Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily Jan 6 2019

Mumble ok. Twitch ok. Blizzard ok. Come on, here we go.

Hello everyone. We find in the sholazar basin

still in north-west norfendre of the norfendre where there is still no

bad things to do in this area as you can see I

I am very far from the account. We let's land right away ready loan of

the flight instructor and that falls well because I'm a little late

from level 70 here you see it's still not given a power

ride the flight and I'll start everything right away not resume the quests of

this zone. On this area you will be able to

catch up a lot of creatures if you are like me

hunter and then achieve highs facts including the high facts

concerning the reputation with the brake tribe as we

can see it here. The quests are nice enough of course there are some

fashion bashing but not that there is also more scripted quests than you

will be able to do this throughout map. The second reputation to mount

on this area will be that of the oracles and then we will also be able to

meet characters famous about the game as the avatar of

Freya who is a babysitter guardian who is there to monitor the

very old gods and who will send us complete some quests on your behalf

to clean up the sholazar basin and second character we

let's meet on this area will be Hemett Nessingwary the master

hunters who will send us look for game among other things. As long as

you're next to Hemett enjoy it to be able to buy the play the call of the

hunter and the quests on this corner are so friendly enough as here touch

the apple on the head of the gnome or power to do jungle punch or

still fly in a little cuckoo in recognition and put it on the

landing field with the least possible encumbrances. Scripted quests

on the area are still pretty cool to do.

Well that's all for the sholazar basin. In the end I would have taken 4

levels anyway and here I am at level 78. I

tell you very soon for the future adventures of Mamielou.

For more infomation >> ⚔️ [Wow] le bassin de Sholazar #MamielouJoueAWow épisode 15 - Duration: 3:25.


How to make Remote Control Snake at home - Duration: 6:41.

Make a DIY Remote Control Snake

Draw Snake body over a cardboard

Mark points over the snake pieces

Drill holes at the marked points

Bend a paper clip and insert pearl beads to make wheels

Insert the wheels in cardboard slots

Join the cardboard pieces to make Snake Body

Add DC motors to Remote control snake

Add hot glue drops to make rubber grips

Attach battery to Snake's tail

Our Remote Control Snake is now ready

Plug in a 5v wall charger to charge the battery

Have fun with the remote control snake made at home

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For more infomation >> How to make Remote Control Snake at home - Duration: 6:41.


Great Opportunity to Settlement & Fastest Passport 2019 - Duration: 10:18.

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For more infomation >> Great Opportunity to Settlement & Fastest Passport 2019 - Duration: 10:18.



For more infomation >> THE MOST COMPLETE BUILD FOR KODI 17.6 - JANUARY 2019 - COMPLETE INSTALL - XONTECH - Duration: 10:29.


Horror as thousands of people claim the Queen could die in January - Duration: 4:20.

AN ONLINE rumour claimed the Queen was going to die yesterday, sparking a shocked reaction from Royal fans and a

brusque response from Buckingham Palace. The shock claim was made on online

message board Reddit - with the original message and the user's personal account now mysteriously deleted. The original post was

first uploaded by a Reddit user called Beefy_Cabbage on 27 December - gaining over 50,000 'upvote', indicating approval,

and 7,000 comments. The rumour has since spread like wildfire, with Buckingham Palace responding by refusing to comment on

the shock claims. Other Reddit users said the post was either a "creepy prediction" for the Queen's death - or a mistake which

has sparked a M15 response. One user said: "This is one of those posts

that's going to be a part of a YouTube video called "creepy unexplainable reddit

posts." Another wrote: "Imagine if The Queen gets

on reddit and sees this". A third said said: "Plot twist, this is the

queen's alt account and she's orchestrating all of this to fake her death and pass on the

throne." One user even broke down the

mathematical likelihood of the Queen dying yesterday, as predicted in the original

post. They said: "Elizabeth II is currently 92

years old. Via this website , the odds for a 92-year-old woman to die within the next year of her life is 16.06% (which will be rounded up

to 16.1% for simplification). Dividing this probability evenly among all 365 days of the year (which is not how it works, but it's all

that we have to go off of), each day of her 92nd year, the Queen has about a 0.04411% chance of dying on any given

day. "Now, in order to fulfill beefy

cabbages legendary prediction, the Queen would need to NOT die before January 5th, and then die on that day. There are 9 days

before the 5th (27th-4th), so the probability ends up

being: "the first term representing the nine days

she would survive and the second term representing the day she would

die). "By this expression, the Queen has a

0.04393% chance of dying on January 5th, 2019. This is about a 1 in 2276 chance. So it is pretty unlikely (but definitely still within

the realm of possibility!) that she'll die then. God Save the

Queen." The Queen has taken an active role in

the Royal Family, and is officially the longest reigning monarch in British

history. There have been no official reports on

the Queen's ill health and the energetic monarch continues to pack on her agenda with numerous royal

events. Her Majesty has taken on more

engagements in 2018 than in 2017, increasing her workload up to 25

percent. However, the Queen underwent eye surgery

in May to remove a cataract, before attending Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's

wedding In addition, a Kensington Palace

source previously told the Sun how the Queen's knees were hurting her while she attended the Chelsea Flower Show in May this

year. They said: "She was talking to friends at

the Chelsea Flower Show and said her knees were playing

up. "But she is reluctant to have an operation

due to the time it would take to recover. She is incredibly brave. People from her and Philip's generation battle through problems and

carry on. And Her Majesty doesn't like to cause any

fuss." There have been no official Palace reports

on the Queen's long-term health.

For more infomation >> Horror as thousands of people claim the Queen could die in January - Duration: 4:20.



For more infomation >> PRESENTACIÓN DEL ENCUENTRO DE ALMAS – FEBRERO 2019 ✅ - Duration: 1:25.


Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Boils On the Inner Thighs - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Boils On the Inner Thighs - Duration: 3:22.



Let's see how many subscribers we have!

We have 103 subscribers!

Thank you everyone for watching and supporting us!

Let's see how many subscribers we have!

We've got more than 1 K subscribers!

I didn't expect that!

Thank you everyone for watching us!

We wanna make a GIVEAWAY for everyone that follows

us and in which, we offer you as a prize, a jar of honey.

*top of the screen, right corner*

We'll write and number the participants on a list and the

winner will be chosen by the site: ""

in the next video.

This is the prize that we want to offer you.

We're celebrating the 1 K subscribers with a cake.

Thank you everyone for following us, for your

suggestions, for your tips, for your critics and I tell you

that we'll try further to offer you successful and

and unsuccessful videos, too, because you can learn

something from all, not just from the successful videos!

It's better to learn from others' mistakes than to learn

from your mistakes!

There will come a lot of videos and because of that, I

have to thank my grandson, Marco, who makes these

videos and he's also passionate about beekeeping.

Thank you for watching and we wish you a happy,

blessed, new year!



#telugu10mm #pdf How to create text PDF in mobile || PDF app || in Telugu by Rakesh - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> #telugu10mm #pdf How to create text PDF in mobile || PDF app || in Telugu by Rakesh - Duration: 5:30.


Nhạc Phật Giáo Không Lời giúp Bạn An Lạc- Thảnh Thơi. Relax Music Meditation - Duration: 1:52:52.

For more infomation >> Nhạc Phật Giáo Không Lời giúp Bạn An Lạc- Thảnh Thơi. Relax Music Meditation - Duration: 1:52:52.


Awesome mother love || Animal mom protect their baby || Most Emotional and Loving Mothers || - Duration: 4:02.

sit down


I'm preaching shuffle money from there oh yeah

damn judge ito fortune oh shit

raise our family be intentional about your own healing for life's hurts be

intentional about taking care of yourself be intentional about investing

in your marriage be intentional about parenting be intentional about home

making intentionality increases influence and influences something God

asks us to be intentional about we cannot underestimate the power of mother

love the value of home and the significance of our intentional presence

in the home a child should never feel as if they need to earn a mother's love

this will leave a void in their heart all of their life a mother's love needs

to be given unconditionally to establish trust and a firm foundation of emotional

intimacy in a child's life if love is withheld a child will look for it in a

million other ways sometimes throughout their lifetime unless they come to some

sort of peace with their past the emotional foundation we give our

children at home is foundational to their life we cannot underestimate the

value of home and the power of mother love


and helps my little dot thank you for joining me and I will see you guys again

next time with the next video that I do thank you watching my video please

please subscribe to my channel

For more infomation >> Awesome mother love || Animal mom protect their baby || Most Emotional and Loving Mothers || - Duration: 4:02.


Bilgisayardan İnstagram'a Nasıl Resim Yüklenir? | Aykut AKSU - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Bilgisayardan İnstagram'a Nasıl Resim Yüklenir? | Aykut AKSU - Duration: 2:17.


Pongal Special Kolangal: 15 to 8 Dots Pongal Special Kolam [Rangoli Design Dikhao] - Duration: 5:14.

Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos

Pongal Special Kolangal: 15 to 8 Dots Pongal Special Kolam [Rangoli Design Dikhao]

Rangoli by Aishwarya

For more infomation >> Pongal Special Kolangal: 15 to 8 Dots Pongal Special Kolam [Rangoli Design Dikhao] - Duration: 5:14.


StarGear_TII [DiRT RALLY] League 2019/01/06 - Duration: 1:33:41.

For more infomation >> StarGear_TII [DiRT RALLY] League 2019/01/06 - Duration: 1:33:41.


HUGtto! Precure 2018-2019 46 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> HUGtto! Precure 2018-2019 46 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.


new hd song 2019 II ajan o naraz II irshad sanjrani II sultan echo production - Duration: 9:44.

new hd song 2019 II ajan o naraz II irshad sanjrani II sultan echo production

Must Visit Sultan Echo Production

new hd song 2019 II ajan o naraz II irshad sanjrani II sultan echo production

For more infomation >> new hd song 2019 II ajan o naraz II irshad sanjrani II sultan echo production - Duration: 9:44.


I got 50m rebirths in ice cream simulator!!!!![Mickey][Roblox Ice Cream Simulator] - Duration: 2:22.

Hey everybody, welcome to watch our video!!!

I am mickey. I am sorry, it's because my bro is not in here. So just I am here now.

And I get 50m rebirths in this video! Let's watch it~

Yeah! I got 50m rebirths!!!!

Lets dance~

Thanks to watch my video, wish you have a nice day, Bye~~

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