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Orange cake an easy and quick recipe | Natural Health - Duration: 5:41.Orange cake: an easy and quick recipe.
Discover here how to easily and quickly prepare an orange cake.
This cake will have nothing to envy more elaborate recipes.
If the orange cake stands out for something, it's mainly because of its versatility.
The possibilities are varied and so there are many variants.
The orange cake is so popular that there are even recipes that use microwave rather than
oven and prepare in five minutes.
This simplicity is mainly due to its thickness, which is similar to the size of a pot of yoghurt.
This cake has other qualities as a dessert.
This dessert stays spongy for several days, When consumed cold or hot, the taste remains
Follow your desire!
For this cake, we advise you to opt for a square or rectangular mold.
You can even make this cake in a cup, the trend being mugcake, but, of course, the amounts
of each ingredient will not be those presented in this video.
In any case, the basis of this recipe will not take you more than five minutes.
In addition, this recipe can be used as a base for making other cakes . Simply replace
the flagship food, ie orange, with the ingredient of your choice.
So, if you rather want a chocolate cake , you can replace the orange with chocolate.
Orange cake: the ingredients.
1 jar of plain yoghurt (125); 3 eggs;
flour (measure: 3 jars of yoghurt); sugar (measure: 2 jars of yoghurt);
1 big orange; olive oil (measure: 1 jar of yoghurt);
1 sachet of yeast powder; butter to butter the mold or parchment paper;
Depending on the intensity of the desired taste, use more or less strong oil.
The amount of oil will depend on your tastes.
Orange cake: the preparation.
At first, pour the yoghurt pot into a container.
As for the yoghurt pot, it will serve as a universal unit of measure for the other ingredients
of this recipe.
Then preheat your oven at 180 degrees Celsius for about ten minutes.
Grate the skin of the orange until only the white part remains.
Then peel the orange completely and crush the orange quarters that you put in another
In this new container, add the sugar, eggs, yoghurt, orange zest and olive oil.
Beat the mixture with an electric mixer until you have a perfectly smooth dough.
Now is the time to add flour and yeast.
Remember to pass these ingredients through the sieve before incorporating them into the
Let's go on…
Butter your mold, either with your fingers or with a brush.
You can also put baking paper instead of butter.
Thanks to this step, your cake will not stick to the mold.
Pour the batter into the mold.
Bake the mold at 180 degrees Celsius for about 30 minutes.
If you have opted for an irregular mold, keep in mind that it takes five to ten minutes
longer to cook.
It's time to test the toothpick to see if the cake is ready.
Push a toothpick into the cake.
If the toothpick comes out without a trace of cake, your orange cake is ready.
If this is not the case, wait a little longer.
When your cake is ready, take it out of the oven.
Let it cool a little before removing it from the mold so that it does not collapse.
All you have to do is serve your cake and enjoy it!
Orange cake: the presentation.
To present your delicious orange cake as part of a visit for example, you can decorate it
with candied oranges.
1 or 2 oranges; 4 glasses of water (1 liter);
5 cups of sugar (1 kg);
Put the sugar in the liter of water.
Plunge the oranges into the mixture you have just prepared.
If you want to caramelize the oranges, bake them for five minutes before taking out your
cake from the oven.
As you can see, this recipe is very simple to prepare.
Remember that it can be used as a base to prepare other recipes whose flagship ingredient
is another ingredient than orange.
If you opt for lemon, you will have to follow the same steps.
You will then need to peel and grate the lemon.
If you opt for chocolate , simply heat it a little in a bain-marie so that it becomes
easier to mix with the mixture.
The honey is also a great option!
Nella Kharisma - Selama Matahari Terbit Dari Timur (Ewer Ewer) (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
Kutsinta Recipe (Filipino Dessert) - Duration: 2:22.What's up guys?!
Today we're gonna be making Kutsinta.
Kutsinta is a sticky Filipino treat that's usually topped off with grated coconut and is eaten as a snack or a dessert.
To start, first drop in half a cup of all-purpose flour into a mixing bowl.
Followed by half a cup of brown sugar.
Using a whisk, stir the dry ingredients together.
Next add in 1 cup of water.
And 1 teaspoon of lye water.
And then just mix everything together.
At this point, your Kutsinta mixture is done and you'll want to start prepping your steamer trays.
We like to put a piece of cheesecloth at the bottom of each tray.
This helps to prevent moisture from building up and dripping onto your Kutsinta as they're steaming.
Now all you have to do is fill your Kutsinta molds or any other small pastry molds you might have.
You'll want to fill each mold to about two-thirds of the way full.
Once you're done, set the tray aside, and quickly prep the lid of your steamer.
All you want to do is take a cloth and wrap it around the lid like so.
And then attach clips at the top to help secure the cloth to your lid.
Like the cheesecloth from earlier, this will help prevent any built-up moisture from dripping into your kitchen to molds.
We recommend that while you're making the Kutsinta mixture that you also start boiling the water for your steamer so that it's ready when you need it.
Now just place your tray of Kutsinta on top.
And put on the lid.
You'll want to steam your Kutsinta for about 15 to 20 minutes or until your Kutsinta are nice and firm.
When they're done remove the tray from the steamer and allow them to cool for a couple minutes before handling them.
Once they're cool to the touch, simply take a toothpick and use it to loosen the edges of your Kutsinta from their molds.
They should just plop right out!
You can eat your Kutsinta as is, but more often than not, it's eaten with some grated coconut.
You can serve them up with the coconut on the side or you can go ahead and just top all of them off!
We like our grated coconut, so we just piled it on.
It's talagang tasty!
Dont drink and drive | Alcoholism Recovery Stories | NDE - Duration: 24:23.Hi there I'm James I'm a grateful recovering addict and alcoholic I've
been sober for three years clean and sober and have been previously used and
drank for 20 years I post a video here about addiction and recovery every
Saturday as well as post resources in the description below you're gonna hit
that arrow if you're on your phone ways to help you or your loved ones that are
suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction if you haven't considered
consider subscribing I'll be here every Saturday we'll talk sometimes we have
fun today more on the serious tip I'm gonna talk about the time I wrapped my
Ford Explorer around a tree woke up three months later and 70 pounds lighter
from a medically induced coma having broke this entire side of my body
collapsed my lung and had been shocked my heart had been shocked back to life
so I'll start with a damn near died this was one of the many times that alcohol
and drugs have had taken me very close to death my story that night started
2007 it was August I had just gotten out of the Navy in 2006 and I was an
aviation electrician in the Navy so I decided to pursue a career in
real commercial electrical work with the IBEW the International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers I went through the application process and was accepted and
received a job offer to study for five years ACDC theory and do on-the-job
training an excellent job with excellent benefits I was on my way I had also just
recently found out that I had paid off my first car that I ever bought it was a
two-door Ford Explorer and I had paid it off it was all mine so having a new
career path and a promising life ahead of me I decided to do what I do best
which is what I do any time any kind of emotion hits my blood stream is I
combine it with drugs and alcohol in my bloodstream so I decided to go out and I
asked my best friend at the time if you wanted to go out and have some beers and
that's what we did I remember he usually drove but I insisted on driving because
I was proud of my new car and I just washed and waxed it and I remember
drinking beforehand like I always did now this was 2007 so I was around 27 28
years old and I had been drinking since 14 and I had progressed my disease of
alcoholism had progressed to the point of pre-gaming I'm sure you're aware of
this drinking before the party or the bar I was pretty far along in my
drinking career and I would I remember having beers in the car so I picked on
my friend and we went just to a regular hometown bar drink some beers and played
some pool and and then I took him home I was little
they going to my new job the very next day for the first day I took him home
and I took away home that I've taken a thousand times before
I remember the roads were wet and it was probably midnight and I was driving too
fast and I was definitely intoxicated now a
regular person who has experienced a DUI or a car accident while intoxicated
would say all right well I guess I'll stop drinking an alcoholic when
experiencing a consequence of the vehicular nature while drinking or using
drugs we'll say all right I'll stop driving because that is the nature of
the beast we continue on drinking amusing it is a cunning baffling and
powerful disease and it will put you behind the wheel whether you want to or
not I remember coming up and around a bend on a road that I've taken a
thousand times before and I remember the back end of my Explorer coming out and
becoming the front end so I did a 180 while going probably over 30 miles per
hour and I don't know what's the last thing I remember I then woke up I do
remember waking up my dad was sitting next to my hospital bed now I've been in
hospital beds yes you were probably no stranger to a
hospital bed so I had the routine questions he said you were in a car
accident and he said some other things I was foggy I was on everything from
fentanyl to morphine medically barbiturate induced coma I was just
coming out of it had been three months I had been laying in the same spot so you
can imagine the garage enos but he said I have been on a car accident and I
asked a particularly stupid question how's my car this shows you the the
clarity of the Attic and alcoholics mind I am so used to getting hurt and beat up
that I immediately have these superficial concerns well he said it's
totaled it's gone and you have been in a coma for three months and the days went
on and he was there every day and my mother was was in and out every day and
my my sister had was there and my friends and family came and went and see
this is baffling to me because I had been there and they had been there for
three months periodically and I had been there as well but I had so I didn't
experience this coma like they hadn't experienced it my friends and family has
experienced sheer profound sadness and terror as I was on the brink of death
and I wake up and I want to know you know where's my car and then some stupid
shit like that well I had a tracheotomy I had lung chest tubes
I had a feeding tube where food would go into my system while I was in the coma
to my understanding medically induced comas are for the purpose of reducing
brain swelling and preserving vital organs
I now have neuropathy in my feet it's pins and needles tingling because the
nerves of my feet died because nutrients were concentrating on keeping me alive I
also had long surgery broken collarbone broken scapula all these ribs and some
of these were broken I was damn near dead not only this but I do remember
thinking I crashed when I was drinking and that would be my third DUI now in
the state of New York at the time at least three duis is a felony and felony
means prison time big house time I wasn't looking forward to that so not
only was I broken I could not walk I was 70 pounds lighter I was in a coma I had
almost died I had a tube going into my throat
and my lungs and my stomach to keep me alive I was on a respirator I remember
vaguely moments where doctors had to save me a team of doctors had to save me
because there was some sort of blockage in my windpipe I had a fever I had there
was dangers of getting pneumonia I couldn't drink water all they would do
is let me soak suck on a soaked like q-tip type thing
I couldn't suck the water out of it and I would have to swab my mouth and of
course me I would suck the water out of it when the nurse wasn't looking that
was a three month period I was in that hospital then I had to go to a
rehabilitation hospital now forgive me if you were here friends and family and
I'm skipping parts the summary is I couldn't walk when you're in a in a bed
for three months at a time your body forgets how to walk your muscles
deteriorate and your and your and your mind you just forget how to walk well
the rehabilitation hospital I remember they got me a bed in beds at
this place are reserved for just critical patients
stroke patients people that have lost motion in the use of their body I
remember when I was exiting one Hospital to go to the rehabilitation hospital on
my way out I had to sign some papers involving finances and the the lady that
was taking care of my case in the financial office was like thanks you
wanted me a bet and I was like how's that she goes well I have the most
expensive case in the hospital at the time your your case cost a million
dollars 1 million dollars because I was intoxicated while I crashed my car the
insurance was not going to pay for my injuries and things of this nature so I
had to find a way to pay a million dollar medical bill so I was facing a
felony DUI charge whether or not you're going to live I remember writing down to
the doctor will I ever talk again because you can't talk I didn't know
this until it happened to me unless air passes over your pipe voice box
vibrates some things I don't know how it works but I couldn't talk so I had to
write with a shaky hand will I ever talk and the doctor said I can't answer that
right now I didn't know whether I was gonna walk talk live I didn't know what
was up with my job I didn't know if I was going to prison which also reminds
me I had dropped my friend Jesse off it's a
good thing I dropped him off because as you can see the entire passenger side up
the car was crushed he would have absolutely 100% been crushed with it so
it's no wonder while it's no wonder why he along with multiple other very good
lifelong friends no longer associated with me I damn near killed him I've been
mayor cool myself in front of them multiple times is this is the
devastation that addiction and alcoholism can wreak on your life
luckily my family stood by me and watched me recover slowly I went to a
specialized rehabilitation hospital and I remember I had to learn how to lift
this whole side was crushed I I couldn't lift my arm the side I had to learn
I had to learn how to walk how to get in and out of a car occupational therapy
physical therapy I had to I remember when I was in that hospital I was
sitting there and it was mostly 80 90 year old stroke victims where half their
body was paralyzed so severely that their face would droop down and I
remember thinking man I am really close to death this solidified it and
illustrated it for me these people I remember looking across for me and there
was a 90 year old woman sitting in a wheelchair and she looked so frail and I
remember she pulled something out from her side and it was a visor and she put
the visor on and it said get Punk'd and I remember that being a inspiration
to me long story short I had to learn how to get mobile again through a walker
through the parallel bars I graduated to just being able to move with a cane and
that was a sign that I was ready to recover at home I went to my mother's
house and she made a room for me and I remember she got rid of her her best
friend in the world with a macaw parrot named Boyd and the doctors had told her
that the the down the the dander from from this animals feathers or something
about it could harm my lungs I had had lung surgery a collapsed lung
and she had to get rid of her her good friend bullied for me as I moved into
her house and recovered and then spent two months recovering and it involved
percocets pain pills I remember having all kinds of
prescriptions for fentanyl which is synthetic heroin this also reminds me uh
there was a time in the hospital where I had the worst pain of my life still to
this day in my ab area I didn't know what it was I thought it was I didn't
know what it was I told him to cut it out of me
the doctor said I can do something he was an Indian doctor and you know if I
can give you something and I said there's nothing you can give me I have
morphine fentanyl on all everything there's nothing that
can take this pain away please just cut it out I mean he goes I give you
something don't worry and he did about 15 minutes later a nurse came in and
gave me a shot and not only did the worst pain of my life disappear but I
also got higher than I've ever been and it was a double whammy of pleasure
and relief and that is when I got addicted to dilaudid intravenously and I
said god help me I remember I got a dose every four hours
and I remember if I'd be asleep my body would wake me up because it'd be time
for my deadline so I no longer take pain medication because while I was
recovering in my mother's house I ate percocets like they were candy and
whereas my mother loved this because it made me chatty we would have our coffee
and I would be eating three or four percocets which she didn't know about
but we hide it well I wasn't getting addicted to percocets as well and then
it started to mix that as I was recovering I could could barely walk
could barely even make it to the bathroom but that wasn't very far away I
spent a couple months in that bedroom just a skinny skeleton of a man the hole
in my throat had closed up I had become depressed because now I had
this scar I did a video on the following decade after this tracheotomy scar I
mean I didn't go to the beach or or swim in a pool I didn't any reason to take my
shirt off I didn't take my shirt off because I had this tracheotomy scar this
made me very depressed I had to get on antidepressants --mess accident had
changed my life dramatically long story short after laying in bed
smoking weed percocets when it was time to walk
again I decided to take care of this knee surgery that I had broken my ACL
two years prior while drinking at a party and I decided to inform my work
that I'm gonna get that surgery as well to get more percocets and lay in the bed
where I was happy as a clan because I was eating percocet smoking weed and
playing Arkham City I was also slipping deeper and deeper into the depths of
addiction because as soon as I was able to walk I mean I was barely able to walk
I walked to a local bar that is the nature of this disease is it will be
your deciding factor it will be you if you don't address it as soon as I
could barely walk I mean barely I was walking to a bar and I was still just in
no shape whatsoever to even be outside and I was then they used to come
I would pick up alcohol again and and drugs again and I would continue using
and believe it or not I even it even took me behind the wheel of a car time
and time again after that this condition addiction and alcoholism is nothing to
mess around with if you even wonder if you were an alcoholic or an addict you
have to do something very serious about it it will progress and you and it will
take you down or even worse to hellish hellish places on earth
so that was 2007 into 2008 I the electrical Union had sent me a card to
get well and they didn't know nobody the cops never came by the way there was
different stories one was they saw my condition when they pulled me out of the
car or the paramedics and and said he has had enough punishment another was I
had a cousin who had some connections nobody really knows about that one
either way my felony charge did not drop I had retained a lawyer for five grand I
I had just been waiting for thee the f-bomb to drop it never did and this is
one of the many miraculous things that came to question around the time how did
I live how did I not get arrested charged with a felony DUI how did I not
kill my friend in that car accident why did all of this
happen this will this will bring some spiritual questions to any man or
woman's mind there is the suggestion in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous and in
the rooms of recovery that God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves now I
am a I'm not here to preach religion or spirituality but an experience like this
does bring up the question was God there doing for me what I could not do for
myself other members of my family also think
that he kept me for a reason and this channel what I'm doing right now maybe
that very reason and I'd like to think that I have appreciated your feedback
and those of you who have reached out to thank me for anything from my words to
the resources it it makes me feel something more than words can describe
so I thank you for your feedback if I'm forgetting anything about this story the
gist of it is alcohol and drugs took me to the brink of death and when I was
well enough to walk again I went right back to them now I'm not a stupid man
I'm not a weak man you'll encounter in recovery all kinds of people and there
are amazing profoundly strong individuals that you will meet in
recovery and it will convince you and it has convinced me that alcohol and drugs
and the addiction is one of the most powerful cunning baffling forces to
mankind and the steps of recovery and coming together and listening to another
alcoholic or addict rising above an addiction or recovery is tremendously
difficult on many levels unfortunately a small fraction of people that are
plagued by addiction actually recover to live healthy lives I like to address
my own demons one of my demons is I say f that I'm not being a statistic I'm
gonna show them I'm gonna show the statistics I'm gonna be in that
percentile and I use that to feel me I urge you to use the same anything that
you can use against this thing against this demon of addiction you use you do
not mess around it will be your end statistically according to the National
Survey of drug use and health 21.5 million American adults ages 12 and
older battled a substance use disorder last year I happen to know opiates are a
huge plague right now alcohol I have no doubt is one of the most dangerous drugs
known to mankind do not take it lightly if you are of the alcoholic type reach
out to me or the links below there is I will link up the AAA hotline the NA
hotline these programs have become worldwide because the this is such an
emic epidemic to mankind that you can reach out you can get help if you find
yourself gaining experience strength and hope from these videos come back I'm
here every Saturday if you'd like I'd appreciate your your stories down in the
comments if you're on your phone you have to scroll all the way to the bottom
leave me a comment finally before I lose all the light to that I have here and
this evening I'd like to reach out to my friends and family that were with me
there in that accident 2007 you were by my bedside my sister and my dad my
mother my cousins my aunt and uncle's my friends thank you and I'm sorry I know
it was an extremely hard time and I wasn't there I'm sorry and I'm here now
to make amends if you'll let me
for the rest of you I hope to see you back here next Saturday and keep it
clean keep it real keep doing this damn thing you're on the right track
I'll see you
Chalo Belgium Visit Visa 2019 - Duration: 5:38.Subscribe Now
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حضن الحبيب له تأثير على جسمك - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
Why 99% Of People Fail In Business - Duration: 12:02.Hey, what is up guys? It's Rafael here
Your 7 figure e-commerce coach coming at you from my Airbnb here
and today I want to talk about something that I've been seeing multiple multiple times and
We're already four days into the new year
and I've seen it time after time after time and I want to really address it and it's the number one reason why people
Fail and if you do this to why you will fail with e-commerce in 2019
2020 whenever you start it, if you do this thing you will fail so I want to really talk about this and
what it is is
Splitting your focus. So the what really triggered me to do
This video was I saw one of the guys that was in my coaching program and he posted an Instagram story
That he was doing like some other project and some other two three things said he was doing outside
Of his e-commerce business and I was like, hey, dude, what are these projects? What are you doing?
He's like, oh, yeah
I'm like working 14 hours a day on these four projects and they're all like kind of going well
but none of them have have hit and
I'm like
that's exactly why none of them have hit because you're focusing on four different things and
People I see I see people time and time and again focusing or like 10 different things, you know
If they open an ecommerce store, they open three if they if they open an ecommerce store
they want to do a Kickstarter and they want to do a YouTube channel and they want to do a
social media marketing agency and they want to do all these different things again and again and again and
like they want to do ten different things and see which one hits and
That's one of the worst things. I've seen coming from a lot of gurus, especially like high-level
Gurus that are telling you you have to do this and post, you know
You have to post to youtube videos a day and you have to post on Facebook ten times a day and on Instagram ten times
A day and this and this and this and you have to start this business in this business
Like that's the best way to fail. That's literally the
path to failure if you're not a
Multi-millionaire yet. If you're not super successful at one business, there is no reason to start a second one
There's no reason to start a third one
Once you get one business to super successful levels, then you can think of your second business
Like that's that was my thing. Like my thing was I never focused. I never you know started ten different things agency EECOM
I did, you know, I was doing jobs on up work. I was doing affiliate marketing
I was doing YouTube and I was doing all this stuff and
I just decided to cut out all the noise, you know
If you see in like Facebook groups, if you see on YouTube if you see things of you know
Maybe someone that's doing something that you haven't done
like let's say you're doing e-commerce and you see someone in affiliate marketing with a Ferrari and you think oh
Affiliate marketing where it's at. Let me start affiliate marketing on the side of e-commerce since this is what's gonna work. Well
It's not because affiliate marketing it's better than e-commerce
it's because they've been
Grinding at affiliate marketing for years and years and years and that's what you don't see that's what nobody sees like
I've seen some ads of people, you know, I just started ecommerce six months ago
And now I'm fucking rich and I have this apartment like no that's not real like these people have been
Grinding for years and years and years. That's why I tell all my students and all the people are watching my videos. I
Tell them I've been grinding at this for years. And now that I've been grinding at it for years. I've been able to you know
Afford things like this apartment of four trips a for travelling around the world now that I've been grinding at it for years
I've been successful in EECOM
Then I started coaching and I started consulting and I started teaching people how to do the same thing
Like it's not that I started two at the same time and see all which one pops which one gives you more money
No, it's like a sort of one got it successful
and then I started the second one and I see this like
Splitting your focus that is literally the worst thing you can ever
Do the worst thing you can do in business in life
And anything is just split your focus
like the only
Reason why I would recommend someone splitting their focus is if they have a nine-to-five job that they need to keep
Right, if you need a job to survive and you want to build a business on the side
That's completely cool. Like you can have a job and the business because obviously that's for obvious reasons
You have to pay the bills. You're not just going to go to your parents basement
But if you want to build a business don't build three don't go for don't build like I've seen some people it's absolutely insane one
Of the guys that I actually respect and the marketing space. I saw him posts that he was starting to do from projects
He was starting to e-commerce brand and he was starting to Kickstarter. And when I saw that I was like, okay
you know, he's gonna fail like now it's the time when he's gonna fail and
Some people have been really really successful
they start like two or three businesses and then they just plummet because they split their focus unless you have
Hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars to spend on hiring people to help you do that. That's completely fine
But if you don't which I'm guessing you don't if you're watching this video
Then it doesn't make sense to start a new business like the most successful people in the world Warren Buffett
Jeff Bezos Elon Musk, they all focused on one thing
Until they made it
Absolutely ridiculously successful and then they started a second thing like, you know, Jeff Bezos, obviously Amazon
He's been grinding at it for like 25 years Elon Musk
He did PayPal sort of sold it for a bunch of millions of dollars
And then he started a second thing why I'm Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway
That's the only thing they've been focusing on and like I've been studying people
Being that are making millions and millions and billions of dollars
And that is the sole
thing that I see every single one of them do is they focus
They do not split their focus and if you split your focus you're guaranteed to fail
Because think of it like you're starting different sports
Right and you want to start swimming you want to start running and then you want to start fighting?
I don't know doing it like wrestling in something now. Let's say that you start swimming and you learn how to hold your breath underwater
But in order to learn how to breathe on the water like hold your breath underwater
You have to train 10 hours a day like 10 hours a day every single day
You learn how to breathe underwater, but you also have to learn how to run faster
So instead of doing 10 hours a day of holding your breath on the water
You do five hours a day, and then you do flowers a day of running, but now you're doing wrestling as well
So you have to do instead of 10 hours each you obviously don't have that time in the day
Because that's that's what I'm talking about. Like time is the most important resource. It's not like it's not money
It's not it's just time. So now let's say you have those three things. You're spending three hours on each one every single day
You are not going to be someone that is spending ten hours a day on one thing
They are absolutely going to crush you and every single person. That's just not splitting
The focus is gonna crush you in every single event. So now
Now that you're trying three hours a day and I was on on those three things one
you're gonna be overwhelmed and you're gonna be stressed out of your life and
you just here to be an unhappy person in general and
then those three things you're not gonna get good on any of them because you need 10 hours a day to get good and
you're doing only three so you're gonna be average mediocre at those three things and
You're not gonna have success in any of them. Like that's the thing
I see like a lot of people they think oh hustle hustle hustle. I need to start another business in another business another business
But I mean I get that I get that rationale I get that I completely get you know
why people start multiple businesses I get why people join hundreds of courses, I get why people, you know,
they start a bunch of stuff because they think you know hustle mode the more I hustle no more money I make
that's not necessarily true because you know the more you hustle the more money you make but you have to focus on
What to hustle like it's not just hustling
it's hustling on the things that need to be done in order to focus on one path and
absolutely master it because
That's why I like people like addicts peckers Sam Evans
I'm sure you've heard of him and I listen to them all the time Dan Henry people like that. I've built
Multi-million dollar businesses. They have one business one funnel one. They have one service like alex becker now
It's just market hero. Like if you watch his one of his last videos and I highly recommend you watch it. It's called
It's called why I'm quitting YouTube and Instagram and the guy says like he's just quitting everything
except here's one focus, which is market hero and
Like I absolutely respect that. I know that he's gonna take market hero to like multiple millions the most hundreds of millions or billions even
just by focusing on it and like focus is the thing that has helped me build my econ business and now like
Now that I got that to the point where it's automated. I have people working for me on it. Now. I'm doing consulting
I just started this stuff and I mean I basically started like teaching people in July of
2018 which was like six seven months ago
Before that I have been working for four years
Four years on my econ business and then I decided okay. Let me teach it. I'm pretty good at it now
Before you know, I got a to like multiple millions of dollars and then I decided okay, I should start teaching this now
It's not like I started teaching and EECOM at the same time
No, it's like I did one got it successful. And then I did the other one
So if you want to study Commerce and you don't want to fail if you don't want to fail
2019 2020 I'm talking to you right now. If you do not want to fail. I know you don't don't start five businesses start one
one business and get it successful and like a court that somehow it says a lot is
The grass isn't greener on the other side
It's greener where you water it and what that means is
like you might think you might you might see someone on a Ferrari or you might see someone in an ad and you
You know, they're in a different type of business and you think oh it's because of that business because of his niche
It's because yeah his niche that's that's a huge one
Like I see a lot of people like, oh, I see these people make you a bunch of money in that niche
Should I sell that should I sell cat?
Should I sell cat socks instead of the jewelry that I'm selling or should I sell should also kids boots?
Instead of selling, you know the computers or whatever tech or gadgets whatever that I'm selling. It's not the niche. It's not the industry
It's not the business type
it's it's just that they
focused and they worked on it for years and years and years and put money into them put time and everything and effort and the
Whole effort has gone into that niche in that business and now they've skyrocketed now
they've mastered it absolutely mastered and I made like millions of dollars on so
Yeah, this is my personal
Recommendation like if you do not focus on one thing you will never be successful like the most successful people in the world
They focus on one thing they get a successful and then they start a new thing right after
That has been successful. So yeah
That's the video that I want to leave you with today
It's a little bit of you know, just a wake-up call like 2019 is here like it's the year of making it absolutely epic
It's your year. It's like I want to see student results. I want to see people absolutely crushing it
Even if you never pay me, like if you never pay me sent for my advice, that's okay
I still want you to be successful if you're watching this video. Anyway, there's a training the first thing in the description
It's a training how to build successful e-commerce business in
2019 by combining Google Facebook and Instagram
Which I teach in this channel
If you like this video
feel free to click on
the other videos in the channel here or and check out the training and the first thing in the description my private coaching program as
Well, I invite you to join that if you want like one-on-one help group help from me personally
And then yeah, that's about it subscribe to the channel. Thank you for watching
I will see you in the next one and just focus focus focus focus
That's the key like don't split your focus. Don't fail and this year. You're gonna make it epic
Have a great year and I'll see you in the next one
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