Oh, mom, who is this?
This is a little deer.
He will now live with us.
I have a cat, a dog, and now the domestic deer.
This is not a simple deer, but Christmas.
When he grows up, Grandpa Frost will take him to himself
and will deliver gifts children
Therefore, it is necessary to carefully look after.
Mom, do you brush his teeth?
Of course, that they were white and healthy.
Just like people.
I could not have imagined that they can rinse their teeth.
Mom, and his ears are dirty.
So we clean them wadded a wand so that he can hear well.
How cute he is.
I like him
Take the soap.
Lather his face.
Does he like foam too?
He looks pleased.
He probably also wants be clean
Daughter, take a napkin and dry it.
Does he have a name?
Not yet.
How do you want to call a little deer?
Maybe the guys will tell?
What name to give a deer?
Write in the comments.
While the fawn is resting, let's quickly clean the room.
Where does so much garbage come from?
So we removed everything.
Now what?
We will now do the most important.
Build for our fawn house.
Let's put the first thing house walls.
I'll do it quickly now
I like to play constructor
Most importantly, attach the roof.
Why didn't you hammer nails?
I'll do it now.
Is done.
Do you like your house?
Something he is funny.
Can we call the vet?
Probably a deer hurt while we built him a house.
No visible wounds.
Let's do an x-ray.
What is there, doctor?
Your baby has a fracture.
Oh! Poor him!
Do not worry.
We cure your deer.
Will soon be running around the yard healthy.
And now we give the mixture, so the bones are well fused.
Is our fawn healthy?
Yes, and can go to rest to your lovely little house.
Oh! Wait!
I do not like that he red.
I want to repaint it.
While the paint is drying you can to play
Mom, I want to play with him into the ball.
Look how cool he is football player.
Well done!
And interestingly, he turn the hoop can?
No, he does not work.
BBC, fawn, get out of the way, my car is driving.
Do sweets like to eat deer?
I do not know.
Deer eat hay.
And green grass?
With pleasure.
I cooked him a bunch green grass.
Eat my good.
And he will drink juice?
To grow big and a healthy deer needs a lot
eat and walk in the fresh the air.
I want to decorate his horns.
And what do you dislike about them?
And I want to make them striped, or so they were green.
Original horns, on twigs trees are similar.
I will give him glasses. He will wear them. will look smart.
And I bought our deer beautiful golden collar.
And bracelets look cool ..
Ah yes deer, ah yes handsome.
When you grow up, you will to carry this Santa Claus.
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