Sustainability is a journey.
I used to think,
someday we'll be the most sustainable.
It's like a mountain peak and you look down,
but forget it.
It's a team sport and a journey. There's Hannah.
Hannah is the product manager for Packs 'n Bags.
And there's Rafa, here as well.
Rafa is the product manager for bike bags for all the bike products
that are made in our Manufaktur.
Made in Germany also means for me –
and it's really important for me –
having a holistic approach here at the company headquarters.
The entire product development - from the first sketches,
from the first ideas,
to the technology,
then to the actual production
and sales & marketing
having everything in a closed circuit here on site.
For Made in Germany
the closeness of the production area is really what's great.
That during the development process, you can just go over
to the production area
and find out pretty fast
if an idea works
or if you have to revise it.
So you end up with a good exchange
where you can develop the product faster.
OK, to get to the Manufaktur you have to go through a part of logistics.
The merchandise comes here first, everything to Obereisenbach
and is sent on from here.
Our biggest goal at the moment
is to make the whole global supply chain transparent.
Knowing where things come from, down to the last button
and whether it was made under ecological and social conditions.
The materials that we use in Germany
are completely PVC-free materials.
This means that you develop products
and at the same time, always keep in mind:
OK, is my work not only profitable,
is it also ecological?
Here we are in the Manufaktur.
This is our classic, what we make the most.
This is the "Aqua", the bike bag.
27,12 MHZ welded, handcrafted with pride in Obereisenbach.
On one hand, at first glance you might think
that it's really anti-innovation
because we're the ones who say
we don't want to use these materials
that might include harmful substances.
We don't want to work with these suppliers
because we don't like their working methods.
But this always leads to the challenge
of operating as a pioneer.
We always have to come up with new solutions
that didn't exist before.
I really think it's great, the thought they put into it –
that the material looks a bit natural,
because it's PVC-free, but how do you make that visible for the customer?
It's really difficult for such a material.
We're right here at Lake Constance,
and thought about a herringbone pattern –
to use a whitefish pattern –
like the skin of a whitefish.
Concentrating on these values of sustainability
is what makes VAUDE unique.
So you can really tell it apart from the competition.
I think in the course of globalization
the world is becoming more complex,
this idea, Made in Germany,
for a lot of people, it's really about trust.
You know the working conditions are good.
You know the quality is good.
You have the feeling you're supporting local business.
For years, this has been our strongest growing product group.
This is where our heart is.
It makes absolute sense to have the entire product development process here on site.
And not to have a part of it outsourced.
It does a lot for the identity of the people
who work here.
We see the core focus of VAUDE here.
And when I see my colleagues here working,
I'm really filled with pride.
It's just great.
I think it also creates a sense of purpose
for employees and also for me and for everyone who works here –
just a special pride in the product.
It's a value you can't measure with money,
but I think for the identity of the company
and employees, it's really important.
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