Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily Jun 6 2018

Portrait of the Beautiful Landscape

Portrait of the Beautiful Landscape

Portrait of the Beautiful Landscape

For more infomation >> G88 Bonsai | Dáng Cây Cảnh Trực Huyền Đẹp Tiêu Biểu - Duration: 7:26.


Putin da su pronóstico de favoritos para ganar el Mundial de Rusia [SUB] - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Putin da su pronóstico de favoritos para ganar el Mundial de Rusia [SUB] - Duration: 2:00.


Las Noticias de la mañana, miércoles 6 de junio de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Las Noticias de la mañana, miércoles 6 de junio de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 5:38.


फणसाची भाजी - Fansachi Bhaji Recipe in Marathi - Jack Fruit Vegetable Recipe - Smita Deo - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> फणसाची भाजी - Fansachi Bhaji Recipe in Marathi - Jack Fruit Vegetable Recipe - Smita Deo - Duration: 3:01.


2018 New Yamaha-YZF R15 - Ducati Pramac Lamborghini Miller | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> 2018 New Yamaha-YZF R15 - Ducati Pramac Lamborghini Miller | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.


Te contamos lo que hicieron los famosos el fin de semana | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Te contamos lo que hicieron los famosos el fin de semana | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:10.


Colorful mats of Neko Cat room installation completed!【Eng CC】 - Duration: 3:34.

Mats installation of Neko-kichi room had been unfinished,

but finally I will work on this today.

I went to many DIY stores to get these.

I will assemble it right away.

This side has finished.

Only a little left on the other side.

Finally, the mats installation has done.

Neko-kichi, I've finished installing colorful mats.

Now you can run around without worry.

Neko-Kichi "You finally completed it?"

Neko-Kichi "Let's go look for it"

Neko-Kichi "I feel good!"

Neko-Kichi "Even if I jump a lot, this is OK!"

Neko-Kichi "The evolution of the Neko-kichi room is still going on!"

For more infomation >> Colorful mats of Neko Cat room installation completed!【Eng CC】 - Duration: 3:34.


Ramadan Special | Dr Zakir Naik Bangla Lecture | Episode 11 | 2018 [Re-Upload] - Duration: 17:05.

AK Computer Network

For more infomation >> Ramadan Special | Dr Zakir Naik Bangla Lecture | Episode 11 | 2018 [Re-Upload] - Duration: 17:05.


문정인 특보, 주한미군 철수 발언 논란 "아들 국적 프로필 jtbc 손석희 동영상"|K-News - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> 문정인 특보, 주한미군 철수 발언 논란 "아들 국적 프로필 jtbc 손석희 동영상"|K-News - Duration: 10:36.


Aggressive Web Apps - Phil Nash - JSConf EU 2018 - Duration: 23:44.

Can I send you push notifications.

Do I have to be here?

All right.


So that was a poor start.

But let's try again.

Hi, everyone.

My name is Phil Nash.

I'm a developer evangelist at Twilio.

What I'm here to talk to you about today is progressive web apps.

We've not heard a lot about them this time around at JSConf which means it's an part

in the life cycle of a new feature of the way that we build applications.

What I like is the technology behind it and what we can do with it, and the service worker

is my favourite thing, because we have JavaScript that runs outside of our page now.

I love that.

What I really love about it is that it's now supported in every major browser!


This means we can start talking to our places of work and businesses to build application

that is are better for users, can build for interesting stuff and native app-like features

because that's some of the things that we've been missing that the native applications

have had over us.

One of those is push notifications.

I think push notifications are wonderful which is why I want to talk about them today, because

I'm not sure you do!

Push notifications are probably important to cover because it is not quite everyone

because we can get there, and we can do it.

You know how to do push notifications.

You have had a native app.

We will get there.

I just wanted to show a quick example because I'm so delighted that it did appear - this

is Edge.

It works in Edge.

Out of the box for the first version of service workers push notifications came in, it was

way, and then wooh!

And I had to redownload a VM for that, because, you know.

If I go to Can I Use, it looks red and dangerous.

If you're looking at the reds and greens on this, it's not correct.

You want to look in the top right corner there where it says almost 75 per cent of active

users based on the global stats, almost 75 per cent of people have access to these.

You need to be thinking about them and building them in the correct way.

Push notifications are good, and that's what I want to talk to you today.

We are going to cover three things.

Briefly, how to push, with then we're going to talk about good push notifications, and

then talk about permissions.

Permissions get sculls because we're doing it wrong.

Quickly on how to push: there's quite a convoluted setup to make push notifications work.

You start with a user and a browser, and you have to register your service worker.

Once you do that, you can ask for permission to send push notifications to the user.

When they say - if they say yes, you will get back a URL and a couple of encryption

keys which you will want to save on your server somewhere so you can use them later.

When you make a push notification, from your server you send a post request to the URL

you got which is the browser's push notification service.

You can encrypt information with that with the keys you got earlier so the browsers can't

read what you're sending to your users, and then the service will send a push to your

device which will wake up the service worker, which will react, send it back and make it


I'm not going to go into the technical side of that, the code, or anything.

If you want to find out

about that [sound distorted].

This is a tweet that comes across every once in a while on Twitter.


I don't think that's true.

I don't believe that.

I want push notifications for something.

They're useful things for us.

Push notifications are incredibly useful for the right things.

I do believe that the person that says that maybe doesn't want push notifications.

It's entirely possible that you are a person who, when you get your phone, the first thing

you go is go to settings and turn off notifications and never get that, and that's fine, but it's

not true for everyone.

I have examples of good notifications and we need to hear them.

Appointment reminders is a good one.

I work at Twilio.

We've an API for sending text messages we have had for around eight years now, and text

messages get used for notification purposes as well.

One of our clients, the Arkansas Children's Hospital used appointment reminders.

They cut down no-shows, bearing in mind this is a children's hospital, appointments for

sick children's, no-shows were 20 per cent.

After they implemented notifications to say, "You've got an appointment tomorrow", it dropped

to two per cent.

That's real-life, important stuff, keeping doctors doing the job they should be doing

and getting kids to appointments they need to going to.

Chat alert is an obvious one.

I'm sure we would like to ignore them some of the time, because they're not normally

always good news, but then I know that having been in Berlin for the last week, I kind of

tried to hang out and meet one different people.

The push notifications of various chatting and messaging people have kept me on the ball

for that.

ETA alerts.

Things arriving.

If you order a car, food, any kind of delivery at all, getting a notification that it's there

is excellent.

It means that you actually leave your house and get in the car, or you pick up that food.

Event updates, you don't want to download an entire native application for a one or

two-day event.

Some of the other events, like flights, and three different planes to get here, being

told an updated when I could check in, and also when there were delays.

It makes that so much easier.

These notifications have three tenets to them that you should consider when building push

notifications: timely, actionable, and personal.

Timely is sort of obvious.

If I get a push notification to say that my car has just arrived after I finished the

journey, that's not very useful.

There are other considerations to that as well.

This is a picture that goes around Twitter once in a while as well.

It is the Slack decision tree of whether to send somebody a push notification.

A whole bunch of those things are time-based stuff.

Is the person asleep?


Do they really need this?

Weirdly enough, when I'm using Slack, I can be on the desktop typing a message to somebody

and my phone will buzz with a notification, so I modified this to - that's how it works

for me.

I don't know what's gone on there.

These are the considerations like the time of day, the time zone, and the number of notifications

you're sending somebody as well.

You don't want to keep piling them on.

That's not helpful after a while.

Then you have actionable stuff, where you get something that you can do something about.

If you receive a chat message from someone, then you want to read it, respond to it, deal

with that.

If your car is here and it's time to leave the house, or time to go on the street and

look for it.

If your flight is open for check-in, you might get the extra leg room seats if you check

in now - important to me.

Then they're personal.

One thing you might have noticed is they're all about you.

And I'm pretty sure, if you searched Twitter two weeks ago for push notifications, lots

of people very surprised that they had 20 or so notifications that some guy was getting

married, as the royal wedding goes off and news organisations are like we must push this

to everything.

It's not personal, actionable, or interesting at all.

That's not true.

Some people probably wanted that, but I didn't, so it's fine.

You can break the rules on this, though.

Some people might have wanted royal wedding notifications.

A really good example of this back in 2016 when the Guardian team in the UK covered the

UK general election, and did this experiment with push notifications that kept people up

to date with how the votes were coming in overnight.

This is an amazing bit of work as well, because they actually assembled this image in the

service worker, and, if you work with a service worker, you know that there is no canvas element,

there's no way to manipulate images properly so they were doing it entirely with buffers,

which is kind of amazing.

This actually shows one other thing.

In the middle between latest declared and settings, there's a button to stop.

That's one they programmed in, because maybe you do want to go to bed because this goes

all night, and you don't want to keep hitting notifications.

So you have to let people opt out from within your application.

This is the Twitter iOS application where you can choose who push notifications you


They have a bad reputation of adding things to this and checking them, so you have to

keep revisiting once in a while, but, if I want at mentions but I don't want Twitter

news, because then you can go and sort it out inside the application.

Because alternative for us on the web is terrible.

The alternative looks a little like this.

I'm going to go out to Chrome for a second here.

Make sure notifications are working.

We are registering for push notifications there.

When I send one, it will come into the screen.

It will come into the screen ... . It's not going to do it.


In the notification, you get to see - as you hover over it, there are two buttons: one

importantly, is settings.

When you click the settings button, you get taken to this screen which allows you to block

that individual website, and, even worse, allows you to block all of them.

If one website sends a bad push notification a user can't opt out of, it's a very quickstep

to that user blocking every single application's push notifications.

This is what is looks like in Firefox as well.

It's not good.

I am terrified that the rest of the internet can affect my application in that way.

If I'm sending useful things to a user that they want to receive, but they get put off

by an abuse of this API, then that is horrifying.

So, this leads me on to the other other terrifying part of this which is the permissions.

I found one of those tweets that kind of said, "Dear every website, I don't want you to post

notifications to my website, I don't want you to know my location, please stop autoplaying

that video, I'm angry and sad now."

Websites are making using angry and sad because they're doing this.

The power of the web has been increasingly increasing over the recent years as we get

the ability to use methods and device capabilities like geolocation, like the push notifications,

like media devices, camera, and microphone, Bluetooth, maybe, web TV, all of those things,

but we require permission for them because they're more invasive.

That is correct, and the web has had this permissions model that you ask for it when

you need it, which is good, except we keep asking and doing lot of things.

It doesn't make you ask you when you need it.

I want to pick on a couple of sites.

Apologies to them but they should shot have done this.

This is what happens when you load for the first time.

When you get there for the first time, why are we being asked for permissions for push


This is cnet, a tech and review site.

Push notifications first time.

This is

Not only permissions but an entire page overlay asking you to pay for stuff.

You don't even know what the site does yet.

It's supposed to look like that.

This is a site that does tutorials on web development.

YouTube did it the other day.

This is the home page.

It gave me no context about what it what happened wanted to do with these push notifications,

it justified asked for permission.

Context is absolutely kick in this case - absolutely king.

Would would you give permission to any site to have one of those invasive permissions?

This counts for geolocation, and counts for media devices as well.

Why would you give permission to one of those sites without context?

And then in recent changes from Chrome, they stopped allowing you to dismiss the permission.

You either block or allow.

So that is straight into block straightaway, obviously.

We need to stop this.

We need to stop this or our users will stop it for us.

There are sites like howtogee k saying how to turn them off.

this is one or two sites that can ruin for the rest of us, and ruin it for the users

as well. and Firefox. if you're here, which I hope you are, let's have a chat about this.

I don't think this is cool.

I don't think building a feature, and then telling people that the feature you built

into your browser is terrible is a good idea, especially when I think we can agree some

of those push notification examples I gave earlier are good ideas and can help meme.

maybe now you can think of some good reasons to get push notifications on Firefox.

let's sort this out.

so, please, if you have built push notifications into your website at all, do not demand notification

permissions on page load.



my worry, as I said already, is that permissions have become the new pop-ups. they will be

reviled and dismissed by users, but just the annoyances in the browser, and it doesn't

matter what the feature behind them is, where there is push locations, geolocation, whatever,

they dismiss it, it's not care.

when they dismiss them by default, our web platform loses its power to build engaging

and useful experiences for those users.

that little check box is terrifying.

so, please, don't demand notification permissions on page load.

I have some suggestions, though.

I don't think I can reach everybody by standing on stage here.

I'm glad to reach you and tell you this, but we have to do better than that.

I have some suggestions for now, and then for the future, how we can improve this in


for now, it is better patterns of UX for this.


build up the context that will make the user aware of why you need that permission.

Matt gaunt from the Chrome team wrote a great post and an example application based on this.

he built a fake airline ticketing site.

once you've finished the purchase process of an airline ticket, at the bottom of the

screen, it pops up "get notifications for flight delays."

you've bought an airline ticket and you have no wish to turn up to the airport ten hours

early because your flight is delayed.

this seems like a good idea.

I know exactly what I'm going to get out of this.

it can be obvious.

still don't put the permissions up, but if you're building a chat application like Slack,

that top bar at the top is reasonable.

it is the same for geolocation permissions. if there there is a map on the back of the

screen behind the notification, it's probably obvious what we are trying to do here.

that's fine.

but, for the future, this I think is more important, because, I think together, we can

work to fix this in general.

this needs to be the start of a conversation or the continuing of a conversation that has


My suggestion was that browsers should enforce the user interaction before asking for a permission.

Something like "pop-ups" where you have to have had a click before you can pop something


there's arguments about this, but you can get involved in them.

On the GitHub, on the WICG repos, there is an interventions repo which is great.

issue 49 is the suggestion from have been else that there should be an interaction before

a permissions pop-up.

That has stalled right now because there are a couple of companies that have built up a

service that does push notifications on behalf of other websites, for those websites that

haven't managed to change on to HTTPS yet, which you need for the service worker.

I think those businesses are tenuous at best.

it is a - while I'm sympathetic with the fact they're trying to build a business, I'm not

sure it's a great foundation to be doing so on.

Maybe a user interaction is not the best suggestion.

We need to get involved and come up with better ones.

There is the permissions API, an emerging spec from the W3C, and it collects in one

place where you can find out if you have asked for permission and what the response was.

But I feel like that could be better as well.

perhaps we could have an API that asks us whether we can ask permission yet.

Perhaps the browser should be implementing some kind of heuristic

for a progressive web app, you can only add to home screen after a certain amount of engagement.

We need this to be deterministic as well.

so being asked to ask the permissions API whether I have enough engagement yet might

be a good.

but again, I need more ideas, and I need more input for this, and we need to start talking

about it more.

So, in conclusion, I think push notifications are awesome - for the right things.

not for breaking news, but for important timely actionable and personal actions.

One more time for this one: do not ever demand permissions for anything on a page load.

make those notifications timely, actionable, and personal, or don't, break the rules, but

allow those users to opt out side your application so they don't turn it off for everyone.

For users like that, the whole web suffers.

They suffer because they can't get the good notifications we're talking about.

they will block it if they have a bad experience.

but we, as good develop - we can pry good experiences for these permissions and notifications

in general.

We might have to work together to find out how we can do this better, but that's what

I want to see.

And I want us to see us building progressive web apps that improve experiences for users,

that improve the web in general, and not aggressive web apps which get up in everybody's face

and make users sad and angry.

We can go and do that.

thank you so much.

[Cheering and Applause].

For more infomation >> Aggressive Web Apps - Phil Nash - JSConf EU 2018 - Duration: 23:44.


Growing Raft style tree Part 3 | from Left over of air layer by mikbonsai - Duration: 7:39.

Next up is the lower half of the air layer

and that was allowed to grow unchecked

for three years with the occasional pot

clean but the foliage has been untouched

and it's been growing freely and now is

the time to thin out the foliage and

start selecting the trunks which we are

going to retain.

So stay tuned.

Hey it's me Iqbal Khan,

if you have not yet subscribed to

mikbonsai then click the

subscribe button and hit the bell icon

to subscribe and receive notifications

as I upload new videos.

This is the lower half of the raft and again the info

card in the top right hand corner has a

link so you can see the original video

if you haven't already done so and I'll

have to decide what to do with it there

are two I could separate them into

two rafts or keep it as one and there's

another one here this is quite

independent of the others so I may

consider removing that but for now it's

all going to stay there and what I'm

going to do is take out the alternate trunk

they are quite thin, they're virtually

like branches and it would be quite some

time before they get much thicker. This

isn't too bad but then this is quite

independent. This is the way we are going

to work I'm going to leave this one

retain this one is quite thin and retain

this one and remove this one here and

because the next one is quite soft

developed and similarly if I just turn

it round and remove one

of these, remove the weaker

one retain the stronger one. Will leave

that one for now because it's a big gap

here and then here we will remove one of

these the one which is higher up I think

what I will do at some stage is to carve

the what's left of the old trunk so

retain this one here and working my way

around and here we will retain, I will

retain this and we'll remove this one

here this weaker one, it's growing from

inside of this hollow, it's quite sort of

juvenile, remove that, will

retain this one and retain this one

growing on the inside and remove these


Keep the pot nice and tidy. This is so

fairly quick, we're not doing any major

work just deciding which trunks to

retain and now we come back to this

little clump here and I think from here

we'll remove the trunks which are very

close to the the old trunk and that's

this one here so I'll just cut it, it's is quite

tiny and it would have developed into a

trunk but we don't need so many and

besides this, it looks like it could

become a clump but we want the raft

style so we'll just thin it out a bit

more, remove that one and this one and

another one right so we only have, then

we have just two trunks this one and

this one on this and we will now move to

this section here, that lot all that

lot and thin these out as well

Then we have this little group here that's

basically a little root with few bits growing

on top, it's quite independent of the

rest of it will that some

stage we'll have to separate this out

but it's not for, that's not for today on

this part it is higher up we're going to

do exactly the same as we did with the

first one so basically thin out these truns, there are

too many trunks, so remove that one and

retain that, there's a thin one in front

of this so we'll removed the thinner one

there we go, that's out and next to it is quite a

thick one will retain that and turning

it this way, again this is quite

independent one, this again we'll have to

separate at some stage but another time

and then we have another little clump

here, here we have another part of the

old trunk and it has a number of little

trunks coming out from the side. there's

one two three four five six seven eight

nine ten, twelve so I'm going to retain

all these, they look okay and we may thin

them out later but for now I'm just

going to expose the trunks and remove

these branches which are really low

down and they do back bud so as they

grow they're probably grow branches further

lower down and I'm going to repeat

this process on the whole raft, so

that we can actually start seeing what's

going on with the trunk.

Now I'm working on this

one is the biggest of the lot and

I have thinned it out a little bit, bit more

to do and we'll be done with this one.

Well there we are that's a close-up of

the raft and the trees that I'm hoping

to develop they are quite thin at the moment

except the ones on this side they are

reasonably decent compared to the other

ones and it'll be a few years perhaps

I don't know, three four five years before

they attain the thickness that I'm happy

with until that time we'll just keep growing.

the last thing that I have to do is put

chicken pellets round the pot and we'll

deal with that now.

That's the chicken pellets going in

the middle part also.

That's all for now.

This is Iqbal `Khan for mikbonsai

in West London until the next time.

And now for the afterthought.

Never date a tennis player love means

nothing to them.

You dig !

For more infomation >> Growing Raft style tree Part 3 | from Left over of air layer by mikbonsai - Duration: 7:39.


Anti-heat and summer disease prevention - Duration: 5:45.

Health Network, For Public Health

Hi, you are listening to audio on website

Anti-heat and summer disease prevention

Summer is the most temperate season of the year, the weather is hot and humid.

So, what should the summer eat, to fight off heat and prevent disease?

Summer is the most temperate season of the year, the weather is hot and humid.

The process of metabolism in the human body, occurs strongly, the oxygen out, the inner gas in.

The pores widen, sweat secrete much to regulate body temperature, but also so that the gas easily penetrated into.

The peripheral capillary system also dilates, blood circulation faster and stronger.

The function of taste tends to decrease, the process of digestion and absorption of food easily disordered.

So, what to eat in the summer to prevent heat and prevent disease?

1. Foods should eat:Should pay attention to, use more food and drink have the heat pump test results, lower urolithiasis:

About plants, such as watermelon, cucumber, melon, melon, melon, orange, tangerine, banana, glaze, bitter melon, melon, gourd, pumpkin, cauliflower, jute beetroot, pea, green bean, black bean, white bean, bean sprouts, pork legume soup, homemade porridge, green bean porridge, chrysanthemum tea, chrysanthemum tea or leaf tea, artichoke tea, tea, etc.

On animals, such as duck meat, crabs, snails, mussels, clams, oysters, oysters, and so on.

Lotus seed lotion helps improve the capacity of the spices.

2. Avoid or limit the use of foods, such as heat of meat:goat meat, dog meat, roasted meat, sparrows, longan, cloth, chives, onion, pepper, cinnamon, ginger , roasted peanuts, white wine, and so on.

In hot days, a little chilled or ice water may be used to help the body cool down, but not much, to avoid injury to the spleen, to facilitate the lowering of disease inside.

When sweating out, pay attention to replenish the amount of water lost, by eating, by the use of food and drink, the use of heat,

Black bean tea, black tea, pear juice, lotus juice, teacher juice, apricot juice, plum juice, strawberry juice, sugar cane juice, tea and tea, cassava tea, and so on.

In addition to the heat bar to try and nourish, eat in the hot summer, to pay close attention, avoid injury to the taste.

Therefore, foods with the use of spontaneity, low-calorie, direct, or indirect solutions, preserving and improving the capacity of the spices, should also be used.

For example, the varieties of green bean, white beans, white bean, itchy, lotus seeds, abrasives, etc., patchouli tea, tea buds, tea aroma, lotus tea, actiso tea, bare tea, and so on.

Attention should be paid to the use of sweet, sour, spicy foods for appetite, stimulation of appetite, such as sour soup made from crocodile, tamarind, sour, vegetarian, sour meadow yellow flowers, and orange juice, lemon juice, apricot juice, crocodile, and so on.

However, do not use too much refined sugar, when preparing beverages.

Watermelon bar thermal solution.

To know the natural time to compensate:in the summer, Oriental medicine has a very unique perspective, which is the spring of positive.

Hot summer, although many foods and beverages have the effect of heat to try, but still need to do warm temperament, to help the positive.

Because, the nurses of Oriental medicine said that the summer, but positive air prosperous outside, but the sound of gas is hidden inside the body, so it is hot, but do not eat too much.

If you do not know how to keep the air in the summer, the winter will have many diseases, to meet the natural time to compensate for air, except the sound of welding, so called new disease prevention.

Therefore, in the summer, the choice of some mild food and drink is also necessary, especially for people with chronic illnesses, and physical damage.

For more infomation >> Anti-heat and summer disease prevention - Duration: 5:45.


고혈압 약에 관하여|HYA TV - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> 고혈압 약에 관하여|HYA TV - Duration: 10:41.


유니티 윤조 우희 이수지 양지원 팬미팅 "성형전후 비키니 레깅스 몸매 움짤" 보기|K-News - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> 유니티 윤조 우희 이수지 양지원 팬미팅 "성형전후 비키니 레깅스 몸매 움짤" 보기|K-News - Duration: 6:21.


Full Garhwali Shadi Video Dance Shadi 2018 - Duration: 1:33.






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