We're glad that you could join us today my name is Paula Newcom and I'm the
Northeast Regional Coordinator of the Indiana State Library's Professional
Development Office I will be the host and question moderator for today's
webinar Looking to the Cloud: Using Google's G
Suite at Your Library presented by Devin Henderson she is the
marketing and web services person at the Huntington City Township Public Library
and we are presenting from... a little bit dreary Huntington today because of
the weather but least we don't have ice coming down on us in sheets
anyway okay a few housekeeping items before we start if you are having sound
issues during the webinar please see the sound issues box just below the chat box
if there is a global sound issue we will announce it in the chat box but if
you're unable to resolve the sound issue you're experiencing we are recording the
webinar and you can watch it offline after it is ended again if there is a
global sound issue we will make an announcement in this chat box if you
have a question just type it in the chat box on the upper left side of the screen
what we're going to do is hold off questions till probably about... or
answering the questions till about 10:40 we're going to have Devon go through her
whole presentation but please go ahead and put your your questions in there and
then we'll go back and get them so we're going to have plenty of time at the end
for your questions today's session is worth 1TLEU you and your certificate will
be available for download at the end of the webinar if you're watching an
archived recording of this presentation information on how to obtain your LEU is
in the video's description in youtube also today's webinar will be recorded
and archived after the webinar has been transcribed it will be available on the
Indiana State library's archived webinars page and just a reminder for
weekly updates on upcoming trainings and to learn more about what's happening in
libraries across the state please subscribe to the Indiana State library's
enewsletter the wednesday word and check our continuing education website for
other professional development opportunities ok we'll get started and I
am now happy to turn the presentation over to Devon ...hello
my name is Devon Henderson and I will be doing today's
presentation so I'm going to go ahead and start sharing my screen... all right so
welcome everyone I will be doing Looking to the Cloud using Google's G Suite at
your Library there will be a short presentation at the beginning and then
we're going to get into Google Drive into Docs, Sheets, Slides things like that
there are interactive components but if you are not participating in the
interactive side of this that's okay I will be sharing my screen for the entire
presentation so you will be able to kind of see as other people interact and
still get most of the benefit from it... so first we're gonna cover what exactly G
suite is so if you're familiar with Microsoft Office this is kind of
Google's version it's really comparable to office 365 it's you know just online
versions of Word Excel PowerPoint except they're called Docs Sheets and Slides it
is an entire app ecosystem so it has email it has the productivity software
much like what Apple or Microsoft offer it does also include Google Drive which
is kind of like a thumb drive it's online storage and you can store your
Docs sheets and slides in there but you can also store photos other files you
can backup folders from your computer ... you have a lot of options for
online storage and it also includes Gmail as the email platform and Google
Calendar so these are all things that you can kind of ...you can get that when
you have a gmail account for free but when you have G suite as a paid platform
it is kind of a souped up version you get more storage space and you also get
the company network benefits like you get if you have an exchange server you
have a directory of your domain contacts all of those kind of features you can
tell who is a staff person you get to share more easily amongst your own
network things like that what's really nice about
G Suite is that it is heavily based around collaboration it is an entirely
web-based platform and its core component is having multiple people in
editing things at the same time easily and flawlessly and it is a paid
professional level product so Google offers a lot of free services but they
do have a paid platform called G suite and why you should use it well because
if you're a library you don't have to pay for it it is completely free they
it's part of something called Google for nonprofits so what they essentially do
is give you G suite for business at $0 a month so it's everything that anybody
who pays for the platform gets but because we are a library we get it for
free so with that you get you know a whole suit of powerful products you get
to use you know all the professional level versions of Docs Sheets Slides
Google Drive things like that it's really nice for reducing your IT support
load so it's one fewer server you have to maintain in your server room you
don't have to deal with updates not pushing out features across all of the
different accounts you know all of those things that at least in Huntington we
were dealing with when we had our own exchange server
it just completely alleviated all of those issues it has a 99.9% uptime so
it's just it just makes things really really easy because it's web-based it
works anywhere so you can be you know hopping on another computer out at a
hotel or anywhere you can get right to your files there's no software to
install I mean there is software you can install that lets you sync back and
forth with your computer but none of it is necessary for using any of the
features or if you have office 365 you have added benefits if you do install
Word Excel PowerPoint as software Google's everything is based completely
around being online in a web browser it's also really easy to use it doesn't
have 100% of the features that office has it just
takes the core features that most people use on a daily basis and that's what it
presents so if you do need the really advanced features like we still use
excel to deal with some xml reports from our ILS there are situations where it
won't necessarily have everything you need but for the most part if you're
just really using word processor spreadsheets with formulas really the
probably 80% of most of words features or excels features it will be more than
enough it also has amazing collaboration
support so it just ...we're gonna we're gonna get to do that later and I'm very
excited because it's... when I did this with my co-workers they're excited and
at different ILF presentations this is the really fun part so we get that's
part of the interactive component later but it supports having multiple people
in the same file at the same time making edits none of the oh ... I'm gonna go in
there and add some data to the spreadsheet I need everybody to close
out of it none of that exists with the G suite platform so it's a very very nice
in that regard and did we mention it's free for libraries so in Huntington ...
just kind of a quick background on how we adopted it in 2013 we were officially
fed up with hosting our own exchange server it was just giving us tons of
trouble we would have a Microsoft update push out to the network and it would
bork something on our exchange server or we'd come in and it just turned off in
the middle of the night came back on it just was a lot of IT load when we were
really just we just needed email and so at the time we decided it was worth it
to swap to paid G suite we were actually paying for it five dollars a user a
month and it was worth it enough for us and it saved us enough money over time
that that was cheaper than what we were putting out in hardware maintenance for
our own server and because we had it and we just adopted Gmail essentially but
you know we had access to Docs and sheets and things so here and there we
would start using it you know instead of typing our meeting notes in Word we
would type them in Docs and then we would
share them out with everybody we started moving our program statistics to sheets
things like that so it was kind of really an organic growth for us just
kind of happened and then in 2017 we were really kick
starting a technology training initiative for our staff a tech
competencies program so I was going around trying to find training for G Suite
and I found that Google for nonprofits exists and had existed the entire time
we were paying for it so I had a little moment to myself and then presented it
to our director and we got on the Google for nonprofits platform and immediately
stopped having to pay for it and you know by 2018 this year we're using it
for everything short of those really fringe cases where
we need some of the advanced feature features of Excel we are not really
using the office platform anymore we fully adopted G suite across the entire
library including our part-time circulation staff that's how far it's
gone okay so we are going to get into the demonstration aspect of this so if
you want to follow along if you have a second computer that you're using to
participate if we go into the G suite Drive now I added everybody who had
signed up through the web form as of about 10:30 last night so if you haven't
been able to make it in yet you know feel free to just follow along and I can
add you after the presentation and then that way you can get in everybody who is
in here has full editing rights to all of these files it's really meant to be a
collaborative drive or you can come in here play around create things you know
open stuff see what's in here and so but we're gonna cover a couple of specific
documents in here so that we can touch on specific features first I am going to
cover the user interface of Drive in general so if you've used Google Drive
before being inside of what is called a team Drive might look a little
different so when you get the paid G suite... since we technically do have it
we just pay zero dollars it is the paid version and it
comes with all of the features that get pushed out to the paid versions so you
get something called a team drive and what that does is allow you to have in
addition to your own my drive that is tied to your specific Google account
team drives are network-based they go across your entire G suite network and
you can create them a bunch of them for any sort of subjects you want so to show
some of ours we have a circulation goal that we're trying to meet this year so
we have a team drive for that for that committee you know we've got the one
that I created for this presentation some of our others you know we have one
for just all of our IT documentation I have a marketing one where I store all
of my files and things so you can really create team drives as a way maybe you
have local network drives or shared drives that you use to store your files
you can really replicate that same setup using team drives and you know we have
probably about 10 right now that I'm a member of there are other ones if we
have an administration one that our director and assistant directors are in
other committees I'm not involved in you can really create them and share them
with the people that are involved and its permissions across the board so it's
just you can do everything in bulk you can set a wide variety of permission
levels if I go in here to the add members box you can see these are all
the different levels that you can set a manager has full editing control the
content manager can add edit move and delete files a contributor can just add
an edit but not delete very handy and Google only out of this within the last
couple of weeks so I was very happy this way you can have people contribute but
not maybe delete things accidentally you can have people who can just comment so
they can get into files and comment on things but not modify anything and then
you can just have kind of a read-only viewer permission setting so it gives
you a lot of control over what people can do within the drive which is nice
and you can do it in bulk instead of having to do it on a file basis
on the sidebar here below where the drives are
we do also have the new button here that you know where you can create your files
but below the the different drives you have a shared with me you can access you
know if you're especially sharing across your network but anybody with a gmail
account you can share files and they're all gonna be linked right in here
you have your recent files so what you've been working on created edited
has been shared with you recently that will all be here and if you've used
Gmail before or really any email platform that allows you to start or
flag items you can do that in Google Drive as well so if you have certain
things like your timesheet we have our timesheet in Google sheets you know I
have that starred you know you can those quick items that you need to get to on a
constant basis or are very important for a short time you can star them and then
you also have a trash it also lets you know how you're doing on storage so the
way storage works in Google Drive is if you have a free Gmail it's 15 gigabytes
of storage if you have a pay plan which is technically us as libraries you get
30 gigabytes of storage what's a nifty little feature that we
are taking advantage of for as long as we can is that team drives have no
storage limit you can well technically I think you're limited to 250,000 files
and that is it it does not count Docs sheets slides anything that is kind of a
Google official file format those don't count as files so it's 250,000 pictures
you've uploaded or Word documents you've uploaded but not converted to a doc
because you can convert past files as well which is a nice feature for
migrating over if you choose to go with G suite it doesn't count any of those
there is no file limit no size limit anything like that it's just you've got
a cap of number of files so it's a really great way to kind of offload
maybe if you have some external drives you share a lot of your files on and
you're worried well 30 gigabytes doesn't get us very far for trying to put
everything we have on them but team drives do not have a limit
at this time I say at this time because it is Google they do have a little bit
of a history of changing things with very short notice so it might change in
the in the future it's been this way the entire time team drives have existed
they haven't changed the feature at all so at least for now I think they're
still trying to develop the platform and they're just not messing with it but if
you do you know if they do take it away in the future you have options to
upgrade storage and they are still much cheaper than running your own servers
which is nice it's you know a couple bucks for a hundred gigabytes it's
really nice up here at the top we have you know it tells you what team drive
you're in you can set themes you know so it's easy to visually distinguish which
team drive you're in it tells you how many members are in it you can add
members you have Google's search box it wouldn't be a Google product if you
couldn't search so if you click in here you have options you can really quickly
just drill down by file type you can also hit the drop down arrow and it
really lets you break down how you want to search for things whether you're the
owner or somebody else's or a specific person a specific location you know
you've lots of options for finding what you're looking for which is nice that's
a benefit of a Google product is that search is very very fleshed out which
makes it very easy to find what you need you have like a little help document
spot as well as Settings you can access all of your other products in the G
suite platform you can have some notifications if say you've been in
tagged in the comment or anything like that it'll show up here and then down
here you have your file list so this shows your everything it should look
really familiar if you're used to like Windows or Mac based operating systems
and it's just this straight up list of your folders and your files the
ones with the blue symbol these are Docs this is a slide and this is a PDF so it
has a little symbols that tell you the type of file it is just like you would
in Windows or on a Mac and you also have a card view if you want something a bit
more visual this can kind of give you a preview
you of what the file looks like especially for presentations it's very
helpful or if you've got a folder where you're storing a lot of photos it can be
really handy to to find things quickly that way and then next to that you have
the information pane and this just kind of tells you some details of what
happens you know file history for the entire drive so it kind of has an
activity stream for you so you can see the changes that have been made recently
as well as details members things like that and if you click specific items
then you can get details on that specific file as well when it was
modified created things like that and you can see here this is a Google Doc so
storage used zero bytes Google Docs are free so anything you create using Docs
sheets slides Google Forms Google Sites things like that those do not count
towards your storage limit which is really nice as well helps make that 30
gigabytes go a bit further in your personal drive all right so now we're
going to get into some of the files first up we're gonna go into Docs so if
you want to follow along with this this it's called the program planning form it
is in the sample files folder and then in the Huntington samples here and this
should be down here at the bottom if it's set to default sort it's called the
program planning form if you want to be in the same documents that we are in the
presentation so now that we're inside of a document you can kind of see what this
looks like from the editing side this is what it looks like when you create
something you're typing you're working with specific files so up here it tells you
it's a doc you have your file name you can star it from here and you can also
reorganize where it is Google's not very happy with me today but you can normally
see a list of where it's at in your drive and you can rearrange it from
there below that you kind of have your standard menu it's not the most
groundbreaking user interface they wanted to stick
something that is familiar for most people it should look decently like a
simplified version of the ribbon very simplified version but you have some of
your drop downs you know file edit view kind of the standard insert it's nice as
you can insert right from Google Drive or Google photos it really ties in with
the entire platform as a whole so if you store all of your stuff in Google Drive
it makes it a lot easier to add it to different files you can do formatting
you know all of the kind of menu items you expect when working with a document
creation tool and you know you can kind of hover over them if you're in the
document you can see what some of these different ones are it lets you you know
create specific default styles for things which is nice I was able to
create some that we use library wide that are our kind of tours our branding
which is nice you can choose your fonts your size you know kind of all the stuff
you expect paragraph alignment whether it's a list all of that it even
integrates on the side if you use Google Calendar you can see your calendar in
the sidebar and I can see my Google Calendar right from within a doc you
know if I have a meeting coming up and I just want to keep an eye on where I'm at
you can get to Google keep if you use that which is kind of like if you're not
familiar with Google keep it's an app that you can use to quickly jot down
notes it's kind of like having sticky notes in your pocket it has a web
version it's really beneficial if you use it on a smartphone it's a way that
you can snap pictures take notes things like that and then you can quickly drag
them into documents that you're working on which is nice and you can get to
Google Tasks as well so this is a document that we have used for a long
time at the library we only recently stopped using it and that's how we plan
all of our programs so it was that you would say you know we have it saved as a
template what you can do in G suite you can have network-wide templates so
documents that people need to use often you can stick them in there people can
quickly get to them by clicking here on the docs home which will do once we're
finished with this file and you know they would type out the information that
they needed to plan the program it would be
submitted to their supervisor so you can see that you can create a pretty complex
layout in Google Docs ...a bit more than maybe the user interface
suggests you can do but you can really kind of do whatever you like has a lot
of features built in and then up here too ... while we're in here all of these
little symbols up here show all the people who are viewing the doc at the
same time as you so if it's like in full color it looks like it's really colorful
that means they're here right now it will actually fade it out if somebody is
say it's open in a tab but it's not the tab they're viewing you can see that
somebody has it open in the background which is really really nice if you're
all trying to collaborate on something at the same time all of these little
lines here these actually are where people's cursors are that are in the
document right now which is really neat it's just fantastic for in the moment at
the same time collaboration you can even comment on things so if you're all
working on the document together and you're you're wanting to chat and make
suggestions and things like that you can highlight text you can hit the little
comment button and it puts a links to s comment right with the text you
selected just like Word does it's a bit simpler version of it but you can even
tag your co-workers with it too which is nice and there is even a little chat....
it is cool Kimberly... so if you have a whole bunch of people in at the same
time and you don't want to just keep commenting back and forth you can see
that everybody you would be commenting to anyway is already in the file you can
just open it up and it's a live chat right within the file so it's just
really really focused on collaboration which is why we made the change and why
we love it and then up here you have... this is actually... this was new as of like
Wednesday but you can actually see now there's an activity dashboard so you can
see who has viewed it at what time viewer trends it might be having a mild
heart attack because it's a lot happening right now but yeah so you can
see who's viewed it within the last hour I can even view it based on my network
same with the viewer trends it gives you a little bit of a chart on when you've
you know had views on your files and you can also change some of the settings
so this is really new ...Google has been rolling out some new features within the
last couple of weeks which is kind of thrown my presentation a little haywire
but I'm doing my best to add them in as they come because they're really
beneficial and then from here you can just also see where comments are
throughout the document any notifications things like that and the
share option so this share button... well it might be having a bit of a moment but
this is where you go to share it with your co-workers if it's not in a team
drive maybe it's in your personal drive and you just have one person you want to
share something with or a couple of people you can do all of that from
within the Share Option here I don't think it's very happy with me right now
we'll try again later alright so that is Docs ...oh and one more thing ...right here
where it says you know all changes saved in Drive this is actually where you can
go and you can see version history so Google also does support very strong
document versioning for the different files so one aspect of the
whole platform is that there is no Save button
it saves automatically it makes changes automatically because otherwise
collaboration would be very difficult but if you click this so say maybe
somebody gets in here sets their mug down on their keyboard which might
involve another conversation at a later time about respecting technology but say
that happens and deletes a whole document you've all been working on you can
actually click this and you can see different version history so you know
say I wanted to see what this change was I can go here I can see I can hit
restore maybe I want to go further back and further back and further back you
can see where all of the different file versions happened which is really really
nice and then you can just get out of it by hitting back you can't even just
print from here so if you like the version you have but you want to print
the old version for posterity you can do that too it's very very nice even
tallies how many edits have been made so that's kind of a way that you can stay
safe when you've got instant saving instant changes you can
always make sure that if at one point in time the document was the way you wanted
it you can get back to that which is nice and has been used multiple times at
our library okay so next we are gonna go to Sheets so if you would like to follow
along with this file this is the one that's going to be heavily interactive
so you will want to go back to the main drive here and then go to practice Docs
and the test program statistics file which I already have open over here so
I'm going to go over to that and it should look like this so now we can see
that people are joining us in the file which is really really nice this is a
direct copy of a file that we use to track attendance cost time spent things
like that on our various programs that we do and it's set up with some basic
formula that you know if you put something in a box it'll start doing
some tallying things like that just simple stuff to make actual accounting
easier what I would like everyone to do is when you get in here
which you'll see that the user interface is very similar but it just adds in some
commands that are specific to a spreadsheet software if you would like
to participate if you could pick one of the rows down here after 8 or
lower and start kind of putting in a fake program just make something up or
maybe something that you did or do you you know maybe kind of fill it out what
we're gonna do is we're gonna going to watch the changes live as people edit as
people make changes we're going to see exactly how well Google handles
collaborating in the same document at the same time and even if you just want
to you know type gibberish in boxes that's great because you know we're just
gonna watch the data roll in so you can see all of these little boxes here
they're all different colors these are all different people working in the same
document at the same time this is what swayed us to go to Google this is the
support is amazing I mean we have looks like 15 people in here at once
a whole bunch of boxes people are all over the place making changes making
edits all real-time all at the same time none of this well I need to make changes
so I'll go in and I'll close out of it oops but I forgot I went to lunch oh I
you know my car broke down I'm out for the rest of the day and everybody else
is stuck because the file is open on your computer nobody else can get to it
none of that happens with the Google platform so you can all be in here all
be making changes at the same time it's really really really nice
so we'll just hang out here for a bit and watch the show and we can kind of
see just what it can handle you can add pictures you can do all sorts of things
it got really wild during a previous session I did for a ILF conference you
know try things out go up into insert and add things you know change colors
and fonts and whatever you like to do just go crazy...
I'm going to see if i can get as many of these in the show as I can ...so you can really see just how well
this platform handles multiple people editing things at the same time and this
was something that's when we signed up we just wanted Gmail but once we saw
that the platform could do this our wheels started spinning and so this
sheet is a prime example of the type of file that we use to to have everything
in here ...
... but you can all you know be in here at the same time if
you've got multiple librarians who are working on things together or separately
you've got programs going on and it's just whenever it's good for people to
hop in and add in their statistics and their their budget information and
things like that you don't have to wait on anybody else it's just really really
nice... woohoo yes... so if you hit down here I have to move our little command box
for a minute there's a little Explorer option down here they also make it very
very easy to just really quickly throw in some charts and graphs and things it
might be freaking out now because we have a wild variety of files in here or
content in different cells but if you've got kind of a standard spreadsheet where
you've got you know column on the left that's one thing and you've got a row
across the top that's another type of data and you're just putting consistent
data in it will give you a lot of options for just really quickly throwing
some charts together pie charts bar charts line graphs anything like that
you can just drag and drop them right in it makes it really nice when all you
want is you know quick statistic on how many are children's programs how many
are adult how many are all ages things like that which has been really
beneficial for us... none of the messing around with trying to pick your
data sources and all of that it oftentimes will suggest exactly what you
need which is really handy
all right so that is Sheets it's very similar to Excel Excel does have a whole
lot more options then then Sheets does but you know this this type of document
where you're just really trying to track things together collaborate things like
that it works really really well it has a ton of function support you know most
of your Excel commands can carry over you know I I haven't run into anything
yet I don't use it in an advanced level but in a generally pretty moderate level
of commands and different things you can it supports everything you can imagine
you know you can create filters and you can sort and you can do data validation
and lots of different options it is really pretty powerful excel is kind of
in it's a league of its own but if you don't use some of those really advanced
features I would imagine that sheets is perfectly fine for you okay so we're
going to go actually I will show you one more sheet that we use pretty heavily we
do have a technology training initiative that we do that we train staff on using
technology so we can help patrons and we actually put all of our skill sheets
here in sheets so it's just like a checklist or people will fill out their
name the date and then we use gurus or the people who test out others of skills
and you know it's just a little simple checklist but we have it set up so that
when you go to hit print which let's see if it will show correctly if I do that
it just prints like a checklist so it's really easy really easy to set up you
can really just kind of do whatever you want you know even this it kind of looks
like a document but we wanted it to be a little easier to set up checkboxes so we
decided to do it in sheets have these for about 45 different pieces of
technology but it makes it super easy to just print and test out of things
especially since being able to print them then that way you can use the
computer for the actual skill test alright so we're gonna go on to slides
very quickly if we are going to go if you go back to the
main drive if you want to participate if you want to keep playing around in
sheets feel free but it is under sample files Huntington samples and I have a
GTD staff in-service presentation here which I already have open so I'm just
gonna pull that up and slides is their version of PowerPoint and I would say
this is probably the most different from offices counterpoint PowerPoint is
incredibly powerful and slides does a great job but it has kind of the biggest
gap in features but I would argue that most libraries probably don't need those
super super advanced PowerPoint features if you're just doing some nice
presentations to demonstrate things this is one that I did for a staff in-service
a couple of years ago on a Productivity method if you haven't read this book
it's fantastic but you know you can see you can create some really nice-looking
slides and Google actually rolled out supporting guides which if you've used
anything like Illustrator or InDesign by Adobe for creating documents they
actually rolled out the ability to have your your lining guides in slides as
well so this has actually benefited us very well because we do actually use
slides to create desk signs doesn't seem like something you would think of
initially but it works very very well if you just need to create and here I'm
opening one that we have made which is also in that sample huntingtin samples
folder that just you know we're closed for Easter really simple pull a picture
in put some text on it logo done these type of signs we use all
the time we can just throw them together and I've actually done some classes with
for our staff to train them how to do it too because it is so much easier than
trying to navigate publisher or any of those more complicated software's I mean
you can use something like Canva... I would say it's about equal in the
difficulty level of Canva so it's really great if you're just kind
of wanting to teach one set of things to your staff or if you just really want to
learn one set of things these are all you know Docs sheets slides they're all
so similar that when you learn one you've learned most of the rest of them
and just you know it can really be much less stressful than having this
disparate gathering of tools that you use that are all a hundred percent
different from each other all right so and that's that slides I
also did our the presentation I was doing at the beginning in there as well
this is all in slides you know I use it for almost everything just because it's
so convenient when you're going to present somewhere or do a conference
session or anything like that you just get on the internet and you can get to
your presentation no making sure the software is installed it's the right
version dealing with all of the different font issues you might have
everything is just built right in it's just so much simpler all right so I
wanted to leave enough time that we can open the floor for questions that we can
go back and demonstrate certain things so we're gonna start going through some
of the questions that have been submitted so far... there was one from Barb
earlier she said would small libraries find it useful they have like two to
three staff members and some of our smaller ones I kind of answer a little
bit saying that it would help with money costs but do you see anything else I
have found I mean we're kind of a small to mid-size although we have 35
employees we do have a lot of staff who are super part-time eight to twelve
hours just at the desk and it is a much easier interface so I think from that
aspect alone unless everybody who's already working at your library is
really familiar with office it's much less intimidating to learn I have found
that our staff especially those who are really uncomfortable with technology
have taken to it a lot better than I would have thought it's just it's so
much simpler it's I mean it's free you don't have to do especially if you don't
have IT support at your library we have had no maintenance on this whatsoever
it so simple even the commands where you're
setting up in the admin console the different permissions levels they are
very simple it's plain language it's very very easy so especially you don't
have an IT department or if it's just part of your job and you you need to
have time to do other things then support your platform we have had to
spend exactly zero minutes supporting this once we set it up it was off and
running it's super easy so I think in that regard yes it would be very
beneficial... Kim asked what do you do you what do you use for more sensitive
documents so we do use the G suite platform for almost everything we do
keep word document copies of our policies and things like that there is
but what we end up doing is there's a team drive for the really sensitive
stuff that only the director and assistant directors have access to you
even I ...am our Google super admin I set up our account every... I have every
permission that an account is possible to have I cannot get into that team
drive it is limited just to those accounts I have no control over it I
cannot get into it so it's for them at least it's very very secure I'm gonna
maybe put a couple of ....Barb has a couple more I'm trying to do these in
order and I wrote them down in order... Barb said would it be on on patron
computers and I kind of answered earlier saying well you would only be adding the
people you want to see it so even though the patron computers have Google they
couldn't get you your team drive unless you added that certain person correct
yeah it's based around once you ... it's you're just kind of setting up your
institution and in that way then you just add accounts so it's like having
active directory in Windows you if they don't have an account they can't get
into it so you can set things there are permissions to share things you know if
anybody who has the link they don't have to be in your network they can access it
you can make public links that are searchable on Google you know you have
all of those options but you have to specifically choose to do that on a per
file basis you can't even share a team drive
publicly yet it has to be shared manually account to account so you know
your patrons could go to drive.google.com but they have no access
to your own institutional network okay and then Kim asked while we were in the
sheets she said do the formulas happen automatically... yes so if you go in like
if you're wanting to add in a formula say I wanted to add up you know like
these are if you can see my mouse here all of these kind of tally things up if
you if I select one of those you can see up here you can see the formula like
Excel all you have to do is hit the equal sign when you're typing in any
cell you know if I hit the equal sign here
you know it's gonna start prompting me to do formula so then you can pick the
ones you want if you hover over it it kind of gives you a summary of them and
you can kind of pick what you need and then once you do that you know if I it's
probably gonna not be happy with my choice but I'll do you know this entire
column ...you know it's probably going to come back with what these aren't numbers
but you know as soon as I click out of it it immediately starts applying the
formula and so yes it doesn't like it because these are X's and not numbers
but you know as soon as you start typing in there you can start putting your
formula and as soon as you click out of it it applies it do you find you're
using Drive more more than a shared drive for your files now yes so we are
exclusively moving everything off of our shared drive whether or not that's
because Google is just so good or because twice now we have had our domain
controller server go down and we've lost files on our shared drive because the
backups were failing before the stage where it would give us a notification
that they were failing that I think has set it off more than anything we have found
that it is much more reliable Google has their data backed up across hundreds
of servers if not thousands if not tens of thousands across the world so it
would take like a global catastrophe for our data to be lost
whereas twice now and just the time that I have worked here which is seven years
but we have had our domain controller physical server go down and with that
went our shared drive our primary shared drive and with that whatever files were
created since our last successful backup last time we were able to save
everything the time before that we lost an entire summer reading programs worth
of files so we're a little scarred so now we're really kind of moving
everything to to drive and it's taking it just fine we've got team drives for
all the different folders and sections we had on our shared drive it's just a
bit of a process we have about 25 years worth of files that we need to migrate
over but it is our end goal to go that way a hundred percent we've run into no
issues so far how do you handle it if your internet is down or are there any
offline options so currently what you can do is you can save certain files for
offline editing you have to kind of do it manually and especially if you have
it open before the internet goes down it is one downside to this whole platform
is it is dependent on an internet connection the apps if you use it on a
tablet or a smart phone those support offline mode a lot better than the web
versions do we actually have we got them through TechSoup we have some hotspots
and in an emergency situation we use some of our hotspots if we're we're
desperate usually our ILS is Internet dependent as well so you know we're a
SAS library so if the internet goes down we're down in pretty much every way so
at that point we you know we're a bit stuck it's just one of the trade-offs
that we we agreed to when we decided that this was important for us but it's
the same thing tot, you know if our network goes down locally or our domain
server decides to take a nap and not wake up again you know we're just as
lost at that point it's only happened a couple of times our
internet is really really reliable and we do have some hotspots in an emergency
situation but we kind of just accept that unfortunately that is one of the
downsides it is pretty dependent on an internet connection and I know we've got
lots of questions if we don't happen to get everything
answered we will copy this chat and get the answers put I'll send the answers
out as well barb asked again ...what do you know... Barb you might have to
explain more ...what do you mean when you say it would support our platform that's
I know she they were asking questions as we were presenting so you maybe explain
that more Barb...maybe specifically what point in the presentation it was or we can get back to you later
either way or we'll switch to in the next question if you explain more we'll
get back to you so how about the next one is do you have any regrets in
switching to G suite not really I mean at the time
office 365 was just kind of getting started so we really didn't have any
options other than G suite at the time it was Google Apps for having this
online collaboration and we liked Gmail most of us have had a personal Gmail so
at the time we were very happy with it now that office 365 has really caught up
in terms of online collaboration maybe if we were making the decision now
it you know might factor into things but we don't regret it and we're not
considering switching to office 365 we really like how simple the platform is
we feel that we don't use most of what Word Excel PowerPoint have to offer and
the trade-off to for our part-time staff or our staff who aren't as comfortable
with technology how much better they're able to take this on and learn this is
worth it for us so we're very happy sometimes you know Google doesn't have
the best reputation for privacy being in their paid platform you know we're
paying zero dollars a month but it is the paid platform they do have a
different privacy policy for their paid customers than they're free so it is
much more protective of your data I highly recommend when you go to
not that you read through it took me a couple of hours but it's definitely
worth it you want to make sure you know what you're signing up for but they they
are very strong on data protection if you're giving them money which is
probably not surprising to most people but it is worth mentioning that it is a
different privacy policy but we're very happy with it so far this is another
great question would you still need Microsoft Office for patron computers
for the public ones yes so we still do have office on our public computers
because people will come in all the time with thumb drives or different things...
well if they come out with um drives they're out a lot because we don't let
them plug them in but they'll come in and they've got stuff in their email
that they need to to print off that are Word documents you can convert things in
the platform you know if you want it to be a doc instead of a Word document you
can convert it and Google will switch it over you but you have to have a gmail
account so if patrons don't have a gmail account they would have to create one
and you'd have to convert it so we still have office on all of our computers in
addition to a whole bunch of web browsers and different things but so if
they come in and they've got Drive and they want to use it that's great but if
they've got you know office documents it's definitely not worth the hassle of
creating accounts and things just to to do this because you cannot use any of
this without a Google account so that's a factor as well another one can you
sync your drive to your desktop the way you can have a Dropbox folder on your
computer that syncs to your cloud Dropbox account? yes so there is
something called Google file sync and what that does is essentially the same
thing you are able to sync your drive and your team drives to your computer
and vice versa so that way you can kind of keep files and sync back and forth
it's very handy if you're really used to browsing files on your computer you can
just stick them right next to each other the computer that I'm using right now is
one of our LSTA laptops so it doesn't have it installed but on my my personal
work computer I have it installed I save all of my design files I use Adobe
Creative Suite for our newsletter and different things like that and I save
all of them to Google Drive right from within that software because I can just
find my Google fold just like you would Dropbox on my
computer save it there it syncs it to Google Drive everything is happy it
works very very well okay back to sheets so with the formula
question okay so you have to apply a formula that's how the graphs are
created then not always so it will be able to tell like if you have a really
basic spreadsheet that maybe you've got months down the side and then a you know
numbers in the next column for how many programs you had that months it will
actually be able to suggest to you you know it can extrapolate that data and
give you some options right away without having to create any formula for just
kind of basic charts if it's something like this where it's much more complex
and the columns and the rows have different meanings then you you might
have to do a formula so it has something to to go off of but if it's just really
straightforward you've got categories on one side you've got something across the
top and it's consistent through the whole spreadsheet it will give you a
whole bunch of different suggestions without having to type any sort of
formula... we have... these have been amazing questions did you find
it easy to have your staff initially buy into G suite well at first yes when we
were initially signing up we were just using it for Gmail so and actually at
the time when we had our own exchange server not everybody had an email it was
so much of a pain to maintain and different things like that that it was
only full-time staff who had email and part of the reason we wanted to change
was we wanted every single employee no matter how many hours you work you get
even our interns when they come in in the summer they would get an email and
so that it was easy to communicate we needed one way to communicate so people
were excited they were gonna finally get an email so they were on board with that
once we started kind of enforcing it you know there's always a little bit of
pushback on learning something new but it's kind of come with our technology
training initiative so it's just kind of like a small part of a bigger you know
change and I think people are actually finding it easier than they thought once
they get into it because they've got the mentality that I have to learn this
technology this is just one of many things I have to learn and actually
we've you know seen great success we have some employees who are have been
here for decades work a very very part-time normally don't do anything on
a computer at all and I'm getting notices that they're in
there asking for a calendar you know event so that they know that they've got
to attend a meeting or they're asking if somebody's gonna put the notes in a doc
I mean it's been a massive change so I am actually very surprised at how well
it's going but I'm not gonna complain mm-hmm we've also had great comments
from Jesse and also Susie another question back here from Kim can you
access files via phone or tablet yes so there are apps for all of these
different versions of Drive so there's a Drive app it's just kind of like a file
browser you can get to your stuff there is also a Docs app a sheets app a slides
app a Google Calendar app a Google keep app Google Tasks app they all have their
own individual apps you can access all the files within Drive and then you know
say you're in the drive app and you want to open a doc if you just tap it in
there it swings it right over to the docs app and opens it for you they're
really seamless they work really well together Gmail there's a gmail app they
all work really really well and really in sync with each other they're
fantastic apps... is your library using Gmail for your domain staff email yes so
our entire domain email is on Gmail and that was the very first thing we
actually set up so it has been that way since 2013 so for five years ...this is
what I'm sure what they did a little bit ago... is there a way to merge
a current email account from Microsoft Outlook into a gmail account or would
you be starting from scratch with an entirely new email address for each yes
so they have a migration tool that you can use
we used it five years ago so it might have changed or be more current I mean
it worked great for us essentially what it does is when you're making the change
over from a Microsoft account you have to make some DNS changes so especially
if you have your domain through the State Library if it's a .lib.in.us
address you just have to redirect where the mail is going and then
they have a migration tool that will sync your the email in your Microsoft
account over to your new gmail account so you can you not going to be starting
without your inbox without your saved messages anything like that it will sync
them right over at least it did five years ago I would hope that they haven't
taken that feature out and it worked great it took a couple of hours for the
whole change to take effect so you'd want to do it at a time where you're not
expecting to get too many emails because they're gonna it's gonna bounce back
that it's an inactive address during the change but once we were up and running
we had our archive had our archive of our old email from our exchange server
in our accounts everything was great... all right again you know what we've got five
minutes I think we're gonna stop the recording but we're gonna
stay on so next we're gonna put up the share pod and then keep asking questions
if you want to or send Devin an email or myself an email ...
maybe maybe maybe I shouldn't be doing this...oh here it goes... there you go so
we've got the LEU at the top and also she included a PDF for information on
signing up for Google for nonprofits we've got the survey link as well and her
email is at the bottom yes and I will actually go I think my still sharing
screen I think I'm still sharing my screen I think this is what sharing okay
in the drive if you go back to the main folder of the drive I do have that
document about signing up in there as well as a doc and as a PDF and so it
breaks down it's got the link to the TechSoup page and everything is
authenticated through TechSoup so if you want to sign up for G suite with your
library you have to be validated on TechSoup but then it just authenticates
through them it's a really straightforward process and then it's
got links to their Google for nonprofits homepage there's a YouTube channel where
they do different videos on specifically using the platform with a non-profit
because you do get other things like money towards Adwords and
Maps paid integrations you get them for free so you get a lot of other features
outside of just Docs sheets slides the kind of productivity platform so walks
through that it also has a help page that's specifically for using it as a
nonprofit you know maybe some of the specific settings and things like that
that are unique to this platform so I've got links in there it's a PDF and a docx
so feel free to open that up and read through it and print it and different
things like that and I'll be reaching out to everybody so if you can't get
something just I can always send it to you something invariably happens with
technology right we'll make it work somehow so definitely for everybody it's
a totally different way to think about how you work at your library so it could
be for everybody maybe it's not for some just something to think about
oh yes and I see that there may be some requests for our skills checklists we
are more than happy to share all of the ones we have made I forgot that we have
spent two years putting these things together
and I recommend highly the webinar on Monday with Katherine from Carmel clay
we presented at ILF together Carmel clay she put together a fantastic
presentation so it'll be a fantastic webinar and then I am more than happy to
I'll just stick them in this drive and then you can access them to you we we
have quite a few of them
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