Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily Jul 27 2017

So who knew that Sony has a faith based distribution label?!

For more infomation >> The Star Trailer REACTION - Duration: 7:05.


Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - Hands-On Gameplay [PS4] - Duration: 13:26.

For more infomation >> Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - Hands-On Gameplay [PS4] - Duration: 13:26.


Yuri, Kim Yoojung look-alike, shows off her charms! [Happy Together / 2017.07.27] - Duration: 15:24.

(A handsome boy)

- So handsome. / - Damin.

He's young.


This shoot is doomed.

(He's excited like he's at an amusement park)

Looks like we'll be staying late for dinner.

(He looks like quite the playful little rascal)


Is this a prank?

We need kids here to be at least 10.

This way, Damin. (Today's youngest contestant)

Today's shoot will go long.

He's handsome. (Romping)

Damin, come this way.

He's really handsome.

Introduce yourself first.

Hello. I'm 6 years old. My name is Lee Damin.

(Lee Damin / Age 6)

(He was in TWICE's "TT" music video)

(I'm Damin)

I was born in Seoul. (Handsome Seoulite)

And I hope I don't get any younger siblings.

Why not?

I'm an only child.

Because I'd always have to share.

If you got a younger sibling.

It's good that we met.

(He just leads the conversation)

I've seen you a lot, mister.

Where have you seen me?

On commercials!

- On commercials? / - Yes.

What commercial did you see?

- The car repair commercial! / - Car repair...

(Looks like he's seen the auto parts commercial)

The one that cleans your engine.

(He's happy to see him and hugs him)

Nice to meet you.

He's a funny kid.

It's good that he showed.

Nice to meet you.

So you prepared something to show us.

Right? What is it?

- Acting cute. / - Acting cute?

Really? Can you show us?

We'll watch Damin act cute now.

Show us.

Happy Together, I'll save you in my heart.

In my heart.

(So cute)

What did he say?

We just finished the opening now.

We just introduced the kids.


Yuri's wearing the grasshopper head.

Today's shoot will be tough.

Make that face with the head on.

(The Legendary Big Mouth and kids)

So the kids will choose

their partner they want to work with.

Kids. Think about a partner you want to work with.

- I have one! / - I have one!

Not now. A bit later.

- I have one! / - Alright.

Where are you going?

Mr. Jaeseok!


Geonmin, why are you staring at me like that?

(Damin on his right and Yuri on his left)

I want to pick you!

He's mine!

- Work with where you're seated. / - Have a seat.

So we'll pick these.

How about we pick from these at random?

- Sure, sounds good. / - Right?

Geonmin, who do you want?

You want to get Jaeseok that badly?

She even prayed.

- Who is it? / - Suyong.

Who's Suyong?


I'm ruined.

She said she's ruined.

(She says what's on her mind)

You said you like ghosts.

I was a ghost last episode.

"I'm ruined!"

(Just kidding)

You've all been paired up.

As a warm-up...

We'll do a speed quiz.

Your child partner will give out the questions

and the Big Mouths will try to guess the answers.

You have 90 seconds.


Do you think Suyong will get the questions right?

Kind of.

Kind of.

The sky is falling.

(So expressive)

She said the sky is falling.

Suyong and Geonmin,

how about doing a little cheer? 1, 2, 3.

Today, keep smiling!

Geonmin, you go first.



It wears a pretty dress like me.

A princess.


It goes quack, quack, quack.


- Correct. / - He's good.

When most men and women marry

the men goes to blank.

So they blank.

You blank when you get married?

- After marrying, the guy... / - Travel?

No. Guys do it. My dad did too.

What do we do after marriage?



You can pass if it's too hard.



This is when a guy or girl gains weight.

- Diet. / - Correct.

I can be in blank if I have a boyfriend.

You can be in blank? Love?


This is...

Time's up!

The Smile Team got 5 right!

- They got a lot. / - Nice job.

Good job.

They got a lot.

It's Yuri now. (Rascal Team)

How about some words of encouragement?

♪ Hang in there hang in there Mr. Hongsu ♪

Mr. Hongsu.

Rascals, Rascals, let's go!

Yes, hang in there, Mr. Hongsu.

- Are you ready? / - Pass if you don't know it.


When a man and woman have a baby...



I get a gift so I feel blank.


- Not that! / - For getting a gift?

My dad bought me a doll,

so I feel blank.

Thankful? Love?


Two characters.



Pass if you don't know. (Frustrating!)

- Pass! / - Pass.

On the news, America...

- Announcer. / - Correct.

So I was like...


You can play games on it too.

- Cell phone. / - Correct.

They're good.

(Is this an impression?)

- Frog. / - Correct.

Next one.


I'll act it out.

Put your safety belts on.



Safety belt.

Amusement park ride.

Amusement park ride. You're crazy.

Amusement park. (Roller coaster)


Why pass?

Stop! (Time's up)

(Too bad)

What was it? What was it?

The Rascal Team gets 4 right!

Nice job.

(The Smile Team is in 1st with 5 right)

Let's see if they can explain to each other.

It's us?

Next is Damin and Seokjin.

Don't we get an advantage because of Damin?

Damin is good at this.

He keeps changing our team name.

Who are we? What's our team?

B Team! B Team!

(So tiring)

His legs already gave out.

You said we were S Team.

You seem like the kid's grandfather.

Don't get worked up.

Damin, let's just try to get 6.

You have to do a good job explaining.


- It's bumpy... / - Now he gets all quiet.

It's bumpy on the inside.

And it's round on the outside.

It's round on the outside? What is that?



Pass? (Walnut)

It's wide on the side.

And there are doors.

What's so wide? (Subway)

There's a sharp needle.

And then it's big and then it really hurts.

You can get this. (Perfect explanation)


- Wrong. / - Needle!

A shot.


(S Team gets one right)

1, 2, 3. Let's go! (Rainbow Team)


This person is responsible for the country...

- The president. / - Correct!

Some places you eat black bean noodles.


(Black bean noodles?)

It's next to Korea related to Emperor Qin.

Emperor Qin? China?


How do you write the knowledge in your head?

- IQ. / - Correct!

Smart kid.

This is where you write what you did.

- Diary! / - Correct.

After school

you do this to take a break.

You need a break.

You go to a lot of school so in summer and winter...

Summer vacation.

Take out summer.

- Vacation! / - Correct.

What's the concert that all those comedians have?

- "Gag Concert!" / - Correct.

What's going on?

You say this when someone gives you something.

Thank you. (Answer is "appreciate")

How many did I get with Roun?


(They're in 1st with 6 right)

(Too bad)

1st place.

Roun's good at this.

Ayun is not shaken at all.

Very nice, Ayun.

How about doing a cheer?

Ayong, very nice!

Is there anything you want to say to Yongman?


Let's do our best and get good job stickers.

Alright. (Smiling like an uncle)

Go, Ayun.

Roun and I have 6 right.

So far the Rainbow Team is in the lead.


When someone tells you not to say anything...

You promise.


What else?

They live in the mountain.

Mountain bandits.

No, no.

They live in the mountain.

They squeak and gather acorns.

- Squirrels. / - Correct.

She's so good at explaining.

In some house outside

they have these rice cakes that are spicy...

- Spicy rice cakes? / - Correct!

Very nice.

Roun seems nervous now.

What else?

Pass if you don't know.

Try it. It's okay. You know this.

When you don't like someone because

they're cool and you're ugly so you do this.

- Crossing arms. / - No. You don't like them.

- Envy. / - No.

- Jealousy. / - Correct!

Nice job.

This one is hard.

In winter it looks like water that's ice

but it's sharp like this.

- Icicle. / - Correct.

That's 5 so far.

When you pray to God...

- Pray. / - No.

When you pray you ask for blank.

- Wish. / - Correct.

Last one!

(They're tied for 1st so far)

He has a club that's hard...


(Ayong Team got 6 right)

Good job.

We got 6! (Victory for Ayong Team)

5 linking words.

You must get all these words through word linking.

There is no limit to the number of words.

You just have to get the words here.

Here's the first word. Yuri will start it off.

Get ready, Yuri. Start!



Face forward. Location.



Moon? Starting with moon?

President Moon Jae-in.

(Very skilled at word linking)

Liberal arts.


They're going right down.



Confidence? Ebb.




You're getting them fast.

T... T... T...



- What is this? / - They're a good match.

Khan, Genghis.



That one was hard.

Nice job.


Roun, anything. T.





Try that again.



National language.

(Rainbow Team gets 5 right)

How long did that take?

1 minute 23 seconds.

It's our turn now.

(They were good)

I have to do a good job here.

Say any words. I'll support you.

1 minute 23 seconds.

You must face forward.

We'll give you the first word.

What's the first word?






They got one.

Dryer? Reporter!


V? V? Vehicle!



Don't use all the words in there!





How long did that take?

(They got all 5! How long did they take?)

59 seconds.

What was that?

This is no fun! No fun! (Victory for Rascal Team!)

They're all busy working in dramas.

We hope everything you do works out well

and you realize all your hopes and dreams.

We'll give all the kids here today

a family restaurant gift certificate.

We'll see you all next time! Thank you!

(We'll see you next episode)

For more infomation >> Yuri, Kim Yoojung look-alike, shows off her charms! [Happy Together / 2017.07.27] - Duration: 15:24.


Top 10 Funny Pokemon Go Signs - Top 10 Amazing - Duration: 2:10.

1. Best Buy is getting in on the craze by promoting more powerful phones for those struggling to run the app

2. This guy is sick and tired of people hunting for Pikachu in his yard. Redditor Poopanddoodle recently posted a photo of a sign he spotted while using the app.

3. Irish comedian Joe Heenan saw the previous sign and put up his own in his garden in response

4. Playing Pokémon Go can be very addictive, but please don't lose your job over it

5. A Whittlesey shop owner has put a sign in his window to deter players of Pokémon Go, and help them get their "lives back."

6. Patrons have complained about gamers walking around the Cadillac Memorial Gardens West Cemetery, playing the game while ignoring their loved ones' graves.

Adding to their outrage is the cemetery's open invitation.

7. Check out this sign at the National Weather Service in Anchorage informing Pokémon players that it's illegal to trespass on federal property.

8. One angry note from a Pokémon trainer's boss has gone viral and served as a reminder to not play during work — or at least to be more discreet about it

9. This church has put up posters next to signs advertising its 11am Sunday services which read "Pokémon Go Gym, you are welcome, Jesus Cares About Pokémon Gamers."

10. These signs appear that the kitchen of Bread And Bones, an Asian restaurant on the Millennium Walkway, is now something of a Pokémon hotspot.

They've put up this sign to stop players from just wandering in.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Funny Pokemon Go Signs - Top 10 Amazing - Duration: 2:10.


Корабль Кайко. Плывём на остров Готто. Знакомство с кораблём. - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> Корабль Кайко. Плывём на остров Готто. Знакомство с кораблём. - Duration: 7:44.


Suburbicon Trailer REACTION - Duration: 5:38.

Y'know what's weird? Why don't the Coen Bros direct their own movies anymore?

They're doing an awful lot of writing

not a lot of directing.

For more infomation >> Suburbicon Trailer REACTION - Duration: 5:38.


Wymiana łącznik stabilizatora przedniego MAZDA 6 TUTORIAL AUTODOC - Duration: 4:36.

Use an end bit №5 and a combination spanner №14

For more infomation >> Wymiana łącznik stabilizatora przedniego MAZDA 6 TUTORIAL AUTODOC - Duration: 4:36.


Star Vs the Forces of Evil coloring book page Star Butterfly Tom Lucitor coloring page Kids Art - Duration: 3:33.

Welcome to Happy Magic Toys and episode 9 of our Star Vs the Forces of Evil coloring book page series.

Today's coloring page is Star Butterfly and Tom Lucitor dancing at the Silver Bell Ball.

Star Vs the Forces of Evil follows the adventures of Star Butterfly (a princess from the dimension of Mewni) and Marco Diaz throughout the multiverse.

Please check out my playlist to see more Star Vs the Forces of Evil coloring book pages.

Don't forget to check out the rest of the channel to find videos based on other TV shows and films.

Please like and subscribe for daily videos, and leave any coloring page, color swap and/or custom requests in the comments section below.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Star Vs the Forces of Evil coloring book page Star Butterfly Tom Lucitor coloring page Kids Art - Duration: 3:33.


Asbestos found at Plattsburgh's Lake Side Apartments - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Asbestos found at Plattsburgh's Lake Side Apartments - Duration: 1:42.


Amazon To Host First Job Fair, Looking To Fill 50,000 US Positions | TODAY - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Amazon To Host First Job Fair, Looking To Fill 50,000 US Positions | TODAY - Duration: 2:31.


Plattsburgh Police say 35-year-old Jimmy Williams set eight cars on fire - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Plattsburgh Police say 35-year-old Jimmy Williams set eight cars on fire - Duration: 1:38.


Top 5 New born Baby Carrier and Growing Babies & How To Use Them | Top Inventions - Duration: 3:13.

Top 5 New born Baby Carrier and Growing Babies & How To Use Them | Top Inventions

For more infomation >> Top 5 New born Baby Carrier and Growing Babies & How To Use Them | Top Inventions - Duration: 3:13.


Successfully Creating Contrast in Black and White: Publicity Shoot w/ Juan Pablo Di Pace - Duration: 5:51.

Jay: Hi.

This is Jay P. Morgan.

Today on The Slanted...

Alvaro: Cut!

Jay: So, I'd love a chance to mentor with you.

If you go to and click on the Mentoring button, you can sign up for

a time where we can sit down together for an hour and a half via Skype and I could talk

to you about the problems you're facing.

I can help you understand some of the things that maybe you don't quite know, yet you need

to do, to make it in this business, so check it out.

And the sun's going down so I'm feeling like we gotta hustle.

Okay, here we go.

That's it.

And that's it.

Looking good.

So hello, it's Jay P. Morgan.

Juan Pablo: Juan Pablo Di Pace here.

Ariana: Ariana Savalas.

Alvaro: Alvaro Cadierno.

Jay: I've got a great cast today.

We're gonna be out shooting here in the desert.

Little "Arabian Nights" or "Son of the Sheik," and we're doing it for?

Juan Pablo: For YouTube.

Jay: For YouTube.

Juan Pablo: For YouTube.

Jay: For YouTube.

Juan Pablo: All of YouTube.


Jay: So, this is a remake of kind of the Rudolph Valentino in the desert.

Just a cool shot, "Son of the Sheik."

So, we're gonna get started, talk about shooting black and white, talk about how that relates

to the things that we're doing, how to create contrast, how to create just a fun shoot in

the desert with a horse, and a cast, and walls, and just a few simple things.

Juan Pablo: Lots of heat.

Jay: Lots of heat.

Ariana: Yeah, in the desert.

Juan Pablo: In the desert.

Ariana: It's the San Fernando Valley.

We're in the desert.

Alvaro: So hot.

Ariana: Quite literally.

Jay: It certainly is.

Ariana: Method acting.

Jay: That's right.

It's in the desert for the desert.

So, let's get started, see what we can do.

Juan Pablo: Let's do it.

Alvaro: Cut!

Juan Pablo: Action.

Jay: So, Teri from Makeup Magic did the makeup and it's fabulous.

It really is fabulous, as usual.

Teri: Thanks.

Jay: So she did a great job.

So, she's also trying to not get eaten by bugs out here, but I don't think it's working.

We have an hour and 15 minutes.

Teri: Let's do it.

Jay: Let's do it.

Juan Pablo loves Rudolph Valentino.

He's an incredible 1920s silent film star, considered...the first term for Latin lover

was applied to him.

So, pretty excited to get it all together here.

And the sun's going down, so I'm feeling like we gotta hustle.

So here comes the Mickey Mouse ears on our old Mitchell camera.

We got an old Mitchell camera from that era and we have a horse.

Brought a horse in, trying to find a place for a horse.

It's like a big prop, it's not like something you can just put in the corner.

So, trying to figure that out.

Okay, let's get our cameraman.

Alvaro: Hi.

Jay: Yep.

Let's set you in there.

Let's see you in place.

Looking fabulous.


When you shoot in black and white, it's about contrast.

Because obviously, you don't have color, so you don't have color for contrast, so you

have to use light for contrast.

So right now, we're using highlights into shadows, try to put those highlights against


Be able to give us some depth and some contrast.

I've got an actor here in the corner, he's got a white vest on, it's just blowing out.

We gotta give some contrast.

We gotta give some kinda role to it, so he does not just totally white on the corner.

So we're gonna put a black flag up here, a negative fill, take away some of the light

that's hitting him from behind, try to give us a little more contrast, and I think it'll

look a lot better.

We're set on black and white in the camera, so I can see the black and white on the JPEG,

but when you go to RAW, you have all the information.

You can do it in color if you want, but our goal is black and white, so I wanna look at

it in black and white.

Alvaro: You mean like this?

Jay: Yes.

Close as you can get it.

Alvaro: What about him?

Jay: Actually, he's out of the frame on the back side of his body.

Alvaro: So, like this?

Jay: You can get in that close.

Yep, okay.

Apatow, here we go.

Right there.

That's better.

We made some progress.

Hold on a second, I'm gonna make a quick adjustment.

Okay, here we go, and that's it.

And again.

So, they brought in a negative fill just to give us a little bit of wrapping on the back

of his white vest there.

I wish we had a darker vest to put on him, but we just don't.

We'll probably have to go into Photoshop and kind of help give us some contour on him to

make him look right.

So, when we first set this thing up, the sun was kinda rolling around that tree on the

left-hand side, and so, we rolled the camera around to where we get him against that dark

side of the tree.

And now, with the rim lights going down, and I'm gonna have that rim light till the sun

goes down, because it goes down that direction.

I'm gonna get a beautiful rim light on there, then I'll open up for the Baja here in the

front, and now, I just gotta find a place for the horse.

Can the horse stand on that pile of rocks?

I'm just kidding.

We're gonna find a place for the horse.

I hear a horse behind us.

We're gonna just shoot away until the sun goes down and take a look at some of the shots

we got, so keep those cameras rolling, keep on clicking.

Don't stand out in the cold all by yourself.

Trying to put together an estimate?

Go to

I've got a digital download that will teach you everything you need to know.

You don't have to be alone any longer.

Together: Subscribe to The Slanted Lens

Juan Pablo: What are you waiting for?

Jay: Check out Juan Pablo at...

Juan Pablo: Juan Pablo Di Pace.

Twitter, Instagram, YouTube channel.

Jay: He's a great member of the cast of Fuller House.


Ariana: @arianasavalas, I think.

I can barely turn on my computer, but find me on Instagram.


Jay: And?

Alvaro: Cadierno on Instagram, but it's...

Ariana: Spell that.

Alvaro: C-A-D-I-R-N-O.


Jay: So, check everybody out.

Great group here today, and we're gonna get started.

No, we're done.

So, and we're done.

For more infomation >> Successfully Creating Contrast in Black and White: Publicity Shoot w/ Juan Pablo Di Pace - Duration: 5:51.


✔What is Internet Cookies? ✔ Explained in Details ✔ Cookies ✔ New-2017 - Duration: 3:14.

Hello guys!

What's up?

Welcome to "Computer Repair".

I am back with another tech video.

Today I'll tell about Internet Cookies.

So, Let's take a look.

At first let's know, What is cookies?

Cookies are small files which are stored on a user's computer.

They are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular client and

website, and can be accessed either by the web server or the client computer.

What's in a Cookie?

Each cookie is effectively a small lookup table containing pairs of (key, data) values.

Once the cookie has been read by the code on the server or client computer, the data

can be retrieved and used to customize the web page appropriately.

When are Cookies Created?

Writing data to a cookie is usually done when a new webpage is loaded - for example after

a 'submit' button is pressed the data handling page would be responsible for storing the

values in a cookie.

If the user has elected to disable cookies then the write operation will fail, and subsequent

sites which rely on the cookie will either have to take a default action, or prompt the

user to re-enter the information that would have been stored in the cookie.

Is Cookies Secure?

There is a lot of concern about privacy and security on the internet.

Cookies do not in themselves present a threat to privacy, since they can only be used to

store information that the user has volunteered or that the web server already has.

Whilst it is possible that this information could be made available to specific third

party websites, this is no worse than storing it in a central database.

If you are concerned that the information you provide to a webserver will not be treated

as confidential then you should question whether you actually need to provide that information

at all.

What is Third-Party Cookies?

These cookies are usually Third-party cookies originate from a Web site that is not the

site you are visiting.

For example, if the Web site you are on using third-party advertising those third-party

advertising Web sites may use a cookie to track your Web habits for marketing purposes.

Are cookies harmful to your computer?

There are a lot of myths surrounding cookies, mostly making them out to be in some way dangerous

for your computer or infringing of privacy rights.

Cookies are, in fact, nothing more than very small text files that are placed on your computer/browser

when you visit certain websites.

That's it.

Hope you guys like this video.

And i'm pretty sure, I can explained about cookies.

So, see my next video.

How enable or disable cookies on you computer browser.

Thank you for watching this video.

For getting more tech video.

Please subscribe my channel.

And if you've any question,

Please post them in comment section below.

Thank you..

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