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The Blacklist: Redemption - A Father-Son Escape Plan (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:57.So, tell me. You were the enemy.
You nearly killed Solomon.
Now, suddenly, you're part of the team?
You can trust me. [ Scoffs ]
You didn't answer my question
about how you fit in to all this with Howard.
Why you? You say you're his man here.
Prove it. You'll have proof, all right?
I'll either get Howard back or I'll die trying.
You're on his side, right?
So am I.
[ Sighs ] He's being held
at a private medical facility called "Fairhaven."
It's very secure, very discreet.
[ Car beeps, keys jingling ]
[ Electricity crackles ] [ Grunts ]
[ Trunk closes ]
Abernathy: I shouldn't be talking to you about this.
Halcyon shouldn't be handling this, Scottie.
This case should be an FBI matter.
Come on, Helen. You know that up to 70%
of domestic kidnappings and missing persons
go unreported to the FBI.
Yeah, which is crazy.
The FBI's in the best position to...
The FBI won't pay ransoms.
Insurance companies will.
End of story.
Be a friend.
What exactly do you want to know?
Diego Rocha wants to do a hostage swap --
the Lang family for one of his former men --
Carlos Cantara.
No, that's never gonna happen.
I know, but I still need to talk to Cantara.
Your office prosecuted him and sent him to federal prison.
Problem is, the warden over there
won't let us talk to him and won't tell us why.
Helen, what am I missing here?
Why are you guys hiding a federal prisoner from me?
Because he's not a prisoner.
He's an informant.
That CEO in Paris we rescued --
Cantara wanted a way out of that life.
He called the FBI, and he tipped them off.
And, in exchange, you made it look
like you prosecuted him and sent him to prison.
You gave him a new life.
You can't do a hostage swap, Scottie,
because we don't have a hostage to swap.
Did you hear the latest?
Mrs. Hargrave wants bed checks on the patient every 15 minutes,
plus hourly updates on his situation.
Anyway, I got to get back.
[ Beeps, door unlocks ]
Tom: Hey, it's time to go.
Hey, hey, you shouldn't be here!
There are guards, cameras!
Can you walk? The most important thing
is that Scottie trusts you.
If -- If she knew you were helping me --
Of course I'm helping you, Dad.
You never called me that before.
Phil: Command, I thought Deavers left.
Didn't he say he was heading home?
He did. [ Walkie-talkie beeps ]
Why is his car still out front?
[ Pounding on trunk lid ]
Deavers: Get me out of here! Hey!
[ Pounding on trunk lid ]
[ Car beeps, keys jingling ]
[ Breathing quickly ] Someone has my badge.
Command, there's been a breach in security.
Somebody has Deavers' badge.
What? Hang on.
[ Walkie-talkie beeps ]
[ Computer beeping ]
The badge was just used to access a patient's room.
[ Beeps, door unlocks ]
They're in the south stairwell.
Deactivate the badge. Override the system. Do it now.
He's on the move. Set a perimeter. Find him.
[ Beeping ]
Damn, that was fast.
We're locked in. They're coming!
Come on.
Go. I can take care of myself.
Remember, Whitehall -- she has to tell you about Whitehall.
I'm not leaving you here. No, you shouldn't have come!
Just go! Go, go now!
Meditation Music and Relaxation Music: 2 HOURS of Soft Music and Meditation Music Relax - Duration: 2:05:25.Title: Meditation Music and Relaxation Music: 2 HOURS of Soft Music and Meditation Music Relax
Carniceros y veganos | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 16:58.and philosopher Maria Zambrano once said,
"Extremism destroys the very principles it affirms."
Hello and welcome to<i> Case Closed.</i>
"Extremism destroys the very principles it affirms."
Think about that.
People tend to take things to extremes.
Let's see how this relates to our first case of the day.
Please bring out the litigants.
This madwoman ruined everything. She destroyed my business.
I can't stand her anymore!
This man is living proof that things need to change.
Hello and welcome.
Hello, ma'am.
Luis, you're suing Martina.
Yes, ma'am.
Who she is, why are you suing her,
and what do you demand?
I'm suing this madwoman
because she's running my business to the ground.
I run a butcher shop. I'm suing her for $100,000.
I run a butcher shop out of a shopping mall
that once belonged to her father.
I signed a contract with him six years ago.
I've run a successful business for the past six years.
Her father passed away.
Our contract expires in 2020, but she expects me to leave now.
So you signed a lease agreement with her father,
who owned the shopping mall.
It's a ten-year lease.
He passed away.
Yes, but you've run your business for six years now.
However, you claim she's ruining your business.
-Yes. -How so?
She's adopted views that contradict my business.
Right across my shop, she opened up a vegan restaurant.
Can you imagine?
I run a butcher shop and deli.
She's started attacking my business.
She allows her friends to loiter in the parking lot
and hold daily protests against the shop.
-It's a free country. -She calls my clients murderers.
With all due respect,
if you or anyone in the audience eats meat,
she considers you a murderer.
Can you imagine?
This can't keep happening.
These people throw themselves
on the floor before my shop, covered in meat and blood.
She placed speakers outside her restaurant.
It's my restaurant!
She plays sounds of animals being butchered.
She calls my clients murderers!
The worst part is... and this seriously worries me.
I need to move out of that shopping mall.
This girl needs a shrink!
One day, she and 30 other crazies branded themselves
out on the parking lot.
They branded themselves like they were livestock.
Like cattle!
-This is what cows go through! -You're crazy!
I saw what happened that day.
They even uploaded pictures onto social media!
I brought copies.
Let's see.
You probably shouldn't.
They used a metal rod?
Like cattle, ma'am!
They did it as a means of "protesting."
These animals don't have a voice!
And you're going to give them one?
Tell me something. Back when her father died...
He was an honest man.
I bet he's rolling in his grave right now.
Did she ever talk with you at any point
and tell you what her philosophy was?
Yes. When her father died in January,
she showed up told me all about her crazy ideology.
It's common sense!
She wants me out, but I brought a copy of the contract...
She wants you to leave... but you signed a lease.
That lease is still in place.
There are four years left on that lease.
What's she offering you in return?
Absolutely nothing.
She just wants you to leave.
Yes, because we don't agree.
Come on.
Her protests are driving away my clients.
I've lost over 50% of my clientele.
It's disconcerting to be called a murderer
as you walk in to the deli.
No one wants to deal with that.
They want to buy their meat in peace.
Sales have gone down drastically.
I'm having issues with my family.
I don't know what to do anymore.
I'm suing her for $100,000, so I can get out and leave.
So you need $100,000 in order to relocate your business.
Right, I have machinery.
Is that the estimated value of the contract?
It's an estimate.
Ideally, I'd like to relocate elsewhere
and bring my equipment along.
I hope my clients will follow. I have to start from scratch!
How do you respond, Martina?
Here's my response.
She branded herself like an animal!
I'd like to countersue this man, because he's crazy.
I talked things out with him. I'm a pacifist.
I spoke to him right after my father died...
How can you call yourself a pacifist?
You branded yourself like some cow.
Cows endure that pain! They have no voice!
Don't tell me what cows endure or don't endure.
You've never spoken to a cow, nor can cows talk to you.
What a cow feels or doesn't feel is irrelevant.
I'm in the business of human beings.
Human beings are animals just like cows.
But we talk and think.
-They're mammals, too! -Listen to me.
You inherited a shopping mall from your father, correct?
Your father previously owned it.
That shopping mall needs to meet certain business quotas.
You have leasing contracts with different businesses.
I have a new vision for the shopping mall.
All of the other current shops are vegan.
They sell vegan clothes. No animal products anywhere.
He's the odd one out!
I told him what my vision was and gave him five months...
Talk to my attorney.
You're disrespecting the business
and the contract your father had him sign.
Contracts have value.
Your philosophy can't distort or violate
pre-existing lease agreements.
If you want him to leave
because his philosophy differs from yours,
you need to make him a reasonable offer.
"If you leave,
I'll pay you the value of the remaining four years."
Then he can go.
But all this,
"We don't share the same philosophy!
I branded myself for the animals!"
That isn't business-savvy.
How can you run a shopping mall
without knowing a thing about business?
They know this is a big movement.
That's why they left.
They're smart!
Oh, please.
Are you hungry, sweetie? Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine.
I feel great because I haven't caused any suffering.
Do you eat well?
What do you eat, exactly?
I eat tofu, hummus, and legumes.
Instead of eating meat, I get my protein from legumes.
That way, I don't cause harm towards animals.
I don't ingest the aggression and trauma
that floods an animal's body when it's killed.
Whenever you eat meat,
you also ingest that animal's energy.
That makes you reactive.
I eat vegetables.
Vegetables are living beings. You're killing plants.
For shame.
Plants don't have hearts. They aren't mammals.
Yes, but they can disrupt...Yes.
I brought evidence that he's an aggressive man.
He's violent.
We've argued on multiple occasions,
but the last time we fought was a Sunday.
When I walked into my restaurant the next morning,
the first thing I saw were my plants covered in blood.
Blood! And a sign.
You can see it there.
"We're alibe too."
They misspelled alive. Wow.
-I have great penmanship! -"Alibe" with a B!
I know you did it!
You're the only enemy I have!
I know he did it! Who else could've done it?
You destroyed some brain cells during the branding process.
This breaks my heart.
That meat used to be a life!
Who brought a copy of the lease agreement?
-I did. -Bring it here.
"Alibe" is killing me.
I'll be honest with you.
It has me in stitches.
She has no evidence...
So this is the lease agreement.
You pay $3,000 a month.
And it expires in 2020.
Very well.
Let's bring out the witnesses, please.
They each brought a witness.
They'll each get a chance to testify.
Who are you here in support of?
Mrs. Martina.
So what's your statement?
-What's your name? -Tony.
A year ago, I was working for Mr. Luis.
He hasn't sold a steak in ages,
because lots of markets have opened out in the area.
The competition is killing him!
-You mean opened up. -Yes. Sorry about that.
He doesn't sell much.
He fired nearly half the employees and me
due to a drop in sales.
This happened before or after she...?
This has nothing to do with the vegans.
Tell her why I fired you.
Why'd you fire him?
He was giving out bad service.
He didn't do his job well.
I also found out he was vegan.
I had the enemy working for me!
Now he's in cahoots with her.
Makes sense.
I should've guessed he was vegan,
because he's skinny and sallow!
-You said it, not me. -I should've known he was vegan.
Hello. What's your name?
My name's Camila and I'm here in support of Mr. Luis.
I worked for this crazy bitch...
You're so ungrateful!
I gave you a job!
I worked at her café for four months.
Let her talk.
She's obsessed with saving animals,
yet she mistreats her workers!
She was abusive.
She'd have me wash dishes, scrub the floor...
all for just $200 a week.
Then I started working for Mr. Luis.
He pays me $450 a week and he gives me meat.
-He's helped me! -Right.
Mr. Luis isn't the one who put up that sign, I did!
He sent you!
It was me!
Alive is written with a V.
V! Like vegan!
Just so you know.
She's a tyrant!
She wants to protect animals, but she mistreated me!
Oh, Lord.
My courtroom has turned into a kindergarten.
People don't know how to write anymore.
They don't know how to eat right, they brand themselves...
It's a madhouse.
Please welcome Attorney Angel Leal
and Dr. Carolyn Maldonado.
Good Lord.
We're all going crazy. That's all I can say.
These are absurd and ridiculous times.
Dr. Maldonado, I have a question for you...
regarding strict vegans.
Do vegans suffer from any vitamin deficiencies
or health issues?
Do they have to take vitamins and supplements
to balance their diet?
Many do suffer from deficiencies.
Lots of people adopt vegan diets without doing their research.
There are ways to do this right. Take protein, for example.
Vegans have to make sure they eat tofu
or other forms of protein.
We build muscle and bone from protein.
Calcium is mainly found in milk and yogurt.
Sure, leafy greens have calcium, but not the same amount.
We need calcium to build strong bones.
A deficiency could cause osteoporosis or osteopenia.
Vitamin B12 is only found in animal products.
A B12 deficiency could cause anemia
and neurological issues.
So you're saying this diet can be done
without any ill effect on one's health
given that the person knows exactly what to eat
and how much of it to make up for the absence of meat.
Yes, and it isn't easy.
Mr. Leal, let's talk about the legal aspects of this case.
First of all, a lease agreement was signed.
There are four years left on that lease.
That's right.
She isn't really offering him much
by just asking him to leave.
That's right.
There are implicit and explicit terms and conditions.
That location is explicitly being leased
to house a butcher shop.
As owner and representative of that shopping mall,
she should know it's prohibited to allow activities
that might interfere with the butcher shop's operations.
Activities such as the protests taking place in the parking lot.
Activities she's participating in, too!
It's also implied that leaseholders have the right
to enjoy and manage full use of their locale.
She's also infringing on those rights.
Therefore, we're looking at serious issues
in terms of compliance with the lease agreement.
On her behalf.
Alright, here goes.
It's time for my ruling.
You probably don't get it, so I'll spell it out for you.
This man used to pay $3,000 a month for that space.
According to the contract your father had him sign.
$3,000 a month for the next four years
would total up to $144,000.
Money you would've received.
You aren't offering him anything in exchange for his leave.
If you were so interested in promoting the vegan cause,
you should've written him a $25,000 check
and told him to leave.
Your skull's empty, though. You don't have a brain.
-He knew... -I rule in your favor.
Pay him $100,000 in 30 days.
It's final. Case closed!
Wet Sedona Mountain Biking - Duration: 17:11.Oh oh oh
You took the extreme (line)
Oh yeah
OOoohh [reacting to cold water]
It's cold!
It's cold.
Oh, will I be able to climb this you think?
Am I going to get it now?
oh yeah
OH oh oh
Phil: That scares me
Is it rideable?
Phil: Yes go for it
Phil: Test it for us
I'll see you on the other side
Smooth as butter
wet butter
Phil: you got wet?
A little bit
Phil: Go go go come on come on
Oh! [Laughs]
Do a wheelie!
Oh yeah
It's rideable
Phil: My feet are wet
Phil: Oh no!
uh-oh [Laughs]
The other one was only a practice
Yeah that's more serious
Maybe over there...
[8-bit jump sound]
Phil: Let's check it out
[Branch cracks]
OUCH [Laughs]
Annick: That's a good start!
Phil: The worse is to come!
Yeah I see that!
I think this way will be better
oh yeah
Looks rideable
Hey how is it going?
Aloo Matar Recipe Restaurant Style In Hindi With English Subtitles - Duration: we are going to make potatoes & peas restaurant style
here are the ingredients we need
frozen peas
chopped potatoes kept in water to prevent discoloration
chopped tomatoes
sliced onions
ginger garlic paste
chopped cilantro
turmeric powder
red chilli powder
garam masala
coriander powder
put the chopped onions, tomatoes & ginger garlic paste in the pressure cooker and stir cook on medium to high heat till tomatoes turn soft
tomatoes have turned soft. put off heat and let them cool a bit
then puree them in a blender
put the puree in the pressure cooker. add oil & stir a few times. heat on high
now add the salt & spices and stir cook for about 2 minutes on high heat
the masala is done
add the peas & potatoes minus the water. keep heat on medium & stir roast till masala leaves oil
stir regularly
add a little cilantro & keep stirring
the masala has left oil add water.
we have added about 700 ml water as we need more gravy. you can add less if you need a thicker gravy
stir well & close the cooker. heat on medium
at the first whistle put off heat & allow the steam to subside
open cooker & check the potatoes & peas. they should be soft
put heat on high now and heat the dish till it reaches the consistency you want. stir in between
check the salt as well
transfer the ready aloo matar to a serving bowl & garnish with a little cilantro
here is our aloo matar restaurant style dish. do try it & give your feedback
if you like the dish please share this video & also subscribe to our channel
thanks for watching
La Fan | Capítulo 52 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 13:12.CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK
Stop it.
If anyone sees us, it'll ruin everything.
We're crazy, Lucas.
No one's going to run our happiness.
I know, but...
Hey! What are you doing here?
You should be with the extras not playing hide and seek.
I'm not an actor.
So you casually dress like this on a daily basis?
Don't waste my time. Please, I beg you.
Oh, God! A gun?
We don't need guns for this scene.
Props! Props, take this away.
-No! -Go join the other extras.
Go! Go!
Go now!
No one can see us
or I'll end up in the cemetery instead of at the altar.
Don't say that!
Don't even joke about that.
I'm scared, you know?
He won't hurt you.
Deep down he's a good person.
Very deep down.
Quique won't find out and when he does,
we'll already be married and he'll have no choice
but to accept that we're happy together.
I hope.
Oh, Sweet Virgin. Help me out.
I know we never talk, but help me.
-I should go. -Bye.
-I love you. -Me too.
So you're clear about what you have to do?
Crystal clear.
Remember, this is our last chance.
I know.
I can't wait till this is over.
Well, I have things to do.
Don't worry.
This stays between us, Salma.
This is just between you and me.
No one will ruin our plans.
You're mean.
What do you mean you know who wants to kill you?
I've given it a lot of thought.
Even though it pains me to say this,
whoever wants to kill me is someone close to me.
You think the maid wants to kill you?
No, I'm not talking about her.
Then I don't get it.
You live with the maid and with me.
Baby, how insulting!
How can you think that I...?
No. I'm talking about my daughter.
My daughter Barbara's the one who wants to kill me.
Do you want it?
Come and get it.
Miss, they must be looking for us.
Let them wait.
I don't understand what's going on.
Do you understand now?
Who are you?
I'm whoever you want me to be.
I can be your fantasy.
No, miss! This is wrong.
-We can't do this now. -Are you turning me down?
You're going to leave me all alone?
Of course, you had to be gay.
No, no! I'm not gay.
Show me.
It's comfy and it's got lots of natural lighting.
We don't even have to turn on the lights.
And look!
Where else will you get a view like this one?
I mean, look at this... wall!
It's so close.
Plus we have a big kitchen and they even left us the blender
and the toaster for the tortillas.
Isn't it perfect?
It is, right?
I'm not saying it's bad, but...
This is all I can give you.
Diego, I own many properties.
We can live in any one of them.
You don't get it.
What's the difference
between living in any of my apartments or in one you rent?
People will think I'm after your money,
but I don't care about your money.
You also shouldn't care what people think.
I don't.
That's because all they'll say about you
is that you fell for the poor guy.
Yeah, right.
You think that's all they'll say after what I did?
Every rich family in this city must be talking about me.
You know what?
I give up.
This is all I can give you.
Why can't you accept what I can give you?
Because you're a woman and I'm a man.
So what?
Do I embarrass you?
No, Diego. You don't.
I love you.
And because I love you, I'll live wherever you want to live.
If you want to live here, then we'll live here.
I'm ecstatic!
Who loves you?
I do.
I love you!
Why do you think your daughter wants to kill you?
She's back in Mexico.
And she hasn't been to see you.
She hasn't called either. You see?
Just because she's here doesn't mean she wants to kill you.
That's a very serious accusation.
Whose side are you on?
On yours!
Baby, I'm always on your side.
I just don't want fear to cloud your judgment.
She's your daughter.
I'm certain.
She must've hired someone to kill me.
Oh, my!
This is horrible. She's your daughter.
Barbara never forgave me for marrying you
and for making you my only heir.
What's wrong?
Is this because I canceled on you?
No, everything's okay.
We'll go some other day.
Of course, we have so much time ahead of us.
We can go to the beach, to the country, anywhere.
Don't forget about Tomas. He's going too.
I never forget anything.
You're acting weird. See you later.
Hey, I need to shoot a few scenes for<i> Love, Love, Love.</i>
I'll need your help going over my lines, okay?
-Me? -Yes.
Lucas and I agreed we'd share you as an assistant.
Didn't he tell you?
No, because I refuse to talk to him.
I'm trying to stay far away from him.
Some men don't deserve your attention.
Will you help me?
It won't take long, just two or three, perhaps four hours.
Five tops.
What are you doing here?
You look handsome in that costume.
Don't worry.
I'll resist the urge to rip those clothes off.
I only came to tell you I'm happy that you're back.
I know and I'm glad.
I didn't expect anything less from you.
Things weren't the same without you.
I know that too.
The novela would've flopped without Jose Gerardo.
You're coming back with a vengeance.
And you know... I love revenge.
What's up, Mom?
Finally, I can breathe! Where were you?
We were trying to find a place to live.
What you did was wrong.
It was all we could do.
What about Jessica? She's pregnant.
She'll always have everything she'll need.
Don't worry.
-This was hard for her. -For us too.
Mom, I'll be there for the kid,
but I can't help that I love Adri.
We just want to be happy.
You should understand. You love my father.
I do and I just want you two to be happy.
I know how terrible it is to live without love.
We just want to be happy.
We didn't mean to hurt anyone.
I know that.
I think you should talk to Jessica.
-Is she home? -No.
Despite everything, the poor thing went to work.
She must be trying to forget everything that happened.
You and I never met.
We didn't.
This never happened.
This shall remain a passionate encounter
between two strangers who had a moment of weakness.
Yes, miss.
Goodbye, my masked lover.
You did it?
You see?
I told you I'd do anything for Diego.
Girl, I'm in awe.
You wore a mask?
That masquerade ball came in handy
Plus, guess what? I'm ovulating.
I don't know if I should be happy for you or nervous.
You slept with a stranger
without even knowing if he's clean or anything!
I could die!
If he's clean?
Shut up!
Don't jinx it! Away with the bad vibes!
You Debbie Downer.
Jessie, I never would've gone through with this.
I did.
All we can do now is pray for the seed to germinate,
so start praying.
Pray to everything you can.
Not a word. I'm watching you.
We have to talk.
What are you doing here? How'd you get in?
Dude, stop asking questions. You're not my mother.
First of all, leave those cigars alone!
They're expensive.
And stop drinking my limited edition whiskey!
You're starting to bother me.
Ooh! I'm shaking in my boots.
Get out. Now!
Listen to me, you dime store Don Juan.
You don't get it. I'm here to do a job.
So calm down, unless you want things to get ugly.
What do you want?
I came to persuade you.
Of what?
Apparently, you're stubborn and you refuse to understand.
I bought you a few things you're going to love!
There's someone here to see you.
What are you doing here?
Toots, I came to stop you from making a mistake.
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