Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily Apr 28 2018

hey everyone its Rob with Rob Finds Treasure and I have been asked by some

of my viewers how I roll well maybe that's not what they meant

when they're asking how I roll but let me talk to you about how I roll how long

it takes me, what denominations do I roll everyone has their own system but

let me tell you what I do - I don't roll pennies at all I don't roll pennies

I don't reroll mythem I should say I just take them to the Coinstar a box of

pennies will probably cost me two dollars and seventy cents in fees at

Coinstar which stinks but by time I pay for the rolls the coin

wrappers I mean and then take them to a bank with the gas and the time to wrap

them it's not worth it for me but I do wrap nickels dimes quarters half dollars

you name it all by hand sometimes if I'm really lazy I might I

might take the nickels to the coin star but that's rare but I could save a lot

of time and a lot of money with a few just a couple of key things I do so let

me flip the camera around and show you what I do to save a little bit of time

and money we're gonna be doing quarters in this video so I'll go ahead and show

you the quarters box I go ahead and buy a thousand crimped end coin wrappers or

they're also referred to as the preformed coin wrappers for all my

denominations but it's like literally guys eighteen dollars for a thousand of

these now I have Amazon Prime so it's free shipping but when you think about

eighteen dollars for a thousand of these that's like a couple of cents per roll

a couple of cents per roll - two cents per roll times 50 rolls is a dollar in cost

to wrap pretty much any denomination that I have it's a buck - so you're

basically spending a dollar on rolls, my average box takes 20 to 30 minutes to

roll up so if I was paying myself ten dollars an hour it would take me five

dollars in labor and a dollar in the rolls six bucks throw in a dollar for

gas seven dollars to take a box of quarters

back at $500 a box in in total coins it's well worth not dropping it off at a

coin star or even taking it to a bank and having to worry about dropping it in the bank

and then taking a week to get your deposit credited so I prefer,

plus there's no fees when they're wrapped my bank doesn't charge

me any fees by bringing a bag in the only like I said I'm basically a dollar

of materials and a half-hour tops of my time once I've got the and I've got that

for all the denominations I've got some nickel ones down there I'm almost out of

Dimes I've got some overflow nickels here and then I also have some pennies

down there but I don't I don't do pennies and then finally I got my half dollar

wrapper ones down there so what I use as a machine is my Royal Sovereign coin

sorter guys it's pretty simple I've got some extra coin wrappers in here that

aren't the ones I bought they came in a little sample that I got from a retailer

so I'm gonna finish using these up first but guys this is super simple all you do

is drop them in there like that right push it in let me get this bad boy

turned on back here gives you a total denomination and you can drop in any

denominations you want this thing I hear cost me less than a hundred bucks less

than 100 bucks so let's say we hit run and now it's ready guys and so for

funsies we'll take a few quarters here and I'll just drop a few taken home

quite a bit without getting a jam so it fills up the roll and it counts

it out and once you hit once you hit ten bucks which is what a quarter roll is

the machine stops and says hey you've got a full roll so then what you all you

have to do is just pull it forward and it immediately starts the next roll so

we'll go ahead and get a couple of rolls done for fun just take a few seconds to

unjam it so I found it just smarter to just let it do its thing for more

quarters than we've got all right once that's done guys it's super simple

you can see the way that this is set up all you really ever tried just

one-handed all you like to do is push this up like so and pull the coin roll

out like that and I'm doing it one-handed so if it was two-handed I'd

be already done with this roll and then you just fold it in like that and it's

done we're have another empty cartridge slam it in there same thing you'll pull

that one out the exact same way push up on the gap like that pull the roll out

add another cartridge in there just like this and it's still waiting for me to

push it back into position and once I do it'll start counting again so we got 20

dollars done let me go ahead pause this real quick so what I wnat to do is set the

camera up with a tripod and kind of show you how fast we can do a box now I've

got a couple of rolls already done I know but you'll get you'll get the idea

I'll even have a stopwatch going right here mater of fact when we get it

started I'll even start it and give it like 30 seconds before I begin but we'll go

ahead and get that started and we'll see how long it takes to get a whole box


alright guys I let it run for a few extra seconds I had some technical

difficulties - I should have thought the face of this turns off quite

a few times so every once in a while I noticed the face was off but we did $490

on the screen our know if you could see it we had that one role that we started

with the test role so technically I added about 10 seconds on to about 26

minutes to do this whole box of quarters and like I said for $1 in product costs

and 26 minutes of work this is ready to go back to the bank that's how I roll

now when I go pick up my half dollars tomorrow I can just exchange at that

Bank cuz they like quarters I can exchange a box of quarters for a box a

half since they're worth the same amount well there you have it everyone that's

how I roll I mean I get the rolls the preform rolls for cheap less than 2

cents each when I buy them by the bulk and 20-30 minutes of work they're done I

hope you enjoyed the video if you did please give it a thumbs up and as always

everyone thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How I Roll Coins Fast - Duration: 7:49.


RS Как сделать снимок экрана на вашем iPhone X - Duration: 0:38.

How to take a screenshot on your iPhone X .

Press and hold the Side button on the right side of your device.Immediately click the Volume up button on the left side, then release the buttons.

A thumbnail of your screenshot appears in the lower-left corner of your device. or press and hold the thumbnail to share the screenshot.

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For more infomation >> RS Как сделать снимок экрана на вашем iPhone X - Duration: 0:38.


Jason Momoa on the Challenges Of Filming 'Aquaman' | MTV News - Duration: 1:19.

- Compared to the Justice League experience,

what this a bit of a different environment for you?

- Oh, totally different, you know?

Justice League was like college, I'm not really sure

what Aquaman was, it's just all on my shoulders.

I just had a great time.

I think in Justice League, you had five other characters

around you suffering equally the same, so it was kinda fun

to endure that together, and then, it got me ready to do my

solo movie, which was challenging, tough and hard,

and super satisfying.

- When you tackle something like this,

are the reference points other super hero films,

or are there films that have nothing to do with

the super hero genre when you approach it?

- You know, for me what inspired me were all

the, kinda, older, sort of classic action-adventure films

that Spielberg used to do, actually, and I kinda tried

to draw from that mentality, you know, the idea of

awe and wonderment that we used to see in those kinda films,

and I really wanted this movie to have that kinda,

sort of like magic heart, that wish fulfillment

that we all had, you know.

What if we have the ability to just swim anywhere, right,

you know, just hang out on a desert island, you know,

in the middle of nowhere, and just chill,

and so I tried to capture some of that spirit.

(electronic music)

For more infomation >> Jason Momoa on the Challenges Of Filming 'Aquaman' | MTV News - Duration: 1:19.


[MMD x DDLC] Quitese Hdp (+English subtitles) - Duration: 0:10.

When Natsuki finally read his poem

Exactly Ricardo, Jorge

in the place of the events

With the news ...

Take off, motherfuck*r >;v

For more infomation >> [MMD x DDLC] Quitese Hdp (+English subtitles) - Duration: 0:10.


Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #30: Getting into Sitting - Duration: 1:39.

We are going to revisit an exercise we did before-- getting up to sitting...

again... facilitated. I'm going to raise the height of the floor by putting her over

my thigh. I am going to rotate her around by putting my right arm up... she's about

to come up by herself... I'm going to spin her legs around... oh my star she's almost

there herself... I don't do anything she does it all.

That's all! That was impressive! Okay, We're going to make it a little bit

trickier then. I'm going to go down to my

calf. The floor is lowered. Okay! Okay and she came up! Way to go!

All right. Next we're coming up from the floor. Let's see what happens. I wonder if

I've got your good side, sweet pie. This looks impressive. All right. So, I'm

giving her a little bit more support. Right here. You can do it. It is so

easy. ..Stabilizing that pelvis and letting her work her way the rest

of the way up. Thank you for that. Wow! What a big change from last time. And way to

go, Myla! That's a simple idea and the progression of it of getting up into the

sitting. You were terrific! Thanks! Bye-bye!

For more infomation >> Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #30: Getting into Sitting - Duration: 1:39.


Dear Jarvis Johnson – From a Creator Trying to Be Better - Duration: 6:51.

Hey Jarvis.

We've met before.

This is a weird Russian nesting doll of a video, where I'm responding to you, who

was responding to Jack Conte, who himself was responding to Casey Neistat.

So you probably know what I'm thinking, Brady Bunch reboot.

I'm out of breath already, and I took the elevator!

I've had too many London Fogs.

Thank you!

So let me fill you in on my thought process.

I've been making YouTube videos every week for almost 8 years now.

I know it's been that long because I was at the first ever VidCon.

Got to see Julia Nunes.

<Julia Nunes singing.>

I also was introduced to this guy, Ze Frank. He along with Julia had passionate followings.

And it was Ze, in particular, who inspired me to return home and start making YouTube videos.

ZE FRANK: I don't know if you'd call it a problem, necessarily,

But it is a special sort of consideration.

And that is that

generally the difference between what

we're all doing and what we would call "traditional media"

is that we have this

added component of connecting with an audience, right?

And that's something, I think, everyone can feel really proud of.

That that's a space that people are

growing in and are experimenting with

and it's the most exciting part.

And in that time I've learned a lot, met some awesome people, and grown my subscriber

count to almost 1300 people.

Nothing to sneeze at.


But at the same time I think part of the reason I haven't found that fabled YouTube success

is because I've become lazy.

Jarvis, we met for the first time at last year's VidCon.

You hadn't made your YouTube channel yet.

and we were introduced because of this guy.

That photo was taken at the Secret Show which happens at VidCon each year.

I'm not sure if I'm even supposed to show it.

So don't tell anyone.

That's Tyler May who is the best hypeman if you're looking for one.

He occasionally makes videos too.

He would later get us onto a Skype call and we would talk about our VidCon experience.

JARVIS: You can get in your head about creating things

Like, I'm not bringing anything original to the table

so I need to come up with an original format, have the best camera,

like all this stuff.

And kinda just getting over

each of those little humps, running all those little battles,

finally got me over the finish line

and into putting something out.

KYLE: After that video I saw you take off.

You found a particular niche, you were able to talk about it well, and here's the thing.

And let me zoom in for this.

You were really, really good at making videos.

While you were making– this is way too close.

While you were making– this is way too far away.

While you were doing vlogs that told stories, playing with camera and editing tricks, and

building a cool community around your content that I always craved to do, I had made video,

after video, after video, after video, of me sitting…

On this very couch.

Which we're now going to burn.

OK, so the fire marshal said no.

Apparently "think of the views" is not a great argument.

So enjoy this dumpster fire.

I'm a huge fan of the Harry Potter series, and I'm probably going to bastardize this quote.

But in book 4, Dumbledore tells the assembly, hat "the time has come to make

a choice between what is right and what is easy."

Doing what's easy is done because it's easy.

Alright, calm down.

But I like the distinction between right and easy because we as people really like to

sacrifice what is right for what is easy.

Also I went to school and got an English degree so I like to nerd out about how language is


And also I wanted to be unhirable when I graduated University.

So on the sidelines I've cheered you on for your success.

Over 20,000 subscribers and climbing.

But then I start comparing myself to you because I can't not.

That's a double negative.

I didn't say I was a good English major.

Sorry, I'm not a well English major.

We share some of the same background.

Stumbling across the Vlogbrothers during their Brotherhood 2.0 series, learning about Subbable,

and then Patreon.

And being inspired to make tough choices in our careers.

I was in a stable job, making good money, and then I had this brainwave

a plane on my way back from, you guessed it, VidCon one year.

So I'm not as talented as Jack and ignore the glare from the light. But there I was

sitting on a plane.

That's supposed to be a bird. And a cloud. Just go with me for a sec, OK.

Now there's also a purple bird.

I was sitting on the plane bummed because I had found out you couldn't visit the YouTube

Space in Los Angeles because I didn't have enough subscribers.

Jarvis you'd be able to go, I still can't.

You're essentially sitting up in first class enjoying your legroom and eating the fancy

chocolates that they've "ran out of" for the normies back here.

That curtain doesn't hide everything!

But I was upset that the YouTube Space was closed for so many people.

And then I had this weird thought that Calgary could be a place where podcasters, video creators,

and creative alike could come and join in collaboration.

And utilize that kind of space.

And then I had this narcissistic thought that I was the person to do it.

Which is how Media Lab was made.

Which still seems weird to say.

However I have this thing.

It's a mental health sort of thing.

Where I feel that I don't really deserve

success. And it's just something that I have a lot of work to do to better myself in.

So in the past few years I've gotten into a rhythm.

I release videos on a specific day, at a specific time.

I sit down while I do them. I haven't pushed myself to try and create something special.

I don't push myself to create something unique. I've only focused on quantity and never quality.

And therefore, something that I've felt for a while, is that I still don't think

that the core audience of these videos know me because I prevent them getting to know

me in any real way.

Even though I have shared stories about myself my real personality rarely shines through.

So what it comes down to is that I need to thank you Jarvis.

And Jack.

And I guess Casey.

And while we're at it I'm going to say Luxembourg.

The country that even its citizens forget about.

You've all given me the push that I've needed for a while.

To get out of my comfort zone.

To express myself more fully.

And to achieve what I think I can.

I'm still going to have bad mental health days.

But I think I can grow this audience, and together we can do cool crap.

And I promise you that one day we will burn this ******* couch to the ground.


I hope to see you at this year's VidCon.

Maybe we'll even take a picture together.

Here's the end screen.

Do what you need.

It's almost 10pm at night!

For more infomation >> Dear Jarvis Johnson – From a Creator Trying to Be Better - Duration: 6:51.


Le saxo­pho­niste des Neville Brothers est décédé - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Le saxo­pho­niste des Neville Brothers est décédé - Duration: 3:45.


speedpaint encuesta winner (1 part) - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> speedpaint encuesta winner (1 part) - Duration: 3:46.


Minecraft Survival Games #26 Yeni Premium - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> Minecraft Survival Games #26 Yeni Premium - Duration: 8:24.


حظك اليوم الاحد 29-04-2018 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> حظك اليوم الاحد 29-04-2018 فى التوقعات اليومية للابراج بقلم عالمة الفلك د. نيفين ابو شالة - Duration: 7:20.


Soy Luna 3x10-Matteo tudni akarja kibe szerelmes Luna [magyar f.] - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 3x10-Matteo tudni akarja kibe szerelmes Luna [magyar f.] - Duration: 1:03.


Kate Midd­le­ton n'a rien laissé au hasard à sa sortie de la mater­nité : son clin d'œil à la reine - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Kate Midd­le­ton n'a rien laissé au hasard à sa sortie de la mater­nité : son clin d'œil à la reine - Duration: 2:38.


Machine Learning? Activated. Digital Avengers adopts Top Technology for Paid Advertising. - Duration: 1:03.

So Machine Learning!

This is

crazy! Crazy

Exciting like it's not something I just read about anymore. I'm actually implementing it within my business. I am using

machine learning technology

to optimize your Google AdWords

campaigns! And your Facebook

Advertising campaigns! So we were plugging in your information... We are creating campaigns...

We are then using a machine to learn how to optimize

Your return on your investment! **[The Machine will] Give me kind of tips

and suggestions on what to do better.

And then I can execute on that or not. And then it learns from that. So it's constantly optimizing your

Campaigns! Crazy that I'm implementing this in my business.

For more infomation >> Machine Learning? Activated. Digital Avengers adopts Top Technology for Paid Advertising. - Duration: 1:03.


5 Things You Want to Know About the New Residential Lease - Duration: 3:03.

- Welcome back guys, I'm Chris Cucoch,

and I'm a realtor at Royal LePage Signature in the GTA.

Today, I'm gonna talk about the five things

that you need to know about the

new standard residential lease

that's coming out at the end of April.

If you're new to the channel,

click that Subscribe button

and don't forget to ring the bell for notifications

because I put out a new video every week

and you do not want to miss anything.

All right, point number one

is that the new residential lease

is absolutely mandatory no matter who you are.

So, whether you've got one unit,

or you're a REIT with 5,000 doors

it doesn't matter, you must use the residential lease.

It even applies to basement apartments.

Well that brings me into point number two,

there are a few exceptions that this does not apply to.

The new residential lease does not apply

to social or supportive homes,

does not apply to retirement or nursing homes,

does not apply to any mobile home parks,

does not apply to the land lease communities

and it does not apply to any commercial property whatsoever.

This is a residential lease only.

Point number three is there will be

no more no pet clauses.

Now, believe it or not, no pet clauses

are already not allowed in residential leases.

However, they're in pretty much every lease in the GTA

because the landlords put them in anyway,

and the tenants don't know they're not enforceable.

The new lease says right in it

that those no pet clause will not be enforceable.

The only way there can be a no pet clause in the lease

is if it's a condo, and the condo corporation

has rules against what pets are allowed in the building.

Otherwise there's nothing really

the landlord can do about it,

you're allowed to have your pet,

and they're not allowed to charge you an additional deposit.

And that's a perfect lead into point number four.

There are limits on the amount of deposits

the landlord can charge you.

You can have a last month rent deposit,

and you can have an additional key deposit.

The key deposit is limited

to the expected replacement cost of the keys and fobs only.

No $500 key deposits, no extra pet deposits,

no damage deposits, none of that's allowed,

and now that's going to be right in the lease.

And finally, point number five, rent control.

I'm sure you've heard about it in the news.

What's basically going on is they've capped

the amount that the landlords can raise the rent each year.

The maximum increase is going to be pegged to inflation.

Now there is an exception to the rent control rule.

If the landlord makes a substantial improvement

to the property, they're allowed to raise the rent

by a little bit more, however,

they must apply to the landlord and tenant board

and get special permission in order to do so,

and you'll get notice well in advance.

If you'd like a copy of the new standard lease

to review for yourself I've provided a link below.

Go ahead and check it out.

All right, that's all for today,

as always if you have any questions

don't hesitate to leave them in the comments

or reach out to me directly.

And please, go ahead and let me know in the comments

what you'd like to hear me talk about in my next video.

And if you like this video, hit that like button

and share it with one friend that might find this valuable.

Thanks for watching, and we'll see you next time.

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