Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily Jan 6 2019

From giant lakes under the ice, to rivers under legendary cities, here are 8 of the

most mysterious hidden rivers and lakes.


Son Doong Cave The Son Doong Cave in Vietnam is the world's

largest cave!!

Translated as "Mountain River Cave" it was first found by a man named Ho Khanh in


The farmer was trying to find shelter from a storm when he notices water gushing out

of the limestone.

He did the responsible thing and notified the British Caving Research Association!

Now you know what to do if you find something amazing!

Or you could keep it a secret of course, it is up to you!

BUT, he kind of got lost in the jungle and forgot where it was for 18 years!!

He stumbled upon it later and in 2010, the BCRA went in to explore!

Son Doong Cave is so large, it has its own ecosystem inside.

It is over five kilometers long (3 miles) and sometimes reaches heights of 200 meters

(650 feet), that's tall enough for rain clouds to form!!

The river inside the cave after which it is named after, is home to very unique species

and organisms.

The limestone cave is believed to have formed some 2-5 million years ago when the underwater

river found a fault and carved out the space over time.

Now thanks to the river, and sunlight that comes through where the ceiling has collapsed,

the place is full of wildlife.

Explorers and tourists visiting the cave have said spending the night there is actually

quite noisy!!

One of the most exciting things is the discovery of previously unidentified species, such as

many insects and birds, and even a new kind of monkey!.

There is much more of the cave to be explored which is why many people call this mysterious

place, the lost world.


Black Sea River The Black Sea itself is located in Eurasia,

between the Mediterranean and Caspian Sea.

These waters were infamous for being inhospitable and difficult to navigate.

It's shores were surrounded by savage tribes and there were scary rumors of beasts in the


However, one of the most intriguing secrets of this sea is that there is actually a river

underneath it that flows on the sea bed!

This river was discovered by scientists from the University of Leeds in 2010.

They used a robotic submarine to study a deep channel.

It has rapids stronger than the Thames and if it were on land, it would be the world's

6th largest river.

Maybe the coolest thing is that it even creates waterfalls, underwater!!

The notion of an underwater river wasn't foreign to scientists, but the Black Sea River turned

many theories their head.

These underwater channels or rivers are hard to explore because not only are they usually

very deep, but powerful and unpredictable.

The water that flows in this river is actually much more salient than most of the water in

the Black Sea.

Since the water is denser and carries sediments and nutrients into the ocean it is vitally

important to life in the black sea.

Upon further study, it was found that the Black Sea River not only flows at about 4

miles per hour with 22,000 cubic meters of water passing through every second, it actually

flows in the opposite direction of most rivers on Earth when it comes to circling a bend.

Pretty cool to have a river under the sea!!

And now for number 6 but first be sure to subscribe before you leave and click the notification


We have lots of new videos coming up!! 6.

Antarctic Lakes The continent of Antarctica is so inhospitable

and cold that everyone thought the whole place was just frozen ice.

Then a man named Jonathan Kingslake came along and changed everything.

I know, perfect name right??

In 2010, he was observing a picture from Google Earth of the Nielsen Ice Shelf in Antarctica.

When he did, he noticed that there were water channels that could clearly be seen from the

sky, channels that would only exist if there was a lake nearby.

The idea of such a "drainage system" in Antarctica was long thought of as impossible because

of the cold temperatures, but Kingslake's discovery prompted a more rigorous search

of Antarctica, and researchers found around 700 different drainage systems throughout

the continent, each of them feeding a lake in one form or another.

Some of the water even traveled 75 miles in order to reach its final destination.

Recent inventories have identified 379 lakes in Antarctica, and we will probably find more.

Now we know that Antarctica has many subglacial lakes, covered by several kilometers of ice.

Many of them are connected and water flows from lake to lake.

Finding these systems and lakes has changed not only how we look at Antarctica, but how

we see the oceans as a whole.


Rivers of London Did you know that under the streets of London

there were rivers and canals?

In 1827, London wasn't nearly the size it was now, and instead of Pancras and Euston

Road, there used to be a field where a river once ran through.

Fast forward to today, and those streets are made of concrete and stone, but the river

is still there, it's just underground.

Alongside many other rivers that once went through the London area.

Alex Werner, head of history collections at the Museum of London says that "Wherever you

live, not far from your doorstep, you can probably track down a hidden river you never

would have guessed would be there!

This particular river, called The River Fleet, is one of many rivers that were eventually

"buried" because of the expansion of London.

And while you can go and find these rivers yourself, you would have to know where to

look, and many people in London right now have no clue!!

You can see a little piece of it above ground as it flows under an arched bridge from Hampstead

to Highgate Ponds in north London.

The reason for this is that just like the city, the rivers of the area have gone through

many phases, including how the people of London used them.

In the past they were used for drinking and fishing, but over the centuries, the need

for space was more important than the need for water.

Some of the areas around the hidden rivers became harder to maintain, so it was decided

to dam them up and use the land for the growing population.

Some are actually attempting to bring the rivers back to the true surface, but efforts

are very slow.

Most of them are now sewers surrounded by victorian brickwork.

Other rivers that can be found underneath London include: The Tyburn, The Walbrook,

The Westbourne, and the Effra.


Greenland Rivers The Nation of Greenland is the largest island

in the world.

3/4ths of its surface mass is covered in ice, however, underneath that sheet of ice and

glaciers, scientists found a network of rivers frozen in time.

This river network is remarkably large, and actually goes through much of Greenland proper,

located underneath the Jakob-shavn Is-brae glacier.

It's also said that these rivers actually have helped shape and maintain this glacier

over time.

Michael Cooper from the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom, told Live Science in

an interview that the channels seem to be instrumental in controlling the location and

form of the ice stream of the glacier.

Without these channels, the glacier might not even exist!

Or be in the same place!!

The Jakobshavn Isbrae glacier is actually the world's fastest glacier, moving towards

the ocean at a rate of 11 miles per year.

Further study proved that underneath the glacier is a massive area of canyons, as well as ravines

and streams.

It's another secret world on Earth!!

Though many of the rivers that are under the glacier aren't "alive" anymore, some of them

are still going.


Secret Rivers of Estonia Legends and stories about Estonia's secret

rivers have been around for centuries.

Animals and sometimes even people, would be carried underground by the streams.

Estonia is a country in Northern Europe that borders the Baltic Sea and includes over 1,500


With thousands of lakes, the water of Estonia is considered its most valuable natural resource.

Researchers from Tallinn University say that the secret rivers are true and that there

are probably hundreds of them beneath the surface of the country.

How is that possible?

Part of the reason is because nearly half of the mainland is covered with carbonate

rock such as limestone.

Over time the land has been "karsted", or eroded, making it easy for water to create

fissures and sinkholes.

This in turn both hid and created many of the secret rivers in the area.

Ones that were on the surface would fall into sinkholes, and then start flowing underwater.

After further study, The Estonian Book of Wilderness lists 40 secret rivers with their

starting and ending point, so in case your cows disappear, you can try to find them before

they get swept away!


Owey Island Lake The fun part about this place is that it is

a lake, under a lake.

Located in Donegal, Ireland, Owey Island is a rocky islet with no permanent residents.

On the northwest tip of the island there is a lake on the cliff tops overlooking the ocean.

So how did people find out there was a lake underneath it?

There is an extremely muddy sinkhole that you can climb into that will take you to a

silt beach in a cave.

This lake is about 50 meters underground and is fed by the Atlantic ocean and lake above

that trickles below.

It is about 150 meters long and ends in a pool known as the pool of tranquility.

It is quite a magical place!

As you descend into the cavern the walls are covered with bioluminescent organisms that

will help you find your way, then it is totally dark.

If you want to check out this place in person, be sure to check out the company Unique Ascent

because you don't want to get lost down there!

And they have great tours!!


Mexican Cenotes In the Yucatan peninsula there are nearly

7,000 cenotes.

Cenotes are underground caverns formed when limestone caves in, revealing pools of water


Their name comes from the Maya word for well and most of them were found when people were

wandering around, and then suddenly, the ground would give way and you'd find yourself falling

and splashing into a pool of water!

They are created by naturally acidic water filtering through and dissolving limestone.

These mysterious underground pools were believed by the Maya to be entrances to the underworld

and have enormous sacred significance.

In many there are still sacrificial remains along with artifacts and stone altars and


While most remain officially unexplored, you can visit and even swim in them to experience

the amazing mysterious places for yourself!

Have you ever been to one?

Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for watching!

Remember to subscribe before you leave and I'll see you soon!


For more infomation >> Most Mysterious HIDDEN Lakes And Rivers! - Duration: 10:16.


15+Garden Landscaping Ideas Love The Garden - Duration: 14:23.

For more infomation >> 15+Garden Landscaping Ideas Love The Garden - Duration: 14:23.


Israel: Netanyahu will das Thema Syrien mit "altem Freund" Bolton besprechen - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Israel: Netanyahu will das Thema Syrien mit "altem Freund" Bolton besprechen - Duration: 0:46.


7 Interesting Facts About OBI-WAN KENOBI You May Not Know - Duration: 5:12.

Hey everybody and welcome to Leia's Lair.

In this episode, I will be going over 7 interesting facts you might not know about Obi-Wan Kenobi.

If you are enjoying the videos, please give them a like, share and subscribe to the channel

so I can continue making them for you.

Number 1: He understood many languages

While Galactic Basic was by far the most common language spoken by Kenobi, this was far from

the extent of his linguistic capabilities.

He was actually capable of understanding at least 5 different languages including Twi'leki

and Shyriiwook.

"Hello little one.

(Twi'leki) The girl can lead us through the tunnel to the prisoners."

How exactly did he come to understand these you might ask?

Well, during his experience as a general during the Clone Wars, Kenobi visited many planets

and interacted with many different species.

Number 2: He had 3 different lightsabers

Kenobi had three lightsabers throughout his life.

His first lightsaber was constructed to look like his master's Qui-Gon Jinn.

He eventually lost this weapon battling Darth Maul.

He then built a second saber, which was similar to the one he previously lost.

After he achieved the rank of master, he eventually created a new, lighter design that also used

blue plasma.

Number 3: He killed Darth Maul, not once, but two times

After the tragic death of his master in episode 1, Obi-wan used Qui-gon's lightsaber to

help split Darth Maul in half and presumably kill Emperor Palpatine's Sith apprentice.

However, Maul was eventually revived, and had a deep seeded desire for revenge on Kenobi,

eventually leading him to confront Kenobi on Tatooine.

With a new set of legs, Maul squared off with Obi Wan one last time.

The battle was short, and Kenobi was able to kill him with Kenobi showing him empathy

and compassion at the end.

Number 4: At one point, he left the Jedi Order.

While Kenobi was renowned as one of the most dedicated members of the Jedi Order, it might

surprise you to know that he left the Jedi Order once to pursue a personal mission.

After getting caught up in the middle of a planet-wide civil war on Melida/Daan, Kenobi

made the only decision he felt he could and stayed to help end the conflict.

He eventually realized that he was not meant to be in this civil war and made the decision

to return to the Jedi Order and to his master, Qui Gon Jinn.

Number 5: He was the Master of Combat Form 3, Soresu

While his fighting style incorporated other forms, there's no denying that Kenobi was

best known for his mastery over the third traditional form of lightsaber combat.

Soresu was developed to compensate for the lack of the defensive capabilities in Form


After Qui-Gon's death by Darth Maul, Obi-Wan began to study in the ways of Soresu.

The best example of his mastery over this fighting style can be seen in Episode 3, when

he faces off against Anakin on Mustafar.

Number 6: He Possessed Unique Force Abilities

While the most common force ability we have seen Obi Wan use is the Jedi Mind Trick, "You

don't need to see his identification" he was also greatly skilled in the abilities of Force-assisted

animal call and Beast Taming.

That's right, one of Obi-Wan's official Force abilities is his ability to imitate

the sound of an animal, in this case a krayt dragon.

Number 7: He had multiple lovers

In Kenobi's younger years, he met an attractive young Jedi Padawan named Siri Tachi.

The two instantly connected and began to realize their true feelings for one another.

They eventually did what the Order required of them, and rebuffed their feelings for one


That being said, his most notable lover was Duchess Satine Kryze.

One of Obi-Wan's first notable assignments as a Padawan was to protect Satine Kryze from

insurgents sent to assassinate her.

"I'll take care of this Obi-wan.

You, go find your girlfriend.

Right, no Anakin she's not my-" Obi-Wan and Satine grew close over the years and began

to develop romantic feelings towards one another.

"I don't know quite how to say this but, I've loved you, from the moment you came to my

aid, all those years ago.

Alright, had you said the word, I would've left the Jedi Order.

That is touching."

She would eventually be murdered by Darth Maul.

And there you have it!

Thanks for watching everyone!

What did you think about these Obi-Wan facts?

Do you know any other interesting facts about him?

Let me know down below in the comment section.

And remember to like, share and subscribe to the channel for more great videos to come.

I hope to see you all again in Leia's Lair.

For more infomation >> 7 Interesting Facts About OBI-WAN KENOBI You May Not Know - Duration: 5:12.


English Lessons Online 2019 (subtitles / captions) - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> English Lessons Online 2019 (subtitles / captions) - Duration: 4:31.


Minha Vizinha Não Podia Andar de Tanta DOR NOS OSSOS e Articulações Até que Tomou Essa Receita - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Minha Vizinha Não Podia Andar de Tanta DOR NOS OSSOS e Articulações Até que Tomou Essa Receita - Duration: 2:24.


Rettungshund denkt, er sei ein Schlittenhund! - Duration: 0:44.

Animals are anything but serious and want even their fun.

This rescue dog apparently thinks, he be a sled dog and slip down the hill.

But do not worry, he has things under control.

This is not his first time.

For more infomation >> Rettungshund denkt, er sei ein Schlittenhund! - Duration: 0:44.


5 Carrot Oil Masks To Encourage Hair Growth | Carrot Oil For Hair Growth - Remedies One - Duration: 5:00.

in addition to helping with hair growth these masks will also help fight other

problems such as excessive dryness nerve oil depending on the case or dandruff

today's video will discuss five carrier oil masks to encourage hair growth

before you watch this video please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube

channel by clicking the subscribe button then tap the bell icon so you will be

the first to know when we post new videos daily you probably already know

that carrots are a great source of vitamins A and E these vitamins are

essential for hair growth and for thickening it one carrot and avocado

mask avocado pulp is full of vitamins minerals and fats that moisturized the

scalp from the inside we recommend this mask if your hair is extremely dry

breaks easily and if you have dandruff however don't use this mask if you hair

is oily ingredients a half ripe avocado ten drops of carrot boil 1 tablespoon of

honey 7 point 5 grams preparation 1 smash the

avocado up to make a paste to add the carrot oil and honey 3 apply to your

hair and massage it in to ensure that the nutrients get to the target zone 4

let sit for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water this mask for hair

growth will let you grow your hair a few centimeters before you need to get a

trim - carrot and banana oil do you have a ripe banana in the kitchen use it to

make this mask you have to know that bananas provide great health benefits

for our hair so take advantage of them ingredients 1 ripe banana 1 teaspoon of

carrot oil 5 grams preparation 1 first mash the banana and add the carrot oil 2

then mix them well and apply to clean dry hair 3 massage it in and let sit for

25 minutes for rinse with cold water we recommend

that you use a ripe banana since they have more nutrients in them 3

pre-shampoo for encouraging hair growth do you want an easy to apply mask that

has exceptional results if so try this third mask in addition to being easy it

only takes a few minutes before your daily shower ingredients 1 TSP of carrot

boil 5 grams 1/2 tbsp of olive oil 8 grams 1 vitamin E capsule preparation 1

combine the two oils add the vitamin E capsule and rub your hands together to

heat it up to apply throughout your entire hair and let sit for 30 minutes 3

rinse with cold water for an alternative for this mask is to mix these

ingredients directly into your shampoo if you do this you should double or

triple the amount of ingredients depending on the amount of shampoo for

mask for oily hair the recipes that we have already given you are great for

helping dry hair grow however hair loss also affects those with oily hair

ingredients 1 whole raw egg 1 teaspoon of carrier oil 5 grams preparation 1 mix

the two ingredients in a bowl - with the help of a brush apply the mixture to all

of your hair 3 pay special attention to the scalp 4 let sit for 25 minutes and

then rinse with warm water if you hair is very oily you should check the

ingredients in your shampoo and your other hair products 5 relaxing and

clarifying lemon mask are you suffering from hair loss because

of hair dyes or bleaches our first recommendation is that you stop dyeing

your hair we recommend that you look for alternatives to change the color of your

hair if you want to lighten it use the

following masks to help with hair growth ingredients the juice from 10 lemons

1 tablespoon of carrot boil 5 grams 1/2 cup of chamomile tea 100 millilitres

preparation 1 mix the ingredients put them in a spray bottle to each day

before showering shake the spray bottle and apply the solution to your hair 3

let's sit for 15 minutes and then wash it normally if you are looking to darken

your hair change the lemon juice for a tablespoon of activated charcoal and the

chamomile for black tea which method do you like let me know in our comment

section below if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and share with your

friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you

For more infomation >> 5 Carrot Oil Masks To Encourage Hair Growth | Carrot Oil For Hair Growth - Remedies One - Duration: 5:00.


New Best TH7 HYBRID/TROPHY [defense] Base 2019 | Town Hall 7 Hybrid Base Design - Clash of Clans - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> New Best TH7 HYBRID/TROPHY [defense] Base 2019 | Town Hall 7 Hybrid Base Design - Clash of Clans - Duration: 7:16.


Visa Hasil Karne Ka Amal | Visa K Hasool Ka Taweez | Citizenship Hasil Karne Ka Amal | Visa Problem - Duration: 5:07.

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