Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily Jan 5 2019

- Hi, everybody, I'm Trixie Mattel

and welcome back to The Pit Stop.

And I am here today with the large and in charge,

chunky yet funky Kim Chi.

Yay! - Yay, it's me!

- You are so beautiful, I can't even "bear" to look at you.

- Look at me.

- "Bear" to look at you. - You will look at me.

- "Bear" to look at you. - (laughs) I know.

- Oh, okay.

So, how are you enjoying the season so far?

- The season is really amazing,

and it's really hard to tell

who's going to be in the top or bottom

because they're all very talented.

It's just a hard cast,

like there's no front-runner.

- No, and it's like literally people are in the bottom

or almost going home like every day.

It's crazy. - Yeah, I couldn't handle it.

- So, last week Manila beat Trinity the Tuck

and sent Gia home packing.

How did you feel about Gia going home?

- I guess competition-wise she was doing the worst.

However, I want her in every single episode

because she is entertaining television.

- That's the thing.

We were watching and I was like,

I love the drag but the only time

I'm jumping out of my seat screaming is for the drama.

- Exactly.

- So, elephant in the room,

Manila was considering sending Valentina home last episode

because she said Valentina was the strongest competition.

Do you think Manila being open about the strategy,

do you think that's gonna put a target on her back?

I think people like Trinity are gonna be like,

"I'm not shady and I think that's shady."

- Trinity's one of those people

its really hard to know what she's really thinking.

- Well, 'cause if Trinity's like,

"If you find Valentina to be threatening,

"I'm the one winning challenges.

"Are you gonna send me home next?"

- True.

- Because the more you win the more people are like

this person has to go home or nobody can win.

- No one has made up the rules.

You get to kind of create your own rules, right?

So the only moral compass is yourself.

- That's the problem, we use drag queens as moral compass.

(Kim Chi laughs)

And then we're surprised when they're assholes.

(both laughing)

So, we're moving into the Maxi Challenge,

an improv/acting/comedy challenge called Jersey Justice.

Let's break down the performances.

It's Naomi and Manila doing,

"You made me look like a bitch, Bitch!"

How do you think they did?

- I think they were both hilarious.

I know Naomi personally, and her playing this role

is her really stepping out of her box.

- [Trixie] I agree.

- 'Cause normally she talks in a very monotone voice,

and she's very soft-spoken.

I feel like she was giving her 200%.

- To be in a scene with Manila and not be pulverized,

you're pretty good.

- [Kim Chi] I feel like they set the tone for the challenge

and what to expect from the other girls, too.

- Totally. Manila also, I mean...

Listen, I know that she was supposed to look ridiculous,

but let's be honest, when she showed that wig

you and I were like...

- [Kim Chi] We're like, "That wig is everything," right?

(Trixie laughs loudly) Like, we want that wig!

- Yeah, I'm like can we get two of those?

And then following them, it was Latrice, Monet and Monique

doing, "How 'bout them cakes?"

It was not it, sis.

- I mean, this challenge was also made

for someone like Monique who

just her talking normally is over the top, you know?

That's just kind the person she is.

- [Trixie] Yeah, which is why it's surprising

somebody like Monet and Latrice couldn't meet her there

'cause they're not quiet. - [Kim Chi] No.

- So it was weird to see Latrice kind of like...

I mean, she almost cowered a little bit.

- Latrice totally faded into the background,

which'll happen, you know.

You're under so much pressure with these things.

- [Trixie] And then Monet came in kinda late in the scene

and didn't really contribute much.

Her few jokes-- - [Kim Chi] Initially,

she was funny, I feel like she had potential,

but I feel like their biggest downfall

was not having a complete narrative.

It just didn't feel well thought out

as some of the other groups.

- [Trixie] And honestly, Jersey?

Nobody there was really giving me Jersey.

You're gonna stand in front of Michelle Visage

and not do something Jersey?

- It's true, like, you have the inspiration right there

that you see every week.

- Yeah, totally.

Okay, lastly we have Valentina and Trinity.

I was snookered by Snookie.

What did you think?

- [Kim Chi] For me, Valentina stole the show.

- [Trixie] It was amazing.

- She had the characterization down and she was funny,

and then all of her improv

and her little back-and-forths were hilarious.

- And Trinity was great,

but I think next to Valentina,

Valentina's was more specific.

I mean, Trinity's look to me, I didn't see that as Jersey.

- To me, that's an outfit you wear

when you're performing your second number on a Saturday

at Hamburger Mary's. - Second number!

Second number! - Yeah, second number!

- Yes, that's when you do your Christina Aguilera B-side.

- Yep! (laughs)

- That's not that fast so you can just walk

and take money. - Exactly, totally.

- So now, overall, who stood out in the challenge the most?

- Monique, Valentina and probably Manila.

- Yeah, definitely for sure.

- But for me, Valentina was the funniest.

- I think I agree.

Maybe Manila for me, but I think so.

I mean, Valentina was great.

- I was literally just laughing out loud during her part.

- What about your bottoms?

- Definitely Latrice.

- I know. - Which is unfortunate,

and I guess between Naomi, Monet and Trinity,

I don't think Trinity or Naomi deserves to be in the bottom.

So Monet wasn't bad at all,

but I think just because it's getting down to the wire

and there's only so many girls left.

- That's the thing. - Just by default,

Monet's in the bottom.

- [Trixie] Yeah, it was Latrice and it was Monet.

- [Kim Chi] Again, Monet wasn't bad,

she just wasn't the best.

- Yeah, that's the bummer.

So we're back in the Werk Room

and the queens seem to all have a sense of, "I'm fine,"

even though some queens are like,

"Latrice, you're not fine."

- In those moments, you just genuinely don't know

how the judges will respond to you.

You don't know how you did.

Actually, you know what, scratch that other thing back.

You know when you did bad.

- I was just gonna tell you that.

I was just like I think when you do bad you know.

- Or sometimes you're in denial

and then maybe you just believe

in the magic of reality television.

(Trixie laughs) It's like

maybe they'll come through for me.

- I'm concerned that Latrice...

I mean, as a viewer, she was so clearly bottom,

so it's fascinating that she thought she was

cool for the summer. - Summer, yeah.

- Okay, curves and swerves on the runway!

So for the runway, who was your fave?

I loved Naomi's, Trinity's,

I would've liked Monique's if it was in a different print.

Can we stop with the brown cow?

We get it.

You had a moment on the show

but it's like-- - [Trixie] I don't like to be

hit over the head with anything.

- The thing is, I like it when it happens naturally,

and she said it on the show and the fans caught on,

and instead I feel like she's forcing it down our throats.

- I feel like she's gonna be riding into DragCon on a cow.

- [Kim Chi] Totally.

- We're headed in that direction.

- She's gonna be selling cows off the street.

- We're gonna be like, "Where is she?

"Oh, girl, she quit drag.

"She owns a dairy farm." - (laughs) Totally.

- Well, she still looked cool,

and I think that runway, it seemed very high production.

It's part of the reason she won.

Can we just talk about how this is Naomi Smalls's

most over the top padding look?

And she just looks like

a normal drag queen. - Normal person?

- [Trixie] I mean, she looks incredible.

- [Kim Chi] She looks amazing.

Her waist is so tiny.

- [Trixie] At first I was like, what is this?

This doesn't fit the look.

Then I was like oh this is her with pads.

- Yep, she looks right.

She looks like a woman, like an actual woman from the '60s.

- Yeah, oh my god, Trinity Taylor's curves and swerves.

I didn't really get it at first

until I saw the texture of it

and was like, it's swirly and swervy all over.

- [Kim Chi] And then did you see

the little scalloped pattern?

- [Trixie] Yes! - [Kim Chi] All over?

- It was amazing.

I think I'm gonna say the exact same thing.

Monique if it was a different print,

Trinity and Naomi, I agree.

And then who was your bottoms?

- I would say my bottoms were Latrice because it's so...

It's beautiful, but plain and boring.

- I know, it was a bummer because curves and swerves.

Latrice is maybe one of the most curvaceous drag queens

ever on Drag Race,

but the problem was it was so much like

what Latrice delivers every week

no matter what the theme is.

- Everybody brought something new,

and I feel like the outfit that Latrice wore

is something that you've already seen Latrice in

and it wasn't anything new or exciting.

- And there was no narrative to it.

- No, it's just a gown. - Yeah.

- There's no story.

- Does she look beautiful?

Yes - [Kim Chi] Yes, absolutely,

but it didn't change my life.

- Right, what do you think about Valentina's look?

- I have a lot of opinions about this look.

- Tell me. (laughs)

- (laughs) I like the idea of it,

and I like where she was going with it,

but to me it looked poorly made

and it wasn't aesthetically pleasing.

- That's the main problem with it.

It was hodge-podgey.

- It would've worked better in a photo shoot setting,

but for runway, she just looked unfinished

and a little bit messy.

- [Trixie] Yeah. - It wasn't my favorite look.

- [Trixie] For the judging, Manila is in the top

for the second week in a row. (fingers snapping)

- She's a force to be reckoned with, you know?

- That's fierce, and she's joined by Monique Heart.

This is her second win too.

Monique won the first week,

so that's fierce.

- Yeah, she deserves it.

- So were these the right tops, you think?

- Yeah, I agree.

If Valentina's runway was presented cleaner,

I think she could've been in the top as well.

- [Trixie] Do you agree with Latrice and Monet

being in the bottom this week, then?

- I would have to, just because there's no other choice.

- I know, that's the thing Latrice and Monet did

are not that terrible, it's just like....

- Well, Latrice was pretty bad.

I love Latrice.

- I know, she did do bad this week.

So, we're back in the Werk Room

and emotions are running very high

right before the elimination.

I mean, I don't think we've ever had this before

where we get right on the couch

and everybody in the room is like,

(whispers) "Latrice could go home."

Manila's a wreck. - Yeah.

- Latrice is a wreck.

- You have Monique and Monet who are friends,

and you have Latrice and Manila who are friends.

Each of them are battling to save their friends.

Either way, it's gonna be a (bleep) situation.

- I would pick my friend.

- Really? - Well, no,

not just because they're my friend.

Unfortunately, Monet has also won a challenge

and Latrice hasn't.

- But then, from a competition perspective,

wouldn't it make sense to get rid of Monet?

- You get rid of someone who's competition

but you pretend it's not about that.

- (laughs) Exactly! - Like, "No, she fought me."

- You cry about it. - Yeah, "No, she slapped me."

Even though you're like she's too fierce, she's gotta go.

So it's time for the Lip Sync for Your Legacy.

What do you think about these performance looks,

first of all?

- Manila looks like an Asian David Bowie.

This wasn't my favorite look on Manila,

- [Trixie] It was not the look.

- And Manila has some amazing looks.

- Girl, she was the newest consultant at the Hot Topic

on Hollywood Boulevard. - (laughs loudly) Totally!

And Monique looked like Tina Turner.

- Monique looked awesome.

I think she got excited about lip syncing

and maybe put on too much highlighter

in this area of her face.

- [Kim Chi] Yeah, that area just looked white.

- [Trixie] It looked really white.

- [Kim Chi] Like, girl, that is not your highlight color.

- [Trixie] No.

She looked great in that choppy little Tina Turner wig.

- Oh totally, that hair looked so beautiful on her.

- And you know she pinned it in

'cause she was like, "Yaaaaas!"

- "This hair's not going anywhere today."

- So the lip sync starts, what's going on?

- So you know how certain lip syncs

the moment the song comes on, you know a certain girl's

gonna win right away? - Yeah.

- It's not always about looking the part,

but they just channel the song.

- [Trixie] She was feelin' it.

- [Kim Chi] She was feeling it.

- [Trixie] It's a good song for her.

And Manila's a great lip syncer too, by the way.

- [Kim Chi] Yep, but this was Monique's week.

- Honestly, maybe she threw the lip sync.

Maybe Manila was like, "I don't wanna win."

- Conspiracy. - I'm gonna put on

this black camisole. - It's like, "Latrice is my

"biggest competition, so I want her to go home,

"so I'm gonna give this win to Monique."

- So that way Manila can be like, "No, girl, no! Yes!"

(Kim Chi laughs)

So, Monique wins and sends Latrice home.

What did you think?

Did you agree?

- I thought Latrice would be the top three of All Stars

when they announced the cast.

I didn't expect her to go home this early,

and it's a shocker and I'm sure it's gonna be a shocker

for the viewers as well.

- They're gonna be at the bar

and they're gonna be drinking there,

and then they're gonna open their mouth--

- And go (gasps). - Drop the drink, yeah (gasps)

"I just lost 50 bucks." (Kim Chi laughs)

- My fantasy league. - Yeah, my fantasy league!

(both laughing) It's a bummer,

and you know, I bet you Latrice did not envision herself

going home this early either.

- No. - So now we got

six queens remaining.

Who's your front-runner at this point?

- Completely based on the scores,

I would say Manila and Monique.

- Yeah. - But also, Naomi's been

serving it on the runway,

and I feel like that's just my homegirl

so I'm just...

I will always back her up. - Also, she's incredible.

- She's incredible.

I don't think people actually know

how fierce of a queen Naomi is.

- Totally. I will say my front-runner,

I mean this is kind of maybe shocking and appalling but,

even though she does have the most wins,

I think Trinity seems like...

She's either winning the challenges

or landing in the high middle,

and her runways have been murderous.

And when I got back from All Stars, from filming it,

I got back on tour and I remember Trinity said,

"I hope you win because I'm gonna win All Stars 4."

She's been dead set on winning All Stars for a long time.

- Damn. - Ah, well this show

just keeps getting better and better.

Thank you for joining me, Trixie Mattel,

down here at The Pit Stop

with our very special guest Kim Chi!

- Thank you for having me.

- Join us next time on The Pit Stop.

Bye! - Bye!

(Kim Chi grunts)

(Kim Chi laughs)

Death drop. (both laugh loudly)

For more infomation >> The Pit Stop: Jersey Justice ft. Kim Chi | RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars 4 - Duration: 11:52.


Blind Apple Fanboy Switches to Android (for 1 week) - Duration: 9:00.

For more infomation >> Blind Apple Fanboy Switches to Android (for 1 week) - Duration: 9:00.


Record Number Of Teachers Quit Their Jobs In 2018 - Duration: 4:17.

According to news statistics released by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics Teachers in

the year 2018 public school teachers quit their jobs in record numbers.

In fact, it is the highest rate of teacher departure that we have seen since the bureau

began keeping statistics on public school.

Teachers leaving their jobs.

An average of 83 teachers for every 10,000 teachers quit their jobs and left the field

in the year 2018 now.

Yeah, that is absolutely lower than the rate of regular workers leaving their job per 10,000.

But nonetheless, teachers already in the United States.

We're a rare commodity.

We do not have enough teachers in the United States of America and we sure as hell don't

have enough quality teachers in the United States of America.

But because of things like low pay, a disrespect from the entire general public, which is on

full display.

If you ever look at right wing twitter and you know, battling with budgets and school

districts, school districts being starved of money.

Teachers not being given the resources to succeed for their students and then having

the parents blame the teacher because your kid's not doing as well as you think they


All of those factors combined along with others have forced teachers out of this profession.

Here's a few facts from somebody who lives with a full time public school teacher, because

I am married to her.

My sister was a full time public school teacher who left the profession because she could

not make a living there.

Many members of my family are actually public school teachers.

Um, but here's the thing.

You think a teacher only works like six hours a day.

They're only having to work when those kids are in the classroom.

If you think that that is what happens, you are absolutely delusional.

My wife, who is currently on their Christmas break from school, their winter break, whatever

you want to call it, has worked every day.

Lesson planning, grading papers, creating tests, doing something for her students.

Most teachers are like that as well.

They don't get these days off.

They don't only work when the kids are in the classroom.

Teachers average between 60 and 80 hours per week, yet they only get paid for 40 of them.

My wife's not getting paid for any of this stuff that she's doing over the break.

Neither are the hundreds of thousands of other teachers in the United States.

They're all doing work and none of them are getting paid for it.

Couple that with the fact that we're starving teachers of supply so that the average school

teacher spends over $1,200 out of their own pocket every year to buy stuff for their classroom.

Add that to the fact that that Republican tax cut package last year, it actually did

a way with teachers being able to write off those out of pocket expenses for their classroom,

so every which way you look.

Public school teachers in the United States are getting screwed.

They getting beat up on.

They get bullied online.

People are lying about how hard they actually work and they're sick of it and honestly you

can't blame them, but we're the ones who are going to suffer.

Everybody in this country suffers when we don't have enough teachers.

We're not going to have people teaching the next generation of leaders, the next generation

of doctors, lawyers, teachers.

Those kids need quality educations to be successful in life and if they don't get it in those

formative early years because of a lack of teachers that is going to screw up the future

of the United States in ways that I don't think most people even realize.

For more infomation >> Record Number Of Teachers Quit Their Jobs In 2018 - Duration: 4:17.


Dance Moms: Nia's Solo "Can I Do This?" (Season 5) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Nia's Solo "Can I Do This?" (Season 5) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:29.


How To Shoot Better Photos With Your Phone - Duration: 3:04.

You don't need an expensive DSLR to take great photos. Smartphones these days take really good pictures.

There's a lot that goes into a good photo besides the camera. Here are a few things to keep in mind when

you're shooting that'll dramatically improve your shots.

In photography, lighting is extremely important. If you're shooting outdoors, you want to shoot during magic hour.

These are the few hours after sunrise and before sunset when the lighting is softness and not as harsh.

If you are shooting during the day, try to avoid taking pictures of people in direct sunlight.

It casts harsh shadows and obscures people's features. Try to go somewhere in the shade where the lighting's more uniform.

An overcast day is also a great time to shoot because cloud cover provides even lighting.

An important thing to keep in mind when you're shooting photos, make sure you're exposed to the brighter parts of a

photograph. That way you're retaining all the information from the scene.

If your photos are coming out too dark, you can always brighten them with

editing software. My personal favorite is Lightroom. It has some really

great presets and has very robust editing controls. Another popular option

is Afterlight. You've probably heard of the rule of thirds, this is a key

part of taking better photos. Most smartphones have a grid option that

overlays over the camera app. Try using this to align points of interest

when you're taking photos. When you're taking pictures of people, frame

them so you're cutting them off mid-shin or mid-thigh. Also, try to be

mindful of how much headroom you're leaving.

Don't leave too much space above your subject, or too little, aim for

something in between. If your native camera app doesn't give you a lot of

control, maybe try using a third party one. I really like using Camera+.

It gives you plenty of control over important camera features like ISO,

aperture and even lets you control the focus manually. Some top of the

line smartphones have features that add software depth the field,

essentially giving you look of a DSLR camera, and it's actually pretty

good. It works best when you have plenty of light and depth behind your

subjects. If you're a selfie lover I got some bad news for you. That front

facing camera isn't as good as a rear facing one. So next time you're

taking a selfie, maybe ask somebody to take that photo for you. Another

way to get really creative with your photos is to use lenses. These are

similar to what you have access to on higher-end cameras but cheaper and

more portable. A fisheye lens gives you an extremely wide field of view.

It's a bit more stylized but can allow you to take some really creative

shots. A wide-angle lens works similar to the fish eye it's just not as

extreme. It works great for dramatic landscape shots or even when you're

indoors or in confined spaces. A telephoto lens is the zoom lens and it

works really great for taking shots of things far away. This is what you

want to use instead of the digital zoom your phone provides. Every time

you go further into the image it just pixilates it and degrades it more

and more. It's also great for taking pictures of things up close. It'll

add depth of field between your subject and its background. And lastly,

there's the macro lens, which lets you take extreme close-up shots. Like

the fisheye, this one's a bit more stylized and used for artistic or

creative shots. Just in case you were wondering, all the photos in this

video were shot on my iPhone X, with the lens portion using Olloclip's lenses.

So as I mentioned at the beginning of the video, there's a lot

that goes into photography besides the camera, and these tips will help you go a long ways in improving the photos that you take.

But the biggest piece of advice I can offer is to practice, so get out there and start shooting.

For more infomation >> How To Shoot Better Photos With Your Phone - Duration: 3:04.


Why Big Channels Can Ignore SEO Best Practices - Duration: 4:06.

Did you ever wonder why many big channels don't seem to apply SEO best practices?

Look at these video titles for example.

They are not optimized for the algorithm at all.

They don't include a search term as we learn they should.

And this is by no means proof that our best practices are wrong.

On the contrary, the question rather is: Why can big channels ignore SEO best practices

and still be as successful as they are?

Hey youtubers, Nico here.

So it is surprising to see that big channels often don't follow the SEO best practices

that we small youtubers learn.

And the reason is they don't have to.

Don't get me wrong.

They would also benefit from applying those best practices.

But they are successful enough as it is.

And they can afford to not care about the best practices for ranking their videos in


But how do they get all their views then?

Well, the answer is simple: suggested video views.

The suggested videos algorithm is what drives their channels and that algorithm does not

need well optimized metadata.

No SEO needed here.

You are probably wondering how the suggested videos algorithm works then?

Let me explain.

The recommendation engine that drives the suggested videos and also Home by the way

works completely different than the search algorithm for which we do our SEO.

Its main food for thought is not our video metadata but what it can observe about the


And it's a simple principle actually which you already know from Amazon.

People who bought this product also bought these other products.

It's the same on YouTube: People who enjoyed this video also enjoyed

these other videos.

That means if for example people watch my video and then click this video in the suggestions

then the algorithm looks the click through rate and the watch time of this video.

If the numbers are good than more and more of the viewers of my video will get that video

recommended as well.

But it's not always that literal.

Generally speaking, the video suggestions are fed by the viewing history of each individual


The algorithm looks at what that viewer watched in the past as well as searched for in the


Across all viewers on YouTube this information gives the suggested video algorithm a lot

to work with.

Because look at that: Some viewers are similar.

Their viewing history overlaps.

So the algorithm says to itself: Those viewers have obviously similar interests.

They enjoy similar videos.

Alright, let me have a closer look.

That person enjoyed this video.

And since this other person did not watch that video yet, let me suggest that video

to that person.

There is a good chance that she will enjoy this video, too.

But now comes the crux where it really makes a difference if you are a small or a big channel:

In order for these recommendations to properly work, you need many people to watch your videos.

Only this way YouTube gets enough data to look at these overlaps.

And that is where big channels with their large subscriber base have a big advantage.

Their subscribers produce so much data that the suggested videos algorithm can easily

take it from there and recommend their videos to more people.

And remember, I didn't mention the video metadata here.

It's the viewers who drive all that.

And since it works so well for big channels, they don't have to care about SEO best practices.

They for example can use a video title that is eye-catching for the viewer.

They don't have to include a search term in the title like we small channels have to.

But luckily, there is a titling strategy that combines the eye-catchiness we know from big

channels and the SEO we small channels need in order to grow faster.

Check out this video about that titling strategy.

Cheers my friends.

For more infomation >> Why Big Channels Can Ignore SEO Best Practices - Duration: 4:06.


China to Mine the Moon for Helium-3 Advanced Nuclear Energy - Duration: 4:38.

China has a mission for the moon and that is to mine it especially for

helium-3 in 2015 the United States passed the commercial space launch

competitiveness Act of 2015 removing legal obstacles to

extraterrestrial activity by foreign nations defying the Outer Space Treaty

of 1979

China started gearing up in a hurry to be the first to mine the moon this

extraordinary substance is the isotope helium-3 invaluable in ensuring the

safety of nuclear power stations on earth and providing an all-powerful

rocket fuel it is rare on earth being blown away by

the solar wind it is found in chocolate height a middle of magnesium and iron

again rare but plentiful in the moon's crust

all nuclear power plants react to produce heat this turns water into steam

that drives a turbine current nuclear power plants have nuclear fission

reactors to split uranium this releases energy but also creates radioactive

nuclear waste that must be stored indefinitely for over 40 years

scientists have been trying to achieve this process without producing the waste

and in a safer manner helium-3 is how we achieve this goal there are around a

million tons of helium-3 on the moon surface and down inside a few meters

this helium-3 could be extracted by heating the lunar dust to around 1,200

degrees Fahrenheit before bringing it back to earth to fuel a new generation

of nuclear fission power plants a fully loaded space ships cargo base could

power a quarter of the world for a year this means that helium-3 has a potential

economic value in the order of about two billion dollars per tonne making it the

moon's most valuable commodity except perhaps for astronomy and promoting

tourism China's lunar exploration program is proceeding fast strongly

attracted by the prospect of helium-3 mining in 2013 China managed to land a

lunar robot Lander the final stage of the current program is to send back a

robotic craft to the moon that will return lunar rocks to the earth

this year China is now but only two steps away from making helium-3 mining a

reality the successful landing of Changi 4 and u2 to lunar rover has taken China

one step closer you - - or Jade rabbit twos job is to survey the moon's dark

side surface for near future lunar base construction to begin in 2020 and also

to collect soil samples rocks and conduct onboard experiments later je5

will soar to the moon to retrieve these results and samples the benefits of

helium-3 for energy are immense but if helium-3 can be used to fuel

nuclear power plants could it also be used for more nefarious and devastating


and will they

For more infomation >> China to Mine the Moon for Helium-3 Advanced Nuclear Energy - Duration: 4:38.


Rotten Apple (AAPL) (w/ Max Wolff) | Trade Ideas | Real Vision™ - Duration: 10:22.

Welcome to Trade Ideas.

I am Brian Price, here with Max Wolff, co-founder of Multivariate.

Max, great to have you with us.

Always a pleasure.

Happy new year to you and yours, and the audience out there.

Thank you.

I appreciate that.

However, for folks at home that might be holders of Apple, it's been a little rough.

That's true.

Although 2018 was probably not the toughest year to top as the experience of owning Apple.

By the way, it wasn't a great year to own some of their products either, which might

be part of the story about why it wasn't a great year to be long the shares.

As of this moment, Apple has become the fourth largest company in the world, falling now

behind Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.

Might get a little uglier, but what say you?

You've studied this name for a long time.

What should folks expect?

Yes, look, this is a valuable company.

It deserves a place atop the corporate titans for cash flow, across the sort of success

gamut, whatever you believe should be the right metric.

Certainly, market cap probably doesn't need to be the fourth.

It could probably rise again.

Although it could rise because it falls less.

The truth is the whole space was out over its skis.

And as I've said lots of times-- I've been wrong most of the time, but maybe I'm right

now, so you know, like the broken clock, I got to sort of celebrate those rare occasions.

Buying tech up is about buying the future, right?

It's about hope for tomorrow.

It's not a hope for Tomorrow World.

It's a world between people who think it was good enough a year ago, and people who want

to celebrate return to the 18th century.

That's not a market that makes people hopeful and makes people love tech.

And Apple has sort of clung to its premium pricing, and it's become a little bit less

clear if they're delivering premium product.

And I think that's causing some headwinds.

And I think the immediate cause of the trouble they're right about, which is clearly, this

trade war or trade war issues are not minor, particularly in the electronics world.

I always urge the folks who are yelling that I'm wrong when I have this conversation on

the news to look at everything they own that plugs into the wall at home, and then call

me back if there's anything there that was made in the United States.

And if there is something that was made the United States, let's not count it if it was

made so long ago that if you had any hand in making it, you've died of old age.

Let's break this down piece by piece, because there's a lot to unpack there.

So let's start with this trade war and with China.

Is it as much an issue as a trade war or is it also about competition from China?

That there are other companies out there, other linebackers that are offering comparable

services and comparable products that maybe folks are turning to in the market now?

For sure.

So we've seen an Apple market share in China have lots of headwinds and not do what it

was supposed to do rise wise, and then start falling way before President Trump decided

to have his delicious taco salad, and ride that escalator up and down with a bunch of

hired supporters, right?

So this is an old- That's a very interesting way to say he decided

to run for president.

You can always come to me-- I tried to a sell a captive pig there.

It's a tough job, right?

In any case-- In any case.

Yes, before we were great again, Apple had problems with being popular in China, partly

because they have some really good quasi knockoff type phones, to be honest, that sometimes

look a lot like an Apple phone, but that are very inexpensive, and very popular.

And you know, folks in the US tend to forget sometimes, that Android is 85% of the world

market share for a reason, and that it's pretty much dominant outside the US.

So we have this global growth story slowing, and has really been for quite some time--


When we talk about the cash pile that Apple has, it's not quite as simple as some folks

might view.

It's not set in one clean number.

Walk me through debt as it relates to the cash they hold, and why it could potentially

be problematic for Apple.


So there's still obviously a lower rate when you bring that cash back to the US, if they

want to do it.

That was one of the early decisions that was pretty popular, actually, from the Trump administration.

So it was a widely well-received decision that helps Apple a bit, which made people

even more excited about the 230 odd billion in cash.

However, over the years they've quietly done about $120 billion in debt issuance against

that in order to not have to pay the 35%, now 21% tax repatriation.

The truth is people are bringing their money back here not because of a Chinese based hoax

or conspiracy, but because growth has been faster outside the US.

So bringing money back to the US, being subject to a high tax rate, and then sending it right

back out to chase the higher growth around the world is not a terribly wise decision,

separate apart from any political or free trade ideology that you might have.

So Apple has been artfully playing it, but people have tended to forget that $120 billion

is not actually such a small number.

And if they want to bring the money back here, if they intended to, they would have.

Now, especially with the lower 21% tax rate, which by the way, those of us who have backgrounds

in macroeconomics could easily tell you, is probably not sustainable, so it probably won't

stay this low.

Which means if you wanted to do it, you've probably have done it.

With the cash available-- we're all aware of the largest purchase they have to date,

which is of Beats, the $3 billion acquisition, would you like to see Apple take a stab at

a bigger piece that's out there?

Or is there something that you think they should consider taking a hard look at?

So they need to go into some new area to bulk up their services business.

I don't think they're going to run out there and buy Twitter.

I don't think they're going to go out there and buy a Tesla.

They need to buy something accretive, by the way-- a la, the last couple of weeks and neither

Twitter nor probably Tesla would fit that bill.

I do think we're going to see them get into either some kind of financial technology or

health care related.

They've moved in those directions.

And a big acquisition in that space might make sense.

The future does need to be services, and they need to accelerate that, because they need

to offset what looks to be at least a stagnancy in the handset units.

And Apple has largely been a handset story for a very successful 10 years.

And so they do need to look for another driver going forward.

So if iPhone sales are slowing, global growth is slowing, the cash isn't what it necessarily

seems to be, and they've got money to burn, could this company become a software company

in 10 years time, when we talk about what its main function or main focus is?

Yeah, it sort of already is to be fair to them, right?

So it's not the perception.

But Apple doesn't do much in the hardware, and it's all subcontracted anyway.

What Apple really is great at making operating systems and the greatest marketing machine

the world has ever seen.

So if they could bring those to a new area with what is pretty good on the margin front,

that's a good thing.

Well, let's remember something.

The risk of Apple was always why people liked it.

To the art to make a product and sell $50 billion worth of that product on a quarterly

basis, which is about what they sell across the lines of phones, you've done the holy

grail, which is hard to do, and even harder to keep doing.

Which is produce a luxury product with an enormous margin, and then sell it to the whole

darn world.

And you never really want to bet on anyone doing that once, let alone twice, let alone

three times.

Now these guys have done it, and Apple is an incredibly well-run company, and will continue

to be valuable.

But I don't know how quickly you come up with the next sort of three standard deviations

from the mean event.

I think it's dangerous to assume that's on demand.

We're trading at around $140 right now, down 10% during the session.

Walk me through the levels.

Walk me through what folks can expect.

Everybody and their mother has reduced their price target.

What say you?

So I think Apple is actually going to have rough sledding, and I think it might be rough

sledding for about a year here.

If you're a long term buy, it it's still a great company.

They print a ton of cash.

Buying Apple's earnings is cheaper than buying almost anyone else's earnings.

And given how much cash they produce, and how much cash they have on book, there is

a defensive value to Apple.

So I don't see the bottom dropping out.

But Apple got to be what it is, being the King of the smartphone business.

And the smartphone is on the south side of the mountain coming back down.

It's not exciting, it's not definitive.

It is losing a little bit of its status panache.

And it looks like the future is going to be a little bit more of a voice activated story,

where Siri has fallen somewhat meaningfully behind Alexa.

And I think that they didn't get enough of a sort of comeuppance there on the HomePod,

which was a major whiff, right?

It basically flopped.

And so they've ceded that market largely to Google and Amazon.

And last time I checked, those are somewhat formidable competitors, so they've ceded some

ground to some deep-pocketed formidable competitors.

They're still overly dependent on their smartphones.

I think Apple's rough sideways sledding with a slight downward bias for 12 months here.

And how far downward?

Give me a percentage.

It can easily get into the 120 handles.

I don't think you can go a lot lower than that.

You're starting to talk about a single digit PE with tons of cash there, and Apple would

only even go that low with the overall market.

My guess is Apple, from today forward, will be about market perform.

I don't think it's market outperform, and I don't have super high hopes for the market.

What could be a positive catalyst for this name?

What is something that could happen?

We talked about potential acquisitions.

Is there something within the story that other folks haven't been focusing on that could

potentially drive this name higher?

Maybe buybacks, something along those lines?

Yeah, so they could get more serious about the in work app partnership they had with

IBM, to try to become a little bit more of a workplace device.

They could figure out how to make some more affordable entry level notebooks and try to

pick up a little bit of PC market share, although I don't know how big that market is going

to be for them in the short run.

We could finally see them merge iOS and the operating system for the desktop to have a

touch screen, which they don't have, right?

They've been slow to that party as well.

That would be interesting.

What they really need to do is jack up the services as much as the Apple defenders--

and there are lots of them, lots of smart ones-- are saying.

Because they all say, look, they're just going to go to services.

But the problem with that thesis, unless they make a change is, people's overspending for

services are really only going to do that if they're buying your device.

So the reason that you buy Apple's repackaged version of Amazon Web Services for four times

as much as Amazon charges is really only because you have that smartphone.

Max Wolff, thank you, as always, for joining us on Real Vision.

Thank you for having me.

That's Max Wolff of Multivariate.

And I am Brian Price for Real Vision's Trade Ideas.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Rotten Apple (AAPL) (w/ Max Wolff) | Trade Ideas | Real Vision™ - Duration: 10:22.


Rolling Sky 2 - All Levels | Normal vs Hard - Duration: 13:35.

For more infomation >> Rolling Sky 2 - All Levels | Normal vs Hard - Duration: 13:35.


이 2 가지 성분으로 1 주일 만에 체중 감량 - 푸드코트 - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> 이 2 가지 성분으로 1 주일 만에 체중 감량 - 푸드코트 - Duration: 5:36.


Sky Assassin vs Buddy | All WEAPONS | Kick The Buddy [LIVE] - Duration: 1:14:32.

Welcome to my video

Thank you for this video view

Like, sub, share, support my channel.

Thank you very much

For more infomation >> Sky Assassin vs Buddy | All WEAPONS | Kick The Buddy [LIVE] - Duration: 1:14:32.


Ruben Loftus-Cheek in tears as he's forced off with injury against Nottingham Forest Clash - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Ruben Loftus-Cheek in tears as he's forced off with injury against Nottingham Forest Clash - Duration: 2:35.


Samsung Galaxy M20 - 13 MP Camera, Infinity-V Display, Specs & Price - Duration: 2:45.

There are the news about Samsung soon launching a new '' M '' series smartphone in the market.

Previously there were the rumours circulating about the presence of a new smartphone Galaxy M20..

but now it is confirmed that Samsung Galaxy M20 exists..

as FCC Certification from USA has been issued for this phone.

According to different reports, new Samsung Galaxy M20 would be mid-range smartphone.

This phone may have 6.13'' FHD+ Display with Super AMOLED Panel. Display Resolution : 1080 x 2280 Pixels

Screen-to-body ratio may have 80.5%

This phone may have WaterDrop Notch

Samsung Calls it Infinity-V display.

A Famous Website posted a photo of Samsung Galaxy M20

where a front facing camera could be clearly seen around the TearDrop Notch

may have pulsating LED strip at the top edge of the display.

LED strip light will flicker when the phone will be unlocked.

According to different reports, Galaxy M20 may have Samsung's Exynos 7904 SoC Processor.

This phone may have Operating System Android 8.1 Oreo

Dual Camera Setup is expected at the back of the phone.

where Main Camera and 2nd Camera may have 13 MP and 5 MP respectively

This Camera setup may have LED Flash, Panorama and HDR Features

8 MP Camera may have on Front.

There may be 2 variants : 32GB internal storage with 3GB RAM, 64GB internal storage with 3GB RAM

Fingerprint sensor will be at the back.

Face Unlock feature would be added.

5000 mAh battery is expected in this phone.

Samsung may announce 2 new smartphones M10 and M30 along with Galaxy M20 by the end of this month (January 2019).

Expected Price of Galaxy M20 in Pakistan Rs 40,000/-

Expected Price of Galaxy M20 in India Rs 20,000/-

For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy M20 - 13 MP Camera, Infinity-V Display, Specs & Price - Duration: 2:45.


How to ACCEPT Facebook Group Invitation for Admin, Moderator, Editor on PC | PoinTECH - Duration: 2:11.

hello Youtubers

in this tutorial

I'll show you

how to accept

Facebook group invitation


moderator and admin

on pc

so let's get start

log in

in your Facebook account


click on

this drop down arrow


new groups


hit on



you can visit

this link


to open

all those groups


you got




anyone group

that you want to accept



you can see


group invited

you to become

the moderator

of the group Pointech

so click accept

to accept

this request


click on decline

to cancel this request

i'm going to

to accept

this request

so now

if you go

to members area



you can see


person is now member of this group

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial

For more infomation >> How to ACCEPT Facebook Group Invitation for Admin, Moderator, Editor on PC | PoinTECH - Duration: 2:11.


SolidWorks Tutorial for beginners Exercise #19 - Duration: 15:48.

For more infomation >> SolidWorks Tutorial for beginners Exercise #19 - Duration: 15:48.


Calcutta lost Shakib's conflict to millions-top bengali actress shakib khan news-songbad 24 - Duration: 2:38.

Calcutta lost sahibs conflict to millions to keep Khan's name in Bangladesh

Also in Calcutta in addition to the local film Shakira is also acting regularly in Kolkata

but suddenly

What happened that Shakib did not Calcutta?

It is known that after the acting production of Shree Venkatesh films

Nicole her production company of Calcutta started the trouble

Shakib Karns journey in Calcutta began with the success of SK movies

SK movies have produced movies like hunter now alibi, Bojan allo ray

Only then Shakib was written by the competition Venkatesh flims

She keep sits in front of the movie for a million rupees fee on the other hand

Then Kadesh has a dream worth millions

SK movies expresses its inability to ask for a higher fee for Shiki birth

According to Indian media sources SK movies did not agree to pay for a higher fee

But Shakib Khan was contracted to venkatesh's nicob for a million rupees

Though the picture is a big problem between the actor and the production company and the photos a flop in the end

After this Shakib wanted to return to his old address SK

But they also demanded millions of money in bank attached they decided to not make a picture with Shakib

he calculates to keep

The budget that stands out if he gives one crore Tarkus it is not possible to get that business from Kolkata right now

Shakib assures the market in Bangladesh, but to create a good picture in all

Si kok has not agreed to pay so much money as a result. She gives calc

Undisturbed at the to shift as a result Shiki gradually turned down Calcutta

Again in the movie of Bangladesh is busy

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