Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily Jul 27 2017

How To Lighten Vagina Naturally.

Dark vaginal area is mostly caused due to abrasion.

It's almost impossible to wear a swimsuit with this type of complexity.

Dark vaginal area can also look scary and unappealing during personal moments with your


In this condition, we should perform to get lighten vaginal area with nature-based ingredients.

In this video we are talking about 5 best home remedies to get lighten vagina.

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Buttermilk lightens the skin because it contains lactic acid.

The effect it has on the skin is similar to lemon juice, it exfoliates the skin.

This removes the affected areas making the skin lighter.

Using a cotton ball apply buttermilk over the area you want to treat.

Wait fifteen minutes and then rinse it.



Mint improves the texture of your skin making it soft and smooth.

Take some fresh mint leaves and grind them using a mortar and pestle.

Apply the paste over the area you want to lighten and leave it there for around twenty


Rinse with cold water.

If you do this twice a day you can see results in two weeks.



Take a potato, grate it and spread the paste over your vaginal area.

When grating the potato don�t strain it because you need all the juices.

These juices are the ones containing the bleaching agent that will help to lighten your vagina.

Let the paste dry and then rinse it off.


Orange Peel.

Take two or more oranges and peel them.

Sundry the peels and when they are fully dried, grind them to make a powder.

Adding some milk to the powder you will make a paste.

Apply the paste over your skin and leave it there around 15 minutes.

Rinse with warm water.


Sandalwood paste.

For this remedy you will need: sandalwood powder, lemon juice, tomato juice and cucumber


Make a paste mixing all these ingredients and apply it over the area you need to treat.

Leave it until it dries and then rinse.

For more infomation >> How To Lighten Vagina At Home With Home Remedies - Duration: 2:34.


Actor Ganesh Venkatraman Biography | Tamil - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Actor Ganesh Venkatraman Biography | Tamil - Duration: 2:12.


如何入門美漫_懶人包0(How to know US Comics) - Duration: 12:00.

For more infomation >> 如何入門美漫_懶人包0(How to know US Comics) - Duration: 12:00.


২ উপায়ে বাসায় তৈরি চালের গুঁড়ি|How make rice flour at home|Rice Powder atHome|Make Instant RiceFlour - Duration: 4:02.

For making taste cake recipes and skin care Rice flour is an essential ingredients.

But due to unavailable this rice powder we unable to make taste somethings

Today I am going show how you can make Rice Flour at home

If you like this video please subscribe my channel to get more useful videos.

I have taken about 2 cups , First washed these for 5 hours

Some water is observed up to now. So, I would dry rice through fan

Now the rice are ready to be powder.

First I would show the convention way to make the rice flour. Taken grinding tool which is made by stone .

Yes,Rice is transformed to powder. Now going to filter these to separate finer from big particles

Finally got the perfect rice flour .

Now the second way where I use grinding machine

Filling the grinding machine

Look how finer these grinned rice powder.

Now filter these Rice flour to separate from big particles

So,Finally we got the finer rice powder. You can now make taste recipes or skin care by this.

Thanks for watching. Please subscribe my Channel to get more videos

For more infomation >> ২ উপায়ে বাসায় তৈরি চালের গুঁড়ি|How make rice flour at home|Rice Powder atHome|Make Instant RiceFlour - Duration: 4:02.


Watch videos with Mama! Cooking Mama Let's Cook - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Watch videos with Mama! Cooking Mama Let's Cook - Duration: 0:36.


hand embroidery designs | basic embroidery stitches | hand embroidery tutorial for beginners - Duration: 2:17.

hand embroidery designs

For more infomation >> hand embroidery designs | basic embroidery stitches | hand embroidery tutorial for beginners - Duration: 2:17.


Prajapati | প্রজাপতি | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle - Duration: 2:46:19.

"If the heart wishes

"..and fill the life

"Everything is forgotten,

"Know that the heart wants

"As a cloud if it goes

" the end of the day,

" comes back to someone."

"Know that the heart wants

"The dreams are blurred."

"They outstretch their

"The soul bird looks around

"Know that the heart wants

What happened? Beat me. Beat me.

Why did you stop? -How can I beat you?

You are my..

Well, I forget all the curse

Stop it. Don't utter foul language.

You've a dirty mind and so

Why did you do so? What had it done?

Yes. Yes. I'm like dirty muck.

I can't tolerate anything

..except you.

I feel as if all the beautiful

Sukhen da. - Don't threaten me.

I leave everything behind,

..and come to you for peace of mind.

I come only to you.

Well, you were not like this before.

You had such good

I was in first year at that time.

You had already graduated,

..the college function

They needed Sukhendu

Who will come for the

Who else but Sukhendu Mukherje.

Who will help the college

..who else but Sukhendu.

So Shikha,

The name got lost long time back.

Sukhendu became Sukhen

But the way you call

People need this man

So, I'm helping them


But, but, don't you ever

Don't you wish to live a

You've started your lectures again.

Decent men! Scoundrel!

You don't have to look further.

Just take the example of my family.

It's full of so many decent people.

My father, he is a high ranking

He is enjoying the immense

I've two worthless elder brothers.

They are wriggling in

Don't mess with me.

Everything will get exposed

Do you get me?

Well, do you love me?

Yes, I do.

That's why you come to me.

Then why can't you

Why can't you give me? Tell me.

I'm a very ordinary person

I wanted a very

The person who'll build

The person who'll take the

What happened?

So, your hooliganism is over.

You've become speechless. Right?

No. I haven't lost my power of speech.

Then answer me. - What shall I answer?

How can I answer such

I know you'll never be

..because you don't

Yes, yes, I know it, Shikha.

I know the answer.

But, I feel ashamed to speak about


I just saw Tuku.

When did you return?

Sit, I'll get tea for you.

First come here.

What's it?

How come there are scratch

Whose cheeks? - Who else?

Well, the scratch marks given

..throughout the day.

He is a very naughty guy.

Sister, this is too much. - leave me.

First promise that

Give me money. - Why?

I've a taken lot of loan for gambling.

If I don't pay them

Father, don't you feel ashamed when.. borrow money for gambling? - No!

Shame? Why will I feel ashamed?

It's your time to earn money.

You can take care of

Father, there is no age to work.

She has started her lectured.

When I go out to work

..working to earn their livelihood.

Stop your lectures.

Will you give me money or not?

It's Thursday today and so I

You get rid of your responsibilities by

Do something for your old father.

I got married you so grandly.

You couldn't keep the man at home.

He was involved in politics

No trace.

You have the tag of a married woman,

Father! You are digging

I'm not doing it purposely.

They are automatically coming out.

Well, forget it.

Discussions will continue.

And if a daughter stays at brings disgrace.

Give me 50 rupees quickly.

I'll end the matter

"One little seed, two little seeds."

"A seed on top of a seed,

Sister, you've no information

Why are you digging up the past?

Forget about me.

Well, Tuku is a very good boy.

He may look rough but

It's your duty to bring it out.

Try to understand him.

He is ignored and

Take care that you never hurt him.

Never go away from him. Ok?

I know. I know everything.

But, but, I don't know

I get angry at him.

I get upset.

I also feel jealous.

Finally I also feel happy

.. and he is only mine.

Only mine.

Welcome, master.

Keep the car in the garage.


Give me your bag.

Where are the worthless fellows?

They went out after having

They've gone out to serve the country.

The two eldest ones have

..and become leaders.

One party has ten leaders

If one wants to go to the right

Hold it. - They are ruining politics.

Hold it.

Worthless fellows!

Drink the juice. - Yes, give it to me.

The youngest one is a goon.

But, if their mother was alive today..

Tuku has a very good heart.

He is very simple.

Sometimes I find him silently

He thinks about something.

When I call him I

When I look into his eyes

That's why..

.. I'm worried about him.

Tiku and Niku are

They are after their selfish motives.

But Tuku doesn't know

I feel he doesn't get


Why did you come here?

You didn't mention how

You look like a fairy.

Who gave you? - Why will I tell you?

I've many people to gift me.

Go away from here.

Go back to work.

The grown-up girl

Why do you always criticize me?

You are a girl, you are growing up.

It isn't right to

Go to the kitchen.

Master, did you call me?


It's me. - Who? Mr. Somani? - Yes.

Yes, tell me.

Mr. Mukherjee,

Yes, I've rejected your cement.

Listen.. listen to me. - No. No.

If that cement is

..the structure will

What will I do then?

Ok. Fine. I'll change the cement.

But Mr. Mukherjee, don't send

Don't worry, Mr. Mukherjee.

You'll get your dues for this work.

Slowly. Slowly.

Don't laugh out so loud.

What do you say?

Well, get in touch with


How can you say that you

Right! everything is available in Mr. the adjoining neighborhood.

Yes. Yes.

Whose shop did you mention?

Mr. Ram's. - Mr. Ram's.

Oh! Mr. Ram's hop.

Well, this is not Mr. Ram's shop.

This is the shop of one and only Mr.

I told you that there is no supply.

There is no supply.

How can you say that there

We want rice and wheat grains. - Yes.

How much wealth will you accumulate

Right. Right.

No! I'm not into black marketing.

I'm completely a white person.

I've surrendered

At our service or at your service?

At his service.

Wait for the day when

How can you get me arrested?

Look, here is my shop.

Everything is open.

Go and take a look.

Go and check where I've

You haven't kept the goods here.

You've hoarded them

Come on, give us. Yes. Yes.

What's wrong? Mr. Anil? What's wrong?

Well Tuku, all the ration shops except here.

Why are you creating problems,

Look son..

I mean.. I mean..

We don't need your explanations.

You've goods in the store house.

Give them the goods right now.

But.. - Don't mess with me.

If you argue I'll lose my

..I mean even my respected brothers..

..won't be able to save you, Mr. Anil.

Go and take your grocery.

"How long will wait with

"How long will wait with

"How long will I wait?"

"Have you forgotten to engage

"Have you forgotten to engage

"How long will I wait?"

"The warm winds dry up the garlands."

"The garlands dry up.."

"My tears also dry up, my beloved."

"How will I put only the thread

"How will I put only the thread

"How long will I wait with

Is sir at home?

No. father hasn't returned

Oh! So, he hasn't returned.

When he comes tell him

Goodbye. - Goodbye.

"When I hear the sound

"..that my beloved

"You'll be hurt when you touch me,

"You'll be hurt when you touch me,

"How long will I wait?"

"My beloved.."

"How long will I wait?"

"I've spent days in sorrow."

"I had so many things to tell you."

"I've spent days in sorrow."

"Many wishes remain unfulfilled."

"What will I live with

"What will I live with

"How long will I wait

"How long will I wait?"

Manju. Manju.

Well, what's wrong with father?

Nothing serious.

Sir felt dizzy and

He must be suffering

I was passing by so..

Father, let's go inside.

Thank you, Keshav.

I don't know what would've

Perhaps.. - No.

It's a very trivial matter.

Please come inside.

Come. Come inside.

Carefully. Carefully.

Sit down, Keshav. Sit down.

Sit needs to be on

Give him horlicks, fruits etc.

Well, it'll be good

Why are you thinking so much?

I'm not a stranger. Take this.

I'll leave now, sir.

Keshav da, you?

Father suddenly fell ill. - What?

He brought him home.

What are you doing these days, Shiven?

I was working in a jute mill.

But, it's been eight

It's confirmed that

Please manage something for my son.

You've lot of connections. - Yes.

You and your brothers

I can at least demand this

No. No. what are you saying, sir?

You can definitely

Moreover, it's my moral duty.

Do something, Shiven.

Come to my party

I'll give you some work.

I run a medical business.

I can employ you there. - Ok.

Goodbye, sir. - Visit again, son.

I'll come another day to have tea.

"When I hear the sound

"..that my beloved

Manju, I've engaged

Let him earn his pocket money.

I'll get him engaged

You have to do something for him,

Father's eye sight is very meet the family's expenses.

Do something for me.

It's my moral duty to

Take it. Hold this.

I'll feel good if you support me.

What happened?

Why do you hesitate?

So, you don't believe me.

I won't lie all the time just

I don't mean that. But.. - What?

I assure you that I'll

Take care of me now, Manju.


Well.. Keshav.. - Yes.

When did you come, Keshav?

Manju, did you give tea to Keshav?

Yes, I had tea. Don't worry.

How are you now? - Just about okay.

I'm trying to somehow

I'll leave now.

Why? Why will you go now?

Sit. Sit down.

Nowadays I don't people

But, you are a renowned leader now.

You are our pride. - No. No.

But, the condition of politics

They've 50 leaders in one party.

They've 50 different points of views.

No one is worried about

Is this the way that an independent

They are busy accusing the opposition,

We are living in a murderous state..

Sir, sir, I've an important meeting.

I'll come later and discuss

I'll leave now.

Come with me.

I swear on my ancestors Sihku,

..but as long as I own dearth of rice, wheat, sugar etc.

I know that, uncle Anil. - Uncle?

Why do you call me uncle?

How shall I address you, uncle Anil?

Call me Anil. Remove the uncle.

Call me Anil. - How is that possible?

You are elder to me.

Age? I'm not very old, Shiku.

Have you ever seen yourself

Well Shiku, I mean that.. actually..

..I've lost my hair at a young age.

No. No. Don't laugh. No.

Don't laugh.

My heart is evergreen.

Are you reading love poems these days?

I've desires, Shiku.

But I don't get the opportunity.

I spend the entire day at the

Yet the people abuse me.

Again? - Sorry. Extremely sorry.

This is nothing but slip of my tongue.

Uncle. Uncle.

What happened?

How are you, uncle?

I'm fine.

Uncle. Uncle.

Why are you laughing so loudly?

Uncle.. - Unwanted troubles.

..and everything else

Is it? - Yes.

Great! Good. Very good.

Did you drink tea? - Yes uncle. Yes.

Why are you bothering?

What are you doing?

How are you Bela di? I'm fine.

Elder sister?

Well, you are her elder sister,

Sit and discuss country

Where will you go now, Shiku?

It's very hot outside.

Your complexion will get tanned.

You see everything

I've work, I'm going out.

Why are you standing, Anil?

Sit down.

Listen to me.

I'm telling you all

I've a granddaughter of your age.

This age is very delicate for girls.

Have you looked at yourself?

You are growing up.

Such childish behavior

What's wrong with my behavior?

Look, I've garnered

Even master dislikes

What did he see?

Don't talk nonsense.

Go and give tea to youngest master.

Chor da, tea for you.

Why did you come?

What's wrong with Sula da?

Why didn't he come?

He sent me here.

Go and keep it over there.

What are you staring at?

Get out from here. Get out.

Listen to me. - What is it?

You are decking up

Have you come here to work or dance?

Go and send Sula da.

Where is your farmhouse?

Near Fuleshwar, at Doltola. - Ok.

Can you name the local

We'll get the names from Ratan.

I'll give you the names

Do you know Sukhen da,

Father bought this farmhouse

We can't even take our friends

They organize something

They are always busy

If I bring my friends in, the drinks and food.

They use foul language to tease her.

Come on, tell Jeena. Tell Sukhen da.

Ok, I'll do something about it.

Why did you get up? - I've work.

He is a busy man.

When Sukhen has taken the responsibility

Well brother, this is a

Thank you. Bye.

"Come on, young men."

"Listen carefully."

"Perform the dance of

"Come on, young men."

"Listen carefully."

"Perform the dance of

Don't drink like that, it'll hurt you.

"No one understands my pain.."

"Only my beloved

Speak less.

Well, I want to say..

You've got free drinks.

Drink and go away. - Don't disturb me.

Why are you disturbing boss?

Can't you see that boss

Boss, you are restless

You are right. Just like a butterfly.

Well, I wanted to tear

Sins. There are sins everywhere.

So, I suggest you enjoy

But, save yourself from sins.

You won't know when life will end.

The times are not good.

Who is it?

Sir. you all wait here, I'll be back.


Who is it? - It's me.

Oh Sukhen. - Yes, sir.

What are you doing here?

I'm going back home.

I'm depressed, Sukhen. - Why?

I used to give tuitions

One of them has fired me. - What?

The student's father I'm backdated.

Moreover, I've got poor eyesight.

I don't fit into the modern times.

No sir, the man is wrong,

Sir, inspirational teachers

We could live in a free country

Sukhen, you've always been respectful

Well, I shamelessly

The man asked me to come

He didn't think how will

I'll go now. I'll go.

Sir.. well, I was saying..

What is it?

I was saying that.. - What is it, son?

Please take this money, sir.

Are you giving me alms?

What are you saying, sir?

I'm your student.

Treat it as remuneration

Don't refuse me or I'll be hurt.

Sukhen.. are my ideal student.

You've a very pure heart.

Use it for some good work.

May god bless you. Bye.

Sukhen.. - Sir..

I hope you won't get

No sir, you can tell me.

Have you earned this

What happened?

Why are you silent, son?

Oh! I've understood.

Take back the money. - Sir..

Don't feel hurt. Don't feel hurt.

If you earn a lesser

..and offer it to me,

Take back the money today. - No..

Take it back. - No..

Sir.. - Bye, son. Bye.

May god bless you. - Sir..

"Covered with dust and smoke."

"With bodies covered with posters."

"Many people live in this city."

"Covered with dust and smoke."

"With bodies covered with posters."

"Many people live in this city."

"The sudden hopeless

"This city seems to be unknown abode."

"The wings of butterflies are broken."

"The birds are silent."

"There is no sign of light."

"The stories of this

"They float around and

"It's not rain,

"Blood rains down on

"The city appears obscure."

"The old songs are wiped away."

"Who is your own?"

"There is poison in every breath."

"Love and lust merge together."

"Who is your own?"

"There is poison in every breath."

"Love and lust merge together."

"The lungs get filled with nicotine."

"The door to hell is

"In this struggle to

"..hundreds of people

"Many people tread

"They have so many different

"Yet every soul here is alone."

"The city becomes obscure."

"The old songs are wiped out."

"The sly people play

"They plan to make the

"The sly people play

"They plan to make the

"Thoughts are engulfed with darkness."

"The butterfly of peace is trapped."

"Will good times every

"The queries want answers."

"The city air sheds tears."

"At the corner of some tired street."

"They sit and stare.."

"..the emotions of life accumulate."

"The city becomes obscure."

"The old songs are wiped out."

I'll have to climb the wall.

Who is it?

Who is there?

Let me switch on the lights.

Oh no! The person has disappeared.

It's stranger than PC Sorcar's magic.

I've drunk too much today.

I'll go to sleep now.

Warn Tuku, father.

He is crossing every limit.

You've been repeating the same thing.

What has he done?

He is doing whatever he wishes to.

He has threatened two guys

Why? - He told them that

..are into politics to

For personal gains.

He suggested them to stop

You and your younger brother

He forced Mr.

..his store house and then

Does Mr.

So, we must take the responsibility

Are you sure about

The leader of the poor and common man,

You are crossing your limit. - Hey!

Don't threaten me.

Threaten the sycophants

Yes, what do you have to say,

Tuku! I don't like this

Father, I didn't create any trouble.

Your hooliganism is increasing..

I'm talking to father.

Will you both please shut up?

Your courage is increasing day by day.

You are standing right before me..

I have done everything for all of you.

You.. you lost your

I had separate nannies don't face any problem.

For whom did I earn?

For me? Or to bring you up properly?

So, that you all don't

I've worked hard throughout a comfortable life.

That's the only reason why I've the company.

But you can't even give

There is no unity among the brother.

You keep on fighting all the time.

You are creating different kinds

Don't you realize

What it will lead to?

Be united, my sons.

Remain united.

Or our family will

Sula.. keep my bag in the car.

Ok. Tell Ratan that

You need not worry. - Ok, boss.

Ok, get going. Go.

You are near the snake again, Sukhen.

I love facing dangerous creatures.

It's my turn now.

Four. I, 2, 3, 4. I've climbed up.

You are already enjoying

I mean the upper

Oh no! It's so boring.

I'm getting bored.

You are playing the same game.

No adventure.

Sukhen da, let's go for a walk.

Only if you don't have any problem.

Sukhen, go and take

Go ahead, young man.

Come on, proceed.

What happened? Get up.

What happened?

My back is itching.

I feel some insect must've bitten me.

Please scratch.

Take this. Scratch with this.

Why? Why with this?

Do you use your fingers

I don't believe in violent politics.

Especially violence

What's the outcome of killing?

Loss of one life,

We must show the real picture

In order to maintain

..we must remain united.

We must politicize the mass.

People think that

It shows our failure.

Our behavior and manners

We must influence them.

We must prove that we are good.

Only then they'll

But there are a group of people,

..who won't get convinced

They know that modern politics

..adopted by leaders

We must get close to them. Closer.

If we can do that we'll be successful.

Only then the country

Hey! Have the handbills of tomorrow's

Yes, I've sent some to be distributed.

What's your opinion about

It's tense.

Don't worry,

I've supplied arms to them.

If any problem corps

..we can't sit idle.

You want to use violence

You want to protest against

No. No.

Forget your backdated principles.

Tit for tat.

We must answer them

This is my theory.

Forget it.

Go out to promote tomorrow's meeting.

Yes, visit every house.

Remember tomorrow's meeting place is.. our opposition's favor.

Go. Go. - Ok. We'll go right now.

Are you going out?

I wanted to discuss

What do you want to discuss?

Tuku is crossing his limits.

Where did you go yesterday?

Near Fuleshwar, in Doltola.

To Jeena's farmhouse.

For picnic?

Ratan's men were troubling her father.

I solved their problem.

I took 5000 rupees from

Even after paying Ratan's men,

So, for few days I am..

Why are you questioning repeatedly?

Did I deny anything?

Jeena's father requested

The day was spent quite well.

That's true.

You were with a girl

What do you mean?

Both of you were close

The girl is too smart.

What difference does it make to you?

No, I was just saying..

What did you do there?

Everything that usually happens.

What happened?

I did what you do when

We feasted on good food, beer and..

..played snakes and

At the end you went around

..of their big farmhouse.

You didn't mention it.

Well, Jeena has told

Do you study or gossip in college?

Do you've any problem?

No, I don't have any problem.

Girls are very talkative.

You can't keep any secrets.

You disclose everything.

Speak respectfully about girls.

You don't let me live respectfully.

Jeena has told you everything

What's the truth?

Oh! So, Jeena didn't

Forget it.

Why? Why should we

So, you don't want to

So, you want to hear?

Do you want to hear? - Yes, tell me.

What happened? You have to tell me.

What happened?

Didn't Jeena mention that

What? Didn't she?

Isn't Sukhen at home?

No. Chor da went out just now. - Oh!

Who are you?

I'm his teacher.

Oh! So, you are his teacher.

Who are you? - I work here.

My name is Annakali. - Ok.

Purnendu, Keshav, their father..

Master has gone to office.

Brothers left home

Sula da told me that they've

Friends, we've gathered

The country is going through

The problem of communalism has

Blind faith in religion

Why don't we realize that

Friends, this gathering today


He has overdosed on lectures today.

The gathering is to

Friends, I'm not the only

You must patiently hear

Mr. Keshav Mukherjee will speak now.


Another fraudster is here.

Friends, our country is

Steep rise in price of daily

..of common man deplorable.

So what?

So, the law and order being disrupted repeatedly.


Hear his speech. Hear his speech.

The anti-socials have disrupted taking advantage of

You should recognize


These anti-socials.. - Niku..

..and black marketers.

You must be alert. - Ok.

Friends, I'm very sorry to say that

..are on the rise

So, I suggest that we


Help! Help!

Friends, we must protect our society.

Help! Help!

Help! Help!

Help! Help!

Help! Help!

Hello. Yes, send him.

Many, many thanks, Mr. Mukherjee.

Please be seated. - Thank you.

I'm in hurry.

Just now I was informed the political gathering

How strange!

Chaos. Chaos. Disgusting.

Anyway, tell me.

You've saved me this time.

Never repeat this mistake.

I've only few months

Don't black spot me before retirement.

Here you go, Mr. Mukherjee,

How much? - 25,000.

Why did you go there?

Well, it was such

Well, you tell me Bela di..

..shouldn't I know what speech

Shouldn't I know how

What if t hey spread the news

They think that you

Sikha is right.

They can do anything.

Why can't I convince you

Don't explain anything to me.

I know you treat me the same way.

Hey! Please..

Oh no! A power cut again.

Sit here, I'll get tea for you.

What happened?

I know that you too.. long can you

What are you saying?

Believe me, I never think that way.

Other may not know

I know why you are like this.

Why will they term you anti-social?

Yes. Yes. Anti-social. Anti-social.

Who have termed me anti-social?

The people around me have done so.

What are you saying?

Yes, Shikha. my family members

I've carried the burden of

I never got love or consolation

I grew up like a neglected

Mother! - Come.

Stay here.

What happened, Tuku?

There was a shanty near our house.

I would try to compare

I used to stand alone on

I used to watch them and wonder..

..I'm alone just like them.

My father was busy with

..accepting bribe.

My elder brothers were

Don't be angry.

Don't vent out your anger on food.

Young master..

Don't I wish to eat fish eggs?

Finish your meal today;

Yes. No one will find out.

Come. Come.

Shikha, the servant

..the only person before whom

Enough. Let's not discuss the past.

Why do you recall the

In the past you felt

But, today.. today I'm with you.

That's the only

My only consolation.

They why do you behave

I don't know. I don't know.

Shikha, after finishing

..mother used to come to

I couldn't sleep.

I used to stand alone on

Tuku! My dear Tuku!

What is it?

Won't you go to sleep?

I am unable to sleep. - Why?

I don't know. - I know.

If I don't sing a lullaby

Then sing for me.

"Come. Come. Come."

"Sleep fairy, come."

"Come. Come. Come."

"Sleep fairy, come."

"Come and put mother's

"Come. Come. Come."

"Sleep fairy, come."

"There are lots of dreams.."

" the eyes of a other."

"My darling will get

"Whenever mother will call him.."

"Whenever mother will call him.."

"..he'll smile and come to me."

"Come. Come. Come."

"Sleep fairy, come."

"Mother's lullaby has

"Sleep will come riding

"Her touch will take my darling.."

"Her touch will take my

"Come. Come. Come."

"Sleep fairy, come."

"Come and put mother's

"Come. Come. Come."

"Sleep fairy, come."

Father had closed doors

That closed door opened

Sukhen da.. - Shikha,

after that primitive things..

..started getting

Someone pointed and showed actually very ugly and dirty.

Shikha, I was young at

..appeared attractive to me.

I lost sight of the

I'll come back soon.



I lost my mother ..

..and life became dark.. just dark.

Since that day I'm

I'm running continuously.

I'm just running.

Shikha, I don't know..

You are no more alone.

Shikha, come close to me.

Please.. please Shikha.

Come closer. Please.

What happened, Tuku?

Why are you sitting there?

Come and take the cup of tea.

Why did you take the trouble

Why did I do so?

Go and give him tea.

Well Tuku, there was a time

..with Sagar in this room.

Shikha used to get tea for us.

Take it.

I've given you a lot of opportunities,

Have tea.

I don't know if the

I told you to be careful, Niku..

..and not speak about

They are our capital

We won't gain anything

Does it mean that

We shouldn't encourage them.

But we'll also be at

We've got power because of them.

Let them live the way they wish to.

We'll live the way we wish to.

Live and let live.

I'll go out.

Hello. - Sukhendu Maity speaking.

Are you calling from central

Keshav Mukherjee speaking.

I heard there were bomb

There was a bit of bombing

I hope no one is hurt.

No, Purnendu got hurt in his head.

Are you fine? - Yes, I've escaped.

That's the principle


Well can you come next week..

Why? - I'm planning to go to Delhi.

Borda, tea for you. - Keep it.

Oh! Are you going

Where? - Delhi.

Why? Do you want to

Hey! Listen to me. - What happened?

You've grown up.

I didn't notice as I


Do something. - What is it?

Do something. - What is it?

Pack my luggage. - Ok.

Why are you greedy?

Come and sit.

Enjoy the feast.

What happened, famous leader Mr.

Why did you come home early?

Have you finished

Do I need to answer

No. No. Why do you need to answer me?

I was just mentioning casually.

Mr. Keshav is going to Delhi

Are you going to Mumbai?

Don't pull my leg.

What are you carrying in the packet?

Listen.. listen to me.

I know that you secretly

But, the packet in your hands

The shape is different.

Why should you know everything?

I told you there's something in it.

He is trying to dominate over me.

Oh no! Strange!

It's difficult to be sane after

Let me go to Oscar's

Who threw bombs at the meeting?

Enjoy your drink.

Why should we get involved

May I get a glass of water?

Do you want only water

No. No. Actually sir is sick so..

Sir is sick? Where is he?

Get a jug of water.

Sir, what happened?

What happened, sir?

What happened? - Nothing, son.

I was returning home..

Radharaman, you may go now.

Sukhen is with me now.

I don't have to worry about anything.

You've to go for tuition classes.

You may leave now.

I'll leave now. - Yes. Don't worry.

Give me water. - Here it is.

Go and call the rickshaw. - Yes. Yes.

Come on get up. Come.

Go home in this rickshaw.

I'll walk home.

It feels great to walk beside

Sir, come on get up. get up.

Sit down.

Take this.

Come with me. - Where? - To my house.

Come with me.

What will you gain


you can spend one evening

...chatting with me.

come on. Come.


Sir.. - Get up.

You didn't say how I look after


You are really wonderful.

Doesn't this place look a bit tight.

Right. Let it be tight.

You should be fine with me.

Get down.

Come, Sukhen. Come.

Come inside.

It's not right to send

He may meet with an accident any day.

I know everything. - Come inside.


Sit down. Sit down.

Sit down. Sit next to me.

But, we've no other option.

Man does many things

The money father earns

..our only source of livelihood.

So father has to go out.

Actually, I too can't stop him.

Yes. But can't Shive,

Keshav, your Borda visits us often.

He has promised to

He has made Shivena party member.

Will you drink tea?

Sir brought me home for a cup of tea.

What were you saying, sir?


Shiven has joined Borda's party?

No. nothing.

I just asked you.

Keshav da. - Come in, Shive.

When did you return from Delhi?

What's going on here? - No problem.

Listen, go to Bagdi

I'll give you an address.

Go and meet Mr. Kejriwal..

I was about to send

Kejriwal. Kejriwal.

What did you say?

What happened?

Hold on. Hold on.

Shiven, go out for

What's it. Keshav da?

Go home immediately. - Oh no!

Just now you told me to

Go home right now.

Tell your sister to get

Wait, I'll write down.

Go and give it to your elder sister.

Hey! Stop here.


Take this.

What happened?

Why did you call me immediately?

Get in the car and I'll tell you.

I think we are ruined.

Are you sure?

Boss, after all I'm your follower.

I saw them in the car.. - Stop.

Listen. Go and inform Shiven.

Tell him that I've called him.

He should meet me here in the morning.

Take this.

You've got lots of flowers,

The office staff organized farewell

Farewell wishes.

Do you know Sula that the office, criticized me

..with tears, garlands, sweets etc.

When they asked me to

My eyes swelled up with

I'll get juice for you.

Go inside, sir. Take rest.

Yes. From now on

Rest. Rest. Rest.

I'll sit and do

..or stare at the darkness

Are none of my sons at home? - No.

They know what they will do.

There is nothing in

Each one has a separate path.

No one knows their destiny.

I won't live long.

Only they know what

What's this?


Why did you buy such

You helped us a lot.

You've fooled the enforcement

..our company would've


my reputation would've been ruined.

Is this my remuneration?

Manju, you are too much.

This is my love.

Why are you talking

You'll soon become

So, you don't believe me?

You can completely trust me.

The door..

Why are you so late?

I don't have a bike. - Sister.

Leave me. Leave me.

Where did you see us?

You crossed my bus.

He was driving very fast.

Why don't you stop him?

As if he'll listen to me.

Do you think Sukhen

Listen.. - Tell me.

Will you listen to a request of mine?

It's my duty to do so.

It's rakhi after two days.

Will you get two rakhis for me?

Will you tie rakhi on

Please get it, I need them.

One is for Shiven and

Sukhen da! - So, the strength

Scoundrel! Stop your hooliganism.

Get up. Get up.

Aren't you the teacher's son?

You've started tasting

Don't ruin your life, Shiven.

Don't you know how

It'll gradually ruin your life.

You want to forget everything. Right?

You are still young, Shiven.

Why are you frustrated at this age?

Yet, yet if you want can join my club,

Stop doing drugs, Shiven.

I don't know what I will do, Tuku da.

I can't bear it anymore.

I can't live life this way.

Walk your path.

Look for a job, Shiven.

Don't trust my brothers

They are more dangerous than snakes.

Who is it?

Oh Sula..

Eat, master.

Master.. you remember that

How do you know?

Tomorrow is the seventh

Few more days to


I had completely forgotten.

You are a busy man, master.

I was a busy man.

Once upon a time.

Now I'm worthless.

A worn out stone.

Useless creature.

Well Suila, Tuku loved

..his brothers.

I know it, master.

Yet, he never got

He was always deprived

Like an unwanted child.

This is why..

You remember this day. isn't it?

How can I forget this day, Sula da?

Today is my mother's birthday.

Young master..

Master has broken down

He keeps his room dark,

..and thinks of something.

Master loves you the most.

He is worried about you.

Try to lead a good life, son.

See that he spends the

You must think about it.

Sit down. Sit down.

How can is it down?

Don't get excited.

The government has decided

I've also read.. - What?

The government will pay a fixed

No. No. this isn't possible.

Yes, it's possible.

The government is seriously check black marketing.

I'll die.

I swear of Goddess Kali. I'll die.

No. No, why will you die? Oh no!

Uncle, how are you?

I'm not good. - Why? What happened?

Father, I'll tell you.

After hearing of the news of

Don't pay heed to what

They always print nonsense.

They praise the government

Broker. All of them are brokers.

Yes, they are worthless fellows.

They can't tolerate

Bye, uncle.

Please be seated, son.

Did you have tea?

Forget tea. I've kept my shop open.

Let me go and check.

Though I've written on board

..split red lentils

Yet, I can't predict anything.

Bye, Bela di. - Ok.

Bye, Shikhu. - Ok.

Why did you do this?

Why did you do it?

You always trouble him.

You always trouble him.

It's because of him that we get

..and other groceries

But, you don't like it.

You'll understand the problems

Too much.

Why isn't Tuku coming these days?

Have you fought with him?

Why will I fight with him?

He has got many new places to visit.

Shall I make spicy potatoes for you?

Will you eat it? - Ok. Get it. - Ok.

Wait.. I'll get it for you.

Look who is here.

Go and sit next to him.

He was taking your name when

You could've informed

Why? Are you calpol or

What do you say? - You didn't

Sister was asking about you.

What were you worried about?

I may die any time. - No!

Why are you speaking of death again?

Well, do you ever think

You are my dream.

I always want to mould

I want to mentally support true human being in the society.

I want Sukhen to take shelter

..he wants to kill.

Don't weaken me.

Don't snatch away my power to fight.

Don't make me lose. - Shikha.

Sula da is coming.

Feed him this potato dish.

Where are you going?

Come with me.

Why did you come outdoors?

I hope your temperature

I don't know.

Then what do you know, grown-up kid.

I know only you.

Shikha, you all can be

Do you accept me as your friend?

I first noticed you during

We didn't know each other back then.

I had just entered

Then I hear of someone fasting

And who was that person?

Who is he?

The jack of all trades.

Though you had passed

..Sukhendu Mukherjee is

..especially of the girls.

Well Shikha, I can't imagine how

My politician brothers

..a day before the hunger strike.

I also started flying high

Do you know what

I wanted to break free.

Set me free so that I could

I attended each day of the strike.

I used to look at you from a distance.

The girls would crowd around you.

I never got the chance to go close.

Everyone would sing your praises.

I would get jealous.

I would wonder what

I would wonder why

Why didn't I have the courage?

And so, on the fourth

..had accepted almost

..everyone was busy celebrating.

Just like today that day I..

You don't know me.

I'm Shika. First year.

Come on, eat.

Long live the unity of students!

Friends, the function

..of Chaiytanyapur college

Please calm down and sit. Sit down.

We want to hear a song.

The first performance

a student of first year.

Come with me.

No! No!

Stop it! Stop it!

Sukhen da! Sukhen da!

Sukhen da! Sukhen da!

Sukhen da! Sukhen da!

Sukhen da! Sukhen da!

Sukhen da! Sukhen da!

"It's a beautiful

"..friend, friend, friend."

"It's a beautiful

"..friend, friend, friend."

"Everything gets erased

"Everything gets erased

"My friend occupies

"Friend, friend, friend."

"It's a beautiful

"..friend, friend, friend."

"He is close to me."

"I don't have anyone

"He is close to me."

"I don't have anyone

"I wish that he always remains

"Friend, friend, friend."

"It's a beautiful

"..friend, friend, friend."

"Time changes."

"Everything gets wiped out."

"Time changes."

"Everything gets wiped out."

"Yet I'll have just one

"Friend, friend, friend."

"It's a beautiful

"..friend, friend, friend."

"Everything gets erased

"Everything gets erased but

"Friend, friend, friend."

Niku has become over smart.

He is after me.

He is telling people that

..but I work for personal gains.

What? - Yes.

Till now you thought

Yes, he is.

I'll use one enemy

Tuku, I'm warning you stop

Your party? - Yes.

You mean the party of hard

Of course?

What happened?

Try to fool others with your nonsense.

You sit at home and

..and enjoy liquor whenever

You want me to feed on stale

Don't expect that, dear.

What will you do?

Why? What do you think

Can't they live without

Do you think the

They'll be their leader.

That's what we also want. - Is it?

Are you sure? - Yes.

Oh! So, this is the

Use your tactics

Don't try to fool me.

You think you can do anything

Don't think that the people are fools.

Your end is approaching.

Dirty scoundrel.

Hey! Hey!

Catch him.

I don't like your jokes.

Listen. Listen to me. Sit here.

My elder brothers,

..are trying to pull

But, they belong to

That's the interesting point.

Internal problems have started.

Both of them want to outdo the other.

Why do they need you for the purpose?

Oh no! You are really stupid.

Dull. Dull. You are absolutely dull.

The hooligans will support

My elder brothers want to

Do you understand?

You don't have to

Let them do whatever they wish to.

Think about me.

Look for a job.

Lead a normal life.

How long will you lead

Don't you think about me?

I think of you,

Whenever I think of all

..why I can't do anything.

Look.. you are so close to me,

I always think that I'm

..yet I can't hold my head high.

Build up mental strength

You'll definitely succeed.

When will that happen?

Don't lose self-confidence.

Sukhen da. Sukhen da.

Someone is calling me. - yes.

Let me check out.

What's the matter, Polu?

Boss, Sutke has held Bhomla captive.

You are unnecessarily beating me.

I was not involved in

You are crying now

Ghesa, what did he say?

You said that you also mentioned

The devoted follower of his boss.

I'll leave you. I'll leave you.

Let your boss come.

Don't be scared. Don't be scared.

Your boss is here.

Bhomla, come. - Hey!

Is it so easy? - Yes, it is.

Bunch of hooligans.

I've the keys.

I'll thrash all of you badly

I'll walk on that carpet, open

Hold this.

Never try to mess with me again, Sutke

If you cause any trouble in future.. you see this?

I'll kill all of you.

That'll be the right lesson

What's his name?

Sukhendu Mukherjee.

I hear this name often

..due to dearth of proper evidence.

Do something now.

Go and call Mr. Shivprasad.

Who is it?

Arrest him.

We had told Tuku several

If he joined our party

We would've given him protection.

How can you protect anyone?

You are exploiting the youth of

This is the dirty politics

But father..

Get out of my sight.

Leave me alone.

I beg of you.

What? When?

Ok, go. I'll look into it.

Sister, there's a problem.

He was arrested last night

He beat Sutke and

Almost everyone of

I try to convince

Don't break down so easily.

We must do something. - About what?

Father, Tuku was arrested

We must bail him out. - No. No.

Why should you get involved

His elder brothers

His elder brothers?

There wouldn't have been any

We have to do something.

No. No. Girls shouldn't

Oh! During crisis we become

But, we must go out

..when our family needs money.

Well, I said so for

You don't have to worry

I want to know how

..the well-being of

Sister.. - Yes.

So, you've remembered this old doctor,

No. No. We always think of you,

Do you know what case

No, we don't.

We came to you after getting the news.

You've done the right thing.

You want me to rush

..while my patients wait for me.

Where else can we go for help,

You've done the right thing.

You must come. You can come

Let me see what I can do.


Listen to me.

I'll be late.

But doctor,

They can leave if they can't wait.

But none of them will leave.

All the wretched fellows

But, we'll get late.. - So what?

Where will they get a

Wretched fellows were

Let's go.

This must be Niku's job.

He must've informed the CBI.

All the information

I influenced the enforcement

..from raiding the

But this time..

What will Niku gain

Who can stop him from

..if he can scandalize me?

I don't understand

.. and rifts within the same party.

Why do you all fight?

Why do you fight so much for power?

What happened?

Let me go and find out

They wouldn't have bailed him,

We know it, doctor uncle.

You know nothing.

He was trapped in such a way

..some days in the prison.

Thankfully there

I taught the young fellow this trick

The magistrate approved the bail.

Can I get a cigarette?

I don't smoke. - Ok. I'll leave now.

Where are you going?

I don't know.

Please, don't go to Sutke's den now.

Will you come home

Can't you go to sleep

I think Sukhen is angry at me.

Why will he get angry?

You forced me to get bail for him.

Why should he get angry for it?

You would've understood

Let's not discuss all this.

Come to our house some day. - Why?

An invitation for tea. - Why?

You helped us out of

Forget about inviting me for tea.. didn't even ask me

Now you are inviting me for tea?

Why do you feel shy?

No one keeps in touch

I'll go. I accept your tea invitation.

Drugs seized from store houses. - Yes.

That's why I was wondering how

Leader. They are the political

If I had the powers of a president..

..I would've hanged

There aren't enough lamp posts

Do you want to say anything?

Master, Borda didn't

He informs before going out. so..

He must be serving the country.

He has vowed to do social service.

Master, few unknown men were

You were asleep so

What's going on?

Oh! so, you don't know anything?

Don't you belong to the same party.

Amy I know how long will

You are playing with

You won't rest in peace

I really can't understand

Don't you understand

Read it. Read it.

Shikha, the terrace is wonderful.

You must see who lives

So, you are so confident

I won't deny the fact

..after mixing with you.

What are you saying?

Are you checking out

The day when there'll be no our family, the day when

..go out to work after seeking

..the day when I'll be able

..that day I'll take this beautiful

Will you come with me?

Take this.

What's this?

This is perfume.

In simple language it's called scent.

Do you feel good? - No.

Tell me.. - No..

"Cool breeze and dark clouds

Take this. Keep it.

Do you talk about our

How can I talk about love?

I'm in good mood today. - Why?

My dreams are going to come true.

Now Purnendu Mukherjee

Will you forget me? - Are you crazy?

I get inspired to work for

What happened?

Why are you sweating so much?

Will you keep the doors open at night?

Leave me.

Leave me.

Leave me.


Hey scoundrel Niku!

Where are you?

You are ruining the

What happened?-Purnendu Mukherjee,

Move aside.

Stop it, you scoundrel.

Scoundrel? Am I a scoundrel?

Are the rest of your sons,

I say, stop it.

Don't drink and chaos at midnight.

Yes, I drink and act dirty.

What about your son Niku?

What.. what has Niku done?

I can't tell you.

But, you can drink and shout

Yes, I drink. I drink.

Whenever a pest within

When I drink I can see

..your decent society.

But, I didn't drink today.

What has Niklu done?

Don't ask me. Please.

I can't tell you.

If you can't tell me

Go to your room and sleep.

Let me rest in peace for some time.

I'm tired of staying

You all add to my woes.

I don't like all this.

If you can't you can tell me,

You can blame and kill

Spare me.

I can't bear all this anymore.

I'm exhausted.

Fine.. I'm defeated.

I'm defeated.

Remember it.

This time the target isn't

This time the target is

Ok, brother.

I hope the guys in

Don't worry about that.

Soon there's going

I hope you understand what I mean.

Do you think I'm stupid?

The operation will be..

There are spies all around.

But brother.. - Money is not an issue.

This is just the advance.

I'll give you the final

There's a Bengal strike on Wednesday.

Is everything fine here?

As soon as you order us

Don't make any mistake.

I've information that they've

Don't worry, brother.

We'll do everything properly.

I have a lot to do for the country.

Oh yes!

Keep the money.

What are you saying, sister?

Are you going out? - Yes.

Tell Tuku da to come

It's urgent. - Ok.

You are here?

A warrant has been

Yes, there was but I went

..and got anticipatory bail.

Well, I want Shiven immediately.

He just went out. - Oh!

Won't you stay back?

I must stop the Bengal strike somehow.

I've a lot of work pending.

So, he went out.

Oh no! Look what I've done.

I forgot to wear one a I was in hurry.

Are you happy? - Why won't I be happy?

You are marrying me today.

We'll sign and get married/.

This is called registry marriage.

How do I look in sari?

Cover your head.

Let me see how you look as a bride.

Do you feel shy?

Ok, I'll help you.

How do I look? - Good.

Come, let me love you. Come.

What are you doing?

It's hurting. It's hurting a lot.

What are you doing? It's hurting.

She is Mr. Bhavendu's maid, Annakali.

No, it's too big.

The poet ha said that Hindus

..of the same branch.

Do you know what I say?

They are two vultures

The children of Bengal.

Shikha, who are these

How can I say?

You can't. You can't.

Bela, what about you?

We can't understand what you say.

You won't change.

Mr. Majumdar, you tell me. - No. No.

I've already surrendered.

Listen to me, I'll tell you.

One of them is the people's

..and the other one is the

Both of them are sitting

The branch will soon

The wings of these

They can't fly to escape.

Purnendu has called for

Keshav is against it.

The party has called for a strike.

One faction is for the strike

I don't understand what

Who is it? - Sukhen da.

Your games are going on as usual.

What do you mean?

You and the owner

What are you saying? - Shut up.

This old man is enjoying

Tuku, you are crossing your limit.

You think I'm crossing the limit?

And what about them?

What are they doing?

They are enjoying themselves

You get groceries on time.

Don't I know why this

Why? You'll get the right to enter

Mr. Majumdar, I'll leave now.

Remain seated.

The scoundrel should

So, you are fooling with me?

I won't go if you tell me to.

This house..

My daughter detests

Shikha. Shikha.

Say before everyone

I didn't detest you till now

Shikha! No!

Doctor uncle, left all

And you.. you.. - It's ok, Shikha.

They were born in this

So, they don't know

One day he'll find out that a beautiful

They haven't got a person in

Shikha, can't you awaken

Can't you fill the beautiful

That day the Sukhen we

He has transformed into a beautiful,

Bye, Shikha. - Bye, son.

Listen, doctor uncle.. - No, Shikha.

I've seen my chamber full

The rich people have nursing

But, these wretched fellows

Bye, Shikha. bye, son.

I don't know why I lose

Why? Why? Why?


Why do I lose control?



can I never become a nice person?

Can I never become

Can I never become..

Master, Anna hasn't returned home yet.

Where did she go?

She is missing since evening.

She hardly steps out of the house.

Where did she go?

She must've gone out to enjoy.

What are you saying? - I'm right.

You are pampering the maid a lot.

She gets new dresses,

She roams around wearing anklets.

This house is a strange place.

Sorry for disturbing you at this hour,

No. its fine. Tell me.

The teacher spotted

.. near Patikhali banks

Someone threw the body

Sir went and informed us

We went and found the body.

She is a young girl.

She was wearing a new sari.

Her sandals were also new.

We got this from .. of her legs. - Anna!

That's right.

The name of the girl is Annakali Das.

She worked in your house.

Sir gave us the information.

The reports suggest that

Oh my god!

There are bruises on

The most important fact

Is he a relative of the girl?

No. He is Sula.

He has been serving me

The girl was like his granddaughter.

Sir, may I see her the last time?

Of course you can.

After the matter is

You'll get her body

Sir, sign here.

Thank you. Bye.

Goodnight, everybody.


Tuku!- Scoundrel!

So, you are a great politician.

You want to exert your

From now I'll take

I'll single handedly do it.

Let me see who saves you.

Political leader..

You don't have the right to do this.

What ahs Niku done?

Why are you beating him? - Leave me.

Why are you beating him? Tell me.

Don't ask me say such

No. you must say. Tell me.

Forgive me, father. I can't tell you.

Hey you scoundrel leader,


Get out. Get out of my house.

Get out.

You are beating your elder brother.

You don't have the right.. you don't

Get out. Get out.

Get out.

Get out of my house right now.

Father, I'll never forget this day.

I'm happy. Do you know why?

For the first time in my life you

You came very close to me..

I felt very good, father.

Believe me. I..

Don't go away. Listen to me.

Master told you to get out.. - No.. he was angry. - No.

Today no power can

Today my mother has left this world.

Today is my mother's

I must go. - No.

I must go. - Young master..

You must know and understand

You must know why we want

I've come here to clearly explain

Break everything down.

Break everything down.

You can't make the people of

No you can't. You can't.

We want to live a good life.

We are daily wage laborers.

We won't tolerate any wrong

No, we won't. No, we won't.

The Bengal strike on

A failure. A failure.

We are not in favor of the strike.

We won't accept it.

Friends, prove Bengal strike

You must know, understand and support.

We must stand up against our enemies..

..and know why we've

We don't accept it.

This strike if for

We don't accept it.

We are not in favor

Do you have any news of Tuku? - No.

I went to their house.

He didn't come back home

He doesn't even go to the

Sula da held my hands

He wanted to say something,

Sula, Tuku was born

When he was throwing his

..I felt as if he has been

He was crying a lot.

But I felt that he was not

..he has arrived.

I've arrived.

I've arrived. I've arrived.

I've arrived. I've arrived.

I've arrived. I've arrived.

I've arrived.

Tuku, you've come?

Sula look who is here.

I knew that you would come.

Come and sit.

What? Have you eaten? Sula.. - No! No.

I haven't come here today

I want an explanation. - Explanation?

Yes, an explanation.

I knew it.

I was waiting for this

What explanation do you demand?

Why did you bring me into this world?

What do you mean?

Why did you bring me into this world?

Can you tell me why

No one can give an answer to this.

No one knows this.

If you don't know then

Your work ends after giving birth.

You don't care if the child lives,

..wanders around in a drunken

No, son. if I was aloof

..then I wouldn't have worked

Yes, you've loads of money.

Did you earn the money

What do you mean?

You've become rich with

The money earned through

You brought the dark money and poured

You wanted to show the world

..towards your children but no.

You've arranged a filthy

Let me speak.

Do you know.. do you know leading the youth towards

And he is the people's leader.

Your second son,

..ruined the life of the

Fooled the police and

Stop it. Please stop it.

Shut up. I can't bear all this.

You have to.

Tomorrow is Bengal strike.

Your sons are getting down

One of them will surely die.

Will you be able.. will you be

..with the trauma

I know. I know everything, son.

I understand everything.

You know and understand don't do anything.

I've no other option regret and pain

Tuku, can't you lead me towards light?

Can't you bring back

I believe you can do it.

You still have that spark in you.

Please help your old

Can't you give this to your father?

I don't know if I can do it.

But after seeing you your son I must do it,

How can I answer

Why was I born into this

Does a father calls his son do some good work?

Father.. - Tuku..

Sister, I'm scared. - What? Why?

Purnendu da and Keshav

One faction wants Bengal

..prove it a failure.

But do you know something?

There's a strange similarity

They've handed out weapons

Sister, has father returned?

I saw Sukhen da

He had a strange

I held his hands and requested

I told him that you've called him.

What did he say?

He got rid of my grip

He told that he wants

An end to violence and dirty politics.

He has to do it.

It's his final task.

Tuku. Tuku.

Tuku, why are you in this condition?

I don't know.

What's wrong with you?

I heard that you didn't

I went home today.

I've taken up a responsibility.

I'll finish the job and then go back.

Why aren't you visiting us?

Don't you wish to meet Shikha?

Come, come to our house.

Let me finish the job first. - But..

Tell Shikha that I'll never

..during the college function.

Bye. - Tuku!

He didn't come? - No.

He avoided me by saying

Shikha, say something.

Sister, can you say something to me?

Where is the present dangerous

..leading them to?

Shikha, you've a big

Stand next to him.

Hold his hands tightly.

He has no one except you in his life.

Borda, your real face has

I know your truth.

Now the party needs to know it too.

I've the full report

How will you prove that I did it?


Do you recognize him?

I think it's a bit difficult for

Let me throw light on his face.

What do you say?

I don't know him.

You know him. You know him.

You are pretending

You took Annakali for a ride

..and then you strangled

I've got this man after

..your real face before the party.

He has confessed everything.

What do you want? - To kill you.

But, I think you'll

Hey! Come on. Come on.


Young master!








What did you do, Tuku?

Keshav da, Tuku da is your



Sukhen. Sukhen.

You wanted to build a beautiful world.

But their politics

Politics of violence and killing.

Do you know I believe

You'll definitely win.

Skhika, my dear, cry. Cry.

Sukhen da, why are they

The butterfly you wanted to kill,

The butterfly you quarreled with,

Today, today you've...

Sir. Sister.


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For more infomation >> Проект вентиляции. Реальные сроки от первого звонка до пуско-наладки. Монтаж вентиляции под ключ. - Duration: 6:10.


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Satyajeet Jena_Khamoshiyan_Arijit Singh | Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Little Champs 2017 | Sapna Pabbi

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Daily Monkey

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welcome to Daily Monkey

For more infomation >> the monkey steal shirts to more - Duration: 12:11.


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5 Tips to Speed Up Windows 10 - Duration: 2:10.

Hi guys, my name is Arafat.

And welcome to a very useful tutorial.

Today we will be taking a look at 5 things that will make Windows 10 faster.

The first one in this list is Startup Programs.

Right click on any empty space of your Taskbar and select Task Manager.

Then go to Startup.

These are the programs that starts automatically when windows starts.

So, they use some space of RAM and makes your computer slow.

Disabling automatic start for the programs that you don't need, will make your computer

a lot faster.

To disable automatic start, select a program and click on Disable.

But you should not disable any program that you don't understand.

Next one is Background Apps.

Go to Start, Settings, Privacy then Background Apps.

These apps are supposed to run in background.

Turning them off will improve the performance of your computer.

You can turn off some of the programs or all at once.

Then comes Disk Defragment.

Go to start and open defragment.

From here you can optimize your Disk Drivers for best performance.

To optimize your drivers, select the drivers and click on Optimize all and wait until it

is finished optimizing.

Next is Disk Cleanup.

Go to File Explorer and select your C Drive or the Drive on which your Windows is installed.

Then Right click on it and select Properties.

Now click on Disk Cleanup.

Then Clean up system files and wait for some time.

Once that is finished, select all of them and click Ok.

This will clean up your drive's unnecessary files and make your computer faster.

The last one is Temporary Files.

Deleting temporary files will increase your computer's performance.

To clean up temporary files, click on start and open run.

Type temp and OK.

Now select all the files and delete them.

Skip these files.

Open run once again and type %temp% and OK.

Then select all and delete.

That's it for the video.

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Links are in the description.

Thanks for watching and hope to see you in the next video.

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