Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily May 28 2017

New Giant Box Jurassic World Surprise Dinosaurs For Kids / T-Rex, Indominus Rex, Unboxing #7

all the dinos we're going to be unboxing

today some are not dinos but the

majority are so if you continue watching

we'll take a look at each one of these

and have a lot of fun

ok great to see you again another

awesome huge box of drastic world dinos


well actually Jurassic world Jurassic


I believe ahh like if they got some

apple in there some Safari limited so

quite a few dinos in here some of them

are gold and rare it's so hard totally

awesome ok let's open these up and check

them out ok guys so we have our park all

set up for our guests

we got the ten thousand volt fence all

around really nice serrated gates of

Jurassic Park are open and waiting for

our dinos hopefully we're not going to

have any thunderstorms and again knock

down that ten thousand volt cents or we

better run fast okay guys our first

guest it's a cool one this is a remote

control odd t-rex it's all rubber it's

from the lost world Jurassic Park

so let's check out what he can do so if

you push this button she opens her mouth

and she roars the other one she's

supposed to walk but uh so far she

doesn't walk anymore so she just moves

like side to side well I do like the

roaring I mean she opens her mouth way


check this up lost them and odd this

girl is all rubber very cool looking

that makes it look a lot more realistic

looking in I mean I really like the job

they did with the teeth and everything

and guys these dinos I'm showing you

I've done full reviews of pretty much

all of them unboxings and full reviews

so we're just taking a quick look at

them today but if you want to see the

unboxing go to the end of this video and

click on the Jurassic world playlist

okay so we're going to go ahead and set

her up there in the back of the park and

then our next one is another bitter cold

this is the Jurassic Park golfer t-rex

wow this one is cool guys you can't buy

this one this is a custom-made one

well actually sometimes they do show up

on eBay I bought this one on eBay the

golfer t-rex was a bull t-rex that never

came out so this artist painted it to

look exactly like that and it looks

really cool like I said I do got full

reviews of all of these so I went ahead

and set her up there and then our next

one is not a Dino but it did come in one

of the Dino set this is an Animal Planet

one you can still buy this one at Toys R

Us so this one is really cool

chest-pounding action the eyes light up

as you push the chest so I'm going to go

ahead and put Kong to the side here over


and then from Jurassic world I have the

original t-rex this was the first t-rex

that came out for Jurassic world it's

got a button on the back you push it and

it opens and closes this mouth no sound

or anything so this one was a very

simplistic looking so I'm going to go

ahead and set this one up in the back

coming out of the gates of trash park

and then our next toy was a fun one ah

these are Velociraptor claws ah

when I first got this I showed my kids

they got pretty scared of them so just

go ahead and put these things on to your

hands and got big ugly looking claws

Wow so they will even fit adults in so

I'm just going to I'm actually not going

to put these out here I don't really

have a place to put them and our next

Dino is from Power Rangers this is the

t-rex Zord which transforms into a

Megazord so you go ahead pop this off

it's got its actual head here inside its

body but you'd go ahead transform this

guy I do got full reviews of all of

those off you want to check out my Power

Rangers playlist I mean there was a lot

of them and they are awesome

I really like the Dino super charge

Power Rangers line I'm going to go ahead

and set this guy up here by the rock so

we have more room and then our next one

is another op Dino Power Rangers this is

a pop-up t-rex so you just transform it

like this and if you push down here on

its back it pops up into a t-rex of cool

ones back try that again so you just go

ahead and

push this guy down in lost love I'll go

ahead and set him there bicone and our

next one is a Playmobil Styracosaurus so

it's got an action feature and go ahead

and push it back and moves its head and

this one is really friendly looking I

like this one and says JW there so I'm

going to go ahead and set this guy up

here by the waterfall and our next one

is another one of the velociraptors

people love to hate this is Velociraptor

Delta and this was of course the one

that did not have the third claw so that

one is super disappointing if you want

to check out my playlist

check out the second and third

generation of the velociraptors that

have the third claw and they looked a

lot better okay then my next one is a

Lego Dino set this is a Tyrannosaurus

Rex and you could use this guy to make

these got three different dinos also of

Paris or losses a Spinosaurus and I ran

a store it so this one is really cool

I'd do got a full review of this one you

could check out either my lego playlist

or Maya Jurassic world playlist so that

one's a lot of fun and then here is a

second generation Velociraptor blue this

is one of the growler series because if

you push this button here it lights up

and she growls

and then her all action feature is if

you push the tail she swings her arms

back in course so you could have her

like attacking you could see JW and this

one they do have the third claw so they

did a much better job on these ones than

the first one I'm going to go ahead and

set her up there in the back by the

t-rex so she's actually sitting back

there trying to bite the t-rex that not

going to last very long and my next one

is a Nega Sarah talks I've done one of

these before and one of my boxes but

owes a blue one so this is a dark green

and like a brownish tan one action

feature if you push down the tail aw her

head pops in a knob she's got a big

wounds here Jurassic world Lego I'm a

Jurassic world logo so she is part

Triceratops parts megasaurus

the back of Pegasus the front is

Triceratops so this one is really cool

go ahead and set her up

over there and then my next one is a

Playmobil Velociraptor so if you push

down her back she does like Bob and push

your head forward to attack and I also

have another one both of these came in a

set this one is a green one with the

same action features so that is really

cool I'm going to go ahead and set one

here to the right and one here to the

left and next I have a drastic world

Dilophosaurus this one if you move her

head forward her frills pop off there so

she looks really cool there she's got a

wound here if you push she makes like a

squeaking noise and if you push down her

tail she like Bob's her head forward and


go ahead and set her up right here by

the waterfall okay and then here we have

a kind of weird one this is a drastic

world like a fuzzy

t-rex baby but it's an animatronic one

so if you put your hands in its mouth it

makes like chomping noises and it chews

your finger and it does feel very

realistic it's hilarious so we'll set

her up all the way in the back over here

but big t-rex that will be her mommy

okay then we got some braless ores these

guys are really cool all they sell like

a full battle set and everything oh you

got the indominus rex here I believe

this one's a Stegosaurus and a t-rex so

these basically you wind you wind these

up and you pick one of the symbols at

the bottom there's white slash or bash

and it works like rock-paper-scissors aw

like if you have like paper in rock

paper beats Rock so like slash would be

one of the other three not exactly sure

right now but ah so it's like rock paper

scissors and then you wind it up and

then you launch the two at each other

and there's magnets at the front so

they'll hit and attack each other and

depending on which one you picked will

be the one that wins so check this up so

that's a really cool set I got a full

review on that one also if you want to

check out my Jurassic world playlist so

I'm going to go ahead and set these guys

up here right by the Velociraptor

and then our next one is a Jurassic

world t-rex but this one is tiny but it

still has an action feature if you push

its tail it does chomp its mouth ah

sleeve yes it'll move its head up and to

the side so that is cool ah big wound

here on the side the arms move the legs

move so ah looks like we've got a lot of

t-rexes in this episode so I will set

this one up right over here and then our

next one is a hero masher Velociraptor

but I seem to have lost her legs so I'm

going to have to look for that but these

hero masher ones are a lot of fun

they brought quite a few of them out in

Jurassic world they all come apart and

you can switch out like the legs the

head the arms so you can make some

really freaky looking

hybrid dinos so these are a lot of fun

if you get a chance to check those out

and by the way guys Hasbro does lose a

license to these drastic world toys in

June so after June you're the only

places are going to be able to find

these is on ebay so the prices are going

to skyrocket but ah if you are

interested I got a link below the video

where you could purchase these on Amazon

ok the next I got a cool Playmobil

purple Velociraptor this was in a

limited edition set that was sold only

by Kohl's so that was a cool set a lot

of fun and we're going to go ahead and

set that one up right there and then our

next one is another Playmobil this is a

Jurassic world ahh

Triceratops so you can see the logo back

here this is a cool one doesn't really

have any action features but it does


funny-looking I do like that we will set

that one out here to the side and then

next I'm going to have some dinos from

patate but tap makes aw cool dinos you

can I believe find this one on Amazon if

you want to follow my Jurassic world

link and then just put in put that dinos

this is a Surratt asaurus so their dinos

are a pretty decently priced and they

have really good detail so I will go

ahead and put her over there and then

next I have another mitat one this is a

Stegosaurus except she seems to have a

spike coming here on the side so that is

kind of weird ah really cool looking

though once again Abbott app makes some

really nice dinos are similar in quality

to Slyke and Papo okay then next we have

alpha test direct asaurus so this one

almost looks like a juvenile one the

horn is not really big a really nice

coloring brown pin so I am really

impressed with sup attack dinos I mean I

liked them a lot

it got some really cool ones I know they

also sell them at Target but you

probably get the best price on Amazon

and then our next one is another pretend

I know this is our mega soros so this

one's really cool looking too big like

spikes here on his neck really colorful

looking Dino double row of spikes down

its back

dude I seem to be running out of room in

the park here and then I have an

animatronic Stegosaurus so this one's

really cool too she makes noise she

walks she walks actually really good

moving her head while she's walking so

it is it's a fun it's a fun toy between

uh almost like a mix between like a

remote-control and stuffed animal

because it is the body is like really

soft material but the inside

ah is like hard plastic so I'm going to

have to set her all the way to the side

here because I don't have room and then

for our last one I got a really cool

jurassic world indominus rex Peterbilt

truck so you can see it says Jurassic

world there you got the trailer with the

picture of the indominus rex on it and

this is a diecast metal vehicle so that

is really cool I really like this whole

block okay that is all the ones we did

today and if you enjoyed this video make

sure you click like the thumbs up button

under the video drop me a comment while

other Dino videos you want to see

because I'm always open to suggestions

and I have done a lot of videos based on

suggestions of my viewers and I just

want to thank you guys for viewing and

we're being awesome and if you are

interested in drastic world toys

check out my amazon link below the video

I am affiliated with them so I get a

small commission if you buy something

but it costs you the exact same amount

so you are getting awesome toys and

helping out my channel thanks a lot and


see you soon Wow guys that was a lot of

fun and if you enjoyed the video make

sure you click subscribe and thumbs up

button down below the video in today's

secret word is the word good put that in

the comment section down below the video

I'll know you remember my club look to

the video ends there's an awesome

incurred lot more fun with you click the

boxes below for a lot more fun videos

and if you want to see even more go

ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Giant Box Jurassic World Surprise Dinosaurs For Kids / T-Rex, Indominus Rex, Unboxing #7 - Duration: 19:30.


Oxford no-hitter streak ends at 4 - Duration: 0:41.


















For more infomation >> Oxford no-hitter streak ends at 4 - Duration: 0:41.


Pregnancy cravings - 10 Food Cravings While Pregnant - Duration: 4:22.

Pregnancy cravings are no joke — that uncontrollable urge to eat one very specific thing in mass

quantities is very real.

Being that crazy cravings hit 50 to 90 percent of pregnant women.

Some theories hold that there is also a wisdom of the body.

A craving for milk might mean you need calcium; a craving for fruit may signal a need for

vitamin C. In fact, fruit, milk, and milk products (as well as chocolate and salty snacks)

are the most common pregnancy cravings.

One thing we do know is that a woman's taste preferences change throughout pregnancy and

these changes may affect what she chooses to eat.

For example, moms-to-be tend to have a greater affinity for sweet foods (hello, chocolate!).

Scientists think this could be caused by an increased need for calories during pregnancy.

Number 1.


Some believe that a chocolate craving is attributed to a pregnant woman's increased caloric needs.

If you're craving chocolate, pass over the milk chocolate and reach for the dark stuff

— it will help satisfy your craving better, plus it's been shown to help improve heart

health and is loaded with antioxidants.

Number 2.


Pickles (along with olives and potato chips) are a typical craving culprit.

Increased blood volume raises a pregnant woman's need for sodium, making these salty foods

a common go-to.

Number 3.


A yen for sour foods often has pregnant women reaching for lemonade, limeade, or even raw


This craving has been found to be more prevalent in the second and third trimester, and some

think it's the body's natural way of getting a more varied diet (from the chocolate and

bacon, maybe?).

Number 4.


Eggs are a fantastic source of protein, which is one reason they might be a commonly craved


No matter how you eat them, just make sure the yolk and white are thoroughly cooked to

reduce the risk of salmonella.

Number 5.

Ice Cream.

Who wouldn't use an ice cream craving as an excuse to indulge?

Milk products in general usually top the pregnancy craving charts, most likely because of their

high calcium content.

If you find your ice cream consumption getting a little out of control, try switching to

chocolate milk, sherbet, or low-fat frozen yogurt.

Number 6.


It could be the body's need for calcium that has pregnant women reaching for the cheese.

Although it isn't a bad food to indulge in, too much of it can (sadly) lead to extra weight


Load up on calcium-rich veggies like leafy greens and broccoli to help balance it out.

Number 7.


The combination of protein and fat is what some believe makes bacon a crave-worthy food.

We think it's the simple fact that it's delicious!

Increasing healthy fats and lean protein might combat this craving, but in the meantime — bacon,

egg, and cheese sandwich, anyone?

Number 8.


Some think this craving could signal a need for vitamin C; others think it's the body's

way of trying to get some natural, healthy foods in your diet.

Either way, it's a good craving to have!

Just keep in mind that too much can lead to a spike in blood sugar, so try to balance

it out with some protein.

Number 9.

Chili Peppers.

Spicy foods, such as chili peppers, salsa, and cuisines known for fiery entrees are a

typical craving for many pregnant women, even those who aren't normally a fan of foods that

bring a tear to their eye.

It's fine to indulge this craving, just be aware that heartburn and indigestion might

be an unpleasant side effect.

Number 10.

Peanut Butter.

A peanut butter craving could signal a need for vitamin B or protein.

If you can't get enough, pair it with a healthier food (like apples) to help satisfy your need

without eating the entire jar.

Thanks for watching.

Like and share this video.

Don't forget to subscribe my channel for health updates.

For more infomation >> Pregnancy cravings - 10 Food Cravings While Pregnant - Duration: 4:22.


Veng Sikour - Marketing Strategy for Business | Success Reveal - Duration: 17:09.

Success Reveal

Marketing Strategy for Business

Veng Sikour

For more infomation >> Veng Sikour - Marketing Strategy for Business | Success Reveal - Duration: 17:09.


Bad Baby Crying And Learn Colors With Cars - Video for Kids Toddlers And Babies - Finger Family Song - Duration: 3:07.

Red color, red color, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Yellow color, yellow color, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Green color, green color, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Blue color, blue color, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Crying And Learn Colors With Cars - Video for Kids Toddlers And Babies - Finger Family Song - Duration: 3:07.


Phim hay - Phim hoạt hình - Quà tặng cuộc sống - Anh EM ► Phim hoạt hình hay nhất 2017 - Duration: 14:14.

For more infomation >> Phim hay - Phim hoạt hình - Quà tặng cuộc sống - Anh EM ► Phim hoạt hình hay nhất 2017 - Duration: 14:14.


Motu and Patlu are cleaning their bodies Coloring page [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:38.

Motu and Patlu are cleaning their bodies Coloring page [Youtube Channel For Kids] Videos with the following content: #color #coloring #coloringforkids #Motupatlu #MotupatluColoring Feel free to share, comment and subscribe to the youtube channel to watch upcoming videos. Thank you! Subscribe Channel: Playlist: Follow facebook: Follow Google plus: Follow blogspot: Wish you and your family a relaxing and happy time. Sincerely thank you for visiting my videos and YouTube channel.

For more infomation >> Motu and Patlu are cleaning their bodies Coloring page [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:38.


Motu and Patlu are attacked by giant birds Motu Patlu coloring [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:38.

Motu and Patlu are attacked by giant birds Motu Patlu coloring [Youtube Channel For Kids] Videos with the following content: #color #coloring #coloringforkids #Motupatlu #MotupatluColoring Feel free to share, comment and subscribe to the youtube channel to watch upcoming videos. Thank you! Subscribe Channel: Playlist: Follow facebook: Follow Google plus: Follow blogspot: Wish you and your family a relaxing and happy time. Sincerely thank you for visiting my videos and YouTube channel.

For more infomation >> Motu and Patlu are attacked by giant birds Motu Patlu coloring [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:38.


Motu and Boxer taking aerial photos by phone [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:48.

Motu and Boxer taking aerial photos by phone [Youtube Channel For Kids] Videos with the following content: #color #coloring #coloringforkids #Motupatlu #MotupatluColoring Feel free to share, comment and subscribe to the youtube channel to watch upcoming videos. Thank you! Subscribe Channel: Playlist: Follow facebook: Follow Google plus: Follow blogspot: Wish you and your family a relaxing and happy time. Sincerely thank you for visiting my videos and YouTube channel.

For more infomation >> Motu and Boxer taking aerial photos by phone [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:48.


Motu and Patlu are being attacked by bees Coloring page [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:48.

Motu and Patlu are being attacked by bees Coloring page [Youtube Channel For Kids] Videos with the following content: #color #coloring #coloringforkids #Motupatlu #MotupatluColoring Feel free to share, comment and subscribe to the youtube channel to watch upcoming videos. Thank you! Subscribe Channel: Playlist: Follow facebook: Follow Google plus: Follow blogspot: Wish you and your family a relaxing and happy time. Sincerely thank you for visiting my videos and YouTube channel.

For more infomation >> Motu and Patlu are being attacked by bees Coloring page [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:48.


Motu and Patlu are asleep Motu Patlu cartoon coloring [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:29.

Motu and Patlu are asleep Motu Patlu cartoon coloring [Youtube Channel For Kids] Videos with the following content: #color #coloring #coloringforkids #Motupatlu #MotupatluColoring Feel free to share, comment and subscribe to the youtube channel to watch upcoming videos. Thank you! Subscribe Channel: Playlist: Follow facebook: Follow Google plus: Follow blogspot: Wish you and your family a relaxing and happy time. Sincerely thank you for visiting my videos and YouTube channel.

For more infomation >> Motu and Patlu are asleep Motu Patlu cartoon coloring [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:29.


इस गाने को सुनकर रहस्यमयी तरीके से आत्महत्या कर रहे है लोग || GLOOMY SUNDAY suicidal song - Duration: 4:23.

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जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करे

For more infomation >> इस गाने को सुनकर रहस्यमयी तरीके से आत्महत्या कर रहे है लोग || GLOOMY SUNDAY suicidal song - Duration: 4:23.


If You Don't Do THIS Every Night, Your Face Will Age Sooner Than You Expect - Duration: 2:49.

If You Don�t Do THIS Every Night, Your Face Will Age Sooner Than You Expect

How many times have you felt too lazy to wash off your makeup before going to bed?

If you often choose not to go through this nighttime ritual, you should know that leaving

your makeup on overnight can bring more harm than you can imagine.

Bright Side came up with this list of 8 reasons why you should always wash off your makeup.



Preventing acne

If you think this problem occurs only in teenagers, you couldn�t be more wrong.

In fact, acne can make a comeback if you don�t wash your face.

Clogged pores usually lead to pimples and inflammation.

If you suffer or have suffered from acne, use special non-oily and easy-to-remove makeup

and a micellar water to wash it off.


Delaying the aging process

No, it�s not a myth.

It�s been scientifically proven that every night your skin regenerates itself.

If it�s not clean, it will age more quickly.

You won�t be able to avoid flaccidity, and premature wrinkles will appear sooner than

you can imagine.

A couple of minutes spent on this nighttime routine will help you stay young and beautiful.

It�s so worth it!


Nourishing your face Skin cells regenerate faster at night, so

help your skin with this process: remove makeup, and then apply an astringent and moisturizer

with antioxidants.

There�s nothing better than going to bed with a clean, refreshed face.

Also, remember that using high-quality makeup is vital for your skin to be healthy.

Poor- quality makeup can damage your skin and lead to serious problems.


Fighting allergies

Your skin may be prone to allergic reactions, even if you�ve never noticed any visible


Sleeping in your makeup can cause eczema and other serious health problems.

The symptoms don�t appear immediately, but if you don�t remove your makeup before sleep,

you�ll soon notice redness, burning, and itching.


Avoiding skin pigmentation

Have you ever noticed those dark spots on the face that some women can�t cover up

even with the best base available?

The appearance of such spots isn�t always related to frequent sun exposure or the aging


They can be the consequences of chronic allergic reactions if you don�t clean your skin properly.

Wearing your makeup overnight can actually cause some serious pigmentation disorders.

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