Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily Feb 4 2019

When passign is no just a skill, but an art that defines the team

When winning is just as important as the way you win

We are of course talking about Barça

When New Year is more than fireworks

it's a time for love and affection.

Happy Chinese New Year! See you in the summer!

For more infomation >> Barça players' wishes for a happy Chinese New Year! - Duration: 0:41.


Are Cannabis Edibles Safe? - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Are Cannabis Edibles Safe? - Duration: 5:27.


Jeep Wrangler TJ Omix-ADA Wide Fender Flares (1997-2006) Review & Install - Duration: 10:38.

These wide fender flares are for those of you that have a 1997 to 2006 TJ that are looking

to replace those factory fender flares with ones that are gonna be a little bit wider

to cover a wider tire or a wheel with a little bit less backspacing.

In some places, you'll need a wider flare in order to remain legal on the road and in

some cases, you just want that extra tire coverage to keep the tires from throwing junk

up on the side of the Jeep.

Whatever your reasoning is, these are going to be otherwise very factory looking flares

just a little bit wider.

These are gonna be a pretty easy installation and I'm gonna show you how to install them

in just a second.

So as I mentioned, these are going to be very similar to a factory flare, just a little

bit wider.

A lot of other aftermarket flares will have a lot of other stuff going on.

You can find rivet style or pocket style, you can find them that are wider or narrower,

flat flares, or sometimes even metal ones, so a ton of different choices out there.

But if you're a big fan of that factory styling, you just want a little bit more tire coverage,

this is absolutely the way to go.

This is going to be nice and simple, it's going to install very easily and it's going

to give you exactly what you're looking for.

These flares are also very reasonably priced, at least in my opinion.

These are gonna be right around that $130 mark and you're going to get not only the

four main flares that you see but also the flare extensions that go directly behind the

front tires.

So if you're somebody who currently has those installed, you wanna replace those as well,

this kit is going to include it.

Another nice thing that this kit includes is all of the hardware that you need to get

these installed.

The installation of this, again, is very, very simple but if you have an older TJ, and

let's be honest, even the newer TJs are getting a little bit older, you may have a little

bit of rust on your Jeep and you may need to change out some of the hardware in order

to get the new flares installed.

The good news is this kit includes all of the hardware that you need to get that done.

So between the quality, the fit, the fact that these are just a simple factory style

but wider flare that comes with all the hardware, make it very worth the cost for these flares.

I said a couple of times now that the install is pretty straightforward, let me show you

how to do it.

So for our installation, we used an 8-millimeter socket on a 3/8 impact.

We also needed a 10-millimeter socket to remove the turn signal and a couple of adapters because

that was a smaller quarter-inch drive socket.

So the first step in this installation is going to be, of course, removing the factory

fender flares from the Jeep and the first step in doing that is removing the socket

from this turn signal and I do that first so I don't forget about it later.

Otherwise, you get to the last bolt on the flare, go to pull it off the Jeep, and you

can pull that wire a little bit taut.

So just give that socket a quarter turn here, that'll release out of the housing, you can

see that here, and we'll just tuck that away in the corner, again, just so we don't damage

any of the wiring or the bulb.

Now we're free to remove all of the bolts that are holding the fender flare into place.

So the way these flares are held on is by bolting through the flare into a nutsert that's

in the body of the Jeep.

And this is going to be the most difficult part of the uninstallation and installation

for some of you that have older TJs and let's face it, even the newest TJ is a little bit

older these days.

If you have some rust on your Jeep and that bolt is rusted into the nutsert, when you

turn the bolt, it can spin the whole nutsert and make things very difficult to get them


You may end up having to cut off some of the bolt heads, drill out some the nutserts, reinstall

new nutserts.

That's all stuff that is a possibility for you depending on how your Jeep is, how much

rust it has on it, and how easily things come apart for you.

What I will say is go ahead and spray everything with a good penetrating oil well before you

get started, maybe spray it a couple of times.

If you can get to the backside of some of these, spray that.

Some of them are captured, but some you can get to the backside of.

Spray everything good, that will make it as easy as possible for you, but do know that

if you have some rust, you may end up having to cut and drill out some nutserts.

All of that being said, we've recently replaced everything on this Jeep, so that should be

nice and easy for us.

We're going to be using a pneumatic impact here, a pneumatic socket driver.

That's just because it's nice and small.

It can get up in these tight places and we're gonna buzz all of these bolts out to get the

fender flare off the Jeep.

So the first step in the installation of your new flares is to install the turn signal into

the flare and it goes in the same way it came out of your factory flare.

It's just going to snap into place like so and then that small clip nut will go on right

over top.

Now that that's done, we can get the flare installed on the Jeep.

Get the flare on the Jeep, you have a couple of indexing pins here that go into these holes

on the body and then we can go ahead and reinstall all of our factory hardware.

Once we have all the bolts tightened down on the main flare there, we can move to the

smaller mini flare that goes right here.

As you can see, our Jeep didn't have the factory mini flare in this location.

Some of you might also be missing that piece.

Sometimes people just take them off because they don't like the look of it, or maybe you

had a rocker guard installed at one time that covered this area, whatever the case may be,

this kit includes all six flares so we're going to install all six of them.

We're going to use the same factory style hardware that we used to hold this flare into

place and these three nutserts here to bolt this up.

Now we can move on to the flare on the rear here and this is going to install in the same

way that the front flare did, the only difference is back here, of course, no turn signal.

So we're gonna hold this up to the Jeep, probably get a couple of these upper bolts started

by hand just to hold everything in place then work from the front to the back putting all

the bolts in and tightening them down.

Once you have all three pieces installed on one side, you can go ahead and move on to

the other side and do the exact same process and that'll finish up the install.

So if you are looking for a new set of fender flares that are going to look pretty much

like factory ones just a little bit of wider for some more tire coverage, I would recommend

this option and you can find it right here at

For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler TJ Omix-ADA Wide Fender Flares (1997-2006) Review & Install - Duration: 10:38.


12 Most Beautiful Homemade Cookies Decorating Ideas For Party | So Yummy Cake Recipes - Duration: 10:16.

12 Most Beautiful Homemade Cookies Decorating Ideas For Party | So Yummy Cake Recipes

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

For more infomation >> 12 Most Beautiful Homemade Cookies Decorating Ideas For Party | So Yummy Cake Recipes - Duration: 10:16.


இது தெரிஞ்சா இனி நீங்க Sauce சாப்பிடவே மாட்டீங்க | Please Avoid Sauce | Tamil News - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> இது தெரிஞ்சா இனி நீங்க Sauce சாப்பிடவே மாட்டீங்க | Please Avoid Sauce | Tamil News - Duration: 3:14.


Mega Construx Destiny Cabal Thresher Gunship set review! - Duration: 8:36.

hello everyone this is cabal thresher gunship a mega construx Destiny set

based off events from the very first opening stanza of the campaign of

vanilla destiny - and this just hit the market and it is February 2019 that's a

tough pill to swallow but the most important thing here is that finally we

get an official i core array figure and it's a pretty good figure the paint

applications here are nice and crisp with some very fine detail I think the

head mold is pretty good I'm glad that they didn't try to put any paint on

those eyes because from any reasonable distance I think it looks alive enough

doesn't look doesn't look dead in the eyes in person to me the way that some

of the early figures did that have this design she's got a shotgun there from

destiny - which is I believe deadpan delivery although it should have had

some blue on it some nice dark blue that's a minor miss but no big deal she

doesn't use invective anymore and she's getting ready to throw a narrow bomb so

she just has some space magic that's welling up there look at this print over

here on her on her bond as well good to see the prints around the back of the

robe again very crisp it's not easy to do in a high production in environment

on such a soft piece this is all a rubbery part here early on they had a

little bit of trouble with that but no they got it I got it they got it

together and it does come on the stand Paul figure comes with the you know just

a basic stand to get her up in the air so that she can be getting ready to

throw that Noah bomb right in the face of the Thresher

and you will find no mercy in me the Thresher comes on a stand as well and it

is placed close enough to the center of gravity as this thing is not trying to

bend itself off the stand the way that the the Arcadia jump ship did so you

know it it presents itself pretty well the size of this is something on which I

am torn because on the one hand it looks pretty good on display you know it looks

like a good desk model you look at it relative to a figure just standing on

the ground you get my car over here you know it stands up and stands out pretty

well but I can't help but compare it to the Cabal dropship said again just in

terms of its size now this has to be one of the most unfair comparisons that I

have ever made between a couple of products because you know this is a

flagship product for a year and you know it's huge and expensive and all but yeah

I just I have this as a mental benchmark for the size that this type of craft

should be in universe this is a smaller craft but I don't think the size

differential is that great but again I say I just feel torn about it because

this isn't that small of a model you know it's not just a little handheld

thing it's not like a micro fleet model or anything so yeah it's not sure what

to think about that just want it to at least share that and show these two

together the Thresher build is pretty enjoyable pretty good stuff for

especially the first 70 75 percent of it by volume I actually have the ability to

rotate the rear thruster here on one axis and these side ones are able to

turn forward and back and also lean in and out I think by default they tend to

be angled out just a little bit so it's nice to be able to get that they put

ball joints in there too accommodate that and yeah they're just

you know the natural process of building it feels like you're putting something

together it feels like a brick based model and not just a simple

snap-together model or something that has you know a whole lot of specialized

pieces until you get to the end all of this here is all one piece all of this

get up there there you go all that it's one piece well except for these till all

two all the things are the front oh this one specialized piece which is produced

well and it looks good and integrates pretty well with the exception of it

having no studs compared to there being stunted surfaces back here but it just

feels like you know just so much of this just has so much good building good

design that went into it then a present just kind of gave up feel like they

could have made more of it with actual pieces that you put together I'm sure

that that was a difficult to design decision to make because you know at

what point do you switch over from specialized apart to non specialized

parts and then how do you deal with the the seam between those two the scene

between studded surface and not I don't know if I could have done better myself

but it's definitely something that stands out to me that so much of this is

built up nicely and then you just switch over to this big canopy piece there's so

much on it got the working shooter down underneath that just has a little

trigger on the side so you can use that nicely integrated there and a whole

purpose for opening this up is to put a figure in there so you can actually have

a figure operating miss Dahlia printed console up at the front I appreciate the

attempt there doesn't feel entirely necessary for such a small model but

it's probably a better thing that they did put it in there have some

accommodation rather than then not you know keeping keeping in mind that this

is to some degree intended to be a toy and not just a model a display model for

adults overall the thing is pretty cool just got a little bit weird at the end

to me and then the final thing is just this

red Legion Legionnaire who is produced pretty well has the slug rifle which is

just a slug rifle but they market it specifically here in this set as sky

burners oath which is fine you know just looks like a slug rifle anyway you just

got that almost black color it's like a very very dark gunmetal grey very dark

has just a little bit of metallic flake in it and the print of the the jump pack

on the back is pretty nice for the paint application there it's got a lot of

metallic flake in it so it really shines almost look like almost looks like it

glows in some light another light it just looks metallic but yeah pretty

decent stuff there's respectable kind of what you would expect for this figure

and this is the one that is that is designed to fit into the Thresher itself

it's a bit of a tight fit mostly because of the rubber skirt like in piece that

he has but kind of squish them down in there close this up in it does closed up

fully around him and that is that I think I've shared all my opinions about

this thing most important thing here still the fact that it includes an

official Ike or array so we can complete the original Vanguard that we originally

knew now that a piece of the Vanguard the original Vanguard is gone and being

replaced now in another figure to be headed so yeah this is just very late

but some of it is cool so it is questionable so it is definitely up to

subjective interpretation let me know what you think if you like to comments

below I'll talk to you in soon

well at least we have each other

For more infomation >> Mega Construx Destiny Cabal Thresher Gunship set review! - Duration: 8:36.


Lipstick Tutorial Valentine's Day - 17 Top Red Lipsticks - Lip Color Compilation - Duration: 11:07.

Lipstick Tutorial Valentine's Day - 17 Top Red Lipsticks - Lip Color Compilation

Thank you for watching!

Hope you enjoy this video!

For more infomation >> Lipstick Tutorial Valentine's Day - 17 Top Red Lipsticks - Lip Color Compilation - Duration: 11:07.


BIGLIETTI per SAN VALENTINO fai da te facilissimi: 5 idee (2019) - Duration: 10:56.

Look for ideas for an easy DIY ticket for Valentine's Day?

Hi I'm Letizia, creative of the channel Live with Letizia where you can find many

creative recycling projects, DIY and tricks for home.

Today I show you 5 super easy ideas to create wonderful DIY tickets for Valentine's Day.

Choose the one you like best and try Doing it, I'm sure you'll make a ticket

very beautifull!

If you like tutorials like this I recommend you to subscribe now to my channel by clicking

on Sign up and on the bell, so you do not get lost none of the upcoming videos.

If you do not like this video, leave me your constructive criticism in the comments.

Now let's move on to the tutorial: keep watching!

If you like tutorials like this, I remind you that you can subscribe now to my channel

by clicking on subscribe and on the bell, in order not to miss any of the next videos.

Have you already chosen which Valentine's ticket you will do?

we'll see you next time


For more infomation >> BIGLIETTI per SAN VALENTINO fai da te facilissimi: 5 idee (2019) - Duration: 10:56.


Phone Location Apps Limit Police Investigations - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Phone Location Apps Limit Police Investigations - Duration: 1:39.


أعراض 10 أنواع من السرطان - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> أعراض 10 أنواع من السرطان - Duration: 1:05.


#mysterious Places On Earth In [Hindi ] दुनिया विश्व की सबसे रहस्यमय जगह || - Duration: 4:41.


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For more infomation >> #mysterious Places On Earth In [Hindi ] दुनिया विश्व की सबसे रहस्यमय जगह || - Duration: 4:41.


How to Give a Great Poster Presentation - Duration: 3:19.

Hi there.

I am John Bond from Riverwinds Consulting and this is Publishing Defined.

Today I am going to talk about giving a great poster presentation.

So, your poster has been accepted and you are going to be presenting at a conference,

convention, or a meeting of interested colleagues.

Here are the six steps to giving a top-notch presentation.

First, have a tight focus on your subject and message.

Be able to summarize your presentation in a single sentence, if you had to.

Don't try to examine so many different points or subpoints that your main focus gets blurred.

Second, when you are creating the actual poster have a natural flow from your question or

thesis statement through your results or findings to your conclusion or interpretations.

Make sure the reader's eye will flow from left to right through your poster in a natural


Third, use great visuals.

Most people remember visuals from a poster, much more than the text.

Spend too much time creating eye catching visuals that will engage the reader.

Fourth, do what is required.

Usually there are established guidelines for a poster such as title and presenter's names

at the top.

References or footnotes at the bottom.

Use a large enough font size.

Make sure the poster can be read from the typical distance, maybe six or so feet away.

Do what the guidelines suggest so that, if judging is occurring, that you are judged

by content and presentation and that you don't lose points for small technical items.

And include your email or contact information on the poster.

Fifth, include a great title, an abstract, and a hook.

Choose an engaging title that will draw readers in.

Perhaps be provocative.

If possible, include a brief abstract that summarizes your whole poste in the 150 or

250 words allotted.

Of course, have that hook that grabs the reader either in the title, on the poster, or in

your initial comments to them.

Sell what you have.

Sixth, so now you have a great poster and people are coming by to see it and interact

with you.

Practice what you will say to your visitors.

Shoot to have this be a meaningful interaction about your work.

Let the person read through the poster.

Don't read it to them.

If a group gathers, talk to them as a group not individually.

Remember to make eye contact and talk simply and slow.

Ask if anyone has any questions.

I suggest being prepared with a handout, if appropriate.

Or make a simply, shortened URL available for an online version of the poster, if possible.

And give out your business card s to everyone and get people's contact information in


See this as a networking opportunity.

Finally, poster prizes can be important and can help you gain status with your peers and

at work.

Take the process serious and approach it with enthusiasm.

Well that's it.

I am a publishing consultant and work with associations, publishers, and individuals

on a host of content related challenges.

Reach out to me at with your questions.

Hit the Like button below if you enjoyed this video.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel or click on the link to see my video on How Do

Choose the Best Journal for Your Paper?

And make comments below.

Thank so much and take care.

For more infomation >> How to Give a Great Poster Presentation - Duration: 3:19.


Dạo Một Vòng Chợ Hoa Tết Cần Thơ. 30 Tết 2019 - Duration: 13:45.

For more infomation >> Dạo Một Vòng Chợ Hoa Tết Cần Thơ. 30 Tết 2019 - Duration: 13:45.


Heartless Hathyara (Peiyena Peiyum Kurudhi) Hindi Dubbed Upcoming Movie Motion Poster - Duration: 0:42.


For more infomation >> Heartless Hathyara (Peiyena Peiyum Kurudhi) Hindi Dubbed Upcoming Movie Motion Poster - Duration: 0:42.


Paul Ince explains what Arsenal must do this summer after Man City loss - Duration: 2:35.

 Paul Ince has claimed that Arsenal must "spend some money" if they are to close in on their top-six rivals

 Back in the Champions League places ahead of the weekend after Chelsea's thrashing at Bournemouth in midweek, the Gunners ended Sunday evening in sixth following their 3-1 defeat against Pep Guardiola's side

 Conceding the opener after 48 seconds as Sergio Aguero headed home, the striker completed his hat-trick either side of half-time after Laurent Koscielny had earlier levelled the scores

 The Gunners have now conceded 36 goals in the league this year and the team's problems at the back could well cost them a place in the top four come May

   Having not strengthened in defence before the transfer deadline despite having the likes of Rob Holding, Sokratis and Hector Bellerin on the sidelines at present, Ince believes that they must splash the cash in the summer if they want to close the gap on Liverpool, Man City and Spurs

 "They've got to spend some money," said the former midfielder on Match of the Day 2

"That's the first thing you need to do.  "I look at the back four. They're an ageing team, that back four

 "If you're going to get close to Liverpool, City, even Manchester United and Tottenham, they're so far away

They've got to spend money to compete.  "They've got the right manager. I really believe that

He started the season so so well. Unbeaten in 22 games in all competitions. But they need to spend a lot of money to close that gap

" Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Paul Ince explains what Arsenal must do this summer after Man City loss - Duration: 2:35.


Welcome to CUPOCAFE - the introduction (love of coffee) - Duration: 1:58.

hi my name is Theo and this is jonathan Hi my name is Melissa and welcome

here at cupocafe our passion is people and connecting people with a good cup of

coffee we strive to develop the coffee culture in our community by introducing

to you guys special a home brewing methods and perfectly roasted Arabica


so come on over to our store we would love to introduce you to home brewing

methods we would love to help you activate your coffee pallet with

different single-engine coffee's

or press the botton's down here if you would like to learn more...

click them click it

For more infomation >> Welcome to CUPOCAFE - the introduction (love of coffee) - Duration: 1:58.


SPIDER-MAN 's Moves Set Marvel Avengers Alliance Peter Benjamin Parker - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> SPIDER-MAN 's Moves Set Marvel Avengers Alliance Peter Benjamin Parker - Duration: 0:39.


Top 10 Yummy Chocolate Cupcake Recipe Ideas | Easy DIY Cake Decorating Tutorial - Duration: 10:18.

Top 10 Yummy Chocolate Cupcake Recipe Ideas | Easy DIY Cake Decorating Tutorial

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

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