Mumble ok. Twitch ok. Blizzard ok. Come on, here we go.
Hello everyone. We find in the sholazar basin
still in north-west norfendre of the norfendre where there is still no
bad things to do in this area as you can see I
I am very far from the account. We let's land right away ready loan of
the flight instructor and that falls well because I'm a little late
from level 70 here you see it's still not given a power
ride the flight and I'll start everything right away not resume the quests of
this zone. On this area you will be able to
catch up a lot of creatures if you are like me
hunter and then achieve highs facts including the high facts
concerning the reputation with the brake tribe as we
can see it here. The quests are nice enough of course there are some
fashion bashing but not that there is also more scripted quests than you
will be able to do this throughout map. The second reputation to mount
on this area will be that of the oracles and then we will also be able to
meet characters famous about the game as the avatar of
Freya who is a babysitter guardian who is there to monitor the
very old gods and who will send us complete some quests on your behalf
to clean up the sholazar basin and second character we
let's meet on this area will be Hemett Nessingwary the master
hunters who will send us look for game among other things. As long as
you're next to Hemett enjoy it to be able to buy the play the call of the
hunter and the quests on this corner are so friendly enough as here touch
the apple on the head of the gnome or power to do jungle punch or
still fly in a little cuckoo in recognition and put it on the
landing field with the least possible encumbrances. Scripted quests
on the area are still pretty cool to do.
Well that's all for the sholazar basin. In the end I would have taken 4
levels anyway and here I am at level 78. I
tell you very soon for the future adventures of Mamielou.
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