Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily Feb 4 2019


CREW: I'm set. Ready? Yea.

CREW: Rolling sound.




DIMITRI: I completely lost hearing when I was one year old.

Technology provides tremendous opportunities

to help people with disabilities.

I'm a research scientist at Google,

and I'm developing speech recognition technology.

Speech recognition accuracy finally became so good that

I could fulfill my dream for whole life

to use speech recognition to communicate with people.


BARISTA: Hello, how are you?

DIMITRI: I'm fine, and how are you?

BARISTA: I'm doing good.

What can I get you today?

DIMITRI: I would like tea.


DIMITRI: Live Transcribe is an application that runs on Android.

It provides transcription of speech for deaf and hard-of-hearing in real time.

CHET: Dimitri worked with a speech team to develop that technology and

Google has made strides in this in the past couple of years but

the app itself is what I've been working on


I'm not an Android engineer.

I saw an opportunity for something useful and dug into that and

kind of evolved naturally.

Did I already mention to you I'm having one of my famous

chili parties again this weekend?

This was something that was born out of Dimitri's needs.

All the technology existed already.

It was kind of just a matter of hooking the wires together.

Gallaudet University is the premier university for

the deaf and hard-of-hearing in the world really.

We have been partnering with them to see

how people are going to use Live Transcribe.

[VOICEOVER] Mohammad: I started using it

and the first time was with my two sons.

Both of them are hearing, and they can sign a little bit but not a lot.

So I use Live Transcribe with them.

SON: Why do they say go?

[VOICEOVER] MOHAMMAD: Live Transcribe is changing the way

we communicate with hearing people.

MOHAMMAD: How about your math class?

SON: I'm doing good.

[VOICEOVER] MOHAMMAD: The app has given me more options for communication.

So now if I don't have an interpreter

I'd be fine with using the Live Transcribe app.

TEACHER: We still have to review every day.

Here you can see an example of the mulitiplication problems.

[VOICEOVER] MOHAMMAD: Information is power.

And Live Transcribe gives us deaf people

an opportunity to be more empowered.


For more infomation >> Android Accessibility: Live Transcribe - Duration: 2:56.


How to Become an SEO Expert in 2019 | Neil Patel - Duration: 5:45.

Do you wanna learn how to be an SEO expert like me?

Well, today, I'm gonna teach you.

Hey, everyone, I'm Neil Patel,

and today, I'm gonna share with you

how you can be an SEO expert.

(upbeat music)

Before we get started,

make sure you subscribe to this channel.

That way, when I release more advice on marketing and SEO,

you'll get notified.

When it comes to SEO,

it's not just about being an SEO expert.

You wanna have the passion for SEO.

I have a question for you.

Do you really wanna learn SEO?

If you do, leave a comment with yes.

If you don't, leave a comment with no.

If you don't truly love and wanna learn SEO,

you're not gonna be an expert.

It's not about doing something just because it makes money.

It's about love.

When you truly love something,

you wanna learn it, you wanna get good at it,

you'll put in the time and effort that you need to

to become an expert.

See, if I just give you the tips in becoming an expert,

and I will in this video,

and you follow it, but you don't love what you're doing,

and you don't care about it, you'll never be an expert.

That's the first thing you need to do

is make sure you truly love SEO,

you wanna do it, and you wanna get good at it.

Now that you have love,

the second thing you need to do is set up a website.

Go to or,

set up your own website.

It could be a blog, could be a blogging platform,

it doesn't matter.

That's just the first thing you need to do.

Without your own website,

you won't know how to implement these tactics,

practice, or get good at it.

The third thing you need to do is write content.

When you have your website,

if you don't have content, you're not gonna rank.

As the saying goes, content is king.

Publish content on whatever you're passionate about.

Heck, it could even be SEO!

It could even be your journey on becoming an SEO expert.

If you're not passionate about it,

you're not gonna do a good job blogging.

The fourth thing is you need to build links.

When it comes to building links,

if no one's linking to your website, you won't rank.

When you write this article on, let's say astrology,

you wanna go to sites like Twitter or BuzzSumo

and see who else has popular articles related to astrology.

Then, when you take those articles,

you can put 'em into Ahrefs.

It'll show you all the people linking to 'em.

You wanna hit 'em up and being like,

hey, John, I noticed you linked out

to this article related to astrology.

I have a similar one that just came out,

but mine covers A, B, and C that theirs didn't.

Feel free and check it out,

and if you also like it, link to it.

When you do that, more people will link to you,

you're gonna have to send out 100 emails

just to get a few measly links,

and that's okay,

because all of those links will add up,

and it will really help you get rankings

faster over time.

On top of links, you now need to then

start getting social shares.

Similar to that BuzzSumo strategy,

you can also see, again, you go to BuzzSumo,

see all the other related articles,

click on view shares,

see all the people who shared your competitors' content,

and ask them to share yours.

That simple tactic will get you more social shares.

Then, I want you to follow

all the popular marketing blogs,

from Backlinko to Moz,

to hey, even me,

All of these marketing blogs will break out

the latest and greatest tactics and techniques.

By reading 'em on a regular basis,

you'll learn 'em, you'll stay on top of the curve,

so that way, you'll do better than most people

in the SEO industry.

You don't have to be the best,

you just have to be better than most.

That way, you can rank higher than most people.

And of course, even when you read these blogs

and you're practicing SEO on your own site,

you need to test out one thing a month.

I'm not talking about a little thing like,

oh, let me adjust my title tag.

I'm talking about a big, drastic test.

It could be, hey,

let me delete old content that isn't ranking

to see if that boosts my overall traffic,

or hey, let me add links in my sidebar

to my most popular pages

to see if that helps boost the rankings even more.

By doing one experiment at least once a month,

what you'll find is,

you'll quickly learn what's working and what's not.

You don't wanna also do it too often,

like experiment every day or every week,

because you won't know what's impacting your rankings

and what's not,

'cause that's too many changes at once.

And last but not least, be patient.

You're not gonna climb to the top of Google in a month,

or even three months or six months.

It takes longer and longer each and every single year

because the web is more competitive.

There's roughly 1.7 or 1.8 billion websites on the Internet.

That's roughly four websites,

technically one website for every four people.

That's a lot of websites,

and blogs, there's over a billion.

That's roughly one blog for every seven people.

That's too many sites to choose from.

Because that Google now says,

hey, there's a lot of people talking about

the same content over and over again,

let's pick the ones that are more up-to-date

or more authority.

It makes it that much harder for you to get rankings.

For that reason, you need to learn to be patient.

If you do this consistently for six months to a year,

you'll get results.

And if you're not patient, you're gonna quit,

and if you quit after three months,

you're not gonna see the results.

You'll be like, wait, SEO doesn't work!

I don't wanna be an SEO expert!

This is a waste of time!

That's why patience is very important.

Thank you for watching.

Hopefully now you're gonna be on your journey

to becoming an SEO expert.

If you have any questions on how to become an expert,

if there's anything that confuses you,

leave a comment below.

I'll answer it and I'll help you out.

In addition to that, if you liked the video,

please share it, tell other people about it.

You can also like the video itself.

Thank you for watching,

and if you ever need any extra marketing help,

check out my ad agency, Neil Patel Digital.

For more infomation >> How to Become an SEO Expert in 2019 | Neil Patel - Duration: 5:45.


Jake & Gina Go Undercover to Infiltrate the Manhattan Club - Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Jake & Gina Go Undercover to Infiltrate the Manhattan Club - Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:32.


Healthy Habits for Men's Health | Health Services Administration - Duration: 7:34.

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Healthy Habits for Men's Health | Health Services Administration

For more infomation >> Healthy Habits for Men's Health | Health Services Administration - Duration: 7:34.


মা ছোট একটি নাম মা বাবা কিন্তু সন্তানের কাছে জান্নাত || Awesome Mother love || - Duration: 1:27.

Awesome Mother love || 0:23 / 1:26 Pause video while typing Actions Type subtitle here then press Enter

For more infomation >> মা ছোট একটি নাম মা বাবা কিন্তু সন্তানের কাছে জান্নাত || Awesome Mother love || - Duration: 1:27.


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For more infomation >> শুনুন_সেই_হিংস্র_নারীর_সাক্ষাতকার স্বামীকে ৬ টুকরা করার নৃশংস খুনের ঘটনা বর্ণনা দিলেন স্ত্রী - Duration: 4:51.


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For more infomation >> Lopa rahman নাস্তিক || Atheistan || নাস্তিক লোপা রহমান - Duration: 14:57.


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For more infomation >> সকালে মধু খাওয়ার উপকারিতা জানলে অবশ্যই খাবেন । Benefits of eating honey in the morning - Duration: 2:05.




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