Welcome to new Kecall's epizode
I 've been visited an event for supporting dog harbourage where I 've met Honza Drobný
He is a Czech traveller who travelled a long time with his dog Teky.
So, please introduce yourself in few sentences...
Oh, .... hard question isn't it?
People who haven' t met me personally and know me from social networks
are divided into two groups,
first gruoup are haters, and wrote online lts of lies.
and then there is another group who are canonising me, and that is also not the truth.. unfortunately :)
I'm a man who experienced a lot, a lot of fails .... mistakes
and when it was more then one can keep..
then, even I got crazy... and my health condition wasn't well,
so I took my dog (leaving a dog is unthinkable)
I 've decided not to give up, and have gone in a way of life restart
even it has been first travel outside Europe, far far away, without money, and with invalid dog
So you moved somewhere abroad with your dog... as I heard on your presentation
the dog was really ill, with movement limits, with the prediction of several months of life.
At that time I didn't know anybody, travelling with a dog
... and now I am an example that it is possible...
when I asked on the embassy in topics of travelling with a dog, I always heard that it is impossible
And that was a challenge for you
.. long story short, lost guy...
but I have a will and strength to find a way
and a "balls to catch a chance..."
really cool!
You wrote a book from your journey, "There is a way, always", the topic we are talking about
or ... lost gringo in a road trip through continents
How many continents you 've been to .. with a dog?
3 continents, including Europe
so two foreign... :)
Lathin America and Asia - Thailand
todays topic is not about book content...
.. but I can recommend to buy it, .. I was on a presentation, it was really interesting
it was focused on dog-owners community
because of dog-charity event..
but the thing I d like to point out, ... what I like on your speech
you wrote a book, which connects your business life with activities you like to do
sure it can make a money
and you also told you to live your dreams trough travelling... I really like this topic
how it comes, connect all those activites?
First of all, I haven't started travelling with an idea to wrote a book.
Truly, it is a really interesting question, thank you for that...
it is connecton of more things together
by the way .. it is described in book in first 39 pages..
it sounds like a really lot of pages...
I heard many times from experts, it is so long, that is not a good way to write a book, it is not so common,
.. .but.. I can honestly say, the book without paid advertising is sold out, before introducing event...
I have some last printed pieces for events...
Fortunately I got one!
The additional print is comming, dont worry.
... order it on my page, it will be with personal inscription .)
the reason why I am saying that is .. people like it, therefore is sold out...
replied me that they like the intro (the longer than used to be section)
where I am introducing the feelings, occasions, mood, and what causes my life restart...
It is not a personal confession, it is not about that
but for understanding the meaning of a book, and the idea, it is good to understand my life breakpoints
I have been inspired by my followers on soc. networks, therefore I decided to write a book
frist online posts were for friends...
Now I have almost 5 thousands of followers on both profiles ...
And I'm thinking of my followers, I am trying to sort out racist and this kind of unpleasant followers...
or similar type of haters I don't wanna talk about.
but the reason why I am telling that
the book and the entire project around
reflects a feedback from a readers
what was the main benefit for them
and that is the main thing, main idea that giving me the satisfaction
... I always experienced my activities this way...
suddanly it was divided into two groups
things I like to do, such as motorbikes - my business in some period of my life
... but it wasn't a real business, it was more hobby then income.
another life period I did a charity, but that time I 've experienced that you also need to have a money
for daily life, and not die because of hunger
it is really not good to help others with 'killing' yourself
so since that time I am looking for and focusing on activities that are my hobby, I can make money with and live the life
so ... I am really happy
that I have almost reached my goals - ... almost..
people like my writing, ...
the topics and activities around that
I am not presenting myself as a saint ...
I am always highlighitng facts such as
helping to Teky dog, my current dog Meggi... also saved form harbourage
I am helping to other dogs...
all that I am doing.. I am doing on purpose
I like that activity
it satisfies me
I am really happy .. and it connects me with amazing people
I am visiting interesting places and events
learning new thinks
I am training my soft skills and being open minded
and of course, selfconfidence
even when ego is necessary to have under control
ego like this selfconfidence and success
... therefore I always recommend .. 'try to do the things you like'
do something for yourself.. what you like...
and then if everybody does something more for others.. then would be great!
.... I am really happy
... back to the book, the book is not only about travelling, dogs, or inner peace...
despite that there is a dog in foreign country ...
and there is a spiritual meaning....
who is not focusing on that, can just read it and laugh a lot.
My idea has been to write it humorous more than teaching...
or in a mood of mind teaching...
what I 've wanted to write .. the idea ... is ... (there are more than one.. but my goal is)
I want others to realise that is not necessary to be in a group of people...
who do what thay like
or in a group who can makes a money
or different sorting .. the good-mood/optimists .. who are often weird..
and then there are career interested people without inner happiness.
.. I wanna show that is possible to do what you like to do and be for that paid... that is my goal
.. and I want to be an example.. to show that is possible
simply show to materialist mood and career-focused friends ...and tell them...
"Hey Bro ... look! it is possible to live in symbiosis with work and happiness"
and inspire others
.. question comes to my mind... I really like and understand your ideas
and behind that, you are supporting other beneficial projects...
choose some of them ... you are proud of... proud of supporting
and what does it helps to
it is hard to choose only some.. understand, not to prefer one in front of others...
so .. choose first that comes to your mind..
... definetly .. it is an organisation RAFAEL
helping to maltreated dogs
don't take it as .. others are less .. no really no..
but behind this organization is Mrs Iva Volkova
she is a volunteer with the support of family members
most of a time she is doing that alone and helps to this poor dogs
really sad animal stories ...you can't imagine
she helps them, taking a care of them...
heal them during day or night.. .when it is necessary
simply she is on a right time at a right place... where the help is necessary and important...
I really appreciate her, I admire her and what does she doing
I came across with the situation when she helped to find a new home for this dogs...
.. and what I admire the most... she is doing that because she is a good person.. beautiful minded
I 've met in my life people who are helping because of cheating government....
or .. because of theirself bed feelings...
or doing help to be admired ...
.. and Iva .. she is doing that by hearth... really beautiful minded and nice person
and now we are cooperating, I am supporting her, she is supporting me...
And I feel to be honoured in this cooperation
... and the other project .. called INKA ?
It is organisation represented by Olga Vilímková, I ve met in Peru
she is teaching on a university
she is guiding groups in Peru,
and on her traverls met lots of orpans..
... she had started teaching them .. for free
and then she created orginisation INKA,
organisation without internal money such as sallaries
now she is operating also in Guatemala and other countries
and she gives the money to natives.. but in a clever way
in the idea "If you wanna feed the poor people, don't give them a fish, teach them fishing..."
That is a brilliant idea .. to the end of our interview...
Other topics and information you can find in our article
link written bellow the video ( kecall.cz )
read it, and if you like the channel, follow us or mark the article
who cares where the 'like' button is :)))
in the article, you will find a link to Honza's profile and social channels
do you have the youtube one?
sure I have but it is not so frequently updated.. it is better to follow our facebook or web page
www.vzdyjecesta.cz facebook.com/vzdyjecesta
there are other materials pictures articles etc.
where to buy the book
simply all including social network links
and bonus materials ..
what is going on.. news from dogs life
Now I am heading to Czech Republic roadshow...
I am preparing youtube short movie
.. cause during the Czech tour... I am discovering also my country
and it comes to me like a good idea to share it
especially when my current dogs are 'in focus of Tekys followers'.. thousands of followers...
They called Maggie and Savadi .. so I always will make a short clip with them
named "Experience Czech beauties with Maggie and Savadi "
and because Czech republic celebrates this year (year 2018) 100 years as a independant country
so the tour / road show is named "The journey accross Czech century" ...
so cool...
with a patriot spirit ..
and explanation of Czech century milestones ..
1918, 1939, 1948, ....1989
a milestone is also 2018
but that is another story ...
great ...
Thank you very much for your time and interview
follow us on youtube and web, follow Honza on his soc. networks
and see you in next epizode ....
bye.. :-)
also, I thank you for invitation.. live well .. and see you
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