Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily Jun 5 2018

Hi, it's Ernest from Trip Astute. In this video, we're reviewing another Chase rule

known as 2/30 and sharing some tips to consider when applying for

multiple cards.

(light chiming music)

If you've been watching our channel, you've probably seen our

Chase 5/24 rule video or heard me reference it in other points and miles

videos. Though with all the new cards that have recently been released by

Chase, I've noticed we've been getting a lot of questions from people asking

whether they can and should apply for multiple Chase cards at once. Since Chase

has some of the strictest rules when it comes to applying for cards, I thought I

would discuss one of their lesser-known rules which is the 2/30 rule. This

unofficial rule basically says that you can be approved for no more than two

Chase cards within a 30-day period. I should caveat this by saying that none

of these rules are official, but more based on the collective experience and

insight from those in the travel and points community. You might know someone

who actually got three Chase cards in a month without any issues, but for most

people, this seems to be the general rule of thumb from Chase. So, if you're chasing (no

pun intended) multiple chase cards at once, and knowing

that it's possible to get two cards within 30 days, should you apply for two

at the same time? In my opinion, probably not. Even if you can get two Chase cards

within a month, you want to monitor whether you fall within the Chase 5/24

rule. Also, I still feel like it's risky to apply for more than one card from the

same issuer at the same time. I think the issuers get a little bit nervous when

they see people applying for a lot of credit at the same time. You can often

hide that you're applying to multiple issuers by using the "app-o-rama" technique,

but if you apply for multiple cards from the same issuer, they're going to

see it. If you're not familiar with the "app-o-rama" technique, see our Credit Card

Tips and Tricks" video for more information. Some people might disagree

with me, but I personally recommend applying for no more than one credit

card from the same issuer within 90 days. I might be overly cautious, but I also

think that this hobby is a marathon and not a sprint.

While you want to be able to get the best offers, I also think that there are

new and better offers yet to come. In fact, rules change so much

in this game, you can never get too comfortable with your card approach and

strategy. Still, if you're determined to get two Chase cards at once, here's what I

would suggest. Number 1: Check your 5/24 status. Chase is notoriously strict about

the number of cards that you have applied for, especially within the last two years.

If you need help determining how to check your status, see our video on it.

Also, keep in mind that not all cards are subject to Chase's 5/24 rule. Chase cards

like the Hyatt, Marriott, IHG, Ritz Carlton, and British Airways do not count toward

5/24. I'll include a link in the video description to an article with the full

list. Number 2: Map out your card strategy. While you

might be excited about getting a card now, just know that each card will make

it more difficult to get a future card, especially with the 5/24 rule. Make sure

that you have a road map for what cards you intend to get. If you need a credit

card tracker, feel free to use the one that we've created. I'll include a link

in the video description. Also, I suggest leaving a little bit of buffer in your

card applications in case an incredible offer is around the corner. You don't

want to miss out the next time a 100,000 points card offer is released. Number

3: Make sure your first application is approved. If you're applying for

multiple Chase cards, then you'll want to proceed with the second application only

if the first one is approved immediately. The reason for this is that it's

unlikely that your second application will be approved instantaneously if your

first one is under review or being processed. I personally wouldn't want two

pending approvals at the same time, as I think it might be a red flag to the

issuer. Again, I might be overly cautious, but I think it's better to be safe than

sorry. Have you had luck applying for two or

more cards from Chase within a month? Let us know your experience below. Also, let

me know if you think I'm being too cautious about applying for more than

one card at the same time from the same issuer. We hope you enjoyed this video

and found it useful. If so, please give us a thumbs up and consider sharing our

video with others. We're so close to getting to 5,000 subscribers and would

appreciate your help getting there. Also, we love hearing from folks that our

videos are helpful. If you know anyone that might benefit from

our content, we would love to see it shared with others.

Until next time, travel safe and travel smart.

For more infomation >> Applying for Multiple Chase Cards at Once | Reviewing Chase's 2/30 Rule - Duration: 4:36.


Reporter Nails Sarah Huckabee Sanders For Lying: "How Can We Believe Anything You Say?" - Duration: 3:55.

In the last few weeks, it's become more and more obvious that reporters in the United

States are no longer afraid to call Sarah Huckabee Sanders out for her lies.

Last year, Huckabee Sanders told us that Donald Trump, the President of the United States

was in no way involved in the New York Times response that Donald Trump Jr. gave about

his Trump Tower meeting.

Now we've found out in the last few days that Donald Trump himself actually dictated the

entire response, making what Huckabee Sanders said last year completely false.

And on Monday during the White House press briefing, one reporter decided to ask her

why we should ever believe anything she says.

Take a look.

... follow up question is, if I could ask who these [crosstalk 00:00:50] are that you

are citing.

I'm going to direct the question to Josh.

Go ahead.

If you're saying one thing from the podium, that it wasn't dictated by the president,

and his lawyers are saying something entirely different and contradict you, how are we supposed

to know who to believe?

How can we believe what you're saying from the podium if his lawyers are saying it's

entirely inaccurate?

Once again, I can't comment on a letter from the letter from the president's outside counsel,

and I'd direct you to them to answer it.


But Sarah, the words are literally, you said "he did not dictate," the lawyers said he


What is it?

I'm not going to respond to a letter from the president's outside counsel, we've purposely

walled off, and I'd refer you to them for comment.


Thank you-

That was Washington Post reporter Josh Dawsey who asked that question, and he made a phenomenal

point, and it's absolutely right.

Why should we, as a public, as a press, as whatever, believe anything that comes out

of Sarah Huckabee Sanders' mouth?

Last year she told us unequivocally that Trump wasn't involved.

And now, today, she's telling us, it's a matter for the legal team, don't ask, I can't answer


Well you already did answer that.

He's not asking for a new answer.

He's asking why you lied about it, Sarah.

That's what other reporters in this country have to start doing.

And he was not the only one who stood up to her in yesterday's press briefing.

There were several others.

But anytime this happens, here's what the press needs to start doing.

They need to get up and walk out of the room.

Pretend you're Nikki Haley at a UN meeting.

And do what she did.

When somebody you don't like starts talking, you just get up and walk out, regardless of

how rude and disrespectful it may be.

Because even if you think that that is rude, to just get up while somebody's talking and

walk out, what's even more rude is to sit at a podium every single day and lie to the

American public and lie about things that you had already said.

And then not come clean about those lies, and then lie again and say that you're not

even allowed to talk about it.

Because that's what Sarah Huckabee Sanders is doing.

It's great that the press is starting to call her out.

And I credit Michelle Wolf with that.

Because before Michelle Wolf gave that speech at the White House Correspondents' Dinner,

these members of the press were more than happy to sit there and let Huckabee Sanders

lie to them.

But ever since that, there has been a change.

And that change is that these reporters are no longer sitting there quietly, waiting for

Huckabee Sanders to tell her latest lie.

They're calling her out on it.

They're bringing up things that she said in the past.

And they're not going to stand for it anymore.

The next move that they are going to have to make is to get up and walk out of that


Because if you don't, you understand that you're just going to be sitting there and

fed lies for however long she is at that podium.

That's not going to help your stories.

That's not going to help you sell extra newspapers.

That's only going to poison the public discourse about the issues that actually affect this


For more infomation >> Reporter Nails Sarah Huckabee Sanders For Lying: "How Can We Believe Anything You Say?" - Duration: 3:55.


Project Daedalus: Our 1970s Plan for Interstellar Travel - Duration: 5:15.


It happens all the time in Star Trek and other science fiction shows:

At the press of a button, a starship is able to whiz right past the speed of light,

off to explore strange new worlds.

Of course, thanks to the laws of physics, real life isn't quite as fun,

because nothing can go faster than the speed of light.

Even Voyager 1, the fastest thing we've ever sent out of the solar system,

would take more than 17,000 years to travel one measly light-year.

Still, that has not stopped engineers from dreaming of ways to explore other worlds.

Many ideas have come and gone, but one of the most ambitious and influential

was Project Daedalus.

It was thought up in the 1970s, and it proposed a way we could get to a star

almost six light-years away... in less than 50 years.

Project Daedalus was conceived by the British Interplanetary Society, a group founded

in the 1930s, long before we'd launched anything into space.

Their first project was designing a concept for a moon rocket,

and later, they also studied how we could use German missiles for human spaceflight.

Admittedly, they didn't by any stretch have the resources to build these spacecraft themselves.

Instead, it was a group of academics and engineers trying to study,

on paper, the feasibility of such a mission using present or near-future technology.

Maybe another group would someday be interested in the building part.

Still, if nothing else, this team did have ambition.

They began Project Daedalus in 1973 and published their final plan only five years later.

Their goal was to get a robotic, uncrewed spaceship to around 12% the speed of light,

or about 36,000 kilometers per second,

and send it to study a target called Barnard's Star.

This star is about six light-years away, so it isn't the closest one to Earth.

But at the time, astronomers thought it had something no other nearby star did: planets.

Specifically, two of them, which had supposedly been discovered in the 1960s.

After accelerating to its max speed, Daedalus would be able to get there in only 50 years,

well within the span of a human lifetime.

Instead of relying on future inventions, the group wanted to use only contemporary or near

future technology to propel their spacecraft.

So instead of waiting around for something like an antimatter engine,

they settled on nuclear explosions. As you do.

Their proposed design was a sort of odd, bubbly-looking thing,

essentially, a rocket with a belt of round nukes in the middle.

The idea was to create a series of small nuclear explosions to build up momentum for the craft.

Each explosion would accelerate it more and more over the course of about five years,

until it reached those incredible speeds.

Although this nuclear stuff was an extreme idea, it wasn't an especially new one.

Across the pond, NASA had long been pursuing nuclear propulsion technology,

including with Project Orion, in the 1950s and '60s.

But that program was shut down by nuclear treaties.

Thankfully, Daedalus only proposed using coin-sized pellets instead of full-on nuclear bombs like NASA,

so their engine might not have been a problem if anyone ever wanted to build this ship

But that didn't mean Daedalus didn't have other issues.

For one, even though it used nukes instead of heavy, conventional fuel,

the ship alone would still have weighed about 2400 metric tons,

which is 18 times bigger than the largest payload ever carried to orbit.

Also, as the engineers soon realized, conventional nukes wouldn't even be enough:

In order to have enough fuel and power, they'd actually need fusion.

This process involves synthesizing two elements into a heavier one,

then utilizing the excess energy.

But we don't even have efficient fusion technology today.

So, like antimatter engines, this tech was part of the "not coming any time soon" category.

Even if the Daedalus team had managed to get all that sorted out, though,

there would have been even more issues once the mission was underway.

Like, the farther the craft got from Earth, the harder it would be to communicate with it.

And any repairs would be almost impossible without fairly advanced artificial intelligence,

which definitely wasn't a thing in the 1970s.

Oh, and, one small detail, the news also broke partway through the Daedalus study that

Barnard's Star didn't actually have planets.

These were false signals created by routine telescope maintenance.

So, the odds of ever making this mission a reality kind of plummeted.

It became a dream for the far future and, eventually, faded from the popular imagination.

Of course this doesn't mean we're done exploring the galaxy, though.

These days, a mission like Project Daedalus might actually be close to possible.

Or at least, closer.

Some groups are still looking into nuclear propulsion, including NASA, which has been

exploring how to use nuclear rockets in the solar system without violating any treaties.

And work on spaceship repair and robots has really improved, too.

In 2015, the University of Michigan created a self-healing material

that could plug small holes in spacecraft.

And the International Space Station has also tested out a

few robots that could take care of onboard repairs.

Admittedly, there's still a long way to go, but visiting other stars

does feel less impossible now.

And if nothing else, engineers are also exploring tons of alternative options to explore the galaxy.

Like, there's one called Breakthrough Starshot, which would use hundreds of simple, laser-powered probes

to reach our neighboring star, Alpha Centauri, within 20 years.

But whatever happens, our thoughts are clearly aimed at the stars.

Now we just need to figure out a way to get to them,

whether it's nukes, lasers, or something even weirder.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!

Along with Project Daedalus, there are plenty of other missions that

never made it off the ground.

You can learn more about some of them in our episode with Reid about three history-changing missions.


For more infomation >> Project Daedalus: Our 1970s Plan for Interstellar Travel - Duration: 5:15.


I Sent Pictures To A Boy I Liked And Shouldn't Have - Duration: 3:15.

I liked this one guy, we were super close. We started talking like late at night

and stuff, and he would ask me how my day was and what I did...He would ask me how

I'm feeling and stuff like that. He'd be super nice. One day he asked me for racy pics

and I said "no" but he kept begging me and I was like "maybe". I was trying to talk

myself out of it. But then I was feeling like "I don't know what to do" and we had

this thing and it was play pool, the loser has to send pics of your body. And I said "how

about something other than that?" He said, "all right, bottom pics" and I said "fine". So

we played and I lost so I had to send him some pictures. And he liked them he

was like ooh "really nice" stuff. Later then he asked me for more like that. I said

"no" but I was on the phone with my friend she was like "what are you gonna do?" And

he sent me a picture and she was like wait "no he didn't" and I said "yeah." And I

showed my friend and I was like "I don't know what to do he's asking me for

picture still" and I was like "fine" so I sent him a picture of me in my top.

And then he was like "take the top off". So I did and I put my hands over my chest and

he said "send it without your hands." And I put emojis and then he was like take the

emogiis off and I was like "fine" I did and he was like "ooh la la!"

"I'll grab your bottom and stuff at school if you keep sending them to me" and I was

like "you know what I want to go to bed good night." A month later my mom found

out that he sent me that because my friends are talking about it in the car

and she heard it. So then we had to talk about it with my therapist she was like

did you send him back and I was like no because I kept lying cuz I was like I

don't want to but then my mom threatened to take it up with the school district

and like tell on him and say this is just illegal you better look up his

picture and say like "oh he did send it" and like he should get punished for it

and I was like "Mom you can't do that" and she was like "why did you send it back?"

And I was "if I did would you be mad?" And she said

"no" and I started crying and I poured down tears. And I told her the truth

that I did. And she just hugged me and she said "look, it's gonna be all right

but you know you can't do that again." And I got grounded for a long time. And I

never did anything like that again because the feeling of thinking that

someone might find out and ruin your!

For more infomation >> I Sent Pictures To A Boy I Liked And Shouldn't Have - Duration: 3:15.


Eagles Attempt To Embarrass Trump, But He End Up Humiliating Them Instead - Duration: 4:31.

Eagles Attempt To Embarrass Trump, But He End Up Humiliating Them Instead.

The Philadelphia Eagles had a temper tantrum on Monday, and President Donald Trump quickly

put them in their place.

No one in the Eagles organization could have expected the consequences of their cowardly

actions, that they swiftly faced.

Many players for the NFL Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles had decided, not to attend

the White House ceremony to honor their historic victory.

Although some of the players still wanted to attend the gathering, the president told

them that they were now persona non grata.

But the celebration will go on without them.

"The Philadelphia Eagles are unable to come, to the White House with their full team to

be celebrated tomorrow," the White House said in a statement made on Monday.

"They disagree with their President because he insists, that they proudly stand for the

National Anthem, hand on heart, in honor of the great men and women of our country.

The Eagles wanted to send a smaller delegation, but the 1,000 fans planning to attend the

event deserve better.

These fans are still invited to the White House to be part of a different type of ceremony,

one that will honor our great country, pay tribute to the heroes who fight to protect

it, and loudly and proudly play the National Anthem.

I will be there at 3:00 p.m. with the United States Marine Band, and the United States

Army Chorus to celebrate America."

The decision came after a large contingent of the Eagles team, particularly the black

players, decided that they would not attend the celebration, ESPN reported.

President Donald Trump has already done more for the black community than former President

Barack Obama did in 8 years, so it's a bit of a shock that they wouldn't want to meet

the man responsible for the record-breaking unemployment rate, among other things.

No one in the Eagles organization knew that the event was canceled, until the White House

released its statement.

The decision did not sit well with some members of the team.

"A lot of people in the Eagles organization are very disappointed," a source told ESPN.

And former Eagles wide receiver Torrey Smith, who now plays for the Carolina Panthers, issued

a statement of his own on Twitter denouncing the president, who he apparently has contempt


"So many lies smh Here are some facts 1.

Not many people were going to go, 2.

No one refused to go simply, because Trump insists folks stand for the anthem, 3.

The President continues to spread the false narrative that players are anti military,"

he wrote.

"There are a lot of people on the team that have plenty of different views.

The men and women that wanted to go should've been able to go.

It's a cowardly act to cancel the celebration because the majority of the people don't

want to see you.

To make it about the anthem is foolish," he said.

Torrey Smith omits what is apparent.

The team, and in particular the players who had chosen not to attend, wanted to embarrass

the president by having a small gathering, knowing that the media would take the photos

of that small celebration, and run with it.

Philadelphia Mayor Kenney issued a statement that proved that point.

"The Eagles call the birthplace of our democracy home, so it's no surprise that this team

embodies everything that makes our country and our city great.

Their athletic accomplishments on the field led to an historic victory this year.

Fans all across the country rallied behind them because we like to root for the underdog,

and we feel joy when we see the underdogs finally win.

I'm equally proud of the Eagles activism off the field.

These are players who stand up for the causes they believe in, and who contribute in meaningful

ways to their community.

They represent the diversity of our nation, a nation in, which we are free to express

our opinions," he said.

"Disinviting them from the White House only proves that our President is not a true patriot,

but a fragile egomaniac obsessed with crowd size, and afraid of the embarrassment of throwing,

a party to which no one wants to attend," the mayor said.

And in that statement, he gives the game away.

The intention of the Eagles players was to embarrass the president, by having a small


What they did not expect was that President Donald Trump was not about to be made to look

ridiculous, by a bunch of crybaby millionaires, who cannot get over an election that happened

more than a year ago.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Eagles Attempt To Embarrass Trump, But He End Up Humiliating Them Instead - Duration: 4:31.





Amazon Alexa New Updates and New Features for June 5 2018 - Duration: 6:02.

Hello everyone. Thanks for tuning in again. Let's get started with another

video here about the Amazon Echo series and your Amazon Alexa enabled devices.

Now if you do have one of those devices go ahead mute the mic cause I am going to use

that keyword a number of times here through the video. Let's get going.

The first thing we're going to talk about this week isn't the best thing for

those of you with an Echo device. Now we have a report of someone whose

conversation was actually sent to one of their contacts in their Alexa list.

It was done without her actually requesting that. Now

of course Amazon's come right out and they've investigated, they've looked at

it, they've done everything possible that they can, and of course they're going to

correct this in the future. But with that in mind, what I'm going to do is prepare

a video that shows you how to protect your privacy as best you can

right now with your Alexa enabled device and your Amazon Echo series of devices. So stay

tuned to the channel for that. Amazon has proved something that...I wasn't too sure of

how this was going, because I haven't made a lot of purchases through my Echo Dot

devices. What actually happens, and this is proven through a study now, is

that people with an Echo or an Alexa-enabled device will actually spend 29%

more than your average customer on the Amazon ecosystem or the Amazon website.

That's an amazing statistic. It says people are buying into actually using

just their voice to purchase products through their Echo devices. I will say

that this next update is nothing short of amazing when you think about it from

a programming standpoint. Now I don't know if Amazon actually has this much

processing power, but they say they do and they're starting to utilize this.

It's called the CanFulfillIntentRequest() and developers now can utilize

that. What that means is when a user asks something of Alexa,

this piece of code will allow Amazon to reach out and basically pull that skill

forward and give it to the user and say "hey this might

fulfill what you're asking for." I'm sure they're going to trigger both the

skill, or even just a suggestion to go and install the skill, and then it will

let you do that I'm sure. But the processing power behind something like

this, when we think about the millions and millions of skills that are going to

be on this system, that's pretty incredible stuff. Speaking of skill

development, Amazon continues to develop their developers network.

They're now paying in the UK and Germany. They're paying extra money to developers

of kid-friendly skills. So if you're one of those developers, and you're looking

for somewhere to produce a skill, go produce a kid skill in the UK or Germany.

Right now you're going to make a little extra money. This next thing is

functionality that I really love. I've been looking for this for a long time.

What it's going to cause you to do is continue to integrate your contacts with

your Alexa app and your Alexa device. Now what you can do is schedule meetings and

on top of that you can move meetings, and that's a really important component here,

and it's available on all kinds of calendars including your Gmail, your G

Suite, Microsoft Office 365, and Microsoft Exchange. Now on to a couple of new

devices getting integrated with Alexa, the first one is the Motiv ring. We

already had some integration there, but we're getting some more so you can

actually now ask Alexa through the Motiv skill your current steps, your

current calories, a number of current pieces of information. So that means your

Motiv ring is basically communicating in an essentially instantaneous

fashion back to Alexa. On top of that Hisense actually has an air-conditioner

now for about $400 USD. It is Alexa compatible, and you can turn on and

off your air conditioner today with Alexa. And then what might kind of

tweak some people into getting an air conditioner is now you can schedule

it, and I think that's a really important differentiation for people. If you've

been paying attention to the LG thinQ set of devices they have a set of

TVs that have been getting really good reviews. They have a lot of smart

functionality within them, they have the Google Assistant on board, but now what

they've announced is that they're getting Alexa support. You're going to

be able to change channels, change the volume up or down, and a number of other

functions, so they now have dual support for both of the big smart home voice

assistants here. That's great news for those of us with an Echo device. There

you go, that was a ton of updates really quickly here for those of you with an

Echo device or an Alexa-enabled assistant. I think the functionality is really

moving forward really quickly with Amazon here. They're doing a great job

keeping pace with Google, and even keeping pace with expectations. It's been

amazing. So thanks everyone for watching. We'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Amazon Alexa New Updates and New Features for June 5 2018 - Duration: 6:02.


Trump Turns The Tables On Democrats, Sends Russia Investigation Into Chaos - Duration: 3:15.

Trump Turns The Tables On Democrats, Sends Russia Investigation Into Chaos.

After the President initially got elected, it became obvious that someone on his staff

was leaking information to the press.

After multiple firings, the leaks stopped for a time, but the identity of the leaker

remained a mystery.

Some suspected former Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus of being

the leaker, while others were convinced that certain leaks had to have come from former

national security advisor H.R. McMaster.

McMaster was at the helm when the President called Vladimir Putin last March after Putin

won his election.

Trump was reportedly pressured by top aides to not call Putin, and was even given instruction

in all caps which said, "DO NOT CONGRATULATE."

But Trump cannot be managed and called Putin anyway.

It's likely this call was leaked to the press because it had to do with the Russia

investigation, one of the few things the liberal media still cares about, but Rep. Mark Meadows

expressed outrage at the leak and suggested that it and others thought to come from the

national security council are crimes.

Both McMaster and Priebus lost their jobs, yet the leaks continue.

It's more than likely that there are multiple leakers, but these leaks continue to affect

national security, and Trump is demanding to know their identity.

He recently tweeted, "There was No Collusion with Russia (except by the Democrats).

When will this very expensive Witch Hunt Hoax ever end?

So bad for our Country.

Is the Special Counsel/Justice Department leaking my lawyer's letters to the Fake

News Media?

Should be looking at Dems corruption instead?"

This tweet came minutes before the New York Times published an article featuring a 20-page

letter from Trump's attorney Michael Cohen.

The confidential letter was reportedly sent to special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and

his team earlier this year, and attempts to clarify that the president cannot be called

to testify because of his executive authority in matters such as this.

The letter also states that the president did not obstruct justice by firing former

FBI director James Comey.

According to the Constitution, the president has total authority over federal investigations

and can fire whomever he chooses.

The confidential memo then goes on to say that the Constitution allows the president,

"if he wished, [to] terminate the inquiry, or even exercise his power to pardon."

This leak gives the liberal media more to chatter about, but still does not prove that

Trump colluded with Russia.

At this point, as the investigation starts its second year, it's clear that both the

media and Mueller are becoming desperate.

This leaked letter tells us nothing that we didn't already know, but is further proof

that there are people willing to do whatever it takes to impeach our president.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Trump Turns The Tables On Democrats, Sends Russia Investigation Into Chaos - Duration: 3:15.


Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 5 de junio de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 20:13.

For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 5 de junio de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 20:13.


Crybaby Acosta is Now Leading His Own 'RESISTANCE' Against Sarah Huckabee - Duration: 2:26.

Crybaby Acosta is Now Leading His Own 'RESISTANCE' Against Sarah Huckabee.

CNN's resident crybaby and attention hog, Jim Acosta, is hatching a new plan to shift

the spotlight back onto him.

After being repeatedly humiliated by Sarh Huckabee Sanders in yesterday's press briefing,

Acosta is now calling on all reporters to "team up" against Sanders.

From The Daily Caller

CNN's Jim Acosta and Sarah Sanders had a tense back-and-forth at Monday's White House

press briefing.

Acosta asked about a recent comments by Rudi Gulliani where he used an example of Trump

shooting Jim Comey to prove a point.

Acosta asked Sanders if using the shooting language is appropriate.

Sanders said bluntly, "You would have to ask Rudy Giuliani about his specific comments,"

and continued, "Thankfully the president hasn't done anything wrong, and so we feel

comfortable in that."

Acosta attempted to ask a follow up question, "If I could ask a follow-up question … " but

Sanders was not having it.

"Sorry I'm going to keep going," she said.

"Not today, Jim."Acosta kept shouting that other reporters got follow-up questions.

"No, they didn't" Sanders said and moved on to the next question.

Acosta shouted but to no avail.

After the briefing, Acosta mused on Twitter that reporters should team up on Sanders and

unite when one of them does gets "cut off."

"One way to address the briefing is for reporters to stick together when the press

sec cuts somebody off," Acosta said, declaring that reporters should just stonewall Sanders

as a group, "Ideally we could and should insist on answers if somebody is cut off.

We don't do that as much as we should."

One way to address the briefing is for reporters to stick together when the press sec cuts

somebody off.

Ideally we could and should insist on answers if somebody is cut off.

We don't do that as much as we should.

Problem is there is so little time and so many pressing q's.

Acosta said the problem with his theory is that "There is so little time and so many

pressing [questions.]"

what do you think about this?

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USA facts today

For more infomation >> Crybaby Acosta is Now Leading His Own 'RESISTANCE' Against Sarah Huckabee - Duration: 2:26.


GO WEST HAPPY COW - Trailer - Duration: 2:23.

[Orchestral Music] [Kurt] Ha, it's Mike.

[Kurt] Moooooo?

[Mike] Yeah, Kurt - what am I doing in the trailer?

We're going west, buddy!

["West Bound Outta Town" music]

West bound outta town, udders they-a flopping,

we're gonna have some beers and lots of fun.

C'mon, it's beer! You love beers!

Don't know where we're going, but we'll know when we get there.

We're west bound, Happy Cows on the run.

It's my brother from another udder.

Kidnap your friend if you have to,

I said I packed you a suitcase!

Do it when he ain't awake.

That just says Chicago to me.

Keep going west, young man, 'til you hit the Pacific Lake.

[Scroggins] Dr. Scroggins Baumgartner, BM. ♪ Scroggins made a happy beer,

we'll put that truck in gear. Troy says to do whatever it takes.

This kinda says it all, right?

Wait, Mike? Mike, I got a question about that.

Where are your clothes? You're lookin' at 'em!

We're finally making some movie magic.

Woooooo! So awesome!

You're slightly less crazy than thought you were. [Bottle Clink]


Big Joe Thompson's owed some money,

[Amanda] California?!

at least ten-grand of cheese


♪ He's such a big, big man, he thinks he can do just what he please.

[Kurt] We're in Vegas, baby! I think we're gonna do this.

Don't drink beer, as he tells it.

We'll drink some as we sell it.

Country boys havin' fun.

[Instrumental Hoedown]

[Cheering and Jumping]

[Kurt] Isn't that delicious looking?

[Glasses Clinking Together] [Maniacal Laughing]

Do you think the beer's turned?

[Song Fades Out] [Orchestral Music Swells]

What Mike doesn't know, is we've secretly exchanged his beer

with Folgers Flavor Crystals.

Let's see what happens. C'mon!

For more infomation >> GO WEST HAPPY COW - Trailer - Duration: 2:23.


Decorazioni con il sac a poche - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Decorazioni con il sac a poche - Duration: 7:04.


Chơn Lý- Phần 19: Tánh Thủy_ Tác giả : Tổ Sư Minh Đăng Quang - Duration: 27:06.

For more infomation >> Chơn Lý- Phần 19: Tánh Thủy_ Tác giả : Tổ Sư Minh Đăng Quang - Duration: 27:06.


Pelosi Demands 'Christian Bigots' Start BAKING CAKES For Gay People - Duration: 2:43.

Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi slammed the SCOTUS decision to not force Americans to violate

their religious liberty to bake cakes for radical gay bully activists.

Pelosi called the fair ruling "discriminatory," and intolerable, in her statement.

Of course, there's no mention of what happened when someone waltzed into a Muslim bakery

asking for a "gay wedding cake."

It's just Christians who are the intolerant bigots, according to liberals!

From Breitbart

Would-be Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) slammed Monday's 7-2 Supreme Court

ruling in the Masterpiece Bakeshop case, attacking "discriminatory practices behind the guise

of religious liberty."

The Court found in favor of a Colorado baker who was sued when he declined to bake a wedding

cake for a same-sex marriage because of his Christian beliefs.

The baker asserted his religious liberty under the First Amendment.

The decision avoided ruling on the broader question of whether religious liberty trumps

non-discrimination on the basis of sexuality, and held only that the Colorado Civil Rights

Commission had not given the baker a fair hearing.

Still, Pelosi made clear that she found any defense of religious liberty intolerable.

Her full statement is as follows:

The Masterpiece Cakeshop case is about the most fundamental right of all Americans: to

be free from persecution and discrimination because of who they are or whom they love.

While narrowly framed to apply to the decision-making process undertaken by the state commission,

today's wrongheaded decision fails to uphold equality in this case.

Masterpiece Cakeshop is a commercial bakery open to the public, and such services clearly

must be made available to the public on equal terms as determined by an independent review

by the Colorado Court of Appeals which should have been upheld.

No business or organization open to the public should hide their discriminatory practices

behind the guise of religious liberty.

Our nation's story is one of ever-expanding freedoms and progress toward a future of equal,

full rights for all.

To carry forth that progress, the Congress must immediately move to pass the Equality

Act, to remove all doubt that sexual orientation and gender identity warrant fundamental civil

rights protections in the workplace and in every place.

Democrats will never stop fighting for every American's right to full equality and equal

justice under the law.

Pelosi, who currently serves as House Minority Leader, has made clear — despite internal

objections — that she intends to reclaim the Speaker's gavel if her party wins back

the House majority in the November elections.

For more infomation >> Pelosi Demands 'Christian Bigots' Start BAKING CAKES For Gay People - Duration: 2:43.


"There is a way, always" - about travelling, people, animals and relations | E44 [Sub: EN] - Duration: 11:41.

Welcome to new Kecall's epizode

I 've been visited an event for supporting dog harbourage where I 've met Honza Drobný

He is a Czech traveller who travelled a long time with his dog Teky.

So, please introduce yourself in few sentences...

Oh, .... hard question isn't it?

People who haven' t met me personally and know me from social networks

are divided into two groups,

first gruoup are haters, and wrote online lts of lies.

and then there is another group who are canonising me, and that is also not the truth.. unfortunately :)

I'm a man who experienced a lot, a lot of fails .... mistakes

and when it was more then one can keep..

then, even I got crazy... and my health condition wasn't well,

so I took my dog (leaving a dog is unthinkable)

I 've decided not to give up, and have gone in a way of life restart

even it has been first travel outside Europe, far far away, without money, and with invalid dog

So you moved somewhere abroad with your dog... as I heard on your presentation

the dog was really ill, with movement limits, with the prediction of several months of life.

At that time I didn't know anybody, travelling with a dog

... and now I am an example that it is possible...

when I asked on the embassy in topics of travelling with a dog, I always heard that it is impossible

And that was a challenge for you

.. long story short, lost guy...

but I have a will and strength to find a way

and a "balls to catch a chance..."

really cool!

You wrote a book from your journey, "There is a way, always", the topic we are talking about

or ... lost gringo in a road trip through continents

How many continents you 've been to .. with a dog?

3 continents, including Europe

so two foreign... :)

Lathin America and Asia - Thailand

todays topic is not about book content...

.. but I can recommend to buy it, .. I was on a presentation, it was really interesting

it was focused on dog-owners community

because of dog-charity event..

but the thing I d like to point out, ... what I like on your speech

you wrote a book, which connects your business life with activities you like to do

sure it can make a money

and you also told you to live your dreams trough travelling... I really like this topic

how it comes, connect all those activites?

First of all, I haven't started travelling with an idea to wrote a book.

Truly, it is a really interesting question, thank you for that...

it is connecton of more things together

by the way .. it is described in book in first 39 pages..

it sounds like a really lot of pages...

I heard many times from experts, it is so long, that is not a good way to write a book, it is not so common,

.. .but.. I can honestly say, the book without paid advertising is sold out, before introducing event...

I have some last printed pieces for events...

Fortunately I got one!

The additional print is comming, dont worry.

... order it on my page, it will be with personal inscription .)

the reason why I am saying that is .. people like it, therefore is sold out...

replied me that they like the intro (the longer than used to be section)

where I am introducing the feelings, occasions, mood, and what causes my life restart...

It is not a personal confession, it is not about that

but for understanding the meaning of a book, and the idea, it is good to understand my life breakpoints

I have been inspired by my followers on soc. networks, therefore I decided to write a book

frist online posts were for friends...

Now I have almost 5 thousands of followers on both profiles ...

And I'm thinking of my followers, I am trying to sort out racist and this kind of unpleasant followers...

or similar type of haters I don't wanna talk about.

but the reason why I am telling that

the book and the entire project around

reflects a feedback from a readers

what was the main benefit for them

and that is the main thing, main idea that giving me the satisfaction

... I always experienced my activities this way...

suddanly it was divided into two groups

things I like to do, such as motorbikes - my business in some period of my life

... but it wasn't a real business, it was more hobby then income.

another life period I did a charity, but that time I 've experienced that you also need to have a money

for daily life, and not die because of hunger

it is really not good to help others with 'killing' yourself

so since that time I am looking for and focusing on activities that are my hobby, I can make money with and live the life

so ... I am really happy

that I have almost reached my goals - ... almost..

people like my writing, ...

the topics and activities around that

I am not presenting myself as a saint ...

I am always highlighitng facts such as

helping to Teky dog, my current dog Meggi... also saved form harbourage

I am helping to other dogs...

all that I am doing.. I am doing on purpose

I like that activity

it satisfies me

I am really happy .. and it connects me with amazing people

I am visiting interesting places and events

learning new thinks

I am training my soft skills and being open minded

and of course, selfconfidence

even when ego is necessary to have under control

ego like this selfconfidence and success

... therefore I always recommend .. 'try to do the things you like'

do something for yourself.. what you like...

and then if everybody does something more for others.. then would be great!

.... I am really happy

... back to the book, the book is not only about travelling, dogs, or inner peace...

despite that there is a dog in foreign country ...

and there is a spiritual meaning....

who is not focusing on that, can just read it and laugh a lot.

My idea has been to write it humorous more than teaching...

or in a mood of mind teaching...

what I 've wanted to write .. the idea ... is ... (there are more than one.. but my goal is)

I want others to realise that is not necessary to be in a group of people...

who do what thay like

or in a group who can makes a money

or different sorting .. the good-mood/optimists .. who are often weird..

and then there are career interested people without inner happiness.

.. I wanna show that is possible to do what you like to do and be for that paid... that is my goal

.. and I want to be an example.. to show that is possible

simply show to materialist mood and career-focused friends ...and tell them...

"Hey Bro ... look! it is possible to live in symbiosis with work and happiness"

and inspire others

.. question comes to my mind... I really like and understand your ideas

and behind that, you are supporting other beneficial projects...

choose some of them ... you are proud of... proud of supporting

and what does it helps to

it is hard to choose only some.. understand, not to prefer one in front of others...

so .. choose first that comes to your mind..

... definetly .. it is an organisation RAFAEL

helping to maltreated dogs

don't take it as .. others are less .. no really no..

but behind this organization is Mrs Iva Volkova

she is a volunteer with the support of family members

most of a time she is doing that alone and helps to this poor dogs

really sad animal stories can't imagine

she helps them, taking a care of them...

heal them during day or night.. .when it is necessary

simply she is on a right time at a right place... where the help is necessary and important...

I really appreciate her, I admire her and what does she doing

I came across with the situation when she helped to find a new home for this dogs...

.. and what I admire the most... she is doing that because she is a good person.. beautiful minded

I 've met in my life people who are helping because of cheating government....

or .. because of theirself bed feelings...

or doing help to be admired ...

.. and Iva .. she is doing that by hearth... really beautiful minded and nice person

and now we are cooperating, I am supporting her, she is supporting me...

And I feel to be honoured in this cooperation

... and the other project .. called INKA ?

It is organisation represented by Olga Vilímková, I ve met in Peru

she is teaching on a university

she is guiding groups in Peru,

and on her traverls met lots of orpans..

... she had started teaching them .. for free

and then she created orginisation INKA,

organisation without internal money such as sallaries

now she is operating also in Guatemala and other countries

and she gives the money to natives.. but in a clever way

in the idea "If you wanna feed the poor people, don't give them a fish, teach them fishing..."

That is a brilliant idea .. to the end of our interview...

Other topics and information you can find in our article

link written bellow the video ( )

read it, and if you like the channel, follow us or mark the article

who cares where the 'like' button is :)))

in the article, you will find a link to Honza's profile and social channels

do you have the youtube one?

sure I have but it is not so frequently updated.. it is better to follow our facebook or web page

there are other materials pictures articles etc.

where to buy the book

simply all including social network links

and bonus materials ..

what is going on.. news from dogs life

Now I am heading to Czech Republic roadshow...

I am preparing youtube short movie

.. cause during the Czech tour... I am discovering also my country

and it comes to me like a good idea to share it

especially when my current dogs are 'in focus of Tekys followers'.. thousands of followers...

They called Maggie and Savadi .. so I always will make a short clip with them

named "Experience Czech beauties with Maggie and Savadi "

and because Czech republic celebrates this year (year 2018) 100 years as a independant country

so the tour / road show is named "The journey accross Czech century" ...

so cool...

with a patriot spirit ..

and explanation of Czech century milestones ..

1918, 1939, 1948, ....1989

a milestone is also 2018

but that is another story ...

great ...

Thank you very much for your time and interview

follow us on youtube and web, follow Honza on his soc. networks

and see you in next epizode ....

bye.. :-)

also, I thank you for invitation.. live well .. and see you

For more infomation >> "There is a way, always" - about travelling, people, animals and relations | E44 [Sub: EN] - Duration: 11:41.


ramadan best healthy food in urdu | health tips in urdu 2018 | افطاری میں اِن پھلوں کا استعمال کریں - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> ramadan best healthy food in urdu | health tips in urdu 2018 | افطاری میں اِن پھلوں کا استعمال کریں - Duration: 3:25.


Ford Fiesta 1.0 ECOBOOST TITANIUM | 5-Drs | 16"lm.velgen | Chrome pakket | 1e eigenaar Bel voor een - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.0 ECOBOOST TITANIUM | 5-Drs | 16"lm.velgen | Chrome pakket | 1e eigenaar Bel voor een - Duration: 0:45.



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