What's up Guys, TopTierYugioh here, and welcome to the second day of Subterror weekend where
I'm going to be uploading a brand new Subterror deck, so in case you missed it yesterday
So in case you missed it, yesterday I uploaded a Pure Subterror deck
I uploaded a peer sub tarot deck profile that focused a lot more on defense and an out grinding opponents in a late-game
Well today's deck is going to be the complete opposite as it focuses on making strong
unbreakable turn one boards and the best way to do that right [now] is with the true king so this is going to be a
True King [Subterra] deck profile, so we're going to kick things off with three sub tears nemesis archers
so archer is the main nemesis monster that you're going to be playing in this deck because [it] allows you to submit all of your
Vehemence by destroying it with either aleppo statham or a diagram and that effects really useful because it allows you to build your board while
Summoning other monsters as well
And in although the spec does depend on making strong turn one boards
having a monster like archer that floats and works really well with your engine does allow you to have strong late games as
well as survive long enough to draw into your combo card because you're not going to always draw your combo pieces and having something like
Arthur is good to have in depth just in case
Although there are enough combo pieces in this deck that you should draw a couple of them every single hand
Next we have three [Subterra] nemesis warriors still extremely important part of this deck as it does allow you to summon your behemoths
famous archer
But the best thing about Nemesis while you're in this deck
is that it keeps coming back from the graveyard and so it really helps you set up a lot more of your players such as
your rank [fours] and your synchro plays of course we have to play [three] [fiends] if it helps you summon your monsters as well as
being a good defensive card
This is a three of an every single sub serie that regardless of what other engines are type of deck that you're playing
You've got to play three seen this you're just extremely valuable in every turn one board that you make that you can back up with
a theme this it just makes you that harder to beat and then even if you survive you can use feeding this to extend your
[plays] in the next turn so it's a lot different than other traps to where like you use that tracks
And if you don't use a trap it just sits there
being this is a trap [that] if you don't use you can use it proactively on the next turn and so it's either going to
Protect your board on that turn or it's going to help you kill your opponent on the next one
So let's move on to the behemoths first [to] play one [Ultra] [Mathis]
Ultra office is actually really good in this build because you get someone in pretty easily with all the archers
But then because you do have archer you can really take advantage of electrum offices effect
And then shuffle back your opponent's monsters with archer and that's on top of you know they [already] just good
Ol term opposite effects like having a book of eclipse is really really strong. So next we have two stalagmites
Which is still a really really strong, Behemoth?
But I cut it down [to] [two] in this [build] because [a] lot [of] times you have to destroy one card in your [hand] with
Little Satan's effect
So it makes it hard sometimes to some
Say Jim button also has something to discard first alag [moe] and vice versa
And so [you] might discard a car first alag [moe] that might have been the only earth that you had and then you drawn to
to spell cards or Thordan to a car that you don't destroy such as like a
hand trap or something or a maxI and so there's sort of a slight contradiction between [let's] of [stadium] and
Stalagmites, I wanted to cut that to just a sort of cut down to that contradiction next we play one Volta Lord
This is actually really important in this build because it does allow you to go into your rank 9 please
But then also having [3,000] [defenses] relevant as well
And if you can set your opponent's monsters with ultra officer than summit volta Lord you can do some pretty cool combos
One Fox Robles here which I really think is standard at this point because being able to sing cards like Globe old
Nemesis warrior than other cars that you just want to send to the graveyard is really really valuable. [there's] one game. I remember us
It's a hand trap to the graveyard an instant fusion did back to go into a synchro [monster] and like just making little plays like
That on
Top of the already obvious plays like sending global bolt for nat beasts and other synchros are sending nemesis warriors
They can get it back and there are so many different plays you can do sending something [to] [bring] her back
We've seen this you just again you have so many different options
Definitely think that it's necessary in these decks now and then again
it does contribute to your strong turn one boards because it does help you make nat beasts and
Again me and a chair your visas really really hard for [decks] tile and the last two behemoths that we play are [to] [loomis] tricks
So now for the name stick that that we play [two] little [stadiums] the Earth true king and a little stadiums really good in this
deck because it allows you to destroy your archers and
So you can either get archer like just by hard drawing it or you can start to its hidden City
but either way
Just destroying it allows you to summon your other behemoths from the deck and the easiest play to do is just to someone a volta
Lark and then go into a wreck 9 so that could be either [vSD] or enter blast near either one of them is really good
Generally VSD is going to be your main choice, but there's so many other plays that enables as well
So for example if you have hidden city, let's go say gem Brilliant [fusions] and [then] either archer [or] warrior
It's going to allow you to go [through] [camp] calamities and that beast and nominee dex can deal with that board
Then also attacks your opponent's extra dragon, so when you summon it using its own effect
It's going [to] allow you to banish three cards from your employments extra [jack] that's really huge right now because you can banish your opponent's
VsDs. You could banish their Norden's or synchros or whatever they might need
I mean it also gives you information as well as if you're going first you know they're playing
Seeing direct Rick is going to give you a lot of clues
and then really help you build your attorney or strategies around that so gives you the advantage of
Information as well as hurting their strategies as well, okay?
So I'm gonna go ahead and show you some of the combos that you can do it little stadium into the most basic one is
If you have hidden city, let's go [stadium] and in any other monster that you can destroy with let's this agent effect
I mean, it's nice if it's earth or if it's a trick clown, but if it's not that's okay as well
[I] suddenly go ahead and show you guys that one right now
And so the next combo which is a much more advanced version of a previous one is if you have hidden city with no stadium
Infusion and an either [archer] or nemesis warrior now this one's really crazy because it's going to allow you to summon a true [tank] calamities
And [innate] [area] beasts and like outside of Kaijus
I don't think there's any out to that board and then you're gonna need kaijus and other plays
Because [a] Kaiju is only going to be able to deal with one of them then there's even another combo
I'm gonna let you guys figure out that's really similar
But there's a lot of other ways that you can make similar voids as well
just having Hitman City Blippo stadium and then
Archer and in like some way to like get an emesis warrior really lets you do some awesome plays and then backing any of them
Up with a theme this to send it over the top okay?
So there are two more combos that you can do actually but I'm gonna put them at the end of the video because I want
to move on with the rest of the step profile right now and
So be sure to stay on to the end of the video to watch the last two combos alright
So next we play three [tear] tops one take Tom borg these are just more starter cards
They give [you] something to attribute with nemesis warrior
They help you make totem bird which contributes to your strong turn ones boards or you can go into an invoker and then special summon
The missus warrior so gives you a lot of different options that [are] next we play one garnet and one trick clown for the brunette
Fusion engine and after the hand shots you play two ghost ogres
[to] ghost ashes and at one Maxie one thing that I'm actually considering is going up to three ghost ogres
[I] don't want to completely take out [ghosts] - But I
Probably take out one ghost - or go silver because one thing that I've noticed
Consistently is that when my opponent has a gigantic diagram. [I] don't want to just negate the searching effects
[I] want to destroy the diagram because the hardest thing about the true Draco matchup
Is that once they saw the masterpiece you can't get rid of it with your monster effects?
Which is that focuses around a lot?
But you also can't destroy it by battle because they have the at the diagram abortion sort of a battle twice
So something to monsters but over 30 to 50 attack is really really hard to do like you can make one
And get one monster that high that's not a problem
but [two]
That makes it really difficult to do and so I really want to destroy die grand most of the time with the ghosts over
rather than just negating the effect for a turn with ghosts -
But then the final monster that we play is 1 glow-up bulb and this is for the materia beast [place] as well as the other
Synchro place for the spell so not many surprises here three hidden cities [3] terraforming
We got the final battle for the hidden city going on here
So we got a you got to have as many hidden cities as possible, then only one dragonic diagram
This is because you don't want to see multiples
And you only need to see it [1] - generally and then you do have terraforming [they'll] search [it] as well
So next we have [3] brewery infusions really important for the combos
I just showed you guys earlier
Being able to summon extra monsters and getting an extra normal summon is really really helpful because you do have a lot of normal [some]
[ones] that you do have 3 archers 3 nemesis warriors 3 seen this and a bunch of tribute monsters
So having an extra normal summon is really really nice [next] [we] have three instant fusions
which is a staple in any sub tarot deck to just come in and
You can summon invoked right in to set itself to someone your behemoth or you get some ignore it in to extend your place
That's pretty obvious and the only traps you play are two
Final battles because again this code focuses a lot more on your monsters and not your traps
But also because that does have so many cards that you don't necessarily want to draw such as global garnet red clown
I didn't want to add to [that] list by playing a lot of traps because those aren't really good going second
You're not always going to win your dive rules
but [playing] but hand traps over regular traps
Allows me to go second
Disrupt my opponents, and then on my turn be able to you know build a really strong board or even [odk] them sometimes
So I'm saving the regular traps for the side back for when I know that I can go first in this bill
I really don't think there's space for traps hand traps and all your combo pieces
For the extra deck when [you] start with the fusions we play one Sarasu [light]
One in both right in and then one Lordan for the synchro monsters who play one cloud castle?
Cloud castle is actually really good because we do go into a lot of level 9 monsters. We have volt elorg
cloud castle and bring back volatile orc and then go into a second req 9 after you make your first initial flavor right 9 so
One thing that'll happen really often is that you're going to your first [ranked] [nile] with archer lugosi a gem
But [after] that you're going to at some [point] if you really want to be able to go into glacier and Saint glow-up bulb
And then with [that] that's going to allow you to make another level 9 synchro monster you can just summon the cloud castle
bring back to both alert that's already in your graveyard or even [the] [lipless] a gem and
That's going to let you go into another rank 9 so cloud castle is really useful. I wanted to play [trishula]
Which is another level 9 synchro, and you can go in the tricia?
You really really want to but sometimes it just takes a lot of work
And you don't really go into it as often because it does require three materials next we play one [yazzie]
Evil of the yang zing [jaws] is really good because it lets you clear your opponent's [boards]
But then also once you use Yossi's effect to Destroy itself. It's going to let you summon
let's go say jump from your deck again aiding to your rank 9 plays one ancient Fairy Dragon because it lets you cycle through your
field spells
what are we going from Hidden City to the next hidden city or going from diagram to Hidden City or vice versa or even the
[showing] your opponent's field supposed to search your own
Ancient for your dragon is extremely useful
[any], and you can even use it to special summon your [monster] from your hand such as your are curing your nemesis warrior
So [int] your fairy Dragon is really useful [sin] the last synchro monster is one neytiri beast and you guys already know why we play?
That let's go ahead and move on to the [exists] monsters. We're going to start with the rank 9 and then move on down
We play 1 through 10 calamities
And then once tandem fortress answer blasts near and I'm on the fence about playing [anther] blast near or a second kruky and calamities
But both are really good and both have their purposes and right now [I] kind of felt that the utility of having both
Sort of trumps the consistency of having just two to kane calamities
But I'm going to put a poll on the top right corner of the screen
Let me know which one you think would be best remember the rank force
We have one cast though which I think is standard and also tear that
You're going to be able to flip itself face down to some of your behemoths, but also
It helps you clear your opponents boards as well once I go still emeral don't be shuffled back your resources one thing
I really like to do as a shuffle back garnet and trick clown or especially just a garnet that's going to help you reuse your
Variant Fusion you can go on the rent force pretty easily, too
So you can do this on command you can also shuffle back your hand traps if you want to draw them again
or even some of your behemoths if you need them in depth to summon off of a and archer then we have one broad but
One dragnet a strong defensive rank force these are just really good in my opinion
So I think they should go in any decks
I can make rank for words really because sometimes even if you can't make the full light true key and calamities [plus]
Naturia bees if you can make [naturey] abuse flush dryden that's really strong or fruity no calamities [plus] trident
That's really good even totem bird plus dragons really good
And so you have a lot of access to very many really really strong defensive monsters
And which is why you don't need so many traps in the main deck in my opinion
But I finally we played to rank threes one two little bird
And then one invoker set aside that you're gonna notice this is very [similar], so I'm not gonna explain it too much
But we have one psycho kraken which I really like when you're playing against trap heavy decks
Because you can do sort of like an in-Phase MSP with [Mrs.]. Warrior
You can just some [spy] [go] cracking on your opponent's turn
Flip it with final battle hit one back [arrow] going to your turn pull the back face down and back face up and hit some
More back row so psycho kraken is really good against the back projection my opinion and next we play a kaiju engine
We have to give seo
[1ku] mungus into one of the level 9 the level 9 is really good because you can summon it off of a
slumber or also if you just draw in another Kaiju and again
it helps you make your rank 9 please and then because game seo is level 8 and
then we also have level 7 [news] x I also really want to play a
Level of ranked 8th in the rank 7 but again the extra. Deck space is actually pretty tight
I don't think there's enough space for it
You don't go into them often [enough] because you do pretty much only do this out the side deck
But having a level 9 Kaiju is useful because you already make prank knives within the main deck
But also something important to note [that] I forgot to [mention] in yesterday's deck
Is that you can actually search your [pages] because you can send slumber to the graveyard the [phosphorous] here?
I don't want your next turn you can banish the slumber to start to tide you that's really really important in the true Draco matchup
And then also because we do play triple archer
Having [there] explore [birds] and a dark hole health as well because they're going to help you start [there] plays
So then for the side deck trap cards
It's very similar to yesterday's we play two quaking Mayor force two barrier [two] strikes in a warning
I really like the mirror forces striking warning against rooting dinosaurs
I really like the warning versus a true Draco's and then again zodiacs
I really like very your strikes and warnings and so I sort of mix and match the traps that fit that [matchup] better
But then you're going to notice against true drake goes not really studying many traps at all
That's because they can just summon a masterpiece that
Abuse and trap cards and so you don't really want to saw regular attacks for that except for the warning that can negate the summon?
Against that matchup I'm usually sighting in the kaijus, but they give me answers to Masterpiece
which is really really hard for this deck out and
Again you have searchable outs because you can send lumber to the graveyard and you can also make [mat] beasts as well which helps
Okay, so I almost forgot to include these combos
But they're both three-card combos you need hidden City Likto stage and institution
And then you also need one other card to the store with lipless a gem
Doesn't really matter what it is. It just has to be any sort of monster in your deck. It's cool
If it's an Earth, but if it's not [an] earth or the trick pound that's fine, too
It doesn't really matter and so the first of the two combos is going to end you with nate area [be]
[spooky] and calamities which again is really really hard for a lot of decks to out the second combo starts with the same car
But you can end [it] a little differently and so you can end with true King [of] calamities
Dryden and then archer, so this combo is actually really good if you have a penis in your hand that we have another negation
but also if you're planning of the [death] bet
That make sure you'll be sitting that good again
And now another advantage of the second combo is that it really keeps your [subterra] engine going?
and so the first combo your ending with a true [ten] calamities and a trivia beast not any subtalar cards you have no way to
Get back to your [subterra] cards
But in the second combo there anyone in the archer and so you can always [use] [dryden] to pop archer
Coming any or any of your other subterra monster from your deck [then] get your engine back going again
And so both combos are really really strong turn one the second combo is usually better if you're playing it with dk your point that?
Next turn because you can summon
Because you can destroy archer
Something like us to lacma or something this card draw a few more cards
And they also bring back that nemesis warrior
And then if you can add any other monster on [top] of that you're going to have game so both combos are really good both
Have their pros [and] cons the [first] one obviously has [gnat] beast which is a wind condition against a lot of decks
Plus [VSD]
Which is when conditioning into other decks whereas the second combo doesn't have a naturia beast?
But it still allows you to play within your [subterra] engine, and it's almost just as hard to play through [alright] guys
That's it for the true King Subterra deck profile if you have any
Suggestions let me know in the comments section below any other questions comments or concerns
I'd be extremely happy to answer them so again
Leave them down in the comment section [below] or also contact [me] by any sort of social media all of that in the description
but also
I just want to thank you guys for watching this video and a lot of my other content recently
I say this all the time but my goal here is just to build a strong community of Yugioh players
But then also to improve my content
Improve my own plate and help you guys improve as well and the best way for me to do that is through online video
So you guys watching these videos really means a lot to me because I think that these can help you guys all improve
Both [as] players and [especially] as subterra players and in being able to share our ideas
different ways to play the deck and then just our general mindset both on sub tears and in the game in General down in the
Comments section is a really good way [for] us to grow and so if you haven't already
Subscribed to the channel as I really think it'll be beneficial to both of us because [I] do have a lot more content coming soon
And so don't forget to come [back] tomorrow at 7 p.m.
Eastern time for the final day of Subterra weekend where I'm going to be uploading a thirat sub tarot deck
But don't be fooled. I have a lot [more] than three sub tarot decks stored up
It's just the final day of the week and so even though the weekends ending eventually I will be able to get to the other
Sub tear-filled so be sure to stick around so [you] can see those when they do come
But as always guys thanks for [watching] and I'll see you guys tomorrow
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