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Laxmi Villas Hotel - Perundurai - A Hotel Serving Tasty Non Veg Food - Duration: 4:01.This is mutton kothu curry
country chicken curry
we are open till 10 pm
rice, mutton kothu curry and country chicken curry
what is special here?
This is special here...
in the afternoon country chicken curry and mutton kothu curry
in the mornings we have mutton intestine and mutton fry
This place was started in the year 1946 by my grandfather....
in the morning we serve idly, parota, dosa with mutton intestine and mutton fry
in the afternoon mutton biryani, rice, country chicken and mutton kothu curry
for the night its idly, dosa, parota with chicken and mutton kothu curry..
after 8.30 we serve a chicken dish prepared with dry chilli
we are closed on saturdays...
country chicken curry a plate - 90/- inr, mutton kothu curry - 90/- inr, mutton intestine - 75/- inr,
sunday morning will be full rush here
Resultado del sorteo de las 2 tarjetas de GOOGLE PLAY - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz ALL TIME STARS: Concours Edition Cars - Duration: 4:49.The Classic Center is arguably the most important part of the Mercedes-Benz Classic unit.
We have three focal points here. Firstly the Classic Center restores vehicles for the collection.
Secondly it also restores customer vehicles.
And thirdly there are the ALL TIME STARS vehicles, which we purchase ourselves for complete restoration.
At our workshop we restore Mercedes, Daimler and Benz vehicles
dating from 1886 to the present day.
Here the focus is on the 300 SL, pre-war, 600 models with eight cylinders, six cylinders, superchargers.
We purchase the vehicles worldwide. We have scouts all around the world who offer us vehicles.
We take a closer look at the vehicles which interest us most.
After delivery of the vehicle, we check that the numbers on the vehicle match
and compare these with the original data cards.
We use our vehicle archives for this, of course, which are always available behind the scenes.
Once we have viewed the data card, we know the exact condition in which the vehicle was supplied at the time,
what its original colour was and how to restore it.
All our vehicles are restored in full accordance with the data card.
The originality of Mercedes-Benz vehicles includes highest-quality materials, of course.
And when we restore vehicles, the highest precept is always to protect, conserve and restore this originality.
A restoration could be a textbook with over 400 pages.
After completing the inspection, we fully disassemble the vehicle and then restore the individual components
using the latest technology. A lot of this work is done by hand, too.
If a part is beyond saving and we have to make a new one, the basis for this is always the design of the time.
We check the drawings in our company archives.
We then reproduce these parts in the way that they were originally designed and made.
That means the materials, the steel grade, the surface hardness, the leather quality, the paint quality.
One key element when restoring vehicles of such high quality is the passion required to do it.
After all, these are not run-of-the-mill cars we are building here.
They are precious artefact, some of the most valuable automotive legends ever built.
You really do become attached to them since you are working on them almost every day for one to two years,
depending on how long the restoration takes.
Not everything comes to you whilst you are working during the day.
Many problems are not solved until the evening, when there is time to think about them.
You have to devote yourself wholly to the task in hand and that creates a special bond.
Subsequently, when the vehicle is completely assembled, it's back to the way it was delivered.
It is given the "factory restoration" seal of approval and then put up for sale.
Our philosophy is that a classic car does not have to be a risk.
We want to show that a vehicle bought from us and restored by us brings a lot of joy,
the joy of driving and the joy of the vehicle itself.
Is This CRAZY Pastrami Pizza The Best Slice In New York City? | Delish - Duration: 5:52.(upbeat music)
- This has everything I love about New York,
in one pizza.
(upbeat music)
Hey guys.
We're at Speedy Romeo in New York,
where they serve Neapolitan pizza,
except they're doing something super crazy
and topping their pies with pastrami.
I have to go check it out.
- Hi, pizza?
Pizza time?
- Pizza time.
First up, dough?
- First up, dough, flour, water, yeast,
salt, olive oil, and then let it sit
room temperature overnight to proof
to let the yeast do its thing.
- [Lauren] Okay.
- And then let those sit in the walk in refrigerator
for another 24 hours.
It's a total of 48 to get the leopard spots you see
on the outside of the crust,
and that's what chars first in the heat.
- And that's Neapolitan.
- In a way, yeah.
They get very strict
On their rules - There are like rules, right?
- Yeah, so he's making that well.
So you see how he's not touching
the crust in any way?
You 're never really pressing on it,
to leave the air inside there.
This is our Dijon bechamel.
Lemme show you real quick,
just go top to bottom first. - Okay.
- And then from there you need to spread it out.
But we wanna leave at least an inch on the outside.
- So I messed up here?
- I did that.
- Okay.
- I messed that up.
(Lauren laughs)
That looks great, next is the food safety.
- Food safety.
(Justin laughs)
- So that beautiful Katz' pastrami
that we get from Katz'.
We're gonna make these little piles in the pizza.
- That's crazy. - So when we told them
we wanted to do this pizza,
they had said, "what's it gonna taste like?"
So we had to get the pastrami,
make the pizza, call the owner,
have the owner meet us on site at the restaurant,
at Katz' and then ... - Wow.
- And then he was the one to approve the flavor or not.
- Did he approve it the first go?
- Oh yeah, yeah.
All of this goes on,
- Oh all of this. - This is the portion, yeah.
- Oh amazing.
- Oh! Yes! Yes!
- One of my first times I came to New York,
my dad and I were walking and asked if
anyone had a good recommendation for pastrami,
and they mentioned Katz' and so we went there
and we had no idea that it was this huge deal
and we were like this is the best sandwich
I've ever had in my life and then we realized
it was very famous. - It's very famous.
And you wait in line.
From there then we add regular sauerkraut
to our red sauerkraut.
And that's what gives us this like beautiful
smokey and same flavor.
- Is it okay if I try some?
- Of course.
So it's a little milder than a normal kraut,
- Yeah. 'Cause we cut it.
- You can taste the smokiness.
- Yeah mhm.
- That's delicious.
- I'll do this side, you can do the other side.
- Okay.
- This is just your classic Italian Fontina,
it's aged, so just to add a little cheese to this.
I mean this is like a reuben, to the nth degree.
- [Lauren] Yeah.
- I'm gonna put this egg wash on
and I'm gonna be careful to try to not hit the--
- Toppings.
- Toppings as well as the counter.
It's hard to get the pizza off the counter if we miss.
And then this is our everything,
everything bagel crust.
- This is what I'm ...
- So you can see here so this - Particularly stoked about.
- You know we make this ourself.
Along the outside where we put the egg wash.
- I'm freaking out, I love everything bagel,
so this just seems like the perfect marriage.
How hot is it in there?
- Right where we're gonna cook the pizza
it's about 750, 800.
- I'm very anxious right now
because I really wanna eat this.
How long does this cook in there?
- Two minutes, max.
(upbeat music)
So it's still happening, you can see the ...
Crust is getting the color we want.
- That crust is perfect.
- There's a little char but that's good, I like it.
- I'm freaking out right now.
(upbeat music)
Can we eat it yet?
- Not yet. - Okay.
- We give it a drizzle of
thousand island dressing we make here.
A little finish of everything bagel.
- My stomach is actually growling right now.
(upbeat music)
It's too good.
I'm still freaking out, I haven't stopped freaking out.
This has everything I love about New York,
in one pizza.
We've got our Katz' pastrami,
which looks like it got a little bit crispy in the oven.
That can only be a good thing.
I was skeptical when he put on the cheese
'cause there wasn't that much cheese,
but looking at it now, I think it was,
with the bechamel, I think it's plenty creamy.
Here we go!
The sign of a good pie, with a lot of grease.
My taste buds are confused,
because it tastes like a pastrami sandwich,
like a really, really, good pastrami sandwich.
But it's pizza!
The crust is perfect!
My number one pet peeve in a slice of pizza,
is if you can't hold out.
I really judge you if you eat pizza
with a fork and a knife.
So the fact that I can eat this very easily
is a really good thing.
The dressing adds a really nice tang.
And the everything seasoning is everything.
Be sure to like and subscribe to delish,
and I'm gonna eat this whole damn pie.
(upbeat music)
Trump Brags About Being Super Elite After Throwing Protestor Out Of Rally - Duration: 4:49.On Wednesday evening, Donald Trump headed to Duluth, Minnesota, where he gave a campaign
rally that really kind of highlighted everything wrong with this country, and with the president
He started off, before he even actually started the rally, before he even made it inside,
talking about how many people were waiting outside.
He was tweeting that out, showing pictures, all these people.
Thousands of them, just thousands, which he also mentioned again when he was giving the
At one point, a protester started yelling out, and that was at the same time that the
crowd was going crazy with their build the wall chant, and rather than act like a civilized
grownup mature adult human being, Donald Trump responded to the protestor this way.
So, we've already started the wall, we got 1.6 billion.
The wall has been started.
San Diego and lots of different places, and we go, but boy it's tough.
They want to do anything they can to obstruct, and to make sure it doesn't happen, but it's
It's happening.
Oh, we have a single protestor, there he goes.
Goodbye darling.
Goodbye darling.
So, we have a single protestor.
He's going home to his mom.
Say hello to mommy.
Now, I wish that was the worst thing that happened in that rally, just Donald Trump
being Donald Trump to someone.
But, no, if you get the time, I suggest you got through, and watch the entire hour long
rally, because it's going to remind you of those old black and white films we used to
see about Adolf Hitler's rise to power.
The parallels are unbelievable.
Later on in the speech, after insulting this protestor, who Donald Trump knows nothing
about, has no idea if the guy lives with his mom, but he wanted to insult him in front
of a couple a thousand people, so good job.
That's exactly what we want in a president, right?
But anyway, later on, Donald Trump took a swipe at democrats who republicans always
call elite, which Donald Trump doesn't like that term being used for democrats.
Here's what he had to say.
The elite, the elite.
Why are they elite?
I have a much better apartment than they do.
I'm smarter than they are.
I'm richer than they are.
I became president, and they didn't.
So, Trump has a better apartment.
He's smarter than these so called elite democrats, and he's the president, and you're not.
Folks, you ever hit a point where you're just like, I don't even know how to properly convey
all of the thoughts I have about everything that is wrong with this man, because that's
the point I'm at right now.
I feel like there's almost nothing else I could say to just show how crazy this man
So, let's not talk about him.
Let's talk about that crowd, because that's the scarier part.
We know Donald Trump is insane.
I mean, all rational people in this country assume there is something wrong with that
man's brain.
But the people in that room, other than that protestor that was removed, those aren't rational
thinking human beings.
Those are cult members, because that is what the republican party has become.
Those are the people who are going to take to the streets with pitchforks and shotguns
if Donald Trump ever gets impeached.
They will never accept the results of an investigation that shows that Donald Trump committed a crime.
They will never accept it.
He has brainwashed these morons, and they're too stupid to even understand it.
Trump's behavior, yeah, we get it.
You're a psychopath, you're a narcissist.
But the people in that room, those are the people that we need to be worried about.
'Lauren's Hester Speech' 🎤Official Throwback Clip | Faking It | MTV - Duration: 1:45.Vashti Nadira reporting live
as Hester's future hangs in the balance.
And this balloon represents censorship.
And this balloon represents tyranny.
[pop] - Order! I will have order!
I told you this place couldn't be saved.
We should have gone with my plan.
Oh, I'm sorry that I didn't want to
cheat and lie my way to victory.
What's that, Liam? You don't like lying?
That's funny, you never mention it!
Guys, stop fighting.
If we lose Hester, we could be
split up from our various best friends.
I should have known it was all about Amy.
- It's not all about Amy. - Thank you for enlightening me.
[whistle blows] - It's all about her!
[whistle, crowd silences]
I've got something to say.
[Lauren clears throat]
When I first came to Hester,
I thought, "What the [bleep] is wrong with this place?"
Drama club is cooler than football?
The most popular kid in school is an obnoxious gay guy,
and his best friend is a straight manwhore,
and it's not even a little weird.
Two girls pretended to be lesbians.
(Lauren) Why?
Because at Hester,
being different makes you cool.
I had a hard time with that.
The one thing that makes me different is the one thing
I've always tried to hide.
I'm intersex.
I never said that out loud before I came here.
Turner wants Hester to be more like other schools,
and I can't believe I'm saying this, but...
I think other schools should be more like Hester.
<i>[poignant music]</i>
this is a school that accepts you,
even if you don't accept yourself.
- Yeah! - Whoo-hoo!
150 Beautiful Rock Garden Ideas For Landscaping & Backyard - Duration: 13:51.-------------------------------------------
Megyn Kelly Roundtable: Protesters Stand In Solidarity With Detained Children | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 11:55.-------------------------------------------
52 Fresh New Landscaping Ideas for Your Yard - Duration: 7:26.-------------------------------------------
How to create a Lightsaber clashing effect | HitFilm Express + Add-on - Duration: 11:09.-------------------------------------------
As Truth on Trump Persecution Surfaces, McCabe Takes the 5th, Refuses to Testify - Duration: 3:51.-------------------------------------------
Trump Says What No One Else Will: 'Media's Helping Smugglers Traffic Children' - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
Practical Small House With Lovely Garden And Large Balcony in Söderhamn | Perfect Small House Design - Duration: 3:09.Practical Small House With Lovely Garden And Large Balcony in Söderhamn
How To Rename Video File and Thumbnail Photo For Youtube Video Example 3.4 Draw Whale - Duration: 7:04.How To Rename Video File and Thumbnail Photo For Youtube Video
Practice Set 4.2 | Financial Planning| Class 10th Maharashtra Board New Syllabus Part 4 - Duration: 34:54.-------------------------------------------
John McCain Instantly Regretted This Attack On Trump's Immigration Policy - Duration: 4:00.John McCain is nipping at President Trump's ankles over his zero tolerance immigration
The Arizona RINO Senator is known to repeatedly stab President Trump in the back.
But McCain fired off one attack on Trump that instantly caught him red-handed telling this
massive lie.
Of all the Never Trump RINOs in the Senate, McCain is the most vocal champion of open
borders and amnesty.
That put him in direct confrontation with Trump beginning in the GOP Presidential primary.
McCain – who lost in a humiliating blowout to Barack Obama because of his liberal views
on guns, immigration and foreign policy – eventually withdrew his support for Trump after the Access
Hollywood tape.
Trump won the GOP nomination – and the Presidency – because voters were fed up with politicians
like John McCain who said one thing on the campaign trail and then voted another way
in Congress.
A perfect example of McCain's dishonor was his 2010 primary against a Tea Party challenger.
When McCain was facing a challenge from his right by J.D. Hayworth, McCain poured resources
into a TV ad proclaiming his support for a border fence.
Of course once in office, McCain immediately signed on to Chuck Schumer's doomed "Gang
of Eight" amnesty legislation.
McCain's habit of lying reared its ugly head again over the Trump administration's
zero tolerance immigration policy.
Liberal journalists and pro-amnesty politicians in both parties are falsely accusing the Trump
administration of separating families at the border.
The truth is illegal alien families who show up at proper points of entry and request asylum
remain together while they complete the process.
The Trump administration is holding fewer than 2,000 children in a converted Walmart
where they have access to education and video games as well as three meals a day while their
parents are being processed for entering the country illegally.
McCain – who is a key part of the Washington establishment that prioritizes illegal aliens
over actual American citizens – lashed out at the President by echoing liberal, pro-amnesty
talking points.
But McCain's tweet once again revealed the fraudulent nature of his political career.
The candidate who once dubbed his campaign bus "The Straight Talk Express" is nothing
more than a two-faced huckster.
In 2015, McCain sponsored a resolution calling for the exact same zero tolerance immigration
policy put into place by the Trump administration.
McCain wrote:
Operation Streamline was a policy implemented by the Bush administration at certain parts
of the border where illegal entries were prosecuted and children were separated from their parents.
But the truth of the matter is this is another example of the dishonesty that defines McCain's
career which primed the GOP electorate to support an outsider like Trump taking over
the party.
McCain was flat out lying in 2015.
He only supported a zero tolerance policy because he was set to face a conservative
primary challenger in 2016 and he knew there was no chance Obama would actually enforce
immigration law.
McCain's continued dishonesty on the topic of immigration is why the GOP base is so loyal
to Trump.
The President has implemented his Make America Great Again agenda since taking office and
its why he maintains such deep and strong support from the Republican base.
As Truth on Trump Persecution Surfaces, McCabe Takes the 5th, Refuses to Testify - Duration: 3:52.The blows to the FBI's reputation just keep coming.
This week's Senate hearings on the inspector general's report into the investigation
of Hillary Clinton's private email scandal were missing a major witness, as the man who
was second in command of the FBI during the Clinton investigation asserted his Fifth Amendment
right against self-incrimination.
That doesn't mean former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is guilty of anything, but it
doesn't look good at all.
In his opening statement for the hearings on Monday, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman
Charles Grassley, an Iowa Republican, noted that McCabe was not the only one who wouldn't
be testifying: Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former FBI Director James Comey
were also no-shows.
"The Committee also invited Former Attorney General Lynch, Former FBI Director Comey,
and former Deputy Director McCabe to testify today," Grassley said.
"Mr. McCabe's lawyer wrote that his client would rely on his Fifth Amendment right against
self-incrimination to avoid answering any questions here today."
Of course, all Americans have a right to refuse to testify to the government on the grounds
that their own words might be held against them in a criminal proceeding.
But when that American is, or was, also a high-ranking official in the country's preeminent
law enforcement agency, it doesn't reflect at all well on that agency's reputation.
And when it's the same high-ranking FBI official who appears to have been part of
a plan to derail Donald Trump from winning the presidency in the November 2016 election
– and hand the nation's highest office to a woman the FBI had just cleared of a potential
criminal prosecution – it looks downright sinister.
Pleading the Fifth wasn't McCabe's first recourse.
In a June 4 letter to Grassley, McCabe's attorney, Michael R. Bromwich, requested immunity
from prosecution in exchange for his testimony.
At National Review, columnist and former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy wrote that that
was a sharp change in position for a man who had written an op-ed for The Washington Post
in March proclaiming his innocence of any wrongdoing .
"If McCabe was being candid with the Post's readers," McCarthy wrote, "then it is
hard to understand how he can now represent that truthful answers to the Judiciary Committee's
questions could incriminate him.
More likely, McCabe is trying to make himself non-prosecutable."
Demanding immunity, then pleading the Fifth when that demand is not granted, is not the
kind of behavior Americans expect from highly placed law enforcement officers.
But McCabe's actions — along with the failure of Comey and Lynch to appear to explain
themselves in the face of the IG report — are exactly what Americans might expect from a
man whose participation in the persecution of a political candidate named Donald Trump
had stretched the bounds of law and custom past the breaking point.
The inspector general's report stopped just short of reaching the conclusion that the
FBI's investigation of Clinton's emails had been determined by politics, but that's
not stopping the truth from surfacing eventually.
No one familiar with the report's contents could deny the bureau was staffed by personnel
filled with contempt for Trump and Trump's supporters, or that its end was entirely political.
McCabe taking the Fifth doesn't mean he's guilty of anything in a court of law, it's
But because of his position and the circumstances, it's damning to Americans worried about
the integrity of their government.
The FBI has spent decades building its own reputation for integrity.
Now, thanks to the actions of Andrew McCabe, James Comey, and many, many more, the blows
to that reputation just keep coming.
Americans deserve better.
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