Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 3, 2017

Youtube daily Mar 28 2017

- Let's go. Move.

[drill grinding]

- They've been in there for 15 minutes.

Maybe we should move in.

- Something is going on in the bakery behind the bank.

[drill grinding]

- Drill bit's getting too hot.

It's gonna break right off.

- Move.

[drill grinding]

- Okay, I'm feeling it.

Just about there.

[drill whirs]

- Whoa. Leave it. Leave it!

On the floor. Go.

Go on the floor!

- Easy.


Hands where I can see them.

[envelope rips]

- What--what is this?


What is this?

[both smacking]

[both continue smacking]

- [grunting]

[bones crunch, body thuds]

- Ooh, ooh, ooh.

[smacks, Yusic screams]

[Yusic screaming]

[alarm blaring] - [screams indistinctly]

[alarm blaring]

[door hissing, thuds]

[Yusic groaning]

- You there?

- Yeah. - Hold on.

There better be an alarm override.

- Yes.

- Tell him.

- There's--there's a keypad

on the wall in my office.

Otto Fangor.

It's behind the painting of a fountain on the wall.

You have two minutes to cancel the alarm.

- What's the code?

- It's 11007#.

[alarm blaring]

[alarm blaring]

[device beeps]

[alarm blaring]

[device beeping]

[alarm blaring]


[alarm blaring]


[alarm blaring]

[alarm continues blaring]

[door clicks, hisses]

- I'm hit.

I'm in the office.

- Don't move. Stay where you are.

We're coming.

[door rumbles, hisses, clicks]

For more infomation >> Taken - Bryan Gains the Upper Hand (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 4:10.


Lady Altagracia | Episode 85 | Telemundo English - Duration: 15:42.



Your father doesn't know he was lied to

and there's no reason for him to know.

I'm going to prove to you that Lydia's a tramp who just wants

an idiot like you she can live off of.

I have to find her if I want to know where I come from.

I need you to get a search warrant for Braulio's car.

What am I supposed to find?

Proof that he's responsible for Ximena's disappearance.

You never married or had a family

because you never stopped thinking about me.

Why are you kissing me?

Because you saved my life.

What? Don't you like it?

I might've saved you, but you don't have to pretend.

Saul's the one who brought you back to life.

He loves you.

Saul failed me too. I don't care about him.

I don't think there's a man out there capable of loving me.

Or is there?

You're careless, Saul.

Why'd you check Braulio's car without telling me?

Interfering with a police investigation is a crime.

I know,

but I also know how long police investigations take.

Ximena's very important to me. I couldn't wait.

Saul, as a guy, I understand your concern,

but if Karen says we need to be patient and follow procedure,

then we should listen.

Ximena's missing.

The longer we wait, the more she's at risk,

yet all you care about is following

a corrupt police department's procedures.

I'm no dirty cop!

I won't allow you to insult me in my own office.

Karen, you know that's not what I meant.

Whatever. Don't apologize.

You suck at it.

You're in luck.

I have Ximena's cell phone records.

They show Braulio was the last person she talked to

before she disappeared.

I'll ask the judge for a search warrant.

Great. When are we going?

We aren't going anywhere. Jorge and I will go.

You're a lawyer, not a cop.

We'll let you know if we find anything.

We'll follow Karen's lead for now.

Wouldn't it be best to move all your things to the other room?

Am I bothering you?

That's not what I said.

Since you said you didn't want to bother me by sleeping here,

I thought...

Don't worry. I won't hurt you.

It's Diego you should be worried about.

Today we argued over that Lydia girl again.

Braulio, just leave him alone.

I'm not you, Valeria!

I won't let my son throw his life away

for a tramp after our money.

I have my qualms about that relationship too,

but she's not as bad as you say.

We'll see about that.

For now, I closed all your bank accounts.

What? Why me?

I don't trust you.

From now on, I want to know how you're spending our money.

This isn't fair!

I'm doing it for our son.

You're weak, Valeria.

I won't let you give him any money

so he can run around with that gold digger.

My dad canceled my credit cards.

He doesn't want us to be together.

He thinks you'll dump me if I have no money to spend on you.

I don't need anyone's money.

You know that, right?

Yeah, but he thinks you want to marry into my money.

Marry you?

I've never even thought about it.

I have. I'd like to marry you.

I'd love to share my life with you.

We barely know each other. I don't know about this, Diego.

There are a lot of things you still have to do.

You need to complete your education and get a job.

What about you? Don't you have dreams?

I do, but we'll go into that later.

You had a really tough day.

You're right.

I have a test tomorrow morning.

Thanks for everything. Call you tomorrow.

Love you. Bye.

I know you hate me

and that you're only saying these things so I'll talk.

You won't torture me using violence.

You'll seduce me and drive me crazy.

Am I?

I shouldn't have told you what I felt for you that night,

what I've felt for you all these years

even though I didn't know who you were or where you were.

If you really feel anything for me,

then tell me who the last Monkey is.

Altagracia, please.

Do you want me to stop?

Don't you want me to touch you?

I can't lie to you. I...

You're not like the other Monkeys.

Show me that what you feel or felt for me once was true.

Tell me his name.

It's the only way I'll let you live.

I'll be back, Daniel.

Adolfo, I can't stand this secrecy.

Ever since I found out my dad isn't really my dad,

I can't stop thinking about it.

Don't worry.

You'll get to the bottom of this.

I'll help you, but promise me you'll be patient.

This could take days or months.


Yes, so we should get started as soon as possible.

I have the day off so we can run a search, alright?

Adolfo, you're wasting your time.

There's no record of the marriage.

I tried to find it once. It was a dead end.

You see?

Yeah, lots of people named Lazaro Hernandez.

Do you know anything else?

A date or where he was born.

The company. My mother stole his company.

What type of company was it?

I remember him talking about builders once.

-He was in construction? -Yeah.

Lazaro owned a construction company?

Coffee, Braulio?

No, thanks.

I just wanted to ask

about that matter in the basement at the ranch.

Matamoros is keeping an eye on him.

I was with him last night.

Did he give you the name?

Not yet, but he will. He'll tell me.

You're wasting your time.

Give me an hour with him and I'll make him sing.

Daniel isn't like the others.

He has a guilty complex and it's shaped his character.

He's become a protector of sorts.

He protects all the women and children in the foundation.

He saved my life in Veracruz

and he did it again when Francisco Vega kidnapped me.

Can you believe he said he fell in love with me that night?

What night? The night he raped you?

Unbelievable, he's manipulating you so you'll forgive him.

You can't believe a single word he says.

I know when a man is being honest.

It doesn't happen often, but it happens.

Daniel's being honest.

I just have to seduce him.

I'll seduce him so he'll give me the name.

I'm here for my husband's body.

Please take a seat.

We're going over the autopsy.

Once we're done, you can take his body.

What about my money? All my accounts are frozen.

I need the money. My daughters don't have a home.

I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm only a detective.

There's nothing I can...

You could do something if you wanted,

but you won't because you're following Altagracia's orders.

My daughters are starving because of that woman

and Rafael Cabral, who's accusing my husband,

after he looked him up to offer him his services.

I understand, but Rafael Cabral has nothing to do with this.

He offered your husband his services,

but he has nothing to do with this.

If you don't believe me, then ask the man who was with him,

that man who runs a foundation for battered women.

Daniel Llamas.

Yes, I think that's his name.

Wait, so you're saying Rafael Cabral

and Daniel Llamas went looking for your husband?

Yes, that's what I said.

What is it, Dad?

Where are you?

I'm in school. Where else?

I wanted to make sure you were there

and not wasting your time with that street vendor.

Stop treating me like a kid. I'm not reckless.

You know I take school seriously.

Are you with Isabela? Have you seen her?

No, Isabela didn't come today.

She must be grieving Emiliano. Have you called her?

No, I haven't. I have to go.

I have a test and I need to turn off my phone.

Fine, son. We'll talk later.

Sleep with her if you want, or anyone else for that matter,

just don't take her seriously.

Those types of women aren't like Isabela!

-I love Lydia, Dad! -You don't love her, son.

You're confusing lust with love.

You're so naïve that you don't realize you don't love her.

You're only with her because she sleeps with you.

Mago's taking forever.

I told her to wake me

so we could buy the sandwich ingredients,

but look at the time.

You think it's her?

I don't know. Let me see.

It's an unknown caller.


Hi, Lydia.

It's Braulio, Diego's father.

Who gave you my number?

Diego did. This morning.

We talked and I mentioned I wanted to talk to you.

What about?

I know you don't trust me.

I haven't been very nice to you,

but I spoke to my son this morning and I realized

how important you are to him.

I think we should meet.

Let's put our differences aside and agree to a truce.

You want us to meet alone?

I just want what's best for my son.

I'm guessing you want the same, right?

I'm not sure we should meet without Diego.

Lydia, Diego's in school

and I'd rather he didn't skip class.

He's already missed enough school

because of Emiliano's death and you.

Can't it be some other day?

I know you don't trust me and I don't want you to worry.

Let's meet in a public place with lots of people.

I'm on my way

to the grand opening of one of our company's new buildings.

Let's meet up there. Sound good?

We've run searches with my dad's name

and every other keyword we've thought about and nothing.

"Construction company," "engineers," "architects..."

Wait a second.

When'd your mother steal his company from him?

When I was born.


Write the year, maybe something will pop up.

-There's something there. -Yeah.

It's the construction company's public record.

"Hernandez Construction Company."

Yes, it's like our last name.

There's not a lot of info.

It just says the company went bankrupt.

If that's his company, then that's wrong.

My mother stole it from him.

Maybe that's how she made it disappear.

Maybe she seized the assets and opened a new company.

Let's see...

It won't let me in. It's restricted.

-Why? -No idea.

Nope, it's blocked.

It can only be accessed from a government office.

Then let's go to one.

This is all we've managed to find.

Sweetie, you've barely eaten anything.

Mom, I don't feel well. I don't want to go to school.

I understand, but going to school might distract you.

I don't want you to stay here.

Sweetie, let her stay.

It must be hard for her to go back.

It's where she and Emiliano spent most of their time.

Just for today.

Thanks for understanding, Felipe.



It's the guards at the gate. Your aunt is asking about you.

I can talk to her.

Shall I tell her you're indisposed?

No, I'm through avoiding her.

Let her in.


Isabela, sweetie, I'm really sorry about Emiliano.

I don't believe you.

Excuse me?

You threatened to throw him in jail if he stayed with me

just like you threatened to hurt Marcos and his family

if he didn't dump me.

How can someone who does that feel sorry about anything?

It's obvious you've turned her against me.

Felipe had nothing to do with this.

I'm upset because you gave me reason to be!

You and only you drove me away!


For more infomation >> Lady Altagracia | Episode 85 | Telemundo English - Duration: 15:42.


25th anniversary friends in low places - Duration: 0:44.


ok, i got a special little treat for you

25th anniversary of Friends in low places

Link is in the description

now this song, is only available

on the Limited Frist Edition of Gunslinger

and that cd is only available in the Ultimate Collection box set

ok, but if you check the link in the description below

you'll have a chance to

Hear, the 25th anniversary



Friends in Low Places

and that is gonna do it for now


And i am


For more infomation >> 25th anniversary friends in low places - Duration: 0:44.


Asesino asistido | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 23:18.

Roman philosopher Seneca once said,

"It takes a lifetime to learn to live

and a lifetime to learn how to die."

Hello and welcome to<i> Case Closed.</i>

I wonder why death gets such a bad reputation.

We spend our lives agonizing over the fact

that we'll have to die someday.

I think death is the only certainty in life.

Let's see what today's first case is about.

Please bring out the litigants.

We need to respect people's wishes.

If he wants to die, fine by me. I'll help him die with dignity.

If you don't want to be here, then leave.

If I gave her a shotgun, she'd kill him herself.

Hello and welcome.


-Milena, you're the plaintiff. -I am.

Who's Guillermo, why are you suing him,

and what are you demanding?

He's Guillermo.

He business partners with my husband and I.

I want your help.

I'm suing him for $50,000

because I want to help my husband die with dignity.

If he won't give me the money, then have him sell the company.

Are you asking for a loan?

No, ma'am. I own half of the company.

-You do? -Yes.

-So you're his partner? -Yes.

Do you want an advance or is your half worth $50,000?

That's what my shares are worth.

We've had this issue for three months now.

He said he'd either sell the company

or that he'd buy me out, but he hasn't.

I need the money to help my husband.

Please explain your husband's situation.


I know what I'm saying sounds insane, but I'll explain.

I met my husband and Guillermo two years ago

when I started working at the company.

It's a sportswear company.

It was very successful. It's grown a lot.

I started out as a secretary. Things were going great.

My husband has a very big heart.

Everyone loved him. He was a happy man.

He had a wonderful family. He had a son and a wife.

Was he married when you met him?

He was married to a beautiful woman.

They had a son and a granddaughter.

She'd call him "Gramps" and she'd run all over the office.

They seemed like a great family and he seemed like a good man.

I was close to them.

Sadly, about a year and a half ago,

Francisco was in a terrible accident.

His wife, son and granddaughter all died.

This became a problem because he changed completely.

He closed up.

He wouldn't eat. He wouldn't talk.

I was there for him during the burial.

I was supportive as a friend because I was close to him.

I respected him.

I wasn't interested in anything like the defendant says.

I've always been there for him. I've been supportive.

I took him to the doctors.

I drove him around and then I moved in with him.

Did the accident have serious repercussions on his health?

Yes, it did.

He's fine mentally. He's completely sane.

However, he does have limitations.

I'm basically responsible for him.

I started driving him everywhere.

I cared for him 24/7.

And you fell in love?


Little by little we started falling in love.

Things unfolded periodically.

It's hard to believe,

but when you spend a lot of time with someone,

you create a bond.

We fell in love because I was there for him.

Now, we've had some intimacy issues

because he can't do anything.

It's frustrating for me as a woman because...

Is he impotent?

Yes, ma'am.

I don't think he's physically impotent.

He just can't stop thinking about his wife.

Sometimes I'm naked, ready to go,

and he starts crying because he remembers his wife.

It's frustrating for me as a woman.

I understand him, but I also need someone by my side.

How old is your husband?

He's 61 years old.

-He's young. -He is.

Why do you say he wants to die? How will he go about it?

Suicide is illegal and so is assisted suicide.

Some states permit it, but you have to be sick.

I can explain.

He's not exactly sick.

We tried a treatment for depression.

He was given pills that turned him into a dummy.

He'd drool. He wouldn't eat. He wouldn't do anything.

The pills made it worse.

He'd be happy and he'd be sad. He'd have mood swings.

I stopped giving him the pills.

I took him to see other doctors

and when he said he wanted to die, they thought he was crazy.

He was committed for three days,

I believe I'm the only one who understands him.

He's even said...

It isn't normal to express your desire to die 20 times a day.

-It's not. -Exactly.

He kept saying he wanted to die and I was fed up.

I went online and found some poison.

He'd told me about it.

I did a search on cyanide. I found it online.

It came from some other country.

He didn't want to know when I'd do it,

so I suggested lacing his tea.

One day, he was sad so I decided to give him the laced tea.

As I made my way upstairs I thought,

"I can't do this. I'm not a murderer."

-So you didn't do it? -No!

She did. She's a killer.

Then how will he die?

We went online and found a place in the Netherlands,

where euthanasia is legal even if the person isn't ill.

However, it's the person's choice.

It's a dignified death.

It's for people who don't want to live anymore,

who are lonely or who've lost their families.

-Lost the will to live. -Yes.

They're tired of living. They've reached their limit.

He's not happy.

-Nothing will make him happy? -Nothing.

I've tried helping him.

He won't go out or eat.

He won't watch TV. He cries all day.

He's driving me crazy.

As his wife and partner, do you want him to die?

It's his choice.

I don't want him to die, but I'm being supportive.

He's my husband.

My duty is to be supportive.

How'd you end up owning the company?

When we decided to go through with the Netherlands plan,

we got everything ready.

He said he wanted to leave me everything.

Both cars are in my name.

He gave me his half of the company and the house.

Well, the house was first and then the company.

That's when the issues with this man started.

We want him to either buy us out or sell the company,

so we can go.

You need the $50,000 to go to Netherlands

so he can be legally euthanized.

Guillermo, how do you respond?

Ma'am, I honestly want your help.

I won't give them anything. I don't want to.

It's their half.

My partnership is with Pachito not with her.

Pachito gave her ownership of the company.

And that's fine, but giving her money so she can kill...


now she wants me to sell the company and I won't.

She wants to sell you her shares.

I don't want to give her a dime!

That's not your problem.

She just wants the money to kill Pachito.

Guillermo, have you talked to your friend?

Yes, I have.

What has he told you?

Honestly, he's sad. He's depressed.

Still, I don't think...

You've no idea what happens in our home.

Pachito changed completely when he started dating her.

I only call her an opportunist,

because she came after Pachito at the funeral.

I'm all he has.

Where were you when he was sad?

She knew. She knew that...

What did she know?

I'm sorry, but he had a family and they were happy.

She always wanted to come between them.

When she first arrived at the company, she tried seducing me.

You're lying!

He's lying, ma'am!

I need evidence of what you're saying.

Look, this is what I'm getting from you.

You talked to your friend.

He's made his choice, but you disagree with him.

You want him to live.

I just...

Any witnesses?

-Yes. -Yes.

You both do.

Bring out the plaintiff's witnesses.

Both of them.

-I won't pay you anything. -I own the company too.

I won't give you anything to kill him.

Alright, that's enough.

I believe there are two witnesses.

Bring out both of them.

-Hello. -Hi.

You're here on behalf of the plaintiff.

-Yes, she's my cousin. -What's your name?


And you're Milena's cousin?

-Yes. -Okay.

Milena's character is beyond reproach.

She's helped people all her life.

She's worked for NGOs. She goes to church.

I don't think she'd be capable of hurting this man.

On the contrary, look at him. Look at his condition.

He feels useless. He's not well.

She just wants to help him...

-Do you want to sit? -Sure.

-You, Francisco? -Alright.

-Can you? -Yes.

-Go ahead. -There you go, ma'am.

-Where do you live? -In Colombia.

Where are you staying now?

Right now I'm in Miami.

-Answer the question! -Whose house?

I'm staying at my cousin's.

Oh, okay.

He drives us around. He helps me.

He's your driver.

You're living with both of them and you take care of them?

Yes, I drive them wherever they need to go, to therapy, etc.

He's been living there for six months.

He's your cousin on whose side?

On my father's side.

Alright. Step aside. I'd like to hear from Francisco.


First of all, you look very young.

Thank you, ma'am.

You do. I'm sorry for your loss.

I know it happened some time ago,

but there are losses you can never forget.


Can you tell me about the accident?

What type of accident was it?

We were driving.

I dozed off and I veered off the road.

We hit a car. Our car overturned.

I saw my wife and son die, and my granddaughter agonizing.

She died later. The others died instantly.

I feel guilty because I was driving.

I feel like it was my fault. I can't forget it.

I've lost the will to live. I want to die.

Have you tried committing suicide?

I took a gun once, but I was a coward and couldn't do it.

I tried to jump off a building, but I couldn't do it either.

You're not a coward.

You just have survival instincts.

-I have no reason to live. -How can you say that?

I have nothing. I don't want to live.

I have no reason to live.

What about her? She's beautiful.

-She's a good woman. -She's supports my decision.

We'll take a short break.s.

Your wife supports your decision.

Has she tried to talk you out of it?

Has she said there are other options, like going on vacation?

-Death is my only way out. -She said that?

The $50,000 aren't just so he can go there and die.

Let me talk!

You'll go on vacation first?

You have to spend three months there before it happens.

He'll have fun and he'll spend time anywhere he wants.

It's all included.

And after...

-He can even change his mind. -Of course.

Maybe he will, but I know it won't happen.

Do you have life insurance?


I also wanted to talk about that.

She recently learned his life insurance policy

is worth one million dollars.

Once she found out, she became more insistent.

That's when she started hounding me about the money.

If I wanted him die, I'd have killed him

or I would've had him killed.

She keeps saying he wants to go to Europe to die.

You're an ignorant.

Hello, what's your name?

Quiet! This is your witness.

-Your name? -Hello, how are you?

-Good. -I'm Benjamin.

I'm here to tell you that this man has a reason to live.

I'm his son.

What do you mean?

He turned up recently.

I've lived with my mom all my life.

She never told me about him until a year ago.

I came here to find him

and that's when we met.

He even cried tears of joy.

-You kidnapped him. -What's that?

These are the DNA test results that prove he's my father.

He practically kidnapped him. I wasn't in the house.

He wasn't supposed to leave the house because he had therapy.

He's a minor and he took him in his car without my consent.

-He's his son. -He didn't know then.

-How old are you? -18.

You're 18. You still need a father.

He's already grown up. Pack your bags, kid.

I've needed him all my life.

You're an adult.


How did finding out about your son impact you?

Well, I'd never met him so I don't feel any connection.

He's like a stranger.

I don't...

But he's your son.

He's family.

No, but I...

Ma'am, as soon as she realized he knew about me, he changed.

He was happy when we met. He cried tears of joy.

Then one day, he wanted nothing to do with me.

The've seen each other three times!

So you two never had any kind of relationship?

-No. -No.

-Did he know about you? -I did.

-Did he know you existed? -Yes.

Then why didn't you ever reach out?

He'd never acknowledged me.

I wanted my mother to tell me about him,

but she never said anything until a year ago.

Five months ago, I came to visit him.

That's when we met.

-Why now, ma'am? -He's your son.

Here's the DNA test.

Why now, after the accident?

Because that's life! Life is full or surprises!

-It was a one-night stand. -So what?

He's still his son.

But he's...

You're her cousin. Why are you even talking?

I've taken this man to doctors and therapists.

He just can't get over what happened.

He wants to die.

It's like he wants to kill you. I think they want to kill you.

-No! -He's even...

Ma'am, can I ask him a question?


Look, as a son,

would you be willing to care for me 24/7 like she does?

-Of course! -No!

I've always wanted to know who my father was

and now that I finally found him and I know who he is,

he wants to...

She brainwashed him.


He's asking you an important question.

Are you willing to care for him...

You'd sacrifice your youth?

Are you willing to make similar sacrifices?

I'm his son. I'd do it.

Let's bring out our experts,

Dr. Moises Irizarry and Dr. Madeline Hernandez.

Oh, please.

I don't understand why this bothers you so much.

It bothers me...

This man was sad because he lost his family

and now he's found someone.

-You should be happy. -I wouldn't mind.

If you help me, I'm even willing to take custody of him.

Don't be ridiculous.

I could help his son take care of him.

-He can still live. -I can take care of the kid too.

Understood. Enough.

Doctor, do you know anything about his physical impairment?

Do you know anything about his condition?

I reviewed his medical records.

He doesn't have any neurodegenerative disease

that would aggravate his situation.

Physical therapy could help him.

He has orthopedic issues which he will need help with

so he can keep his movement.

Is he mentally fit? I think he is.

Is he depressed?

I think he is.

Studies show that 90% of people who try to commit suicide

suffer from severe depression.

In my opinion, this man suffers from clinical depression

as a result of the loss of his family.

That loss of a will to live, we tend to call it anhedonia.

That's when you no longer derive pleasure

from what you used to derive pleasure from.

Anhedonia is a symptom of severe depression.

Self-preservation is an innate human trait.

Self-destruction isn't.

Does there ever come a time when we get tired of living

without depression or illness being the cause?

I don't think so.

However, I do think that as a society we have a problem.

Studies show that many seniors don't have the resources,

the care nor the attention they need from their families.

A lot of them are in nursing homes,

because they don't have their family's support.

When people find themselves in that position

where they've lost everything, including the people you love,

it'll usually lead to depression.

I don't agree with the euthanasia law

because it'd mean going against our nature.

Our bodies have an biological immune system,

which is designed to fight millions of microbes.

In the same manner, we have a psychological immune system.

It's the fight-or-flight response.

Do you agree, Doctor?

I agree.

I see patients who come to see me with their loved ones

and their behavior is...

Different from the behavior of those who come alone?

It is.

Understood. My ruling.

I'm going to annul all the property transfers he made.

I think he's depressed

and I believe his judgment was impaired at the time.

I'm not saying you don't deserve any of this.

You two are married

so there are other ways for you to be protected.

However, I think he's depressed and I think that it was easier

for you to help him commit suicide and keep the money,

than to try to talk him out of committing suicide.

Despite being 61, he looks extremely well.

He was fortunate enough to survive the accident.

God decided that you had to stay.

Now you have a son who you'd never met before

and I think he's a good enough reason for you to live.

Besides, you're married and I'm not getting bad vibes from her.

Get rid of her cousin ASAP.

You have a son. He can drive you around.

I don't like her cousin.

Your claim is denied.

It's final. Case closed!

For more infomation >> Asesino asistido | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 23:18.


Chema | Episode 80 | Telemundo English - Duration: 17:47.



Did hell just freeze over? How come you're calling me?

I'm in no mood for jokes, Amanda.

I need to know if you've heard from Regina.

<i> Have you spoken to her?</i>



They kidnapped her and the boys.

It was that f---ing Venezuelan.

Are you sure she was kidnapped?

Maybe she left voluntarily.

Why would she? Don't be ridiculous!

They killed some guys here.

Do you think she'd do something like that?

I don't know, Red.

You two have been fighting for a while now.

You killed her aunt, man. She was like her mother.

Haven't you considered that?

You know what?

I shouldn't have called you.

You stupid, condescending bitch!

Go f--- yourself!


Don't do that. We need this.

Gentlemen, I'm bored.

Hiding out has been a nightmare,

especially with you two.

I feel like just letting sh-- hit the fan

no matter where it falls.

I already sent Morillo out.

One thing's for sure. No one's screwing me over.

Not Tobias Clark,

not anyone. Let's get out of here.

Excuse me, ma'am.

Bon appétit.

Hey, Morillo.

Is Ricardo with you?

No, he stayed with his cousins.

He asked me to tell you to make a run for it

as soon as the feds let their guard down.

I don't think that's the only reason you're here.

Why'd you come?

I also came to do a job for the boss.

I know that, stupid.

You don't make your own moves.

What job?

A job that'll set things off.

I'm doing it alone without making any noise.

It'll also throw off the guys following me.

I bet I know what it is.

Your boss is crazy.

Very crazy.

They're nice, but we already have enough protection.

Our bodyguards already have guns.

It's stupid for us to have them too.

I don't like it.

Alright, fine.

If you don't want to, don't.

It's up to you.

Damn, baby, this is why I came to Mexico City

in the middle of the trouble we're in.

I wish I wasn't so worried, but...

As long as you're with me I don't care.


So you don't care that I'm worried?

We've looked everywhere and we can't find them.

Red is devastated.

I left him in Puerto Morelos with my mom,

but this is horrible.

Have you heard anything about Ricardo Almenar?


I've been investigating that with Ponce.

Damn. With Ponce?


The poor bastard even asked me out to dinner.

Look at that. Dinner.

Yeah, so what?

He likes me.

You're not the only one.

Listen, baby, there's something you're not getting.

You're my girlfriend.

I'm the only one who can like you.

So I'm your girlfriend now?

What'd you think?

I think I like how that sounds.

Every woman wants the man they love

to call them their girlfriend.

That's what you are...

my girlfriend, my old lady, my woman.

You can go tell your mom now

that I'm going to steal you away forever.

I've had it with you all. Leave.

I want to be alone.

And you, pour me a drink and leave.

Morillo, put the gun down.

Why do you think I came?

Did Ricardo send you to kill me?

How much did he offer you?

I'll pay double.

The boss has more.

Either way, this isn't about money.

You shouldn't have called him out in front of everyone

no matter how mad you were about him screwing your wife.

What are you talking about?

You're about to die, so what does it matter

if you find out Mrs. Ines and Mr. Ricardo

had been seeing each other?

Shut up, idiot!

I took them myself to Mr. Ricardo's apartment downtown

a bunch of times.

You miserable son of a bitch!

I'm the miserable one?

No, I think it's you.

What'd you do, Saul?

What do you mean? I saved your life!

Don't I even get credit for that?

I was negotiating!

He's alive! Kill him!

Kill him, dumbass!

I thought you didn't want a gun.

What happened?

You idiots!

Someone snuck in and almost killed me!

Get out of here!

Think that's funny?


You know what, Ricardo?

You're going to regret this, you son of a bitch!

No, you're the one who's going to regret it.

I have better things to do than talk to you.

<i> What hole should I throw</i> <i> Morillo in</i>

<i> so you can </i> <i> bring him flowers?</i>

He's a dumbass, but you're a bigger one.

You owe me and you're going to pay.

I'm going to kill you, f---er!

No, you're the one who's dead, a--hole!

I'll show you what I'm capable of.

What happened, coz?

Do you know what happened?

I thought Chema was the only one I wanted dead,

but Tobias just made it to my list.

That bastard is going to kiss my feet.

Come on. Let's drink more.

I needed this so badly.

So did I.

How's everything with Red?

It's been tough, but that's why I have you

to make everything better.

I don't want to talk to anyone.

What do you mean? Answer it.

It could be about Red's kids. Answer it.

It's Andrews.

Hey, Andrews.

You want me to tell him?



Thank you.

What is it?

They found the body of the pilot

who was flying the plane Regina and the kids were on.


Costa Rica.

Give me that.


Listen, man.

Get some guys together.

Meet me on the airstrip at sunrise.

We're going to Costa Rica.

They found the body of the pilot who was with Nelson.

See you there.

I'm leaving tomorrow too to Guatemala.

Be careful, okay?

You have to think for two people, you and Red.

And for you, sweetie.


why don't you come to Costa Rica instead of Guatemala?

I don't think I can convince them alone.

I'll tell Andrews, though. Maybe we can both do it.

Yeah, talk to him.

We're going to need all the help we can get

to find Nelson.

I owe it to Red.

Are you going to help me?

If you behave.

I always behave.


I love you.

Are they asleep?


They were exhausted. Don't make noise.

Poor things.

Everything's been squared away.

I was able to get us all Venezuelan passports.

I even have a new name. Come, sit down.

I don't know how you always do it.

It was easy. I did it for you.

I'll bring the passports first thing tomorrow morning.

We'll take off on another plane and get out of here.

It cost a pretty penny.

I had to pay off all the officials at the consulate,

but everything's been squared away.

What about the pilot?

Everything is fine.

What matters is that the kids are fine.

I'm really worried about Mrs. Elvira.

We just left her there.

She was always so good to me.

Sweetie, listen to me.

Look in my eyes.

Mrs. Elvira is fine.

It was just a bump to the head.

She'll wake up with a headache,

but then she'll be fine.

I promise you.

Yeah, right?

I promise, baby, yes.

Look, Pelusa, I'm leaving again

and I'm leaving you in charge again.

Do things right this time so we don't have any problems.

Don't do anything behind my back with Chema.

If you do, tell me and there's no problem.

-Got it? -Yes, sir.

It's him.

Hey, Chema.

I was just talking about you.

Good things as always.

Of course.

Count on it. No problem.

I won't be there myself, though.

I have a problem with my sister in Spain so I have to go.

She's running with the wrong crowd.

She's hanging out with some theater nerds

and all they do is smoke pot all day.

You got it, son.

Pelusa and all my guys will be there for you.

I'll call you as soon as I arrive.


Chema needs you to take over an airstrip in Costa Rica.

Keep your eye on it.

He's got a problem with some Venezuelan there.

Can you get there early tomorrow morning?

Of course.

You know I'm not scared of anything.


Where the hell is he?

Come here, Julio.

Where the f--- is Morillo? At the whorehouse again?

We haven't heard from him since yesterday.

What did you just say?

Are you worried?



What are you doing here?

Where's my dad?

I keep calling and he won't answer.


Give me a minute.

What are you doing here?

Tell me the truth.

Did he have anything to do with the disappearance

of Regina and her kids?

Is it true?

Hey, Chinasky.

-Welcome to Costa Rica. -Thanks.

As you can see, we have people waiting for you

like you asked.

Hell yeah.

We're going in with everything we've got.

Our priority right now is finding that bastard Nelson.

Remember that Venezuelan son of a bitch you met at my house?

Well, he kidnapped Red's wife and kids.

I was told he's hiding around these parts.

I'm sorry, but I don't have him.

No one's accusing you of anything.

I just want you to help me find him.

Tostado and Sanabria are already here.

Pelusa will be here soon.

Help me out.

-Let's cover every airport. -You got it.


These are my wife and kids.

That's it. Let's go, buddy.

We're going on vacation.

Here are the passports for you and the kids.

I already checked them, but make sure the pictures are fine.


I still can't believe we're doing this.

Everything will be fine. You'll see.

Once we get over there and feel safe and sound,

we'll be so happy.

You can't imagine what Venezuela is like.

Plus, from here on out

I promise we'll do everything legally.

They'll never find us there.

Don't worry.

Get in.

I have to sort something out before we take off.


Hey, come on.

Regina... from here on out we're a family.

I promise we'll be happy.

Hurry up and get in.

Let's go, sweetie.

Go with the captain.

What's up, buddy?

Have you heard the good news?

Yeah, I have! Good job, man!

I told you.

Why don't you meet me in Venezuela?

<i> We're headed that way now</i> <i> and I know just how much</i>

<i> you're going </i> <i> to enjoy this.</i>


No way, man.

This is too easy.

Who are they?


I'll enlighten you.

The big one is Ponce.

He's the guy making Chema's life hell.

The fat one next to him is a top dog in the DEA.

And you already know the bald guy.

He's Andrews. We met him at Chema's house.

And the lady...

She's hot, isn't she?

Well, we couldn't have a better chance to get them.

Should we take them all out in one shot?

-Hold on... -Where's the bazooka?

Cool your jets, man. Let's talk to Chema first.

We don't want to ruin our friendship.

Hold on a sec.

That's him.

Hey, Tostado. What's the word?

<i> We've got your boy Ponce</i> <i> and the fat guy from the DEA</i>

<i> in range</i> <i> of our bazooka.</i>

The only problem is that your friend Andrews is there.

What should we do?

Is there a hot chick with Andrews?


We're not going to get another chance like this.

It's your call.

Do we take them all out and you find a new informant or what?


For more infomation >> Chema | Episode 80 | Telemundo English - Duration: 17:47.


La Fan | Capítulo 50 | Telemundo - Duration: 12:02.



How'd you survive? Where were you?

I never got on the plane.

Do you mind if I fill you in later?

Why didn't you get on the plane?

This is more important.

So you had a feeling the plane would crash

and didn't get on it?

I wish. I'd have saved lots of people.

But no.

Vale! Please wake up.

Then what happened?

Why didn't you get on the plane?

I came back for Vale!

I don't want to wake up.

I want to dream Lucas is still alive.

Sweetheart, I'm alive. I'm here with you.


-My Lucas? -Yes.

You're really here?


I got so excited when I heard our baby's heartbeat.

I want to hear it too. I want another ultrasound.

I have some good news.

They'll give us a picture tomorrow so you can see it.

-Really? -Yes.

But it'll be tomorrow, because we have to go to Lucas' wake.


I'm so sad even though I saw our baby,

the fruit of our love.

I'm really upset. Let's go, babe.

-Come on. -Upset stomach?

No, silly!

It's a miracle!


Lucas is alive!

-What? -Yes, he's alive!

He's alive!

Wait, what do you mean? He survived?

Yes, your father just called to let us know.


Are you sure he's alive?

Yes, apparently he never got on the plane.


I need to see him.

You can't. Calm down.

You and I have to talk first.

I need to see him and hug him.

Well, I need to know why he didn't go to Italy.

He's alive. That's what matters.

No, it doesn't. I couldn't care less.

He betrayed me!

Salma, if that man's alive for the reasons I think he is,

he'll regret it.

Quique, please.

No begging! We had a deal.

He didn't honor it.

There's not a man in this world who'd dare betray me.

What will you do to him?

For now, tell him to call me.

It's a miracle, Lucas.

I'd call it a miracle of love.

Things happen for a reason.

Sometimes listening to the advice of someone

who loves you can save you.

I don't get it.

You'll understand when I explain.

I never got on the plane.

You gave up the movie?

Yes, I gave up the movie, fame, money

and all those things I always dreamed about.

But... you'd almost made it.

Yes, but I realized there are other more important things.

I don't get it.

What's more important to you than all those things?

You are. Only you.


Hold on, sweetheart. The doctor's on his way.

I can't breathe.

Oh, sweetheart.

You told me I was like oxygen to you.

Look at me and breathe. I'm here.

Breathe. I'm here.

I see a light, baby.

You do?

No, don't do this to me.

Don't leave me.

I mean...

I can't believe what you're saying.

Me neither.

Can you tone down the commentary?

I can't.

Alright, calm down. No fighting.

You couldn't have gotten off the plane because of her!

Well, he could've and he did!

Have you seen her?

What do you see in her? Tell me!

-Are you blind? -Some things you can't see.

-Can't you see? -Of course not!

Otherwise I wouldn't ask! What do you see in her?

Well, he sees something he likes.

Some things you can't see with your eyes.

What made you fall for her?

She's got no taste, no class and no talent!

Vale's a very valuable person.

Stop it! You're making me blush.

Oh, please!

Don't be so humble! It's nauseating.

Stop insulting her!

What'll you do if I don't?

I know all about innocent-looking hags like you

who want to have it all!

I don't want anything.

Really? Then give me back my man!

He's the only thing I won't give you back.

He's mine.

Hey, I'm not some object. You can't fight over me.

I know you're not an object. You're an idiot!

I wish you'd died!

Knock on wood! Knock on wood!

Where's the salt?

That was bad. Knock on wood.

Jessica, you have to end this.

No, don't lecture me. Not now.

You can't keep lying to yourself and Diego.

If he loves you, he won't dump you.

That's the problem!

He doesn't love me.


-I'll make the milkshakes. -Okay.

Bro, I know it's hard, but you need to make peace with it.

I can't resist the thought of her being with someone else.

Then raise your kids, but stay with Adriana.

One has nothing to do with the other.

I couldn't do that to Jessica. She's a good person.

Besides, she wants a family.

-But you don't love her. -So I'll forget Adriana.

She's marrying Benicio anyway.

I don't want to add to your burden,

but forgetting Patricia has been tough for me.

Good luck.

Come in.

-Did you hear? -What are you doing here?

Lucas is alive.

He got off the plane in time.

That's great news.


We were very upset. Dad was really sad.

Of course.

Well, since no one died and no one's sad...

I know what you're going to say.

Is the wedding on?

If everything's ready, I want us to get married tomorrow.


He's gone. It's over.


Pas... Pascual!

I'm feeling much better.

Lucky me.

-I thought I was going to die. -So did I.

I was coming to tell you the doctor's almost here.

I don't need him anymore. I feel so much better.

Well... still...

he should check you.


Thank you so much for worrying about me.

You're welcome.

It's Quique.

He doesn't want us to be together.

-Really? -Yes.

That's why he sent me to Italy.

That and because I'm a great actor who'd make him look good.

I'm going to talk to him.


Let me handle this. Man to man.

What if he kills you?

You're right. This is organized crime.

We'll think of something.

The important thing is to work together.


Hey, champ!

It's good to see you.

You know, you're a big reason why I'm still alive.


How long will I have to wait to be free?

I trust you.

This is our prenup.

You'll only inherit when I die.

Will you sign it?

Of course I will.

And I hope you live a long time.

You know I'm not with you for your money.

I know, sweetheart. I know.

I'm going back.

Why didn't you get on the plane?

Um... well, my fans!

My fans and their love kept me from getting on that plane

and saved my life.

I want to thank all of you for loving me like I deserve.


Don't you think it's about time we lived our life together.

We are.

No, Eloli.

I want you to move in. I want us to live together.


I want your toothbrush next to mine and to share a closet.

So you didn't come back for me?

Vale, do you doubt me? Of course I came back for you.

Then why didn't you say that?

I couldn't.

Why not? Are you embarrassed?

Did you do it so the fans don't get jealous?

No, I did it to survive.

Quique's here somewhere listening to everything.

What are we going to do?

We have to make him think we're not together.

I don't believe him.

Good, he was lying.

Why'd he come back then?

For Vale.

That liar's going to pay.


I called you here to avoid making rash decisions.

Go ahead. Explain yourself.

I have a plan to separate Vale and Lucas forever.

We don't need to resort to violence, killing,

or any other of those messy things.


For more infomation >> La Fan | Capítulo 50 | Telemundo - Duration: 12:02.


Noticias Telemundo, 27 de marzo de 2017 | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 22:21.

For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo, 27 de marzo de 2017 | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 22:21.


Paper Airplane Paper - Origami BEST #origami - Duration: 10:51.

Paper Airplane Paper - Origami BEST #origami Wonder how to make a paper airplane (also called paper plane or paper aeroplanes), but you don't know how. I will show you step by step instructions of how to make a cool paper plane [origami airplane]. Now! let's learn how to fold a paper airplane and make it fly well.

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