For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch
We now have more details about Google's rumored gaming venture.
Kotaku published a report Thursday in which five sources confirmed that the tech company
was developing a video game streaming service similar to GeForce Now.
Though there are still a lot of unanswered questions about the undertaking, insiders
told the publication that the platform would include some type of hardware that could rival
PlayStation and Xbox.
Sources also claim Google will attempt to join forces with game developers either through
aggressive recruiting or even major acquisitions.
The web giant is said to have met with a number of big-time gaming companies in recent months;
however, Google has not made an official announcement about the platform codenamed Yeti.
Kotaku also points to the ongoing issues with video game streaming, specifically the effects
of slow internet speed that make it difficult to download large chunks of gaming data.
Google's rumored platform may solve this problem by allowing the cloud "to pull the
This would also allow Google to offer a much more affordable, low-end console without sacrificing
the quality of the gaming experience.
There are also whispers that the service will be integrated with YouTube to assist those
who get stuck during a game.
Imagine you're playing a game and you run into a tricky boss or don't know how to
solve a puzzle.
Instead of opening up your laptop or checking your phone for a guide, you could press a
button to activate an overlay on your screen that cues up a YouTube walkthrough of the
game you're playing.
Rumors still, but worth keeping an eye on all the same.
That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube for Complex News, I'm
Hanuman Welch.
For more infomation >> Google Is Reportedly Developing a Video Game Service and Console - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
Tessa Thompson Opens Up About Her Sexuality for the First Time - Duration: 1:36.
Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.
///// Tessa Thompson opened up about her sexuality for the first time during a discussion with
The star of Westworld and the upcoming movie 'Sorry to Bother You' has had rumors circulating
about her and Janelle Monae for a while, but those rumors heightened when she starred as
Janelle's love interest in the emotion picture for 'Dirty Computer.'
Tessa told the publication,
I'm attracted to men and also to women.
If I bring a woman home, [or] a man, we don't even have to have the discussion.
That was something I was conscientious of in terms of this declaration around Janelle
and myself.
I want everyone else to have that freedom and support that I have from my loved ones
Thompson recognizes that her family being supportive of her sexual orientation is a
It's for that reason that she says she struggles with wanting to have privacy of their relationship
but also wanting to use their situation as platforms.
Janelle also had the same message during an interview that coincided with her cover for
Rolling Stone.
She said she dedicated to her newest album Dirty Computer to,
young girls, young boys, nonbinary, gay, straight, queer people who are having a hard time dealing
with their sexuality, dealing with feeling ostracized or bullied for just being their
unique selves.
Monae had repeatedly avoided mentioning Thompson directly in interviews, but Thompson did explicitly
name Monáe in the Net-a-Porter talk, even if she didn't outright define their relationship.
We love each other deeply, we're so close.
We vibrate on the same frequency.
If people want to speculate about what we are, that's okay.
It doesn't bother me.
The full interview is up on Net-a-Porter.
That's all for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe to Complex
on YouTube.
For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.
Tandoori Jackfruit Bao (Pao) | Vegan/Vegetarian Recipe - Duration: 11:00.
Alma: «Roger Federer ist überbewertet» | Festivalsommer 2018 - Duration: 1:52.
The home of KING KONG!! | TAM COC, NINH BINH - Vietnam - Duration: 13:14.
So, we've been in Ninh Binh for two days now and we haven't really done much
because, well there's not much you can do in this weather.
This weather is
It's not very cold. It's not rainy.
It's just boring.
It's the most boring weather I've seen in a long time and
it's actually been like this on an off the whole time we've been in Northern
It's cloudy, misty, foggy.
The visibility is not good so you can't
really get that nice shots
and well let me show you
This is what the
weather looks like.
So it's beautiful here in Tam Coc.
We just arrived here
We stayed in Ninh Binh in the city itself.
We've moved now to Tam Coc to stay here
We're not going to do the boat rides.
The reviews on these boat rides aren't
It is so touristy.
And not pricey but they push you for tips and food and
It doesn't sound like something I want to do.
You can see it looks very
beautiful but...
Just in the distance you can see it's, it's not clear weather and
with weather like this
there's not much you can do.
There's almost nothing you can do.
Well there is one thing you can do.
Maybe there's two things you can do but I can show you one of them.
And this is what it
looks like
Unique way of paddling with your feet
So, there you have it.
Even with bad weather it still looks beautiful.
Everybody's enjoying it.
So nice to walk around here.
You can actually rent a
bicycle and just cycle around or a scooter.
We're gonna try and do the
bicycle thing with the kids on the back.
The whole family on bicycles and we're
gonna go explore.
Megan, Kayla. Don't go into her
Are you going to follow me?
You're going to ride into me
Kayla, are you alright?
She ended up there in the bushes.
Well done, you jumped off
Are you still good to go?
We're back at the same spot
with bicycles
and it's quite nerve-wracking
Off the road twice.
Once in the paddy fields, other time in the bushes.
We've made it.
In one piece.
I'm not sure if I'm gonna go with daddy
because we tested, it feels a
little bit not lovely.
Oh! A big pig!
That's what you call a pig
That is so disgusting!
And it's quite noisy
Hello Piggles
Don't touch it!
Balancing and filming.
It can be disasterous
Everybody stress.
Daddy on a bicycle
Something I haven't done in a long time
But just look at this beauty.
It is absolutely beautiful.
There seems
to be a surprise here in front.
Maybe a viewpoint?
I don't know.
Just look here
No! I'm getting off of this thing!
Two hands help
The places we get to cycle!
Doesn't it make you jealous?
Get me off of this thing!
I can't stop
Oh I have no brakes
So the other side's quite interesting.
We have a
that goes through these like
swamps I don't know what do you call it.
But you
can see the line but it's connected.
So it's actually quite nice.
And here's the rowers again
And just around this corner
they go into a cave
Yes, this river is
very arrogant.
It doesn't go around the mountain it goes through the mountain!
Us again on this narrow road on a bicycle
trying to film
and that's how
the backside looks like
And I must focus on the front
So I can't look at you guys
Right, back.
No serious issues.
Just bumpy and rocky that's all.
Daddy, I really want my bike because daddy rides like a hooligan
Do I?
I ride so nicely.
No, you're riding like a hooligan.
I feel like an old man on this bike because I'm driving too slowly and too
Are you enjoying it at the back of the bicycle?
Yeah, because one plus one is two. Two plus two is four
That's a nice place to do
your math
Right on the back.
I know ten plus ten is twenty.
So we just got back from the bike trip and now
we're gonna go to eat and then we're gonna go to bed. The day after that I
mean tomorrow then we're gonna ride the bike. Then the day after that we're gonna
ride the bikes the bicycles again.
Now we are off to the restaurant and don't
forget to Like and subscribe
Our first night here at Tam Coc. We're gonna see what's out there.
Where we can go and eat
Melanie has found wine.
So after nine months of only drinking beer, a bottle of wine
would be fabulous.
It's almost like a alcoholic vinegar.
The last
glass of wine we had here.
But none the less. It's something else other than beer
There are a couple of restaurants.
A lot of them actually.
From what we've
been used to this is a good variety
But we have one in mind.
One specific one.
It's called The Sunflower restaurant.
Good reviews on TripAdvisor
So Tam Coc, very lively and nice at night.
Here's our restaurant. There's nobody here
This is what we are after
This lady played in the Kong movie.
She was one of the Village People I
And our little girls look like monkeys
And we are having beer. A beer and tea
What tea is this?
Tea Vietnam
Green tea
It's good for the health
Makes you sleep
Beer and tea
And we're having it with this gentleman
Hunting Half Dollars 2 Boxes, 2 Hunts! - Duration: 7:00.
Hey everyone, it's Rob with Rob finds treasure once again and we got our two boxes of
half's from the grocery store Bank and it looks like it's gonna be the
harrisburg rolls the NF String and sons so that's good you know I've had a struggle
with them in the beginning then they got hot for me now they're you know hit and
miss but I'll tell you I prefer the Loomis olive-colored
rolls the most and then these are my second favorite now I haven't looked at
the end of yet because I haven't opened them believe it or not I actually got
him in my car and didn't open him in my car I figured I would just drive home
and do it the old-fashioned way so that being said let's go ahead and
crack into this first one the box is kind of beat up here so hoping then we
got an ender but if not you know what hopefully got some burnt coins or
something that says it might be something kind of fun in here slide this
under the light hmm could just be the lighting yeah it's just the lighting I
don't see off the bat any Enders on this one to tell you the truth and so we'll
flip them around and see something that looks suspicious on the other end so
nothing screaming silver on this end a couple of odd colored ones but and I
marked up one but I don't see anything that says I'm solar for sure so we'll go
ahead and put this box back together and we'll check the second box see if we see
anything suspicious on the ends of that one get this one open now open it
towards me see if that turns the luck around
maybe glue on these sometimes it's just so much fun there we go alright few
marked coins we got the big T's up there and I've seen those around quite a bit
well I don't see anything that says I'm silver so let me flip these rolls around
and see if anything shows its face on the other side
well no obvious Enders we do have a stack of burnt coins up here which I like
seeing in these rolls and this one is a little suspicious not quite it has some
like white powdery stuff on it as well but man it it's the best possibility of
the bunch we're gonna leave it as it is alright guys that's the Box I like seeing
the burnt coins don't see any Enders what we'll do now is we'll start with
this roll and we'll loop you in if we find something or showing well
unfortunately that first box of halfs didn't contain any silver you know it wasn't
without without some finds though we did find five NIFC's and a couple more
bad shape 74 d double die obverses and it's crazy I find a lot of these and just to
remind everyone when you put it under the microscope here you're looking for
the doubling on the RUS and T and you can clearly see it here on the are you
also can find it on this this vertical line or this horizontal line on the four
right where it intersects the vertical line there's a double Seraph right there
and then the bottom of this T is doubled then you can see it in the s as well as
well as the u it's just in such bad shape but it's definitely a 74 DDO
just like the other one I'm just waiting to find that one that's in AUshape or
better and then I can send it in for grading outside of that we're gonna have
the second box and hope we can get some silver in that one well we just cracked
open the first roll of that box guys and you can tell by the edge right here it
was gonna be a proof or nifc and I just caught a little
glimpse of it now we've got a 73 s proof it's got some pretty good dings on it
doesn't it but it's a proof nonetheless and it puts us on the board with the
find I decided to wipe it down with a lint-free cloth guys and it actually is
pretty good it's got some scratches but those were dings those were just marks
rub marks so a lot better than I thought it was just wanted to point that out
yeah we'll put it back and get back to the hood very next roll roll number two
and I'm pretty certain leave another proof I have not looked yet figured I
would look with you guys but that's gotta be one it is not holy cow it's got
some scratches and it's not the best condition but holy cow that was uh
that's hardly been around at all all right we'll keep looking
well we're on the 35th roll guys and it looks like we finally got some silver
and it barely looks silver but it definitely looks different and it looks
more silver now 1968 denver awesome put that next to the proof that one from the
discard bin finish up the roll I'll tell you this roll looks tall guys I think
this roll and it's heavy I think this roll has one extra coin
it's definitely at least a coin taller than the rest so we're checking that out
shortly here yeah alright guys I'm on that tall roll before I open it I just
wanted to show you that a normal Harrisburg roll weighs about 226 look
at this rule 238 so average coin is about eleven point three grams so I
think it has an extra coin in it open it up see if there's any silver and if not
I'll count the coins and I'll let you know what I find out
I open it up there is no silver but if you count them there's twenty-one coins
so guess what we made 50 cents alright well we finished that second
box of halves and you know what it wasn't a skunking we got three finds it's kind
of a poor man's trifecta if you will got a 73 proof not in the best shape but not
in terrible shape either a 68 Denver Silver 40% and a 2007 nifc
3 finds I'll take them it's not a skunkin hopefully you enjoyed the hunt with me
guys if you did please give me a thumbs up and as always happy hunting and
thanks for watching
Cómoda - Luis Lay ft. El Bredda - Duration: 3:35.
لا تفشل ◆ ابحث عن التغيير ◆ كلام لايقدر بثمن للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 15:41.
[🔴LIVE] Next Stop, RAGE! (Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion #1) - Duration: 4:12:46.
Obama Warns Democrats Expecting a 'Blue Wave' in November - Duration: 4:26.
Obama Warns Democrats Expecting a 'Blue Wave' in November.
During a fundraiser in Beverly Hills, former President Barack Obama warned Democrats not
to think Congress will turn blue just because they wish it so.
Obama spoke at a $2,700-per-person fundraising event on Thursday, the Los Angeles Times reported.
Although most of the event was closed to the media, reporters were allowed to hear a political
discussion between Obama and Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez.
"I would caution us from extrapolating too much from a bunch of special elections and
starting to think that, 'OK, this will take care of itself.'
Because it won't," Obama said, characterizing the Republican approach to winning votes as
one based upon fear.
It would be a mistake, he added, to "go back to business as usual" or assume momentum
from those races will carry Democrats through November.
Traditionally, the midterm elections that come two years after a president is elected
result in a loss of seats for the president's governing party.
That has led Democrats and pollsters to predict a number of "blue wave" scenarios including
Democratic majorities in the House or Senate, both of which are under GOP control.
However, as the elections begin to appear on the radar screen of average Americans,
and not just political insiders, that view is evolving.
"Well, I think if you looked six months ago, you would say it was doomsday for the
Republicans with the Republican down in the 30s, showing a double-digit lead for Democrats,"
said Real Clear Politics senior elections analyst Sean Trende this week on "Fox and
"But that's just not the world we're in today.
The president is up into the low to mid 40s, and his job approval, the generic ballot has
closed to a four-point lead for the Democrats, so I think we've gone from Democrats being
heavy favorites to take the House to something of a dead heat and maybe a thumb on the scale
for the Republicans," he said, according to Real Clear Politics.
Trende said GOP success, even in traditionally blue states such as California, is "a real
concern for the Democrats."
"They have this top two primary system where everyone runs in the same race, and the top
two make it to the election.
There's a lot of Democrats running, they could divide the democratic vote, and you
could end up with two Republicans in the general election shutting the Democrats out, which
is sort of a nightmare scenario for Democrats," he said.
However, two years after polls were resoundingly off in their predictions, one voice said it
is too early to make accurate guesses.
"Let's pour a little water on the hot takes.
The generic House ballot seems to have improved for the Republicans … although this average
is driven largely by a few polls that have been bouncing around a lot," said Patrick
Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, according to Vox.
A generic ballot is one in which voters are asked to compare an unnamed Democrat running
for office with an unnamed Republican.
"In reality, the generic ballot has been pretty stable since March but is significantly
worse for Democrats than where it was at the start of the year," he said.
"The Democrats are not in the same enviable position they were five months ago, but that
doesn't mean we have any idea what the next five months will bring."
President Donald Trump has publicly scoffed at the "blue wave" theory.
"We must elect more Republicans, we have to do that.
And the problem is in the Senate, we have 51.
We don't have enough," Trump said in North Dakota on Wednesday, citing Tuesday's primary
elections, according to The Daily Caller.
"Their blue wave is really sputtering pretty badly.
The red wave is happening — just look what happened last night."
In his pep talk to Democrats, Obama noted one fundamental political truth.
"I'm giving you the executive summary: Vote.
Get involved," he said.
"And do not wait for the perfect message, and don't want to feel a tingle in your
spine because you're expecting politicians to be so inspiring and poetic and moving.
Politics, like life, is imperfect.
But there is better and there is worse."
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Restaurant manager fired after refusing to serve customer wearing MAGA hat - Duration: 2:17.
Restaurant manager fired after refusing to serve customer wearing MAGA hat.
The manager of a popular restaurant in Vancouver, Canada, was fired after he told a customer
to remove his "Make America Great Again" cap or he would refuse to serve him.
Darin Hodge, the former manager of the Teahouse in Stanley Park, told Global News he stood
by his decision to ask the man to take off the cap saying the hat represented "racism,
bigotry, Islamophobia, misogyny, white supremacy, (and) homophobia."
"As a person with a strong moral backbone, I had to take a stand against this guest's
choice of headwear while in my former place of work.
Absolutely no regrets," he said in a written statement to Global News.
The hats were made popular during Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.
Eva Gates, of the Sequoia Group which owns the Stanley Park Tea House, confirmed to Global
News that the incident happened on Tuesday.
"A gentleman came in wearing a hat that was a 'Make America Great Again' hat,
and our manager went up to the gentleman and asked him to take off his hat, that he wouldn't
serve him with that hat on," she said.
"And the gentleman said that he had a right to wear that hat.
And [the manager] refused to serve him if he wouldn't take off his hat, and so the
customer had to leave," she continued.
The company called Hodge a "good person with a big heart and a right to his personal
beliefs," but he was terminated for "violating the company's philosophy of tolerance."
The staff told CBC News that Hodge was employed with the restaurant for about 18 months.
Last week, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her family were booted from the
Red Hen in Lexington, Va., after the owner of the establishment told her to leave because
she worked for President Trump.
"Her actions say far more about her than about me," she tweeted.
"I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will
continue to do so."
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Working X-RAY Scanner APP for Android !! **Turn on CC** - Duration: 1:06.
The Free Version of the Android App Can only scan the palm and not full hand.
"App seems to be working fine"
The premium version of app is capable to scan an image even through a screen
because x-rays are also photons of particular wavelength, so it just works through screen :P
Oh NOOooo !!!!
Just Subscribe !!! :D
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