Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily Jan 6 2019

hello Automators. It's 2019 and the news is not stopping as it relates to

the Google Home devices and all of the Google Assistant related devices as well

so let's get going with the latest news the latest features and the latest

updates for your Google Home and Google Assistant

the first thing I want to talk to you about this week is going to take some

doing to get to the basically what the story is and what it means to you as

someone who owns a device like a Google Home Hub and this is the device we're

talking about right here and what I think it does is it separates itself

from the other smart displays unless Google has an update path for those as

well to give to those vendors now here's what I mean

so Google's Fuchsia OS has been confirmed to be able to run Android

applications and why is that so important and what is fuchsia OS and

this is what I mean I got to take some time to get there

if fuchsia o s is expected to be able to be put on to a Google Home Hub right now

so there's some detective work essentially through a code and through

kind of looking through different components of what Google has released

so far Google's fuchsia OS is expected to be

able to run on this device eventually it's expected that this is a test device

for fuchsia OS pushes later now again what does that mean that means this

device eventually could get Android applications running on it and one of

the things that I think a lot of people are upset about when they look at these

devices is I can't get a web browser on there well that would mean you could and

on top of that you can't get access to all the different Android applications

well guess what you could then so you know what I'm saying guys is keep your

heads up or basically keep listening here for further developments about

fuchsia OS it's expected to replace Android or at least be layered on top of

Android and allow you access to a whole much larger set of functions and if it

ends up on devices like the Google Home hub it's going to be very very powerful

for us something a little bit simpler way back in 2015 projects solely it was

called so these were little little sensors that basically you didn't have

to touch you could basically wave past them

they sensed what you were doing so there a high-frequency sensor that can be

deployed basically anywhere and this is kind of what I was starting to talk

about in my predictions and this was before this happened the FCC has

approved their deployment in public on airplanes all kinds of locations so

Google will now be able to deploy these sensors and allow you to use them now

what are they going to do with that well I think this is part of the platform

discussion that I had in my predictions video which I'll put up in the top right

corner right now so I want to tell you a little bit about some results of a

survey now every well actually two times a year loop ventures asks all the

digital assistants or the voice assistants 800 questions and when they

do that they give a percentage of how much it understood and then how much it

responded correctly to now Google Assistant has essentially run away with

this one they've gotten up to eighty eight percent or eighty seven point nine

percent in terms of correct responses and this is across many indices as in

you know local information commerce different different indices like that

I'll get into those in a minute but eighty percent the next closest is Siri

believe it or not at seventy four and a half percent and Alexa is a couple

percentage points behind that now they tested Cortana I don't know why probably

for fun but they did now those other voice assistants are basically

understanding you around ninety nine percent of the time series at ninety

nine and a half or ninety nine point four percent and the Amazon voice

assistant is at ninety nine now Google Assistant literally got a hundred

percent for understanding what was being said you know what's amazing about this

is early in 2017 the Google Assistant was essentially at around that

seventy-four percent that Siri is now at so if Siri has that capability of

getting that far well where's Google going to be in a year too

you know those are all the kinds of questions there

that I have when I read results like this moving so far ahead just over

essentially a year so just to give you an idea of where Google is really really

strong here you know when we look at the commerce indicee for the different

questions here that were asked or the different types of questions google's

capability was at 86% and the next closest were siri

and that was at 56% so that's 30% differential in terms of accuracy so

clearly something these other voice assistants need to work on or have

worked on the other indices where I saw a lot of gap or a lot of differentiation

here in terms of information and this is obviously going to be Google's strength

what strangest series was not in that and the Amazon voices system was

actually the next closest so now the other thing is that to note here really

in terms of local information the Google system was that 95 percent navigation in

commerce or sorry information rather those were at 94 percent so they're

almost getting a hundred percent in those three categories where they fall

off a little and this was interesting to me his command did I have seen this a

little bit actually my HomePod I would say has been more capable of following

commands there at 85 percent whereas the Google Assistant is down at 73 percent

still in second but if Google fixes that portion of their voice assistant they'll

be upwards of 90 to 95 percent accuracy with this test come six months which is

how often loop Ventures does that in case you haven't noticed this or haven't

heard this before there is a new functionality coming for both lists and

notes and it's on some devices it's not on other devices it's being deployed

differently all over the place and let me give you an example here so my Google

Home meaning is is raid here and it's basically updated as far as it can be

take a note sorry I can't take notes yet so you can see that that device couldn't

do it here take a note sure what's the note this is great

saving no thank you

so it's expected that you're going to get additional list feature and this has

been something that Google has been missing for a while now and I expect it

to integrate with a number of different list taking services and be just as

powerful as what Amazon has right now now a couple things about that little

note capability there these devices are on the same one for one two one five

firmware version of the application they're the basically the cast firmware

so that means that both of these devices should be able to do it if there's not

some other indices here that is saying whether or not a device can use it so

there is something else that Google can obviously hold back because one of my

devices has it and one of my devices does not my smart displays also can't do

it yet we've been hearing little kind of pieces about you know the pixel XL the

pixel 3 XL and the pixel 3 lots of people were upset about the knotch there

in that device now the thing that we're seeing is a new light version that's

expected to come out with less RAM less of a processor less overall of a phone

but a light version and what's interesting is the notch seems to be

gone so we're seeing now 3d renders that are out there and I'll leave that in a

in the description below you can go ahead and check out those renders if you

want to see what this phone looks like hopefully you're not one of these people

the chromecast's right now are actually being hacked by a couple of users and

when you turn on your chromecast you might see this screen and so what's

happening here just so you know it's not a chromecast specific thing this is

called universal plug and play and that's what's being exploited here so a

number of devices are going to have this issue and it is related to how they

connect and so as a result it's on chromecast today but it could be on a

lot of other devices tomorrow if this exploit continues to be used so not a

lot of good you know that's not a lot of good news there I'm sorry to give you

that and there's not really a fix at this point so I don't know when we'll

see effects I don't know any of those details unfortunately and you could see

that showing up on your device now the website that it refers to is actually

down right now so clearly there's some trouble there now moving on it is we're

about ready to go into CES and by the time I published this video it will be

CES 2019 so that gives us the Consumer Electronics Show that's going to give us

a ton of new devices to talk about here on on this show on the channel here and

LG always goes out ahead and they announce some of their devices earlier

so they've announced some sound bars here and the SL 10 yg and the eight and

the nine as well in the same series they will have the Google Assistant on board

so you're going to be able to control those sound bars there's some special

commands there essentially to control the volume on though so that's great

news the other thing that we've seen is the C by GE set of bulbs and I have a

couple here now in my home that I want to test but there's a whole new color

set up or a whole new color set of products there's also a light strip as

well so following suit with other makers but they also have Google Assistant and

Google Home capabilities a number of countries

were expected over the holidays to actually have gotten an update on their

Google Home in their Google Assistant related devices to go ahead and make

charitable donations now that's going to use your payments capability I'll put

the different countries up on the screen but it's all the kind of standard

players or the standard countries that get the first updates here from Google

all right guys that's our latest news updates all the latest features for the

Google Home I'm really excited actually for the new

note-taking and list keeping features you know we're still looking for Google

keep to show up there and hopefully that'll show up here really soon I can

show you how to go through that now later this week what you're going to see

is a fix for Google Home music alarms or media alarms and that's been a lot of

people's problems here Google hasn't fixed it as of yet so I

wanted to give you a workaround or a way to manage your music alarm so you'll see

that in a couple of days here and I hope you'll stay watching on the channel so

go ahead hit that subscribe button and we'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Google Home New Updates and New Features for January 6, 2019 - Duration: 12:21.


Best Fails January 2019 | Try Not To Laugh Funny Fails, Kids Fails and More Funny Videos - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> Best Fails January 2019 | Try Not To Laugh Funny Fails, Kids Fails and More Funny Videos - Duration: 10:17.


Dance Moms: Dance Digest - Dance Bop (Season 5) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Dance Digest - Dance Bop (Season 5) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:56.


Alternative Cancer Treatments | How Many Types of Cancer Are There - Duration: 10:11.

Desi Tips For You

Alternative Cancer Treatments | How Many Types of Cancer Are There

For more infomation >> Alternative Cancer Treatments | How Many Types of Cancer Are There - Duration: 10:11.


Nightcore - Knees - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Knees - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:13.


2018 iPad Pro Fast Charging - How fast is it? - Duration: 5:01.

hi everyone Aaron here for Zollotech and this is my 2018 iPad pro and what

we're going to do is see how fast it will charge with the standard 18 watt

charge adapter it's USB C to USB C and then we're going to see how fast it will

charge with the 87 watt macbook pro charging adapter and this one is also

USB C and Apple actually limit the amount of current going into the iPad to

make sure that the battery doesn't overheat and we'll see how fast it

charges with the standard one and then this one I tend to charge it more with

this power adapter and usually the limited in about 29 watts same the same

as the smaller MacBook power adapter even if you're using this one you can

even charge an iPhone with this so let's see how fast it charges what I'll do is

I'll I'll make this a time-lapse will plug this in and we're currently at 1%

so we'll charge it with the standard charger from 1% to a hundred and then

we'll do the same with this adapter as well so let's go ahead and plug this in

and we'll plug it in right here and then I also have an iPhone se to use

as a timer so let's go ahead and plug it in and hit start and let's see what we get

so it took 3 hours and 21 minutes to bring it up to 100% so it's at 100% now

and after about 3 hours and 20 minutes or 3 hours and 21 minutes we've got a

full charge from 1% so what I'll do is I'll use this until it's back down to 1%

and then we'll try it again with the macbook charger and see if we get a much

faster speed with this 87 watt charger and the 87 watt charger is the most

powerful one they currently offer over USBC and it may not be any faster than

the 29 watt but if you have a 15-inch MacBook this is what you get so let's

see what it's like and we'll try that out in just a moment

it's the next day and now I've run this down to 1% again so what we'll do is

charge it using the MacBook Charger so last time we use the included charger

now we'll use this one and again this is the 87 watt charger so we'll plug this

in and see how quickly it charges and we'll plug this in here and hit start

now after charging for 2 hours and 37 minutes we reached 100% that's a 44

minute savings over the included standard charger and while that doesn't

seem like a lot if you want a fast charge you can do that right up to 90%

in about two hours is what we found out so if you want to go from zero or one

percent to 90 percent it's gonna take you about two hours with the fast

charger from the MacBook Pro and we reach 100% and the iPad itself really

wasn't warm the back wasn't warm at all there was no issues with that and it was

nice and cool so that's a good sign although I wouldn't necessarily

recommend that you use this on a daily basis I do use it when I'm in a pinch

from time to time but if I'm going to charge it from zero percent or 20

percent up to the top I usually use this just to preserve the battery over time

you don't really want a fast charge for long periods of time over and over and

over similar to some other manufacturers such as cars you don't want to charge

that fast just because the heat will really

deplete the battery but again this really wasn't warm and it seemed to hold

up pretty well so I'll leave a link to these Chargers in the in the description

below this one's included or you can buy this

if you don't have this charger yet and you have one of the older style chargers

or if you have a MacBook around and you really need to use it in a pinch plug it

in it's probably limited to 29 watts but it should work just fine so you'll save

a little bit of time there if you'd like to get your hands on this wallpaper I'll

leave it in the description below as I always do if you haven't subscribed

already please subscribe and like as always thanks for watching this is Aaron

I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> 2018 iPad Pro Fast Charging - How fast is it? - Duration: 5:01.


Something Stupid (Karaoke Version) - Frank Sinatra | TracksPlanet - Duration: 3:32.




For more infomation >> Something Stupid (Karaoke Version) - Frank Sinatra | TracksPlanet - Duration: 3:32.


First Alert Weather - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> First Alert Weather - Duration: 3:30.


Fortnite Funny Moments - Ground Pound Headshot !!! #2 - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> Fortnite Funny Moments - Ground Pound Headshot !!! #2 - Duration: 5:20.


Sad Status - Sad Status for whatsapp for boys in hindi - Duration: 0:33.

sad whatsapp status 2019

For more infomation >> Sad Status - Sad Status for whatsapp for boys in hindi - Duration: 0:33.


皮肤黑,过年想穿红色怎么办?这样穿好看又喜庆 , 关于梅根马克尔与凯特米德尔顿,报章杂志上的八卦,让人一头雾水 , 梅根为向查尔斯表忠心才和凯特闹翻?查尔斯为继位暗中做了这么多 - Duration: 17:50.

For more infomation >> 皮肤黑,过年想穿红色怎么办?这样穿好看又喜庆 , 关于梅根马克尔与凯特米德尔顿,报章杂志上的八卦,让人一头雾水 , 梅根为向查尔斯表忠心才和凯特闹翻?查尔斯为继位暗中做了这么多 - Duration: 17:50.


Affiliate Marketing For Beginners 69 - Clickbank : How Conversion Tracking Works - Duration: 10:15.

conversion tracking is the process of placing a small piece of code in your..

add landing page or a thank-you page to record the movements of your visitors

the recorded data can be used to find out what aspects of your advertising and

website designer working and which ones aren't

the tracking also allows you to test multiple ads keywords landing pages and

offers and compare the results in this lesson we'll take a look at how

conversion tracking works and how to use it effectively why should you bother

with tracking or simply knowing how many sales you're making isn't enough if

you're spending a lot of money on a particular pay-per-click campaign or

you've spent quite a few hours setting up what you hope is a killer email blast

then it's nothing less than basic business sense to you some sort of

tracking to find out whether that time and money is paying off let's say you

start promoting a learn guitar product like jamorama after a month you can see

that you are making on average ten sales a day if you are making a profit that's

good but what if you're not at this point you have no idea whether that's

because your pay-per-click ads aren't very good whether your landing page is

putting people off or whether you're spending too much promoting the wrong

keywords on the other hand let's say you're making a good profit in this case

tracking might not seem so critical but consider how much more profit you could

get if you found that for example you'll pay-per-click ad for the keyword learn

how to play bass guitar was getting twice as many conversions as your ad for

the keyword how to play acoustic guitar you could then reduce your spend on the

acoustic guitar and increase your return on investment and this is how tracking

helps you make more money at the most basic level tracking helps you find out

your return on investment and where money as best spent it helps you

discover what keywords ad groups and campaigns are most profitable it allows

you to test new ads and conversion pages more effectively and more quickly at

lets you find out how much each visitor is costing you and it helps you to

discover any leaks in your landing page or website

there are several different methods for tracking if you're a clickbank affiliate

then you can use clickbank's tracking codes to precisely follow a visitor's

path to purchase by assigning a unique tracking code to different ad groups and

promotions you can determine exactly which ad or promotion brought you the

sale if you use Google Yahoo or MSN pay-per-click then you can set up

tracking to find which keywords and ad groups were most effective or you can

use a third-party tracking software such as extreme conversions which will

combine data from all affiliate networks and pay-per-click advertising to show

you exactly what keywords are the most profitable

pay-per-click tracking Google Yahoo and MSN allow you to place their conversion

tracking codes on your thank-you pages so that you can see how many sales

resulted from each ad group and how much each sale cost you let's take a look at

Google setting up Google's tracking is very

simple and involves placing a small piece of code on the conversion page of

your website or the website of the merchant the conversion page is the page

that confirms the particular action you wanted your visitors to take such as the

page that says thank you for purchasing X software or thank you for signing up

to my mailing list remember that tracking isn't restricted

to sales AdWords tracking lets you follow leads signups pageviews of an

important page on your website or any other detail specific to your business

to get started log in to your Google account and click the conversion

tracking button choose the conversion type you wish to track which for most

people following this lesson will be purchase or lead select the text format

which best fits in with your website and choose the background color this small

piece of text will be visible to your customers as Google believes people

should be aware that their movements are being tracked next select the language

and security level and choose how much this lead is worth to you that is how

much commission you earn on a sale grab the tracking code by copying to your

clipboard you should then put this code on the

page that appears after your visitor has carried out the action you want them to

do if you wish to track sales then you'll need to ask the product merchant

to paste your google adwords code into the thank you page of the product that

you are promoting most merchants who are serious about helping their affiliates

achieve great sales will do this for you as you start to gather clicks and sales

you'll be able to see some new details appearing in your Google account cost

conversion rate cost per conversion and conversions you can drill down to view

the start at either the ad group or keyword level to find your return on

investment for keywords or campaigns go to the reports tab and run a keyword

performance or campaign report tracking codes for Yahoo and MSN is a

very similar process and there is nothing to stop you from having all

three codes in one conversion page unfortunately Google tracking isn't

always entirely accurate if there are other affiliates also making sales of

the product that you're promoting it's not uncommon for their sales to be

mistakenly registered by Google as yours and this is why we recommend that you

only use Google conversion tracking as a rough indicator of how well each keyword

is performing you'll need to use an alternative method if you want more

accurate tracking let's discuss the first of the two methods that we

currently recommend Clickbank tracking Google AdWords tracking lets you narrow

down which ads are working but what if you are using several different

promotional methods for each product you promote how do you compare how valuable

a pay-per-click ad group is compared to your newsletter advertising for example

the answer is by using clickbank's tracking clickbank affiliates can choose

an eight character tracking code to put at the end of their hop link the code

you create might represent a particular keyword group for example so that when

you view your Clickbank analytics you can see every sale resulting from that

particular ad for instance you might choose to assign the ID quit onine

double H to your quit smoking ad group and the ID stop Oh double 9/8 to your

stop smoking ad group then you can log in to Clickbank go to reporting

analytics and see how many sales came from each ad group assuming that you own

a website and are sending traffic to a landing page on that site before sending

them on to your affiliate offer this means that in order to get extremely

accurate results you'll need to create different landing pages for each ad

group that you set up each landing page will need to have a different Clickbank

tracking ID attached so that you will know which landing page generated the

sale you can either do this manually which is fine or you can save yourself a

great deal of time by using a tool such as speed PPC X will generate all of your

landing pages ad groups ad text and keywords saving you hours of time

checkout speed PPC XCOM for more details with Clickbank tracking IDs you can also

create separate tracking ID for blog promotions email promotions and

viral PDFs resulting in some extremely valuable information that will help you

optimize your ads and find out where you should be focusing your efforts for best

return on investment clickbank tracking codes aren't very easy to set up

just enter your code into the provided field when creating your hoplink

be sure to keep a list of each code and what it represents in a spreadsheet

somewhere if you're tracking a lot of different things at once it's really

easy to get confused extreme conversions as an innovative software package that

precisely tracks what keywords are making money it works in combination

with Google Yahoo MSN and about a hundred affiliate networks

including Clickbank Commission Junction Aizu Google and Amazon the program works

in a similar way to Clickbank and Google tracking and that you just ask the

product owner to insert some code into the Thank You page however the advantage

of extreme conversions is that it accurately shows you the most profitable

keywords in any market within a couple of weeks of setup among other things the

software ensures that you don't spend more money on pay-per-click than you

have to it also improves your click-through rate which in turn

increases your quality score Amir - creator of extreme conversions has put

together some excellent tutorial videos and case studies that take you through

installation and setup so we won't bother with that here let's just skip a

here and look at the most interesting part the data it provides if you're a

Clickbank affiliate then all you need to do is download the CSV report that

contains your tracking IDs and sales information and upload it to extreme

conversions to find out exactly which keywords generated those sales in this

example you might see for a campaign promoting a cure yeast and fiction's

product you could drill right down to find that the keyword what causes yeast

infections has bought in more sales than any other keyword armed with this

knowledge you could now increase your return on investment by setting up an ad

group around that keyword although you won't be earning any more by doing this

you'll be paying less and increasing your click-through rate it would also

then be a good idea to create a special landing page for what causes yeast and

actions to increase your quality score and hopefully your conversion rate you

may also want to start advertising on this keyword and Yahoo and MSN the

benefits of extreme conversions don't stop at pay-per-click once you know that

a keyword is profitable you can then look at optimizing your landing page or

website for the search engines we highly recommend extreme conversion

software to affilorama members because it reduces a lot of the risk of

pay-per-click advertising and ultimately saves a lot of money anyway that's all

we've got time for today thanks so much for watching and we'll see you again

soon bye for now

For more infomation >> Affiliate Marketing For Beginners 69 - Clickbank : How Conversion Tracking Works - Duration: 10:15.


A decade of childbirth, the rapist, who is looking for the police-american bad news-songbad 24 - Duration: 1:53.


Decade of childbirth the rapist or who the police are looking for a patient

Who was pregnant in a decade of coma became the mother and the incident happened in nursing home?

Four days after Christmas the patient who's in the coma has given birth to a baby boy. It is known to be raped

Even the patient who was pregnant did not know it before Christmas

nursing doctors

Nurses one of the nurses who were looking after her gave birth to that patient the hurry

Newborn is healthy. The incident happened in Arizona

USA in a cabin and Phoenix is in a health care

facilitating nursing home

nursing home runs a nonprofit organization

the victim who was sexually assaulted in the subgroup is still not known a

Source from the nursing home said the source said during the sexual assault the patient was heard roaming

But no one in nursing could understand the importance of the matter

before Christmas

Nursing staff did not understand that the patient was pregnant

Phoenix police said the investigation began in full swing

However, the criminal was not yet identified

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