Wow guys after we're done unboxing the extreme chomping tyrannosaurus rex from
New Jurassic World legacy Collection Extreme Chompin Tyrannosaurus Rex + 40 T Rex Dinosaur Unboxing
look at these other four T Rexes by Mattel and then we're gonna go ahead and
take a look at these 40 other awesome t-rex dinosaurs from Jurassic world
Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park 3 Wow keep watching okay it's great to see you
again today today I have a drastic world Legacy Collection extreme chopped and
Tyrannosaurus Rex this one is exclusive to target this is
part of their Legacy Collection so if you push here he opens his and I will
show you this guy's twin this guy's twin is right there check them out except
that's the Battle Damage one from Walmart I will go ahead and take a look
at that one in a minute but anyways to welcome this one I got our big volcano
Jurassic Park gate in the background another t-rex ready to charge out in the
tack ah with the legacy edition ones you've got the gates of Jurassic Park
behind them and over here it says Tyrannosaurus Rex head and neck
articulation gigantic bite and here you see dr. Alan
if you look down here you have a couple of the jurassic world action figures
which I have already open those up okay let's free this guy okay so to free this
girl cut a few strings go back here pull her out the back with her tail and here
you can see the gates but guys enjoyed the packaging because once you put it on
this dino put the tail on the Dino you are not getting this Dino back into the
package that's the one thing that's disappointing about some of these
dinosaurs you're not gonna get them back into the package they're okay but
anyways let's go ahead and take a look at her and I will give you her skin coat
but ah if you've been following my videos you've already scanned her in to
your app well anyways let us see her up close
so with these t-rex's I mean they did a great job with them first of all on this
one it's got like a weird rubber piece here which is hiding you can't really
see in there if that rubber piece breaks or gets cut off these let's choose to
say that but this one it's got like the big mouth and tongue so this one and the
one in the background there are going to join the band kiss they're gonna become
lead singers ah when gene Simmons retires
they'll baby be able to take over forehead
okay anyways they did a great job coloring the teeth here you can see nice
individual teeth here I'm not seeing over run you can see the sides of the
mouth overlap here great job coloring the eyes the texture
is also I mean they Mattel went all out with these speakers and I what's cool is
you could open the mouth nice and slowly you could go back and forth almost like
it looks like this girls chewing or something one thing I don't like is that
they put the control right here a little bit nice if they put the control on the
tail like they did with the thrash and throw so mentioning the trash and throw
are very similar in size this was a trash and throw you can see the trash
and throw is a little bit bigger but with the trash and throw they put the
controls in the tail so it's nice you could have a swing its head around you
could have it chopped you could have it open its mouth swing back and forth or
you could have her lift your head and roll
so like I said it would have been nice you know if they did a little bit
different there but taking a look here this is the action button here it's sort
of hidden when it's standing I mean if you look at it from the top
you see it a little bit but nothing like wha has well used to do like I said
rubber flap here the arms move 360 degrees here moving on down the body I
mean they did a great coloring it's like an orangish brown with like a darker
orange here and like a really like dark orangish brown it's almost like a spot
of blue mistake anyways moving on down a great detail on the legs this one has
one of the legs that I've only seen Mattel do this with dinosaur toys then
the legs move out too you can see it's almost like a ball shape here so you
could have the dinosaurs stand in different positions which is really cool
and with these mid sized ones they also gave them the feet that will turn 360
degrees so you could have her standing and like different really cool positions
there so that's gonna help you with these ones not falling over the Kenner
rubber ones you have a big problem with them falling over especially if they're
in a box being pushed together with even if this gets pushed together you could
pull it out and move the legs to any position you want to make understand
again and then once again great detail on the leg
and they did a great job painting the claws on this girl and then the tail
here will move back and forth 360 and it will turn up and down and turn 360 which
this tail here on the trash and Rome will not but that's because it is
controlling the head action there and that movement wise with this girl you
could have her move all the way down there she is not touching the ground you
could have her move up in increments it does lock about mid position and then
you could just keep on moving or up all the way up okay so that is gonna be the
highest I could go which is pretty incredible for a dinosaur this side and
then what I found if you put a little Lego in there if you want the mouth to
be open you can see the Battle Damage one I got which is exclusive if you take
the little Lego block or something you can jam it in here and it'll keep the
dinosaurs mouth open if you want them like open to attack so this one too we
could put our way off like that one and have her or you get the scab
Oh another thing I forgot to show you with this one you got great articulation
of the head so you could turn the head here 360 degrees and even here if you
turn the head here to see how it's moving over here on that flap which if
they would have made these rubber you know they wouldn't have you know a piece
just the flaps but they they did great details over there even great detail on
the bottom there is the scan code and with all of these you have the Jurassic
world emblem here you don't have the numbers on the side anymore before you
had like no food Jurassic Park JP like 29 but here you do not so anyways here
is the scan code I'll take a picture but you've been following my videos you
already have this one but I will go ahead and scan her in anyways okay so
when you see start the app you see the gates of Jurassic world there and then
here your park pops up over here and then simply go ahead hit the skin button
and skin the picture that I took for you and then here you will see that we
already have
already so this one I got which actually just can't traction throw anyways if
you've been following my videos you have this cool collection I have 38 dinosaurs
so let's check it out
close the soils that's what you get
the other t-rex is the baby you guys already have over 40 videos of Jurassic
world we go here you can scan through the whole collection so I got 30 at 68
almost half of them okay guys that all three of these t-rexes are very similar
this is the new one this is the battle one with the mana of a soros from
exclusive to Walmart the only difference between these is the battle wounds so
you got a couple red scars here a couple red scars there and some here here in
here so they did not go all that out I mean these are gonna be pretty much
identical other than that so like I said very similar and then again the thrash
and throw is similar in size to it so if you look at all three of these dinos are
pretty similar here's the two ones that open their mouth all the way up with the
big tongs and then here is the trash throw one the trap
this one is the extreme chompin t-rex this is the one that ah it's a Walmart
of battle damage exclusive dinosaur set from Walmart it comes with this t-rex
and the model of the Soros as you can see they are pretty much identical and
then of course you got one of the coolest ones the thrash and throaty
drags I also do have full reviews of all of these if you want to go ahead and
check out my fallen Kingdom playlist so I'm just showing you the ones that I
have already reviewed you got the super roaring colossal t-rex this is also a
Walmart exclusive one it's just like the colossal one except it has Battle Damage
and it's got sound I love this
so you got a really serious for this one too it's all open inside you could fit
15 pool sides action figures that are about 20 Hot Wheels cars in there and
they do pop off stomach over here like I said this one has like scarring if you
turn it over and he's got like tribal scarring here on his face and on his
body and then of course you got the super colossal t-rex if you want to see
my review for that one I actually have like 1.1 million views on that one
it's the highest viewed one for the super colossal t-rex so that once again
15 full size action figures about 20 hot wheels you can take them out stomach
over there okay let's go ahead and take a look at the other 40 dinos which are
from the original Jurassic world and Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park degree
Wow okay it's great to see you again we're gonna have another awesome
dinosaur toys video today today we have what could be the world's largest
collection of Jurassic world and Jurassic Park dinosaur toys in one place
Wow today I have 40 dinosaur toys from Jurassic world and drastic park these
include all of the biggest t-rex's from Jurassic Park and all of
the biggest t-rex is from Jurassic world Wow
these toys are totally awesome guys we're gonna go ahead and take a look at
them really quickly but I do got full reviews
unboxings of all of these toys go ahead and check out my Jurassic world playlist
I have over a thousand videos guys the majority of them dinosaur toys Wow let's
go ahead and start taking a look at these but before we do in the upper
right hand corner there is a circle if you click on that you can vote if you
think this is the world's largest collection of t-rex dinosaur Jurassic
world Jurassic Park toys click yes or no Wow
let's check them out okay guys Wow I don't even know where to start I guess
we're gonna start with the smallest and work our way to the biggest so we're
gonna start with these little baby t-rex dinosaurs so this would be like a
dinosaur family with baby dinosaurs so with these we have two of them that look
like the original ones then I have a red one I've got two blue ones
you can see there are T Rexes by the design of the body and then I've got aa
like an orange and a brown one I've got this Brown and like dark red one and
then I've got this like lime colored one with brown markings and then we're gonna
move to the big ones ah this is from the Lego Dino sets I did
a full review on that one that is one of the biggest Dino sets you're gonna find
you could check that out if you go to my lego playlist or my Jurassic world
playlist so this guy is really cool and then here ah is an off-brand one like a
knockoff one eyeball from China this also comes in one of the dinosaur sets
and then I have these three knockoff ones that are the same I do have the
original one but I don't have it here on the table so the knockoff ones are
usually more shiny than the original ones the original ones a dollar and the
original ones say Lego on each one of the pegs on the back where the dock off
ones do not okay let's remove those and then we're gonna move to these little
t-rexes these one of them come in the Jurassic world playset and then the
other one oh I just bought separate so those wounds are really cool too then we
have this little Chomper one here with they had an action feature well anyways
he's like oversized jaw if you see someone like the British cartoons where
they have the characters with the oversized jaws it looks similar to that
and then over here we have Dilophosaurus rex which an action feature if you push
its tail he does open and close his mouth and he will also bob it up and
down so this is a blend of a t-rex and Dilophosaurus so that is cool and then
over here I have two of the hybrid effects t-rex is these ones though if
you push the button the spikes on the back pop up then if you push the button
again its mouth will open it will chop it'll make a roaring sound but my
batteries have died I do have a new one in the back which we will take a look at
in a little bit that one the batteries are still good so the cool
thing with these if you have multiples you could have like battles here you
could have them like chomping each other
and then I've got two of these here these are the Thrasher t-rex is from
Jurassic Park they're called Thrasher because if you
move the tail here back and forth it crashes its head this is one of the most
realistic looking T Rex's you're gonna get the entire body is rubber but the
leg here is plastic and guys you know what the cool thing is Drac Hasbro lost
the license for Jurassic world okay that's not very cool but the cool thing
is Mattel has got it and from what I'm reading online they're gonna bring back
dinosaurs very similar to like the Kiner line so you're
gonna have the big robber dinosaurs like this and like the bull t-rex then you'll
have smaller action ones than the really small ones and then you're gonna have
action figures action figures are back somewhat ELLs gonna have a bunch of
action figures for the Jurassic world to movie so that is gonna be awesome
saw with these two uh a lot of my dinos I like buying two of because then you
could have awesome battles they could battle each other okay and then we have
these Chomper ones I've got orange and a green the orange one was exclusive it
came with two other dynodes you could only buy that at Kohl's of all places so
you can't find that anymore except maybe if you buy it on ebay but
these ones aw I like the action feature because if you lift the tail here it
does open this mouth and it chocolate so if you have an action figure down there
he could chomp it or you could have them like challenge or fighting each other
so sounded everything and then you have this classes t-rex which you know it's a
little bit boring I mean the color it's like a light tan I mean I like like the
darker color and this one has the action button on the back if you push it
it'll chomp but it does not make any sound and then here you have the
Jurassic Park remote control t-rex so this one if you push it he will move
back and forth he's supposed to walk but he just moves his feet back and forth
and he will open his mouth and roll so this one's kind of freaky looking this
one looks almost like the Joker but he is covered in rubber this guy you could
usually find on eBay for about twenty to thirty dollars so he's the most
affordable out of most of the bigger Jurassic Park dinosaur toys and then
over here you got one of the biggest ones this is the I believe this is
called the red Rex I like it because it has a very flexible neck and mouth so
you could open its mouth like way up like that without damaging it because
this is a flexible rubber neck so you could put into some very weird positions
see is JP o 9 so this one is a really cool one too and then we're gonna move
on to probably the these I would say are the biggest Jurassic Park ones and
they're one of the coolest to I mean this is the original bull t-rex with
class I this guy he has a huge mouth so he'll swallow full-sized action figures
and then you could take them out of his stomach right there so I have that a lot
of those videos of him like swallowing bad guys and stuff so that is really
cool he does
he does also roar like you heard there so it is the older Dino so the sound is
not all that great but the looks of him are really cool and there was actually
three of the bull t-rex's and I have a fourth which never came out which I'll
show you in a minute but this is the one that was made by Toys R Us this is
really nice because it has adjustable feet you could move the feet back and
forth so you can stand this guy way up or you could stand him way down where
you can't do that with the other bull t-rex's as you've seen this one here if
you put a bull t-rex that's the only position you're gonna get for the
regular bull t-rex and these ten the legs tend to pinch together and then
they don't stand up so if you do store it it helps to put something between its
legs to keep its legs separate but this one from Toys R Us has a much nicer
sound effect
adjustable legs the arms moving everything the only thing is this one's
mouth is full with the speaker so he can't swallow the action figures and he
doesn't have a slot in his stomach he has a speaker and a spot for batteries
there but this guy also does have stomping action listener so that guy is
really cool and then for the bull t-rex's our next one we have here is the
chaos effect bull t-rex which they give this guy some really cool like super
bright colors well I like the look the paint look they gave on this guy's head
cuz it's really cool they gave him almost like a tribal battle type look
he's got the glass eyes the big mouth he could swallow the full-sized action
figures he's got the sound so this guy is really cool too and then this one
here is one that never actually came out they were gonna bring this one out this
is a variant of the bull t-rex but I bought this one off of ebay there was an
artist who painted this to look exactly like the one that would have came out
the name of this one would have been the golfer t-rex this one the batteries are
getting a little weak on but you could see I mean the artist did a really great
job of painting this guy so I like that so I'm glad I found that one on
and then you have the stop and strike t-rex this one has some nice features
but I don't like the fact that it has a really hard time standing I mean even
when you adjust the paint I mean this guy it's almost impossible to get him to
stand without going all the way down like that well he does have some nice
features if you slammed him up like this he does open his mouth and he roars so
uh his neck here is rubber so it will walk like move back and forth and the
thing is this one has a stomping action to listen
so some cool stuff on him I like the look the coloring and walk there like I
said his neck does move back and forth and here is a look at him on the other
side okay and then we're gonna go ahead and take a look at some of the new ones
because what I did I went ahead and ball pretty much all of the drastic world
toys again because Hasbro has lost the license guys like I said earlier Mattel
is gonna be taking over and AH probably sometime early next year they'll start
releasing the dinosaur toys because the movie Jurassic world 2 comes out next
summer so I have actually contacted Mattel and hopefully they'll be sending
me the dinosaur toys before the movie actually comes out which I still have to
see if they will so this is the one we took a look at earlier with the chomping
action so it comes with a little figure like I said all of these I do are unbox
and create cool battles off so check out my Jurassic world playlist because I do
have over a thousand videos the majority of them dinosaur so this was the hybrid
effects one with new in the box and then they also did come out with a gate like
an enclosure Jurassic world one but the thing is this one is like half the size
of the Jurassic Park ones so I like the Jurassic Park one a lot more which I'll
show you in one minute and then this was the stomp and strike t-rex brand new in
the package and then I had the laughs asaurus rex brand new in the package and
original like for chomping t-rex brand new in the package
so guys that was 40 awesome t-rex dinosaur toys from Jurassic Park and
drastic world so now let's go ahead and set up our awesome Jurassic Park
dinosaurs ooh okay guys so our dinosaur park is all set up we have the Jurassic
Park playset this is the electronic command compound so this comes with like
the command compound the huge gates the big 50,000 full fence around so our
dinosaurs cannot escape and then the first things we're gonna go ahead and
set up in here is the bull t-rex is because these guys take up the most room
you guys are huge they're gonna take up our whole park so I'm gonna go ahead and
set all of those guys back together so that we can go ahead and fit all our
dinos into this park not just a few of them so these guys are gonna have to be
well ok let's go ahead and turn some on them around this way and then this guy
could stand in the back here because this is feet so we got those four and
then let's go ahead and get some other big
go ahead and set up the rent racks back over here Wow our Park is getting filled
up too fast we need to go ahead and Thrasher t-rex
is over here maybe we can start setting some of the bigger ones up on the
outside of the park so we have room for everybody then we've got these big
chomping t-rex's which I will set up over there and over there
and then we have the big freaky remote-control t-rex which I'm gonna go
ahead and sit up he's hogging the light there but go ahead and set him up there
and we got the rampage Edition ones which I will get up over here cuz we're
gonna need room for our families because we got the Lego family ones too so this
one okay there we go
go ahead and set up I think what else do we got we have the classic bring one
foot here and then we have all the Lego ones which I think we could squeeze in
here so we're gonna put that one there I'm gonna have that one be the mommy
t-rex this one's gonna be the daddy t-rex and then we have some more mommy
t-rex's that join them for a dinosaur family reunion Wow
I wouldn't want to be visiting this park for this family reunion at the same time
these guys do can you imagine 40 t-rex's chasing you
chance of surviving dad okay then we're gonna go ahead and set up the babies
then we are so running out of room here are we gonna make it are we gonna fit
all our dinosaurs into this dinosaur park Wow it's gonna be a close one guys
I think we will make it because we don't have the new ones in the boxes here so
really close I mean I'm almost done setting them up will I make it
guys don't forget to vote too if you think this is the world's largest t-rex
Jurassic Park Jurassic world set in the world okay
guys that was a lot of fun so if you enjoyed those 45 t-rex dinosaurs you
could really tell I like t-rex let me know which one was your favor also if
you want to see more fun videos I got over a thousand videos the majority are
Jurassic world Rasik Park Godzilla King Kong transformers Power Rangers in a lot
more and all the dinos you seen I got full reviews and I got battles with most
of them so go ahead check out my playlist you guys are awesome and I will
see you tomorrow and today's secret word is the word
go ahead and put that in the comment section down below the video I know you
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