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Víctimas de su Padre Carnicero 👬🙎 💰 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 28:00.-------------------------------------------
The three things every idea needs to be successful - Duration: 5:46.what are the three things that every idea needs for it to be successful?
hi I'm NickSkillicorn from idea to value hi for all the value drivers out there
and today I'm going to be introducing a new concept around innovation management
which many of you probably haven't heard of
and the concept is called the
balanced breakthrough model
now this model comes out of the Design Thinking
School and it tries to determine what are the three critical aspects that
every new idea and every new innovation needs to prove for it to be validated as
being a good idea that has every chance of success in the future
so very quickly
the first thing that every idea needs is desirability
it needs to answer the question "does someone see value enough in this in order to want it?
in order to invest in it?
so this isdesirability from the perspective of the
end customer. is there effectively a market for this idea?
if you can prove that then it passes one of the most fundamental challenges
and you don't necessarily need to prove that people are going to want to buy the idea
because every idea at the beginning is going to be very rough and probably not
ready for being released into the market yet
but you need to prove whether or not there's actually a challenge that this idea or this innovation solves
if that challenge were to be solved is there a market for it? is there a desire amongst
the customer market for that challenge to be overcome with the solution?
so the first most critical aspect is does the idea prove desirability?
the second aspect of the balanced breakthrough model is feasibility
does your company or do you have the capability to actually make the idea happen?
now this doesn't necessarily mean that you need to develop all of the resources in-house
for example if you need to produce an idea that's based on developing an app
or developing some sort of new technology, if it's possible for you to
outsource that work without losing whatever intellectual property you need
then that feasibility exists but the Challenge of
feasibility is "is it actually feasibly possible possible to produce this new solution?"
there are so many good desirable ideas out there that just
aren't ready yet because the science or the the technology hasn't evolved to a
large enough rate
so a good example of an idea that's very desirable but not
very feasible yet is graphene. graphene, the single atom thick lattice of carbon
atoms that has unbelievable electrical conductivity, storage, heat management,
strength, elasticity, all of these amazing properties, is possible to produce at
extremely small sizes, but it's not yet possible
no one has developed the technology to produce large sheets of this material
so even though it has a huge number of very desirable functions, it's not feasible
yet to build an innovative solution that requires large-scale graphene
so your idea and your innovation needs to have desirability, it also needs to have
feasibility, and what's the third of the balance breakthrough model aspects?
the third aspect is viability
viability is "is this a sustainable idea?" a sustainable
innovation from the perspective of the company?
so the question is is it going
to be profitable? is it going to be sustainable in the long term? and is this
an idea that can recoup its initial investment or lead to further
profit down the line?
so an example here of an idea that would fail that
challenge is if you had a solution which produced solid gold internal components
for your electronics. this might have incredibly high desirability because
people know that gold is actually very unreactive and it's going to last a long
time. it may be technically feasible to produce because people have been working
with gold for a long time. but it might not be viable because it might not be
economically sound to produce solid gold internal components when that's going to
push the price to produce them up to such a level that demand will then decrease
so if your idea can prove that it has
desirability (do people want it?)
feasibility (can we as a company do it?)
and viability (does it make sense for the company to make it?)
then it's more than likely going to be a successful idea
that's everything for today. if you've enjoyed
this insight then please like and share this this video and subscribe to my
channel to make sure you never miss any of these videos in the future and very
importantly go to www.ideatovalue.com and sign up for our free newsletter there
and our free training there to get the best insights on the internet around
innovation and creativity capability building I've been Nick Skillicorn
and I'll speak again to you soon
thankyou so much for listening if you liked
it please like share and subscribe and leave me a comment about what you
thought and what you'd like to see more about if you want to take your
creativity and innovation capabilities to the next level then invest in
yourself with the premium training only available at idea to value.com these
exclusive training modules have all been put together by me Nick Skillicorn and have
been used by thousands of artists innovation leaders and CEOs to become
better at understanding the source of their creativity and executing on their
innovation ambitions and there is no risk to new as they are backed by our
money-back guarantee now don't forget to go out there and make your ideas a
reality see you again soon
HAPPY ROSE DAY 2019 - Rose Day Shayari Status in Hindi - Valentine Day Shayari Status - Duration: 2:47.Valentine Day Shayari 2019
रोते हुए दी अंतिम विदाई "नाना पाटेकर" की मां के फ्यूनरल में नहीं पहुंचा कोई स्टार | Nana Patekar - Duration: 1:10.रोते हुए दी अंतिम विदाई "नाना पाटेकर" की मां के फ्यूनरल में नहीं पहुंचा कोई स्टार | Nana Patekar
Gov't to release measures to boost exports, ICT sector - Duration: 1:59.South Korea's exports look like they're going to be down for a second month in a row compared
to last year.
This January, prices were lower for semiconductors -- plus there are a number of uncertainties
at home and abroad.
But the government is going to provide support so this doesn't continue.
Kim Ji-yeon reports.
The government says it'll come up with measures by next month to revitalize Korean exports.
At a meeting held Wednesday, Finance Minister Hong Nam-ki said the country's exports for
January... like last month... are expected to remain below the levels seen over the same
period the previous year.
He cited falling prices of semiconductors, Korea's main export item, rising trade uncertainties
stemming from China-U.S. trade disputes,... and the slowing growth of the global economy
as the main reasons.
"Based on the meeting, the government is to release support measures next month... tailored
to exporting industries... starting with the building of foreign plants, contents, and
agricultural and fisheries products."
During the meeting, Hong also unveiled the government's plans to invest a combined 2-point-9-billion
U.S. dollars this year in the ICT sector.
The government aims to increase the number of ICT-related jobs to more than 1-point-1-million
in three years... and boost ICT exports by 20-percent from last year to 264-point-3-billion
dollars by 2022.
Korea's trade ministry is to release figures for the country's exports for January this
If a slump is confirmed... it'll be the first time since 2016... that Korean exports see
an on-year contraction for the second consecutive month.
Exports in December decreased by one-point-two-percent on-year.
Data released by Korea Customs Service last week showed the country's exports for the
first 20 days of this month... have shrunk by 14-point-6-percent compared to the same
period last year to record 25-point-7-billion dollars.
Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.
முதலிரவில் ஆண்களின் உணர்ச்சியை தூண்ட இந்த ஒரு விஷயத்தை பண்ணுங்க போதும் | Latest Tamil News - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
PM Lee calls for preparations to abolish 6-tier disability grading system starting July - Duration: 2:16.Last year's Paralympics in Pyeongchang... helped change many people's perceptions in
South Korea of people with disabilities.
That's apparently true for the government, too,... which has decided to simplify the
way it provides benefits to disabled people and to expand the benefits.
Our Cha Sang-mi has this story.
This taxi is for people with disabilities... who travel seated in a wheelchair.
But not all disabled people could use it due to the strict disabilities grading system.
Long-persisting perceptions of the disabled began to change in South Korea last year when
the government announced plans to scrap the 31-year-old policy of providing services to
disabled people according to the severity of their disability.
"The long-cherished wish for people with disabilities -- the abolition of grades of disabilities
-- comes into effect this July.
The government should put in more effort so the disabled can actually feel more changes."
The implementation of the new policy comes after a year of discussions and research between
the government and associations concerning people with disabilities.
Starting July, the government will, in phases, boost support for the disabled, through equipment
and devices, facilities, and living, as well as emergency safety services.
This includes plans to increase the number of specialist schools for disabled students
to 199, building over 20 schools by year 2022.
As for subsidies, the government has already raised the basic monthly disability allowance,
but is looking to increase it further up to 270 U.S. dollars.
The six grades of severity will also be recategorized into two grades: severe conditions and not
severe conditions.
The PM at a meeting on the new disability policies on Wednesday said despite the changes,
people with disabilities face many challenges: "The employment rate for people with disabilities
is only half the employment rate for ordinary citizens and per capita income for the disabled
is also only two thirds the normal income."
The Prime Minister called for a wise solution to "disabled community care" to avoid any
more conflicts from policy change.
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.
N. Korea unlikely to give up nuclear weapons, activities continue to be seen: U.S. intelligence - Duration: 2:32.mixed messages are coming out of Washington on North Korea one of the top
intelligence chiefs in the u.s. is contradicting President Trump on the
progress being made with Pyongyang saying the North is going to be
reluctant to give up its nuclear weapons or jeonggi reports it is unlikely that
North Korea will fully give up its nuclear weapons and the regime continues
to act in a way that's not consistent with the u nuclearization that's how the
US intelligence community views North Korea right now
quite contrary to president Trump's optimism about the denuclearization
talks the heads of US intelligence agencies attended a hearing Tuesday at
the Senate Intelligence Committee one of them was the Director of National
Intelligence Daniel Coates we currently assess that
North Korea will seek to retain its WMD capabilities and is unlikely to
completely give up its nuclear weapons and production capabilities because its
leaders ultimately view nuclear weapons as critical to regime survival he also
hinted that the north is still working on its nuclear and missile programs our
assessment is bolstered by our observations of some activity that is
inconsistent with full denuclearization meanwhile a report that came out the
same day from the Belfer Center at the Harvard Kennedy School says North Korea
may have enough fissile material to make dozens of nuclear weapons and that it
continues to produce more of them despite agreeing not to some experts in
South Korea though while they acknowledge that the north has promised
to denuclearize what it really wants is to be recognized as a nuclear state in
the New Year's address Kim jong-un said the regime won't produce more nuclear
weapons or used them that message actually means that the North wants to
show itself as a nuclear power legal nuclear States have obligation not to
use or transfer nuclear weapons the US intelligence community apparently thinks
that even while North Korea agrees to take partial steps to denuclearize its
only to gain key concessions namely sanctions relief coats assess
Pyongyang's diplomatic engagement as a way of gaining leverage its statements
repeatedly implying that diplomacy won't continue unless sanctions are easy
OLD MCDONALD HAD A FARM - Annoying Mud Playing Frozen Elsa vs Olaf - Clay Mixer and Play Doh - Duration: 5:34.Hi guys! Thanks for your watching! Please subscribe and watch best videos.
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HUMPTY DUMPTY - Baby vs Surprise Dinosaur Egg - Nursery Rhymes & Kids Song - Duration: 2:36.Hi guys! Thanks for your watching! Please subscribe and watch best videos.
Cute Sweet Baby Sharing Foods for Dogs - Funny Babies Video - Duration: 3:32.Hi Guy! Thanks for watching. Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and SHARE our video
PHONICS ABC SONG - Frozen Elsa vs Giant Olaf - Play Doh Cartoons for Kids - Duration: 5:50.Hi guys! Thanks for your watching! Please subscribe and watch best videos.
No Smoking Rules VRBO, AirBnB - Vacation Rental Mailbag - Duration: 7:20.And now it's time for another vacation rental mailbag.
Hi there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now on Wednesdays on the show, we do what's called Vacation Rental Mailbag, and it's designed
for the Airbnb industry.
These are vacation rental owners that have properties that you rent instead of staying
at a hotel.
But here's the catch.
Somebody's got to come in and clean up between every single guest, and so this show answers
those questions.
So if you have a question for us for our Vacation Rental Mailbag,
you can leave that at TurnoverCleaningTips.com
That's a website that has lots of resources for people that do the turnover service.
So if you are an Airbnb host or if you're the cleaning service that they've paid to
come in and clean up, you're going to find lots of resources that are on that site for you.
These are books and podcasts, and cleaning supplies and restocking supplies and all kinds
of stuff that will help you do your job better.
Okay, on to today's show which is about smoking.
Not smoking.
We don't want to talk about smoking, but let's talk about it.
It's an issue at every single property.
Okay, so the first guest writes in and they want to know: Is the Airbnb supposed to put
up a placard that says no smoking, or is that like overkill?
Are there certain words or verbiage that you use in your listing so that guests know they
cannot smoke at your property?
All right, that's a great question, and the answer is this: It's kind of standard everywhere
that you don't smoke, right?
Everywhere has no smoking policies.
It's not nice to go into someone else's home and smoke.
That happened like 50 years ago, but nobody's doing that today.
It's not cool.
So everybody should just kind of know but if they don't know, yes it should be in your
listing, and it should be online where they can read it before they come.
Because if they are a smoker and it doesn't say anything about no smoking, it's going
to be easy to assume that they can smoke, right?
With the legalization of marijuana, a lot of people think that it's okay if they vape
and smoke inside your house.
It's not okay, right?
It's not okay.
You've got to turn this property over for the next guest, and you don't want your house
Also, you don't want all that nicotine and tar on your drapes and your furniture and
your carpets, and all that stuff.
It costs a lot of money to get all of that out of the air.
So no smoking in your listing.
And you can have simple words like no smoking allowed, right?
You don't have to use fancy words.
Just come right out and say no smoking allowed.
Now you can be more specific and say no smoking allowed on the property.
That means they got to go out and go into the street, or they got to go away to go smoke.
If you want to allow it outside, that's okay, but not inside.
All right, then the next thing is when you go to a hotel, as you close the door, the
very first thing that you see is a little sticker that says no smoking.
This is a no smoking room, and you can buy those on Amazon.
I will leave links in the show notes to our Amazon affiliate.
If you click the link, our show makes some money and we can keep bringing you great tips.
Everyone wins and it costs you nothing more.
All right, so no smoking placard on the back of the door.
Another thing that you might suggest is that you put inside your listing a fee.
And so if you do smoke in our property, here's how much it costs.
And also in the back of the room at a hotel room, a lot of times they have this.
There will be like a little thing that says here's the going rate for this night, and
if you smoke, it's going to be an extra $250 charge for us to come in and renovate and
repair the air.
And what that means is they're going to have to bring in an ozone machine, and they're
going to have to ozonate the property, or they're going to have to bring in Ozium or
sprays or beads or gels or whatever it is to get rid of the smoking smell.
It's going to take some time and it's going to cost some money.
So there's a fee to do that, and you might list that as well in your listing and on the
back of the door.
That way there are no surprises, and if it happens and you hit the customer up with an
extra $250 bucks, they're going to go, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, I saw the sign.
I read it in the listing.
Okay, yeah, here's the money."
But if they never saw it, if they never saw it on the back of the door, how on Earth are
they going to know?
And then they're going to say, "Well, it was never mentioned.
I'm not paying that."
Now you have a different fight you're fighting.
All right, that takes us to our next question, and the next question is: If a customer smokes
at your house, and you do not allow it, where are they allowed to smoke?
Do you allow them to smoke outside?
And if it's smoking outside, are they okay to smoke in the front of the house, or do
you make them go smoke in the back of the property so the neighbors don't see?
That is a great question.
That's up to you.
That's your personal preference.
If you don't mind smoking in the front of your property, there are lots of properties
that don't have neighbors around that are going to see if you smoke in front of the
property and so maybe smoking in the front is fine.
Just please step outside.
If you do live in a neighborhood or you live in a row of houses, you may want to say go
out back.
That way, there are not people smoking in the street that are strangers that nobody's
ever seen before, and they're just out smoking in front of your house.
That might look weird, and they might call the cops and go, "Hey, there's a stranger
out smoking and lingering or loitering in front of your house."
If they smoke out back, all bets are off.
Okay, now the next question, and this leads us to the next question: Who cleans up the
cigarette butts?
Is that the landscaper?
Is that the house cleaner?
Is it the guest?
Who does that?
Well, in a perfect world, to answer the question, people would not throw their cigarette butts
on the ground.
That's just not nice.
It happens.
It's not nice.
But that is part of the landscaper's job, so if the guest is not going to clean up their
cigarette butts, then that is the landscaper's job.
When they come in and they do the mowing and the edging and the blowing, they're going
to see the cigarette butts on the ground.
They need to stop and pick those up, and you might pay them extra for that.
That's a service you pay extra for.
So I just want to let you know, but that falls into the category of the landscaper.
All right, the next question is: Are you obligated to provide an ashtray?
You're not obligated, no, but my suggestion is provide one.
If you don't want to pay extra for the landscaper to pick up the cigarette butts, then my suggestion
would be your guests are not going to put the cigarette butts in their pocket, okay?
That is not going to happen.
So they're going to throw them somewhere.
Provide an ashtray.
There are all kinds of decorative ashtrays, and I will leave links in the show notes to
some decorate ashtrays for your property.
Oh, isn't that a cool idea?
Okay, so I will leave some as well so that you can check them out, and provide them for
your guests.
That way when they're done smoking, they can put them in the ashtray.
My rule of thumb is this, and this is true for everything in your home.
Let the guests know what they're supposed to do.
If you provide an ashtray, that says hey, throw your cigarette butts away.
If you provide cleaning supplies, and they open the cupboard looking for some and they're
there, it says hey, we welcome you using our cleaning supplies, right?
If they get cold at night, and they open the closet and there are extra linens and bedding,
you're welcome to use it.
It's extra.
We saved it for you, right?
So if you share with them, hey, we have extras of everything, everything has a place, put
everything back in the place where it goes, your guests will participate.
If they know what the rules are, they can play along.
Most guests are not belligerent, and most guests don't want to do the wrong thing.
But if they come stay at your house and you make it easy for them, then they will in this
scenario put their cigarette butts where they belong.
All righty, so I hope that helps a little bit.
If you found this helpful, please pass it on to a friend.
Who knows?
You may know somebody in the Airbnb space.
And until we meet again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
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