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CẢNH BÁO Bugi giả tràn lan, chỉ 5K/1 cái mùa xe ngập nước - Duration: 10:59.-------------------------------------------
DIY Giant Lighted Christmas Star; Outdoor Christmas Light Display - Duration: 6:06.-------------------------------------------
Find out YOUR Star Wars BACKGROUND! - Star Wars Quiz - Duration: 11:45.Hey everybody and welcome to Leia's Lair.
In this episode I have prepared a quiz to determine what your background was in the
Star Wars Universe.
If you are enjoying the videos please give them a like, share, and subscribe to the channel
so I can continue making them for you!
Now before we begin, grab a pen and paper or something to keep track of your answers
and scores.
After each question, select one response that aligns with how you'd choose to be in the
Star Wars universe.
It will then reveal how many points each response is worth, add that number to your tally.
At the end we will add up all the points from the questions to determine which result you
Alright, let's begin!
Question 1: You and your companion are trying to escape from a crime lord, when your companion
gets captured.
Do you…
A. Sacrifice your freedom to save her.
You cannot leave them to that awful fate.
B. Do nothing.
You agreed that you would not go back for each other if this happened.
C. Leave them behind.
They would have only slowed you down.
D. Free yourself first.
You will go back for them once you have better resources.
E. Sacrifice them.
Maybe if they have one of you, they will not come looking for the other.
Question 2: You are thrown into a cage with a savage wookiee.
Do you..
A. Defend yourself.
You do not want to hurt him if you don't have too.
B. Leave him be.
If you don't bug him, maybe he will leave you alone
C. Attack with all your strength.
The only way to live is to kill him.
D. Try to calm him down with your words.
Maybe you two can be friends E. Bribe him, maybe his allegiance can be
Question 3: You are offered the opportunity of a lifetime, but it involves leaving your
only family behind.
Do you…
A. Go willingly.
Your family will be there when you get back.
B. Rid yourself of your family.
They will only hold you back from your true potential
C. Do nothing.
You need more time to think it over.
D. Agree to go if you can bring your family with you.
E. Forget your family.
This is an opportunity you cannot turn down.
Question 4.
While on a mission, your master's ship is in trouble from
buzz droids.
Do you…
A. Save him whatever the cost.
He is your master, he made you what you are.
B. Try to shoot them off, even if it risks his ship in the process
C. Fire a torpedo at his ship, destroy the enemy and your master in the process
D. Leave him be, he can figure it out.
You must carry on with the mission E. Try to bump them off with your fighter,
even if it risks both your ships in the process
Question 5: You come across a droid that needs to deliver a message, but it's extremely
Do you...
A. Destroy the droid and its message.
Being associated with it will only get you in trouble.
B. Decline but let the droid go free without helping him.
C. Sell him to the junk dealer for parts and take your 60 portions.
You'll be eating well tonight.
D. Help the droid.
His mission is more important.
E. Offer to help the droid, but only if you get something in return.
Question 6:.
An informant is making a scene that risks you getting caught by the enemy.
Do you…
A. Tell the guards on him to help yourself get away
B. Help your informant, if you both get caught, you'll try to protect the both of you
C. Distract the guards so your informant can get away, he risked being there for you, it's
the least you can do to help him get away D. Shoot him in the back with your blaster,
you got all the information you need anyways E. Leave and let your informant figure things
out for himself
Question 7: You are asked to kill your own brother in order to prove your loyalty.
Do you…
A. Leave the situation as it is.Your loyalty is to yourself.
B. You will not kill your own brother, there must be another way to prove loyalty.
C. Pick him up by his neck and crush it.
Your loyalty is to your faction.
D. Quit the faction and protect your brother from any harm.
E. Beat him up instead.
Hopefully that will be enough to prove your loyalty.
Question 8: You have been asked by the council to spy on your friend.
Do you…
A. Disagree.
You will not spy on your friend, even if asked by the council.
B. Pretend to spy on your friend, but actually spy on the council.
C. Gladly agree.
You would do anything to help the council out.
D. Leave the order.
You cannot believe they would ask such a thing, against a mentor, and a friend.
E. Ask for more information on why.
You need a good reason to betray your friend.
Question 9: What is your weapon of choice?
A. Blaster B. Detonator
C. Lightsaber D. The Force
Question 10: How do you settle conflicts?
A. With your money B. With your words
C. With the Force D. With your power
Alright that was the last question, good job on finishing the quiz.
Now just add up all the points from the questions and we'll find out which result you have in
the Star Wars universe.
Between 10-17: You got "Jedi Order" Taken into the Jedi Order at a young age,
the early years of your life were in the Jedi Temple.
You would spend countless hours learning the ways of the Force from Master Yoda or participating
in lessons about the Jedi arts.
By growing up under these conditions, you became skilled in both the ways of the Force,
and in combat.
Between 18-25: You got "Royalty" Born into a royal family, the early years
of your life were lavished.
You would spend days playing in your large gardens, being pampered by your many handmaids
and fostering good relations with your people.
By growing up under these conditions, you would be a highly respected individual with
strong leadership skills.
Between 26-33: You got "Diplomat" Born into a family of diplomats, the early
days of your life were spent travelling to different planets.
You would spend your days studying politics, or exploring the new territory with your protocol
By growing up under these conditions, you learned how to both problem solve and negotiate
Between 34-41: You got "Middle class" Born into an ordinary, middle class family,
the early years of your life were stable.
You would spend your days helping out around the house, or playing games with your brothers
and sisters.
By growing up under these conditions, you learned to be compromising and cooperative.
Between 42-49: You got "Slave" Born into a family of slaves, the early years
of your life were routine.
You would spend your days fulfilling whatever chores your master tasked you with.
This exposed you to a variety of tasks, and caused you to become very good with your hands.
By growing up under these conditions, you learned to be obedient and resourceful.
Between 50-56: You got "Orphan" Abandoned at birth by your parents, the early
years of your life were difficult.
You were forced to join a criminal groups with other orphans, where your day to day
life consisted of petty crimes such as stealing.
By growing up under these conditions, you learned to be independent at a young age,
and how to get yourself out of sticky situations.
Between 57-63: You got "Bounty Hunter" Raised by a bounty hunter, the early years
of your life were tumultuous.
You would spend your days learning bounty hunter specifics skills in survival and combat,
and also how to use a blaster.
By growing up under these conditions, you learned how to defend yourself in any situation
and how to track someone down effectively.
Between 64-70: You got "Sith" Taken from your family by a Sith Lord at a
young age, the early years of your life were difficult.
You would spend your days completing missions for your master, scheming for yourself or
learning the dark side of the force.
By growing up under these conditions, you learned how to be deceitful, and how to use
your emotions to gain more power.
Interested in finding out more about who you'd be in the Star Wars Universe.
Check out my other quizzes.
Anyways, I hope you had fun completing the quiz.
So which one did you get?
Let me know down below in the comment section.
And remember to like, share, and subscribe to the channel for more great videos to come.
I hope to see you all again in Leia's Lair.
Paper Plane Challenge | Loconuts Cartoons For Babies | Video For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 42:33.Paper Plane Challenge
Duchess Meghan wanted air fresheners for her wedding but the Palace told 'NO' - Duration: 11:20.Meagan kicks up a stink dictatorial bride wanted air fresheners for musty 15th century st
George's Chapel, but the palace told her no, like all brides. She wanted every aspect of her wedding to be perfect
Not least the venue st
George's Chapel at Windsor Castle couldn't have been more - Meghan Markel's liking historic and picturesque with long family ties
It had it all the only problem was apparently the smell
according to well-placed royal sources the musty odour of the 15th century chapel did not find favor with the
Soon-to-be duchess of Sussex who asked for air fresheners to be deployed before her guests arrived
the same insiders report that Meghan's request to use the atomizers did not find favor with Buckingham Palace which swiftly
pointed out that the chapel was a regular place of worship for the Queen as it had been for successive monarchs since
1475 and if it was good enough for them
It would be good enough for her the fascinating vignette about the Royal Wedding on May 19th comes amid
speculation about Meghan's friendship with her sister-in-law the Duchess of Cambridge
Which is not believed to be closed after it was announced that Meghan and Prince Harry are to move out of Kensington Palace
to live in Frogmore cottage Windsor early next year there have also been suggestions that
Meghan and Harry are proving unpopular with royal staff and can be difficult and dictatorial
recent reports have suggested that despite Harry telling staff what Meghan wants Meghan Getz's they also clashed with the Queen's household over which
Tiara Meghan could wear until the Queen stepped in' She was also said to have warned her grandson about their behavior
It is understood that the request to use the atomizers
Handheld devices for spraying water a perfume to create a pleasant aroma for guests at st
George's Chapel specifically came from Meghan's office at Kensington Palace
Although she and Harry organised the wedding themselves with an in-house team
Anything to do with the chapel the venue for several royal marriages including Queen Victoria's and burial place of 10 monarchs
It's a matter for the Queen who had to give them permission to use it
That meant all of the arrangements needed to be passed by the Lord Chamberlain's office at Buckingham Palace
which is in charge of ceremonial matters such as state visits and garden parties and
when the request to use the atomizers was raised the response was well a little sniffy the source said
Apparently Megan didn't like the smell of the chapel which as you would expect is a little musty
It's not unpleasant at all, though
It just smells how you would expect an old building to smell and that's something the royal family are particularly used to
Megan wanted staff to go around with these atomizers like spritzer guns and spray the chapel with scent before anyone arrived
Royal household staff stepped in and told her office politely
But firmly that this was the Queen's Chapel and it simply wasn't appropriate
I don't believe they said no because they thought it could affect the chapel in any way it was simply the principle of the thing
This is a place that has held royal weddings funerals and even contains the Royal vault
I don't believe a request of that nature had been made before the source stress there had been no falling-out between the two households
But that there was a certain amount of surprise at the request
Frankly, it was all a bit ridiculous and rather over-the-top
They said a second source while also confirming that atomizers had been requested
Said the two households worked very well together. I don't believe they the atomizers caused concern st
George's Chapel was built by successive monarchs starting with Edward the fourth in
1475 and completed by Henry the eighth in 1528
Kensington Palace declined to comment last night. Will it be happy families this year?
Megan and Kate really loved spending last Christmas together, but are definitely not best friends
Megan and Kate really loved spending last Christmas together, but are definitely not best friends a Us
Magazine has claimed amid rumours of a rift
The sisters-in-law got on during the festive period last year and all had a wonderful time a source told people
dot the Duke and Duchess of
Sussex stayed with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at their Norfolk home Mann were Hall last Christmas joining the Queen and the rest of
The royal family at Sandringham for Christmas Day
This year they will be spending Christmas together again amid claims there have been tensions behind the scenes
Following the announcement that Harry and Megan will be moving away from Kensington Palace
Speaking about Megan and Kate's relationship last year a source told people they really loved Christmas and all had a wonderful time
I think the two women got on they are definitely not best friends
But it was a really special time for them all to spend together
There have been rumors of a rift between Kate and Megan following the news that Harry and Megan will be moving to Frogmore cottage in
Windsor next year ahead of the arrival of the first child together an insider suggested to people that the decision to move away from
Kensington Palace where the cambridge currently live had been taken to allow harry to come out of his brothers shadow a
Source previously told The Daily Mail's Rebecca English that there was no acrimony between the Sussex is in the Cambridge
The idea of the two of them as the boys the brothers doing everything together and living in each other's pockets
Has been pushed with good intentions, but hasn't really existed for some time
She said the truth is that they have both just grown up
They are rare in that they live together and work together, but there has been a stepping back
They are still incredibly close closer than most siblings, but now Harry has married and is about to become a father
So it's a good time for him to be planning his own future. There is no acrimony
Meanwhile, Kate brushed off rumours of a rift while visiting Leicester earlier this week with Prince William
Speaking to members of the public outside Leicester University kate was asked about the duchess of sussex is pregnancy
Asked if she were excited for Megan and her new baby kate said yes absolutely know
It's such a special time to have all kiddies
She added and a cousin for George and Charlotte as well and Lewis, so it will be really special
Revealed how Megan the down-to-earth blogger sipped wine and spoke about her divorce with local photographer who joined her on?
2015 Malta trip to explore her ancestry the photographer behind a set of recently surfaced
Images of Megan Markel in Malta has revealed what it was like working with the future duchess of Sussex
Kurt Arrigo spent two days with Megan in the Mediterranean country in
20:15 after she was invited by the local tourist board to explore her the birthplace of her great-great-grandmother
However, the future royal who would not meet Prince Harry for another year was also in her element shooting an ell spread and working on
her now defunct lifestyle blog the tag Kurt reveals
speaking exclusively to mail in line
He told how down-to-earth Meghan was very pleasant to work with and recalls
The remarkably candid actress happily chatting about a recent divorce as she sampled the local food and wine
She had mentioned that she was previously married as well
But she didn't really open up about it said Kurt who met Meghan two years after her split from director Trevor engleson
one of the more striking images shows Meghan wearing a traditional
janella, headdress on a visit to the Magnificent 16th century Casa Rocca piccola palace in Malta's capital Valletta
She was very game to try it on and to be a bit playful kurt recalls
Meghan later touched on going back to her roots and
Blending in with the locals saying there is something so lovely about fitting in a piece of the puzzle other snaps show the future Duchess
casually dressed in ripped jeans and a baggy grey t-shirt
Exploring the streets of Medina and marveling at st. John's company Cathedral in Valletta. It was very candid Kurt reveals
She didn't really want any poses. But then after a while she felt comfortable it want a fashion shoot
It was very much a lifestyle. Shoot
It was a very casual shoot and I just kind of tagged along and made her feel comfortable
And not do it in an invasive way and do it discreetly
Kurt also revealed that his two daughters had been desperate to meet the suits actress, but Meghan had to cancel as well was feeling unwell
However, she later wrote a sweet message to Kurt and his children on her blog by way of apology
less than two years after her Maltese trip Meghan became a household name overnight when her
Relationship with Prince Harry hit headlines and Kurt said he was pleased to see she got her fairytale ending
She's probably one of the most influential women around now
he says I
Guess she's got to be part of that royal system and maybe can't let her hair down as much as would have liked to in
Those times it was all relaxed and chilled and easy now wherever she is
I supposed everyone got a camera and wants to take a picture
It was nice to be able to meet her and get to know her in her real element in her own words
Megan and Malta
speaking in 2015 Megan said of her trip to the
Mediterranean country coming to Malta has been really important to me because my great-great grandmother lived here
So we've been trying to trace the ancestry
This trip was mostly about trying to understand where I come from my identity
There is something so lovely about fitting in a piece of the puzzle
To come somewhere where you so quickly settle into feeling welcomed is really special. It's this Maltese hospitality
That is really special to the place before I came people were telling me when you go to Malta
Everyone will look like you and I started to say oh my gosh
I do sort of blend in and it's the loveliest feeling
The Maltese people have been so kind in an interview during her stay. She said in goes
Oh, oh, I love the fresh goat's milk cheeses
Particularly the pickled ones with the black pepper on them
I'm about to have the spaghetti with rabbit, which I've been waiting to try this morning for breakfast
I tried the post Izzy with peas and ricotta. Oh my goodness. They're delicious
So my suitcase will be filled with all sorts of Maltese treats
Megan also gushed about the bucolic bliss of the Maltese countryside in an Instagram post written at the time
It is believed the remarkably candid snaps were taken in March 2015
Just four months before she met Prince Harry and eventually swapped the showbiz world for Kensington Palace
Casually dressed in a grey t-shirt and baggy jeans the future duchess of Sussex looks decidedly happy and carefree in the images
She appears to be wearing her beloved
1600 pound max Maura Manuela coat which has not seen the light of day since Megan became a fully fledged royal
one photo seized her with the Marquita Pierrot and his wife Frances at their home Casa Rocca piccola while dressed in a traditional
Janela, headdress. Thank you for watching
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Garlic Jalapeno Chicken Wings Recipe - Game Day Appetizers - Wing Sauce - Duration: 7:33.what's up everybody this is Lyle no hippie BBQ want to be doing today is
we're gonna be making some garlic jalapeno deep-fried chicken wings as
much as I like that airfryer sometimes you just got to go old school now this chicken wing recipe
is a recipe that seems like it's gonna work out in my head it's just a concept
I came up with if you're watching this video the concept came to fruition come
on in take a look at these ingredients and we'll get cooking so these are the
ingredients we're going to be using I have some chicken wings and these are
flats and remits we're gonna be seasoning it with the seasoning called
everglades seasoning and this to me just tastes like a seasoned salt so you can
use that or just go with salt pepper garlic something that simple would be
good to go as well for our sauce we're gonna be using some mayonnaise about 8 9
garlic cloves some olive oil Parmesan cheese that's been graded now the reason
I'm using the Parmesan cheese is it really acts like a good binder when
you're making chicken wings so we got that we're gonna be using some lime
juice if you don't have lime juice lemon juice will work vinegar red wine vinegar
something like that would work as well we just want to add a little bit of a acidity to this and I'm going with about 4 jalapenos and we're gonna be
seasoning the wing sauce with this same Everglades seasoning I will have all my
ingredients in the description below so run down there if you actually plan on
making it the first thing we need to do is get this chicken seasoned up we
really don't want to over season this chicken so we're just gonna throw some
in mix it up make sure that you have a nice thin coating but nothing that's
gonna be too overpowering go ahead and get my cast-iron Dutch oven heated up
with oil and we'll get on to the next step I have my oil heated up to 300
degrees we will be cooking our chicken wings at 350 degrees but I didn't want
to cook these jalapeno and the garlic at that high of a
temperature so now we're just going to add them in and hopefully they're going
to cook down and become a little mushy I guess you could say and I'm throwing the
jalapenos in whole and the reason I don't want to slice them is I don't want
to add any more liquid or add any liquid to this oil this has gone about three
minutes I did turn this down to two hundred and fifty degrees our garlic
looks like it's softened so we're gonna remove it
just set it on a paper towel i reduced the heat because I didn't want the
peppers to start splitting I'm thinking we're gonna need about another three
four minutes on this now listen I'm cooking this in the oil you could just
cook this in the oven as well all we're looking for is to soften up these
jalapenos and the garlic so after another three minutes
these jalapenos looked good and softened up to me we're gonna set these aside let
them cool down a bit and then we'll work on this chicken wings sauce I make the sauce all that
we're gonna do is add the rest of these ingredients so we have our jalapenos our
garlic and I did remove the stems from these jalapenos my lemon juice olive oil
Parmesan cheese go ahead and add the seasoning eyeballing it that's about
half a tablespoon we can adjust that down the road
take this aside get our lid on I happen to be using the nutribullet but regular
old blender would work that looks blended up good enough for me let's go
ahead and remove the top take a little taste right quick
that is awesome whew and pack up some heat - all right
good to go we're gonna let this oil come up to temperature and then we'll start
frying these wings those reach 350 degrees we're gonna throw these wings in
now personally I like my wings a little bit more on the crispy side cook
them to your desired doneness
now these extra crispy wings are cooked right to about the doneness that I want let's
pull these out I'm putting them on a sheet pan that has slots a broiler pan
so it's going to allow that excess oil to drip off if you don't have one of
these plate the paper towel will be good as well I have one more batch I need to
do these are gonna go in the oven I just have the oven at 200 degrees just so
they stay warm while this next batch is getting cooked up well we are done with
our second batch and I must say they look delicious we're going to go ahead
and get these on our broiler pan let that oil drip off I'm gonna do something
with this oil here and then we're gonna get plating these chicken wings up are done everything
is good to go I've transferred my sauce to this bowl right here if you'd like
you could throw your wings in there toss them around what I'm gonna do is I'm
just going to do them individually by hand just to make things a little bit
easier for plating and I'm going to set them back onto this broiler pan so some
of that excess drips off
so that's what it looked like all plated up I cannot wait to get into this that
sauce was bangin let's see how it tastes on these wings
I'm telling you you have the garlic coming through
it's got slight heat it's not super hot but a real depth of heat from those
jalapenos even that parmesan is coming through in
this this right here means the win if you're looking for some unique wings I'm
not sure I've seen anything like this give this a shot I'm telling you will
not be disappointed I'd like to thank you guys for stopping by no hippie BBQ Compare to Wingstop Chicken Wings
or Buffalo wild wings
New DINOSAURS VS PAW PATROL Father & Son Open Huge Surprise Box T Rex Vs Spinosaurus Jurassic World - Duration: 12:39.goodness Torres first dear I too will be the victor in today's video keep
watching Wow father and son are gonna open up
this big huge box of mighty pup surprise toys and the movie right on the quads
New PAW PATROL VS DINOSAURS Father & Son Open Huge Surprise Box T Rex Vs Spinosaurus Jurassic World
movie started ah yeah it's my tee box I love the mighty pops okay go ahead press
play I love this hey I'm trying to watch buddy could you keep it down up there
what'd you say I love the box man keep it down keep it down
I can't hear what
oh forget this I'm just gonna now I could watch the movie and peace and
wow me and my son are gonna open this big huge paw patrol mighty pups box that
was sent to us by our friend that's big master but my son watches this show all
the time tell us what the pups superhero pups powers are slowly so we understand
hi handsome and what the heck of it came lifted boo down betcha Wow awesome he
remembered all of that for watching the show
and the cool thing about this box is it actually gives a preview of their mood
new movie so if you push the play button here it shows you a preview of the new
movie awesome
that is awesome ain't it Wow you like that you get a foxy - movie on it how
cool is that who is there that was Zuma
okay that is superhero okay but I think it's gonna be time to open this up and
see exactly what is inside there okay so when we open the box here it says paw
Patrol what is your child superhero power mighty pops he had period to give
you a whole list of exactly what was in here awesome
look we get the mighty pups DVD the mighty pups plush mighty pups gift set
jumbo mighty tough mighty pups flip and fly vehicle mighty puffs food snacks
that says grab your little ones drop by the movie night whoa so we have
everything here for a movie let's go ahead and check this out buddy
pick this one up let's see what that is show everybody what that is
who is that rocky rocky yeah what's his superpower
what's rocky what does he do in this show super what - okay he says rocky
does super Tools awesome let's check this up it says select them ha yes whoa
that is awesome so we get an awesome plush rocky what's this buddy doc I know
this pick it up show everybody whoa look at this guy's
they give us the paw Patrol the mighty pups movie Wow we're gonna have to watch
this are you excited whoa that is cool says blast off with the mighty pups and
this brand-new paw patrol movie cool uh what was this sure everybody what that
is we have a box of 22 pouches of assorted fruit flavored snack Wow let's
open this up and check it out
whoa look at this we got through snacks uh-oh is this what you want for helping
me yes okay you can have one of those now well let's show everybody happen
let's show everybody first what's in here come on we're not done yet what is
this pick that up
are these superhero costumes ha ha you could be a paw patrol superhero well
they gave us to paw patrol capes check this out it says paw patrol mighty pops
awesome this is gonna be fun buddy whoa what else is in there what is that it's
microwave popcorn it says paw patrol mighty pups do you like popcorn bunny
yay so we have two things oh wow check this out that's mighty pups Marshall oh
mighty pups Marshall how cool is that it says pluck them off for bonus games
and activities whoa what are these buddy oh wow they gave us two paw patrol
mighty buck stops here with straws for movie night yay so go ahead put the
straws in and we are all set so we got food we've got cave
we've got drinks Oh what is this who's yo whoa this is paw Patrol mighty pups
flip and fly chase whoa cool is that it says transform me and let's check out
the back Wow oh we got popping bubbles go ahead
pop some of those buddy let me help you with those okay is that everything wow
this is an awesome box check it out guys ball Patrol Mikey pop so we can go ahead
and put everything back in here and when it's time to watch the DVD are you
excited to watch the paw patrol pups movie yes okay so we went ahead and
opened up Marshall show us what it does buddy
cool so if you push push the button on top and shoes light up red and this
flashes over here red awesome okay now we're gonna go ahead and take a look at
the flip and fly chase hold it up buddy so we could see it whoa cool look at
that it has a spinning helicopter blade it's chases vehicle it looks like it has
glow-in-the-dark tires we have a superhero chase here any cool look at
him he has a cape just like you look wearing his cape
we have the Cape just like you awesome cool and then let's show them what this
thing does so if you take the car mode here and
then you flip it yeah it turns into chases helicopter and look you have
you've got shooting missiles on the sides and you have a shooting button up
front here or shoots up like yellow like water balloons or something awesome so
you have radar here you have all kinds of pieces that pop up here whoa you got
a cloth here for grabbing stuff so there we go that is awesome Wow we got so much
stuff in here whoa okay so we've got to flip in fly chase we've got to paw
patrol capes there we've got two packages of microwave popcorn we've got
the new paw patrol mighty pups movie we have who is this we have superhero rocky
need we have a box full of kidney and who is this yeah we have superhero
Marshall and we've got two paw patrol cups they're ready for movie night and
you got the preview of me on the front of the frogs how cool is
that Wow what do you think what was that awesome
yeah are you excited to watch that piece of popcorn yeah okay let's go you guys
enjoyed that video I do got over a thousand more the majority are drastic
we're all drastic park Godzilla like King Kong transformers Power Rangers
Ninja Turtle Scooby dealing a lot more check out the playlists on my channel or
if you want to see more fun talk with 12 videos wait through this video and check
out the playlist you guys are awesome and I will see you in today's secret
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Martha and Donald - Happy Family - Cartoon For Kids - Episode 5 (Beautiful Soap Bubbles) - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Why am I taking "breaks" 🏖 (not really 🙅) | creativity 🖌🎭 - Duration: 6:04.Sometimes I publish a video every day.
And sometimes not for a long time.
Today I will not only tell you
why this is so,
I will also give you some tips
how you can boost your creativity.
Hello, dear German learner!
I am Mark
and I wish you a lot of fun with this video.
In the last video I have
presented to you all the projects
which I work on.
Sometimes I am very
excited about a project
and I don't want to do anything else
than to work on this one project.
I learned to not resist
this "attraction" of a project
and to use my passion for a project
to develop it further.
If that means
that I no longer create videos,
then that's how it's gonna be
and I don't want to interrupt
my "flow" every time
that happens
and somehow "announce",
that I am taking a break.
I just make videos,
whenever I feel like doing them
(or if I think they are necessary,
to achieve some desired results).
After all, they are free
and I have to live for myself.
If I thought
I had to
make these videos for you,
then I would simply be embittered over time.
To create a video
takes about 10 hours
and only if I do it
with passion and creativity,
it will be a good video.
One person wanted
that I announce every "break"
as a condition for
him donating money to me.
I can't do that.
That's not how my creativity works.
I never know
how long I have to "fill up my creativity tank"
Besides, I never really take a break,
I just don't upload any videos.
Other projects
need my attention
because Authentic German Learning
is more than just videos.
See my last video.
Of course, it's different with my products,
you pay and I guarantee you
a predefined value,
that's how it works.
I have said
that I'll give you some tips
on how you can boost your creativity.
Well, let me summarize my opinion
which I have already revealed:
I think
you should not put pressure
on your creative side.
The creative side is like a child prodigy
that produces beautiful art.
Do you think the child
would produce beautiful art
if you would force it to?
Find ways to fuel your creativity.
I do this
by going for a walk
or by talking to people.
Often, I express my creativity
in other ways.
When I am making videos,
I collect, for example,
consciously and unconsciously, ideas
for my courses
and vice versa.
You never know when an inspiration comes,
therefore, I advise you to always be ready
to write down an idea
and to have a system
to implement these ideas.
Finally, you need
a little pinch of discipline.
Somehow you have to start
and the appetite comes while eating.
That's why I sometimes make videos,
even if I don't 100 % feel like it.
The main thing is, I'm 100%
satisfied with the result.
This was my video about creativity.
What are you doing to "refuel (your) creativity"?
I look forward to your comment.
Bye and see you next time!
Would you like me
to take fewer breaks?
With monthly donations
you can make sure
that I can spend more time
creating German learning videos.
Please visit
and support this project.
Donations help enormously.
Affiliate Marketing For Beginners 52 - Clickbank : Creating a Buzz With Viral PDFs - Duration: 5:16...the concept of viral marketing has been around for about 10 years now and is
based on the idea that a satisfied customer will tell an average of 3
people about a product or service but they love harnessing the power of word
of mouth has always been the holy grail for marketers and one of the easiest
ways you can start some viral momentum of your own is by creating a viral PDF
for distribution and this lesson we'll take a look at creating a buzz with
viral PDFs a viral PDF is a document containing valuable information on a
particular topic that is created for the purpose of being distributed around the
internet for free in doing so affiliates are able to rebrand the PDF with their
own affiliate links so that they can earn money when people read the document
click on the links and make a purchase good viral PDFs can reach thousands of
people and prove to be very lucrative to both the creator and the affiliates who
help the spread it here's three ways to use a viral PDF find viral PDFs and give
them away to your list or via your website earn Commission's by rebranding
the links inside the PDF with your own affiliate link find viral PDFs and use
them as a free bonuses to create more incentive for people to purchase the
product that you're promoting and create your own viral PDFs and give them away
brand half the links with your affiliate URL and allow other people to rebrand
the remaining ones with their own links you could approach other website owners
and encourage them to brand and give away your report so that you can both
earn money from it there are three alternatives on the market that we
recommend for easy and professional viral PDF creation the viral PDF ebook
creator incorporates two small software programs that help you professionally
rebrand and distribute your e-books when you give your PDF to affiliates make
sure you also give them the small branded program this makes it easy for
others to rebrand with their own affiliate links this product also
features the ability to add unlimited rebranded links into your documents the
ability to set an expiration date on your PDF files assistance with putting
your PDF ebooks on your websites so that search engines like Google and MSN can
index them and the ability to in search catch all tags if your affiliate skips a
link within the e-book it will be automatically rebranded with your own ID
to ensure that no sales opportunities are lost affiliate PDF Brenda a simple
software that produces a special brand of file for each viral PDF you create it
works by scanning all the links and then prompting you to decide what you want to
do with each one the software will then produce a brand of file which you
distribute along with your PDF when your affiliates download your PDF they can
then just go through and use the branding package to fill in their
details one item at a time butterfly reports is the best viral PDF
tool available for anyone truly serious about this marketing method not only
does butterfly reports allow you to create brand of files similar to the
previous two applications we've just looked at it also contains a marketplace
of viral PDFs that is frequently browsed by other affiliates and product owners
the marketplace is immensely valuable because it saves you the effort of
finding people to distribute your viral PDF you just place your report in the
marketplace and other people can grab it and begin distributing it affiliates can
rebrand up to 25% of your links if there are a silver butterfly reports member
which is free 75% of your links if they're a gold member which actually
cost $27 a month or 100 percent of the links if they're a platinum member which
is a hundred and ninety seven dollars a month if you wish to use any of the
other reports in the marketplace then you can do this by rebranding and
promoting these reports to your list or using them as free bonuses there are
tons of other advantages of platinum membership including a new landing page
generation system that will work with Aweber and get response the butterfly
reports marketplace is accessible via the search engines and author profiles
contain a link back to the author's site and time for today's lesson summary and
this lesson we've looked at the concept of using PDFs to create hype and boost
your profits three ways we looked at using a PDF included giving viral pdfs
away to your list using pdfs as a bonus creating your own PDFs and giving them
away we also looked at three ways you can
create viral PDFs including viral PDF ebook creator Affiliate PDF rebrand ER
and butterfly reports and that's all we've got time for today thanks so much
for watching I look forward to seeing you again soon bye for now
Favorite Things about Being Deaf - Duration: 3:38.Hey guys, hope you're doing great
Today, I'll be sharing my favorite things about being deaf
On a Saturday morning
I'd sleep through kids screaming and dogs barking
and birds chirping
and lawn mower being on and
all the crazy noise that you wish you can sleep through :laughing:
Whenever I seemed to watch a movie
generally there'd be people would either be talking or asking questions about a movie
I turn my processor off and just enjoy it in silence
with my processor off, I can concentrate on my book in a noisy environment :squeals:
teaching my friends sign language
so we can have a secret code to talk in
and what I mean by that is
I taught my brother the alphabet of ASL
and if there are things we don't want Dad to hear, we'll definitely fingerspell to each other
that's how we plan our devious plans, yeah
See? I do have a dark side :laughing:
impressing my friends with my lip reading skill
especially when I forget my backup battery
which seemed to be happening lot more than I would've like to admit
and this kind of a story instead of a favorite thing
when people tend to give me an attitude
I generally don't hear it because I tend to look away to do my job
and then I look back up and tell them to have a nice day and give back their stuff
The reason I know that they were giving me an attitude is they seemed taken back
by my positive response and I'm like 'Yep, you were giving me attitude, all righty then. Ha!'
See, you can't even get a rile out of me, er
Can't rile me up, yeah, there you go, can't rile me up
Man, maybe that's why they're giving me an attitude
because I keep butchering my sentences
Huh, now we know
All right, guys
this is all of my favorite things, I'm sure there are more
about being deaf, I just can't think of it right now
Eh, whatever, I'm sure I'll do another video of this
If you have any questions
please do drop them down in the comment below
or you can send me in the email right here
and if you like this video, please do press 'Like'
and I hope to see you next Saturday
Auxiliary Verbs or Helping Verbs - Duration: 7:25.Hello and welcome back!
Today we're going to be doing a video on the auxiliary verbs
or auxiliaries.
They are also commonly known as "helping verbs"
As you can see here we've written all the different affirmative forms
and here the different uses of auxiliary verbs
So let's start off with the compound tenses.
In order to create a compound tense,
I will need my auxiliary to help the main verb indicate the subject's involvement in the action.
So I'm going to use for example
this compound tense:
the past perfect continuous
because I'll need lots of auxiliaries there.
The past perfect continuous of "learn":
So past > I'm going to use my auxiliary "have": "he had"
perfect continuous > "he had been learning"
So I'm not only going to use this auxiliary
but also this auxiliary here
he had been learning
he had been learning
"learning" is my main verb in the present participle
so it's preceded by two auxiliaries
"had" and "been"
So that is one example of a compound tense.
Now let's use a less complex a tense!
Let's say for example: the present continuous.
In order to create a present continuous,
I need an auxiliary: "to be"
Let's use the first person singular:
I am learning
I need this auxiliary to precede the main verb "learn"
in this case in the present participle
"I am learning" = present continuous
Have a quick review of your compound tenses,
if that wasn't very clear.
But just in the meantime, focus on the various forms of auxiliary verbs.
Why negative statements and questions?
Depending on the tense,
we're going to use various auxiliaries.
Let's start with this particular auxiliary: "TO DO".
If I want to make a question or create a negative statement,
in the simple present,
I'm going to rely on these two forms: "do" and "does":
Does she speak English?
Question: Does she speak English?
I need the auxiliary, my subject, and the infinitive without "TO" of my main verb "speak".
Does she speak...?
And for a negative statement I could say:
Don't forget to add your "not" here:
He doesn't speak German.
This is my negative statement.
So as you can see we need this, with the inflection, showing it's the third person singular:
she or he does not speak German.
Those are the three first examples of use.
The fourth one is the passive voice.
This is just an introduction to auxiliaries
so don't forget to watch the full explanation of the passive voice in another one of my videos!
In the meantime, let's just remember that in order to create the passive voice we need the auxiliary "to be"
So an example of the passive voice would be:
This house was built in the 1950s.
"was" is my auxiliary
It is followed by a past participle,
the main verb is in the past participle: "built"
And "was built" gives me my passive voice statement.
Another example could be:
I was told this morning.
This is another passive voice statement.
"was" is my auxiliary
"told" is the past participle. This is my main verb: "to tell".
I was told this morning.
And one that I hadn't mentioned quite yet, is the last form that is here: the auxiliary "WILL"
"will" is an auxiliary verb and a modal verb
so that means that I should have written more modal verbs here
but I'm going to let you watch another one of my videos on modal verbs to fully understand them.
In the meantime this particular auxiliary helps me create the future tenses.
Let's see the future simple.
Example: I will learn
I use the auxiliary "will" followed by an infinitive without "TO": "learn"
That creates a simple future or future simple.
I will learn.
But I can also rely on various auxiliaries simultaneously, to create perfect or continuous tenses.
For example, let's do a future perfect:
I will have learned.
Here I need two auxiliaries followed by my main verb (in this case it's in the past participle "learned")
I will have learned.
This is in future perfect.
And if I want a future perfect continuous,
I'll use a different auxiliary.
I'll use this one first "I will"
then "have"
then "been"
So that is three auxiliaries for this tense
and then my main verb "learn"
in this case in the "-ing form", in the present participle: "learning"
I will have been learning.
= future perfect continuous
or future perfect progressive
depending on what term you prefer.
Those are many different examples on how to use these verbs to assist main verbs and create different scenarios, different tenses, different, viewpoints also.
Now a few hints here for you in the classroom:
whether you're a student or a teacher don't forget that most of these verbs can be used alone
not just assisting a main verb
they can be main verbs themselves
in that case they are called "full verbs".
For example I can say:
I do sports.
"do" shows me the action.
It's not assisting a main verb.
So that is the full verb.
If I say: I am English.
That is also the full verb "to be"
And if I say: I have siblings.
That is also using that verb "to have" as a full verb
and not as an auxiliary
Now don't forget that I've only written the affirmative forms
or positive forms so practise the negative forms also.
A thorough tense review is necessary at this point.
Coming back to this video after that review is a recommendation.
Finally don't forget that this chapter is linked in many ways to these other videos, to these other chapters:
question tags
passive voice
modal verbs
expressions with "make" and expressions with "do"
although that isn't grammar
it has more to do with lexis, with vocabulary
these collocations, these expressions with make and expressions with do
they're quite confusing for learners
so you might want to review "do" as an auxiliary
but also in expressions as a full verb.
Thank you for today!
Bollywood News in Hindi | Bollywood News in Hindi Today | Deepika Padukone | 01 December 2018 | 8 PM - Duration: 7:50.Bollywood News in Hindi | Bollywood News in Hindi Today | Deepika Padukone | 01 December 2018 | 8 PM
Funny Monkey Drives Watermelon Train In Outdoor Playground For Kids | M Smart TV - Duration: 2:58.Elephant
[ซับไทย cc] หยางหยาง - เบื้องหลังถ่ายทำวิดีโอ "ขอบคุณจากใจ" (Tik Tok Application) - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
L13: Distributed Deadlock Detection | Edge Chasing Algorithm with Example in hindi by Prince Sir - Duration: 11:12.
Tabbu Gabbu | টাব্বু গাব্বু | Club Ghorer Bhoot | Bangla Cartoon Video - Duration: 6:23.Hey Gabbu, I was looking for you.
Let's go to the club. We'll play a game of carom.
Your club?
Where is it? - Come with me and I'll show you.
Let's go.
This is our club? - What? This?
This looks like a deserted house.
So what? It's our club.
Let's play carom. - Okay.
Let me open the lock.
I can hear someone inside.
You're right. Is it a thief?
No, Kutke. Someone is sleeping on the floor.
He has big teeth, he's reed thin.
He looks like a ghost. - Yes. You're right.
O God! O God!
Let's run. - Let's run.
Let's run. - What's wrong?
What happened? Why are you running?
We're scared. - Scared?
What are you scared of?
There's a ghost sleeping in our club house.
Okay. Let's go and see.
Look there.
Wait, I'll teach you a lesson.
Hey! Who is it?
Who switched on the lights and woke me up from sleep?
Hey ghost! Is this your place to sleep?
How dare you wake me up from sleep?
Shut up!
Will you leave or should I take some action against you?
The strongest of men are scared of me.
How dare this young man threaten me?
Wait. I'll teach you a lesson.
Oh no! - What a problem!
Nothing can save Tabbu now.
I'll break your neck and kill you.
Melt his hands quickly. Melt his hands.
Will you break my neck with your wax hands?
What's this? What happened to my hands?
Why are they melting?
This is the punishment for scaring me.
You've to stay like this from now on.
Please forgive me.
I promise that I won't scare anyone.
I won't stay here.
Please give my hands back.
Okay. Here you go.
Get back to your old form.
Come on, go from here quickly.
Yes. I'll leave immediately.
I'll leave immediately.
Tabbu has saved us and our club from the ghost.
Hip! Hip! Hurray!
Hip! Hip! Hurray!
Hip! Hip! Hurray!
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