Beyond Scared Straight: Face-to-Face (Season 3 Flashback) | A&E - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
Geocaching - 📦 Unboxing 📦 Day 1 Advent Calendar 2018 🎄 - Duration: 5:10.And welcome Geo subscribers in this Unboxing, the first of Unboxing
Advent Calendar from home we CacheVillage December 1 and go
24 days for daily videos of the unboxing of this calendar
the unboxing will be held every day at the same time ie 16 hours
you were 174 to complete the survey I made on DISCORD and
Facebook know what time you prefer
output video and you were 69 to respond 16h to keep pace
last year so this is what will happen I assure all they will
watch the video well after 16 hours there will be no spoilers in the
thumbnail or in the comments of Youtube so you do not tighten SPOILER
by videos last year it was a box
wood this year is a slightly larger cardboard box actually a bit
flatter aesthetically it is rather nice, but I'm interested
it's what's in it and not wait
one passes an aperture when opening
then suddenly we here congratulations you have hands
The Advent 2018 a pocket calendar to open and surprise
discover each day from 1 to 24 December to accompany you to
Christmas then in this envelope a letter
you reveal all the details of your schedule before so I
would open not at all the same we also have a note
Congratulations you have your hands Advent Calendar 2018
Talala Talala do not be evil do not destroy Geo interest
that could take your friends to the opening of this calendar
tell because you have seen before the date on the cover
So little reminder to all who would Spoiler content of this
calendar we do not do it otherwise we wish you all the DNF
so we we have a cap like that if I have a hat "Grheuu"
wants to make a Unboxing with me or maybe another guest we do
never know so I put it here a small paper of YEAAAHH
Here envelopes 24 envelopes it is big!
last year it was a bit smaller! so we'll take the
a number that is so this year I have a
second camera that will serve me to make you a little bigger plans like
the plan is wide enough I close the box not to look
other envelopes I keep very secret content
then it's gone I'm just like a kid in fact I'm all
and I can move the heavier wowowow, too many things at once too much
things at once then we have a Logbook
then here I have a camera there I have seen a Logboog
So a logbook Rite in the Rain
waterproof highly resistant to humidity is a very big his camo
finally starting direct a big buffalo color seen with camo
a good seal so it is directly to the first
December 1 Cache ready to put it starts well
it starts very well here so it is big enough you see
so it's a XS anyway but it's a big XS
yeah yeah it's a big XS and there was a small little paper
oh but it's good that it is a little a little paper then I will make you
downright picture I put you here the picture you look along
I geocaching and international day to celebrate the day
Geocaching is an opportunity for geocachers to find themselves on
Local events organized on purpose or to plan that day the
discovery of a cache that is their special at what date is this
each day annéeμ? Are you have an idea
then either (A) May 3rd anniversary of Geocaching (B) July 4th day of
US national holiday (C) February 29 which makes it even more
exceptional or (D) the third Saturday in the month of August was then
I'll play a little game I'm just not in the answer in
this video I give my 2 video so tomorrow and meanwhile say
me in the comments what you have (1) the first thought of the gift
Gift this Unboxing and (2) give me the answer ABC or D to see history
a little bit we will play together I find it rather interesting so
it was the first Unboxing of this calendar forward I
rather it starts quite satisfied BamBam live a ready cache pose
and a small game card then are we going to have a
each day it could be funny it would allow us to play together
like that at As this Unboxing, so I tell you tomorrow
Geo Subscribe for unboxing December 2 Geo Friendship
Shahid Afridi 59 0f 17 kohli T10 cricket league Shahid Afridi 6666 to Wahab Riaz | PCB - Duration: 4:58.-------------------------------------------
VLOGMAS! Day One 🎄 - Duration: 10:30.- This is you. (laughs)
- [Jack] (laughs) I do love Christmas.
I think it's a little big.
- [Katie] Maybe. - But maybe that's the style.
Is it a look?
- I think it's, I mean, it's like,
you could belt it or something.
(Christmas style rock music)
- Hello, it is the first of December.
I'm Jackson Bird and this is Vlogmas.
I'm doing Vlogmas this year.
First time ever.
I used to do VEDA all the time but I haven't done
one of these vlog everyday of the month things
in a while.
For the uninitiated, Vlogmas is where you make a video
every day of December up until Christmas,
which is great for me because the 25th is usually
about the point where I stopped dropping off in VEDA,
Vlog Every Day in April.
So maybe I'll actually do it this time.
So basically this year has been a really heavy year
for, like, trans educational content,
lots of heavier, long videos of everything you need
to know about being trans or knowing someone who's trans.
Lots and lots of trans videos and not much else.
So this month, these 25 days of 25 videos
I'm hoping is gonna be a chance to show you
a little more about me, my life, who I am
beyond being trans and beyond scripts
because this is all gonna be unscripted.
Lower quality, filming most of it on my iPhone.
I'm gonna take you with me on what I do day to day.
I have still yet to decide how I'm gonna handle captions.
I would love to be able to pay for captions to be made
via Rev.com every single day.
I'm not sure if my budget can handle that.
We're gonna see.
Or if they are shorter videos, like under four minutes,
I can probably just type 'em up myself.
Videos are probably gonna go out a little earlier
in the day.
Like, when I do normal uploads,
they're in the afternoon.
These might go out a little earlier in the day
'cause I'm probably going to be showing you what I did
yesterday, which, first thing I lied about in this video.
It is not December 1st.
It is November 30th right now but I've thought it was
December for weeks and weeks and weeks,
so it might as well well be.
Might as well be?
So December is actually a pretty wild month for me this year
We're hosting our annual holiday party.
I'm going to the Yule Ball.
I'm going out to YouTube San Bruno office.
As you're watching this, I'm on my way
to Wizarding World in Orlando for my mom's 60th birthday
and on top of all of that, we're moving this month.
We've lived in this apartment for five years
and we are moving this month.
And that's not all.
I'm also really sick right now.
Perfect time to get sick, right at the start of Vlogmas,
day before a trip in which I'm going to a theme park
for two days and the forecast says it's gonna rain
the whole time, so this is just great.
My health is in great shape right now.
But somehow I'm gonna manage it all.
And you are gonna be along for the ride with me, hopefully.
We'll see how I do.
Oh, and apparently I've had my address in this shot
the whole time from these gifts that I need to wrap.
I am also rocking these amazing Christmas sweatpants.
Gonna live in these all month so get used to seeing them.
I don't know how often you're gonna see the bottom half
of my body.
You never know what the bottom half
of Youtubers' bodies look like.
We could have tentacles down there.
Ooh, that's like, a weird, that's a weird thing.
I'm not gonna go there.
This is probably a really choppy video.
In addition to not scripting it and not having much to say
beyond explaining like, what Vlogmas is,
and what's gonna be happening,
I'm also just, this head cold.
I cannot think straight.
I can't put words together.
I think yesterday and today are the worst of it, though.
I think I'll be feeling better tomorrow.
So, I mean, we'll see 'cause I do not wanna be
that sick person on the plane.
Everyone's gonna hate me.
I think I'm past the point of contagious, though.
You're contagious like, when you don't have symptoms yet.
So I shouldn't be contagious anymore.
That is the argument that I will make to flight attendants
when they try to kick me off the flight for being sick.
All right, yeah.
Let's wrap up some of those presents.
(upbeat holiday music)
So this whole big trip going to Wizarding World
in Orlando is for my mom's 60th birthday
and it's kind of like birthday slash
we're doing early Christmas, and so she told us
that since, you know, it's kind of an expensive trip,
we are not allowed to get her any other gifts.
Well, I might have cheated a little bit.
I wrapped him up in minions because that's her favorite.
She loves the minions.
I think we're gonna ride the minions ride at Universal.
(upbeat holiday music)
At least that's as many as I'm wrapping for now.
All right, now it is time to get a little bit of work done
including editing this vlog.
At some point tonight I still need to pack
and then gonna try to have an early night
so that I can try to heal up from this cold a little bit
before I take off tomorrow for Orlando.
Totally forgot that I have a library book due today
so I am gonna go return that book
and also gonna meet up with my friend Katie
and we're gonna check out a couple of stores,
maybe get some last-minute Christmas gifts
and decorations for some folks.
So let's go meet Katie.
Forgot I have to unplug the Christmas lights before I go.
Safety first, kids.
Don't leave your Christmas lights on at home.
Also, like, maybe make sure you have renter's insurance.
Lots of adulting tips from Jackson Bird today.
Am I gonna become the kind of vlogger who talks
about himself in third person?
(cheerful holiday music)
- Hello!
Like, I texted you that the door was open.
- Oh, was that what you meant? I didn't know what that meant.
- I meant come in the door.
- Ooh.
- But like, too much glitter, not enough glitter?
- I voted on Instagram stories not enough glitter.
- Just the right amount of glitter?
- Look at, oh wow.
Oh, I like all these branches.
- I'm really into, like, sticks. (laughs)
As a tree element.
- Uh-huh, uh-huh.
- I think I might buy a few more.
- Robot book return.
Thank you, robot.
- That's fancy.
- Have you never returned a book here?
- No.
- Katie doesn't read.
- 'Cause I like to support authors by like, you know,
contributing to their book sales.
- I mean, fair.
That was literally my friend's book that I just showed
returning, I'm not even supporting my friends
in buying their books, so that's a fair call out of me.
Oh wait, we're almost to where you can see Christmas.
Christmas! I love when the Christmas
decorations are up.
- It's really, really pleasant.
But have you noticed they stopped?
It's like ...
- Oh, yeah, I've noticed 'cause like my whole walk
to your place there's none, yeah.
- And then our side of the neighborhood is like,
not gentrified enough to deserve Christmas decorations.
- Which is, yeah, ugh.
Gentrification's complicated.
Katie wanted to stop to look at the cats.
- That one's sleeping.
He's just real cute.
- Wait, there's two in there!
- There's two in there!
- I thought it was one.
- No!
Oh, this one's just like, hi, sorry, okay.
I don't wanna bother you.
All right, well.
- Bye cats.
They have sticks.
What color sticks do you need?
- I need, so we're doing, like, champagne,
not real gold. - Okay.
- And like, bronze or copper. - Wait, what about this
Santa wreath? 'Cause I really like the Santa wreath.
- Absolutely not.
- Oh, my God, I might need it.
I'm getting this nutcracker.
Wow, these are somethin' else.
Look at children Christmas clothing.
Should we find one for me?
- I feel like this is advice you could take.
- (laughs) Called out again.
This shirt, but I'm gonna replace it with Katie.
Katie, stop judging me.
- This is you.
- (laughs) I do love Christmas.
I think it's a little big.
But maybe that's the style.
Is it a look?
- I think it's, I mean, it's like, you could belt it
or something.
- I think you should get one of these cardigans.
Schoolteacher style.
Or these vests.
- I've been told that I have like, Kindergarten teacher
handwriting, so I can also have Kindergarten teacher style.
- Yeah, totally.
This wreath comes in every color.
- I just really, like, but I think you should show up
with one of each color.
- Yes! - And like, put them
along the wall. - Yes.
That is exactly what I should do.
- A Santa in every color.
You could make, there's probably enough to make, like,
a pride rainbow.
- Success! - Woo!
- Mostly, I think.
- Uh, I think one of your purchases was questionable, but.
- Wait, which one?
- The nutcracker.
- What, okay, I really have been almost buying a nutcracker
every time I've seen Christmas stuff.
- And you haven't bought one because who needs a nutcracker?
- We had like, 20 growing up.
I don't own any, so.
- Do you actually crack nuts with them?
- No, those, they're not functional as nutcrackers.
- Then what are they for?
- You, you have so many decorations that are not functional.
- No, but a tree and lights are way different than having
like, a small figurine that doesn't do anything.
- This nutcracker shaming, won't have it.
- This is like having like, a GI Joe, but Christmas.
- Yeah, exactly!
All right, I think this is where we will end Vlogmas.
First day of Vlogmas ended up being more exciting
than I anticipated.
Thanks, Katie.
- It was all the glitter.
- I never introduced you, do you wanna say
anything about yourself?
- Hi, that's all.
- I feel like you have a call to action
coming up soon that people on YouTube might wanna
know about.
- Project for Awesome?
- Yeah!
- Oh, yeah!
Project for Awesome's next.
Whenever you post this, it'll be next weekend?
- Yup! - Next weekend.
So first of all, you should vote for the
Harry Potter Alliance.
- Aw, thank you.
- But then go vote for She's the First.
- Yes. - 'Cause we need that, too.
- So Katie works for She's the First,
which is a really great girls' education
global, international initiative.
- Gender equality, you know.
- Gender equality, yeah.
Do all my sign-offs.
- Um, you should like and subscribe.
- Oh, thanks, yeah.
- I'm sure you're gonna put something in the description
box below that you'll want them to click on.
- Probably, and no one will.
- Follow Jack on Instagram 'cause his stories are great
and his photos in his feed are beautiful.
- Yeah, whoever takes, like, whenever there's
a high quality photo, whoever takes that does a great job.
- Whoever takes them, they have a Pixel 2.
Google wants to sponsor.
Um, yeah, follow Jack everywhere, he's awesome.
- Yeah, and I'll see you tomorrow for day two of Vlogmas.
(rock style holiday music)
Young Sheldon 2x10 Promo "A Stunted Childhood and a Can of Fancy Mixed Nuts" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.-------------------------------------------
📞 Ruf mich an! 🤙☎️📲 Lerne Deutsch! - Duration: 1:18.Do you want to learn German
or improve your German?
Hello, my name is Mark
and I have been teaching
German for over three years.
My students
love my teaching style
because they achieve real results
and the path to speaking fluently
is a blast for them!
You see, German can be fun.
If you want to learn German with me,
the next step is very simple.
Just click on the link
and plan a call with me.
I will make you an offer
that is perfectly tuned to your needs
and your budget.
Take this opportunity now
while it is still there.
I look forward to
talking with you.
Bye and until then!
First Alert Weather - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
বদনামের পরিণাম জাহান্নাম | New Short Waz | Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf New | 2018 [FHD] - Duration: 1:54.AK Computer Network
Have Done This Video
New Amsterdam 1x10 Teaser Promo (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:16.-------------------------------------------
Fender Dent Repair - A Couple Reasons Why This Damage Won't Pop Out - Duration: 7:18.hey have you wondered if dents just pop out with paintless dent repair well take
a look at the dent that we have on this Infiniti here
now the dent in this fender
just looks like something you could stick your hand behind it seems
like it's an open enough area you can get your hand behind there maybe a tool
or something and just pop the dent right out and unfortunately with this
particular dent that's just not gonna be possible and there's a couple of reasons why
now first off is the size a dent like this is more than just a door ding
it's around about five to six inches in size it's gonna take a little bit more
technique to get behind and push the dent out now another reason the dent
like this won't pop out is because when a dent gets hit it doesn't always just
dent in and then come back out have you ever seen or thrown a rock into a pond
or a lake and it causes ripples once it hits the water
and you have these ripples that form out
[water drop]
well that is the same thing that happens on steel panels
on a car once that gets hit it's not just a direct impact point but there are
ripple effects that come out past the dent and with this particular one that
only was it sharp right down in the center but it pushed in and out and so
there is edges around the dent that we have to not only push back down but push
back into the center of the dent once I started pushing up some of it it also
brought up those outside edges and I use these different hammers here a soft tip
rubber hammer and some other knockdowns to continue to push that down
now once I was able to do that and push the dent out as much as possible from the inside
I also had to continue knocking down and following the ripples and just bringing
it all back into shape
now with this particular one I was able to work on
this from two different angles I am able to go through the wheel well which is a
pretty common point with great access to get behind the dent but also on a lot of
newer vehicles we can get access from the top
in through the once the hood is open we can get down into the fender that way
and here are actually five of the different paintless dent repair tools
that I used on this particular dent and in order to get this out I needed to
start with a softer tip tool to move a lot more metal and then fine tuning with
some of the sharper tools that I have now just keep watching this repair here
you'll see that I was working on this from multiple different angles until I
get it completely finished so keep watching it
[upbeat music]
[upbeat music]
all right another excellent paintless dent repair done here at Excel Dent Removal
took care of the fender on this Infiniti got it looking great for our
customer if you liked this video hit that like button if you want to see more
videos here on our channel be sure to subscribe and if you have a vehicle with
dings dents or even hail damage in it and you are in the Minneapolis St. Paul
area and you want to get them done with excellent results without painting then
give me a call here my phone number is (763) 780-4000
or just visit my web site at exceldentremoval.com
thanks for watching and we'll catch you on the next video
[upbeat music]
New Bus! #18317 2018 Novabus LFS HEV - Vancouver Translink (Route Run Ep 14) - Duration: 10:29.-------------------------------------------
Lethal Weapon 3x09 Promo "Bad Santas" Fall Finale (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.-------------------------------------------
Coloring 3 baby accessories Painting for toddlers and drawing for kids | Part-3 - Duration: 3:13.Coloring 3 baby accessories
Turon Recipe (Filipino Dessert) - Duration: 3:55.What's up guys? Today, we're gonna to show you how to make Turon -
a simple, but oh so yummy, fried Filipino dessert!
It's essentially a fried roll of banana and jackfruit, coated in a sugary caramel glaze!
In this recipe, we'll be using 2 Burro Bananas,
but you also have the option of using Saba bananas as well.
Start off by chopping the ends off of one of your bananas.
And then peel off the rest of the skin, so that you're left with the actual fruit of the banana.
Next, cut your banana the long way, into 3 equal slices.
Set them aside, and repeat the same process with the other banana.
This recipe makes 6 turon, so if you're looking to make more, just cut up some more bananas!
When you're done cutting up your bananas, you're going to need the following ingredients to assemble your Turon:
white sugar,
jarred jackfruit that's been cut into strips,
and lumpia or spring roll wrappers.
First what you want to do is take a lumpia wrapper and lay it on your
rolling surface so that it looks like a diamond from your point of view.
Next, grab one of your banana slices and coat both sides of it with white sugar.
And then place it horizontally in the center of your lumpia wrapper.
Afterwards, take a couple pieces of jackfruit and lay them across the top of your banana slice.
Now just take the bottom end of the lumpia wrapper and tightly fold it over everything.
You might need to lift and tuck the excess wrapper underneath.
Then fold in the right and left sides like so,
making any necessary mini-folds, to prevent any extra flappage from happening.
At this point, just tightly roll everything forward.
But right before you roll the last bit, take some of the syrupy juices from the jarred jackfruit,
and dab some on the end of the lumpia wrapper to help seal and keep your Turon together.
And then just set it aside and keep on rollin'!
If you're wondering if you can use normal bananas, you technically can.
But we don't really recommend it, because they'll turn to mush when you fry them.
When you're done rolling up your Turon, its time to fry them up!
In a new pan, pour in enough oil
so that the height of the oil is around 1/3 to ½ an inch.
Then set your stove to medium to medium-high heat,
and allow the oil to heat up a bit.
Once your oil is hot and ready, carefully place your Turon in.
Allow your Turon to fry for about 2 minutes.
And then flip them over and fry them for another 2.
What you're looking for is a light golden brown color on both sides.
You can periodically check on them
just to make sure they don't get too brown.
As soon as your Turon are looking all nice and golden,
place them in a strainer over a bowl, temporarily.
Now we're going to coat the Turon
with a brown sugar caramel glaze!
With the oil still
hot, over medium high heat, drop in about 1/3
of a cup of brown sugar.
Then immediately place your Turon into the melted sugar.
After about 10 seconds or so, flip them
over, and fry them for another 10 seconds.
At this point your Turon should be coated in the
caramelized brown sugar.
This process needs to be done fairly quickly, so be swift!
But also be careful!
When they're done, place them back in the strainer, or on a plate
to allow them to cool for a bit.
Just make sure not to stack them as they're cooling,
otherwise they'll stick together.
But once they've cooled down a bit, you should be fine to stack them.
Turon is usually eaten as a dessert,
but can also be eaten for merienda!
It's also one of those treats where it's impossible
to eat only one!
It's talagang tasty!
True Love Breakup Whatsapp Status - Broken Heart Status - Duration: 2:15.
Sad Whatsapp Status Video for Boys in Hindi
Agni Jwala Full South Dubbed Hindi Movie | Latest Hindi Dubbed Movies 2018 - Duration: 2:13:13.intro
Wollef - Çay ve Sigara (Ft.Ceren Kaan&İrem Kaan) - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
Kalopasak 89: Crochet Part 38: Beautiful Crochet Earrings / क्रोशाची सुंदर कानातली - Duration: 16:13.Hello friends, Alka welcome you to Kalopasak.
Friends in this video we shall see how to make this crochet jewellery.
This set contains bracelet and earrings.
This is beautiful set made up of leaves joint by adding beads.
We shall just see how to make this leaf, once it is done you can make bracelet, earring or even necklace.
Material needed: crochet thread, beads, 1.5 mm crochet hook, usual needle, earrings structure or top and bracelet hook.
You will also need a 0.5 mm needle to thread the bead.
For Leaf: Slip knot and 4 chains, tr 1 and join with the first ch.
For treble: YO twice and insert the hook in the first ch, YO and take a st out, now we have 4 sts on the hook.(YO and pass through 2 sts out of them) three times.
This loop shape formed is a base of our leaf. We shall work on both sides of this loop.
Ch 2 and turn, 2 incomplete dc, 2 incomplete tr and 3 incomplete double tr.
Incomplete dc means: YO insert in the loop, YO take the st out of loop again YO and pass through 2 sts out of 3. This is done.
Incomeplete treble means: YO twice insert in the loop, YO take the st out, (YO and pass through 2 sts on the hook) repeat once.
Incomplete double treble means: YO three times, insert in the loop, YO take the st out, (YO and pass through 2 sts on the hook) repeat two more times.
Next YO and pass through 1 st on the hook, (YO and pass through 2 sts on the hook)6 times, keep the last 2 sts on the hook.
Now twist the work and repeat the same on other side of our base or initial loop.
That is make 2 incomplete dc, 2 incomplete tr and 3 incomplete double tr on the other side of loop and Yo and pass through the sts as explain previously.
Now 3 sts remain on the hook and see how beautiful it is looking!
YO and pass through all the 3 sts on the hook.
Now for inserting the bead, we use 0.5 mm hook.
Have a bead in 0.5 mm crochet hook, hold it in the last st as shown and pass the bead slowly from the hook to both the threads of the last st.
Once the bead is in, use out original crochet hook for further work, fix the bead by one ch,
Here you can make another leaf as we have started means ch 4 and tr 1 join with the first ch. Loop is formed on both sides of that we have to work as above.
You can join these leaves and make bracelet or you can also make necklace.
Both colours look beautiful.
You can use matching beads also.
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