Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily Aug 28 2017

Top 6 Herbs that Detoxify Your Body Naturally Garlic Garlic has been used as a strong detox food since ancient times, and it remains popular even today. Sulfur-containing compounds in garlic help fight the harmful microbes that generate toxins in the intestines. It also helps with detoxification by increasing the production of glutathione which helps to filter toxins from the digestive system. Squeeze 3 or 4 cloves of garlic to release beneficial sulfur compounds. Consume it on an empty stomach every day for a few weeks to detoxify your body. If you can not stand the taste of garlic, you can opt for the garlic capsules. For the correct dose, consult your doctor. 2. Ginger The best way to enjoy the detoxifying benefit of ginger is to drink ginger tea. Boil 1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger in 1 ½ cup hot water. Lower the heat and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain and drink this detox tea every morning and night every day. You can also add freshly grated ginger to salad dressings or other dishes. 3. Neem Eat 2 or 3 tender neem leaves mixed with some honey on an empty stomach. Repeat daily for 1 month. You can also drink neem tea. Boil a little over 1 cup of water, add 1 teaspoon of crushed Neem leaves or neem powder into it, then let simmer for 5 minutes. Strain and cool. Drink this tea twice a day for 1 month. For a softer flavor, mix your neem tea with green tea or herbs such as cinnamon and fennel. 4. Licorice Root Add 1 tablespoon crushed licorice root to 1 cup boiling water. Cover and let simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain, then add 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Drink this once a day for 1 month. 5. Dandelion Drinking dandelion tea is a popular method of detoxification. To make you: Boil 2 teaspoons of dried dandelion root in 1 cup of water. Turn off the heat, cover and let it begin for about 10 minutes. Drink this tea twice a day, once in the morning and once at night for 1 week. 6. Burdock Root It is also beneficial for the kidneys, bladder, and digestive system. It is loaded with detoxifying nutrients, including folic acid, vitamins C and E, and magnesium. It also strengthens the body's immune system while purifying the blood. Add 1 teaspoon of dried burdock root to a cup of hot water. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes, then strain. Drink this tea 1 or 2 times a day for a couple of weeks.

For more infomation >> Top 6 Herbs that Detoxify Your Body Naturally - Detox your body Naturally - Duration: 2:54.


Sem Esperanças e se sentindo Derrotado, Mentiras de Satanás - Duration: 11:42.

For more infomation >> Sem Esperanças e se sentindo Derrotado, Mentiras de Satanás - Duration: 11:42.


Content writing & SEO - Writing Great Content - Duration: 5:58.

Hi Guys, Welcome to my video about content writing and SEO

so a little bit about myself. My name is Jessica Cade I am the CEO and founder of

STEES. I am also a translator. I have been a translator for 17 years

STESS is a company that specializes in creative content writing, writing

professional Wikipedia articles and we also do management for social media accounts

and so in this video today we are going to talk about content writing and SEO

the reason why I put them together is because content writing and SEO are

actually closely related so as far as how to write great content there are

many factors and sub factors to content writing as well as SEO but today we are

going to see the five main factors. Okay so the first factor is WORDS when

writing content make sure that you use precise words and SEO. That goes for your

title, your headings and your subtitles using words and SEO that are really

relevant to your industry and to your topic is what's going to help you rank

higher in google search. Number two is TARGET and/or AUDIENCE so what it means by

that is whenever your target or your client or your customer, rather it is a

new client or a current customer when the reader reads the content that

person should be able to know what the topic is about what type of service you

are offering and also what it is that you can do for them. Okay so the third

factor is BLOG blogging has power do not underestimate the power of blogging

what blogging does and if you are not able to or if you do not want to create

a blog you can always create a sub page within your website but using blog

within your blog or your that sub page is to help you describe in full details

what it is that you can offer or just talk in full details about your topic

about your industry but when reading when the reader goes to your blog posts

they should be able to know what you can do for them how you can do it and how

they can benefit from you. Okay so JARGON is a fourth factor guys this is actually

a mistake that many people do when their rights on their website or on the blog

they use technical words words that are too technical for anybody to understand

because not everybody is well-versed so whenever you write a content just

make sure that the reader will be able to understand what you are talking about

so you keep it professional but you do not use words that are too technical as

in if you are writing about chemistry and I come to your website I am

obviously not well versed about chemistry I should be able to understand

at least 90% of what you are saying without having to question myself or

without having to go to Wikipedia and research the words that you are using

okay last but not least is PROOFREADING this is the last and fifth factor

proofreading is extremely important just make sure that there are no mistakes

everything that you write about or blog about or put on your website is going to

be seen online on Google and Bing everybody's going to see it so just make

sure that everything flows right that there are no grammatical errors that the

way you formulated your sentence is okay

okay so as a recap on content writing and SEO that is going to help you on

writing great content we are going to go and review review the five factors the

first one that we saw was words make sure that you use precise words in your

titles your subtitles and your subheadings that is going to help you

rank higher in Google search the second one that we saw was target or an or your

audience whenever you write your content and your reader comes to your website or

to your blog the reader must be able to understand your topic and your industry

so just by reading the first two sentences they should be able to know

what it is that you are aiming for the third one is blog blogging has power it

allows you to give more details about your service about your topic about your

industry and it also gives you the power to put more metadata into Google the

fourth one was jolly so as far as writing the content we want you to keep

everything professional but not too technical so if the reader is not well

versed in your topic and oil-industry that person should be able to understand

90% of the content the last one fifth one is proofreading make sure that your

content is clear there there is clear of mistakes that there are no mistakes that

everything flows together

thank you for watching my video about content writing and SEO which is going

to allow you to create great great content again my name is Jessica Cade

from STESS you can find me on

This video is also available on our blog

For more infomation >> Content writing & SEO - Writing Great Content - Duration: 5:58.


Nino de Angelo spricht über seine neue Freundin - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Nino de Angelo spricht über seine neue Freundin - Duration: 2:30.


Unbelievable Cake Designs - 25 Amazing Creative Cake Designs | Beautiful Cake Designs | - Duration: 2:52.

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