Hey Dan here and in this video we're gonna look at three things you really
should know about enfjs now if you're new here my mission is to help you
become the best version of yourself all while creating the most awesome life
possible for you and those you love now ENFJs are a super cool kind a
person if you're not too familiar with them I'm going to be doing a series of
videos on ENFJs over the next couple of months this being one of them
and the first thing that you really want to know about the ENFJ is because it
will probably affect you more than anything else about them is they love to
party and they love to have a good time people are extremely important to enf
chase their friendships and relationships are a central part of
their life and so with that it kind of makes sense that they would like to
party they would like to spend time with those people that are so important to
them so you know an ENFJ there's a very good chance that they either like to be
out at lots of social event or host their own parties so they can spend a
lot of time with the people they know and with this is it's really important
for them to have other people enjoy themselves as well they really do care
about everyone else you know there's some people who will stay very
well-connected and be socialites but it's really a self-serving thing it's
for their own benefit for some reason or they're selling some multi-level
marketing thing or something whereas with enfjs it tends to be a
really authentic thing where they just love their friends and the people around
them and they want to create a great experience for everyone with that to
enfjs tend to have a really interesting mix of a desire for some level of
stability and organization and at the same time a really strong hunger for new
experiences and excitement you know they want to be organized they want things to
be clean and to work well but they also want to have challenges and adventure
and travel the new countries or have all kinds of new experiences which from an
ENFP perspective is kind of interesting because sometimes myself and our fellow
ENFP is we pride ourselves on being like the adventurous ones but because we're
adventurous were really disorganized and
we can't keep track of things and then
these enfjs come along and they're like hey I'm really organized and I'm
adventurous too and really get out of here you're making us look bad
speaking of making us look bad actually really all three of these things make us
ENFP is look bad in her own way ENFJ is tend to have a really good eye for
fashion for design they tend to also be good at what I would call like cocktail
conversations whether it's a knowledge of history or art politics I mean it's
gonna depend what their interest is actually in but they tend to have a wide
wealth of knowledge and be able to discuss it which I don't know about you
but for me I always struggle you know I'll remember like yeah there was this
artist and they did this thing and where the ENFJ will tend to be like yes this
person painted this and this year and they know about this and this and all
that kind of thing which is cool it's just not something that I personally am
very good at another thing that is pretty awesome about enfjs is they don't
really quit on things they have an extremely high level of commitment and
part of this is because of the introverted intuition function they have
basically means that they tend to be determined and go after what they want
and know what they want and kind of keep at it if you ask an ENFJ what their
success strategy is you know what helps them achieve things you may hear an
answer like well I don't quit or I know what I want and I keep going until I get
it they tend to have that level of determination that some of us really
admire and it's a great quality they have now I want to hear from you in the
comments if you're an ENFJ or you have an ENFJ close to in your life what's
something interesting about them that you'd like to share with us all as I
said I'll be filming more videos this whole month about enfjs and covering a
variety of interesting topics about this very cool type if you do know an ENFJ in
your life share this video with them I would really appreciate and love that
support from you and if you haven't yet subscribed to the channel
hit that subscribe button I publish new videos every Sunday Tuesday and Thursday
all about person types personal development travel
freelancing starting your own business all kinds of cool stuff so hit that
subscribe button and the bell and I will see you in another video soon ciao
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