Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily Jan 5 2019

Do you find SEO confusing and hard?

Don't worry, we've all been there.

But what if I told you that there's a handful of tools

that are amazing for beginners, and will solve

all of your SEO problems?

Hey everyone, I'm Neil Patel, and today, I'm gonna be

sharing with you the best SEO tools for beginners.

Before we get started,

make sure you subscribe to this channel.

Subscribe, follow, like, share,

I appreciate anything you do,

and by doing that, when you subscribe,

each week, as I release these marketing videos,

you'll be able to get notified when they come out there.

The first tool I have for you is Moz.

Moz is a really simple and easy-to-use SEO tool,

especially for beginners.

They have a really pretty and nice user interface,

in which, when you add your website,

it'll show you all of the errors.

Those errors will be your on-page errors.

Do you have duplicate content?

Are your title tags messed up?

Whatever it may be, Moz will monitor your website,

and notify you when there's problems,

and they'll even tell you which ones are urgent

that you should be fixing first,

and which ones aren't as important.

If you've heard of Moz,

just leave a comment below saying yes.

If you haven't, leave a comment saying no.

I'm just curious to see how many of you guys have used Moz,

or even heard of it.

The second tool I have for you is Ubersuggest.

What Ubersuggest allows you to do

is find more keywords to go after.

The thing with SEO is you need more keywords.

The more keywords you're targeting,

the more potential traffic you can get.

You'll find that you already rank

for certain keywords over time,

or you are going to rank for certain keywords over time.

As you find out what keywords you're ranking for,

what's driving you traffic,

you should put those keywords into Ubersuggest.

It'll show you all the long-tail variations

of those keywords.

For example, I rank for digital marketing

on page one of Google.

By putting in digital marketing into Ubersuggest,

it'll show me all the other similar terms

to digital marketing.

And because I rank for the head term,

Ubersuggest is providing me the long-tail terms.

These are three, four, five-word phrases.

By integrating these three, four, five-word phrases

onto my content, that webpage that already ranks

for digital marketing, I'll find that I'll quickly

start ranking for all the long-tail terms within 30 days.

To do this, you need to take those keywords

that are relevant to your article, and integrate them in.

Sometimes you can just add in those keywords,

other times you'll have to expand upon your content

to make it flow and make all sense.

Don't just add keywords just for the sake of it,

it has to flow with your article or webpage

that you're doing this with.

The third tool for you is BuzzSumo.

When you're trying to figure out what content to write on,

the last thing you want to do is write content

that no one wants to read.

But here's the cool part about BuzzSumo.

There's already a lot of content within your space.

Type in keywords within your space, and BuzzSumo

will show you all the popular articles that have done well.

You want to take this not to copy those articles,

but instead, to give you ideas of what people like

versus what they don't.

BuzzSumo bases this on social shares.

So you know if you create content that's similar to this,

you'll do well on the social web.

That's on sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,

you get the point.

That's why you want to use BuzzSumo,

because the last thing you want to do is write content

that no one wants to read.

The fourth tool for you is Keywords Everywhere.

Keywords Everywhere is a free Chrome extension in which

when you perform searches on Google,

it'll show you other related keywords

as well as the search volume for all these phrases.

So when you're just doing some Google searches,

at least you'll find more keywords

that you could be going after.

The fifth tool I have for you is Ahrefs.

Ahrefs has this cool feature called the Linked intersect.

What the Link intersect does is it shows you

who's linking to your top three competitors,

but not linking to you.

The reason I love using the Link intersect is,

if people are linking out to multiple of your competitors,

there's a good chance that they'll also be willing

to link out to you.

If you reach out to a website that only links to

one out of 100 of your competitors,

it's gonna be really tough to e-mail them

and convince them to link to you.

But if someone is linking out to a handful

of your competitors, it means that they're continually

open to linking to more and more people within your space.

And that's why you want to use the Link intersect.

The next tool to check out is Google Trends.

Google has continually pushed brands more than anything else

over the last year.

You want to build a brand.

The reason you want to use Google Trends is,

it'll show you how well your brand is doing over time.

You go to Google Trends, you type in your name

versus a competitor, and they'll show you

which brand is bigger.

You want it to continually grow over time,

and a great way to make it grow, is by leveraging

a omnichannel approach.

That's doing things like content marketing,

using tools like BuzzSumo, which we talked about,

doing things like link building,

which again we talked about, right, using Ahrefs.

Doing things like updating your content,

going after more phrases so more people

can find you over time.

You can do that by using tools like Ubersuggest,

which again, we talked about.

But the cool point about Google Trends is,

it tracks your brands, not just over time,

but it shows you how your brand is doing

in different regions and countries.

This is huge if you're not a global company.

That way you can see which regions or areas

you need to improve upon the most.

The last tool I have for you is Answer The Public.

When people are searching Google, a lot of times

they're asking Google questions.

You want to make sure you're at the top

for all of those questions.

You know that site Quora?

Quora gets so much traffic 'cause all it does

is just answer popular questions.

Why can't you answer these questions

on your own website?

Answers The Public, like if you put in a keyword such as,

marketing, it'll show you all the questions

related to marketing.

Now you can update your website

to cover all these questions that people are searching for,

so you can get the most amount of traffic from Google.

So that's it.

Those are the tools that you should use as a beginner.

If you have any questions, leave a comment.

If you enjoyed the video, like the video

or share it with other people, and make sure you subscribe,

so that way, each and every single week, you can get

the latest and greatest when it comes to

online marketing advice, for free.

For more infomation >> The Best SEO Tools for Beginners | Neil Patel - Duration: 6:26.


Perfect Poppy Moments from Butterbean's Café 🥞 | Nick Jr. - Duration: 4:06.

Hey Poppy, what's the daily special going to be?

Fresh zucchini bread.

Crisp, crunchy crackers.

Tuna salad sandwiches.

Muffins straight from the oven.


Pancakes are my favorite!

Butterbean's Cafe can get pretty busy.

I bet we can do it if we all work together.

- But when Poppy's around... - One bowl of the soup, please.

Coming right up!

- Life is a piece of cake. - Mmm, it's perfect.

With a spoonful of creativity...

- You go, Poppy! - There you go!

And a cup of kindness...

- I need your help. - You... you do?

She just has a way of making everything, well, perfect.

Everything that Poppy makes is always really perfect.

In fact, Poppy perfect.

Those look absolutely Poppy perfect!

Not bad, if I do say so myself.

Let's check out Poppy's Top 6 Poppy Perfect Moments.

Let's get cooking!

When the cafe runs out of ketchup for fries...

Baked bananas!

You can't have fries without ketchup!

Poppy finds a way to improvise.

Why don't we just make some.

Good thinking, Poppy.

You can make ketchup?


Poppy's perfect ketchup from scratch is number six.

I wanna be a chef too someday.

And I'm sure you will be, if you can catch up! Get it?


When Butterbean has a "fairy" important person to please...

- Please hold for the president. - The president?

I'll be driving through Puddle Brook today on some presidential business,

and I would love to stop by for lunch.


Poppy creates the perfect grilled cheese.

I'm going to make the best grilled cheese the president has ever had.

Popp's perfect presidential picnic is number five.



With some help from her friends and a magical spoon...

Attention crew, the cookies are coming in for a landing.

These airplane cookies float across the room.

- Nice work, Poppy! - Thanks.

Poppy's perfect flying cookies are number four.

Attention crew, this is your baker speaking.

The airplane cookies are cooled, decorated and ready for take-out.

Poppy's delicious daily specials are sure to shine.

Not too bad, if I do say so myself.

But her unique giggle makes her one of a kind.

Poppy's perfect laugh is number three.



When Butterbean's rainbow soup spills onto the floor...


Oh no, the soup!

Leave it to Poppy to come up with more.

We've never made rainbow noodle soup without Butterbean.

But she's counting on us today.

Poppy's perfect soup save is number two.

Mm, delicious!


Once again, Poppy's cooking saves the day.


Poppy is "fairy" busy making specials each day.

Back to work, busy, busy.

But she always finds time to practice ballet.

- Wow, Poppy! - Nice.


Poppy's perfect performance is number one.

[music playing]


That was beautiful!

Keep on cooking with Poppy and all of your favorite fairies.

Keep on cooking, it's what we do.

On Butterbean's Cafe.

Everywhere you find Nick Jr.

You can find more Butterbean's Cafe in the free Nick Jr. app,

and everywhere you find Nick Jr.

For more infomation >> Perfect Poppy Moments from Butterbean's Café 🥞 | Nick Jr. - Duration: 4:06.


Dance Moms: Kira Threatens to Pull Kalani (Season 5) | Lifetime - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Kira Threatens to Pull Kalani (Season 5) | Lifetime - Duration: 3:38.


ТОП лучших сериалов 2018 года — Что посмотреть на выходных — #ЧПНВ №34 - Duration: 15:16.

For more infomation >> ТОП лучших сериалов 2018 года — Что посмотреть на выходных — #ЧПНВ №34 - Duration: 15:16.



For more infomation >> OLYMPIQUE DE MARSELLA 🇫🇷 El PRIMER CAMPEÓN de la CHAMPIONS LEAGUE 🏆 (1992-1993) - Duration: 6:50.


Delta GB Whatsapp - Telugu || whatsapp tips and tricks 2019 telugu - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Delta GB Whatsapp - Telugu || whatsapp tips and tricks 2019 telugu - Duration: 2:57.


Sad Whatsapp Status - Heart touching Sad shayari stutus - Duration: 0:31.

sad whatsapp status 2019

For more infomation >> Sad Whatsapp Status - Heart touching Sad shayari stutus - Duration: 0:31.


Apply Toothpaste On Your Skin And See The Magical Effective Results Immediately after 5 minute - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Apply Toothpaste On Your Skin And See The Magical Effective Results Immediately after 5 minute - Duration: 3:04.


NDE | Near Death Experience Stories | Don't Drink and Drive - Duration: 24:23.

Hi there I'm James I'm a grateful recovering addict and alcoholic I've

been sober for three years clean and sober and have been previously used and

drank for 20 years I post a video here about addiction and recovery every

Saturday as well as post resources in the description below you're gonna hit

that arrow if you're on your phone ways to help you or your loved ones that are

suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction if you haven't considered

consider subscribing I'll be here every Saturday we'll talk sometimes we have

fun today more on the serious tip I'm gonna talk about the time I wrapped my

Ford Explorer around a tree woke up three months later and 70 pounds lighter

from a medically induced coma having broke this entire side of my body

collapsed my lung and had been shocked my heart had been shocked back to life

so I'll start with a damn near died this was one of the many times that alcohol

and drugs have had taken me very close to death my story that night started

2007 it was August I had just gotten out of the Navy in 2006 and I was an

aviation electrician in the Navy so I decided to pursue a career in

real commercial electrical work with the IBEW the International Brotherhood of

Electrical Workers I went through the application process and was accepted and

received a job offer to study for five years ACDC theory and do on-the-job

training an excellent job with excellent benefits I was on my way I had also just

recently found out that I had paid off my first car that I ever bought it was a

two-door Ford Explorer and I had paid it off it was all mine so having a new

career path and a promising life ahead of me I decided to do what I do best

which is what I do any time any kind of emotion hits my blood stream is I

combine it with drugs and alcohol in my bloodstream so I decided to go out and I

asked my best friend at the time if you wanted to go out and have some beers and

that's what we did I remember he usually drove but I insisted on driving because

I was proud of my new car and I just washed and waxed it and I remember

drinking beforehand like I always did now this was 2007 so I was around 27 28

years old and I had been drinking since 14 and I had progressed my disease of

alcoholism had progressed to the point of pre-gaming I'm sure you're aware of

this drinking before the party or the bar I was pretty far along in my

drinking career and I would I remember having beers in the car so I picked on

my friend and we went just to a regular hometown bar drink some beers and played

some pool and and then I took him home I was little

they going to my new job the very next day for the first day I took him home

and I took away home that I've taken a thousand times before

I remember the roads were wet and it was probably midnight and I was driving too

fast and I was definitely intoxicated now a

regular person who has experienced a DUI or a car accident while intoxicated

would say all right well I guess I'll stop drinking an alcoholic when

experiencing a consequence of the vehicular nature while drinking or using

drugs we'll say all right I'll stop driving because that is the nature of

the beast we continue on drinking amusing it is a cunning baffling and

powerful disease and it will put you behind the wheel whether you want to or

not I remember coming up and around a bend on a road that I've taken a

thousand times before and I remember the back end of my Explorer coming out and

becoming the front end so I did a 180 while going probably over 30 miles per

hour and I don't know what's the last thing I remember I then woke up I do

remember waking up my dad was sitting next to my hospital bed now I've been in

hospital beds yes you were probably no stranger to a

hospital bed so I had the routine questions he said you were in a car

accident and he said some other things I was foggy I was on everything from

fentanyl to morphine medically barbiturate induced coma I was just

coming out of it had been three months I had been laying in the same spot so you

can imagine the garage enos but he said I have been on a car accident and I

asked a particularly stupid question how's my car this shows you the the

clarity of the Attic and alcoholics mind I am so used to getting hurt and beat up

that I immediately have these superficial concerns well he said it's

totaled it's gone and you have been in a coma for three months and the days went

on and he was there every day and my mother was was in and out every day and

my my sister had was there and my friends and family came and went and see

this is baffling to me because I had been there and they had been there for

three months periodically and I had been there as well but I had so I didn't

experience this coma like they hadn't experienced it my friends and family has

experienced sheer profound sadness and terror as I was on the brink of death

and I wake up and I want to know you know where's my car and then some stupid

shit like that well I had a tracheotomy I had lung chest tubes

I had a feeding tube where food would go into my system while I was in the coma

to my understanding medically induced comas are for the purpose of reducing

brain swelling and preserving vital organs

I now have neuropathy in my feet it's pins and needles tingling because the

nerves of my feet died because nutrients were concentrating on keeping me alive I

also had long surgery broken collarbone broken scapula all these ribs and some

of these were broken I was damn near dead not only this but I do remember

thinking I crashed when I was drinking and that would be my third DUI now in

the state of New York at the time at least three duis is a felony and felony

means prison time big house time I wasn't looking forward to that so not

only was I broken I could not walk I was 70 pounds lighter I was in a coma I had

almost died I had a tube going into my throat

and my lungs and my stomach to keep me alive I was on a respirator I remember

vaguely moments where doctors had to save me a team of doctors had to save me

because there was some sort of blockage in my windpipe I had a fever I had there

was dangers of getting pneumonia I couldn't drink water all they would do

is let me soak suck on a soaked like q-tip type thing

I couldn't suck the water out of it and I would have to swab my mouth and of

course me I would suck the water out of it when the nurse wasn't looking that

was a three month period I was in that hospital then I had to go to a

rehabilitation hospital now forgive me if you were here friends and family and

I'm skipping parts the summary is I couldn't walk when you're in a in a bed

for three months at a time your body forgets how to walk your muscles

deteriorate and your and your and your mind you just forget how to walk well

the rehabilitation hospital I remember they got me a bed in beds at

this place are reserved for just critical patients

stroke patients people that have lost motion in the use of their body I

remember when I was exiting one Hospital to go to the rehabilitation hospital on

my way out I had to sign some papers involving finances and the the lady that

was taking care of my case in the financial office was like thanks you

wanted me a bet and I was like how's that she goes well I have the most

expensive case in the hospital at the time your your case cost a million

dollars 1 million dollars because I was intoxicated while I crashed my car the

insurance was not going to pay for my injuries and things of this nature so I

had to find a way to pay a million dollar medical bill so I was facing a

felony DUI charge whether or not you're going to live I remember writing down to

the doctor will I ever talk again because you can't talk I didn't know

this until it happened to me unless air passes over your pipe voice box

vibrates some things I don't know how it works but I couldn't talk so I had to

write with a shaky hand will I ever talk and the doctor said I can't answer that

right now I didn't know whether I was gonna walk talk live I didn't know what

was up with my job I didn't know if I was going to prison which also reminds

me I had dropped my friend Jesse off it's a

good thing I dropped him off because as you can see the entire passenger side up

the car was crushed he would have absolutely 100% been crushed with it so

it's no wonder while it's no wonder why he along with multiple other very good

lifelong friends no longer associated with me I damn near killed him I've been

mayor cool myself in front of them multiple times is this is the

devastation that addiction and alcoholism can wreak on your life

luckily my family stood by me and watched me recover slowly I went to a

specialized rehabilitation hospital and I remember I had to learn how to lift

this whole side was crushed I I couldn't lift my arm the side I had to learn

I had to learn how to walk how to get in and out of a car occupational therapy

physical therapy I had to I remember when I was in that hospital I was

sitting there and it was mostly 80 90 year old stroke victims where half their

body was paralyzed so severely that their face would droop down and I

remember thinking man I am really close to death this solidified it and

illustrated it for me these people I remember looking across for me and there

was a 90 year old woman sitting in a wheelchair and she looked so frail and I

remember she pulled something out from her side and it was a visor and she put

the visor on and it said get Punk'd and I remember that being a inspiration

to me long story short I had to learn how to get mobile again through a walker

through the parallel bars I graduated to just being able to move with a cane and

that was a sign that I was ready to recover at home I went to my mother's

house and she made a room for me and I remember she got rid of her her best

friend in the world with a macaw parrot named Boyd and the doctors had told her

that the the down the the dander from from this animals feathers or something

about it could harm my lungs I had had lung surgery a collapsed lung

and she had to get rid of her her good friend bullied for me as I moved into

her house and recovered and then spent two months recovering and it involved

percocets pain pills I remember having all kinds of

prescriptions for fentanyl which is synthetic heroin this also reminds me uh

there was a time in the hospital where I had the worst pain of my life still to

this day in my ab area I didn't know what it was I thought it was I didn't

know what it was I told him to cut it out of me

the doctor said I can do something he was an Indian doctor and you know if I

can give you something and I said there's nothing you can give me I have

morphine fentanyl on all everything there's nothing that

can take this pain away please just cut it out I mean he goes I give you

something don't worry and he did about 15 minutes later a nurse came in and

gave me a shot and not only did the worst pain of my life disappear but I

also got higher than I've ever been and it was a double whammy of pleasure

and relief and that is when I got addicted to dilaudid intravenously and I

said god help me I remember I got a dose every four hours

and I remember if I'd be asleep my body would wake me up because it'd be time

for my deadline so I no longer take pain medication because while I was

recovering in my mother's house I ate percocets like they were candy and

whereas my mother loved this because it made me chatty we would have our coffee

and I would be eating three or four percocets which she didn't know about

but we hide it well I wasn't getting addicted to percocets as well and then

it started to mix that as I was recovering I could could barely walk

could barely even make it to the bathroom but that wasn't very far away I

spent a couple months in that bedroom just a skinny skeleton of a man the hole

in my throat had closed up I had become depressed because now I had

this scar I did a video on the following decade after this tracheotomy scar I

mean I didn't go to the beach or or swim in a pool I didn't any reason to take my

shirt off I didn't take my shirt off because I had this tracheotomy scar this

made me very depressed I had to get on antidepressants --mess accident had

changed my life dramatically long story short after laying in bed

smoking weed percocets when it was time to walk

again I decided to take care of this knee surgery that I had broken my ACL

two years prior while drinking at a party and I decided to inform my work

that I'm gonna get that surgery as well to get more percocets and lay in the bed

where I was happy as a clan because I was eating percocet smoking weed and

playing Arkham City I was also slipping deeper and deeper into the depths of

addiction because as soon as I was able to walk I mean I was barely able to walk

I walked to a local bar that is the nature of this disease is it will be

your deciding factor it will be you if you don't address it as soon as I

could barely walk I mean barely I was walking to a bar and I was still just in

no shape whatsoever to even be outside and I was then they used to come

I would pick up alcohol again and and drugs again and I would continue using

and believe it or not I even it even took me behind the wheel of a car time

and time again after that this condition addiction and alcoholism is nothing to

mess around with if you even wonder if you were an alcoholic or an addict you

have to do something very serious about it it will progress and you and it will

take you down or even worse to hellish hellish places on earth

so that was 2007 into 2008 I the electrical Union had sent me a card to

get well and they didn't know nobody the cops never came by the way there was

different stories one was they saw my condition when they pulled me out of the

car or the paramedics and and said he has had enough punishment another was I

had a cousin who had some connections nobody really knows about that one

either way my felony charge did not drop I had retained a lawyer for five grand I

I had just been waiting for thee the f-bomb to drop it never did and this is

one of the many miraculous things that came to question around the time how did

I live how did I not get arrested charged with a felony DUI how did I not

kill my friend in that car accident why did all of this

happen this will this will bring some spiritual questions to any man or

woman's mind there is the suggestion in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous and in

the rooms of recovery that God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves now I

am a I'm not here to preach religion or spirituality but an experience like this

does bring up the question was God there doing for me what I could not do for

myself other members of my family also think

that he kept me for a reason and this channel what I'm doing right now maybe

that very reason and I'd like to think that I have appreciated your feedback

and those of you who have reached out to thank me for anything from my words to

the resources it it makes me feel something more than words can describe

so I thank you for your feedback if I'm forgetting anything about this story the

gist of it is alcohol and drugs took me to the brink of death and when I was

well enough to walk again I went right back to them now I'm not a stupid man

I'm not a weak man you'll encounter in recovery all kinds of people and there

are amazing profoundly strong individuals that you will meet in

recovery and it will convince you and it has convinced me that alcohol and drugs

and the addiction is one of the most powerful cunning baffling forces to

mankind and the steps of recovery and coming together and listening to another

alcoholic or addict rising above an addiction or recovery is tremendously

difficult on many levels unfortunately a small fraction of people that are

plagued by addiction actually recover to live healthy lives I like to address

my own demons one of my demons is I say f that I'm not being a statistic I'm

gonna show them I'm gonna show the statistics I'm gonna be in that

percentile and I use that to feel me I urge you to use the same anything that

you can use against this thing against this demon of addiction you use you do

not mess around it will be your end statistically according to the National

Survey of drug use and health 21.5 million American adults ages 12 and

older battled a substance use disorder last year I happen to know opiates are a

huge plague right now alcohol I have no doubt is one of the most dangerous drugs

known to mankind do not take it lightly if you are of the alcoholic type reach

out to me or the links below there is I will link up the AAA hotline the NA

hotline these programs have become worldwide because the this is such an

emic epidemic to mankind that you can reach out you can get help if you find

yourself gaining experience strength and hope from these videos come back I'm

here every Saturday if you'd like I'd appreciate your your stories down in the

comments if you're on your phone you have to scroll all the way to the bottom

leave me a comment finally before I lose all the light to that I have here and

this evening I'd like to reach out to my friends and family that were with me

there in that accident 2007 you were by my bedside my sister and my dad my

mother my cousins my aunt and uncle's my friends thank you and I'm sorry I know

it was an extremely hard time and I wasn't there I'm sorry and I'm here now

to make amends if you'll let me

for the rest of you I hope to see you back here next Saturday and keep it

clean keep it real keep doing this damn thing you're on the right track

I'll see you

For more infomation >> NDE | Near Death Experience Stories | Don't Drink and Drive - Duration: 24:23.


Fortnite Funny Moments - Traffic police, Headshot !!! #1 - Duration: 5:38.

oh how far are there you're not really for they just killed

can somebody please

clip it


what do away

For more infomation >> Fortnite Funny Moments - Traffic police, Headshot !!! #1 - Duration: 5:38.


First Alert Weather - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> First Alert Weather - Duration: 4:25.


THE LODGERS: explained - Duration: 10:09.

Welcome to Cinema Summary, ladies and gentlemen and there are three rules in

this house and if you were to disobey any one of them

the punishment would be most severe

now let me be transparent with you

I'm gonna go over the movies story very quickly and very briefly following up

with a section dedicated to explaining the ending.

Explaining things like

the bird, the bodies, the twins and the curse as well as why Rachel wasn't taken at

the end of the film and if you're just here for the ending explanation you can go

to this time stamp on screen now or down below and with that out of the way

This is The Lodgers

So the Lodgers is about the orphaned twin siblings Rachel and Edward

living their spooky dilapidated mansion; living in Ireland after the

Irish War of Independence nearby a quiet little village

in their own little world away from the world

you see there's something sinister afoot in this mansion

because there are three simple rules to living here

First! They must be in bed by midnight

Secondly! Don't ever let a stranger inside

And thirdly! Never leave each other alone

and if the twins were to ever break these three rules they

would be promptly punished by them:

A mysterious group of individuals that can

only sometimes be seen or heard that linger in the mansion punishing the twins

who live beneath the floors. Beneath the wooden trapdoor that rests at the

foot of the staircase waiting to leak out and punish them.

Rachel & Edward have led a very isolated existence

with Edward being an introverted shut-tin

leaving Rachel to do the shopping for the both of them but everything changes

for them on the day of their 18th birthday when after she goes shopping

Rachel receives a letter and sees a handsome war veteran named Sean

she reads the letter at the lakeside where she hallucinates two bodies hovering over

the water when she gets home she sees Edward hiding behind a pillar except

Edward's on the staircase. Huh.

Anyways, she tells Edward that they've run out of

inheritance money and the family solicitor will be visiting soon

something neither of them are looking forward to later she goes back to her

room, fantasizing about Sean when Edward comes in with a birdcage and the

twins have a chat where we learn that their parents passed away years ago and

they were also the ones that taught them the three rules

That night Rachel goes to take a bath

and as she lays in the bathtub something happens

the trapdoor starts flooding, the bathroom door locks itself

a ghostly voice whispers

and an eel appears in the bathtub

The next day, Sean prepares herself to leave his house as an old man comes and

enters the mansion's premises. This is Mr. Birmingham, the solicitor

of their family's estate who demands to come inside and speak with Edward which

is against the rules so Rachel tries to keep him out long

enough to retrieve and give a pearl necklace so that he can sell it off,

giving the twins a little money; as Sean watches from afar

Rachel manages to get Mr. Birmingham away from the house

leaving Edward alone stuck listening to the trapdoor as it whispers to him.

As for Rachel, she deals with Mr. Birmingham who

suggests that she either sell the house, sell Rachel's silver necklace or even

marry someone to stay financially secure

And she's not having it

Sean tries to follow Rachel who catches him in the act and tells him to come back

tomorrow and returns home where strange things are afoot

and that night Edward reveals to Rachel

that the twins are becoming more sensitive to the presence

of Them! Who are demanding that the twins fulfill their destiny.

The next day, Sean and Rachel go to the place where her parents died.

Taking him to the lake where they chat

and we learn that on the day her parents drowned themselves

Rachel had woken up with the necklace around her neck. It's the event that

traumatised Edward forever but what's weirder is that all their ancestors died

the same way by drowning themselves

as he listens, Sean makes a move on her

only to be stopped by Rachel who asks him to help her escape from her home but

he refuses but as that's happening,

Mr. Birmingham comes marching back to the estate

he's come back to return the pearl necklace which has turned into a

necklace made of bones and as Edward invites Mr. Birmingham inside with a knife

hidden in one hand

Sean and Rachel get intimate only to stop as Rachel

confesses to Sean about the truth of the mansion which was built hundreds of

years ago to hide the shame of Rachel's family. A curse, a stain that would follow

their family for generations haunted by Them!

Them being the creatures who live below the house and who made the rules

and that's when Mr. Birmingham gets shanked by Edward–now deathly pale

as a Rachel, hysterically breaks down and tells Sean to leave her alone!

"If you won't help her escape!"

When Edward tries pushing Mr. Birmingham into the trapdoor

Birmingham's body is suddenly yanked into the hole

as the Rachel comes back late at night. She's briefly stopped by

Edward and reveals to him that she intends to leave tomorrow with or

without him. She goes to her room to pack where she's haunted by Them who show

Rachel terrifying visions and she wakes up the next day to find water dripping

from the ceiling. Later Rachel runs into Sean's sister who gives back Rachel's

necklace to which Rachel asks her if her mother told her about Rachel's secret

you see the locket has a picture of Rachel's parents who are not only twins

but are identical to Rachel and Edward–a part of the stain upon their family

after that Rachel finds herself going to the lake where a vision plays before

her eyes of Edward watching their parents drown themselves

Rachel comes back to find Edward changed by them

and she tells him that their mother wanted

them to escape from the curse but Edward reveals that the house is speaking to them

even through the bird in the cage. A bird, Rachel can't see but she will see

soon enough their curse will make her see things from his perspective but what

more he reveals that their cursed blood draws them to each other

flaming a desire to have children with each other.

To breed their immortality in the pit of her body

Edward tries to kiss her but Rachel

pushes him away but Edward's adamant, They are telling him to claim her

But she lies! Lying to him that Sean has already claimed her, so Edward knocks her out

bringing her upstairs to their parents bed where Edward begins to prepare himself only to

be interrupted by Sean knocking on the door. He's come for Rachel and Sean is

brought inside as he and Edward have a little chat with Rachel waking up

finding the door locked by Them. It's then as Sean sees a painting on the

wall depicting a familiar looking couple that he's attacked by Edward and the two

get into a scuffle with Edward accidentally stabbing himself and

impaling Sean through the hand Rachel waits with bated breath as the

door unlocks and Edward staggers into the room, collapsing to the floor, locket in hand

as she listens to Sean's agonized screams of pain

as he tries to remove the knife from his hand

and that's when the clock rings, heralding the arrival of Them!

P,ale, nude and muck-stained bodies. Who crawl up the stairs as

Rachel desperately tries to remove the knife and when she does they disappear

So, Sean and Rachel tried to leave but the doors are locked and Rachel backs

away and falls into the hole which Sean dives into

where he finds himself in an upside down version of the mansion

and here Sean finds Rachel floating there

and just as they reunite Sean is dragged back by Them

and she's left to be surrounded by the wailing ghoulish bodies of Them

Who stare at Rachel who manages to surface, in the lake!

She's alive but Sean's dead and when she goes inside

all that remains of him is his fake leg and Rachel goes upstairs to

her parents room to find Edward lain in bed

who's realized what happened: Sean was taken instead of her

and although he's sorry for her loss

he hopes that maybe they can be together but it's too late for that

Edward is dying and soon he'll be free from their curse, from life.

From all that, and they say their goodbyes with Rachel

taking her locket and leaving the house although not before laying the locket

upon a gravestone and when she finally makes it to the gate she sees Edward's

blackbird and takes one look at it before leaving with the blackbird

following closely behind

So what was with that ending? Let's start with that bird

That bird is a representation and a symbol of the family curse and of Rachel herself

because Rachel is as free as a bird, she's now no longer bound by her

cursed fate and is now free to go over- wherever she wants to but that's not

entirely true because that bird was the same bird that Edward has been

hallucinating seeing throughout the entirety of the film implying that Rachel is now

Well, there's no (nice) way to say it, but she's crazy

driven a 'little' insane by her cursed blood because wherever she goes,

she might be free of her cursed fate, that cursed blood still lives within her

and after all Edward did tell her that soon she'll see things from his point of view

which brings me to the pale bodies those are heavily implied to either be the

spirits or the reanimated corpses of Edward and Rachel ancestors who have

been cursed to forever haunt the mansion and its descendants

the descendants of Rachel & Edwards

Into fulfilling their destiny as prescribed by the curse

and the curse itself is much more complex than just being haunted by ghosts and giving

birth to children who look exactly like you.

No. Edwards lines about immortality adds a lot more context

you see the curse isn't just to die it's actually to be

reborn into the world, in the bodies of your children who have this natural

desire to breed with each other and once they're of age, once they commit the

cardinal sin of incest, they then kill themselves out of shame and

the process repeats again and again and there's a lot of hints of this throughout the

film with the locket, with the painting, and the fact that the bodies–The "Them"

actually look exactly like Rachel and Edward and the cherry on top of this theory

that confirms this–is that Brian O'Malley, the director of the film posted

this on Twitter he's confirmed that the curse itself is to be reborn into the

world again and again. Due to committing incest eons ago which finally brings me

to Rachel why wasn't she taken at the end of the film? Well, I believe it's due to the timing.

It wasn't the right time because Rachel wasn't a "de-virgin", she was still a virgin

and she hadn't given birth at the time that she was under water,

and I believe that this is a limitation of the cursed ones ("Them")

They cannot claim someone who was not 'ripe' yet and so they have no choice but to let her go

allowing her to escape from her family's fate at least to some extent as we find

out at the end of the film and with that being said thank you so much for

watching, ladies and gentleman if you enjoyed it leave a like down below and

subscribe to get updated on my latest uploads and don't forget

Don't break the rules

For more infomation >> THE LODGERS: explained - Duration: 10:09.


Hotel Transylvánie: Seriál - Všechen čas v podsvětí - Duration: 0:42.

♪ I have all the time now, here in the underworld. ♪

♪ Perhaps over a million tasks ♪

♪ Normal time here in the underworld. ♪

♪ In it I cleaning after you. ♪

♪ With this time I, the vampire girl, ♪

♪ there is no delay. ♪

♪ Most beautiful things, I'm not going to miss. ♪

♪ And it's hard for someone to eat my meal. ♪

♪ At that time right now, I'm there and I'm back. ♪

♪ On my results my aunt wil look. ♪

♪ All time here in the underworld ♪

♪ How I workl, that'll tell you .. ♪

For more infomation >> Hotel Transylvánie: Seriál - Všechen čas v podsvětí - Duration: 0:42.


Yo Tenía Un Pollito Pío🐥, Pío🐥, Pío🐥 | HiDino Canciones Infantiles - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Yo Tenía Un Pollito Pío🐥, Pío🐥, Pío🐥 | HiDino Canciones Infantiles - Duration: 2:11.


Dropshipping Life Hacks For Low Season 2019 - Duration: 4:01.

Have you noticed some decrease in sales?

Let me explain how to deal with this.

Hi! Welcome to our Dropship Club Channel!!

My name is Anna and I know your problem.

You've seen the nice peak in sales during the high season and now you're a bit disappointed

because your graphs are decreasing.

How to survive and bring some customers back?

But first of all, why does it happen?

During all these holidays at the end of the year you get unique shoppers - most of them

visited your store without knowing anything about your brand.

This means they forgot about your business entirely if you didn't keep them interested.

They made some impulse purchases and forgot about you.

Turning these holiday shoppers into repeat customers can significantly affect your

retention metrics and each customer's profitability.

I know some tips that will help you!

Let's walk through a few effective ways to get that done.

Check Google Trends, YouTube, Amazon, your competitors, BuzzFeed and so on to find what's

going to be trendy this year.

Just be curious and ready to learn more about this world.

It's time to tease your customers with exciting reasons to return to your site.

Well, this month is perfect for updating your products listing.

Delete some out-dated products and upload some trendy ones!

Check your sales charts and upload more types of popular products.

We have some guides on how to find winning products on AliExpress for your store.

Now it's time to remind your customers about your store!

Emails are a great way to stay in touch with your customers.

Grab your customers emails and start sending them some cool newsletters with your new arrivals

and special discount coupons!

Create newsletters and follow-ups in your favorite email service.

We create ours in the MailChimp and are happy about them.

If you want some extra email templates from our experts, check the services page on our website.

January is the best moment for planning the whole year.

Create your calendar of sales, newsletters plan and content plan

for your social media accounts.

Now you know what tricks and channels brought you the most significant part of the profit

and can focus your efforts on them.

After placing a Facebook pixel on your dropshipping store, try retargeting customers

that reached the checkout.

This keeps you engaged with your one-time shoppers, and allows you to continue building

a stable relationship with your customers.

You don't need a really high budget to get started.

Most likely, This audience won't be huge, so a daily budget of just $5–$10

can do the job.

You can also try retargeting ads in Google ads,

especially if you've created your audiences beforehand.

Hope, that these tips will help you during this low season!

Subscribe to our channel if you want to see more of them.

I'm also waiting for your questions in the comments.

Join our dropship club to gain success in dropshipping.

See you!

For more infomation >> Dropshipping Life Hacks For Low Season 2019 - Duration: 4:01.


তোর মনে আর আমার মনে | Mahabub - Tor Mone R Amar Mone | Bulbul Audio | Bangla New Song 2019 - Duration: 4:43.

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