slow and inconsistent for Ellison

and his team to consider constructing a stand-out product.

They needed more to beat the likes of IBM.

Ironically, Ellison got more from an IBM research paper on a relational database system written

by Edgar F. Codd.

For IBM, it was a prototype, for Ellison it was an opportunity of a lifetime.

From this process, SDL dared to design the "Oracle" software, which becomes a groundbreaking

product for the software industry and their first customer, the CIA.

After five years and several name transitions, SDL became Oracle Corporation.

The lesson for young people Ellison always thought ahead of his time and

was always seeking for his next big achievement.

In the end, what his co-founders thought impossible became possible.

You have to be ambitious in your quest for success.

Set ambitious goals and enlist all available resources required for its achievement.

Be willing to fight hard and you'll achieve your goals.

Lesson 4 Have a winning mentality

By the 1980s, Ellison instigated aggressive sale tactics by closing future sales into

their present and though the clients bought the software, the company failed to deliver

and started losing money.

Ellison himself admitted that his decision was "a big business mistake" and had no choice

but to lay off 10% of the staff.

Amidst the heated software competition in the 90s, Ellison's winning mentality surfaced.

However, his ambition for OracleCorporation becoming a sole software heavyweight was thwarted

by the likes of IBM, Sybase, and Microsoft.

Ellisoneven entered a one-sided competition with Bill Gates' Microsoft systems.

Today, his desire to win has borne fruit, as Oracle's database practically powers the

internet for the likes of eBay, Amazon and so on.

The lesson for young people Having the mentality of a winner is an attitude

that every young person should have.

It is by doing your best especially during desperate times that you can come out on top

and be successful.

Lesson 5 Live your dreams

Ellison had his interests in other aspects of life.

He was obsessed with yacht racing and bringing America's Cup trophy home.

He founded the BMW Oracle Racing Team and since their inception in 2003, the yacht racing

team won the trophy in 2010 and 2013.

Ellisonventured from buying real estate properties to sports teams and stadiums.

In 2012, Ellison acquired 98% of Lanai in Hawaiian Island for a price of $500-$600 million.

The lesson for young people Ellison'sadoptive mother raised him to live

for himself and his dreams.

He envisioned his dreams and interests and strove to make them his reality.

The same is possible for you too.

You only have one life, so who else can enjoy it better than yourself.

In conclusion, if you're a young person and you want to be rich and successful in

life; There may be that person that discourages

you and tells you that you won't amount to anything.

Ignore them and go for your goals.

If yourbackground is disadvantageous, turn it into an advantage because that's how

wealth is made.

Let ambition drive you in your quest for success and you will surely get there.

If you give it your best, it makes you a winner.

Moreover, winning is an attribute of success.

Lastly, in your quest for riches, don't forget to enjoy life.

You only live once.

Thank you very much for watching ourvideos.

We'll like to give you another interesting video

for you to enjoy next but before then, our team will be very happy if you can like this

Video and share it with your friends on social media.

If you're new here, don't forget to subscribeso you won't miss other interesting videos


Look at your screen now to see two othervideos we handpicked for you to enjoy next.

We love you

For more infomation >> 5 Important Lessons Young People Should Learn From Larry Ellison - Duration: 10:34.


NN Update: December 4, 2018 - Duration: 4:04.

hello and good morning Newton North i'm Lilly Hacsi and I'm Michael Bickford attention seniors if

you chose not to use prestige portraits for your senior portrait then you must

submit a portrait to the newtonian by December 15th the digital portrait

should be emailed to in the subject line of the

email only write your first and last name as you would like it to appear in

the yearbook if you used prestige portraits please make sure to follow

their directions to select which portrait will be sent to the yearbook

the dance committee of the EDCO program will be collecting toys until December

10th if you'd like to donate you could drop off toys outside room 366

or the EDCO office attention ninth graders there is space available on a

world history trip to New York City on February 7th to the 8th this trip

includes two museum visits as well as a Broadway show if you have any questions

see your history teacher or a Mr. Barry, Mr. Doyle, Mr. Drake or Mr. Turner in the

history department this week Theatre Ink premieres the show Big Fish

Reporter Jaden Prince tells us more hi I'm Renee Miller and I'm Kiley Smith

we're the directors of Big Fish Big Fish it's about a father and son relationship

and kind of everything that revolves around it and where does the father and

is a very visible guy he tells a lot of stories about his life and he wants to

tell the to his son but while he does that he doesn't try to understand his son Big Fish is more

centered around it like a story about love and about family and about

connection just one of the parts of big fish is coming together with people you

don't always identify with and so hopefully like our audience will take

away not like message of like love and compassion for other people despite our

differences I feel like us as seniors and students it's hard to connect with

our parents sometimes because we have a different life and I think it's a really

nice shadows go see with your family and be like hey I need to talk to you and I

know we feel it a little bit divided right now but I love you and I care for

you and yes things are hard but it will all be okay and I just need your support

it's just a great it's a good show and I think you'll smile you'll laugh and you'll

cry and you do all those things a million times

Big Fish will be premiering in Little Theater December 5th through 8th at

7:30 hope to see you there reporting from NNTV this is Jaden Prince

thanks Jaden buy you tickets to Big Fish during all lunches or on Theatre Ink's

website speaking of fish help spread awarness for a cleaner ocean follow NNHS dot

plastic on Instagram and NNHS plastic on Twitter for updates on how you can help

reduce your plastic waste in the ocean Ms.McMahon's f-block

english class is collecting donations for a holiday pet supply drive to

benefit local pet shelters and animal organizations please donate gently used

blankets sheets leashes toys with no feathers or glitter new or unopened

canned cat or dog food and gift cards for pet products donations can be

dropped off outside the cafeteria the House offices room 269 or room 216

any time before December break that's all for this week's announcements thanks

for tuning in and be sure to check out more of our content on our YouTube page

at Newton North TV

For more infomation >> NN Update: December 4, 2018 - Duration: 4:04.


Erol Mütercimler The Economist 2019 Kapağı Gizli Şifre İç Savaş - Duration: 14:42.

For more infomation >> Erol Mütercimler The Economist 2019 Kapağı Gizli Şifre İç Savaş - Duration: 14:42.


Blogger & WordPress Site - Error 404 not found - The Requested URL was Not Found on This Server - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> Blogger & WordPress Site - Error 404 not found - The Requested URL was Not Found on This Server - Duration: 9:27.


Python Tutorial for Beginners: Understand Python Data Types in 10 minutes - Duration: 8:42.

Hi and welcome! We at 365 Data Science specialize in data science trainings. We post videos weekly, so you can master indispensable skills for free! Alright, let's get started!

When programming, not only in Python, if you say that a variable has a numeric value, you

are being ambiguous.

The reason is that numbers can be integers or floating points, also called floats, for


Integers are positive or negative whole numbers without a decimal point.

Let's create x 1 and bind to it the value of 5.

Now, x1 is an integer.

Do you agree?

A specific function in Python can prove this is correct.

It is called "type".

Within the brackets, we must place the name of the variable whose type of value we want

to verify.

So, in this case, I'll type x1.


Shift plus Enter and the result we obtained is "int", which indicates the value is

an integer.

The "type" function can also be applied directly to a value instead of a variable.

For instance, if I write "type, open parentheses, minus 6, close parentheses", Python will

correctly point out that minus six is an integer.


Now, let's assign the value of 4.75 to a new variable, x 2.

I would like to check its type; hence, I will use the type function again.

This is a float.


Floating points, or as you'll more frequently hear, floats, are real numbers.

Hence, they have a decimal point.

4.75 is such a number; therefore, Python reads it as a float.

Let's look at two other built-in functions.

"Int" transforms the variable into an integer.

That's why 4.75 turns into 4.

"Float", instead, will add a decimal point to the integer value and will turn it into

a float.

Not all variables should assume numeric values.

An example of such type of values is the Boolean type.

In Python, this means a True or False value, corresponding to the machine's logic of

understanding 1s and 0s, on or off, right or wrong, true or false.

Let's provide an example with a new variable, x3, which is equal to True.


The output of the "type" function is 'bool', which simply means x3 is a Boolean.

An important detail you should remember is you have to type True or False with capital


Otherwise, Python won't recognize your variable as a Boolean and will display an error message.

So, to wrap it up, the two Boolean values a variable can have are True or False, and

they must be written with capital letters.

Strings are text values composed of a sequence of characters.

Let's see how we can create a string in practice.

If we ask the machine to display the name George this way, we'll obtain an error message.


Because Python assumes George is the name of a variable to which we have assigned no


Here's the magic trick that will correct this mistake.

Let's type single quotation marks around the name George, first.

And now, let's type double quotation marks around it.

You see the output values of these two inputs are the same.

This is how Python displays text results if you don't use the print command.

Should you use print, the output will be shown with no quotes – you'll be able to see

plain text.

If we assign this value to a new variable, let's say x4, we can obtain its output as

we did with the integers and floats.

All right, so that's it.

If the values you'd like to assign are not numerical, the quotes can come into play!

Assume the variable y is supposed to represent the number of dollars you have in your pocket.

In addition, you would like to ask the machine to print out a statement that says "Y dollars",

where y is a number.

The proper way to combine the value of y and the string "Dollars" is to use a "plus"

sign, as shown here.

Let's execute this cell to check if we are missing something.

Apparently, we did not respect the rules of coding in Python.

We cannot put different types of variables in the same expression.

Y is an integer, and "Dollars" is a string.

We can convert y into a string.

"String", s.t.r., is the built-in function we need.

Analogically to integers and floats, "string" will convert our number into text, and that

will unlock our result.

To summarize what we said so far, Python can automatically guess the type of data you are


It is within its capabilities to know for sure whether you have assigned an integer,

a float, a Boolean, or a string.

You need not declare the types of variables explicitly, as you must do in some other programming


Python always knows the type of variable.

What will happen if you type something like…

"I'm fine"?

You'll need the apostrophe in the English syntax, not for the Pythonic one.

Observe, if you execute the command like this, you will make a mistake.

To avoid that, in such situations, you can distinguish between the two symbols – put

the text within double quotes and leave the apostrophe, which technically coincides with

the single quote between I and M. Now, you are fine.

 An alternative way to do that would be to

leave the quotes on the sides and place a back slash before the apostrophe within the

phrase, and we'll still obtain the same correct result.

This backslash is called an escape character, as it changes the interpretation of characters

immediately after it.

And what if we wanted to state "press "Enter"", where we put Enter within inverted commas?

Same logic – the outer symbols must differ from the inner ones.

Put single quotes on the sides.

And you obtain the desired result!

Finally, let's go through a few ways of stating values.

Say you wish to print "Red car" on the same line.

If I write it like this – two words next to each other, separated by a blank space,

I'll see them attached.

One trick would be to put a blank space before the second apostrophe of the first word.

Let's see… nice, that looks like the desired result!

Another technique would be to sort of "add" one of the strings to the other by typing

in a plus sign between the two, just as we did with the "10-dollar" example a minute



As your intuition probably tells you, if you print this combination instead, you'll obtain

the same outcome, but it won't have the quotes on the two sides.

And… here's a new trick.

I'll type "print 'Red'", and then I'll put a comma, which is called a trailing

comma, and Python will print the next word, 'car', on the same line, separating the

two words with a blank space.

Shift plus Enter… great!

Let's print the number 3 next to the number 5.

Boom – fantastic!

Here it is.

What will happen if I don't use the print command and just list a few integers, floats,

and strings separating them with commas?

Python will execute the command as expected but will place the values within parentheses.

Strictly amazing!

Thanks for watching!

If you found this video interesting and want to gain an edge in your career, make sure to like, comment, and subscribe! And don't forget to check out some of our other videos for another quick win in the data science skills department!

For more infomation >> Python Tutorial for Beginners: Understand Python Data Types in 10 minutes - Duration: 8:42.


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Coloring 3 trees

For more infomation >> Coloring 3 trees | Painting for toddlers and drawing for kids | Amazing Kids Coloring Page | Part-2 - Duration: 3:13.


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