hey everyone its Rob with Rob Finds Treasure and I have been asked by some
of my viewers how I roll well maybe that's not what they meant
when they're asking how I roll but let me talk to you about how I roll how long
it takes me, what denominations do I roll everyone has their own system but
let me tell you what I do - I don't roll pennies at all I don't roll pennies
I don't reroll mythem I should say I just take them to the Coinstar a box of
pennies will probably cost me two dollars and seventy cents in fees at
Coinstar which stinks but by time I pay for the rolls the coin
wrappers I mean and then take them to a bank with the gas and the time to wrap
them it's not worth it for me but I do wrap nickels dimes quarters half dollars
you name it all by hand sometimes if I'm really lazy I might I
might take the nickels to the coin star but that's rare but I could save a lot
of time and a lot of money with a few just a couple of key things I do so let
me flip the camera around and show you what I do to save a little bit of time
and money we're gonna be doing quarters in this video so I'll go ahead and show
you the quarters box I go ahead and buy a thousand crimped end coin wrappers or
they're also referred to as the preformed coin wrappers for all my
denominations but it's like literally guys eighteen dollars for a thousand of
these now I have Amazon Prime so it's free shipping but when you think about
eighteen dollars for a thousand of these that's like a couple of cents per roll
a couple of cents per roll - two cents per roll times 50 rolls is a dollar in cost
to wrap pretty much any denomination that I have it's a buck - so you're
basically spending a dollar on rolls, my average box takes 20 to 30 minutes to
roll up so if I was paying myself ten dollars an hour it would take me five
dollars in labor and a dollar in the rolls six bucks throw in a dollar for
gas seven dollars to take a box of quarters
back at $500 a box in in total coins it's well worth not dropping it off at a
coin star or even taking it to a bank and having to worry about dropping it in the bank
and then taking a week to get your deposit credited so I prefer,
plus there's no fees when they're wrapped my bank doesn't charge
me any fees by bringing a bag in the only like I said I'm basically a dollar
of materials and a half-hour tops of my time once I've got the and I've got that
for all the denominations I've got some nickel ones down there I'm almost out of
Dimes I've got some overflow nickels here and then I also have some pennies
down there but I don't I don't do pennies and then finally I got my half dollar
wrapper ones down there so what I use as a machine is my Royal Sovereign coin
sorter guys it's pretty simple I've got some extra coin wrappers in here that
aren't the ones I bought they came in a little sample that I got from a retailer
so I'm gonna finish using these up first but guys this is super simple all you do
is drop them in there like that right push it in let me get this bad boy
turned on back here gives you a total denomination and you can drop in any
denominations you want this thing I hear cost me less than a hundred bucks less
than 100 bucks so let's say we hit run and now it's ready guys and so for
funsies we'll take a few quarters here and I'll just drop a few taken home
quite a bit without getting a jam so it fills up the roll and it counts
it out and once you hit once you hit ten bucks which is what a quarter roll is
the machine stops and says hey you've got a full roll so then what you all you
have to do is just pull it forward and it immediately starts the next roll so
we'll go ahead and get a couple of rolls done for fun just take a few seconds to
unjam it so I found it just smarter to just let it do its thing for more
quarters than we've got all right once that's done guys it's super simple
you can see the way that this is set up all you really ever tried just
one-handed all you like to do is push this up like so and pull the coin roll
out like that and I'm doing it one-handed so if it was two-handed I'd
be already done with this roll and then you just fold it in like that and it's
done we're have another empty cartridge slam it in there same thing you'll pull
that one out the exact same way push up on the gap like that pull the roll out
add another cartridge in there just like this and it's still waiting for me to
push it back into position and once I do it'll start counting again so we got 20
dollars done let me go ahead pause this real quick so what I wnat to do is set the
camera up with a tripod and kind of show you how fast we can do a box now I've
got a couple of rolls already done I know but you'll get you'll get the idea
I'll even have a stopwatch going right here mater of fact when we get it
started I'll even start it and give it like 30 seconds before I begin but we'll go
ahead and get that started and we'll see how long it takes to get a whole box
alright guys I let it run for a few extra seconds I had some technical
difficulties - I should have thought the face of this turns off quite
a few times so every once in a while I noticed the face was off but we did $490
on the screen our know if you could see it we had that one role that we started
with the test role so technically I added about 10 seconds on to about 26
minutes to do this whole box of quarters and like I said for $1 in product costs
and 26 minutes of work this is ready to go back to the bank that's how I roll
now when I go pick up my half dollars tomorrow I can just exchange at that
Bank cuz they like quarters I can exchange a box of quarters for a box a
half since they're worth the same amount well there you have it everyone that's
how I roll I mean I get the rolls the preform rolls for cheap less than 2
cents each when I buy them by the bulk and 20-30 minutes of work they're done I
hope you enjoyed the video if you did please give it a thumbs up and as always
everyone thanks for watching
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