Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 12, 2016

Youtube daily Dec 31 2016

This was me five years ago. これが5年前の私。

I uploaded my first video to help out a friend 英語のレジュメを書いていた友達のために

who was working on her English resume. 初めて動画をアップしました。

So embarrassing!

So this is the last video of the year! 今年最後の動画です!

And! This is our 500th video!!

That is crazy! 信じられない!

and I should let you guys know そして、言っていた方がいいかな

It's my birthday today! 誕生日なんです!

It's actually my 32nd Birthday!

I am getting so old! 年取ってきたな〜

So to celebrate our 500th video 500本目の動画ということで

I thought we should go back and take a look at 昔の動画を見ながら、

some of my older vids 昔の動画を見ながら、

and reminisce on our history together on YouTube! 私達のYouTubeでの歴史を振り返りたいと思います!

We're going to watch a bunch of video tonight!

Good morning!

I'm Chika the Bilingual Blogger.

I lived in the states for 16 years.

and came back to Japan 4 years ago.

I currently work at a consulting firm.

I would wake up early and film before work. 早起きして仕事に行く前に撮影したり。

I really shouldn't be vlogging right now.

I want to do a lesson really quickly

I'm running a bit late. ちょっと遅刻気味です。

I'm at my parents' house in Seattle.

This is the way your pronounce Seattle.

Whenever I come back to the states

I always start craving cereal.

For those of you who have been in Japan all your life

You might think you've never had anything so terrible

I think I've gotten a little better at food vlogging lol

Around my 40th video, I realized I had "subscribers"

People that didn't know me were watching!

I was so shocked!

I felt like I needed to start taking this seriously

and start branding!

So this was when I came up with

the name Bilingirl.

Today's lesson is something you all have trouble with

Pronouncing Ls and Rs!

But then! そしたら!

I got my first hater comment! 初のネガティブコメントが来ました!

You're so boring, you piss me off!

That is so rude! That's so mean! 超失礼!なんて意地悪!

I was really hurt, but at the same time

I kind of agreed with them.

I wasn't sure how to make my videos more entertaining

so it kind of fired me up.

and motivated me to try harder.

not sure if this was the right direction, but...

I remember being so reluctant to click the publish button 公開ボタンをクリックするかためらいました。

I was just so scared as to what all of you were going to think! みんながどう思うか怖くて。

Only my mom knew this part of me! 母親しか知らない私の一面!

But because of this video I was able to show a part of myself I hadn't been able to.

and things started to change.

I used to be able to upload videos without thinking much about it.

I am quitting my job at the end of the month!

It is the year of the horse! 午年です!

My New Year's Resolution is 新年の抱負はフルタイムでYouTuberになること!

to become a full time YouTuber! 新年の抱負はフルタイムでYouTuberになること!

I quit consulting job to do this このためにコンサルの仕事を辞めました!

I started a new channel where 新しいチャンネルを始めました。

I will be sharing lots of unique things about Japan. 日本のユニークなことを沢山シェアしていきます。

Japanagos? What?

For those of you who watch my Japanagos channel ジャパナゴスを見てくれているみなさん、

I am so sorry that I haven't been able to upload videos 全然投稿できていなくてごめんなさい。

But it's definitely on my to-do list. 確実にto-do listに載ってます!

Keep your fingers crossed for me. 祈ってて!

My first collaboration with a brand. 初の企業コラボ!

I had to get creative!

We've had some good times together. 楽しい時間を過ごしました。

Especially recently in Hawaii. 特に最近は、ハワイで。

They played this video at an event and Max Murai (YouTuber) was like

You really go all out!

Yeah, I go all out!

See, it really was me. 本当に私だったんですよ。

Furugitune-san (chikatomo) drew the background.

So it was a collaboration with a chika-tomo.

I'd be fun to collaborate with more chika-tomos in the future.

This took forever to edit!

I think it turned out really good.

Yeah, I think so.

Thank you Co-san for writing such a good song! 素敵な曲を書いてくれてありがとう!

You make an imaginary girlfriend.

You have to be aggressive

and get their attention.

You have unnecssary converstions

Yeah, I make something up and start talking

and purposefully put myself in a tough situation.

These people say "i love you" like "good morning"

and now I'm going to tour around Berlin! これからベルリン観光!

Earrings perfect for Bilingirl!

Wow, that looks good!

I am in Sydney! シドニーに来てます!

I am in London! ロンドンに来てます!

It's actually pretty deep!

The mountains here in Hawaii are insane!

The view is amazing!

This view is so epic! 雄大な景色!

I am in Vienna! ウィーンに来てます!

Welcome to Los Angeles! LAにようこそ!

You can be Fiona today.

That's a little embarrassing lol

I have such supportive friends!

I'm so blessed!

Thank you guys! Love you guys!

Who would have thought this video would get この動画がまさか

over 2 million views now! 200万回以上再生されるとは!

That is insane! 信じられない!

You just never know! 本当に分からないですね!

I am getting married! 結婚します!

Do you really need the mask?

Wasn't that embarrassing? Everyone is watching.

Someone is like "You don't need to come out as a monkey!"

I think we could sell those shirts!

We're about to start the ceremony!

I got married last November (2015) and this was definitely the year of the Monkey lol

We had a lot of opportunities to work together

Videos I couldn't make by myself, I can now make.

I feel like I've reached the next level.

A little weird, but I'm writing a letter to myself. ちょっと変ですが、自分に手紙を書いています。

I'm always like "hey guys!" and all happy, but

of course I feel down at times,

Everyone does.

Everyone goes through these phases.

There are times when I open my Twitter account ツイッターを開いて

and I see something that gets me down for the whole day, 一日落ち込むようなコメントがあったり。

and I'm not quite myself. 様子がおかしくなったり。

I'm going to take a break from uploading videos.

This was actually a difficult decision for me to make.

Sometimes I get comments saying my older videos were better.

and I can see that.

I understand, but

it's so hard to go back.

As a creator, I want to make better, higher quality videos.

But on the other hand, you guys that are watching

might think my older, more casual videos were more interesting to watch.

and I can understand that.

It's just so hard,

that balance.

Some people say that I feel far away, less close to them

I'm still right here. 今でもここにいますよ。

I really haven't changed. そんなに変わってませんよ。 (髪の色以外w)

I have better equipment and I can edit better. 機材がよくなったり、編集も上手くなったけど

but it's still... それでも

me. 私だよ。

Your likes and your comments

all of your support

all of that

is what makes this channel.

Thank you so much for everything.

Thank you guys so much for all of your love and support いつも温かく見守ってくれてありがとうございます。

Because if it weren't for you guys, as I always say, みなさんがいなかったら、いつも言いますが、

I would not be here. This channel wouldn't exist. バイリンガールはいません。 このチャンネルも存在しません。

and all of these videos, all of these 500 videos そして、この大勢の動画も、500本もの動画も

would not be here. ないです。

So thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. なおで、心の底からありがとう。

Watching my older videos has actually been very inspiring.

like "these casual videos were kind of nice,"

Maybe it's okay for me to upload more casually at times.

So I want to take that all in and

keep moving forward, but not forgetting the past.

I've uploaded a variety of videos

I would love it if you'd tell me your favorite!

Let me know which video is your favorite. お気に入りの動画を教えてください。

My favorite?

That's a hard question. 難しい質問ですね。

I'm asking you guys a very hard question. みなさんにかなり難しい質問をしてますねw

It's my bday so that can be a little present for me. 誕生日なのでちょっとしたプレゼントとして♪

Next year, I really hope I can figure out a way to work more efficiently lol

But I'll probably be saying the exact same thing next year.

But I'm going to try my best

and I'll definitely be uploading a lot more videos

Alright guys, thank you so much for watching. 見てくれてありがとう!

There are so many more things I want to tell you guys もっともっと伝えたいこと

that I want to talk to you guys about 話したいことが沢山あります。

but this is probably already a video that is way too long すでに長過ぎる動画なので。

and most of you guys are probably not even watching by now. もうほとんどの方が見てないんじゃないかな。

Are you guys watching still? まだ見てますか??

Have an amazing countdown to 2017! 素敵なカウントダウンを!

and I will see you guys next year! そして来年お会いしましょう!

Thank you for everything this year!

Isn't he nice?

You went and bought this because you knew I was vlogging, huh?

Wow! 500!

Thank you!

Thank you guys for 500 videos!

Gotta aim for 1000 videos!

Another 5 years?

I'll be 37.

You'll be?

Shut up!

For more infomation >> Looking back at my old videos! 500th video celebration! - Duration: 16:04.


The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop | 월계수 양복점 신사들 - Ep.35 [ENG/2016.12.31] - Duration: 1:05:59.

(Episode 35)

Why is her apartment so far away?

Talk about running into your worst enemy.

I can't believe my luck.

Go. Hurry.

Drive carefully.

Have fun.



What are you doing here?

Step aside. I have nothing to say to you.

I was going to come and see you.

What a lucky coincidence.

Do you remember me?

I'm not sure. Who are you?

I'm Yeonsil's mother-in-law.

I met you at the wedding.

Oh, right. Hello. What brings you here?

If you have something to say, say it to me.

Why? You're scared that I'm going to tell your father?



don't ruin this for them. Why don't you talk to me?

Let go of me.

His father should know what his son has been up to.

What's she saying? I think it's about Dongjin.

Ms. Choi's going to pass out if she sees this.

Dajeong, go inside and make sure

- your grandmother doesn't come out. / - What?


Honey, let's get her into the car.


What is she talking about?

Well, father...

I will tell you all about it.

Your son and my daughter-in-law are...

- We need to talk. / - Let go of me!

- Dongsuk, get in. / - Okay.

- Hey! / - I'm not leaving!

Okay, Samdo.

What's going on?

Don't worry. We'll take care of her.

Father, we're leaving.

See you later, father.

Be honest with me. What are you hiding from me?

Let go of me! Are you crazy?

What do you think you're doing? This is kidnapping.

Hey, what kidnapping?

Taepyeong, drop us off at the tailor shop.

Okay, Samdo.

What were you going to tell my father?

Your brother and my daughter-in-law

are having an affair.


Dongjin and Yeonsil?

No way.

I said the same thing when I heard it. But it's true.


Stop this car immediately.

I'm going to call the police.

We're almost there, so hang on.

Stop this car! Right now!

Hey, ma'am, stay still.

We're going to get into an accident.

What is she doing?


I can't believe what you tried to do.

Don't you think you went too far?

My Gipyo is dying in prison right now,

so why would I care about other people?

Mr. Lee and his wife are old and not very healthy,

so what if they fall ill because of what you say?

What would you do then?

Why is that my fault? It's the parents' fault

for failing to keep their son in line.

I can't get through to her.

By the way, where has Yeonsil been staying?

She hasn't moved in with the owner, has she?

How can you say such a terrible thing?

They're not that kind of people.


What's the owner's address?

I'm going to go see his parents and sort this out.

Do you think we're idiots?

Would you tell you if you were us?

Let me tell you one more time.

If you say anything to Mr. Lee or his wife,

I won't let you get away with it.

My husband was a pretty violent man in the past.

Are you threatening me?

Yes. We are.

So don't do anything you might regret.

Oh, I'm exhausted.

Yeonsil, thank you for cooking all the food.

I didn't do much.

Don't say that.

You got up really early and did all the cooking.

I'm tired, so I need to go rest.

What about you?

You go ahead and go rest.

I need to talk to Dongjin.


Excuse me.


Dongjin, can I talk to you in your room?

Yes, father.

Don't worry.

What am I going to do?

You must be in shock.

I'd be lying if I said no.

I'm sorry I couldn't tell you.

I was going to tell you after I sorted things out.

Yeonsil is a good kid,

but I never thought of her for my family.

I thought long and hard before I made the decision.

You are a very special child to your mother.

You probably know,

but it won't be easy to get her permission.

I know.

You are very different from your big sister.

I know.

I will think about the matter.

You're not well,

so I'm sorry for causing you concern.

Let's keep this a secret from your mother for now.

I need to come to a decision

before I can talk to her about it.

Okay, I will do that.

Don't misunderstand me.

I'm not saying I don't like Yeonsil.

I just want us to take time and discuss this further.

I know.

Where is Gipyo's mother?

We talked to her and sent her away.

But I'm not sure how long that will last.

She grilled us about where you are staying and

whether or not you moved in with Dongjin.

It was hard.

I'm sorry.

No, don't be.

Where are Mr. Lee and Dongjin?

They are talking inside.

Mr. Lee knows, doesn't he?

Yes, I think he does.

It was bound to happen so brace yourself, Yeonsil.

I will.

It's me. Can I come in?

Yes, come in.

Mr. Lee is really angry, isn't he?

I think he's more flustered than angry.

He said he'll think about it carefully.

He's not well, so I'm really sorry.

If we show them we are sincere, he will support us.

So let's focus on ourselves. Okay?

So, if you don't get married within

six months of catching that bouquet, you get cursed.

So we must hurry up.

A couple catching the bouquet

doesn't happen very often.

It must be a good omen. So...

Don't get discouraged.

Let's let my father deal with my mother.

Where's your answer?


We must be strong at times like these.

Don't get distracted, okay?



It's me, Taeyang. I didn't even say goodbye

because I left in a hurry.

I was worried because you didn't stay and eat.

Is something wrong?

It's nothing special, but I got a new part-time job,

and I had to come to Gangnam.

Why do you sound so sad? Did something happen?

I can't tell you over the phone.

I'll tell you in person another time.

Did you have an argument with Dongjin?

No, it's nothing like that.

Okay, then. I'll call you after I'm finished.


This is the trend these days.

With strong eyes. Make them sparkle.




What are you doing here?


I was talking to him about today's shoot.

- What? / - I've never met a manager and stylist

who are so involved.

Manager and stylist?

What are you doing here?

I was going to come alone,

but my mom insisted on tagging along,

so I had no choice but to bring her.

I'm sorry, Taeyang.

You should be grateful I offered to come.

I have to be here and look strong,

so those people won't mistreat you.

Don't you remember how I negotiated

to get you $300 more for this shoot?

I am very grateful for that.

So keep feeling grateful.

It wasn't like I had nothing better to do.

But you didn't have anything better to do.

What was that, girl?

- I'm sorry. / - Let's begin.

Taeyang, you need to get makeup.


I'm going to get makeup.

Don't worry about us and go.

Excuse me.

Don't put too much makeup on him.

Make him look natural.

Kang Star's strength is his boy-next-door image.

What's up with "Kang Star"?

The stars on TV call each other Kim Star and Choi Star.

Oh, you are impossible.

Mom, don't overreact. You'll only embarrass Taeyang.

Telling them what we want

will make things easier for them.

How come you don't know the basics of working?

But then again,

that must be why nobody liked you at work.


- I'm sorry. / - I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Nice. This time, lift your arm up.

Okay. Nice. Look at the camera. Good.

Gaze into the distance. Nice.

Look into the camera.

Can I have a lovely smile?

Into the camera.

Kang Star, can't you make it more natural?

Your face is all stiff.

Light smile.

With the corners of your mouth slightly turned up.

That looks forced.

Smile like you do when you welcome the customers

at the hamburger restaurant.

Hello. Welcome.

Hello, welcome.

Yes, that's it.

That's enough, mom.

I got a bit frustrated.

Let's try that one more time.

Just a second.

Your makeup is coming off.

Very pretty.

His makeup was coming off. I'm sorry.

Let's try this again.

- Kang Star, go for it. / - Yes.

Bring that stool and put one foot on top.

Yes. Nice.

With one foot on top, glare at the camera.

You are driving me crazy.

You're not a robot. Why are you so stiff?

Like this. Can't you do it naturally like this?

Try it.

Hey, that's not it.

Try it.



- Woo. / - Woo.


Just a second. Let me do his cheeks a bit.

- Honey. / - Lift.


Get out!

You mean us?

I can't do this with all this commotion!

If you don't leave right now, we won't do the shoot.

What did we do? Why is he angry?

- I know. / - Get out!

Honey, you can do it!

Get out. Please!


You're not allowed to leave this room.

I knew this would happen.

You're not the photographer. Why did you do that?

What about you? Why did you keep powdering his face?

There's a makeup artist here.

Are you blaming me?

You think this is my fault?

Hello, son.

- Mom, where are you? / - Me?

I'm out because I'm seeing a friend.

A friend? Which one?

Aunt Sukja is visiting from Toronto, so I met her.

Didn't Aunt Sukja visit last month?

Is she already visiting Seoul again?

Mom, be honest with me.

You're not with Aunt Sukja, are you?

Okay, son. I'll see you at home.

Mom? Hello? Mom!

What was that?

Why was she so nervous? Whom is she with?

Wait a minute.

What if she's with Kang Taeyang again?

Your mother goes out to see him?

Yes, I think she does. She kind of likes him.

No way.

He has nothing your mother would like.

That's what I'm saying.

What's so special about Kang Taeyang

that my mom and Hyowon care so much about him?

What about him did you like so much?


Ah... I'm sorry.

I got really upset.

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.


You're done already?

I had enough.

You don't have an appetite?

The lunch I had must have been too greasy,

so I have indigestion.

Would you like some medicine for that, grandfather?

It's okay.

It's cold outside, so why are you going out?

It's stuffy in here, so I want some air.

Don't mind me and go back to eating.

Is he ill?

You didn't eat much,

so I brought you some warm rice tea.


Thank you.

I'm sorry.

I feel like an ingrate

who doesn't appreciate everything

you and Ms. Choi did for me.

You're not.

You can't control your feelings for someone.

But everyone also has their own position,

so let's take some time and think about this.


Are you disappointed?

No, you have every right.

Don't be too disappointed.

My wife and I thought of you as our own daughter,

but we never considered you for Dongjin,

so this is a bit of a surprise.

Give me a bit more time.

Yes, Mr. Lee.

- It's cold, so go inside. / - Okay.

It's chilly out here, so don't stay out too long.

Where are you going at dinner time?

Someone's coming in for a fitting, but I had forgotten.

- What about dinner? / - I'm not hungry.

If I get hungry, I'll get some bread, I mean,

I'll have some cup noodles, so enjoy your dinner.

- I'll see you later. / - Stop.

Why did you get so dressed up

to go to the shop at this hour?

You expect me to wear sweats

when I'm fitting a customer?

Why would you nag about this?

Don't get mad.

That's not something a tailor's wife should say.

Your attitude is all wrong right now.

Okay. I'll see you later.

I might be late, so go to bed before me.

Why was he shaking so hard?

Did he get hand tremors?

Why did he lash out at me?

Man. I have to eat alone?

That must be heavy.


Is this for the kitchen?

Yes, Samdo.

- If you need help with... / - No, it's okay.

Who is that man, mom?

He and I used to be friends when we were little.

Say hello.


I met you when you were asleep.

But you've never met me, have you?


May I shake your hand?

You have a great boy here.

He's well-behaved.

Let me finish cleaning up.

You're a regular artist.

Who's that?

My dad.

Your dad?

Why did you draw that black ribbon?

- This is my dad's photo. / - What?

This is my dad's photo that was hanging at the funeral.

This is supposed to be our honeymoon,

so isn't a motel too shabby, Dongsuk?

We'll only sleep, but hotels are too expensive.

We must be frugal.

But a honeymoon is a once-in-a-lifetime event.

So how can we sleep here? It doesn't feel romantic.

Who cares if it's romantic?

We must save every penny we can now.

If we do everything other people do, we'll go broke.

I'm the one to blame.

Who cares if it's a hotel or a motel?

When I'm with you, I'm in heaven.

You don't feel that way?

I do.

So stop complaining and let's go in.

I had to get up so early this morning

that I'm exhausted.

The circumstances aren't ideal,

but I will do my best to look after you, My Lady.

Just a minute.

Come, My Lady.


There are no rooms?

Yes, we are fully booked.

This is a huge motel, so how is that possible?

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve,

so how can you expect to find a room now?

What do we do?

We'll have to find another motel.

That's no use. It'll be the same everywhere.

But I do have one suite available.

How much is the suite?

It's $300.


The person who booked it cancelled just now,

and that's why it's available.

If you don't want it, whatever.

I have people lined up to get that room.

Oh, I can't believe you.

Shouldn't we report him to the authorities?

Let's go, Dongsuk.

We'll report him from outside.

Talk about overpricing.

How can a motel room cost $300 a night?

It's Christmas season.

But still, this is too much.

I think I saw another motel on the way here.

Should we go check that one out?

Dongsuk, you wait here.

I'll go in and see if they have a room.

Okay, Jun.

Hello, daughter.

I called because I was curious.

Did you get to your hotel?

Huh? Of course. We just arrived.

What about dinner?

We found a fancy barbecue restaurant on the way,

so I stuffed myself.

Good. What's Mr. Sung doing?

Mr. Sung?

He just went to take a shower.

Wait, what happened to Uncle Dongjin and Yeonsil?

Grandmother doesn't know anything,

so it's just grandfather who knows.

Uncle Dongjin and Yeonsil are in love?

I can't believe it, mom.

I know.

Ms. Choi Gokji is going to have a heart attack,

so what do we do?

Okay, I'll call you again.

Okay. Sure. Have a nice honeymoon, mom.

Thanks, Dajeong.

What happened?

They don't have any vacancies.

How terrible.

Let's find another one before it's too late.

Shall we?

Take the gloves off. I'll do them.

It's okay. I'm almost done.

You had to get up early and cook,

so go to your room and get some rest.

It'll be bad if your mother sees us,

so please leave. Hurry.

She must have been tired, so she went to bed.


But I'm fine.

I'm not fine.

I'll finish them in a jiffy so go to your room.

What are you doing?

You woke up?

I got thirsty and woke up.

What are you doing in those rubber gloves?

Yeonsil must be tired from doing all the cooking,

so I thought I'd do the dishes.

Take those gloves off.

Men these days do the chores in the kitchen, mother.

Stop talking nonsense and give me those gloves.

I'll do them, Ms. Choi.

Dongjin, what are you doing? Go to your room.

Yes, mother.

I'm sorry, Ms. Choi.

I'll do them.

Even if my son offered to help you,

you shouldn't have done that, Yeonsil.

I've never asked Dongjin to do any chores.

So how could you let my son put on these rubber gloves?

I didn't ask him to...

I'm sorry, Ms. Choi.

If you want to stay here, you should be careful.

You work together,

so you can't help being friends with him,

but when you come home, you should draw a line.

Work is work and private life is private life.

I won't forget that.

I won't just let people gossip about Dongjin.

Even if it were you, I wouldn't allow it.

You understand what I mean, don't you?

I do.


Stop it.

You shouldn't get involved in women's business.

You should be careful in front of your mom.

I will.

I should've told those old people the truth

and made them deal with it.

Darn it.

Anyway, where is Yeonsil hiding?


This is Min Hyoju.

Hello, Ms. Min. Have you been well?

I called to give you the good news.

Good news?

I think you'll be able to see your son next month.

Oh my, is that true?

Yes, I just talked to my lawyer.

So Gipyo is going to be released next month?

Is that it?

Yes, I'm almost certain.

Oh, thank you.

I don't know how to repay you.

There's no need for thank yous,

but you should keep your daughter-in-law in line.

She's gone.

What do you mean?

After our little talk, I made up my mind,

packed my stuff and moved to Seoul,

but she disappeared.

She disappeared?

Maybe she moved in with the tailor shop owner,

but she won't come near her apartment.


I'm exhausted.

Hello, mother.


What were you doing all this time, mom?

I told you. I was with Sukja.

You went to see Aunt Sukja from Toronto?


Oh, but I just talked to Aunt Sukja.

- What? / - Aunt Sukja's doing great in Toronto.

Oh my! Did I say I was meeting Sukja?

When you're old, you misspeak.

I meant Sukhui, not Sukja.

Is it because I'm going through menopause?

My mouth and brain aren't in sync.

Is that true?

What's wrong with you? What do you think?

Stop it, Hyosang.

By the way, what are you doing here?

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.

I came to wish you a merry Christmas.


What are you two going to do tomorrow?

There's a movie Jiyeon wants to see,

so we're going to go the movies and have dinner.

That sounds fun.

Can I come with?

Mom, don't be silly.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, so how can you even ask?

I was just joking.

I'm not a dense woman.

Right? You were just joking, right?

I was worried because I thought you meant it.

I don't think it's a bad idea

for her to spend tomorrow with us, Hyosang.

You are really twisted.

Excuse me?

I told you I didn't mean it, so what are you doing?

Well, Jiyeon said that because she was worried

you might be bored, so why are you angry?

Oh! Whatever!

I'm so upset. I said that because I care about her,

so I don't know why she got me wrong.

She's not mad at you, Jiyeon.

She's mad at me.

Spend Christmas Eve with my mom?

Does she have plans?

I'm not sure,

but this is our first Christmas Eve together,

so why spend it with my mom? How lame.

Why is it lame?

We can't do it.

I want just the two of us to have

a romantic Christmas Eve together.

How about going on an overnight ski trip?

I can't ski.

Then let's take an overnight trip together.

I have to work.

We can go after your shift.

I'll book a hotel.



Spend our first night together.

I thought you were innocent, but you're a playgirl.


We can never spend a night alone together.

I guess you don't love me.

My friends' boyfriends beg them to

go on an overnight trip together,

so how can you say no to my suggestion?

In order for us to learn to trust each other,

we need to take time and find out about each other.

Until I am ready to take on the responsibility

that comes with loving you, I won't act rashly.

And I promised your mother to do that.

I'm sure I can love you for a very long time,

so I don't want to rush things.

We can go on a trip some other time.

But I'll take you out tomorrow.

I've made more money today than any other day.

Brace yourself.

I'm going to make you spend

all the money you made today.

We should have a room-warming party.

Room-warming party?


We'll have a proper room-warming party another time,

so for now, let's have a beer.


Don't be upset about what my mother said.

Let me apologize in her place.

She had every right to say what she said.

She was adamant about Dongsuk, but changed her mind.

So don't get too discouraged.

But you're different from Dongsuk.

She and I are both her children.

When I saw my sister getting married,

I got a bit jealous.

How wonderful would it be to sit together with a beer

at the end of the day and talk about the day?

It'd be nice for us, but for your parents...

Every mother feels happy if her child is happy.

It won't be easy.

Even if I were her,

I couldn't say yes if my son was as smart

and important to me as you are to your mother.

You always get back to me on every subject.

What? I'm really serious right now.

I know my mother better than you,

and she will say yes to us

for the sake of my happiness.

It's almost ten o'clock, so where is he?

Your call is being forwarded to an automated...


Why won't he answer his phone?

What? The lights are out.

(My love Samdo)

Your call is being forwarded to...

He's not here, and he won't answer his phone.

Where is he? And what is he doing?

Who's that?

I'm sure that's Samdo.

Where have I seen that woman?

He lied to me about coming to the shop,

so what is he doing with her? Why I should just...


I should wait until I get solid proof.

He worked so hard for his PhD,

and he started teaching at a college,

so we thought the hard times were over.

It was raining, and there was a car accident.

I must have been born with bad luck.

Oh, how could you say such a thing?

He studied so hard for his degree while abroad

and he lost his life, the poor man.

I thought you two were doing well in America.

I had no idea.

While supporting my husband,

I studied pastry making at a community college.

And that was how I opened a bakery

the moment I got back to Korea.

I see.

I couldn't keep in touch,

but you were always in the back of my mind.

And that was why I opened a bakery

in Hyojadong, where I have memories of you.

I probably couldn't be of much help,

but I'll drop by often and look in on Seungwu.

Bring your wife to my bakery.

I've always wanted to meet her.


Sure. I will do that.

We're here. Let me have Seungwu.

No, I'll take him to your door.

I haven't unpacked yet, so it's messy.

I'm embarrassed to show you that.

How can you be embarrassed about anything?

When you were little,

you used to pee in front of me and all.


When I first got to the orphanage, things were hard,

so I used to wet my bed every night,

and the director scolded me.

She told you to go beg for salt every morning.

Remember that?

I do.

And you'd wear the winnowing tool in my place

and go to beg for salt.

Right, I did.

That was so funny.

He's smiling ear to ear.

He's definitely having unfaithful thoughts.

Where have I seen that woman?

Oh, my head.

What happened, Jun?

They don't have any vacancies either.

Why don't we go back to the first motel...

You want to sleep in a $300 room?

We have no other solution.

I can't let him swindle our money like that.

And even if we went back,

there's no guarantee the room is still available.

That's true, but...

Dongsuk, are you hungry?


Let's get that.

- Hello. / - Welcome.

Oh, that looks delicious.

How much are they?

One for $6.50, two for $12.

Give us two.

You want to eat two?

It's our honeymoon, so we can splurge.

Why? Is it too much?

No way.

- Can we have two? / - Sure.

Which ones would you like?

Let's see.

The bottom ones are sweating, like they're nervous.

Dongsuk, how about the one on the top?

Is that one a hen?

It's looking a bit shameless in that position,

so I don't like that one. Let's get it and eat it.


Can we have that one

and the one that's a bit small like a chick?

That one?

Can we have lots of pickled radish, too?

Sure. Coming right up.

They look delicious.

Look at the legs.

I've never had such delicious chicken in my life.

Me neither, Jun. It melts in my mouth.

This is a happy and touching feast.

Let's finish this and go back home.

You want to go home?

A honeymoon isn't all that special.

I got to drive around all day with you,

and that's enough for me.

But you'll regret it later.

Why would I?

This is a memory I will never forget.

Just a second, Dongsuk.

Stay and eat.

Why did you bring the guitar?

We couldn't get a room, so we're on the street,

but this is our first night as a married couple,

so I need to do something special.

Sir, is it okay if I sing a song?


Thank you.

"Susanna's Handkerchief" brought us together,

so I'll sing that for you.

♪ Looking at how stunning you are ♪

♪ I used to cry in silence ♪

♪ And without a single word ♪

♪ You used to hand me a small handkerchief ♪

♪ You told me once ♪

♪ To leave you before the end arrives ♪

♪ You only want me to see you as a beautiful girl ♪

♪ You told me to leave you ♪

♪ Susanna ♪

♪ I will be by your side ♪

♪ I won't let go of your hands ♪

♪ We will be happy ♪

♪ I love you forever ♪

♪ No more crying by yourself ♪

♪ Even if heaven breaks us apart ♪

♪ Even if the world hates us ♪

♪ You and only you ♪

♪ I will protect with my life ♪

♪ I love you ♪

♪ Susanna ♪

♪ I will be by your side ♪

♪ I won't let go of your hands ♪

♪ We will be happy ♪

♪ I love you forever ♪

♪ No more crying by yourself ♪

Don't think too much and go to bed.

Worrying won't change anything.


Let's try to be positive.

Who knew we'd end up living under the same roof?

But we are living under the same roof,

and we'll be able to live in the same room soon.

I don't want to say goodbye.

It's harder to say goodbye in the same house.

My room feels like it's at least 10km away.

Yeonsil, can I just sleep here and

go to my room early in the morning?


How can you say such a creepy thing?

What are you imagining?

I just want to sleep here. That's all.

Did you...

What kind of perverted ideas are you getting?

I'm not getting any perverted ideas.

Go and get some sleep.



What are you two doing there?

Yeonsil is kind-hearted and skilled. She's the best.

Right. At first, she and Dongjin didn't get along

because they were different,

but now they get along really well.

If you had a daughter-in-law like Yeonsil,

you'd have nothing to worry about.

Please stop Dongjin.

What did Dongjin do?

He met a woman.

Who's that?

It's someone you know.

No way. It can't be.

What am I thinking?

Oh my god. Look who's here!

Good morning, Samdo.

Why did you come out from there?

It's a long story, Samdo.

Oh, and it looks like you were taking these.

You can take them when you need them.

You didn't go on your honeymoon?



Good morning, Seonnyeo.

Look who's here.

Did you sleep well, Seonnyeo?

Why are you two here?

Didn't you go on your honeymoon?

Let's go downstairs and talk.

We were on our way down to say hello to my parents.

We're back.

Dongsuk, you're unbelievable.

You shouldn't be stingy like that.

How can you come home

because the motel room was too expensive?

I had no idea Dongsuk was that frugal.

Our family is bigger now, so we must save money.

Oh, I can't believe this.

Anyway, welcome back.

The day will come

when you'll look back and think of this fondly.

Yes, father.

Oh, boy.

I'll do it.

It's okay.

I will make breakfast, so you go get ready for work.

I have time to fix breakfast and get ready for work.

I'm tired, so stop talking to me. Just do as I say.

Okay. Excuse me.


Yes, Ms. Choi?

Nothing. Go get ready for work.


I guess you stayed at the shop until late.


I had to sew a suit and catch up on pattern cutting.

I see.

- I'll see you later. / - Okay.

Wait until I catch you in the act.

Bae Samdo, you're dead.

Are you waiting for Yeonsil?

Yes, Samdo.

If my wife asks you

if I worked at the shop until late, tell her yes.

What are you talking about?

You've been acting suspicious lately.

Suspicious? I have my reasons.

You know I can't lie.

If you're up to no good...

Hey, it's nothing like that.

Then why are you asking me to lie to Seonnyeo?

I'll go ahead. You two take your time.

Let's go.

My daughter-in-law disappeared.

Maybe she moved in with the tailor shop owner,

but she won't come near her apartment.

No. It can't be.

His parents are there. They can't be.


Hello, are you busy?

No, I'm not busy.

Then can you drop by my house?

Right now?


I hope you weren't too busy.

No matter how busy I am,

when you call me, I must rush over.

This is sweet potato cake, your favorite.

Have some with father later.

Thank you. Let's sit down.


How pretty you are!

You must be going out with your boyfriend.

Of course. Today is Christmas Eve.

Mom? What are you doing?

What do you mean?

What are you wearing?

I can't look like an old woman

when I'm hanging out with you youngsters,

so I got a little dressed up.

A little?

I can't believe this.

We'll be late. Let's hurry up.


You're really coming?

You said Kang Taeyang invited me to dinner.

But today's Christmas Eve.

That's why I'm tagging along.

I have to keep an eye on you two

just in case you get too excited

and do something stupid.

Ma'am, we'll be back.

Okay, Ms. Ko.

- Merry Christmas. / - Have fun.

This is crazy.

Is there something you want to tell me?

Who on earth...

Who on earth is the woman Dongjin has been seeing?

Excuse me?

I know you know.

Who is it?

I have a hunch, but I need to know for sure.

Tell me. Who is it?

It's the woman who works at the tailor shop.


I'm going to Jeil Department Store.


It's Christmas Eve.

You two aren't doing anything special?

Of course we are.

I'll be back. Let's have dinner together.


- I'll see you later. / - Okay.


Hello. Welcome.



I'm sorry for shocking you.

Are you embarrassed of me?

No, I'm not.

You're not getting off anytime soon?

I'm almost finished.


I was going to come alone.

I'm sorry.

You and your mother are so unpredictable.

But I'm not that bad.

Wow, this looks fabulous.

I haven't made a coat in a long time,

so I was worried, but it came out nicer than I thought.

It looks really warm.

The label looks different.

I talked to Dongjin and created a new line of suits.

Unlike the traditional style,

I created a more natural and active style.


Mr. Lee would look nice in this, too.

I hadn't thought of that.

I think I should make him one.


Is this Yeonsil?

Yes, Ms. Choi.

Come home right now.

I need to talk to you.


Don't tell Dongjin anything and come home right now.

Okay, I will...

Here we are.

Where are we?

- It's a club. / - A club?

It's Christmas Eve, so let's have fun.

Be honest with me.

You came here because you want me to go home, right?

How can you be so rude?

Taeyang and I want to have some fun,

so you should go home early.

We went singing with you and had dinner with you,

so we did everything we could.

Let's go somewhere else.

Mother, would you like to see a movie?

Lots of new movies are out, so let's see one.


No matter what, I'm going to go clubbing.

Okay. Let's go.


Going to a club on Christmas Eve is my girl's wish,

so as her mom, I should go with her. Let's go.

Is she even allowed in?

For your mother, I think so.

Stop right there, mom!

It looked delicious.

I'm back.

Isn't it cold?

- Did you have a good meeting? / - Yes.

Where did Yeonsil go?

She had something urgent to do,

so she left just now.

- Something urgent? / - Yes.

Ms. Choi, I'm coming in.

Is there anything you have to tell me?

Excuse me?

I'm asking if you're hiding anything from me.

I'm sorry, Ms. Choi.

Let's not waste our energy.

Let's end it here.

I want you...

I want you to leave my house and the tailor shop.

Excuse me?

This all happened because of you.

Why did you have to disappear and create this madness?

Gipyo is going to be released next month.

When I'm released, I'm going to get you.

As for Lee Dongjin, I'm going to cripple him.

What do I do?

So this is how the young people party.

This is so nice.

What did Kang Taeyang do to Hyowon and my mom?

This won't do. Let's set the date.

What is he doing? Why won't he answer his phone?

What are you doing here at this hour?

I'm going to...

For more infomation >> The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop | 월계수 양복점 신사들 - Ep.35 [ENG/2016.12.31] - Duration: 1:05:59.


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5 Unsolved Mysterious Missing People Caught On Tape - Duration: 12:23.

in the old days there is no visual

evidence of a crime took place

however the invention of surveillance

cameras has changed all that but

sometimes surveillance footage is not

enough and it leaves questions


so today i'm sharing with you another

five mysterious unsolved cases with

surveillance footage I'm sure that

number one will make you wonder how

mysterious and weird this world can be

Claudia Lawrence on the eighteenth of

march two thousand nine thirty

five-year-old Claudia Lawrence suddenly


Claudia had finished her shift as the

shaft and goodra College the University

of York on the afternoon of that day she

was seen on her way to her home and

mills rotate you with York claudia was

reported missing two north yorkshire

police and YP after she failed to arrive

at work for her early morning shift the

following day one theory is that claudia

was killed on the evening of the

eighteenth of march by a lover who came

to our house via the back alley police

define Claudia's private life as a

mysterious and complex citing several

relationships with married men an

anonymous friends that claudia was

reckless and easily led were lovers or

concern on the sixth anniversary of

Claudia's disappearance in 2015

police released CCTV footage of a man

loitering suspiciously near her house on

the evening of her disappearance and

again the following morning the clip

shows a man moving on the path to the

back door of Claudia's house on the

evening of the eighteenth of March 2009

the meanwhile have you for one minute

seconds and then the man heads back to

heuer throwed it's especially just stops

and waits until someone else has walked

passed on a road nearby which can

suggest he didn't want to be seen by


the only thing that contradicts this

theory is that when Claudia's house was

searched it appears she had breakfast

and brushed her teeth

although claudia has never been found

there was some controversy that six

weeks after Lawrence went missing the

investigation into her disappearance was

great classified from a missing-persons

case to a suspected murderer in query

although in YP has acknowledged that

they have no evidence that Lawrence is

dead in a radio interview in 2009

Claudia's mother jones the detectives

had wasted valuable time in the crucial

first 72 hours of the young woman's

disappearance by focusing on her private

life for men aged in their fifties were

arrested in connection with Claudia's

disappearance but on the end of March

2016 the Crown Prosecution Service

abandoned proceedings against the four

men who had been arrested on suspicion

of murder

citing lack of evidence the police

blamed the lack of cooperation for

witnesses one detective said that this

could have been solved if only people

were honest with us

you wanna wiser wreck on july

seventeenth 2010 you want to went to a

nightclub with her friend Adria and

three male colleagues at about 12 15 am

how well American Adrian she knew three

guys for only about a month during the

time in the club there was an argument

between them according to her friends he

want to left and a half and ran out of

the club she had no money and her phone

battery was running low

she waited until it started to dawn

about 4am and started walking in the

direction of home through the seaside

boulevard she was captured on CCTV

walking back towards her home on the way

she texted a few people on her way also

adria saying she's angry that her friend

didn't follow her out

you want to called adria from the weigh

in Adrian says that they settle the

argument over the phone

a few minutes after 4am she called adria

for the last time her that her phone

battery was dying told her where she was

and where she's headed to a tree is home

she was a bit drunk and probably didn't

want to meet her mom like that her

request was accepted by Adria and she

said she'll leave the keys outside for I

wanted arrival then I wanna was captured

on CCTV making her way to Adrienne's

house is the last footage of her

captured by camera it's clear see that

the surveillance video shows a man and a

plaid shirt close to i want during her

last known few hours

the man is still unidentified but the

police believe he has nothing to do with

the disappearance the police believe

that I wanted was likely to have passed

through the park safely but I want to

never arrived home

theories range from adrian and her three

male friends being involved or knowing

more about I want its kidnapping to she

being used within a sex-trafficking ring

six years later in this case is still

unsolved and i wanna is still missing

mat Flores mat Flores was a successful

military officer starting job in the

Silicon Valley with his wife Denise and

newborn daughter Danielle at 814 am on

march 24th 1994 a young engineer at

applied materials Matthew flores pulled

into a parking lot and was shot once in

the head as he got out of the car

despite a total of twenty people being

in the parking lot at the time not one

person saw matt's killer of many of them

heard the gunshot

authorities found that Matt had no known

enemies and no reason to have been

killed his murder resembled a

professional hit

but why was he targeted Flores was

driving a rented chevrolet corsica which

he pulled into an unassigned parking

spot in the applied lot at the company's

building 12 at 3225 oak need Phillips

drive the killing took place just

outside the range of applied

surveillance cameras the cameras did

catch an image of two door light colored

91 and 94 ford explorer driving through

the parking lot and had black trim on

slower panels CCTV camera captures an

unidentified to door ford explorer

entering the parking lot 20 minutes

before the shooting a few seconds later

a two-door ford probe similar to matts

was followed by the four explore a few

minutes later the Explorer exit of the

parking lot then four minutes before the

shooting the Explorer re-entered the

parking lot and went in the direction of

where the shooting occurred at a 12am

Matt and the female eyewitness enter the

parking lot just after the shooting the

ford explorer left the parking lot

never to be seen again it seems likely

that the driver of the Explorer was the


it's been theorized that Matt might have

been an unfortunate victim of mistaken


no one knows the full truth behind mat

Flores murder

Kendrick Johnson in January 2013 in

Valdosta Georgia Kendrick Johnson was

found dead in his high school's

gymnasium the 17 year-old boy's death

was to clear an accident

it appeared he fell headfirst into a

rolled-up gym mat and suffocated

an autopsy was carried out on Johnson's

body to find the cause of death which

was concluded to be accidental with

investigators saying that he got stuck

in the mat trying to receive a shoe and

suffocated there is no evidence of

bruises or foul playing but the bizarre

circumstances of the boy's death raised

suspicions with the family

Johnson family had a private pathologist

conduct a second autopsy this time the

autopsy report was different and was

concluded that John had died from

blunt-force trauma

the autopsy also reported that the brain

heart lungs liver and every other vital

organ or missing they have been replaced

with crumpled newspaper the owner of the

funeral home claim that organs were more

likely destroy through the natural

process to the position of Kendricks

body when he died in November 2013 290

hours of CCTV footage from inside the

school was released to seeing in

following a court request which shows

Johnson entering the gym moments before

he died

however over three hours of footage with

missing Johnson's family strongly

believes that he was murdered and that

there was a cover-up by the local police

department but investigation pointed out

there was no evidence of any foul play

there are strong arguments on both sides

whether Kendricks death was an accident

or murder

tell me what you think about the case

the jameson family on october 8 2009 the

jameson family which consisted of Bobby

his wife shareland and their

six-year-old daughter Madison

mysteriously went missing that data

family traveled 30 miles from their home

near you feel up to a rural area in

Oklahoma where they were looking to buy

a 40 acre plot of land they drove their

white pickup truck up to the isolated

same boys mountains but never returned

eight days after they went missing your

truck was found abandoned on the side of

the road by Al at aamir County Sheriff

inside the airlock pickup truck was

their cellphones car keys gps system and

thirty-two hundred dollars in cash they

even left behind Madison's beloved dog

Maisie who was on the edge of starvation

police quickly launched a huge search

operation but found nothing on the day

before the disappearance security

cameras from their home call them

loading up their truck

investigators saying that Bobby and

Sherilyn looks like they were in a

trance-like State

where they kept repeatedly going back to

their house and back to their truck over

20 times without even speaking to each

other in November 16th 2013 hunters

found human remains in a wooded area

nearly three miles away from where the

Jameson's pickup truck had been

abandoned the remains appear to belong

to two adults and a child months later

the remains were positively identified

as Bobby

shareland and madison Jameson an autopsy

was performed but the remains were in

such a bad state that the cause of death

could not be determined this photo is

believed to be the last picture of

six-year-old Madison the photo was taken

in the mountains he was found on Bobby

cellphone the family doesn't believe

Bobby Orr sherilyn took the photo as

Madison appears to look terrified and

isn't looking towards the camera

Bobby and Sherilyn had been displaying

bizarre behavior prior to their

disappearance and there are rumors that

the family was involved in drug dealing

however police found no drugs in the

home months prior to the disappearance

the Jameson's had become very paranoid

and told some of their friends and

family that their house was haunted and

explained that they had seen spirits

there pastor send this in his statement

saying that the family was that a

spiritual war they have seen spirits

inside their home

Bobby allegedly asked the pastor if

there were any special bullets that his

family could buy so he could kill the

spirits the satanic bible was found in

their house after their disappearance

no one knows though how the jameson

family died

some believe they were murdered some

believe that the mother who was

suffering a deep depression murdered her

family and then committed suicide there

even theories of the family getting lost

a cold sacrifice a cartel killing there

are many theories about the case but to

this day nobody really knows what

happened to the James and family if you

have any theories about the cases listed

here please put them in the comments

section below if you find any of these

mysterious and please share this video

and be sure to subscribe

you really don't want to miss what's

coming next and as always thank you for


For more infomation >> 5 Unsolved Mysterious Missing People Caught On Tape - Duration: 12:23.


Asus ZenFone 3 Laser review Camera focused powerful mid ranger with premium design - Duration: 4:31.

Asus ZenFone 3 Laser (ZC551KL) review: Camera focused powerful mid-ranger with premium design

With the camera focused Asus Zenfone 3 Laser, which is a huge upgrade in terms of build

quality and overall design in comparison to its predecessor Zenfone 2 Laser, Taiwanese

smartphone maker is focusing to penetrate more of the market share.

Now lets see what the smartphone, priced at 18,999, has to offer and whether it can survive

the stiff competition in the mid-range budget smartphones.

Design: The smartphone sports a metal unibody design

and features a 5.5-inch full HD IPS display with a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels.

The display gets 2.5D Corning Gorilla Glass which slightly curves on the edges and compliments

the overall design of the smartphone.

The device is slim at 7.9 mm and the build quality makes the it sit nicely in hand and

also offers better grip.

The Navigation buttons are located below the display and are not backlit.

The volume rocker and power button on the right hand side, while the hybrid SIM tray

is placed on the left.

At the bottom edge, there is a micro USB port, bottom-firing speaker and the microphone.

The headphone jack, front camera and proximity sensor is located above the display.

The display is vibrant with good viewing angles and color reproduction is also decent.

ASUS Splendid app gives the users option to adjust the display temperature according to

their requirements.

The 'Bue Light Filter' feature filters out blue light to protect vision and prevents

eye strain.

At the back there's the camera sensor with a laser AF module and a dual-tone LED flash.

The Camera bump is evident as it does not let the device rest flat on its back.

There are two antenna lines running on the top and bottom on the back.

The fingerprint scanner is very responsive and works as it is intended for.

The phone also allows you to take pictures with this scanner.

Swipe your fingertip down across the sensor to summon the selfie camera, and then tap

with your tip to take a picture.

It allows you to answer incoming calls with a double- tap, or launch favorite apps with

specific fingerprints that you can store up to five.

Performance The ZenFone 3 laser is powered by Qualcomm's

Snapdragon 430 chipset, with a octa-core processor clocked at 1.4GHz.

It houses 4GB RAM paired with Adreno 505GPU and 32GB internal storage which can be further

expanded up to 128GB using the Hybrid SIM card slot with microSD card.

ZenFone 3 Laser boots on Android Marshmallow 6.0.1 out of the box along with the custom

ZenUI 3.0 on the top of the OS.

The phone runs pretty smoothly for general tasks and even multitasking but don't expect

exceptional performance from this device considering the price bracket.

We didn't face any lag or overheating issues playing games or using camera.

Camera: One of the highlights of the Zenfone Laser

3 is the 13 MP f/2.0 laser auto focus dual-tone flash setup at the back, where rounded square

camera is placed.

The camera quality is top notch in taking daylit images.

We captured pictures in all kinds of lighting conditions and it clicked some great pictures

just about every time.

Camera modes include Manual, HDR Pro, Beautification, Super Resolution, QR Code, Night, Depth of

Field, GIF Animation, Panorama, Miniature, Slow motion, Time Rewind, and Time Lapse.

We were impressed with device's low-light photo capturing ability.

The laser feature did not disappoint us and we managed to click some shots with remarkable


The feature lived up to its reputation.

The handset comes with an 8-megapixel front camera with f/2.0 aperture, 89-degree wide

angle lens, HDR and low-light selfie mode, which clicked pretty good photos/selfies in

a well-lit environment.

Battery: As for battery, the Asus ZenFone 3 Laser features

a non-removable 3000mAh battery.

The phone was easily able to last for a day with normal use which includes being connected

to Wi-Fi round the clock, taking pictures and watching videos on YouTube on certain

times of the day, making calls and using WhatsApp.

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