hello Automators. It's 2019 and the news is not stopping as it relates to
the Google Home devices and all of the Google Assistant related devices as well
so let's get going with the latest news the latest features and the latest
updates for your Google Home and Google Assistant
the first thing I want to talk to you about this week is going to take some
doing to get to the basically what the story is and what it means to you as
someone who owns a device like a Google Home Hub and this is the device we're
talking about right here and what I think it does is it separates itself
from the other smart displays unless Google has an update path for those as
well to give to those vendors now here's what I mean
so Google's Fuchsia OS has been confirmed to be able to run Android
applications and why is that so important and what is fuchsia OS and
this is what I mean I got to take some time to get there
if fuchsia o s is expected to be able to be put on to a Google Home Hub right now
so there's some detective work essentially through a code and through
kind of looking through different components of what Google has released
so far Google's fuchsia OS is expected to be
able to run on this device eventually it's expected that this is a test device
for fuchsia OS pushes later now again what does that mean that means this
device eventually could get Android applications running on it and one of
the things that I think a lot of people are upset about when they look at these
devices is I can't get a web browser on there well that would mean you could and
on top of that you can't get access to all the different Android applications
well guess what you could then so you know what I'm saying guys is keep your
heads up or basically keep listening here for further developments about
fuchsia OS it's expected to replace Android or at least be layered on top of
Android and allow you access to a whole much larger set of functions and if it
ends up on devices like the Google Home hub it's going to be very very powerful
for us something a little bit simpler way back in 2015 projects solely it was
called so these were little little sensors that basically you didn't have
to touch you could basically wave past them
they sensed what you were doing so there a high-frequency sensor that can be
deployed basically anywhere and this is kind of what I was starting to talk
about in my predictions and this was before this happened the FCC has
approved their deployment in public on airplanes all kinds of locations so
Google will now be able to deploy these sensors and allow you to use them now
what are they going to do with that well I think this is part of the platform
discussion that I had in my predictions video which I'll put up in the top right
corner right now so I want to tell you a little bit about some results of a
survey now every well actually two times a year loop ventures asks all the
digital assistants or the voice assistants 800 questions and when they
do that they give a percentage of how much it understood and then how much it
responded correctly to now Google Assistant has essentially run away with
this one they've gotten up to eighty eight percent or eighty seven point nine
percent in terms of correct responses and this is across many indices as in
you know local information commerce different different indices like that
I'll get into those in a minute but eighty percent the next closest is Siri
believe it or not at seventy four and a half percent and Alexa is a couple
percentage points behind that now they tested Cortana I don't know why probably
for fun but they did now those other voice assistants are basically
understanding you around ninety nine percent of the time series at ninety
nine and a half or ninety nine point four percent and the Amazon voice
assistant is at ninety nine now Google Assistant literally got a hundred
percent for understanding what was being said you know what's amazing about this
is early in 2017 the Google Assistant was essentially at around that
seventy-four percent that Siri is now at so if Siri has that capability of
getting that far well where's Google going to be in a year too
you know those are all the kinds of questions there
that I have when I read results like this moving so far ahead just over
essentially a year so just to give you an idea of where Google is really really
strong here you know when we look at the commerce indicee for the different
questions here that were asked or the different types of questions google's
capability was at 86% and the next closest were siri
and that was at 56% so that's 30% differential in terms of accuracy so
clearly something these other voice assistants need to work on or have
worked on the other indices where I saw a lot of gap or a lot of differentiation
here in terms of information and this is obviously going to be Google's strength
what strangest series was not in that and the Amazon voices system was
actually the next closest so now the other thing is that to note here really
in terms of local information the Google system was that 95 percent navigation in
commerce or sorry information rather those were at 94 percent so they're
almost getting a hundred percent in those three categories where they fall
off a little and this was interesting to me his command did I have seen this a
little bit actually my HomePod I would say has been more capable of following
commands there at 85 percent whereas the Google Assistant is down at 73 percent
still in second but if Google fixes that portion of their voice assistant they'll
be upwards of 90 to 95 percent accuracy with this test come six months which is
how often loop Ventures does that in case you haven't noticed this or haven't
heard this before there is a new functionality coming for both lists and
notes and it's on some devices it's not on other devices it's being deployed
differently all over the place and let me give you an example here so my Google
Home meaning is is raid here and it's basically updated as far as it can be
take a note sorry I can't take notes yet so you can see that that device couldn't
do it here take a note sure what's the note this is great
saving no thank you
so it's expected that you're going to get additional list feature and this has
been something that Google has been missing for a while now and I expect it
to integrate with a number of different list taking services and be just as
powerful as what Amazon has right now now a couple things about that little
note capability there these devices are on the same one for one two one five
firmware version of the application they're the basically the cast firmware
so that means that both of these devices should be able to do it if there's not
some other indices here that is saying whether or not a device can use it so
there is something else that Google can obviously hold back because one of my
devices has it and one of my devices does not my smart displays also can't do
it yet we've been hearing little kind of pieces about you know the pixel XL the
pixel 3 XL and the pixel 3 lots of people were upset about the knotch there
in that device now the thing that we're seeing is a new light version that's
expected to come out with less RAM less of a processor less overall of a phone
but a light version and what's interesting is the notch seems to be
gone so we're seeing now 3d renders that are out there and I'll leave that in a
in the description below you can go ahead and check out those renders if you
want to see what this phone looks like hopefully you're not one of these people
the chromecast's right now are actually being hacked by a couple of users and
when you turn on your chromecast you might see this screen and so what's
happening here just so you know it's not a chromecast specific thing this is
called universal plug and play and that's what's being exploited here so a
number of devices are going to have this issue and it is related to how they
connect and so as a result it's on chromecast today but it could be on a
lot of other devices tomorrow if this exploit continues to be used so not a
lot of good you know that's not a lot of good news there I'm sorry to give you
that and there's not really a fix at this point so I don't know when we'll
see effects I don't know any of those details unfortunately and you could see
that showing up on your device now the website that it refers to is actually
down right now so clearly there's some trouble there now moving on it is we're
about ready to go into CES and by the time I published this video it will be
CES 2019 so that gives us the Consumer Electronics Show that's going to give us
a ton of new devices to talk about here on on this show on the channel here and
LG always goes out ahead and they announce some of their devices earlier
so they've announced some sound bars here and the SL 10 yg and the eight and
the nine as well in the same series they will have the Google Assistant on board
so you're going to be able to control those sound bars there's some special
commands there essentially to control the volume on though so that's great
news the other thing that we've seen is the C by GE set of bulbs and I have a
couple here now in my home that I want to test but there's a whole new color
set up or a whole new color set of products there's also a light strip as
well so following suit with other makers but they also have Google Assistant and
Google Home capabilities a number of countries
were expected over the holidays to actually have gotten an update on their
Google Home in their Google Assistant related devices to go ahead and make
charitable donations now that's going to use your payments capability I'll put
the different countries up on the screen but it's all the kind of standard
players or the standard countries that get the first updates here from Google
all right guys that's our latest news updates all the latest features for the
Google Home I'm really excited actually for the new
note-taking and list keeping features you know we're still looking for Google
keep to show up there and hopefully that'll show up here really soon I can
show you how to go through that now later this week what you're going to see
is a fix for Google Home music alarms or media alarms and that's been a lot of
people's problems here Google hasn't fixed it as of yet so I
wanted to give you a workaround or a way to manage your music alarm so you'll see
that in a couple of days here and I hope you'll stay watching on the channel so
go ahead hit that subscribe button and we'll see you next time
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