what is up beautiful people of YouTube my name is Jerutatic with episode
number 52 of GTA 5 LSPDFR with the Nevada State Trooper, Nevada Highway
Patrol, we're gonna be a Nevada state trooper that's what I meant to say but
with that being said ladies and gentlemen this is another beautiful episode of
GTA 5 LSPDFR and I'm beyond ecstatic that you';ve decided to join your boy Jerutastic
on this episode as you can see we are rolling in this beautiful
magnificent looking Dodge Charger that's pretty accurate to real life, if you know
me you know when I do real life agencies I don't expect things to be down to the
nitty gritty, like I don't look at the small things like always just like this
it's not like that in real life but this is beautiful this is beautiful the
Nevada State Troopers cars or Nevada Highway Patrol cars are simple,
straight to the point and I love it I do love it a lot that's what it looks like
an outside and that's what it looks like on the side there look at that I mean
just just beautiful what you love to have a job like this you're just a
Highway Patrol next to the beach about two o'clock some people's speed and
let's take a look at the inside oh not that not let's take a look at the inside
here is the inside pretty good everything works as far as the inside
looks very very nice very very realistic to break it or Dodge Charger maybe it
wouldn't be cloth seats in the back but that's besides the point
this is really really nice very very very well thought out of okay now what
are we gonna be doing on this episode as always I like to tell you what I'm gonna
be doing and today ladies gentlemen it's gonna be mostly traffic mostly traffic
traffic calls traffic stops all right the bangbang shoot him up start our
stuff I do like it the gang unit type of stuff I do like it I like all of this
stuff but every now and then it's nice it's just get in the car
be a Nevada Highway Patrol be a state trooper and just do what state troopers
do and majority of the cases are I state troopers do take calls in the city do
take calls in the county sometimes if need to be but today like I said ladies
and gentlemen our main mission is to make sure the highways are safe we're
gonna be in US Route 1 go - Adobe and coming just down before we
get tuned to Los Santos so I told you we're gonna be doing I showed you the
car let's show you the uniform as always you know we try to keep it as realistic
as possible we got the Nevada State Trooper or Nevada highway patrol
uniforms on as well which are not bad at all you know it's not bad at all I like
him I like him I'll leave it in the description the person who made this car
- Ellis video for link to that today uniforms and to the car in case you are
interested in playing or doing a video on him so ladies and gentlemen show jean
uniforms I showed you the car I showed you the inside of the car and I told you
what I could be doing now all we have left to do is do some gosh darn good
traffic stops and make sure our state is safe so what I want you to do is buckle
up and enjoy this ride of another GTA 5 LSPDFR episode with your boy, your
host Jerutastic and as always as always I'd like to set a reminder I
usually follow the laws of my state which is the state of Minnesota so some
things might be a little different in your state I'm not sure but we're gonna
be following the laws of Minnesota let's get it started okay guys we're gonna be
looking for people are going 55 miles an hour or over we can sometimes make it
maybe 60 it's fine anything that's gonna flag us like our wallet or whatever it
is and then obviously we'll go on from there see what we got here today like I
said just pure traffic today for right now it will get on some calls later but
everybody seems to be behaving so far for animals park and I'll be see what's
up with that guy that Granger was it was still gaining as well that's why I was
gonna go after it but he was speeding so either way we will be going after it
dispatch show me uh attempting to stop a Granger here on southbound us round one
keep you updated with the stop here I'm about to give him a license plate
license plate is gonna come back to hope we need to get a little closer to read
license plate there all right yeah he's still getting a little bit I was gonna I
was little oh whoa there's no fe about that my god man
we're having a hard time getting a license plate so yeah we're gonna do is
we're gonna pull them over then we'll figure out the license plate stuff in
just a second here oh there we go yeah nice yeah I just didn't know what a tie
well that's fine yeah that's cool that works I'll be careful there be careful
sir just be careful with the wall there no you guys like to hit walls in this
game keep going a little more for me all right that's good enough right here it's
not gonna get any better than this with them all right now we could read the
license plate
all right dispatch my ten eleven with the grey jury were stopped at UH at the
bridge and us red ones just outside the tunnel southbound go ahead and uh do me
a favor give me a read on zero nine Union Irene Renee three two three all
right no Tony I know nothing nothing is wanted
going to have a talk with this gentleman see what's going on we can't
unfortunately go on the passenger side cuz it's a it's a little hard up yeah
you might want to close the door there bud now I did install interactions plus
a scenario Oh which are pretty new to me so we're gonna be a kind of
experimenting together here so nervous sweating caution I'm not nothing of
interest in observation looks likes occupy times two two ladies here all
right ask well let's go ahead a good evening ma'am my name is trooper
Jurassic with the Nevada Highway Patrol you know why I pulled you over today
all right you don't alright well the reason why I pulled you over
well let's see what if she knows why first of all she doesn't know why well
the first reason was you're tailgating that vehicles just a little bit and then
besides that you were conscious speeding there the posted speed limit is 50
indeed and you were going sixty you're traveling over the posted speed limit
you really need to use a bathroom I understand but unfortunately it's not
gonna really fly you know you can't just be speeding because you got to use the
bathroom all right ma'am let's go ahead and get a identification
from you gotta have your license and your insurance please thank you very
much mrs Morgan hang on tight for me I'll be
right back would you try to make this as quick as possible for you since you do
gotta go pee or use the bathroom she admitted it she was still gaining maybe
that's what it is you know how it is with ladies gotta use the bathroom the
lady's got to use the bathroom I mean there's just no other way around it and
a vehicle has no telling any knives no nothing autumn let's take a look and
make sure that she's good oh we got a little felony arrest warrant for violent
crime huh Caracara then she got cited for fairy signal
fighting and public driving what license is revoked you've been a naughty naughty
girl huh you have been a naughty naughty grow in this case I will go ahead and
request a a traffic stop back up where is it where is it
traffic stop let me stop keep missing it there it is
dispatch yeah I gotta give me a 1078 up to my location coke two is fine it's
that co2 but all right I just get it just in case she does have a warrant for
her arrest when I gotta go felony or anything like that but we will
we will get her out of the car all right dude he can turn any lights off hey man
how you doing today just looks like pulled it over for speeding and
tailgating and I can just keep walking I'll talk I guess it looks like she got
a warrant for a domestic battery so all right ma'am thank you for that
unfortunately as of right now we'll need you to step out the car for me
all right the reason why you're getting stepped out of the car right now is
because hold on first of all let's go whoa whoa what was
going on one thing as your attention he died I hope you didn't die all right
well just put her right here the reason why I asked you to step out the car is
because uh you do have a warrant for your arrest are you are you aware of
that you'll wear it out at all let's see if
she's wearing it I don't know if she is or is it miss miss miss do not go back
in the car miss y'all miss right there stop right there you two get back in the
car get back in the car I don't what the hell you guys are doing should've slowed
the traffic down with too late for now
what the hell are you doing trying to get back in the car like that that I
tell you can leave you make a cop get nervous when you do some dumb shit like
that sit down here I'll be right with you now
you're worried about traffic now you're about trafficking in a second there you
two Samantha Parker what do you what do you think you're doing just hop it in
the car and trying to walk out of here would its we need to slow this traffic
down ASAP dude let's go ahead and slow it down there it is all right just try
to have her sit down sit down there
have a seat now you miss there anything I was gonna poke sick or hurt me I like
you just really made this really complicated for yourself I'm getting you
over or domestic I didn't go code five anything I like that on you then all of
a sudden you decide to try to get back in your car like it's everything to
school us that's not cool miss gotta go how to Pat you down make sure nothing is
on you she's got some jewellery in the back several rounds ammunition and not
written in a foreign language and a hammer holy cow dude summer runs
ammunition oh my goodness man we might we might I got us a bad bad girl here we
might us got us a bad bad girl but that what what is what is wrong with you what
are you what are you doing exactly ma'am I'm relaxing your soul that doesn't
nothing you did right now is relaxing at all nothing you did right now it's
relaxing come follow me are you gonna put you know Becca my car I'll be right
back with the other one she said relaxing her soul but literally nothing
she's done right now is relaxing go and have a seat in the car watch your head
in the way in there you go no you can okay why's it not letting me get put her
in the car
all right let's try this again why is it doing that dude what in the world is
dude come on man all right guys well that's she's just warden got him back
and then she got in the front nice just for the second his video potato pretend
that she's in the back and this is I don't know what to tell you I don't know
what to tell you but that's that's just how it is so we're gonna search this one
right now and she has nothing on her most likely just relief so called our
cab chefs something that she has a blood strain dragged a cigar post car from Los
Santos and her name is Samantha Parker so we're gonna go ahead and uh check on
her dispatch gotta go ahead and get a checkup Samantha Parker for 18 1997
comedy spelling everything is matted in her end so I'm gonna go ahead and have
her kneel down if anything in the car gets if anything in the car is is good
to go on her end there's no drugs no nothing like that then probably release
her well yeah I mean I try to put the civilian in the car a couple times I am
but like I said I'm using it directions which is new and I'm using a amusing
scenario which is also no s-stop the pad new for me I mean and you know just
testing them out and I don't know if they're kinda interfering with each
other that's gotta take a while because it's
somebody's asleep okay no all right here's what fine in the car and nothing
interests nothing your interest and glass cutting equipment which is in a
boot in the trunk so we'll just go ahead and assume that's for the driver right
now cuz neither neither one either either one of them is fessing up to it
at this one we will go ahead and get a tow to get this car out of here and then
we will go ahead and most likely that what's her name go oh wait he's
searching the car again go ahead you can pick it up dude there you go alright
ma'am at this point I got to make something very very clear to you I could
easily got you for interfering with a would active scene I could easily
charge you with obstructing all of this stuff you cannot hop in the car first of
all I almost shot you because I thought you're trying to run me over
second of all you hoppin out like that does not make things easier for you or
your friend so I will let you go right now
next time all if when a police officer is dealing with your friend do not make
any sudden moves like you just did right now am I understood
all right that's that's good good to hear so go ahead right now you
got a phone now we're going call a tech call a taxi
or something we got you got to move it along
all right this hope she doesn't get ran over let's just pretend we don't see it
huh I'll just keep walking act like we don't see that now this one I need I
need to get out of my car somehow well go ahead and call the prisoner transport
that's the best way a glitch they got her in there I don't nothing I could do
about it trying to keep it realistic guys but you
know how it is but she will be charged with a few things that are waiting one
side she come with quick help we'll go ahead and go to charger he's just a
complete obey police it is a paleto Bay Police will be doing
an episode on that or a grape seed sorry not the leader of a grape seed police
that's you right now and the sheriff's lot so you'll be seeing that all right
there she is going to write her arrest report right
now we'll go back to her next call all right guys this is what she's getting
charged wouldn't miss Morgan she's gonna get charged with possession of burglary
tools cuz the glass cutting that she had she gets charged with resisting arrest
because she try to get back in the car and she's obviously getting charged with
the warrant now the bag with the gold jewel jewelry that we found she's not
getting charged with that because well let the district's office know if if
we'll let him investigate a prosecuting office let him investigate if that's
indeed stolen or not right now we don't have any evidence that he did his stolen
whatever anything in our record that it was stolen so therefore she's not gonna
get charged with that so with that being said pretty safe for them for the most
part it could have got worse kind of upset that a glitch on me with when it
came to try to put her in a car but hey it is what it is let's go on to our next
stop all right we're gonna be doing right
Seletar oh here confused person okay we gotta take that public nuisance since it
isn't a highway and it's closed three I've gotta see what's up with that
person right here let's go see find out here make sure everybody's good behind
us up did not need the computer system right now alright let's go ahead and do
that this call three must be pretty serious if it's a confused person okay
how can we even get behind that barricade right here we're not trying to
completely uh ah looks like this person no but I call the cops on him it's kind
of a I'm tempting if whoa I see a gun dispatch suspect is sight they'd I do
have a gun state troopers Highway Patrol sir hands up hands up
oh Sh oh god oh god a suspect is said right now he's wearing a mask
white male no shirt no pants black boots he doesn't have a gun on him does have a
gun sir drop the gun right now sir sir I'm gonna eat you drop the gun right now
sir drop the gun right now hands up hands up do not make any sudden moves do
not make any sudden moves I wonder why people called the cops on him what in
the world dispatch I got suspect in custody right now can dumb it down okay
- what the hell are you doing brain what are you what are you doing well what do
you what are you doing right now man uh ask him if he's been drinking it's like
the last thing I are you drunk let me ask him let me just ask for the sake no
I haven't had anything drink have you done any drugs recently ma'am cuz I'm
you've been clean for a year then tell me what are you doing exactly man
justjust hang it with ugg boots and a gun what he got
there at dildo No is that a real gun got a chicken is that even a real gun where
were you coming from bro I have the right not to answer well you're under
arrest right now so if you're pleading the fifth that's fine I mean it are you
headed to the military base on your way home I don't see any homes anywhere any
around here man you know where you're at right now
you're not any type of medication are you you haven't done any drug you've
been clean for a year okay well I you know what man come come on come on with
me ma'am I'm gonna search a little pouch of yours if I'm not gonna find anything
else in it under your nutsack anything like that didn't think so
all right Manuel come on come with me I mean dude you almost got shot there bro
you know you do know that right you almost almost gosh I can't walk like
that and then start making random ass noises when I approach you boy you
almost got shot woof could have been bad for you could have
been really really bad for you bro take him right now to the car and I need a
car and see what's going on there run well I could think we were very very
close to him I got a dildo words Campos
gotta take herself off her Oh what what I do there take herself off for calls
right now cuz looks like it's getting a little busy in the radio all right hang
on hang on tight here for me you start off with your driver's license
or ID I mean do you even have one on you right now demeanor agitated no no no
shit he's up to date I'm gonna go ahead and get a dispatch gotta get a check on
our what are we having Dean door Dan Robertson two A's it's gonna be 121 19
and 77 okay nothing nothing he's interested sir I just I mean I'm just
curiosity killed a cat man are you are you drunk at all man or like me
what's what's what's going on with this what's going on with you
we'll go ahead a breathalyze him right here
he says he hasn't taken any drugs in a while but the way he's acting man it's
not somebody it's not somebody who hasn't taken drugs in a while you know
let me let me check something here my notepad I told you guys I'm new to this
so I'm new to these I plug in so I gotta figure out which one was the direction
plus it was T all right can i him do a field sobriety test let's
see well right now I mean he could you could just have some mental issues that
we don't know about you know what I mean so we got a check if he has a gun a gun
permit we forgot a gun permits things gonna get a little bit better for him I
hope it doesn't do the same crap is that okay good so she did actually sit dude I
don't want I don't want to taxi no all right let's go ahead and take a look
here does he have a gun permit at least I mean I really would feel bad for him
if he has no gun permits so possession of a firearm without without a license
oh man dad did he do you need any ste need any uh gonna ask him here was just
assumed that he took his mask off sir do you need me to call a mental health and
he's like you need a psych evaluation you feel like you got to do bodily harm
to yourself anything like that look at that you got the boat right there man
but the police boat is even came to this for you all right well I'll let you know
what you've been charged with first of all you have the right to remain silent
anything you say can be will be used against you in a court of law
yeah right then I turn if you cannot afford one to say the San Andreas well
point you wanted you understand it right I just I just as I just read up to you
all right cool all right so he's getting charged definitely with a possession a
farm by finally he doesn't have a license for it illegal possession of a
firearm we could hit him with a disturbing the peace I'm pretty sure
this probably I got a stick in public I mean an end court you know they usually
take that the bigger charge at least in Minnesota said a Minnesota if you give
like discerning a piece and they're probably gonna focus on that
and he does have unlawful Sammy knows that dildo and his think wasn't right Oh
words where's he's gonna get him daddy he wasn't necessarily resisting arrest
but he wasn't exactly cooperating he doesn't seem like he's under semental
the rest so we're gonna take it easy on him and just hit him with those two
things right here man I mean I'm just glad we were we were by the area because
that would have been really bad for him
we got a suspicious vehicle looks like up there in our minds hopefully not too
steep in cuz her car it is all wheel drive but okay what the Oh bro alright
okay alright I don't know what the cop was doing up there I don't know why he
didn't just take the call since he got a towel and he's coming from up there
anyways well we'll go out and check it out see see what's going on with this
with this car make sure everything is good awfully doesn't take off on us
because it's gonna end up bad now for us who's gonna end up bad forever decides
to take off on us because I tell you what would the way these people drive
and I was an amine on roads like this it's not gonna be pretty for them at all
go I've been playing Red Dead Redemption so much I want to see we see a wild
animal wanna like skin it you know matter look at her car so far it's not
bad I'm not sure what's so suspicious about this vehicle honestly but a well
we'll take a look see what's going on if everything checks out then they go about
their merry way I go about my merry way everybody's happy but this is GTA v LS
video for would your poor jury testicle always able to give you guys quality
audio and video if you do enjoy this episode so far please don't be hesitant
to not be hesitant to the leg bone and do not any be as you can say what's up
comment something below you know let me know what's something you guys liked
this episode you guys liked just traffic episodes every now and then that's
exactly what it is today just pure traffic okay maybe a little too far in
but that's fine but yeah man let me know if you're not part of Jeremy please make
my day make my week make my month and hit that subscribe button and become a
part of the G army thank guys very much for watching guy alright dispatch dad
what I would call out codex okay Xcode 4-1 finish alright dispatch
I'm gonna be out with a burrito looks like brown-colored
occupied times one I'm gonna be on on the off road just let's see here let's
say just south southeast of the lumberjack yard let's see what's going
on alright I know sir Oh bloodshot eyes glassy slurred speech
slow reactions extreme caution how you doing sir my name is trooper juristic
with the Nevada Highway Patrol reason why I pulled you over is we got a
suspicious vehicle call that was just roaming around the area and sure enough
there you are so uh you know let's just start off with start off with I would
asking you what what are you what do you doing around these parts
up not this let's see there it is see I'm still getting used to the whole said
a whole question menu here I'm not gonna ask him why I pulled you over I just
told him why well where you coming from let's ask him dad he says that one place
down the street you know and no I don't know so what were you headed to them hmm
doesn't know all right the on this vehicle no I'm borrowing it
from a friend okay all right have you have you been drinking today
sir cuz I'm smelling alcohol and and we'd actually but I'm spine alcohol your
eyes are very glassy she believes me to think that you have been drinking you
had a couple shots okay what about drugs have you taken into drugs today what are
drugs huh do you have anything illegal on it I should know about guns drugs
anything no all right sir I'm gonna cut to the chase with you here
I'll get let me get your driver's license first and foremost I'm just
pulling them out of car guys there's no point of me even go back to my car oh it
looks like your insurance expired alright sir I'm just gonna go straight
to the phone would you right now I do have suspicions that you have been
drinking okay so you are driving under the influence and you said this car is
not yours I mean there's so go ahead and uh no I don't want to do that go ahead
and turn around for me sir let's go ahead and sit this way he's definitely
disoriented so I'm gonna go ahead and uh put you oh oh shit oh shit no no you're
not you know you don't dispatch shots fired
shots fired I don't he is definitely disoriented
then God will roll me couple units here co3
oh shit oh my money to buy my panic button no you don't motherfucker the
fuck out of the car stop right there oh shit
oh shit where is he taking my car where is he
dude we're playing it like merry go whoa we're playing merry-go-round right now
where's my backup where's my backup
where's my backup doing
I didn't hit the panic but I mean it does take him a while to come here
because they are far away
we might be down he might be down by now
all that fuckin don't you fucking hit me don't you hit me there is there is right
oh my god dude whoo boy dispatch suspect down suspect down shots
fired shots fired just let him know once again
oh man should we even bother to get an ambulance for this asshole
my god dude it was like that was weird cuz about to arrest him
I guess he's just disoriented enough he didn't really he pulled the gun on me
but he didn't bother taking a shot just I don't know if he was scaring me that's
what a procedure should have a couple times it's like maybe he's in effects of
drugs as well got back back behind his van right there and that's where he was
kind of going back and forth I didn't think he knew what he wanted to do it I
don't know he tried to get away but didn't try to get away but did it
finally I think he was trying to get away all in all but the same time was
shooting at me so yeah yeah I had to take him down well wait for for medics
here to get it see what see what they say we'll go search his car and all that
stuff looks like it did get shot in the arm here we'll need medical attention as
well I mean I think I think he a mess is gonna be a while there they are
something going the wrong way oh okay there it is
oh yeah we go back here back here I like that I mean it was it wasn't it was
funny it was very realistic you know I don't for the most part you're not I'm
saying it was very realistic for the most part once again its border tastic
trooper jury test acquitted Nevada Highway Patrol from gta5 Ellie's PDF
format and uh it doesn't look like he's gonna make it
and a good drilled I mean he's he's pretty drugged oh whoa he didn't make it
well realistically enough if they don't take him we'll take him but he's
probably gonna have to go to hospital we'll just send a police escort with him
my goodness man I was bad I was bad I came and hit bandhas tree let's go ahead
and take a look at the car and see what that's what the final damage is here
what they didn't take him I'll take you then I hands up I don't know I don't
know why I don't know why didn't take him I thought he was going to no
ambulance but I guess not so I guess he's all mine then well he ain't going
anywhere anytime soon I tell you that much
you're a regular bleeped you got to do this shit again
all right let's take a look at this car see what else is in it looks like the
bullet holes vanished but there was a lotta bullet holes in this car I don't
know if anybody what he just drove off I mean we're gonna wrap this episode up
anyways I don't know why he drove off if anybody knows what that bug is for this
where they go instead of going in the back they go in the front of the seat
ever since the thing stopped the bed look at look at the map he says by he
handcuffed and everything he still took off well would that be sad ladies and
gentlemen obviously that's not realistic cuz he's shot in and go to hospital I
mean I wasn't even gonna pretend to take him to the jail because he's been shot
would that be so ladies and gentlemen we're gonna go ahead you know what I'm
not finishing up episode without another car he got a bag of meth Polaroid crack
pipe that tells you why he was all over the place why he couldn't really make a
decision what he wanted to do whether to go here go there whether to shoot me or
run away and that's why he was all over the place so let's go ahead I'm not
ending this episode without doing this but I'm getting my car man cuz that
ain't right you know alright and without putting the lights on and just enjoying
right here and now I can end this episode with that being said ladies and
gentlemen I really really had a lot of fun a lot of fun with this episode with
the Nevada Highway Patrol as a Nevada State Trooper with your boy Jerutastic
On another episode of GTA 5 LSPDFR
it's truly has been my pleasure that you guys enjoyed this video and washes
through the end if you did please make sure the like button comment subscribe
let me know what's up, join the J-Army and by the way we're trying to get a hundred
members and this score man hundred members come on guys we're 93 give me
seven more wants to reach hundred we're doing a giveaway we're doing a giveaway
we're doing a giveaway so let it be known join a discord right now hundred
members 93 the first hundred are only gonna be
entered into give away so make sure you join us thank you guys very much for
watching my name is Jerutastic and I am out!
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