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Pawn Stars: Original 1896 Nepalese Bira Gun (Season 12) | History - Duration: 5:11.-------------------------------------------
USA: Grenzpolizisten halten Großübung in New Mexico ab - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
New Suzuki GSX-1300 Katana Superbike 6 Cylinder 2019 First Look | 2019 GSX-1300 Katana Next Version - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
Box Full of Toys Toy Blasters for Kids Toy Weapons Nerf Blasters - Duration: 5:42.Box Full of Toys Toy Blasters for Kids Toy Weapons Nerf Blasters
Vlogmas 2018 Day One | Let's Have Some Fun | CoralJoyTravel - Duration: 3:30.on the first day of vlogmas my true friend gave to me vlogs hey guys welcome
to vlogmas happy December it's December 1st and from today until December 24th
I'm going to be sharing one vlog a day with you I don't have a set time yet and
when these videos are going to be coming out I might get a pattern but starting
today I'm not sure what time it's going to be but I'm really excited to share
this with you and if I'm going to be honest I'm a little nervous because I've
never done this before and this seems like a very big commitment but I want to
have fun I mean it is the holiday season it is the time of sharing and giving and
and I just want to have fun with you guys and I want to show you a little bit
of what I do for the holidays I want to show you some of the things that I might
make I'm going to be doing some cooking crafting doing giveaways sharing some
joy and hopefully some I don't know motivation
I maybe I'll motivate you I don't know me I think you're gonna actually you're
motivating me to do a lot more than I normally do so maybe we can motivate
each other fun is going to be coming tomorrow December 2nd I'm going to be
sharing my giveaway winner for this so go ahead and make sure your entered it
will close tonight December 1st at midnight and then tomorrow I will share
the winner of this and get this sent out to you I hope you all can get in the
holiday spirit with me and that we really have a fun 24 days before the big
day you know there's a really big day in
December 25th and I'm really excited I'm going to be sharing 24 random acts of
kindness ways we can share joy with the people
that we surround ourselves with here on this planet Earth and for December first
I'm going to encourage each of you and I'm going to do this myself to smile at
everyone you see today just smile very simple I'm sure you can do that I know I
can do it and just see how your mood changes how their mood might change yeah
so I just encourage you to do that today December 1st smile at everyone you see
so thank you guys so much for watching I'm gonna smile all the way through the
rest of this video thank you so much for being here and I will see you tomorrow
for my giveaways happy vlogmas day 1 bye guys
Peskow enthüllt E-Mails, die von Trumps ehemaligem Anwalt stammen - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
[Minecraft] the nether, survival mode #MamielouJoueAMineCraft episode 8 - Duration: 2:26.Hello everyone. It's Mamielou. Today in this adventure survival
I take you to a place that I do not like much: the nether. And for
to get there we'll have to create a portal in obsidian mining so
obsidian is obtained with lava water on lava and you
get some obsidian that we're going then mine with a diamond pick.
You see, it's long enough to undermine when same and we will make a portal. This
portal: you make a base with three obsidian blocks of length and 4 of
height. Once it's done, you turn on this portal with a lighter and
you go into the nether. That's what it looks like, a
well red card and inside you there find quartz
interesting for your decor textures. There is also powder
bright with this powder we so we can make bright stones.
There are a lot of mobs in the nether especially
skeletons, zombies. We find all kinds of
mobs. I unfortunately did not find any
castles in the nether mode survival so I went into mode
creative to show you what looks like dungeons.
You will need to get there if you want to do alchemy and
able to recover warts from nether with whom we can do
potions. That's it, just to show you
what a fortress looks like with inside and well these monsters. You
can also directly create a fortress in any case appear in
a fortress, when you create your world in
grabbing the letters NN. Well that's all for today. I hope that
this tutorial pleased you. If that's the case a like. Do not hesitate to subscribe to the channel.
See you soon for a new tutorial.
Would aliens even bother visiting earth? - Duration: 11:17.I would think that most of you who come to the channel are believers in aliens...I would
love to know the numbers so go ahead cast your vote in the poll….we spend a lot of
time arguing our point with those that are not so convinced in extraterrestrial life.
We often point them to links with amazing videos of ufo's.
Quote historical events and some of us give examples of the alien species said to be here,
or at least be visiting this little blue rock we call home.
But sometimes the simplest question can reveal the truth or at least make you rethink some
of your previous ideas.
Don't get me wrong I am firmly in the believer's camp but a great article I just read asked
the simplest questions with some great answers The title sums ups the idea.
Why would aliens even bother visiting earth?
Welcome to if videos on history and mystery hit that subscribe button and ring that bell
so you never miss a video again.
The article written by Lewis Dartnell looks at the different reason why or why not extraterrestrials
would want to come to our world and it asks some great questions and gives some good answers.
Mr Dartnell is am astrobiologist who has spent many an hour working away in his lab.
He looks at extremophiles creatures that live in the most inhospitable parts of the planet.
This research is then used to theorize about life out in the furthest reaches of space.
He does comment that he believes the majority of life that is out there would be made up
of these hardy microbial single cell organism and is a sceptic when it comes to advanced
alien civilizations.
So if you believer that all good if you're not put that to one side for the moment and
that say there is at least one intergalactic advanced alien race out there why would, when
they have the whole universe, they want to come to this piece of galactic real estate
especially when its infested with a violent dangerously technologically capable ape!!
One of the oldest theories and one that has been adopted by many with the legends of the
Anunnaki is for the very ape-like creatures I just mentioned, us.
We could make a good slave race we have enough intelligence to work complex machines but
still could be easily controlled.
We could be put to work in the mines like the Anunnaki tales tell or in almost any other
capacity, we could become the galactic equivalent of the dark days of African slavery here on
Our astrobiologist does, however, see a large flaw in the idea as if the aliens were so
advanced robotics and ai would be available to them and surely it would be easier to create
control and manage a workforce of machines rather than dealing with us and our emotions.
Well, how's about sex, sex slavery is a continual problem here with just our species
can you imagine if we throw an alien race into the mix.
They could be of the mindset that it is a purely practical event reproduction to access
our DNA cross breed to gain something from our genetic make which they may lack, for
this to happen on the most fundamental level, an alien race would need to be compatible
with us, not just somewhat physically but genetically.
They would need not only the same polymer, deoxyribonucleic acid, as the storage molecule
for their genetic information, but also to use the same four "letters" for their genetic
They would also need to have the same coding system for translating sequences of genetic
letters into proteins, and the same organizational structure of the DNA strands into chromosomes.
This is one point where are feel he has missed the mark, genetic engineering here on earth
is unlocking many secrets of gene editing making cross-species DNA manipulation something
we can now do almost easily.
Our alien visitors which we are hypothesizing are way in advance of us when it comes to
other forms technology would also likely be just as advanced in genetic editing, harvesting
our genetic code would be easy and would need to sexual.
Many an alien abductee supports this with their stories reporting the taking of biological
Okay so let's take this to even more base level, could we be interstellar rest stop?
Somewhere for ET to stop stretch their legs and grab a snack.
That snack being us!
The question our scientist asks is whether an alien's biochemistry would be capable
of digesting us.
He explains how our cells are made up of various organic molecules: proteins (polymers of amino
acids), nucleic acids DNA and RNA and membranes of phospholipids.
We need to replace our genetic structure for our bodies to grow and repair themselves we
do this by taking in the basic building from food sources such as animals and plants.
Our digestive system breaks them down into their component amino acids, sugars, and fatty
acids, which we then use as building blocks.
An alien would need to be based on similar biochemistry, and have the enzymes needed
for processing the molecules we are built from to gain anything nutritionally from us.
Also, you would have to ask why us when there is so much other life for them to feed on.
Humanity makes up 0.01% of all life on this planet.
There would be easier meals to be had.
Okay so if it's not the food they are after how about a drink?
We know that one thing we think of as a necessity for life to grow, thats water.
Could water be the resource that covert?
There is a problem with this idea as well he states that there are a lot of far better
sources of water in space And that In fact, current models think that Earth first formed
from the swirling disc of gas and dust around a proto-Sun and that young earth was a pretty
dry planet; the water to fill our oceans was delivered much later by a barrage of comets
and asteroids coming from the colder, outer regions of the solar system.
Europa, a moon which orbits Jupiter, contains more liquid water in the global ocean beneath
its frozen surface than our entire planet and would be a far better source of good old
This is when his ideas begin to cross over heavily with the ideas held by those that
believe in ancient aliens.
He asks if they could come in search of other raw material.
Metals and minerals that could be used to construct their technology or even elements
which they give value, similar to us with rare stones like diamonds.
Once again he says that this would be an irrational idea as it would once again be far easier
to mine these elements in space.
Gathering them from asteroid fields and other unpopulated planets.
There are many places with much more of an abundance of these materials, after all this
why space mining is gathering a lot of attention on this planet.
If we can get out hands on some of that loot from the solar system it could drive down
the cost of much of our technology which often needs rare minerals for its circuits and batteries.
Now we get to of the simplest and possibly most likely reasons why they would come to
The first being, they need a new home.
Their home planet has become uninhabitable for one of the many possible reasons and now
they have become refugees searching for a planet to begin again.
Our planet is, after all, a very hospital place for us maybe it would also be suitable
for ET?
Various features of the Earth beyond our warm oceans are thought to be crucial to maintaining
a stable surface environment for geological time periods.
These include plate tectonics regulating the climate, a large moon preventing the spin
axis of the planet from wobbling too much, and a global magnetic field for deflecting
aside the solar wind and preventing the atmosphere being blown away into space.
Earth is something of a rarity, and could for these reasons be a target for our alien
But yet Again this is something that would not be a concern to an advanced alien race
would have mastered all aspects of geoengineering and mega-engineering and would most likely
be able to build themselves out of any hole they dug themselves into, this including building
an artificial planet for them to call home.
This planet could also double as a ship flying around the universe gobbling up resources
like a mega-sized Pac man.
So this brings us to the reason many believe, and the simplest of all OUR reasons.
To meet us!
To my mind, then, the enormous amounts of time and energy that are likely to be necessary
for travel between the stars in a galaxy, and the fact that raw materials can be sought
elsewhere more practically, would rule out aliens coming to the Earth simply to take
something we have.
I think we can safely rest assured that even if intelligent alien species do exist in our
galaxy, they are not about to appear in our skies with an invasion fleet to subjugate
humanity and begin stripping our world.
Perhaps the thing that may attract extraterrestrials to Earth is us.
I suspect that if aliens did come to Earth, it would be as researchers: biologists, anthropologists,
linguists, keen to understand the peculiar workings of life on Earth, to meet humanity
and learn of our art, music, culture, languages, philosophies and religions.
And this where we agree I think that is what is happening and not only are they observing
they are also shaping our culture so one day we may to become like them.
A species capable of travelling the stars learning growing free from the greed which
consumes us now.
The abundance of resources in space quenching our thirst for more.
Do you think we have been visited, why did they visit and will we one day become like
them an advanced race capable of solving almost all problems and like Star Trek set off on
a journey of discovery?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below
Thanks for being patient with me this week, I will try to make it up to you with a few
longer videos.
As always If you're new here and like what we do on
the channel hit that subscribe button.
You can catch the latest on social media by searching we are if
Thanks for watching See you next time.
Article 13 for Everybody! #SaveYourInternet - Duration: 3:11.Hi there and welcome to another challenging video.
Today, I will try to explain what Article 13 is and how could this article effect your
I know there are many videos about it out there but, I still want to try to make one
that anyone can understand.
My name is Nicola Scanni.
With a degree in Multimedia and a passion for technology, I have a tendency to pass
along my knowledge in a very simple way.
The Official explanation of what Article 13 is:
- It's a part of a Proposed copyright legislation in the European Union created with the intent
to better protect Creativity.
- It seeks to find the way for Copyright holder to protect their content online.
This means that platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Soundcloud, Instagram, Reddit and Snapchat
will be liable at the moment of upload for any Copyright infringements and uploads from
Creators, Users or Artists.
These platforms will be forced to block the majority of these uploads giving the uncertainty
and complexity of this copyright ownership, we are talking about Millions of existing
videos and most of the new ones uploaded in the European Union.
For Creators and Artists this could be very hard since most of their Official Music Video,
Educational video, Parodies or Mashup could be blocked unless you can prove that you own
everything in your video.
By example in this video, even though I am aware that the article 13 is still a proposal,
I am using pictures or videos that I made myself or that I know and I can prove are
not protected by Copyright.
I am also, not using any music in the background and plus the voice is really mine.
All of this, just to check for myself the difficoulties I am experiancing and for you
to understand how this article can limit my creativity while drastically deteriorating
your level of understanding of what I am trying to explain in my videos.
But let us talk about how this article, if confirmed by the end of the year, could change
the life of everyone else living in the 28 States of the European Union.
If you like to go live on Facebook and or on YouTube, while you are in a Club or at
a Concert, well could simply not be able to do that anymore, because for sure
there will be music in the background and we all know the music is protected by copyright.
Now, If you do think that this Article 13 if approved, will be an unfair limitation
to your freedom, post your thoughts on your favorite Social Platform but remember to include
the hashtag of SaveYourInternet proposed by YouTube.
This is it for today.
If you liked my video do not forget to subscribe to my Channel.
This way every first Weekend of the month, you will find a new video here on my YouTube
If you have a question please leave a message, I will answer as soon as possible.
Thank you for listening and, if you don't agree with the Article 13 remember to use
the Ashtag SaveYourInternet.
ইমাম গাজ্জালি (র) এর অমূল্য কিছু বানী । Motivational Life Changing Quotes Imam Ghazali - Duration: 2:31.
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Thor - Legends Are Made - Duration: 2:22.Oh-oh-oh
I've got that lightning inside me
Son of a God
I'm like a titan that's rising
Oh, just you watch
I'm stepping into fate
There is no time to waste
I've got that lightning inside me
This is how legends are made
This is how legends are made
I'm cranking up on the throttle
Victory is mine
Show you the harder the battle
The harder I fight
I've come too far to quit
Step back I'm going in
I'm cranking up on the throttle
This is how legends are made
This is how legends are made
Like iron
From the fire
Getting stronger
This is how legends are made
Above it all
A new animal
This is how legends are made
This is how legends are made
I've got that lightning inside me (Oh-oh-oh)
Oh just you watch (Oh-oh-oh)
This is how legends are made
I'm like a titan that's rising (Oh-oh-oh)
Oh just you watch (Oh-oh-oh)
This is how legends are made
Che Cos'e' l'Articolo 13 dell'Unione Europea #SaveYourInternet - Duration: 3:12.-------------------------------------------
"TV Serial News Channel | Webseries News on Youtube | Hina Khan | Shilpa Shetty | Sara Ali Khan - Duration: 3:06."TV Serial News Channel | Webseries News on Youtube | Hina Khan | Shilpa Shetty | Sara Ali Khan
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