Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily Apr 27 2018

Hello, good evening

Always a good feeling every time I back to Indonesia, talking in a full room like this

The eagerness to learn, I can feel it or maybe it's because there's Dilan on the slide

While, talks about Dilan, Iíd like to give a prediction, while we won't meet Milea tonight because the canteen closed already

So, I hope after this evening, you are inspired in making a presentation with a slightly different style

and presented it with great spirit and confidence

Because, when we think about presenting, we thought about something serious

in a forum like this, Buka Talks, or even TED Talks

or maybe when we try to present the details of some technical things in a conference

actually, it's not (have to be serious)

if you have an idea on a new product planning or a a sprint planning

sometimes, unconsciously, we switch into serious mode

even in an interview, whether with your future employer or future in laws

sometimes, intentionally, we use our presenting techniques

in communication terms, presenting is total different thing with storytelling

in storytelling, we want our audience to just listen, no comments needed

probably there will be an app, solely for just venting, some idea for a startup

while, it's different with presenting, we want the audiences got something from the presentation

then there's a framework called what's in it For me

shorten to WIIFM

that's a question in your mind when a presenter stands before you and rehearse it as much as you can, to get a great, polished presentation.

you don't to waste your time hearing something that have nothing to do with you, or has no advantage for you

so, it's a fatal mistake when you start presenting with open your laptop then start the presentation slides

that's what usually happen. What you should do is

first, think about what your audience will do after your presentation

think about it carefully, until you firm with it

write it down on a paper, a board, notebook wherever you like, until you satisfied with the statement

then we think about the materials

and for the materials, in this presentation I will talks about 3 frameworks

first, we talk about how to compile some interesting materials

then, how to package it concisely but not boring, with great confidence

lastly, after you master all that, is how to keep improving.

so here we go, first topic: the materials

I like a power recipe by Granville Toogood in his book The New Articulate Executive

they are Punch, One Theme, Window, Ear, and Retention. For this context, we'll talk about Window

so, with this concept, our presentation is window, for audience to see what we really like to tell them

how to make it interesting? There some common mistakes

first, presentation slide that full with words so the window has to be interesting or audience will get bored and fall asleep

then I talk some more presenting, while audience can just read on the slides

Second mistake, even if a talk about something else, nobody will listen

because everybody is busy reading the slides

how to correct the mistakes? Only put the keywords on the slides

put something coherent with the topic

something that help the audience to remember, not the whole explanation

it's better to listen that to read

here some example, clap your hand if you ever saw a slide like this

some of you just raised your hand while I ask you to clap, that's because you see me raise my hand, isn't it?

third mistakes, put everything into a long list, or some kind of bullet points

example, in a presentation from Paul Greenberg

instead of using a list, he uses pictures to presenting what fish commonly consumed by human

there prawn, tuna, salmon, cod, etc.; without explaining one by one

another classic example is when Steve Jobs introducing new iPhone, years ago

he didnít tell what iPhone can do (make a call, play music, etc.)

instead, he put three pics that put impressions the audience at the time

just by seeing the pics, audience already get it, iPhone can be used to play music, make a call and browse the internet

true that he explains each of it after that, but the pics already done half the job of make impressions (of the materials) to the audience.

same thing if we presenting with numbers

it's quite difficult to deliver, and tend to confused the audience

but if we put it into graphics, it's easier to understand by the audience.

what's important is the visualization

it doesn't have to be exact or precise

only enough so audience get the picture (of how much/how little the number is)

we can also put some quote to make the slide more interesting

for example, in a presentation about aftermath of some incident, we can put a quote like this

telling that we can always take a lesson from some misfortune

the quote does not always something serious, you even can modified it

here's an example of modified quote, sure enough two face never talks about Javascript on the movie, but it's suitable with what you try to tell, so you can use it.

now, to make more interesting, you can intentionally mixed something up, for a joke purpose

for example, there so many wrong thing about the picture

Darth Vader never say that, it's Gandalf who said you shall not Pass, plays by Ian McKellen

And it's happened that Ian McKellen also play as Magneto in X-Men movies

it's just to trigs the audience, see if they really pay attention on what you presenting

so, the point is do not put everything into the slides and make it complicated

less is better, because it'll easier to be remembered

that's the purpose of a presentation, to make audience remember what you're talking about

here's a bad example, of Bill Gates explaining Silver light

it's too crowded, font size too small to be able to read

nobody can remember all of this, so what's the point?

Just like what Milea said, she missed Dilan, but she did not miss the bullet points

go on, I'll wait if you'd like to tweet about it..

OK, that's it for how to compile the materials to interest audience

Now, we got the material, then how to present it? What's the trick? Let's get to it

there are three pointers you pay your attention to; conciseness, attractiveness, and confidence while presenting

Concise is important, extreme example: a racer got a new tier in 2 seconds while in pit stop

Make it brief, not too long and complicated. Because we don't want to waste anyone's time.

what you can do to make it brief & simple?

I like this principal by Mark Twain

In another way, if I have more time things can be shorter, it's a paradox

it turns out that we need more energy to simplified something, it's not an easy task

this is what I use, a compression pyramid

consist of three tiers, 30 minutes, 4 minutes and 11 seconds

to have a 4 minutes content, you have do more rehearsing, let's say 30 minutes rehearsal

then you'll get what to keep, what you can skip, what need to elaborate more

until you have your 4 minutes presentation

then you rehearse some more, delete more unnecessary stuff, until you have your 11 seconds presentation

people call this 11 seconds speech as elevator pitch, it's time you spend in the elevator going from one floor to another

this 11 seconds can change your life

imagine if you met a president, a Nobel winner, a writer, or a CEO

then they asked, what are you you've been doing? How to answer that in 11 seconds?

Your life can change if you can make use of that 11 seconds. So, you need to rehearsing You can rehearse by imagining going into an elevator

Meet the persons of your dream, maybe Dilan or Milea

What to talk about in those 11 seconds? Don't waste it.

That's conciseness; now attractiveness, how to keep audience's interest to your presentation?

the curve of audience attention to your presentation is normally down exponentially to time

so, the objective is to keep up the audienceís attention

you can do it by do something interactive with the audience in the middle of your presentation: ask a question, tell some jokes or personal jokes

but don't make fun of people, if you want to, make fun of yourself

same thing with the closing line, remember the WIIFM principle

don't just say that's it, thank you and goodbye. Go around and summarize it.

make sure they remember what you've been presenting and answer their WIIFM question.

how to look confidence while presenting?

there's three pointers, body language, eye contact, and clear pronunciation

what is it about our body language? It's important because it's how you visualize yourself to others

for example, when you feel unsafe or nervous, you'll make yourself smaller, fidgeting, hands in the pocket

but when you encounter with someone friendly, you stand tall and still, not move around

and don't look defensive

because audience will notice and wonder if you really what to do it, or someone make you do it

audience will see it on your body language

for eye contact, you make eye contact only with the audience, not the screen, not the laptop, and certainly not the ceiling

even when you talk about cloud computing, don't look at the ceiling, look at your audience

if you have big audience, divide them into sectors then spend some time at looking at each sector

don't focus only to one audience, you'll scared them

that's about eye contact

one more thing you need to pay attention to is choice of words

there's a thing called speech filler

it's words you slipped on to fill the gap between statements

i.e actually, you know, like.., um.., literally; it's commonly come up while presenting

one you should not use is honesty

when you use honesty between sentence, is that mean you're telling a lie before that?

or in Bahasa Indonesia, people commonly use jadi, kebetulan (fortunately)

fortunately I have 4.0 GPA, fortunately my Bukalapak bought my startup...

audience will take it as you rely on your fortune to excel in your live, not a hard work

don't have to be arrogant, but be proud of your hard work, it's not all down fortune

which is; it does not explanatory or change the meaning of what you're saying, you can just skip it

that's speech filler

now, if can master it all; choice of words, body language, eye contact

then we have a concise presentation with some jokes to tell

we won't have a problem with stage fright

just what Dilan said, stage fright is only for a person with no confidence

that material and packaging, now, how to keep improving?

this is what I called finishing

I like a quote by Helmuth von Moltke the Elder,

in another way, all plans go sideways in time you meet your opponent

but I like this one by Mike Tyson, better

why I showed you these quotes? Itís to tell you the importance of rehearsal

so you can present naturally, even if they wake you up in the middle of the night, ask you to do the presentation

With a lot of practice, you can tackle it all, it'll be like a natural thing for you to do. No hassle.

don't take rehearsal for granted

I often watch a presentation with a great material, attractive presenter, but clearly this is the first time the it being presented

they're rehearsing while presenting

don't do that. Take minimal 1 rehearsal before presentation

2, 3 times more until it's perfect and you satisfied with it

if you enjoy Steve Jobs presentation, you should know that he rehearsed it hundreds of times

he watch the video, that revise the presentation over and over until he satisfied

one thing you can do is by making a simulation

if you need to be presenting in BukaTalks, come to the Venue, see the room and everything

that what you can do by yourself

you can also try to get a feedback from your piers

do a presentation to your peers, and get some input from them, it is very important

rehears it, and see where you can improve (your presentation)

one thing that people hesitate to do, but it has a significant effect on improving your presentation

this is from my personal experience, that is watch the video playback of you rehearsing

find a quiet place for you rehearse, take a video using a cellphone, just do a five-->minute take

analyze the video: body languages, eye contact, choice of words

check what youíre doing wrong within those five minutes

then re-take, again, and again. Then move to next 5 minutes..

see if you use to many speech filler

refined it until no more speech filler

in you do all the process, guaranteed your hard work will payoff

you see it by yourself by comparing your first video with the last one, you'll be amazed

if Dilan said, missing you is hard, then presentation rehearsal is a piece of cake

Now, here's the recap

Pay attention to the materials, compile an attractive presentation.

then presenting techniques, do it confidently

Thank you!

For more infomation >> Ariya Hidayat - Teknik Presentasi yang Memikat | BukaTalks - Duration: 16:11.


Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall | Baby Bao Panda Videos by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:53.

Poor Humpty Dumpty,

He is always falling down!

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Poor Humpty Dumpty,

He is always falling down!

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

For more infomation >> Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall | Baby Bao Panda Videos by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:53.


Inter-Korean Summit D-Day, what is happening inside and out - Duration: 13:10.

We're back

here at the main press center in Kintex.

We're about an hour's drive away from the Panmunjom,... where the inter-Korean talks

are underway at the Peace House.

The second part of the inter-Korean summit is underway.

During the morning session, talks lasted about 100 minutes -- where they discussed the three

agendas: decnuclearization, setting peace on the peninsula, and bettering inter-Korean


The two sides will be working on a joint statement -- and are expected to give a joint press


North Korean leader's wife Ri Sol-ju will be arriving at Panmunjom at 6.15 -- and join

the feast tonight.

But for a more in-depth look into the bits and pieces of the summit, joining us in the

studio are two of Arirang's very own reporters.

Hwang Ho-jun -- our Cheong Wa Dae correspondent, and Oh Jung-hee -- our unification ministry



Going back to this morning, it was definitely a historic moment.

Heading into it there was so much anticipation, and also some nerves, no doubt.

It was the first inter-Korean summit to be held on the South Korean side -- with the

two leaders having their first encounter at the military demarcation line.

What were some things that caught your eye?


Now including yourselves, the atmosphere at the main press center was also very overwhelming.

We could hear reporters cheering as the two leaders shook hands and President Moon Jae-in

also stepped over to the North side of the border.

Tell us more about the general response from the media.


Turning to the summit itself.

We know that North Korea has a nine-member delegation and South Korea a seven-member


Can you give us some details about the participants and what impact this could have had on the

direction of the talks?


And we heard the opening remarks from the two leaders.

Looking at North Korean leader Kim Jong-un -- he said

that he had been looking forward to his historic meeting.

How did you see his remarks?

Were there any attempts to break the

ice (or other gestures even during the meeting)?


We know that the


sides had lunch separately.

The Southern side is known to have wanted to eat together.

Do you think the separate lunch was intentional on

North Korea's part to give them some time on their own to coordinate on the issues that

were discussed or that need to be discussed?


President Moon Jae-in has been an advocate of dialogue with North Korea.

What will he be striving to achieve at the end of Friday's summit?

Well that's all the time we have


right now.

Most of us here in South Korea are hoping that the two Koreas are able to make the best


the day they have together and that they conclude the

summit with fruitful outcomes.

I'll pass

it over

to our team at

the Dorasan Checkpoint.

For more infomation >> Inter-Korean Summit D-Day, what is happening inside and out - Duration: 13:10.


2018 Inter-Korean summit through the voice of North Korean defectors - Duration: 3:01.

Last November, Panmunjom, the site of the inter-Korean summit, was in the global spotlight

for a very different reason.

A North Korean soldier defected across the border there, getting shot multiple times

by the guards from his military as he made his dash to the South.

The incident went viral, and brought up the issue of human rights violations in North


Won Jung-hwan brings us the North Korean defectors' views on the inter-Korean summit.

Over 32,000 North Korean defectors have received asylum in the South, and many of them have

talked about the human rights abuses they suffered under the regime in North Korea.

With the talks with Pyongyang focusing on denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula,

some defectors have voiced their concern that North Korea's human rights issues may be ignored.

"Many people are still being killed due to the repression under the regime, and prisoner

camps are still operating in North Korea.

That is why I think it would be rather empty to talk about the Korean Peninsula's security

without first solving the humanitarian issues."

The reverend added that solving North Korea's human rights issue is very difficult, but

he hopes that during the summit, the two leaders can make the first step by tackling the easier

issue of family reunions.

"I hope a regular system could be established through an agreement between the two Koreas.

In the past, family reunions were used as a political means between the two,… but

they shouldn't be treated as a political agreement anymore, since meeting our own family is a

fundamental right for human beings."

Seoul has been trying to resolve the family reunions issue, which has been on hold since

2015,... as more aging Koreans have passed away without being able to meet with their

kin on the opposite side of the border.

But at the high-level talks between South and North in January,… the two sides failed

to agree on holding reunions for divided families.

Defectors offer us a glimpse into how the summit might be viewed North of the border.

A defector who was in North Korea when the first inter-Korean summit took place said

although many North Koreans won't be expecting much of change in their living conditions,…

he hoped that this year's summit would be different from the previous two meetings.

"The past meetings when Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun visited Pyongyang were aimed at establishing

and maintaining a relationship with North Korea.

But this summit has its own significance as Kim Jong-un is coming to the South."

The main agenda for the inter-Korean summit is denuclearization and establishing a lasting

peace on the Korean Peninsula,… but when those matters are settled, maybe the next

step should be resolving the human rights issues in North Korea.

Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> 2018 Inter-Korean summit through the voice of North Korean defectors - Duration: 3:01.


Nice weather today on day of Korean summit talks _ 042718 - Duration: 1:42.

Hello, I'm Michelle Park here with the latest weather update.

Today is a very special day on the peninsula, and the weather was very pleasant.

In Panmunjom, the location of the inter-Korean summit, the morning started off rather chilly

but the temperature quickly climbed up to 23 degrees Celsius.

As for the air quality, the dust levels are quite high and are expected to fluctuate through

the whole day for all regions.

As for tomorrow, this warm spring breeze is expected to continue for Korea, and also for

Beijing and Tokyo.

Seoul will start off Saturday morning at 10 degrees Celsius, Daegu and Gyeongju begin

at 9 and 6 degrees.

Under sunny skies, Seoul makes it up to 23 degrees, with Gwangju and Busan topping out

at 25 and 23 degrees.

The warm favourable weather will stay over the Korean peninsula until Wednesday,... so

enjoy the weather and have a wonderful weekend.

I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.

For more infomation >> Nice weather today on day of Korean summit talks _ 042718 - Duration: 1:42.


Phonics Song | Learning Videos For Kids by Farmees - Duration: 15:41.

A is the Apple


B is for Ball

B-B- Ball

C is for cat


D is for Dog


E is for Elephant


F is for Frog


G is for Garden


H is for Hat


I is for Igloo


J is for Jar


K is for Kite


L is for Lion


M is for Mouse


N is for Nose


O is for Ocean


P is for Plum


Q is for Queen


R is for Rabbit


S is for Sun


T is for Table


U is for Umbrella


V is for Violin


W is for Watch


X is for X box

X-X-X box

Y is for Yatch


Z is for zebra


For more infomation >> Phonics Song | Learning Videos For Kids by Farmees - Duration: 15:41.


Worldwide spotlight on two Koreas as their two leaders meet - Duration: 4:31.

As the two leaders met for the first time, the summit press center, filled with around

3-thousand reporters and media crew members witnessed the moment with keen eyes.

Let's connect to our Lee Ji-won who is standing by at the press center to fill us in on how

foreign reporters and media are seeing this summit.

I'm at the summit press center located in KINTEX convention center in Goyang, northwest

of Seoul.

And with the much anticipated day of the third inter-Korean summit finally here,... the press

center was filled with hundreds of reporters and media crews from in and out of the country

from early morning today.

Let's go meet some of them and see what they're anticipating for the day.

Hi. can you introduce yourself please.

My name is Philip Sherwell, Asia correspondent from Sunday Times.

So, the two leaders finally met,... it was the first time in history for the North Korean

leader to come over to south, after the division,... how did you see that?

What do you think

is a key point to look out for for today's summit?

Alright, thank you very much.

We will now move to our next interviewee.

Hi. would you be okay for

an interview, can you please tell us about yourself.

My name is Martin Dimitrov, reporter from Bulgaria.

Compared to the first two inter-Korean summits in 2000 and 2007, there are over double

the number of press personnel for today.

Why do you think this summit has garnered this much

worldwide attention?

The summit surely is the topic of the day for Koreans today,...and was for the past

few weeks ever since it was decided,... but can you tell us how much of a big issue this

is for

people in your country and in Europe?

That's it from me for now, but I'll be back with more updates later.

For more infomation >> Worldwide spotlight on two Koreas as their two leaders meet - Duration: 4:31.


How a mom and daughter fought off the East Area Rapist - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> How a mom and daughter fought off the East Area Rapist - Duration: 2:27.


Obnoxious Customers Drive House Cleaner Mad - Duration: 5:29.

Obnoxious customers, and house cleaning, oh, one of my favorite topics.

All right, hi there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is the show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,

and I get to help you find an answer.

Now, today's show is brought to us by,

which is a 360 view of the perfect home.

It's a network where you can log on and you can list your business, so that the homeowners

that hire house cleaners, or professional organizers, or carpet cleaners, or window

washers, they can find you and your business.

So it connects homeowners with the people that service the home.

All right, onto today's show, which is from a house cleaner who wants to talk about obnoxious


Here's what she has to say.

Speaker 2: I had a question, how do you deal with obnoxious clients that insist on using

appliances, or using some in the room that you're currently cleaning?

I have gone to two houses to clean at where I was cleaning in the bathroom and the client

came and did number two in the bathroom, and then left out, and expected me to go ahead

and continue cleaning.

Or all of a sudden there's sudden that they had just got to find in the room that I'm

cleaning, and they're opening drawers, just rambling through, and just leaving a mess.

Angela Brown: All righty, so the key word there was obnoxious customers.

And I want to suggest to you these are not obnoxious customers, these are called, wait

for it, people.

I know, right?

They're homeowners, they live in these houses.

Sometimes they have to go through their draws, and sometimes they have to do number two.

So, that's just what homeowners do.

In fact, it's what house cleaners do too.

So, we're all people, we all have similar habits, and when you show up for work in a

perfect world, you would should up and the customer would be gone, and they would give

you your space to that you can do your systematic approach to cleaning their house.

But the reality is that there is no job on the planet, not house cleaning, not carpet

cleaning, there's no job on the planet that's a perfect case scenario.

And as a house cleaner, when you show up to a customer's house what you're saying is I'm

showing up to make your environment better.

You're not showing up because you expect a perfect environment when you arrive, right?

So as a house cleaner, we get to expect, this is part of our job, it's part of our expectations.

When we show up to a customer's house, stuff will be strewn about.

There will be dirt.

There will be stains, there will be spots, there will be mold, there will be grime.

Oh my goodness, it's crazy!

It's crazy, but guess what, that's what employs us.

So if a customer has a messy house, that's what keeps us employed.

And so it would be ludicrous to think that you're going to show up and the customers

are obnoxious because they are just living their lives.

Does that makes sense?

Now, as a reality, if a customer comes in the bathroom that you're cleaning and they

decide that's a good time for them to poop, it's probably not like they were waiting and

holding off ... "I think I'm going to wait until the house cleaner gets in there and

then I'm going to go stink up the bathroom."

That's not what happens.

Someone holds it as long as they can and they're like "I just can't hold it any longer," and

for whatever reason that's the bathroom they're most comfortable in.

Maybe it stinks up less of the house, I don't know.

And so then they go in and they do their business,

they do what they've got to do,

and then they get out.

Yes, your job is still that you have to clean the bathroom and you have to do all that stuff,

in spite of the fact that someone went in the bathroom and they pooped

while you were there.

So I mean I hate it for you, but the reality is this is not an obnoxious customer.

If you want to see an obnoxious customer, oh boy do I have some stories for you.

So, the reality is this is a normal person that for whatever reason got in your way while

you were cleaning.

Yeah, it's unfortunate.

Yeah, too bad.

And I want you to ask yourself this question, if this is the worst thing that happens, are

we still doing okay?

Because there are worse, worse, worse things that can happen while you're cleaning a house.

And so if the worst thing is somebody comes in and they rummage through some drawers,

or they poop while you're there, golly, let's be grateful that they pooped inside the bathroom

where it belongs.

It could have been on the living room floor.

But it's not, it's in the bathroom where it belongs.


I mean that's like a home run, right?

Okay, so things could be so much worse.

So the next time you think "Oh, I have an obnoxious customer," stop, be grateful that

you have a job, because the messiness in people's homes is what keeps us employed.

And then the second thing that I want you to ask yourself is if this is the worst thing

that happens, am I still doing okay?

Because the answer is, 10 times out of 10, you're still doing okay.

All righty, that's my two cents for today.

Sorry for the swift kick, but that's kind of the way it is.

All righty, get back to work, have some fun today, and until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> Obnoxious Customers Drive House Cleaner Mad - Duration: 5:29.


Adorable Babies and Kids Love Poultry - FUNNY Babies and Pets Compilation 2018 - Duration: 2:33.

Hi friends! Thanks for your watching! Don't forget to subscribe!

Please comment the things you want to see, we will always create interesting video to you enjoy.

You can watch more videos in our playlist, its link in the description.

For more infomation >> Adorable Babies and Kids Love Poultry - FUNNY Babies and Pets Compilation 2018 - Duration: 2:33.


What is WhatsApp Plus? Is WhatsApp Plus safe? (update - looking at the working and safety) - Duration: 6:46.

Whats up YouTube its Safwan from TechCycle in this video we are going to redo a video

we have done already that is what is WhatsApp Plus and is WhatsApp Plus safe

our member

Sourav has already done that video but most of the content related to WhatsApp Plus the

safety of WhatsApp Plus and how the WhatsApp Plus work is not included on that video we

are sorry for that on that video we focused on features of the WhatsApp Plus and little

bit about the safety of WhatsApp Plus sorry for that so this redo video so lets begin

first of all what is WhatsApp Plus

as that on that video WhatsApp Plus is a modded version of WhatsApp

modded version mean it got a different stylesheet that is the inside of this apk

file that is its a different stylesheet thats how all these mods are working on WhatsApp

Plus and talking about our message our message are still encrypted that is our message is

send through WhatsApps end to end encryption if you want to know more about this end to

end encryption I will leave a card over there about this end to end encryption so our WhatsApp

message are basically encrypted using end to end encryption so there is no leakage on

that also there is WhatsApps mac address verification for our messages so still we are protected

so our message can't be send to a third party and there cannot be a breach in the message

between our sender and reciever so there is no safety problem on that and about how all

these privacy options like hiding our online status all those thing works all these all

these thing works by modifying the apk file that is if you if you think like how the WhatsApp

knows how we are online its because WhatsApp apk is sending activity to WhatsApp

server so this WhatsApp Plus will do that this WhatsApp Plus will not send this

activity to WhatsApp server so we will not be online when we are really online in WhatsApp

Plus so thats how this hiding the last seen works if your still having problem on believing

how this WhatsApp Plus works I will just give you an example you can test it by yourself

so open the WhatsApp Plus and enable hide online status that you will not be online

for online you will not be seen online so after that just wait for about 5 minutes so

you can really see the change that you are not online for 5 minutes after that open a

computer and open the WhatsApp web after logging to WhatsApp web check your last seen it will

be changed back to last online status of using the WhatsApp web because this WhatsApp web

is sending the activity to WhatsApp server so your your last seen that is your

online status is being updated on the WhatsApp server because nowadays there is no WhatsApp

web plus thats a odd name but there is no option like that so WhatsApp web will update

your online status that is online status so if your a daily WhatsApp web user there is

no need to enable this hide last seen because its not going to work for you so thats how

its works WhatsApp Plus is not sending the files that is the inbuilt WhatsApp files that

need to change in the server to change our online status that is last seen deleting the

message thats anti revoke option which is available right now and our read reciept sender

reciept and all those things is working in WhatsApp Plus because this WhatsApp Plus is

not sending the files that is required to update to the WhatsApp server if your sill

finding this little bit confusing I will explain you guys with a little example I don't know

how all these example work because it feel like **** so about the example I got 2 wallet

here one here and other one here both looks same but it got lot of it got lot more pocket

a 3 here big one and this side it got 3 pocket and here 3 pocket but on this side it got

3 pocket here and only one pocket there this is the WhatsApp WhatsApp application provided

by WhatsApp it can safely accomodate our message our credit card money also there is no problem

on that but our features of this is very less on the other hand this is WhatsApp Plus provided

by Jimtech or JB GB sorry so it got more pockets so we can accomodate more things in here and

do lot of things with this and it looks more cool that is theming so thats how this WhatsApp

Plus works it is just the modded version it can safely send our message and its 100% safe

to use but make sure that your using a anti ban WhatsApp Plus that is because nowadays

there is lot of WhatsApp Plus available in the internet there is lot of WhatsApp Plus

lot means a lot if you search for WhatsApp Plus you can find a lot of search result of

different WhatsApp Plus and choose some of the best WhatsApp Plus available in the internet

use WhatsApp Plus provided by JimTech or GB which is the one I use I use JimTech WhatsApp

Plus so if you want to switch to WhatsApp Plus use JimTech WhatsApp Plus if your a beginner

because I use JimTech WhatsApp Plus and its been safe for me till now there is no problem

on leaking of message and any problem all the things are working perfectly am going

to do a review of that you can stay tooned for that review thats all about this WhatsApp

Plus guys I think I covered most of the things for this WhatsApp Plus if not I will just

recheck the video and add some more so thats all about this video guys thanks for watching

talk to you in next one and don't forget to subscribe I forgot to say that in most of

my video so Subscribe

For more infomation >> What is WhatsApp Plus? Is WhatsApp Plus safe? (update - looking at the working and safety) - Duration: 6:46.


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Welcome to the culinary channel of Elizabeth the Good!

my name is Elizabeth

I'm not a cook and did not finish any special courses

so my channel is simple, delicious

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you will find a special playlist,

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in the performance of my daughter Sophia

subscribe to the channel, we will cook together))

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