Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily Feb 4 2019

In the previous episode you sailed with us from Kythnos to Paros

where we faced a stronger wind in the anchorage

But now the wind started to get worse around there

at times wind of 40 knots north and northeast

at times south and southeast winds

this requires well-planned logistics

to be shelter in the anchorage

and also to change from one point to another

However, before continuing I would like to request your click on the "like" button

with that your help the channel to continue growing

We arrived in Naousa

we left the anchorage where we were, on the same island of Paros

because there is a forecast of 40 to 45 knots of wind

and there it was not sheltered

so we stopped here, inside a marina

but we just arrived, so we didn't talked to anyone

and we do not know if we're staying here for the strong wind

Beto is still analyzing everything

But it's been a month since we do not get water, so we need to fill the tank.

It's all closed too, let's see if we can find anyone out there

The next few days were very intense in relation to the wind

we had to study well what we would do and keep an eye on the forecast all the time

because sometimes it changed

We had north-northeast winds for a few days

but it would change to the southwest anytime

this time the plan worked out, even though the port was closed

with no water, electricity available

we could stay on the pier without problems and at no cost

For the southwest was great, the boat was well protected from sea and wind

we also thought about stay during the north wind that was planned for two days

but despite the built protection it there isn't natural barrier

the wind would come from the black sea, direct into us, I found it risky ...

We changed the plans and we decided that we are going to Naxos

which is bigger and seems to be more sheltered

and here Naousa, that's where we are, in Paros

also almost everything is closed, there are few things open

but it is a place that there is a lot of fisherman

so we were feeling safe, too.

but we saw that in Naxos there are more boats

so let's go there it's 9 miles from here, we'll be there soon!

So between the change of winds we run there to be shelter

for the north wind, it was very well evaluated in all the apps we use.

We arrived at the port with a north wind of 15 to 20 knots

and yes, it was shelter

we had no problem berthing the aft boat with the anchor in the bow

I already liked it! There are several sailboats, there are plenty of people who live on board too.

the city is all open and busy

so I think it was a good thing

towels already in the sun, we've already taken a shower.

And the city of Naxos!

This port was a bit expensive

but made up for the small town and the tranquility of the next two days

Look! There's a woman reading, that means: she lives on board,

here also people have left, so they live on board.

there are boats at least !

There's something quite different here

but there must be someone, because there are clothes hanging

so we feel a lot safer.

Beto is going to chat with the guy

When we arrive, We always try to talk to someone,

know what people are thinking about the forecast

one thing was pretty cool, we mooring during the first try, so it was the perfect the maneuver that we did

very nice

We try, this time it was perfect, perfect.

nothing like practice, right?

because are several times and then you become a star!

And today it was perfect, I was very happy, very happy

Beto didn't gave me a scolding

Look what a good thing, we'll have neighbors.

one is from Norway and another from Switzerland

and the dog is coming to us

very nice the doggy too

it's like a black retriever

They're making friends ...

That's right, Google!

Friendship, neighbors always good

I'm in paradise, paradise!

full of little shops there is movement, car and it is crowded!

I'm very happy because where we were, Beto was editing

and I was walking in the empty city, walking in the empty city

and here... look, motorcycles passing, people walking

Caraca! We wake up and there's a strong wind that started at night

but where we are, I think it was great.

because here in the corner of the pier, is entering the wave

there It's also swaying

the waves are bursting there in the stone

It's "froid", but we're sheltered, theoretically.

of corse, the wind enters, there is no way ...

the only problem was the noise from the cable "nhec, nhec" all night long

we woke up today with the guy from the marina on our doorstep

we tried to meet him yesterday we could not

and I think now with the wind he came to take a look at the boats

and took the opportunity to charge us

I think it will be 14 to 18 euros for our boat, per day

expensive, I think it is the most expensive place so far, but with water and electricity

I tried to take it off the water. and electricity to save money

but the guy says that it does not change anything because it does not have the "clock", you know?

But do what?

At least we are sheltered. Let's stay here for three days until this wind blows

and then we get a wind from the south to go up to Mikonos

So it's like this, 4 to 5 days of a wind 4 to 5 days of another

4 to 5 days of another, continue like this, a mess

But the weather is bad! Out here you see the "waves"

Day to stay at home ...

it's blowing a lot out there! How much did it get Beto?

45 knots

But the [airport] sensor is dialing 60

Uou! I can not imagine what 60 is! 50 already suffered, imagine 60

Hot little meal

"hide sweet potato" with ground beef

Today we did the laundry ,

we could not save the five euros of drying

and we had to spend 10 euros to wash and dry

and some things I washed by hand at the boat

and now is the way that Beto loves

here we have a bathroom

There are even strings attached

because it didn't fit everything hang

and it didn't fit all in the machine

but that's it, days of staying at home and cleaning around here

Well, let's leave the city of Naxos now

because it lowered the windy

so we did not pay the marina from Sunday to Monday

because there wasn't forecast of wind and the marina is 18 euros per day

so we're going to Delos

where is a city also full of history, as usual

and we're going just visit

and then we'll shelter near Mykonos

because tomorrow comes 30 knots from the southwest

the city of Naxos was very nice to know

is the largest city in the city of Ciclaides

there are 18 thousand population, that means: a lot for these islands

it is known as the city of Dionysos

also there is the temple of Apollo like almost every city

We took a little tour.

but it was quite windy we are still getting used to the wind and the cold

but today is perfect, we are in t-shirt

it's not windy


Ah! And one thing this time the forecast did not

it was even more. Sometimes it's less sometimes it's more

This time I was estimated 40 and hit 60

up here...

Keyed up! It was bad, it was bad!

Fucking wind, fucking hell

We are arriving here in Delos

it is a place for visitation only, several museums blah blah blah

But the deal is not open

so we even tried to fly the drone but neither can

The museum was closing because of the wind

and it would be closed in the next days

because with southwest the boats can not stop at the pier

so we decided to leave to Mykonos in a good anchorage for the southwest

but open to north and northeast

but this you will see in the next episode

If you liked, do not forget to click the "thumb up"

comment and share the video

see you next week

Bye, fair winds

For more infomation >> 89 | Se Vacilar os 60 nós te Pega / Conhecendo a Ilha de Naxos - Grécia - Sailing Around the World - Duration: 11:03.


Jan Richardson Sight Words | Level C | And | Jack Hartmann - Duration: 3:12.

Hi, I'm Jan Richardson

And I'm Jack Hartmann

Let's work together and learn our sight words even better

I love learning my sight words

I have fun with sight words

I know lot's of sight words

They help me read and write

Let's learn the sight word and

Here we go

Read it out loud


Read it quietly


Read it in your head


Now look carefully and tell me

What's the missing letter?

Say it before I do




Now look carefully and tell me the two missing letters




I love learning my sight words

I have fun with sight words

I know lot's of sight words

They help me read and write

Now mix and fix the sight word and

Put the letters in the right order

What letter comes first?


What letter comes next?


What letter comes last?



I love learning my sight words

I have fun with sight words

I know lot's of sight words

They help me read and write

We learned the sight word and

For more infomation >> Jan Richardson Sight Words | Level C | And | Jack Hartmann - Duration: 3:12.






VCAM(브이캠) EP.69_청담동 꽃도령들 (Cheongdamdong's Bachelors Over Flowers) - Duration: 8:22.

VAV - VAMPZ, thanks for watching VCAM! Remember to stay with our channel! VAMPZ, 谢谢收看VCAM! 记得不能转台哦!

VAV - Hi we are VAV! 你好, 我们是VAV!

St.Van - Today we are wearing a special costume! 今天大家都穿上了特别的衣服呢!

Ace - Why are we wearing this??? 今天为什么要穿韩服呢???

- VAV is singing the new year song - 在唱新年歌的VAV

Ace - Let's play "I see" game. Who want to start first? 来玩一场 "原来如此" 游戏吧. 谁要先开始呢?

Lou - I have nothing to say though?… 我没什么想说的?…

Ziu - I will start first! 那我先开始吧!

Ace - I am curious… Who is his pick?… 有点好奇… 他会选谁呢?…

Ziu - Can I just start and speak out all my dissatisfaction? 平时累积的不满都可以马上说出来吧?

St.Van - Just call out the name~ 请喊出他的名字~

BaRon - Ziu seems ready to attack~ 喜晙已经准备好开战了?~

Lou - You! Come out~ 你! 给我出来~

Ziu - St.Van! Come out! St.Van! 给我出来~

Ziu - I was so mad when you came to my room, finished my snacks and throw them in my room! 哥你每次来我房里偷吃我的零食, 然后还要乱丢垃圾的时候, 我真的特别生气!

Lou - He is right! 是啊!

St.Van - I see~ 原来如此~

Ayno - He threw the rubbish in Lou's room as well~ 他也在Lou的房里乱丢垃圾~

Lou - There're always Fanta and Sprite can~ 很常会有喝剩的饮料罐~

BaRon - Also! There's always drink left inside the can… 都没喝完…

Lou - and I need to clean it myself~ 然后我就要自己丢掉这些垃圾~

St.Van - Ziu, we share the same bathroom, right?… Ziu, 我们不是共用同一间厕所吗?…

St.Van - Why you always forgot to flush after using the toilet? 为什么你每次都忘了冲水?

Ayno - Are you sure we can air this out? 你确定这可以播出去吗?

Ziu - I see… I see… 原来如此… 原来如此…

Ayno - I have nothing to tell Lou… because I am not interested with him… 我没什么想对Lou说的… 因为我对他没什么兴趣…

Lou - Can I start it? 可以开始了吗?

Ace - Here is it~ The dissatisfaction war~ 他们开战了~

BaRon - You can't feel the soul in their conversation~ 一点灵魂也没有~

Ayno - We started! 我们已经开始了!

Lou - I treated you fried chicken a while ago, right?~ 不久前我不是请你吃了炸鸡吗?~

St.Van - Oh! I knew what happened! 我知道发生了什么事!

Ayno - Yesterday… 啊我昨天…

Lou - I bought you fried chicken.. but yesterday… 我请你吃了炸鸡.. 但是昨天…

St.Van - Wait and listen to it!!~ 让他说下去!!~

Lou - Ayno said he wanted to treat me dinner yesterday, but when we arrived at the restaurant he said he have no money~ 昨天他就说要请我吃饭, 结果出去了却跟我说他没钱~

Ayno - No! That's not true!! No~ 不是! 不是这样的!! 不是~

BaRon - We always share the same room when we go for oversea tour, right?~ 出国的话, 我们俩经常都用同一间房间, 对吧?~

BaRon - It's good to share the same room with him! But he took a super long time to prepare… since he is a prince so I will try to accept it… 一起用同一间房还挺不错的! 但是他准备的时间总是特别久… 既然他是王子, 所以也没办法了…

Ayno - I can feel you! Ace need a long long time to change his clothes and look at the mirror~ 万分赞同! Ace真的花很久的时间选衣服以及照镜子~

Ace - Ayno you don't have to add-on~ 你知道啥?~

Ace - When we out for schedule, we might need to go to toilet first, right? But he took the longest time… I hope he can come out faster… 要跑行程的时候, 大家不是都要轮流用厕所吗? 但是他老是很久都不出来… 希望他可以顾虑看其他成员…

BaRon - Oh~ I see~ I have a weak digestive system… 啊~ 原来如此~ 因为我的肠胃有点弱…

Ace - I didn't say anything! Why are you telling us?.. 我什么都没说啊! 你干嘛自曝!

Ayno - Is it because of "BBI"??? 啊所以是因为 "哔"???

BaRon - We need to write a poem with the given title! 我们需要用指定的主题作一首诗!

BaRon - Please concentrate and show us your gag sense!!! 大家要专心, 要写得有趣一点哦!!!

St.Van - I think I know the title.! 我可以预测到是什么主题了.!

BaRon - Year 2019! Since it's new year… 2019年! 既然是新年…

Lou - Who wrote this? The writing is nice! 这是谁的? 字体很好看呢!

BaRon - The title is "new year"! 主题是"新年"!

Ace - Should we start it?~ 开始吧?~

- VAV is trying hard to write a poem/sentence with the title "NEW YEAR" - 努力用主题"新年"作诗的VAV

BaRon - Ziu will present his poem first! 就让Ziu先发表他的诗吧!

Ziu - Title is "Fly Away~" 主题是"痛快地飞走吧~"

Lou - It sounds like a pansori~ 感觉有点像盘索里~

Ziu - The older me~ All my fats please fly away~ 过去的我~ 脂肪都痛快地飞走吧~

Ziu - The new me~ All my fats please fly away too~ 新一年的我~ 脂肪也都痛快地飞走吧~

BaRon - Next presentation is St.Van~ 下一个发表的是St.Van~

St.Van - Title is "New Year" 主题是"新年"

St.Van - Look at the far sunrise, a brand new year is going to start again… 看着那遥远升起的太阳, 新的一年又要开始了…

St.Van - Look at the red light, my passion and heart are ready to restart again… The end! That's my poem~ 看着那火红的阳光, 我的心以及热情又要开始了… 结束! 这就是我的诗~

Ace - It sounds meaningful~ 好有意思~

St.Van - I wrote it after deep consideration about my words option… 我在用词方面特别下了一番心思…

Lou - It sounds meaningful but meaningless at the same time~ 听起来很有意思, 但又好像没啥意思~

Lou - This is how I wrote it! 这是我写的诗!

Ziu - Oh! There's English words in it! 哇! 还有英文呢!

Ayno - Good job~ 写得好~

Ace - There's English words?? 有英文??

St.Van - English?? 你说有英文??

Lou - Since it's new year, so everyone say~ yeah~ 这是新的一年, 所以大家一起说~ 耶~

Lou - Get the new year allowance from St.Van when your wallet is empty! 钱包没钱的话就跟St.Van拜个年拿个红包!

Lou - Greet St.Van three times then you get triple allowance! 向St.Van拜年三次, 就可以拿三份红包!

Lou - Stay healthy this year! And say yes to VAV! 大家要健健康康! 对VAV say yes!

Lou - The new year is going to be better and better! The end! 一年要比一年好! 新的一年! 这就是我的诗~

Ace - Oh~ Rapper… 哇~ 果然是Rapper…

BaRon - Sounds like a rap~ 好像在说唱似的~

Ayno - This is my poem! 这是我写的诗!

Lou - Wow! Looks nice~ 哇! 写得真好~

Ayno - It's the 2nd new year we spent together! 这是我们一起度过的第二个新年!

Ayno - We gonna made them(VAMPZ) belongs to us only~ YEAH~ 我们要让她们只属于我们~ YEAH~

Ayno - Received the spotlight and tell her "she is gorgeous!" 站在舞台上对她说"你很漂亮!"

Ayno - She is VAMPZ! She is belongs to us! 她就是VAMPZ! 她是属于我们的!

Ayno - Be happy! Lets fall in love together and forever! 幸福吧… 我们要一直爱着对方

Ace - Title! Is "Like a Hot Sun" 题目是 "像炙热的太阳"

Ayno - Like a burning hot sun! Wow so impressive! 像炙热的太阳! 很有震撼力的题目!

Ace - My heart will be warm just like the rising hot sun~ 我的心就像炙热的太阳一样温暖~

Ace - A warm heart that can melt down this freezing winter… Thank you! 我会用我的温暖来融化这个寒冷的冬天… 谢谢!

St.Van - That's the end? 就这样?

BaRon - New Year! Choi BaRon! 新年! 崔BaRon!

BaRon - The new sun is rising now!! 新年的太阳升起了!!

BaRon - Let go the past and work harder for the future!!! 放下过去, 为未来更加努力奋斗吧!!!

St.Van - That's it??? 就这样???

- Selecting the best poet in VAV! The first place goes to..???!!! - 我们要选出VAV中最棒的诗人! 所以第一名是???!!!

St.Van - Happy New Year! Hope you will continue to support and love VAV. Gonna ends today episode now~ 新年快乐! 希望你们会继续喜欢并支持VAV. 今天就到此结束咯~

VAV - Guys~ Happy New Year!!! 各位~ 新年快乐!!!

Ayno - I heard you guys enjoyed VCAM so much~ 希望你们享受收看我们的VCAM~

Ziu - Yes! 很好!

Ayno - Subscribe! 订阅!

Ayno & Ziu - Click click click! Click the "Subscribe" button!!! 要给我们按赞并订阅哦! 要一直按赞赞赞!!!!

For more infomation >> VCAM(브이캠) EP.69_청담동 꽃도령들 (Cheongdamdong's Bachelors Over Flowers) - Duration: 8:22.


Dragon Ball Super: Broly「Blizzard」- German ver. | Selphius - Duration: 5:26.

Night is enveloping this land, so monochrome and empty

Mountains of ice form a wall that nobody could ever destroy

"You should just go along with it." Is that really your moral?

And someday I just froze, did I ever have another choice in my life?

No matter how long this ice would keep me inside its walls

There's still a fire that's slumbering within my heart

I never cared about your expectations and hope

I'm the one to decide what's good and evil

Who do I accept all this suffering for?

Why do I keep standing up again and again?

I'm fighting for myself

What do you think to know about this world?

I will find the answers on my own

to any question I have

From now on there's only me

and the morning light that's still unknown to me

The red of the morning looks different than the one I dreamed of

What I thought to understand has suddenly changed completely

Where's the point of this world's chaos?

The sun reveals everything, fuels the embers inside of me, until everything will burn down in it

No matter how long this ice would keep me inside its walls

There's still a fire that I can now feel inside of my heart

I've never seen the horizon's light so bright and radiant

Until you see the whole universe lit up

Who do I accept all this suffering for?

Why do I keep standing up again and again?

I'm fighting for myself

No matter what's coming at me, I'll withstand,

because I can never lose myself again

It's all in my hand now

From now on there's only me

and the morning light that's destined for me

The world is small

Close your eyes now

Just a dead dream

Everything's intertwined

Fog - heavy and thick

And I'm shouting out

Dragging everything with me

just like a blizzard

Break the ice

Break the ice now

Break the ice

Break the ice now

Break the ice

Break the ice now

Break the ice

Break the ice now

Who do I accept all this suffering for?

Why do I keep standing up again and again?

I'm fighting for myself

What do you think to know about this world?

I will find the answers on my own

to any question I have

From now on there's only me

and the morning light that's still unknown to me

The story will go on forever...

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super: Broly「Blizzard」- German ver. | Selphius - Duration: 5:26.


Salsa o coulis al caffè bimby per TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Salsa o coulis al caffè bimby per TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 2:25.


Search For Subway Shooting Suspects - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Search For Subway Shooting Suspects - Duration: 1:16.


Creative destruction PC gameplay || Play with subs - Duration: 42:17.

For more infomation >> Creative destruction PC gameplay || Play with subs - Duration: 42:17.


ПОЧЕМУ УМЕР ДЕЦЛ? / Стала известна причина смерти КИРИЛЛА ТОЛМАЦКОГО - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> ПОЧЕМУ УМЕР ДЕЦЛ? / Стала известна причина смерти КИРИЛЛА ТОЛМАЦКОГО - Duration: 1:10.


Como parar de sofrer? Pare de se vitimizar! Pare de Reclamar! - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Como parar de sofrer? Pare de se vitimizar! Pare de Reclamar! - Duration: 0:51.


CUSTER OF THE WEST - subtitrare in romana cu CC - subtitles with auto-translate - Duration: 2:21:20.

For more infomation >> CUSTER OF THE WEST - subtitrare in romana cu CC - subtitles with auto-translate - Duration: 2:21:20.


龍騎士エデルの伝説The Legend of the Dragon Knight Edel - Duration: 10:00.

For more infomation >> 龍騎士エデルの伝説The Legend of the Dragon Knight Edel - Duration: 10:00.


Top 7 whatsapp status Apps | whatsapp status apps | best WhatsApp status app - Duration: 7:33.


Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Top 7 whatsapp status Apps | whatsapp status apps | best WhatsApp status app - Duration: 7:33.


Avengers 4 Endgame 2nd Trailer Full Breakdown | By Iconic View - Duration: 3:50.

Hello guys, welcome to iconic view before we start if this is your first time on this

channel then hit the subscribe button and press the bell icon so you won't miss anything.

guys, at last, Marvel dropped the second trailer of Avengers 4. we were expecting to see Captain

Marvel in this trailer or maybe even little bit fight scene, but Marvel didn't do.

Before it starts, don't miss Awesome news about Avengers 4 Logo, go see it, link in

the description as Avengers 4 Logo.

Let's first play the trailer.

At first, we see the stadium in New York City, while Steve Rogers is doing conversation with

other heroes, it's hard to explain that with whom Steve is talking, but I can say by observing

these figures that on the left side of Steve, Tony is sitting, first I would like to say

that, this trailer isn't in timeline sequence.

we know that Marvel always tricks us by the CGI, different timelines and fake scenes.

Now move on the trailer, on the left of Tony is nebula and right side of Steve is mantis,

or probably Natasha Romanoff.

Secondly, as I said, it's not in the time sequence, Tony and Nebula are repairing the

Space Ship, right now you guys are thinking about that, what happened to Tony's rescue?

Well I gotta say, nobody is coming to save Tony Stark, he is a genius he can rebuild

the ship on his own.

In the next, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, James Rohde, and Natasha Romanoff are watching in

the sky, it's a proof that Tony and Nebula rebuilt the ship and they are on the earth.

Next, we see Rocket, he is somewhere on the beach to Gear up his weapons.

And Natasha is training, so they can fight much harder.

And we see the War Machine and Antman are standing together, Ant-Man finally escaped

from Quantum Realm, no time travel or archived post as we saw in the Avengers 4 first trailer.

Moving to the next, we see Thor holding Stormbreaker, there is no sign of Mjolnir as we expected

to see.

Next, Clint Barton, by looking his suit and arrows on his back, now he's not Ronin, he

is in an old identity Hawkeye, after this, we see Steve Rogers' hand holding the shield,

by looking at this scene, confrontation is over between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers,

and now they are together once again.

At last, we see Steve Rogers, Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Rocket, Bruce Banner and War Machine

are going for the war and trailer is finished with this.

So tell me guys, what do you think about this trailer, in the comment section and don't

forget subscribe to this channel for more awesome videos.

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