Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily Jan 6 2019

How to Walkie -Talkie Apple Watch. To use Apple Walkie Talkie, you and your friend both need Apple Watch Series 1 or later with

watchOS 5. You also both need to set up the FaceTime app on your iPhone and be able to make and receive FaceTime audio calls.

To Add your friends. Open the Apple Watch Walkie Talkie. Tap a friend.

Wait for your friend to accept the invitation. The contact card stays gray and is labeled invited until your friend accepts.

After they accept, you and your friend can talk instantly and their contact card turns yellow. To remove a friend.

open the Walkie-Talkie app on Apple Watch, swipe left on the friend, then tap the Delete icon.

Accept an invitation. Touch and hold the top of the Apple Watch face, then swipe down to open Notification Center.

Look for a notification from Walkie-Talkie, then tap it.

Tap Always Allow. To Start a conversation. Open the Walkie-Talkie app on Apple Watch.

Tap a friend. Touch and hold the talk button, then say something. If you see "connecting" on the screen

wait for Walkie-Talkie to connect. After Walkie-Talkie connects, your friend can hear your voice and talk with you instantly.

To Turn Walkie-Talkie off or on. Open the Walkie-Talkie app. Turn Available off or on. If someone tries to

reach you while you're unavailable, a notification appears asking if you'd like to talk.

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> NR- Slik bruker du Walkie Talkie app på Apple Watch-serien? - Duration: 1:56.


Make Your Relationship Stronger | Happiness Challenge | Swami Mukundananda | JKYog - Duration: 7:13.

all relationships are based on the equation of mutual give-and-take

they are hampered by selfishness and nourished and strengthened through

sacrifice and service let us learn the importance of these today on the seventh

day of our happiness challenge one boy and girl came to me and said Swamiji

please give us your blessings we have decided to take the seven circles around

the fire to get married I called the boy aside and said why do you wish to marry

this girl he said Swamiji she is very beautiful

her father is very rich and she loves me very much I will get great happiness

from her I then called the girl aside and asked her why do you wish to marry

this boy she said Swamiji he has a very promising corporate career he is very

dashing and handsome and he takes great care of me I then got them both together

and said look both of you wish to marry the other for your own happiness

not for the happiness of the other and the moment your happiness is affected or

lessened the love will reduce in other words this marriage is always vulnerable

if you wish to strengthen it learn to be more selfless unfortunately

we don't even realize that when we think we are doing things for others sake we

are still motivated by selfishness consider this situation a husband and

wife were in the bed speaking to each other together when around 11:00 p.m. at

night they began fighting the fight had happened many times earlier but on this

day it became very serious and the husband said I will take it no more I am

NOT going to sleep in this house with you he got out of bed he walked out of

the door and he went to sleep in the car in the driveway one hour later the wife

had a change of heart she suddenly realized how much she loves her husband

so she took her husband's favorite soda bottle out from the fridge to go and

give it to him but when she reached the car she found that he was asleep

nevertheless she opened the door and placed the soda bottle there and closed

it back thinking that when the husband wakes up and sees what she has done for

him he will also realize how much he loves her and then they will live

happily ever after now if this had been a fairy tale that

would have been a probable ending but this was not a fairy tale when the

husband got up and saw the soda bottle there his anger had not yet subsided

rather than drinking it he poured it onto the road and then smashed the

bottle when the wife came to know what the husband had done she became

infuriated and she came to meet me and said Swamiji when I behaved so

selflessly with my husband why did he do this to me I said to her what did you

expect your husband to do for you and that is when a bomb shall hit her for

the first time she realized that she was being selfish and even when she was

doing something for her husband she had this expectation of reciprocation when

that was not met it caused her frustration ponder over it in all our

relationships we are motivated by this expectation of return reward and

reciprocation so if only we can learn to drop this as I had said earlier first

try to understand and then be understood make sacrifice and service the goal in

your relationship you will then discover that you have found the art of a much

healthier and stronger relationship this is the homework for you today to

see how you can give more in your relationships and to think of the ways

you are getting dissatisfied because of the desire for taking practice this

today and we shall move ahead in the art of healthier relationships from here



For more infomation >> Make Your Relationship Stronger | Happiness Challenge | Swami Mukundananda | JKYog - Duration: 7:13.


Возвращение 2.0 - Альтернативный Баланс #41 Храм спящего - Duration: 43:07.

For more infomation >> Возвращение 2.0 - Альтернативный Баланс #41 Храм спящего - Duration: 43:07.


3 AWESOME THINGS ABOUT ENFJs (from an ENFP perspective) - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 4:52.

Hey Dan here and in this video we're gonna look at three things you really

should know about enfjs now if you're new here my mission is to help you

become the best version of yourself all while creating the most awesome life

possible for you and those you love now ENFJs are a super cool kind a

person if you're not too familiar with them I'm going to be doing a series of

videos on ENFJs over the next couple of months this being one of them

and the first thing that you really want to know about the ENFJ is because it

will probably affect you more than anything else about them is they love to

party and they love to have a good time people are extremely important to enf

chase their friendships and relationships are a central part of

their life and so with that it kind of makes sense that they would like to

party they would like to spend time with those people that are so important to

them so you know an ENFJ there's a very good chance that they either like to be

out at lots of social event or host their own parties so they can spend a

lot of time with the people they know and with this is it's really important

for them to have other people enjoy themselves as well they really do care

about everyone else you know there's some people who will stay very

well-connected and be socialites but it's really a self-serving thing it's

for their own benefit for some reason or they're selling some multi-level

marketing thing or something whereas with enfjs it tends to be a

really authentic thing where they just love their friends and the people around

them and they want to create a great experience for everyone with that to

enfjs tend to have a really interesting mix of a desire for some level of

stability and organization and at the same time a really strong hunger for new

experiences and excitement you know they want to be organized they want things to

be clean and to work well but they also want to have challenges and adventure

and travel the new countries or have all kinds of new experiences which from an

ENFP perspective is kind of interesting because sometimes myself and our fellow

ENFP is we pride ourselves on being like the adventurous ones but because we're

adventurous were really disorganized and

we can't keep track of things and then

these enfjs come along and they're like hey I'm really organized and I'm

adventurous too and really get out of here you're making us look bad

speaking of making us look bad actually really all three of these things make us

ENFP is look bad in her own way ENFJ is tend to have a really good eye for

fashion for design they tend to also be good at what I would call like cocktail

conversations whether it's a knowledge of history or art politics I mean it's

gonna depend what their interest is actually in but they tend to have a wide

wealth of knowledge and be able to discuss it which I don't know about you

but for me I always struggle you know I'll remember like yeah there was this

artist and they did this thing and where the ENFJ will tend to be like yes this

person painted this and this year and they know about this and this and all

that kind of thing which is cool it's just not something that I personally am

very good at another thing that is pretty awesome about enfjs is they don't

really quit on things they have an extremely high level of commitment and

part of this is because of the introverted intuition function they have

basically means that they tend to be determined and go after what they want

and know what they want and kind of keep at it if you ask an ENFJ what their

success strategy is you know what helps them achieve things you may hear an

answer like well I don't quit or I know what I want and I keep going until I get

it they tend to have that level of determination that some of us really

admire and it's a great quality they have now I want to hear from you in the

comments if you're an ENFJ or you have an ENFJ close to in your life what's

something interesting about them that you'd like to share with us all as I

said I'll be filming more videos this whole month about enfjs and covering a

variety of interesting topics about this very cool type if you do know an ENFJ in

your life share this video with them I would really appreciate and love that

support from you and if you haven't yet subscribed to the channel

hit that subscribe button I publish new videos every Sunday Tuesday and Thursday

all about person types personal development travel

freelancing starting your own business all kinds of cool stuff so hit that

subscribe button and the bell and I will see you in another video soon ciao

For more infomation >> 3 AWESOME THINGS ABOUT ENFJs (from an ENFP perspective) - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 4:52.


Lagu Rohani Kristen Terbaru 2019 - Simbol Kemenangan Tuhan - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Lagu Rohani Kristen Terbaru 2019 - Simbol Kemenangan Tuhan - Duration: 5:35.


bye pewdiepie|carryminati| - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> bye pewdiepie|carryminati| - Duration: 3:14.


Tình Đã Phụ Tình (Thái Hùng) - Hồng Quyên | Trữ Tình Dân Ca 2019 - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Tình Đã Phụ Tình (Thái Hùng) - Hồng Quyên | Trữ Tình Dân Ca 2019 - Duration: 4:52.


Compo: Amitié amour (Numa) Original song en guitare voix - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Compo: Amitié amour (Numa) Original song en guitare voix - Duration: 3:18.


Who was Fahrelnissa Zeid? Everything You Need to Know about Turkish artist Fahrelnissa Zeid. - Duration: 1:40.

Who was Fahrelnissa Zeid?

Everything You Need to Know about Turkish artist Fahrelnissa Zeid.

Fahrelnissa Zeid was born on 7th January 1901.

She was a Turkish artist best known for her large-scale abstract paintings with kaleidoscopic


Also using drawings, lithographs, and sculptures, her work blended elements of Islamic and Byzantine

art with abstraction and other influences from the West.

Zeid was one of the first women to go to art school in Istanbul.

She lived in different cities and became part of the avant-garde scenes in Istanbul, pre-war

Berlin and post-war Paris.

Her work has been exhibited at various institutions in Paris, New York, and London, including

the Institute of Contemporary Art in 1954.

In the 1970s, she moved to Amman, Jordan, where she initiated an art school.

In 2017, Tate Modern in London organized a major retrospective of the artist and called

her "one of the greatest female artists of the 20th century."

Her largest work to be sold at auction, Towards a Sky (1953), sold for just under one million

pounds in 2017.

In the 1930s, she married into the Hashemite royal family of Iraq, and was the mother of

Prince Ra'ad bin Zeid and the grandmother of Prince Zeid bin Ra'ad.

She died on 5th September 1991.

For more infomation >> Who was Fahrelnissa Zeid? Everything You Need to Know about Turkish artist Fahrelnissa Zeid. - Duration: 1:40.


Flor de papel en forma de estrella | Origami | Papiroflexia - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Flor de papel en forma de estrella | Origami | Papiroflexia - Duration: 4:48.


Đại Ca DŨNG TRỌC lên tiếng xử Trùm TIẾN BỊP HẢI PHÒNG - Duration: 26:19.

For more infomation >> Đại Ca DŨNG TRỌC lên tiếng xử Trùm TIẾN BỊP HẢI PHÒNG - Duration: 26:19.


DIY Lavatera Rosea Paper Flower | Stick Paper Flower | Handy Crafts - Duration: 11:21.

DIY Lavatera Rosea Paper Flower

For more infomation >> DIY Lavatera Rosea Paper Flower | Stick Paper Flower | Handy Crafts - Duration: 11:21.


被林冠英翻旧账!魏家祥这次要如何交代? - Duration: 11:05.

财政部长林冠 英今日促请 马华总会长 拿督斯里魏 家祥博士, 必须针对马 华前总会长 丹斯里蔡细 历医生指2 013年大 选马华确实 曾经接受前 首相拿督斯 里纳吉给的 1650万 令吉大选资 金展开调查, 如果确定 有关资金是 来自一个马 来西亚发展有限公司, 就必须要归还给政府。

他说, 魏家祥 不能够指本 身非当事人 就想将事情 推得一干二 净。

林冠英今日在 记者会上说, 一马丑 闻是一项国 际舞弊案, 身为马华总 会长的魏家 祥必须调查 马华之前的 财政报告, 不能假装不 知道以及撒 谎。

他举例, 就像 前朝国阵政 府没有退还 194亿令 吉消费税予 商家, 原本 必须在2周 内退还, 但 2年都没有 退还, 而希 望联盟执政 后就有责任 马上调查以 及退税给商 家, 不能够 置之不理或 者假装不知 道。

"根据英文《 星报》今日 刊登的魏家 祥专访, 当 记者询及马 华是否在2 013年第 十三届全国 大选接受前 首相纳吉的 1650万 令吉大选资 金时, 魏家 祥回应指在 2014年 12月21 日上任马华 署理总会长 的他, 只知 道马华当时 没有接获纳吉一分钱, 基于之前的事他并非当事人, 必须问当时在任的总会长。 "

林冠英说, 根 据《星报》 的报道, 前 首相纳吉已 承认有在2 013年大 选给马华1 650万令 吉大选资金, 不过蔡细 历却指自己 真的不知道 资金的来源 。

他说, 第十四 届全国大选 5.09的 大选成绩已 经清楚说明 人民拒绝国 阵政府的贪 污腐败, 不 过如今马华 还是恶性不 改。

财政部长林冠 英今日促请 马华总会长 拿督斯里魏 家祥博士, 必须针对马 华前总会长 丹斯里蔡细 历医生指2 013年大 选马华确实 曾经接受前 首相拿督斯 里纳吉给的 1650万 令吉大选资 金展开调查, 如果确定 有关资金是 来自一个马 来西亚发展有限公司, 就必须要归还给政府。

他说, 魏家祥 不能够指本 身非当事人 就想将事情 推得一干二 净。

林冠英今日在 记者会上说, 一马丑 闻是一项国 际舞弊案, 身为马华总 会长的魏家 祥必须调查 马华之前的 财政报告, 不能假装不 知道以及撒 谎。

他举例, 就像 前朝国阵政 府没有退还 194亿令 吉消费税予 商家, 原本 必须在2周 内退还, 但 2年都没有 退还, 而希 望联盟执政 后就有责任 马上调查以 及退税给商 家, 不能够 置之不理或 者假装不知 道。

"根据英文《 星报》今日 刊登的魏家 祥专访, 当 记者询及马 华是否在2 013年第 十三届全国 大选接受前 首相纳吉的 1650万 令吉大选资 金时, 魏家 祥回应指在 2014年 12月21 日上任马华 署理总会长 的他, 只知 道马华当时 没有接获纳吉一分钱, 基于之前的事他并非当事人, 必须问当时在任的总会长。 "

林冠英说, 根 据《星报》 的报道, 前 首相纳吉已 承认有在2 013年大 选给马华1 650万令 吉大选资金, 不过蔡细 历却指自己 真的不知道 资金的来源 。

他说, 第十四 届全国大选 5.09的 大选成绩已 经清楚说明 人民拒绝国 阵政府的贪 污腐败, 不 过如今马华 还是恶性不 改。

财政部长林冠 英今日促请 马华总会长 拿督斯里魏 家祥博士, 必须针对马 华前总会长 丹斯里蔡细 历医生指2 013年大 选马华确实 曾经接受前 首相拿督斯 里纳吉给的 1650万 令吉大选资 金展开调查, 如果确定 有关资金是 来自一个马 来西亚发展有限公司, 就必须要归还给政府。

他说, 魏家祥 不能够指本 身非当事人 就想将事情 推得一干二 净。

林冠英今日在 记者会上说, 一马丑 闻是一项国 际舞弊案, 身为马华总 会长的魏家 祥必须调查 马华之前的 财政报告, 不能假装不 知道以及撒 谎。

他举例, 就像 前朝国阵政 府没有退还 194亿令 吉消费税予 商家, 原本 必须在2周 内退还, 但 2年都没有 退还, 而希 望联盟执政 后就有责任 马上调查以 及退税给商 家, 不能够 置之不理或 者假装不知 道。

"根据英文《 星报》今日 刊登的魏家 祥专访, 当 记者询及马 华是否在2 013年第 十三届全国 大选接受前 首相纳吉的 1650万 令吉大选资 金时, 魏家 祥回应指在 2014年 12月21 日上任马华 署理总会长 的他, 只知 道马华当时 没有接获纳吉一分钱, 基于之前的事他并非当事人, 必须问当时在任的总会长。 "

林冠英说, 根 据《星报》 的报道, 前 首相纳吉已 承认有在2 013年大 选给马华1 650万令 吉大选资金, 不过蔡细 历却指自己 真的不知道 资金的来源 。

他说, 第十四 届全国大选 5.09的 大选成绩已 经清楚说明 人民拒绝国 阵政府的贪 污腐败, 不 过如今马华 还是恶性不 改。

财政部长林冠 英今日促请 马华总会长 拿督斯里魏 家祥博士, 必须针对马 华前总会长 丹斯里蔡细 历医生指2 013年大 选马华确实 曾经接受前 首相拿督斯 里纳吉给的 1650万 令吉大选资 金展开调查, 如果确定 有关资金是 来自一个马 来西亚发展有限公司, 就必须要归还给政府。

他说, 魏家祥 不能够指本 身非当事人 就想将事情 推得一干二 净。

林冠英今日在 记者会上说, 一马丑 闻是一项国 际舞弊案, 身为马华总 会长的魏家 祥必须调查 马华之前的 财政报告, 不能假装不 知道以及撒 谎。

他举例, 就像 前朝国阵政 府没有退还 194亿令 吉消费税予 商家, 原本 必须在2周 内退还, 但 2年都没有 退还, 而希 望联盟执政 后就有责任 马上调查以 及退税给商 家, 不能够 置之不理或 者假装不知 道。

"根据英文《 星报》今日 刊登的魏家 祥专访, 当 记者询及马 华是否在2 013年第 十三届全国 大选接受前 首相纳吉的 1650万 令吉大选资 金时, 魏家 祥回应指在 2014年 12月21 日上任马华 署理总会长 的他, 只知 道马华当时 没有接获纳吉一分钱, 基于之前的事他并非当事人, 必须问当时在任的总会长。 "

林冠英说, 根 据《星报》 的报道, 前 首相纳吉已 承认有在2 013年大 选给马华1 650万令 吉大选资金, 不过蔡细 历却指自己 真的不知道 资金的来源 。

他说, 第十四 届全国大选 5.09的 大选成绩已 经清楚说明 人民拒绝国 阵政府的贪 污腐败, 不 过如今马华 还是恶性不 改。

财政部长林冠 英今日促请 马华总会长 拿督斯里魏 家祥博士, 必须针对马 华前总会长 丹斯里蔡细 历医生指2 013年大 选马华确实 曾经接受前 首相拿督斯 里纳吉给的 1650万 令吉大选资 金展开调查, 如果确定 有关资金是 来自一个马 来西亚发展有限公司, 就必须要归还给政府。

他说, 魏家祥 不能够指本 身非当事人 就想将事情 推得一干二 净。

林冠英今日在 记者会上说, 一马丑 闻是一项国 际舞弊案, 身为马华总 会长的魏家 祥必须调查 马华之前的 财政报告, 不能假装不 知道以及撒 谎。

For more infomation >> 被林冠英翻旧账!魏家祥这次要如何交代? - Duration: 11:05.


Saint-André-des-Eaux: La Briere - Télé La Baule - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Saint-André-des-Eaux: La Briere - Télé La Baule - Duration: 1:21.


[VIETSUB CC][THANH KHỐNG] Đỗ Lão Sư (杜老师) - "Tán tôi, chỉ cần nói..." - Duration: 0:15.

For more infomation >> [VIETSUB CC][THANH KHỐNG] Đỗ Lão Sư (杜老师) - "Tán tôi, chỉ cần nói..." - Duration: 0:15.


How to download bihar board 10th/12th mode paper 2019 - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> How to download bihar board 10th/12th mode paper 2019 - Duration: 3:46.


new hd song 2019 II akhiyan chumo ha II irshad sanjrani II saraiki song - Duration: 8:52.

new hd song 2019 II akhiyan chumo ha II irshad sanjrani II saraiki song

Must Visit Sultan Echo Production

new hd song 2019 II akhiyan chumo ha II irshad sanjrani II saraiki song

For more infomation >> new hd song 2019 II akhiyan chumo ha II irshad sanjrani II saraiki song - Duration: 8:52.


JP- iPhoneのキャッシュをクリアする方法クッキーの削除履歴のクリアSafari - Duration: 0:53.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. how to clear history on iPhone safari app,

how to clear cookies, clear browser cache safari browser, To clear safari history iPhone,

clear browsing data and cookies. go to Settings. Safari. And tap Clear History and Website Data.

A cookie is a piece of data, that a site puts on your device, so it can remember you when you visit again. To clear cookies on iPhone.

tap Settings. Safari. then tap Block All Cookies. If you clear cookies, some web pages might not work.

To clear cookies safari, and keep browsing history. go to Settings. Safari. Advanced. Website Data.

then tap Remove All Website Data. To turn private browser, private browsing safari iPhone on or off.

When you use private search, you can visit websites without creating a search history in Safari.

On iPhone, open Safari, then tap. Tap Private, then tap Done. While private web browser is on

apple safari appears black or dark instead of white or gray.

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

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