Best Moments of Rubina Dilaik And Abhinav Shukla's Royal Reception
Extraterrestrial Cycloids - Why Are They on Europa? - Duration: 4:21.This is an image of Jupiter's moon Europa taken by the Galileo spacecraft in 1998.
You've probably noticed that Europa's surface, which is made of ice, has tons and
tons of cracks, but I want to direct your attention to this weird repeating arc pattern
– each segment of arc is roughly 100km long!
And there are a lot of these arc patterns.
Most of them are ridges raised up above the surrounding surface, though a few are troughs.
After they were discovered, their shape reminded scientists of a mathematical curve called
a cycloid ; so the Europa curves are called "cycloid curves".
These curves are weird – geological and astrophysical processes are really good at
making round features, or straight features, or wavy features – but what causes repeated
arcing cycloids?
Well, we think that the Europan surface is made of frozen water at least several miles
thick, which we believe is floating on top of an ocean of liquid water.
This means its surface kind of works the way tectonic plates do here on earth, spreading
apart and generating new ice, crashing together and being subducted, and so on – and here
on earth, plate tectonics has caused cycloid-esque curves all around the pacific ring of fire.
Our best guess for how the pacific arcs form is based on what happens when the ocean plates
get pushed under continental plates: because the earth's surface is curved, you get a
similar effect to what happens when you dent a ping pong ball – you might get a circle,
or if you press harder, multiple circular arcs: cycloid curves!
However, this doesn't appear to be the answer on Europa, because there are so many cycloid
curves and they overlap in tons of places and none of them really show signs of one
piece of the surface being pushed under another.
The current best theory for the origin of the Europan cycloids has to do with its weird
Jupiter causes tides on Europa, but they're not from rotation beneath a tidal bulge (the
way tides are here on earth); the same side of Europa always faces Jupiter.
No, Europa has tides because its orbit isn't a perfect circle – it's ever so slightly
elliptical, so as Europa moves closer or farther from Jupiter, the nature of Jupiter's gravitational
pull changes.
On the scale of the whole moon, these tides manifest as a kind of squeezing and stretching,
which due to the interaction of geometry and physics results in any given point on the
icy surface being pressed together at one time in the orbit, and then stretched at a
later point.
And the aspect of tides key to understanding the cycloid curves is that the direction of
the compression and stretching changes over the course of each orbit, rotating around
and around like a hand on a clock.
Specifically, the compression/tension direction rotates clockwise in the southern hemisphere
and counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere, and it takes one orbit to complete a full
So, when there's enough stretching tension to form a crack in the ice, the crack will
start propagating perpendicular to the tension.
But remember, the direction of the tension is changing.
If, say the crack is growing to the east in the northern hemisphere, the counterclockwise-changing
tension will curve it up away from the equator (and if it's going west, it'll curve down
towards the equator).
As Europa continues orbiting, the tension will eventually turn to compression, so the
crack will stop growing.
The compression angle will continue turning, though, and by the time the compression turns
back to tension, the direction will have rotated back around enough that the crack will make
a sharp turn when it starts cracking again.
At which point it resumes its upwards-curving trajectory.
There's probably a little more subtlety due to a stress-strain process called "tailcracking"
that helps the sharp corners form for each new segment, but this is basically the best
current theory explaining the Europan cycloids: cracks grow because the tides from Jupiter
create tension in the ice, and that tension direction changes over time, curving the crack.
Then the process repeats again, starting the crack off in the original direction, curving
again, and so on.
And that's how waves form on a frozen world.
This video was supported by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope Project at the Space
Telescope Science Institute.
There's still a ton we don't know about Europa - the Hubble telescope has detected
what we think are plumes jetting from Europa's surface - perhaps water spouting up through
cracks in Europa's icy surface, and if so, the plumes could give us insights into the
oceans beneath.
The James Webb telescope will use its powerful thermal imaging and spectroscopy to investigate
Europa's plumes and to study the geologic activity, tides, and tectonics of Europa and
other outer solar system planets and moons, hopefully answering questions about how they
formed, how they continue to behave, and whether they have conditions amenable to life.
U.S. to set no timeline in regards to North Korea's denuclearization: Pompeo - Duration: 2:36.It's already been half a month since the leaders of North Korea and the U.S. met for an historic
The world is curious to learn if any progress has been made on steps to denuclearize Pyongyang.
Which is why Washington's top diplomat responded.
However, according to our Lee Ji-won, there was a difference in tone compared to his previous
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says there's no timeline for North Korea's denuclearization,
but the Trump administration will "constantly reassess" whether enough progress is being
made to continue talks.
Pompeo made the remarks in a phone interview with CNN to mark his first two months in office.
While there will be no timeline on the denuclearization process, Pompeo said the U.S. is committed
to going forward at an "expeditious moment" to achieve what was agreed at the first ever
North Korea-U.S. summit on June 12th.
This is in stark contrast to a senior U.S. defense official, who said ahead of Defense
Secretary James Mattis' trip to Asia that Washington will soon set a timeline for North
Korea with "specific asks".
Pompeo had also told reporters the day after the Singapore summit that Washington hopes
to achieve North Korea's "major disarmament" within Trump's current term, which ends in
January 2021.
But as if to reconfirm, Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said Monday, that U.S. defense
officials would only speak to military-related negotiations on North Korea and that there
was "no specific timeline" for the diplomatic process.
Despite concerns about the root of these comments, and what could be causing the delay with the
follow-up meetings, Pompeo remained outwardly optimistic about North Korea's denuclearization.
Pompeo suggested it was too soon to expect a detailed roadmap after 40 years of tensions
but he insisted North Korean leader Kim Jong-un had been "unequivocal" about his willingness
to denuclearize.
Pompeo added that understandings put together prior to and during the summit put the U.S.
on the right trajectory to build a framework for success.
Referring to President Trump's suspension of Washington's joint military exercises with
South Korea, Pompeo said it would only last if "there's a good faith negotiation progress",
with "productive results being achieved".
While Pompeo said a week ago that he would likely travel back to Pyongyang "before too
terribly long", there has not yet been an official announcement on his travel plans.
Lee Ji-won Arirang News.
L'Impardonnable Épisode 207 - Duration: 19:59.-------------------------------------------
N. Korea needs assistance for drug-resistant tuberculosis: Aid group - Duration: 2:46.One of the key subjects that still needs to be addressed when it comes to North Korea,...
is medical assistance.
According to a foundation that works closely with the regime, in terms of humanitarian
aid,... currently, tuberculosis is a more serious issue than malnutrition.
Here's Park Hee-jun with a closer look into the situation.
One thing North Korea needs desperately, but which has received too little attention,...
is medical assistance.
The Eugene Bell Foundation has been working with Pyongyang since the 1990s to fulfill
the humanitarian needs of the North Korean people.
The foundation aims to eradicate tuberculosis, which has become resistant to drugs,... a
dire issue that requires international attention.
"Tuberculosis is North Korea's number 1, 2, 3 biggest health challenge.
I think it far outstrips any other disease, and arguably even concerns for malnutrition,
because it's an air borne infection.
And it can go dormant and become active decades after someone actually contracts it."
An estimated 8-thousand North Koreans contract multi-drug resistant TB every year.
The foundation has been treating about 15 percent of them, and the Global Fund 5 percent
-- which leaves some 80 percent unaccounted for.
But at present, there's not much that can be done.
Global organizations have had to pull out of North Korea amid tensions on the Korean
Peninsula and the enforcement of international sanctions.
"The latest sanctions, for instance, prohibits metal, and a lot of states have interpreted
that as anything that contains metal.
So the latest sanctions have thrown the whole series of normal regular humanitarian related
items in to question.
And some organizations are just not willing to take that risk."
If tuberculosis isn't treated, it will only spread.
Regardless of the obstacles that now exist, Dr. Linton believes that humanitarian problems
like TB should not be sidelined by politics.
"If they have a serious, life-threatening humanitarian issue that you can deal with
in a transparent manner,... making your treatment of that particualar problem, subject of their
political consideration on their part, I think, is out of line.
So there should be a dual track system, where basic needs are met regardless of political
or military tension."
And according to Dr. Linton,... North Koreans are very determined to go ahead.
He says humanitarian assistance is likely to bring great benefits to them,... much more
than the easing or lifting of economic sanctions.
Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.
BREAKING News Out Of The UN… It's Time To LOCK AND LOAD - Duration: 5:01.BREAKING News Out Of The UN…
The United Nations is gearing up for round two in the fight to disarm the American public.
Last month, the United Nations International Action Network on Small Arms held a week-long
conference geared, to wards making gun control an international priority.
Wanting world domination, the global elites are seeking to prevent Americans from being
able to escape the slavery, they have planned for everyone by enacting "global gun control."According
to Townhall's Beth Baumann, during RevCon3, the conference on the program of action on
small arms and light weapons, the UN's Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres had a message delivered on
his behalf.
It reads, in part:
Every year, over half a million people are killed violently around the world, mostly
through small arms fire.
Those pulling the trigger may be soldiers, border guards or police, using their weapons
as a last resort, in accordance with the principles of necessity, proportionality and restraint.
Some are private security guards or civilians, using a registered firearm for protection
or in self-defence.
But the huge majority of those who kill with small arms do not fit this description.
They may be members of armed groups who are terrorizing people of a country, or a whole
region with killings and sexual abuse.
They could be members of national security forces who are abusing their power.
They might be terrorists aiming to destroy lives and sow fear; criminals holding up a
grocery store; or gang members killing those who get in the way of a drug deal.
Tragically, many of them are men using an illegally-acquired weapon against the women,
who are their partners.
In some countries, more than 60 percent of killings of women are committed with firearms.
Illicit small arms are also used against United Nations peacekeeping forces.
In 2017, 56 peacekeepers died in violent attacks, the highest number in over two decades.
Controlling and regulating small arms therefore requires action that goes well beyond national
security institutions.
It includes providing alternative livelihoods for former combatants, engaging with municipal
governments and police, working with civil society, including grass-roots organizations
and community violence reduction programmes, as well as local businesses.
Small arms control is a prerequisite for stability and conflict prevention, which is critical
to achieve the mutually reinforcing goals of sustaining peace and sustainable development.
Only through sustainable development will we be able to build just, peaceful and inclusive
societies and to achieve lasting peace.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is our agreed roadmap for building peaceful,
resilient and prosperous societies on a healthy planet.
Among the 17 Goals, there is a specific target to reduce arms flows, based on improving the
tracing of weapons.
The Agenda for Disarmament that I launched last month includes a renewed focus on controlling
small arms.
And it includes my commitment to establish a dedicated facility within the Peacebuilding
Fund, to ensure solid financing for coordinated, integrated, sustained small arms control measures.
When the UN says that over a half a million have been killed by guns worldwide, they conveniently
leave out the number of people killed in wars and by governments pretending to act, on the
behalf of people (democide-death by your OWN government).
The democide numbers are not even close when compared to private citizens acting on their
As Baumann wrote: "The reason they have to use "grassroots organizations" they're
meaning gun control groups, like Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action.
They're utilizing Americans to fulfill their desire to push gun control.
Their reason?
It looks better if Americans are demanding we abolish the Second Amendment, instead of
other countries trying to pressure us."
But just how many people were killed by their own governments (democide)?
Well, it's hard to say because according to Glenn Floyd, the stats are deliberately
concealed by State Coroners.
The leading cause of non-natural death around the globe today, other than natural causes,
is democide.
It far outpaces private murderers and suicides.
Governments always offer excuses for the murder, like overpopulation, political opposition,
and economic concerns.
But that doesn't mean they've provided adequate justification to the immoral killings.
And now the global elites will seek to prevent those they seek to enslave any ability to
fight back.
what do you think about this?
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Nhân Viên Ngoại Giao Mỹ bị Tấn Công bằng Âm Thanh | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 4:00.On this episode of China Uncensored,
this advanced technology could secretly make you sick
and the whole time you'd have no idea what's going on.
Hi, welcome to China Uncensored.
I'm your, wait... do you hear that?
It's like some kind of subtle and vague
but abnormal sensations of sound and pressure.
We got a Health Alert basically saying and I can read you part of it
that a US government employee in China recently reported
subtle and vague but abnormal sensations of sound and pressure.
They sure it wasn't just from watching CNN?
On Wednesday, an embassy spokesperson reported that
an employee in the US consulate in Guangzhou
experienced a variety of physical symptoms
between late 2017 in April 2018.
The employee was sent back to the United States
and diagnosed with a mild traumatic brain injury.
This statement from the embassy warns:
"While in China,
if you experience any unusual acute auditory or sensory phenomena
accompanied by unusual sounds or piercing noises,
do not attempt to locate their source,
instead move to a location where the sounds are not present."
Which sounds really creepy,
especially since it's consistent with what's called a sonic attack.
And no,
that's not the newest burger from Sonic.
A sonic attack uses weaponized frequencies
that can't be heard clearly by the human ear
but can trigger very real physical responses.
The BBC says,
some of the symptoms include
vertigo, vomiting or uncontrollable defecation.
Which is also a symptom of your late night sonic attack.
According to the US Secretary of State,
what happened to the US diplomat in China,
is medically similar to what happened to US diplomats in Cuba
back in 2016.
We had an incident in Gwangzhou that was that
the medical indications are very similar
and entirely consistent with the medical indications
that have taken place to Americans working in Cuba.
If you're curious,
Gizmodo has uploaded that sound
which seems like an incredibly bad idea
but hey it's the Internet.
Let's take a listen.
Yeah, it's definitely Yanni.
What's that Shelley?
What do you mean, it's Laurel?
Well, you're obviously wrong.
Anyways, enough of that.
It's time for another fan question.
Brett.... Brett asks:
Has China Uncensored gotten any offers from Superfunds,
SuperPACs or other geopolitical groups
to push a specific political agenda?
Good question.
Let me put it this way.
The other day, we reached out to Audible for sponsorship
you know, Audible that advertises on everything.
Well, apparently they felt China Uncensored was too political.
If your political agenda
is criticizing communism and the Chinese Communist Party,
it's pretty hard to find support.
Superfunds, geopolitical groups?
Not likely!
That's why we rely on you, my 50-cent army
Fans of the show contribute a dollar or more per episode
on the China Uncensored page on the website Patreon.
And as a way of saying thanks.
You get to submit questions we answer on air.
So, if you're already a patreon supporter,
don't forget to leave your questions for me over on Patreon.
Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored
Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell.
See you next time.
Thanks for watching.
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Toy Guns NERF Guns Box of Toys Toy Weapons Toys for Kids - Duration: 13:01.Toy Guns NERF Guns Box of Toys Toy Weapons Toys for Kids
Father's Day Brunch | EPIC COOKING VIDEO | Vlog - Duration: 18:49.It's Father's Day and I thought, what would be
better than a mostly-from-the-garden Father's Day brunch?
(parrots squawking) There they go, haha.
(birds singing)
Look at that. Just so many in such a small space. Wow, and you know what, the basil that I
have growing in complete shade looks healthy and green and we're gonna take
some of that for sure. Wow, that is gorgeous. Is that enough for four?
I think so. I'm gonna get some oregano, which is all blooming. It's kind of hard
to tell, but these are the oregano blooms, and this is a different kind of oregano.
I'll grab some of that. When you pull out these i'itoi onions, you pull them out in
a bunch. Oh, oh, that smells so good. Wow! Sweet potato leaves don't stay
looking great for long, so use them while they are perfect. They are loaded with
My son, Walker, who lives in Minnesota now, is arriving around noon-ish and since I
don't know exactly what time we're going to eat,
I wanted a menu where I could prepare things in advance. So, we're having squash
muffins that I'm making from my Seminole squash from last year, and I'm making my
quiche recipe that I have made for 30 years at least, with a slight
modification. I'm using sweet potato leaves inside the quiche, and I've
already harvested my burgundy beans. We're having roasted fingerling potatoes
that I harvested in March, as well as I'm gonna get one of my sons to squeeze
these oranges for orange juice. First things first, let's get the oven heated
for the seminole squash.
I like to use a little bit of my essential oil spray. I use it for
everything, to clean the counters, to clean my vegetables, it's all natural. Okay, this
is the part that always unnerves me a little bit because these things are so
hard. So I'm gonna start like that. Wow, that is beautiful. Oh, I can't believe I
grew that. I'm just gonna scoop out these seeds. I can't say enough about this
seminole squash because when all of my other squash got decimated by mildew
last year, this really came through. Now since this is my nicest one of these, I'm
going to save these seeds.
I'm putting the two halves in a baking dish on parchment paper
and I'm gonna bake it until it's tender. One of my subscribers last year said you
could freeze whole cherry tomatoes, so I decided, I was leaving on that trip and I
cleared off all of my Butingghan's and I froze them and they've been in here
since last year. I'm gonna use some of these in my quiche. I'm just gonna
defrost these by running some water over them. Normally you would slice cherry
tomatoes for this recipe in half because they're so small.
I'm just loosely chopping the sweet potato leaves. Now I'm going to chop the
onions and the peppers.
This is a vegetarian quiche that uses dairy products. For 30 years or more I
have tried to eat whole foods as much as possible, so the dairy products that I
use are all made from raw milk, because nothing is more processed in our food
supply then milk. Unfortunately, it's not available everywhere but if you have a
relationship with a farm...
you may be able to acquire your own dairy products.
When you don't have your own farm and you don't have your own cows, it's nice
to be able to visit the farm where you get your milk, and when my boys were
young, we visited Claravale Farm and drank milk right from the cow. And it's
pretty amazing. My friend at Mumbai Balcony Gardener
sent me this wonderful Indian spice Ajwain. I hope I'm saying that right and
I've been looking forward to using it ever since. And you know when you smell
an herb or a spice, you can get an idea of whether it would be good in the dish
that you're making, and I just smelled this and it smells like it would be
great in this dish. Now, I know the way that they do the spices in India is they
put them in a hot pan let the flavors come out. Now this recipe
traditionally calls for Swiss cheese but you can't get Swiss cheese in raw milk
so I'm using sharp cheddar. Just in case you've never made quiche before. this is
not a low calorie meal. And because we don't eat a lot of bread, I am making a
crustless quiche, because after all, we're having muffins. First, we create a base
for our vegetables. Mix or beat on a low speed your mayonnaise, your flour, the milk
and the eggs.
Then you add your cheese and your vegetables. I'm gonna add my leaves first
so I can get them mixed in. The tomatoes, peppers, and the onions. This is going to
be intense with vegetables because I always put in about twice as many
vegetables as the recipe calls for, because I'm not using crust and you can
fit more into the quiche pan. And I'm adding my Ajwain. Turmeric is one of
those amazing roots that reduces inflammation and I like to put it in
almost everything. Plus it's going to give this a nice golden color. It's
starting to come together.
Use some ghee to line the quiche pan.
If your kids don't particularly like greens, this might be a great way to get
them to eat some. Just gonna add some Himalayan pink salt and some cracked
black pepper. Black pepper and tumeric work well together to fight inflammation.
Okay, our quiche is ready to go into the oven. Let's check on the squash. Oh, that's
got to be ready! Oh yeah, yes, it's more than ready. As soon as I can handle that,
I'll scrape out this flesh and we'll get started on the muffins. Meanwhile, the
quiche is going in. Now I'm getting the fingerling potatoes ready to roast. This
is fresh rosemary from my bush, smells amazing. Almost everybody likes
roasted potatoes, which is why you see them on so many restaurant menus.
Once again,
salt and pepper and extra virgin olive oil drizzled over the top.
This is well done, so it comes out easily.
I'm using raw dairy products for the muffins.
Basically I'm using my banana bread recipe that I've used for 30 years at
least, and substituting the bananas for the squash, and then I'm going to also
add some spices. Now you're supposed to put in your dry ingredients separately
and your wet ingredients separately, but I don't have the patience for that, so I
just use one bowl, and I put all the wet in. I stir it up, and then I start adding
the dry stuff. So I'm gonna add one egg, a quarter of a cup of melted butter, and
one teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in one tablespoon of water, and there's your
liquids. Then I add 3/4 of a cup of sugar, this is coconut sugar and pure cane
sugar mixed together. Then I'm gonna add my cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon, nutmeg 1/4
teaspoon, quarter teaspoon of allspice, and a pinch of salt. The recipe calls for
2 cups of pastry flour.
With muffins, you don't want to over stir them you just want to get the flour
worked in. Because I had a lot of squash I'm gonna add a little more flour. That
looks about the right consistency. Okay. It smells good. This is a nonstick muffin
pan, but I just don't always trust that, so I'm using a little ghee to coat the
pan. Okay. Our quiche is done. Look at that, wow!
That looks great. Now the top is firm, so I'm pulling it out.
Mmm that smells... complex. By the way, I use all original wheat in my baking. This is
100% organic einkorn which is an original wheat of the original 14
Okay, that looks pretty good.
Okay, I'm just gonna steam these purple beans with some coriander and fresh
herbs, fresh oregano, and a little bit of ghee.
(dramatic music starts)
They turn green when you cook them.
I mean, they're purple. Yeah, yeah. Is this your coriander? It is! Nice.
Is this fresh orange juice. Yes.
It sure is. Will squeezed it. You did? Yes.
Okay, Walker wanted to know what's in the quiche. What's in the quiche is...
Let me just have you try it. (Walker laughs)
Eggs, tomatoes, spinach...
Yes. Sort of like spinach.
Hahaha, a spinach-like substance.
Okay. Um! Um!! Um!!
(music dramatic finish)
ASMR Eating RAW BLACK & GREEN GRAPE, Plum, Yangmei, Peas - Duration: 3:05.ASMR Eating RAW BLACK & GREEN GRAPE, Plum, Yangmei, Peas
S. Korean President replaces key senior aides for economy, job creation - Duration: 2:58.We start with the sudden reshuffle at the nation's top office.
The First such move by President Moon Jae-in since his term began last May.
Naturally the replacement of his top aides for economic affairs and job creation is grabbing
some extra attention.
Arirang's chief Cheongwadae correspondent Moon Connyoung has our top story.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in has replaced three of his key senior aides as the administration
begins its second year in office and putting extra emphasis on household economics and
job creation.
The surprise announcement was made by the President's Chief of Staff Im Jong-seok Tuesday
morning... only a day and a half after the South Korean leader's return from a four-day
state visit to Russia.
"The President has appointed presidential secretary for policy planning, Jung Tae-ho
to Senior Presidential Secretary for Job Creation... and Yoon Jong-won, who currently serves as
the South Korean Ambassador to the OECD to Senior Presidential Secretary for Economic
The President also named a new Senior Presidential Secretary for Civil Society; Lee Yong-sun,
a district chief of the ruling Democratic Party... replacing the current senior secretary
for civic reform."
Jung Tae-ho, who has also served as secretary of state affairs and of policy coordination
at the Office of the President during the Roh Moo-hyun administration, will step in
to head job creation (CG change) while Yoon Jong-won, a former director from the finance
ministry and currently permanent representative to the OECD will replace Hong Jang-pyo as
chief secretary for economic affairs.
Lee Yong-sun named to the post of senior presidential secretary for civil society used to head the
policy planning team at the Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice.
The Presidential chief of staff explained Tuesday's reshuffle, the first of its kind
since President Moon took office in May 2017, was largely aimed at further accelerating
government efforts to reform the domestic economy and create jobs, both key economic
objectives of the Moon administration.
The shake up of the president's top economic aides come as the administration's signature
economic policy is starting to backfire a year into its term, with unemployment increasing
despite its push to create new jobs and the income gap widening even more.
Sources in the Blue House say the President decided he needed a shake up when the May
unemployment rate came up to an 18-year high and household income in the lowest quintile
fell by a record 8-percent on year in the first three months of this year even as it
rose for high earners.
"The past year has been a period of setting the policy direction of the Moon Jae-in government
which is income-led, innovation-led growth and fair economy.
I hope you understand the reshuffle as the President's determination to create actual
results that the people can feel by stepping on the accelerator in the second year."
Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, the Blue House.
V-Moda Crossfade 2 Wireless: In-Depth Review & Buying Guide - Duration: 6:00.Hey Guys! This is Raghav here
from Headphone Zone.
Today we are talking about the
V-Moda Crossfade 2 Wireless headphones.
Now for those of you who aren't very familiar
V-Moda is a brand that all of us
here at Headphone Zone has loved
over the years.
Mostly because of its really techie fashion-forward design
and for the fact that they've been making
some outstanding sounding headphones
that were really made for both DJs
and audiophiles alike.
V-Moda has designed all its headphones
from its Milan design center
and they're now engineered with some cutting-edge
Japanese technology.
I'd say V-Moda is the kind of headphone
you wanna be seen wearing when you're stepping
out of your Lamborghini wearing an Armani suit.
Its the culmination of decades worth of
design and engineering and which is why
its worthy to be called a 'Flagship'.
The Crossfade 2 Wireless is clearly built like a tank
Is been rated at military levels of durability
and you can drop it from a height of 10 feet
and the chances are that you'd probably need a new floor.
You will find that the Crossfade 2 Wireless features
a Steelflex headband
you can flatten it, virtually without any chance of the
headphone being spoilt, loosing shape or even breaking.
The headband itself features Vegan leather
so they're quite durable and tend not to have
any kind of damage on it what so ever.
The headphones can survive extreme environments
like lots of humidity, extreme temperatures,
and even saltwater sprays.
Perhaps the most impressive part
of the Crossfade 2 wireless
is your ability to get a custom artwork
engraved on to the shields of these headphones
its absolutely amazing that they can be
personalised to this level.
Comfort has been the topmost
priority, because the people who are gonna be
using these headphones aren't just musicians
and DJs, there are also people who are businessmen,
executives and musicians wearing them
for hours on end.
I like the fact that the headphones
feature memory cushions for the ear pads
and they really hug the contours of your ears.
V-Moda has designed these headphones
to be used equally well, both on
wired and wireless mode
Djs and professional musicians are more likely
to use it on the wired mode
take advantage of its zero latency
but at the same time while you are on the move
they sound equally good on wireless.
The headphones feature 14 hours of battery life
which is amazing and it has
10 meters of range, so they can be used quite conveniently
in a gym.
You'll find that it can pair simultaneously with 2 devices
which I think is a real great feature to have.
The Rose Gold variant also features Qualcomm's aptX technology
which means that when you've paired it on
wireless mode, The music is transmitted
at nearly CD quality
which means you get a real lossless experience.
The built-in microphone on the device is also
compatible with all the voice assistance out there
so by a simple flick of a switch,
you can command Siri, Alexa, Cortana, Ok Google
and all the other voice assistance out there
Ok, unlike a lot of the other headphones in this price point
the V-Moda Crossfade 2 Wireless
don't feature Active Noise Cancellation
but they do an outstanding job
especially with the memory foam cushions
of cutting out all the ambient sound like
Aircraft engine noise, the shouting of people around you
or the sound of crying babies.
I'll probably stick my neck out and say that the
Crossfade 2 Wireless is the most portable of all
the headphones in this category.
It features V-Moda's click-fold hinges
which allows you to fold these headphones
into super compact palm-sized form factor
and it fits into an exoskeleton carrying case
that's really super compact making it easy to carry with you
Now V-Moda has over the years been known for making
a sound signature that makes you feel
like you're at a nightclub
rather than that of a concert hall
or clean sanitized music studio
Its always been over the top, aggressive
unapologetic and loud with its bass.
But, the Crossfade 2 Wireless is anything
but that, it's the most precise and audiophile friendly headphone
to come out of V-Moda's table in a long time.
I'd say its also really versatile,
so even if you're a person who doesn't enjoy EDM,
house or hip-hop then these are headphones
that can certainly sound very very good
no matter what you use it with.
I'd say this is certainly not clinical
and precise like an open back audiophile
headphone, but the Crossfade 2 Wireless is certainly
very musical and enjoyable and fun to
listen to, which is I think the point of it.
Technically, the headphones are really
top notch, they feature 15mm driver unit
that has a dual diaphragm design from Japan.
So the bass is really not bleeding into the mids and highs
and they have real nice clean sound.
They've been even certified as a High-Res headphone
by the Japanese audio society.
Don't forget the Rose Gold color comes with aptX
which means that the sound quality is absolutely
lossless when you're using it on wireless mode.
Ok! Now lets wrap this up.
For less than ₹30,000 the V-Moda Crossfade 2 Wireless
doesn't shine on any one aspect
but I find that these are the most versatile headphone
and it really comes as a complete package
covering all basis.
I don't think that there's really any other headphone
in this category that leaves me as impressed
as the Crossfade 2 Wireless.
They look beautiful, sound amazing, portable, easy to use
and its some headphone that really takes your breath away
once you put them on.
Now, I hope that this video has been helpful
but you have any other questions
just feel free to drop it in
the comment section below
and we'll be sure to get back to you.
Thank you so much guys
this is Raghav signing off.
Las Noticias de la mañana,martes 26 de junio de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 5:30.-------------------------------------------
[뉴스] || 변호사 "'지드래곤 관찰일지' 작성자, 손해배상 청구 대상…감독 못한 軍도 책임" ? - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
Che fine ho fatto? ⋆ Info e Aggiornamenti ⊷ #gon_News - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
Monsoon rain focuses on south tomorrow _ 062618 - Duration: 1:40.Now we turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center for the latest updates.
Michelle, we got quite a downpour today,... how much more precipitation are we expecting?
It is still raining over the central region,... but the rain is expected to dissipate early
in the morning tomorrow.
By then, the monsoon front will make its way to the southern regions.
Until tomorrow, the southwest will get the most amount of precipitation.
The Chungcheong-do provinces will receive up to 100 millimeters.
The daily low in Seoul will remain at 20 degrees Celsius.
Daegu and Gyeongju are warmer at 24 and 23 degrees respectively.
As Seoul brightens up, the mercury will peak at 28 degrees, Gwangju hits 27, Busan is a
bit lower at 25.
The monsoon front will move up and down the peninsula even until next week, bringing outbreaks
of heavy rain.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
ĂN CƠM ĐÙI GÀ TẠI CƠM TẤM CÂY SUNG CẦN THƠ - Duration: 4:34.-------------------------------------------
"Salman Khan" Aur "Katrina Kaif" Ke Peeche "Iulia Vantur" Ne Lagaya Jasus - Duration: 1:12.
Termignoni 4USCITE exhaust for Ducati Panigale V4 Superbike | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
Two Koreas' railway talks continue for over 10 hours - Duration: 1:38.The two Koreas are sitting down for another round of discussions today.
This time, they're talking about cooperation on linking up their railroads.
Let's connect to our Unification Ministry Correspondent Oh Jung-hee on the line.
Jung-hee, are the talks still ongoing?
It seems we're seeing the longest inter-Korean talks by far.
Daniel, it's a long day for the delegations from Seoul and Pyongyang.
Today's talks on connecting and modernizing the railways between the two Koreas kicked
off at 10AM, Korea time, at the border village of Panmunjom.
10 hours have passed, and what we're hearing right now is that the delegations have gotten
into their third round of two-plus-two meetings.
It seems we still have a long way to go until today's talks wrap up.
The delegations have gone through a couple of two-plus-two meetings throughout the day
and they did exchange a draft agreement early this afternoon, but it seems it's taking quite
a bit of time for the two sides to fine-tune the details of that.
Well, so much so as this is the first time that the two Koreas have discussed railways
since 2008.
Just to give you a recap, The two Koreas connected one railway in 2004
-- between the South Korean capital Seoul and North Korean city of Sinuiju -- but renovation
is needed to modernize it.
In addition to that one, South and North Korea are hoping to connect their railways along
the eastern coast of the peninsula -- which would start off in South Korea's southeastern
city of Busan, cut through North Korea and even go into Russia and head towards Europe.
But it's difficult for us to expect that they can do what is necessary to actually connect
and upgrade their railways because of the international sanctions on North Korea.
So for now, Seoul and Pyongyang are expected to agree to investigate the current status
of the rail network and conduct joint studies on how to modernize it.
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