5 Amazing teas for weight loss here are five amazing teas to reduce weight
one green tea green tea aids digestion and it helps to reduce weight it is rich
in flavonoids which control diabetes it is good source of zinc magnesium and
vitamin G green tea prevents cardiovascular diseases fight cancer it
is low in glycemic index improves memory shrinks on board green tea is high in
nutrients minerals proteins and fiber which helps to reduce excess weight
preparation take a pan boil a cup of water pour the hot water into the mug
and add some green tea leaves steep the tea leaves for one to two minutes let
your teeth cool down for a few moments and strain it enjoy a perfect cup of
green tea mint takes me to tea is low in calories it contains a number of
essential oils that has to reduce the fat in the body mint tea is rich in
antioxidants it has antimicrobial and anti viral
agent mint contains menthol which inflammatory release stomach disorders
promotes immune system and reduces bad brain
preparation take a pan boil some water add some fresh mint leaves and Aloise
boil for 10 minutes now take a cup and strain the water into it
you can add honey to enhance the taste but it is optional
now the tasty refreshing delicious mint tea is ready it reduces weight in a
short time ginger tea ginger tea Hudson weight-loss this tea is so delicious and
tasty it has been weight loss and flag belief ginger tea has Sunday edition and
prevents ovarian cancer it improves blood circulation and promotes heart
healthy now let us see the preparation of ginger tea take a pan with 2 cups of
water add ginger pieces and allow to boil for 10 to 15 minutes after boiling
strain it into a cup now the ginger tea is ready to serve you
can add honey to enhance the taste but it is optional this tea reduces we wait
and burns unwanted fat in the belly region lemon tea
lemon tea helps to reduce weight in the body it detoxifies your body and boost
immune system lemon cake gives glow to the skin and it chrushank libri
preparation take a pan with some water add few fresh lemon leaves and boil for
5 minutes now take a glass and strain the water squeeze the lemon into the
water and add 1 TSP of honey and mix well lemon tea is ready it makes you so
refreshing by drinking this you can get flat belly and reduce weight in a short
time turmeric tea turmeric is full of health benefits it act as
anti-inflammatory it reduces weight and increases immunity as it is rich in
antioxidants it promotes weight class preparation take a pan and add 2 cups of
water and boil it add 1 TSP of turmeric for peppercorns 1/2 inch ginger 2
cardamom and and to boil for 10 minutes now strain
into a cup the turmeric tea is ready by drinking this tea you can get flat belly
and it promotes excess weight loss this tea also reduces cold cough flu and so
many other diseases thank you for watching this video like and subscribe
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