- Hi, everybody, I'm Trixie Mattel
and welcome back to The Pit Stop.
And I am here today with the large and in charge,
chunky yet funky Kim Chi.
Yay! - Yay, it's me!
- You are so beautiful, I can't even "bear" to look at you.
- Look at me.
- "Bear" to look at you. - You will look at me.
- "Bear" to look at you. - (laughs) I know.
- Oh, okay.
So, how are you enjoying the season so far?
- The season is really amazing,
and it's really hard to tell
who's going to be in the top or bottom
because they're all very talented.
It's just a hard cast,
like there's no front-runner.
- No, and it's like literally people are in the bottom
or almost going home like every day.
It's crazy. - Yeah, I couldn't handle it.
- So, last week Manila beat Trinity the Tuck
and sent Gia home packing.
How did you feel about Gia going home?
- I guess competition-wise she was doing the worst.
However, I want her in every single episode
because she is entertaining television.
- That's the thing.
We were watching and I was like,
I love the drag but the only time
I'm jumping out of my seat screaming is for the drama.
- Exactly.
- So, elephant in the room,
Manila was considering sending Valentina home last episode
because she said Valentina was the strongest competition.
Do you think Manila being open about the strategy,
do you think that's gonna put a target on her back?
I think people like Trinity are gonna be like,
"I'm not shady and I think that's shady."
- Trinity's one of those people
its really hard to know what she's really thinking.
- Well, 'cause if Trinity's like,
"If you find Valentina to be threatening,
"I'm the one winning challenges.
"Are you gonna send me home next?"
- True.
- Because the more you win the more people are like
this person has to go home or nobody can win.
- No one has made up the rules.
You get to kind of create your own rules, right?
So the only moral compass is yourself.
- That's the problem, we use drag queens as moral compass.
(Kim Chi laughs)
And then we're surprised when they're assholes.
(both laughing)
So, we're moving into the Maxi Challenge,
an improv/acting/comedy challenge called Jersey Justice.
Let's break down the performances.
It's Naomi and Manila doing,
"You made me look like a bitch, Bitch!"
How do you think they did?
- I think they were both hilarious.
I know Naomi personally, and her playing this role
is her really stepping out of her box.
- [Trixie] I agree.
- 'Cause normally she talks in a very monotone voice,
and she's very soft-spoken.
I feel like she was giving her 200%.
- To be in a scene with Manila and not be pulverized,
you're pretty good.
- [Kim Chi] I feel like they set the tone for the challenge
and what to expect from the other girls, too.
- Totally. Manila also, I mean...
Listen, I know that she was supposed to look ridiculous,
but let's be honest, when she showed that wig
you and I were like...
- [Kim Chi] We're like, "That wig is everything," right?
(Trixie laughs loudly) Like, we want that wig!
- Yeah, I'm like can we get two of those?
And then following them, it was Latrice, Monet and Monique
doing, "How 'bout them cakes?"
It was not it, sis.
- I mean, this challenge was also made
for someone like Monique who
just her talking normally is over the top, you know?
That's just kind the person she is.
- [Trixie] Yeah, which is why it's surprising
somebody like Monet and Latrice couldn't meet her there
'cause they're not quiet. - [Kim Chi] No.
- So it was weird to see Latrice kind of like...
I mean, she almost cowered a little bit.
- Latrice totally faded into the background,
which'll happen, you know.
You're under so much pressure with these things.
- [Trixie] And then Monet came in kinda late in the scene
and didn't really contribute much.
Her few jokes-- - [Kim Chi] Initially,
she was funny, I feel like she had potential,
but I feel like their biggest downfall
was not having a complete narrative.
It just didn't feel well thought out
as some of the other groups.
- [Trixie] And honestly, Jersey?
Nobody there was really giving me Jersey.
You're gonna stand in front of Michelle Visage
and not do something Jersey?
- It's true, like, you have the inspiration right there
that you see every week.
- Yeah, totally.
Okay, lastly we have Valentina and Trinity.
I was snookered by Snookie.
What did you think?
- [Kim Chi] For me, Valentina stole the show.
- [Trixie] It was amazing.
- She had the characterization down and she was funny,
and then all of her improv
and her little back-and-forths were hilarious.
- And Trinity was great,
but I think next to Valentina,
Valentina's was more specific.
I mean, Trinity's look to me, I didn't see that as Jersey.
- To me, that's an outfit you wear
when you're performing your second number on a Saturday
at Hamburger Mary's. - Second number!
Second number! - Yeah, second number!
- Yes, that's when you do your Christina Aguilera B-side.
- Yep! (laughs)
- That's not that fast so you can just walk
and take money. - Exactly, totally.
- So now, overall, who stood out in the challenge the most?
- Monique, Valentina and probably Manila.
- Yeah, definitely for sure.
- But for me, Valentina was the funniest.
- I think I agree.
Maybe Manila for me, but I think so.
I mean, Valentina was great.
- I was literally just laughing out loud during her part.
- What about your bottoms?
- Definitely Latrice.
- I know. - Which is unfortunate,
and I guess between Naomi, Monet and Trinity,
I don't think Trinity or Naomi deserves to be in the bottom.
So Monet wasn't bad at all,
but I think just because it's getting down to the wire
and there's only so many girls left.
- That's the thing. - Just by default,
Monet's in the bottom.
- [Trixie] Yeah, it was Latrice and it was Monet.
- [Kim Chi] Again, Monet wasn't bad,
she just wasn't the best.
- Yeah, that's the bummer.
So we're back in the Werk Room
and the queens seem to all have a sense of, "I'm fine,"
even though some queens are like,
"Latrice, you're not fine."
- In those moments, you just genuinely don't know
how the judges will respond to you.
You don't know how you did.
Actually, you know what, scratch that other thing back.
You know when you did bad.
- I was just gonna tell you that.
I was just like I think when you do bad you know.
- Or sometimes you're in denial
and then maybe you just believe
in the magic of reality television.
(Trixie laughs) It's like
maybe they'll come through for me.
- I'm concerned that Latrice...
I mean, as a viewer, she was so clearly bottom,
so it's fascinating that she thought she was
cool for the summer. - Summer, yeah.
- Okay, curves and swerves on the runway!
So for the runway, who was your fave?
I loved Naomi's, Trinity's,
I would've liked Monique's if it was in a different print.
Can we stop with the brown cow?
We get it.
You had a moment on the show
but it's like-- - [Trixie] I don't like to be
hit over the head with anything.
- The thing is, I like it when it happens naturally,
and she said it on the show and the fans caught on,
and instead I feel like she's forcing it down our throats.
- I feel like she's gonna be riding into DragCon on a cow.
- [Kim Chi] Totally.
- We're headed in that direction.
- She's gonna be selling cows off the street.
- We're gonna be like, "Where is she?
"Oh, girl, she quit drag.
"She owns a dairy farm." - (laughs) Totally.
- Well, she still looked cool,
and I think that runway, it seemed very high production.
It's part of the reason she won.
Can we just talk about how this is Naomi Smalls's
most over the top padding look?
And she just looks like
a normal drag queen. - Normal person?
- [Trixie] I mean, she looks incredible.
- [Kim Chi] She looks amazing.
Her waist is so tiny.
- [Trixie] At first I was like, what is this?
This doesn't fit the look.
Then I was like oh this is her with pads.
- Yep, she looks right.
She looks like a woman, like an actual woman from the '60s.
- Yeah, oh my god, Trinity Taylor's curves and swerves.
I didn't really get it at first
until I saw the texture of it
and was like, it's swirly and swervy all over.
- [Kim Chi] And then did you see
the little scalloped pattern?
- [Trixie] Yes! - [Kim Chi] All over?
- It was amazing.
I think I'm gonna say the exact same thing.
Monique if it was a different print,
Trinity and Naomi, I agree.
And then who was your bottoms?
- I would say my bottoms were Latrice because it's so...
It's beautiful, but plain and boring.
- I know, it was a bummer because curves and swerves.
Latrice is maybe one of the most curvaceous drag queens
ever on Drag Race,
but the problem was it was so much like
what Latrice delivers every week
no matter what the theme is.
- Everybody brought something new,
and I feel like the outfit that Latrice wore
is something that you've already seen Latrice in
and it wasn't anything new or exciting.
- And there was no narrative to it.
- No, it's just a gown. - Yeah.
- There's no story.
- Does she look beautiful?
Yes - [Kim Chi] Yes, absolutely,
but it didn't change my life.
- Right, what do you think about Valentina's look?
- I have a lot of opinions about this look.
- Tell me. (laughs)
- (laughs) I like the idea of it,
and I like where she was going with it,
but to me it looked poorly made
and it wasn't aesthetically pleasing.
- That's the main problem with it.
It was hodge-podgey.
- It would've worked better in a photo shoot setting,
but for runway, she just looked unfinished
and a little bit messy.
- [Trixie] Yeah. - It wasn't my favorite look.
- [Trixie] For the judging, Manila is in the top
for the second week in a row. (fingers snapping)
- She's a force to be reckoned with, you know?
- That's fierce, and she's joined by Monique Heart.
This is her second win too.
Monique won the first week,
so that's fierce.
- Yeah, she deserves it.
- So were these the right tops, you think?
- Yeah, I agree.
If Valentina's runway was presented cleaner,
I think she could've been in the top as well.
- [Trixie] Do you agree with Latrice and Monet
being in the bottom this week, then?
- I would have to, just because there's no other choice.
- I know, that's the thing Latrice and Monet did
are not that terrible, it's just like....
- Well, Latrice was pretty bad.
I love Latrice.
- I know, she did do bad this week.
So, we're back in the Werk Room
and emotions are running very high
right before the elimination.
I mean, I don't think we've ever had this before
where we get right on the couch
and everybody in the room is like,
(whispers) "Latrice could go home."
Manila's a wreck. - Yeah.
- Latrice is a wreck.
- You have Monique and Monet who are friends,
and you have Latrice and Manila who are friends.
Each of them are battling to save their friends.
Either way, it's gonna be a (bleep) situation.
- I would pick my friend.
- Really? - Well, no,
not just because they're my friend.
Unfortunately, Monet has also won a challenge
and Latrice hasn't.
- But then, from a competition perspective,
wouldn't it make sense to get rid of Monet?
- You get rid of someone who's competition
but you pretend it's not about that.
- (laughs) Exactly! - Like, "No, she fought me."
- You cry about it. - Yeah, "No, she slapped me."
Even though you're like she's too fierce, she's gotta go.
So it's time for the Lip Sync for Your Legacy.
What do you think about these performance looks,
first of all?
- Manila looks like an Asian David Bowie.
This wasn't my favorite look on Manila,
- [Trixie] It was not the look.
- And Manila has some amazing looks.
- Girl, she was the newest consultant at the Hot Topic
on Hollywood Boulevard. - (laughs loudly) Totally!
And Monique looked like Tina Turner.
- Monique looked awesome.
I think she got excited about lip syncing
and maybe put on too much highlighter
in this area of her face.
- [Kim Chi] Yeah, that area just looked white.
- [Trixie] It looked really white.
- [Kim Chi] Like, girl, that is not your highlight color.
- [Trixie] No.
She looked great in that choppy little Tina Turner wig.
- Oh totally, that hair looked so beautiful on her.
- And you know she pinned it in
'cause she was like, "Yaaaaas!"
- "This hair's not going anywhere today."
- So the lip sync starts, what's going on?
- So you know how certain lip syncs
the moment the song comes on, you know a certain girl's
gonna win right away? - Yeah.
- It's not always about looking the part,
but they just channel the song.
- [Trixie] She was feelin' it.
- [Kim Chi] She was feeling it.
- [Trixie] It's a good song for her.
And Manila's a great lip syncer too, by the way.
- [Kim Chi] Yep, but this was Monique's week.
- Honestly, maybe she threw the lip sync.
Maybe Manila was like, "I don't wanna win."
- Conspiracy. - I'm gonna put on
this black camisole. - It's like, "Latrice is my
"biggest competition, so I want her to go home,
"so I'm gonna give this win to Monique."
- So that way Manila can be like, "No, girl, no! Yes!"
(Kim Chi laughs)
So, Monique wins and sends Latrice home.
What did you think?
Did you agree?
- I thought Latrice would be the top three of All Stars
when they announced the cast.
I didn't expect her to go home this early,
and it's a shocker and I'm sure it's gonna be a shocker
for the viewers as well.
- They're gonna be at the bar
and they're gonna be drinking there,
and then they're gonna open their mouth--
- And go (gasps). - Drop the drink, yeah (gasps)
"I just lost 50 bucks." (Kim Chi laughs)
- My fantasy league. - Yeah, my fantasy league!
(both laughing) It's a bummer,
and you know, I bet you Latrice did not envision herself
going home this early either.
- No. - So now we got
six queens remaining.
Who's your front-runner at this point?
- Completely based on the scores,
I would say Manila and Monique.
- Yeah. - But also, Naomi's been
serving it on the runway,
and I feel like that's just my homegirl
so I'm just...
I will always back her up. - Also, she's incredible.
- She's incredible.
I don't think people actually know
how fierce of a queen Naomi is.
- Totally. I will say my front-runner,
I mean this is kind of maybe shocking and appalling but,
even though she does have the most wins,
I think Trinity seems like...
She's either winning the challenges
or landing in the high middle,
and her runways have been murderous.
And when I got back from All Stars, from filming it,
I got back on tour and I remember Trinity said,
"I hope you win because I'm gonna win All Stars 4."
She's been dead set on winning All Stars for a long time.
- Damn. - Ah, well this show
just keeps getting better and better.
Thank you for joining me, Trixie Mattel,
down here at The Pit Stop
with our very special guest Kim Chi!
- Thank you for having me.
- Join us next time on The Pit Stop.
Bye! - Bye!
(Kim Chi grunts)
(Kim Chi laughs)
Death drop. (both laugh loudly)
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