Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily Jun 29 2018

-Do you still do karaoke? -I do karaoke all the time.

Yeah. -You still do?

-Oh, yeah. I've actually -- I have a workout room that

I don't always work out in.

-Yeah, of course. Yeah, yeah. -So I've turned it

kind of into a karaoke room now. -Fun.

-Yeah. My friend and manager got me a karaoke machine,

and so on any given -- any given Sunday --

[ Laughter ] -You'll just get up there

and do it? -It's not football for me.

-What's your jam? What do you do?

-Oh, I'll do -- I'll do anything.

Right now I'm kind of into harmonizing.

There's a friend of mine that I sing with,

and she's a professional singer. She's amazing.

Her name is Joy Downer. -And she can harmonize anything?

-Yeah, she can do anything. -Yeah.

-She's amazing. But we've started singing

"Mr. Brightside," which is really fun.

[ Laughter and applause ] -The Killers?

-By The Killers.

-The Killers, with harmony in it?

-With harmony. Yeah. -Hey, not bad!

-It's really fun.

-Next time you come on, let's do that.

-Let's do it. Can it be acoustic?

-Yeah, let's go for it, right?

-And let's do the whole thing and we'll bring Joy.

-Yeah, bring Joy! -She's amazing!

-We always bring joy every night.


-But now we'll actually bring Joy.

-You'll actually bring Joy. Yeah.

[ Cheers and applause ] -Congrats...

-Thank you. -...on "Sharp Objects."

This is an HBO limited series. -Yes, sir.

-It's an eight-part series.

How did you get involved with this?

You're actually producing it, too.

-I am. I was really lucky.

I was working on "Arrival", and they sent me the script.

And I was familiar with Gillian's Novels, which...

-Oh, yeah. -...have really complicated --

-Whoo! -Right? So amazing,

female heroines and they're -- they kind of come across

as anti-heroes, but they're really complicated

and interesting and dark, and I was really attracted to it.

-"Gone Girl" was like my jam. -Yeah.

-For forever. Yeah. -Right?

-I was so late to the party on that.

-Really? -I was. But I was like --

-No, because it's so good. -I was reading it two years

after everyone else read it.

I'm like, "Have you guys heard of --" and like, yeah.

Where have you been for two years?

-So good. -Phenomenal.

-Phenomenal. So, yeah, so I met with them,

and they sort of offered me a producorial role,

which has been amazing, because I get to use my mom voice.

-As a producer? -As a producer. Yeah.

-Like, how would you do it? -Yeah, I kind of feel like me

as a producer and me as a mom are very similar.

-Really? -Like, I'm very compassionate,

but very firm. You know? -Oh, interesting.

-Yeah. -Like, how would you

tell somebody, like, they're doing something

that they shouldn't be doing. -That is a really good effort.

I think maybe we should put our energy elsewhere.

[ Laughter and applause ]

You compliment them first. -That was perfect.

-You've got to lead with a --

you got to lead with the validation.

But I use my mom voice in weird places, like,

on the red carpet, I used my mom voice recently.

-You did? [ Laughter ]

-One of the photographers likes to swear.

I don't know why she's so angry.

But she's always like, "Effing this and effing that."

And I'm like, "We do not swear on the red carpet."

[ Laughter ]

-"We don't do that here."

-And it's always the "we," you know?

-Yeah, "We don't do that in our house."

-We don't -- On this red carpet, we don't swear.

-We don't swear. We don't do this.

[ Laughter ] -And then I'm like,

"Oh, my gosh, I'm so nerdy." I love it.

-Do you do that with your daughter, as well?

-I do. You know what's funny

with my daughter is I use that sort of like --

the pronouns are interesting.

So I don't know if I got used to referring to myself as mommy

to her, but a couple weeks ago, she's 8.

I was talking to her and I was asking for forgiveness

because I had lost my patience. -Yeah.

-And I was like, "Mommy is sorry.

Mommy didn't get a lot of sleep last night."

And she goes,

"Why are you preferring to yourself in the third person?"

[ Laughter ] -Yeah, she's like --

-She's 8, and I was so proud of her.

-How smart is that? -I was like,

"Oh, you know third person!" -Yeah.

Who knows third person at 8 years old?

-But at the same time I'm like,

"Why am I referring to myself in the third person?

Because Amy is tired."

[ Laughter ]

"Amy works too much."

-Mommy works too much. -Yeah.

-Mommy is tired. Somebody has to go to bed now.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Exactly.

Mommy goes to bed. Anyway.

-When you do this,

you also got involved with the auditions, as well.

-I did. I loved it.

-Do you remember auditioning for stuff --

-Oh, yeah. Can you remember?

-I hated it. -You hated it?

-I think it's one of the worst things ever.

-Yeah. -Just -- oh.

I really dreaded going in.

I dreaded the -- I was so nervous.

-Yeah. -And so much rejection.

-So much rejection. -Oh, it's just --

-I kind of loved it. I have, like --

-Really? -I did.

I kind of started treating it as an acting class,

and so I would, like, try new things in there and I would,

like, dress up and -- -You would dress up?

-I would dress up. I think it's --

-I know those people. -Yeah.

-That dress up, yeah. [ Laughter ]

No, I was not one of the dress up people.

-Oh, yeah, you were not. You were not a dress up --

-No, I only had one outfit in my name.

I couldn't afford -- -Exactly.

-I'm like, "This is all you got, man."

-That is amazing. Now my wardrobe, I was, like,

anywhere from, like, hooker to lawyer.

-There you go. Really? -I, like, had everything

in between, and I could sing the coordinating song

that went with it. [ Laughter ]

You know... -Did you like --

you told me that you used to do, like, fake steering wheels

when you were during a driving scene audition?

-Yeah, like, I would be like,

"Listen, Jimmy, I mean, we've had a really hard day

and I just -- [ Laughter ]

And so it took me a long -- -You're like -- like,

are you driving or milking a cow?

You're like, "I have no idea, but, Jimmy, I -- look.

We got to get this milk out to the dairy.

[ Laughter ] We got to make our money."

-See? I wasn't good at it.

This is why I didn't work until I was 30, you know?

-I like the character you play in "Sharp Objects."

Dark, though -- -Very dark.

-Troubled character. -She's troubled. I like her.

-Yeah! -I do. Yeah.

-She's kind of a drinker. -Yeah.

-What did you do to unwind from that?

-I drank. [ Laughter ]

-Yeah, you actually drank. -Well, it was kind of amazing.

I said this earlier, and I was like,

I hope this is appropriate,

but, like, I would fake drink all day,

and it was kind of like foreplay for, like, when I got home

and then I could have a real drink.

[ Laughter ]

So by the time I got home and I could actually have

a gin and tonic it was -- I know that sounds --

but I drank so much on the set. Like, so much.

-What was it like, O'Doul's or something or like --

-Coca-Cola with water. -Wow!

-Whatever. -It had to look like a drink.

-Kool-Aid. -'Cause you can't drink.

-Yeah. And then O'Doul's,

and we did O'Doul's on a outdoor set

when it was about 97 degrees, so I was like bread.

I just, pffffff.

[ Laughter ] -You were just rising?

-I was rising. -Yeah.

-As the temperature rose, so did I.

-Yeah, so did you. -Yeah.

For more infomation >> Amy Adams Uses Her "Mom Voice" on Red Carpets and the Sharp Objects Set - Duration: 5:47.


Lip Flip with Amy Adams - Duration: 4:29.

-Thank you, Jimmy. I know that you're interviewing me,

and you are doing a really good job.

-Thank you.

-But I would also like to interview me.

-I think I know what you're talking about, Amy.

And I have a way to make that happen.

It's time for "Lip Flip."

[ Cheers and applause ]

-♪ It's the lip flip ♪

♪ When you flip your lip ♪

♪ It's a lip flip, yea ♪

-♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

-Hey, yo, yo, yo, yo!

Hey, yo!

[ Laughter ]

I'm Amy Adams, America's sweetheart.

I'm starring in the new show called "Sharp Objects."


Speaking of sharp objects,

here's what I sound like when I step on one.

I'm like, "Yee, yee, yee, yee! Yee, yee, yee!

Oh! Oi! Ohh! Yeeeee!"

[ Laughter ]


I only like soft objects like big squishy marshmallows.

[ Laughter ]

'Cause they make the cutest sounds.

When you squeeze them, they're like "Kwee, kwee, kwee!

Pew, pew, pew. Bweep, bweep, bweep!"

Then you can eat them.

[ Gobbles ]

[ Laughter ]

-Yum, yum, yum!

[ Laughter ]

That sounds so good in my tummy!

[ Laughter ]

Hey. Hey.

[ Laughter ]

Hey. Okay.


There you go.


My mouth just got smaller.

[ Laughter ]

Want to, uh --

Want to know what I'm doing for the 4th of July, y'all?

[ Laughter ]

I'm gonna ride a huge roller coaster.

And when it starts going up real high, I'm gonna be like,


Aah! Oh-ho-ho! Wow! Wow! Wow!

Wow, wow, wow!

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Totally! I'm like, "Aaaaah"

And then, right when it hits the top, I'm like,

"Aaaaah. Aaaaaaaaah!

[ Laughter ]

[ Laughter, cheers, applause ]

-Yeah, that's right!

When I hit the top, I'm like, "No, please, no!


-I know. And I'm all like, "Wait, no."

And then I'm like -- And then, it plummets,

and then, we're both like

[ Both screaming ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Hey! Hey, hey, hey!


You've got some pipes on you.

Would you mind singing something for us?

-Well, sure.

Just let me do a quick vocal warm-up.

Six slim slender sticks. Six slim slender sticks.

See mum mi mi mum, mi mum mo mo mum mum.

[ Gibberish ]

Okay. Br-br-br-aah! I'm ready.

Um, what song should we sing?

-You're a big fan of "Grease" right?

-I am! [ Laughter ]

Roots, give me a note!

[ Chord plays ]


♪ It turned colder ♪

♪ That's where it ends ♪

-♪ So I told her we'd still be friends ♪

-♪ Then we made our true love vow ♪

[ Cheering ]

-♪ Wonder what ♪

♪ She's doing now ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-♪ Summer dreams ♪

♪ Ripped at the seams ♪

♪ B-u-ut ♪

[ Grunts ]

[ Laughter ]

♪ Those summer nights ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

♪ Wah ♪

♪ Wah, ooh, yeah ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-[ Laughing ]

That's all the time we have for "Lip Flip"!

My thanks to Amy Adams!

For more infomation >> Lip Flip with Amy Adams - Duration: 4:29.


Potential SCOTUS Nominee, Cottage Cheese Comeback - Monologue - Duration: 7:08.

-Let's get to some news here. Today it was announced

that President Trump and Vladimir Putin will have

a one-on-one meeting next month in Finland.

Trump's excited because he thinks Finland is

Europe's version of SeaWorld.

He's like, [ As Trump ] "I want to see Shamu.

It's like Shark Week every week."

[ Laughter ]

[ Normal voice ] I saw that Trump is also scheduled

to visit the UK in two weeks.

Which means he's got 14 days to learn how to speak English.

And, uh, it's gonna be tricky.

[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

But Trump's already been doing some traveling.

He did a rally in North Dakota last night.

And at one point, he brought Congressman Kevin Cramer up

to the stage. They gave each other a hug,

kind of -- it was a little awkward.

Watch this.

-Welcome to North Dakota!

[ Cheers ]

[ Laughter ]

-I think Trump owes that guy $130,000.

-Well -- -I'm just saying.

He's got a case. -Yeah.

-He's got a case.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Hey, hey, hey!

The big story is still the Supreme Court.

I read that before announcing his retirement,

Justice Anthony Kennedy met with Trump for half an hour.

Actually, he wasn't planning to retire, but after 30 minutes

with Trump, he was like, "I've got to get out of this town.

I've had enough. I'm gonna retire.

I'm good."

[ Applause ]

Did you see this? While Trump was talking

to reporters about Anthony Kennedy, for a second

it seemed like he forgot Kennedy's last name.

Take a look at this.

-A man I also have great respect for, Justice Anthony --

you know who I'm talking about.

Justice Kennedy will be retiring.

[ Laughter ]

-[ As Trump ] "He did a great job serving the United States

of -- you know what I'm talking about, of course.

[ Laughter and applause ]

The United States of America. That's it."

[ Normal voice ] Some controversy here.

A little con-troversy. -Ooh.

-Yeah, a little con-troversy, as they say in the UK.

-You think? -Yeah.

Republican Senator Mitch McConnell wants the Senate

to vote on Trump's Supreme Court pick,

even though he refused to hold a vote on Obama's nominee.

When they heard that, Democrats were like, "Mitch, please."

[ Laughter and applause ]

But now that Kennedy is retiring, there's lots of talk

about who his replacement will be, and some people are worried

that Trump will pick a judge who isn't qualified.

Well, we wanted to talk to one of Trump's potential nominees

for the role, so please welcome Judge Fran Watts.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Yeah. Hi, Jimmy.

As you can see, I am a judge.

-Yeah, well, we're very happy to have you here, Judge Watt.

Now, people are obviously very curious about how you would

address some serious issues.

So I would like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind.

-I've never wanted to do anything more in my life.

-Okay. First question.

Do you believe that the Constitution is

a living document, and if so, how should a judge determine

what new rights to create and what laws passed by the people

must be cast aside?

-I actually stopped listening after you said living document,

because I was so disgusted by the idea of, like,

a little piece of paper with arms and legs.

It's so perverse, just crawling around like a little ferret.

You know? -No, that's not what I --

That's not what -- all right, next question.

-Okay. -Do you believe that judges

should rely on international law

to interpret the U.S. Constitution?

-I don't -- I'm not familiar with international law,

but I am familiar with maritime law.

[ Laughter ]

One time, I went on a Princess cruise,

and I became a new woman.

I mean, I became so body-positive.

You know, I barely use towels anymore.

[ Laughter ]

-Okay. Last question.

Are you doing all right, by the way?

-You know, I feel good right now,

but I'm going to watch this later and be horrified.


Last question -- If a case presents a closed question where

the substantial potential right is at stake, should a judge err

on the side of recognizing the right,

or allow the democratic process to decide the question?

[ Laughter ]

-I mean, decide the question.

You know what, I decide that question is confusing.

[ Laughter ]

Very confusing. Listen, I mean, I just want

this job, you know? -You really do.

-If I can't be a Supreme Court Justice,

I've got to go back to Yarn Barn.

[ Laughter ]

-Thank you very much, Judge Watts.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Band plays ]

Back to Yarn Barn. -Yarn Barn.

-Guys, I read that it is National Handshake Day.

[ Audience ohhs ]

And there's really only one way to celebrate --

by taking a look back at some of the President's best handshakes.

Watch this.

[ Music plays ]

[ Laughter ]

[ Laughter and applause ]

Oh, my goodness.


-Oh, this is crazy. This week, a man in boxers

shut down part of an L.A. freeway after

he climbed an exit sign, hung political banners, vaped,

danced, and shouted from a bull horn.

He's already being described as the Democrats' best hope

in 2020. It's very interesting.

[ Laughter and applause ]

I just read a "New York Times" article that says cottage cheese

is trying to make a comeback after spending so long living

in yogurt's shadow.

[ Laughter ]

The cottage cheese industry released a new promo,

but I think they might have overdone it.

Check this out.

-[ Shouting ] What's up, America?

You like yogurt, but wish it had more lumps?

'Cause there's a new dairy product

that's sweeping the nation!

It's cottage cheese, and it's a milky sensation!

Calcium, iron, and vitamin A!

Cottage cheese, it's gonna slay all day!

Dannon, Yoplait, Activa!

[ Sound of bomb falling ]

[ Bleep ] That!

So roll on up to your local dairy section and get some

chunky curds, you funky turds!

Cottage cheese, from the cow's teat to your mouth!

[ Mooing ]


-It's too extreme.

[ Cheers and applause ]

That is too extreme. -The Cottage Cheese Council

made that? -Yeah, too extreme, I thought.

Guys, listen to this, a celebrity dermatologist says

the trend of big butts is on its way out.

[ Audience ohhs ]

When reached for comment, Sir Mix-A-Lot was like --

I hate this news, and I cannot lie.

[ Applause ]

I hate --

Finally, scientists say drinking beer after a workout can make

your next workout more difficult.

[ Laughter ]

So do the smart thing, and don't work out.

We have a great show tonight. Give it up for The Roots!

For more infomation >> Potential SCOTUS Nominee, Cottage Cheese Comeback - Monologue - Duration: 7:08.


Team Korea arrive home after rollercoaster World Cup campaign - Duration: 0:41.

The South Korean national football team have returned home after their rollercoaster of

a World Cup campaign in Russia.

They got a warm welcome Friday afternoon from the fans and reporters waiting for them at

Incheon International Airport.

Team Korea failed to move past the group rounds, having lost against Sweden and Mexico, but

in the eyes of many they won some redemption with a stunning 2-nil upset against defending

champions Germany in the final match of Group F.

Some of the players will get some much needed rest before reporting back to their own respective

club teams, while others will prepare to join the under-23 team for the Asian Games in Jakarta

in August.

For more infomation >> Team Korea arrive home after rollercoaster World Cup campaign - Duration: 0:41.


RHA MA390 UNIVERSAL: In-Depth Review & Buying Guide - Duration: 3:03.

Hey Guys! This is Raghav here

from Headphone Zone.

Today I'm here to talk to you about

the RHA MA390 Universal in-ear headphones

and for those of you who aren't familiar

RHA is a high end audio brand

from Scotland and they are known for making

some outstanding in-ear headphones

across various price points.

390 Universal is their entry level product

and is priced at just under ₹2,000

here in India.

I'm going to talk to you about

5 reasons why I think

the 390 Universal is the most compelling

product under ₹2,000 that you can buy

If you're looking for an in-ear headphone.

First, the earphones are made almost entirely

of aircraft grade aluminium

Its really built like a tank

and durability is always been RHA's forte.

The earphones are shaped almost like an inverted

trumpet and this really is what RHA believes

makes the music sound a lot more natural and life like

and they call the design an 'Aerophonic' shape.

Number 2

RHA has made these earphones to really work along

with your smartphone,

so they have included 1-button remote and a microphone

in the wire itself

this really makes the earphone universally compatible

virtually all the smartphones out there

and extremely convenient to both pickup and drop calls

and speak into them while you're on the move.

Number 3

RHA has really put a lot of thought in designing

its cable really well.

The bottom half of the cable

uses a fabric braided design and that really helps

to keep the earphones both tangle free

and extremely durable against any kinds of cuts

and tears.

The top half of the cable on the other hand

has a soft rubber sheathing

and they have done this intentionally

to make sure there's very little microphonic

disturbance especially when you're gonna be using

to pickup and drop calls.

Number 4

The RHA 390 Universal sound absolutely fantastic.

They've got what you call a warm and smooth sound signature

There's lots of bass added to this to make

the music both fun and enjoyable.

Now most audiophiles may not like that

but you'll find that as an entry level

offering, this is really a earphone made to

please the crowd and most people who enjoy

a little bit of bass in their music, will find these

sounding absolutely phenomenal.

They have also rolled off the treble on these earphones

so you find that especially if you're gonna be using

these earphones for a long periods of time

they're not gonna fatigue your ears

and its gonna sound a lot more enjoyable

and comfortable.

Number 5 and the most impressive part

of these earphones is that they

come with a phenomenal 3 year warranty

that means if anything goes wrong with these

earphones over the next 3 years

RHA's got your back,

and its hard to find any earphone

at any price point that offers

this kind of a warranty and confidence

behind the product

and for an entry level product

I think its absolutely phenomenal.

Thank you so much for watching guys

I hope this video's been helpful.


For more infomation >> RHA MA390 UNIVERSAL: In-Depth Review & Buying Guide - Duration: 3:03.


S. Korean inspectors return from N. Korea's Mt. Kumgang - Duration: 0:44.

A group of South Koreans have returned from the North this afternoon after a three-day

trip to prepare for reunions that'll be held in August for families separated by the Korean


They inspected the Mount Kumkang resort, which will be the venue for the reunions, as agreed

last Friday by both sides' Red Cross organizations.

The team was led by Kim Byung-dae, who heads the humanitarian cooperation bureau of South

Korea's unification ministry.

With him were 20 people, including staff from the South Korean Red Cross and technicians.

They inspected the meeting rooms, hotels, rest areas, the fire station and the electricity


South Korea will start renovating the facilities in July or August.

For more infomation >> S. Korean inspectors return from N. Korea's Mt. Kumgang - Duration: 0:44.


An epic conversation with Sanjay Dutt on the success of 'Sanju' - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> An epic conversation with Sanjay Dutt on the success of 'Sanju' - Duration: 2:35.


Daily Rasi Phalalu 30th june 2018| Online Jathakam Telugu Astrology |Horoscope | Sri Telugu Astro - Duration: 30:45.

subscribe & share

For more infomation >> Daily Rasi Phalalu 30th june 2018| Online Jathakam Telugu Astrology |Horoscope | Sri Telugu Astro - Duration: 30:45.


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to visit Pyongyang next week: report - Duration: 1:40.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will reportedly fly over to Pyongyang next week.

Despite it coming later than first expected, the Trump administration is hoping it can

keep pressure on North Korea to speed up the denuclearization process.

Cha Sang-mi reports.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will reportedly visit North Korea next week, according to

the Financial Times.

Citing four unnamed U.S. officials,... the newspaper on Thursday said Pompeo has cancelled

a planned July 6th meeting with his Indian counterpart in Washington... in order to fly

to Pyongyang.

The officials added that the joint declaration signed by U.S. President Donald Trump and

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on June 12th,... stipulated that Pompeo would hold "follow-on"

talks with an unnamed senior North Korean official "at the earliest possible date",...

but had given no timeline.

The visit will be the first senior-level meeting between the two sides since that historic

summit in Singapore.

The U.S. State Department wouldn't confirm the Financial Times' report.

Pompeo traveled to North Korea twice before the Singapore summit, the most recent in May,

when he returned to the U.S. with three American hostages who had been detained in the North.

The report comes after Pompeo testified to the Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday,

where he stated that contacts with North Korea are ongoing,... with him in charge of the


Pompeo said he was sure the regime knows the scope of denuclearization the Trump administration

is calling for.

He had also confirmed that no remains of U.S. soldiers killed during the Korean War have

been handed over by the North, but said he was optimistic they will be "in the not too

distant future."

Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to visit Pyongyang next week: report - Duration: 1:40.


UN Command and U.S. Forces Korea Command open their new headquarters at Camp Humphreys - Duration: 3:54.

Here in South Korea, United Nations Command... and U.S. Forces Korea have a new headquarters.

They'll be leaving the base they've used for decades in central Seoul... and relocating

to Camp Humphreys... south of the capital in Pyeongtae, Gyeonggi-do Province.

Our Park Ji-won was at the new headquarters' opening ceremony this morning.

The UN Command and U.S. Forces Korea held a ceremony Friday morning to officially open

their new headquarters at Camp Humphreys in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do Province,.... some

70 kilometers south of Seoul.

Hundreds of key military officials,... including South Korea's defense minister Song Young-moo

and the Commander of UN Command and U.S. Forces Korea General Vincent Brooks,... attended

the ceremony.

"The current turning point on the Korean peninsula is the result of the ROK-U.S. alliance,...

a win without fighting,... through overcoming lots of difficulties.

In this new era, troops of the UN Command and U.S. Forces Korea stationed in Pyeongtaek

will assume new missions that contribute to the peace and stability of the Korean peninsula

and the world, as a stabilizing presence in Northeast Asia."

"Today marks a historic milestone in the history of the United Nations Command which began

in 1950, and the history of the ROK-U.S. alliance.(...)

The UNC continues to be the home for the international commitment with the mandate to restore peace

and security in the defense of the Republic of Korea.

USFK will remain the living proof of the American commitment to the alliance."

General Brooks also expressed gratitude towards the South Korean government's financial contributions

in building the complex.

"This was a project that cost nearly 10.8 billion US dollars to build over 10 years.

The Republic of Korea's investment was over 90 percent of the cost, and for that 90 percent,

the United States remains with you 100 percent."

South Korean President Moon Jae-in also sent a congratulatory message,... read out by his

security aide Lee Sang-chul during the ceremony.

In the message, President Moon stressed the ROK-U.S. alliance has been the foundation

of not only the peace and stability of the Korean peninsula,... but also the democratization

and economic development of South Korea,... and he hoped that the ROK-U.S. alliance becomes

a 'great' alliance,... beyond the current military and comprehensive alliance.

The new base covers over 14 square kilometers, or some 3560 acres.

When complete,... it will contain military facilities, schools, hospitals and even golf


"This is the largest overseas U.S. base in the world, currently accommodating some 23

thousand people, including U.S. military officials and their families,.. and the base is expected

to grow to some 43 thousand people by 2022."

With the relocation,.. the United Nations Command and U.S. Forces Korea are leaving

Yongsan,... their home for the past six decades,... and plan to complete their move to Camp Humphreys,...

by the end of this year.

Meanwhile, the ROK-US Combined Forces Command will relocate to a building inside South Korea's

defense ministry in central Seoul by the end of the year.

Park Ji-won, Arirang News, Pyeongtaek.

For more infomation >> UN Command and U.S. Forces Korea Command open their new headquarters at Camp Humphreys - Duration: 3:54.


Papaya - El Viento (Audio) - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Papaya - El Viento (Audio) - Duration: 3:21.


S. Korea's overall industrial output rises 0.3% in May - Duration: 1:45.

South Korea's overall industrial output went up in May from the previous month, a sign

of a growing economy.

But businesses are still pessimistic about the near future.

Won Jung-hwan reports.

Industrial production in May increased by 0-point-3-percent from the previous month.

According to data by Statistics Korea on Friday,…

South Korea's industrial output increased in May from a month earlier on the back of

a rise in production in the automobile and telecommunication sectors.

But retail sales fell for the second month in a row, dropping by one-percent due to sluggish

sales in the domestic automobile sector.

The equipment investment index in May also fell by 3-point-2-percent from the previous

month, and 4-point-1-percent from the same period last year.

And businesses have a gloomy outlook for the near future.

According to the Bank of Korea on Friday,...

South Korean manufacturing businesses' expectations for the upcoming month came to 80 on the Business

Survey Index,… up by one point from the figure for June.

BSI is an indicator of the business conditions expected for the coming month,… and a reading

below 100 means the number of companies pessimistic about the business environment is larger than

those with a positive outlook.

The central bank said the U.S.-China trade dispute has affected business sentiment as

South Korea depends highly on exports to the world's two largest economies.

There is speculation that the country's exports of intermediary products to the U.S. and China

will be hit by the fall in overall production of certain goods amid the escalating trade

dispute between the two countries.

Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea's overall industrial output rises 0.3% in May - Duration: 1:45.


Baru..!! Katalog Tupperware Juli 2018 | Indonesia - Duration: 10:46.

For more infomation >> Baru..!! Katalog Tupperware Juli 2018 | Indonesia - Duration: 10:46.


Virgo virgo Money and Career January 2019 Horoscope Predictions - Duration: 4:46.

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Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

For more infomation >> Virgo virgo Money and Career January 2019 Horoscope Predictions - Duration: 4:46.


a l e x - Proud Of You (feat. Alicks) - Duration: 3:04.

Stay turn by Subscribing for more great songs <3

For more infomation >> a l e x - Proud Of You (feat. Alicks) - Duration: 3:04.


U.S. Human Trafficking Report, evaluates North Korea as the country with the worst human... - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> U.S. Human Trafficking Report, evaluates North Korea as the country with the worst human... - Duration: 1:43.


Lexmark Cloud Connector—Printing a file - Duration: 0:36.

This video shows how to print a file using your Lexmark Cloud Connector application profile.

Printing a file

From the printer home screen, touch Cloud Connector.

Select a cloud service provider, and then select a profile.

You can view the details of a folder or file by touching View Details.

Select, and then print the file.

For more infomation >> Lexmark Cloud Connector—Printing a file - Duration: 0:36.


[6DOF] Create games with 6DOF with ARCore - Duration: 4:49.

In this tutorial we are going to see how to enable 6DOF for your game or application in

a matter of minutes.

We are going to start from a previous code example, a simple multiplayer deadmatch game.

This game is only prepared to work on desktop and we are going to convert

it to a mobile game that will work with 6DOF thanks to Google ARCore.

First, we will import the package Your Network Examples that you can find in Unity Asset


Second, we are going to import the package Facebook.

Finally, we import the package Google ARCore.

Now, we have to switch to Android platform.

Next, we enable the preprocessor constants:




Then, we have to change the build settings for ARCore to work.

First, we switch off the Multithreaded Rendering Next, we change the minimum API level to Android

7.0 Nougat We proceed to activate the ARCore Support

And we select as the build system: Gradle

Now, we can start including our plugin to allow 6DOF into our project.

To do that we proceed to include the prefab CloudGameAnchorController into our game scene.

Next, we have to set up the game camera in the properties of this prefab.

Now, we can start with the code.

First, we are going to initialize the CloudGameAnchorController in the start function of the class GameController.

We create a boolean that will stop the execution of the program until the synchronization of

the anchor image has been done.

Next, we are going to add the listener that will listen the events from the CloudGameAnchorController.

When we receive the event:


We will activate the permission of the local program to run.

Finally, we will activate the ARCore plugin after the system has been initialized.

Now, we open the file CameraController and in the event listener function we will listen

for the position events dispatched by our plugin.

This events will contain the information about the position and the orientation so we can

update our camera with that data.

Then, we can proceed to make a build so we can test the results.

Once you run the application you can create a game and after a short network synchronization

process the camera will be activated.

In order for the system to work decently you have to take a look to your surrounding so

ARCore can take as many reference points before setting up the anchor.

Next, go to the anchor image and fit it in the frame provided by the application.

Once ARCore has identified the anchor image you will jump straight to the game and now

you will be able to use 6DOF to move in harmony with the virtual world.

Finally, since we have started from a multiplayer game, we can create other players who can

enjoy the 6DOF in the shared virtual space.

You will find more code examples in the Unity asset store about use cases of 6DOF like a

VR Car Dealership or a VR Real State.

These are two examples of the business of the future and you can have the code right

now to make your own.

For more infomation >> [6DOF] Create games with 6DOF with ARCore - Duration: 4:49.


లలితా సహస్రనామాల ప్రత్యేకత | Lalita Sahasranamalu | Lalita Sahasranama Bhashyam | Sri Matre Namaha - Duration: 24:54.


For more infomation >> లలితా సహస్రనామాల ప్రత్యేకత | Lalita Sahasranamalu | Lalita Sahasranama Bhashyam | Sri Matre Namaha - Duration: 24:54.


డా.కిరణ్మయి గారి నాట్యప్రయాణం | Kala Ravali | Dr Kiranmai Dancer | Kuchipudi Dancer Dr Kiranmai - Duration: 18:33.


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