hi YouTube okay today is opposites we're
doing up and down please remember to
subscribe and ring my bell I'm uploading
opposites on Thursdays this is a series
called opposites and we are looking at
how to find trends that are opposites
and so today we're working with
up-and-down I added them in to save a
little bit of time and so I haven't
looked at them yet so we're going down
here to see what they're related queries
are avicki wake me up uptown funk
Instagram sign-in up board results from
2016 and up board results from 2015 then
we've got an interest by region and
related queries drag me down one
direction Sam Smith lay me down and Sam
Smith down in the DM and slow down
Selena Gomez let's look a little bit
more these are all breakout and we've
got David Guetta shot me down Olympus
has fallen drag me down pokeyman go down
and Instagram down so pokemons go he's
just all over the place he's up and down
and on the go and then we've got I woke
up in a new Bugatti up sad a king and
keeping up with the Kardashian seasoned
a little Keeping Up with the Kardashians
and stand-up guys so let's go over here
to YouTube and we're going to type in up
so we've got number one is uptown funk
number two is up Church number three is
up Church the redneck number four is up
number five is uptown girl
number six is up like trunk number seven
is up up down down oh that's good that's
a good one number eight is upgrade you
Beyonce number nine is uptown funk
lyrics and number ten is update so let's
look at some of the videos here we've
got up two thousand nine YouTube movies
and we've got nav up prod by nav and
Metro boomin by nav favorite Pixar's Up
scenes ever Ellie and Carl's
relationship through time sad scene by
geesh XX from seven years ago Wow and
then we've got the YouTube mix-up and
then everything wrong with up in 16
minutes or less so let's look and see if
we can find any in well let's look at
today instead of last hour we've got
yeah let's look at the last hour since
it is basketball fly up to Jesus by
April and Daisy Aaron s er and Lord Drax
fan meet at paintball explosion come
play paintball and laser tag aaron sr
google proves the pay cap is real and
it's F up The Young Turks Oh interesting
YouTube crisis is Google shutting down
or shutting up Ken dayley fifteen
minutes ago and climbing a tree nine
hundred feet up in LA by Devon Haynes
and 6000k grind pull up famous gang so
now we want to go back we're going to
hit the back button here well I could
have just maybe done it from here
d o did I spell it wrong yes I did
that's why I like to type things in
advance because I'm not typing very well
that's okay though that's okay down is
number one download is number two down
Marion Hill is number three downtown is
number four down in the DM is five down
with the sickness is six down the river
seven downtown Macklemore lyrics is
number eight down in the DM remix is
number nine and down to the river to
pray is number ten so let's go here
we've got we want to look at some videos
that's what we want to do yes we want to
look at some videos so Marion Hill down
from Marion Hill VEVO is up here from a
month ago
then we've got Marion Hill down lyrics
on screen by heart beats and down jay
sean lyrics smoked and dangerous let's
look at the last hour and see if
anything comes up it should miraculous
ladybug comic bozo part down espanol by
plague blog x so sorry if i butchered
that but
that's you know some of this stuff I'm
going to butcher freeway hold down the
featuring Dave East hip-hop.com
seventeen minutes ago Mike Pence stairs
down CNN reporter NATO burrito
productions don't let me down AMV Manabu
and quarter ax and yonder Howie Howie I
think I said that right I don't know
once no to seus Vallarta Sierra said it
del down pour over Vallarta once not is
a spin I think I butchered that and
we've got super fast live stream helping
Mac and cat take down a Jim Pokemon go
NYC so yeah that's it for up and down
trend so if you have any trends you want
me to do that are opposites we're doing
opposite trends here so we're learning
about trends at the same time we're kind
of having fun doing some reviews of
videos and things like that and we're
learning we're learning I'm teaching you
guys about trends I'm teaching myself
because I learn as I do this stuff too
and so and that's good to stay up with
the trends and so thank you guys so much
for watching please thumbs up this video
share it with your friends leave
comments suggestions ideas and I'll see
you soon peace love and avocados
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