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Singing Battle | 노래 싸움 승부 - Ep.9 [ENG/2016.12.28] - Duration: 1:17:11.
12 of the best singers in Korea
put their prides on the line in this battle.
Coach Kim Hyungsuk's ace was first up.
Seomoon Tak!
3 singers were eliminated by her.
Whee In of MAMAMOO.
Bae Giseong.
Lee Jihye.
How can we beat her?
One singer stopped Seomoon Tak's winning streak.
Lee Jinseong of Monday Kiz from Lee Sangmin's team.
He then lost to Tei from Coach Yoon Ilsang's team.
Tei was taken down by Sojung.
Let's begin the consolation round.
The consolation round will turn the game around.
(They battled with "Winter Child")
(A voice as pure and clean as snow)
(An emotional, husky voice)
(Who will be the first singer to return?)
(Lee Jihye 7:6 Seomoon Tak)
(Winner Lee Jihye, loser Seomoon Tak)
(Like a Christmas miracle)
(Jihye overtook Seomoon Tak!)
Lee Jihye has won.
Jihye sang it more innocently.
It sounded clean and happy
like the original song and Suzy's remake.
She sang it well.
I think sincerity won
over technique in this case.
(Lee Jihye)
1 singer has returned to Coach Cho Kyuchan's team.
Now, naturally...
Coach Yoon Ilsang and Coach Lee Sangmin
will battle it out.
From Coach Yoon Ilsang's team,
Tei will be competing.
Now, Coach Lee Sangmin,
please select the singer who suits this song.
The song title...
(What's the song?)
"White Winter."
(Who does Sangmin want to return?)
I want to see Jinseong and Tei compete again.
You want to put on a re-match?
(They sang "Desperado" last time)
(The 2 men created a soulful harmony)
He's deserting Whee In until the very end.
She was eliminated in the first round.
I've been sitting here since the beginning.
I actually feel more comfortable here.
Okay then...
Jinseong and Tei, let's see them compete.
Please come up to the stage.
Can you compete with the same singer again?
How did the consolation round turn out like this?
It's a competition so I'm happy to see him but...
We communicated a lot by exchanging gazes.
Why are we competing again like this?
Regardless of who wins,
I want this performance to be spectacular.
I lost once before.
I think I have a chance of winning.
He's good at singing high notes.
Show him how skilled you are.
I'd like to win.
I hate the feeling of falling.
I don't want to fall so I'll walk down.
("White Winter" by Mr. 2)
(Let's do it)
(Jinseong's emotions warm up)
(It's a beautiful night)
(Emotional ballad singer, Tei enters powerfully)
(Wait a little while for me)
(Jinseong's emotions rise)
(Adjusts strong and soft)
(A sweet harmony that suits Christmas)
(Judges begin scoring)
(Lee Jinseong gains the first point)
(Lee Jinseong 1:1 Tei)
(Jinseong gains another point)
(Clear, accurate delivery of the lyrics)
(Lee Jinseong 3:2 Tei)
(3:3, tie)
(Sweet voice, relaxed stage manner)
(Perfect teamwork)
(Overtakes by 4:3)
(Until my tears fall as I miss you)
(They compete fiercely until the end)
(A warm winter story sung by these 2 men)
("White Winter" by Mr. 2)
(They had a rematch)
(Who will win?)
(Lee Jinseong 4:3 Tei)
(Lee Jinseong 6:7 Tei)
(Loser Lee Jinseong, winner Tei)
(He falls into the black hole again)
(That was close)
Lee Jinseong has been eliminated.
Tei has won by a point.
I don't mind losing in singing but I didn't want to fall.
I felt anxious so I kept standing like this.
I got goose bumps.
Okay then. Congratulations.
Please return to the locker room.
(I survived!)
Thank you.
- Our warrior! / - Right.
He has returned.
Give Tei a round of applause.
I felt a little nervous.
You've received your Christmas gift.
It's Christmas.
- We should grill some beef. / - Right.
(While they're spending a warm Christmas...)
(Silent nuclear family)
They've all returned.
(Regretfully re-organizes his team)
I was sure we were going to win.
It was because of these.
I told him to take them off.
He looked cute with them on.
(He's older but he won even in cuteness)
Coach Kim Hyungsuk.
- Have you made your decision? / - Yes.
We've aimed for the team with the most singers.
- I see. / - Yes.
(1 female singer, pass)
(1 male and 1 female, pass)
(2 males and 1 female, likely)
- I think that's a good idea. / - Right.
- It's our team. / - It is.
Please don't choose me.
I said that every time Sojung appeared.
I have a feeling it's going to be me.
Are you ready to go on stage?
Coach Yoon Ilsang.
He looks flustered as he comes out.
Coach Yoon Ilsang's team...
Who is it?
From Coach Yoon Ilsang's team...
Who is it?
Raina from Coach Yoon Ilsang's team.
I didn't think it'd be me. Why me?
- What is this? / - You've been chosen.
Where's Sojung?
- Sojung... / - I met her in the bathroom twice.
I asked who she is going to choose.
"I don't think we'll choose the same songs."
"I don't think I should choose you."
"Yes! Don't pick me!" I said that to her.
What's happened?
Actually, it was my choice.
I see.
Raina, which song have you selected?
I want to have fun... Fun on the stage.
Something fast.
The one who can be more involved in the emotions...
I think that will determine the winner.
The song we've selected...
"Late Regret."
- "Late Regret" by Bobo. / - "Late Regret."
"Late Regret."
Raina has a really stable voice.
She must've rehearsed it a lot.
I think she's confident about the song.
I'm going to have late regrets...
Just like the title of the song.
(When we think of Raina)
(Cute performances come to mind first)
(But the biggest hit song of 2014)
(Her voice was revealed through)
("A Midsummer Night's Sweetness")
(Her vocal talents were recognized)
("She's a hidden talent")
Sojung vs. Raina.
Raina vs. Sojung.
The battle begins now.
- Do you think I'll be okay? / - You'll be fine.
Open your mouth a little wider.
Focus on the pronunciation.
- Pronunciation? / - Yes, delivery.
Place your emotions in your breath.
Look this way and that to show your expressions.
- Just... / - Yes, just relax.
I feel so thirsty.
Thank you.
(The song's actual composer)
Don't feel nervous. Just sing it calmly.
You can do it.
You're the prettiest girl in the world.
- Why do I feel so nervous? / - I know!
- I'm so nervous. / - Goodness.
("Late Regret" by Bobo)
(Focuses immediately)
(Her lyrical voice gently fills the studio)
The melody travels up and down
so it's difficult to express.
The verse is the most difficult part.
Open your mouth a little wider.
("Controlled emotions but unique vocal expression")
(They compete fiercely in the introduction)
("Place your emotions in your breath and relax")
(Warm up is over! Time to battle in the chorus!)
(Original songwriter sings along with his expressions)
(Raina enters the chorus too)
Sojung, hold the mic closer.
Hold your mic closer.
(She reaches the highest note easily)
She's so expressive.
(Judges begin scoring)
(Raina leads with the first point)
(Hold the mic closer)
(Raina gains another point)
She was slightly off-pitch.
(It's her chance to overtake)
(She holds the mic closer and begins chasing)
(Sojung 1:2 Raina)
I think Sojung has more impact.
(But as Raina's score increases)
But Raina's voice is a lot cleaner.
(Solar is immersed in the song too)
(Raina races ahead by 1:5)
(I'm worried)
The damping...
It's good.
(She begins the last spurt with her husky voice)
(Sojung 2:5 Raina)
(Express the emotions with your body language)
(6 points will be revealed at the end)
(Judges are busy scoring)
(How will this final spurt influence the score?)
(Good job)
("Late Regret" by Bobo)
(A fierce battle between the girl group vocalists)
I haven't competed many times.
I don't think my voice is suitable for competitions.
(Despite her concerns, she got into the mood quickly)
(Clean voice, desperate emotions! Raina's victory?)
(Sojung already gained 1 win)
(She fought with her husky voice)
(Will Sojung's unique interpretation give her victory?)
(Time to check the final scores)
(The result of the battle royal will be revealed!)
(Sojung 2 wins vs. Raina's first win)
(Sojung 4:9 Raina)
Sojung has been eliminated.
- Raina has won by 9:4. / - You were great.
I didn't get eliminated.
You seem so happy.
Why are you so happy?
I'm so glad I didn't fall into the hole.
It's not because you sang well.
- You're happy because you didn't fall. / - No.
Thank you, everyone.
- Thank you, judges. / - The original composer...
It's Coach Kim Hyungsuk.
Coach, what did you think?
Both singers were good.
Her throat's closed right now.
- Right now? / - Her voice is tired.
- Raina sang it so sadly. / - Right.
It's important to sing well but
it's more important to deliver the emotions.
In that respect, she was great.
I see.
Raina, your voice...
I didn't know you were this good.
Thank you.
Which singer from which team will you choose?
Please go and discuss it with your coach.
- Go inside. / - Thank you.
(Sojung eliminated)
I got goose bumps.
- I really did. / - Really?
- Really? / - You were great.
I'm so happy!
- You were great. / - Thank you.
You're so good.
I was really nervous though.
- At first. / - At first.
- Did you see me shake? / - When you started off...
- Now... / - Is it time to choose?
Pick someone.
It's time.
(Sad after losing Sojung)
(Hyungsuk and his singer both loosen their lips)
I feel so hot all of a sudden.
Is it because I'm embarrassed or tired?
We've opened up our heads, that's why.
- Really? / - It rings inside your head.
Coach Yoon Ilsang.
Which singer from which team will you choose?
This singer...
She's pretty.
It's someone pretty.
"We Should've Been Friends."
"Do I Know?"
Or "Snow Flower?"
The time has come.
Get rid of them.
Get rid of them all.
Solar, it's you.
I'm not 99% sure, I'm 100% sure this time.
Our opponent...
From Coach Cho Kyuchan's team...
Ko Yujin.
From Coach Cho Kyuchan's team,
you've chosen Ko Yujin.
At last, it's me.
(Debuted in 1999 as the vocal in a band, Flower)
("Tears," "Child with Slow Steps," "Endless Love")
(His rock ballads were popular karaoke choice)
(He can even sing in female pitch)
Ko Yujin.
I sang Flower's songs at karaoke.
Ko Yujin.
Ko Yujin...
I'd like to sing a duet with him.
Ko Yujin.
You've been chosen.
Which song will you sing?
It's the best duet song ever.
By Kim Bumsoo and Pak Sunzoo,
"A Man and A Woman."
I've always wanted to sing "A Man and A Woman."
I've never sung it on television.
I'd like to sing it with a female singer.
I want to put on a great performance.
It was hard competing against Sojung earlier.
I didn't want to compete with another female singer.
This song...
I don't think it's as much pressure.
Okay then.
Ko Yujin vs. Raina.
Singing Battle.
The battle begins now.
(Raina vs. Ko Yujin, a mixed duet battle!)
(What is each team's strategy?)
Focus on the lyrics and tone in the verses.
With the high notes, you'll be fine.
Good luck.
You can do it. Just relax.
Pretend you're at karaoke.
This is a karaoke.
It's a wireless mic.
It's an expensive karaoke.
High quality.
(I got it)
(Hidden talent, Raina)
(Guaranteed talent, Ko Yujin)
(Tense, relaxed)
(Who will win this sweet yet brutal battle?)
("A Man and A Woman" by Kim Bumsoo, Pak Sunzoo)
(The 18-year veteran singer leads)
(Warms up by singing along)
The male has a larger part in this song.
(Coach Kim Hyungsuk predicts that Raina will lose)
(This is my stage!)
She has to finish it here.
She has to nail it here.
(Attacks with her clear vocal)
Raina's good.
She's good.
She's good.
When you think of After School,
you can't think of anyone who sings well.
(Yujin's harmony blends with Raina's voice)
Why is she so good?
Isn't she great?
(They create a beautiful harmony)
(Judges begin scoring)
(Both singers raise their emotions)
(Raina gains the first point)
(He catches up immediately)
(Ko Yujin 1:1 Raina)
(He decorates the high notes with improvisation)
(But Raina gains a point)
(Ko Yujin 1:2 Raina)
(Ko Yujin 1:3 Raina)
(Looks for a chance to overtake)
(Raina has the advantage)
(Surprised by her talent)
(I hope it's you)
(Song heads to the climax)
(I can turn this around!)
(Yujin sings out, 3:4)
(Their careers have never overlapped)
(Raina's wish has created a dreamlike harmony)
(It's only a point difference)
(Who will gain the remaining 6 points?)
("A Man and A Woman" by Kim Bumsoo, Pak Sunzoo)
(Both are satisfied by their harmonious duet)
I think I felt a little nervous.
Anyway, I'm happy to have sung with Raina.
I was a little nervous initially.
After the second verse began,
I felt relaxed enough to look at Yujin's face.
(Tense in the first half)
(Relaxed, looks at her opponent in the second half)
(Their sweet yet brutal battle has ended)
(Who will win this battle?)
(Loser Ko Yujin, winner Raina)
Ko Yujin has been eliminated.
Raina, this means...
You've won for the second time with 8:5.
Raina, you're a great singer.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Why do you think you won?
I was sincere...
He was sincere too.
(Can't understand her)
- Coach, what does this... / - I don't know.
Tell us what it means.
It means I did a good job.
Oh, you...
Devised a good strategy.
Thank you.
Let's see if you can join Seomoon Tak
by gaining your third consecutive win.
We're all watching with keen interest.
- Congratulations. / - Thank you.
(Ko Yujin eliminated)
I'm glad that I waited around.
This is nice.
Who will I compete with now?
Everyone's really good.
You're the toughest opponent right now.
What's happened here?
Coach Yoon Ilsang's team...
The entire team remains.
The other 3 teams
each have 1 singer left.
It's 1:1:1:3.
I think this is going to be an exciting battle.
Who will Raina choose?
She won't pick Solar or U Sungeun. It'll be me.
If you ask me...
This is crazy.
If you ask me...
I think she'll pick her.
You're not an easy opponent, Sungeun.
I think it's going to be Solar.
I'm going to frown so they don't pick us.
(Don't choose us)
We've decided.
Which singer from which team will you choose?
(Lee Jihye vs. U Sungeun vs. Solar)
She's on a winning streak right now.
I think she should compete
with a tough opponent, right?
- Really? / - Yes.
(If you really want to, we'll accept your challenge)
Who is it?
From Coach Kim Hyungsuk's team...
- Coach Kim Hyungsuk's team... / - Warm up.
Thank goodness.
U Sungeun.
You've chosen U Sungeun.
(A charismatic vocalist)
(Emotional, soulful voice)
(Cute, vibrant)
(She sings dance)
(And even trot)
(R&B soul fairy, U Sungeun sings all genres)
Sungeun, you get to choose the song.
Have you decided on the song?
They're going to regret their decision.
"When Spring Comes."
Yes, okay.
"When Spring Comes?"
Don't worry. You shouldn't feel nervous.
"When Spring Comes."
In the past, I enjoyed singing this at karaoke.
It was one of my favorite songs.
It's a lot more difficult to sing now.
She didn't seem confident when I chose this song.
I think we've come up with a good strategy.
If Sungeun gets eliminated,
Coach Kim Hyungsuk will experience despair again.
That's not going to happen.
Okay then.
U Sungeun vs. Raina.
The battle begins now.
(All attention's focused on female vocalists' battle)
- Hold the mic close. / - Yes, okay.
Totally close the entire time.
- Good luck. / - I can do it.
I'm going to work hard so I can give our coach
his first victory.
(I have faith in you, Sungeun)
Just remember one thing.
Just think of the emotions.
Don't think about anything else.
Don't be too powerful. Your voice is so pretty.
Excuse me, let me speak.
I really like Raina.
Please leave.
Relax. You're doing great.
I'm going to work hard.
I'm not going to regret how I sang the song.
I'm going to do my best.
(First win vs. third consecutive win)
(The battle begins now)
("When Spring Comes" by BMK)
(The 2 singers get into the mood)
(Everyone focuses)
(A steady yet ardent attack)
(Her lips are dry)
(Immersed with his singer)
She's good.
(She attacks with her soulful voice)
(She sings along to hold on to the emotions)
(Raina's emotions explode in the chorus)
(I love it)
(Desperate emotions)
(Controlled soul)
(His mouth falls open)
(A battle of emotions)
(The middle section ends)
(Who will gain the first point?)
(U Sungeun gains the first point)
(We can catch up)
(U Sungeun gains another point)
(Soulful high notes gain her the third point)
(Relaxed, husky voice)
(Extreme sorrow)
(Responds to Raina's emotions)
(Re-discovery of Raina, the ballad singer)
(Focuses as the song heads to its climax)
(U Sungeun 4:1 Raina)
(Husky soul filled with sad emotions)
(I think I'm going to cry)
(Raina gains 2 points)
(Secure the lead with R&B soul)
(They're both so good)
(Final spurt to gain the remaining 6 points)
(Their battle heated up the stage)
("When Spring Comes" by BMK)
(All that remains is to see who'll win)
I'm going to work hard to provide
Coach Kim Hyungsuk with his first victory.
Raina has gained her second win.
(Headed for her third win?)
(Current score, 5:2)
(First win vs. third consecutive win)
(Who will win this battle?)
(Winner U Sungeun, loser Raina)
Raina has been eliminated.
U Sungeun has won by 11:2.
The song's too high.
The original song was sung by BMK.
She has a huge voice.
The song... It's really explosive.
I wasn't confident about singing it.
I'm a little regretful.
Regardless of who won, Raina...
Her voice has many advantages.
Her tone is very sad.
Her delivery was so sincere.
She has such tone and knows how to use it.
It was lovely.
In Sungeun's case,
her voice hasn't fully opened up.
- She still sung it that well? / - What I mean...
- Her throat hasn't warmed up yet. / - I see.
She has finished warming up with this song.
Her real talent will shine now.
I see.
Congratulations, Sungeun.
(Raina eliminated)
Which singer from which team will you choose?
Our next sacrifice...
(Everyone's nervous)
Is it foolish of us to choose this singer
or will we win and be able to defeat all 5?
It's you.
He's so silly.
Heo Youngsaeng from Coach Yoon Ilsang's team.
Okay then.
Heo Youngsaeng.
- You've waited a long time. / - Yes.
Sungeun has chosen you.
I predicted that she'd pick me.
- We've already... / - We've chosen the song.
- Really? / - We already discussed it.
What's the song?
Please announce it yourself.
Joo Younghoon and Lee Hyejin's
"Just the Way We Love."
"Just the Way We Love."
Okay then.
- Please come to the stage. / - I'll do my best.
How about "Just the Way We Love?"
The composer wrote the song for himself.
- He wrote if for the male part. / - The male's the main.
Don't feel nervous.
If you just focus on your tone,
I'm sure you can beat her.
You've waited for such a long time.
Your voice may need time to warm up.
That's why I always take this medicine
before I begin singing.
It's good for your throat.
I took it just now.
- Really? / - Yes.
- Give Sungeun one. / - One...
I only have one.
I think you're lying.
- I just keep 1 in my pocket for real. / - I see.
I saved it for when it's my turn.
I see.
U Sungeun vs. Heo Youngsaeng.
Heo Youngsaeng vs. U Sungeun.
The battle begins now!
Have you sung this song before?
At karaoke when I was young.
Okay. I'm not worried then.
Just improvise if you get stuck.
Focus on the tone.
It's a male solo song.
You don't have to feel nervous.
(U Sungeun, Heo Youngsaeng's duet harmony)
I hope we can put on a good performance
but I'm going to win.
I'll sing this song like I'm in love
and put on a great performance.
Let's do this!
("Just the Way We Love")
(By Joo Younghoon, Lee Hyejin)
I haven't heard this song for a long time.
(Their interpretation of "Just the Way We Love")
(Steady start with her sweet voice)
She's good.
She's good.
(Her opponents acknowledge her talent)
(Youngsaeng makes his attack)
(Nice tone)
(He's impressive)
(Surprised everyone with his sweet voice)
He has a great tone.
(A pretty tone)
(Charismatic husky voice)
(Husky vs. sweet tone)
(Their harmony rings throughout the studio)
(Whose voice will impress the judges?)
I think Sojung's supporting Youngsaeng.
I think we're ruined.
(Does Youngsaeng have the advantage?)
(However, Sungeun doesn't feel shaken up)
His tone's really...
It's really high.
It's pretty.
(His pretty voice is perfect for the song)
(Gestures are more relaxed as he gains confidence)
(The judges begin scoring)
(U Sungeun gains the first point)
(She gains another point)
(Sungeun continues to gain points)
(Attacks with his pretty high note)
(U Sungeun 2:0 Heo Youngsaeng)
(U Sungeun 2:1 Heo Youngsaeng)
(They give and take to create a sweet harmony)
(But Sungeun gains another point)
(Sungeun leads the song)
(Sungeun gains 5 points)
(Belts out another high note)
(U Sungeun 5:2 Heo Youngsaeng)
(Remaining 6 points will determine the winner)
("Together until the end of the world")
(Satisfied, pleased)
(Both teams are sure they've won)
(Looks down to check the score)
(3-point difference)
I think Youngsaeng is better.
(Dedicated to their own performances)
(A battle between pretty and husky tones)
This is great.
("Just the Way We Love")
(By Joo Younghoon, Lee Hyejin)
- Good job. / - You did well.
Good job!
(A battle between 2 totally different tones)
I'm going to be sincere and do my best.
(Charismatic voice, volume and power)
(Would it be Sungeun's second win?)
I'm scared about falling so
I'll do my best and compete.
(Appealed with his pretty voice)
(Will Heo Youngsaeng gain his first win?)
(Second win vs. first win)
(U Sungeun 7:6 Heo Youngsaeng)
(Winner U Sungeun, loser Heo Youngsaeng)
(He falls into the black hole)
Heo Youngsaeng has lost.
U Sungeun has won by 7:6.
Beat the other teams. Let's meet in the finals.
I think you have a lot to say, Giseong.
What did you think of their performance?
I thought Youngsaeng...
I'm being totally honest.
I thought Youngsaeng would win.
Because when he sang...
He sang the song so cleanly.
Despite poor throat condition...
They both focused and sang it wonderfully.
It was wonderful to see.
When I looked down, it was 5:2.
While I was singing...
I remember it accurately.
None of my panels lit up until her third one.
I've lost, I have to fall.
That thought occurred and I lost my focus.
But the final score was 7:6.
If I had focused until the very end,
I could've done better.
I lost my cool towards the end.
(Heo Youngsaeng eliminated)
Sungeun's really good.
She's good.
She has a lethal weapon.
Her throat is really open and
she has a powerful voice too.
She can also produce a metallic sound.
It's hard to beat her.
Sungeun's such a good singer.
She has so much charm.
It's hard to listen if your voice is raspy
on the high notes but
her voice is nice even if it's raspy.
She has a wonderful tone.
(Power vocalist, U Sungeun! Who can defeat her?)
Coach Kim Hyungsuk.
Which singer from which team will you choose?
She really wants to sing against this person.
(Each team has 1 singer left now)
Is it a female or a male?
A female.
It's a female singer.
It's either Solar or me.
It must be me.
Why do I feel so cold all of a sudden?
Coach Lee Sangmin is slowly walking to the stage.
It's either Solar or Lee Jihye.
From Coach Lee Sangmin's team, Solar.
You've chosen Solar.
I'm looking forward to this too.
(Main vocalist of talented girl group, MAMAMOO)
(A talented singer with power and soul)
(Eldest member of MAMAMOO, Solar!)
(Can she revive MAMAMOO's pride?)
Whenever I see MAMAMOO sing,
it looks so exciting and
I think about performing in a group too.
She's a really good singer.
She has a great voice.
I'm really honored yet
really afraid at the same time.
Solar, which song will you defend with?
Solar, together with U Sungeun...
She'll sing "All You Need Is Love."
- "All You Need Is Love?" / - "All You Need Is Love."
She'll sing "All You Need Is Love."
"All You Need Is Love?"
"All You Need Is Love..."
Seomoon Tak's song, "All You Need Is Love?"
I used to go to karaoke in high school.
I had a lot of fun singing this song.
I have a lot of fond memories of it.
I heard Seomoon Tak was coming on the show.
In front of her...
- You wanted to sing it? / - I wanted to sing it.
I wanted to promote myself...
- To Seomoon Tak? / - Yes.
Is that why? Okay.
Let me ask the original singer, Seomoon Tak.
At this point...
The original singer,
Seomoon Tak,
could you sing it briefly for us?
(To the entire nation)
(Loud and clear)
(I can't believe I'm listening to this live)
(Don't love, just live)
(Applause pouring out)
That was totally amazing!
- Thank you so much. / - Thank you.
Now, Solar vs. U Sungeun.
U Sungeun vs. Solar.
The battle begins now.
(11th round, start)
Rudolphs are here.
Please win.
- Rudolphs are here. / - Please win!
I have a good feeling. Don't worry.
When you leave...
Get ready to take beef with you.
I think it's okay.
- Advice. / - You're the best.
You're the best. You can gain 5 wins.
You can do it.
- Belt it out. / - It's hard.
Shout it out.
Get ready, you're next.
- What? / - Your team's next.
(Hyungsuk is sure of victory)
What was that?
(Let's do this)
("All You Need Is Love" by Seomoon Tak)
(Solar, I have faith in you)
(Time to let rock and roll take over)
(Tense, relaxed)
(Solar makes the first attack!)
She's good.
(The ace has a powerful voice)
(Out to gain her third win)
(Adjusts her power with ease)
(They test each other out in the first half)
(I've warmed up, let's race)
(The tension continues)
(Time to fight in the chorus)
I can't tell.
(Out to gain her third win)
(Out to stop her streak)
(Stable expressions, vocal, gestures)
(Judges begin scoring)
(I can't help dancing)
(Second half begins)
No, no, no, no.
(Time to take out her secret weapon)
(The 2 of us)
(Let's go)
(The men are won over)
She's flirty!
(Solar catches up immediately)
(U Sungeun makes her attack)
(Sungeun charges ahead with 2 points)
(Solar 1:3 U Sungeun)
(Solar's voice opens up as the song progresses)
(She makes a mistake, 1:4)
(Just 1 point!)
(Catches up to 2:4)
(Who will gain the final point?)
I can't tell who's going to win this.
We need to wait and see.
You're doing a great job.
(Solar 3:4 U Sungeun)
(Just 6 points remain now)
(The remaining 6 judges begin scoring)
(Steady vocal! Fun performances too!)
- This is hard. / - They're both so good.
(I know)
(Soul vocalist plays with the notes)
(This battle is difficult to predict)
("Love Is All You Need" by Seomoon Tak)
(Time to check the final score)
Since I'm the last singer,
I'm going to compete with Sungeun
and make sure we take beef home.
(Her clear voice opens up your ears)
(Main vocalist MAMAMOO is full of groove)
(Solar even flirts with the audience)
To be honest...
It's not my main genre.
But Seomoon Tak's on our team.
The original singer is watching me
so I'm going to sing my heart out.
I'll do my best and win this.
(Her sense of rhythm and groove)
(She leads the stage with her relaxed manner)
(Impressed everyone with her improvisation)
(Will U Sungeun gain her third win?)
(The 11th round was the fiercest yet)
(Beef, beef)
(The shocking score will be reveled now)
(Loser Solar, winner U Sungeun)
U Sungeun has won by 7:6.
Come this way.
I wasn't sure who would win.
- It was so close. / - You were both so good.
I felt so excited watching this.
I didn't know who I should support.
I'm so grateful to both of them
but Sungeun's on my team so...
I couldn't help favoring Sungeun.
- I see. / - I couldn't help it.
Sungeun, you've gained your third victory.
Which singer will you choose next?
Please make your decision.
And so...
Coach Lee Sangmin's team
has been completely eliminated.
It's so unfortunate.
Sangmin, if you had won this battle,
it would've been a consecutive victory.
Okay then.
You worked really hard.
The beef is approaching us.
Just 2 more steps to the beef.
You're Santa Claus right now.
It's either Tei or me.
Who will she choose first?
Jihye, just maintain your stamina.
Go with your pace and you could win.
I know you can do it.
- They'll think the same gender's easier. / - Right.
At that moment,
we'll step all over them.
We'll go to the finals.
Coach Kim Hyungsuk.
Is your next opponent Lee Jihye...
Or is it Tei?
(The only two singers left are Jihye and Tei)
I think it will be a battle of vocal tones.
Then who?
We choose Lee Jihye.
Lee Jihye of Coach Cho Kyuchan's team, come out.
I was really touched by Jihye today.
Every song seemed really special to her.
She's really sincere.
Her emotions seem to rise from within her.
I think it'd be nice to sing with her.
That's why I chose her.
- Have you already decided on the song? / - Yes.
I see.
Wait a minute.
This has never happened before.
I know that you're in a rush.
Coach, please tell us which song you've chosen.
The motto we initially presented...
Musical sincerity.
That's more important than victory.
The song will help put on a good performance.
Which song is it?
This thought occurs when you reach my age.
You look back on the past...
And think, "We should've been friends."
"We Should've Been Friends" by Gummy.
("We Should've Been Friends" by Gummy, 2001)
(From R&B vocalist Gummy's first album, "Like Them")
(Vocal talent and expression required for its sad lyrics)
When you reach my age,
everyone has started up a family.
Your friends have left.
The person that you loved...
They've all left. You feel really lonely.
When I thought about that,
I thought, maybe we really should've been friends.
So when I heard to this song, I totally related.
Please come to the stage.
(Lee Jihye vs. U Sungeun)
Let's do it!
(Jihye's desire to win vs. Sungeun's fourth win)
I think you should use more power.
When the judges listen,
your voice scatters if you soften.
I'm going to beat Jihye and
set a new record of 4 consecutive wins.
(Jihye's desperate for her first win)
Are you tired? Jihye!
Are you sleepy?
- What? / - You're not tired, right?
I'm not tired.
- I'm getting into the mood. / - Good.
- Your voice... / - She has given up.
She has let go.
You can do it. You're good.
You're a great singer.
When I sing this song,
I'm going to put my heart into it.
I'm going to do my best to sing it.
I can do it!
("We Should've Been Friends" by Gummy)
I'm looking forward to this.
(14-year senior competes with her junior)
(Sungeun begins first)
Her emotions are very stable.
(Controlled emotions, stable tone)
(Getting into the mood of the song)
(Jihye attacks)
Her expressions...
(Immersed in her song)
(We can win with our sincerity!)
(Expresses the emotions as though it's her story)
(Maintains her pace)
(Attack with power!)
(The climax will determine who will win)
(Her clean voice makes the song even sadder)
(Expressive delivery)
(Controlled emotions)
This is great.
I think Jihye could win this.
It's possible.
(Jihye gains the first point)
(Jihye's desperation leads the song)
Nice, nice.
Her panel lit up.
(Jihye gains another point)
(Will Jihye take over like this?)
(Lee Jihye 2:0 U Sungeun)
(Lee Jihye 3:0 U Sungeun)
(She could win this)
(Sungeun's panels are surprisingly quiet)
She's taken the lead.
(Attacks with her soulful voice)
(Gains a point)
(Releases her emotions filled with regret)
I can't tell.
(Lee Jihye 3:1 U Sungeun)
(Lee Jihye 3:2 U Sungeun)
She's got it.
(She could face defeat here)
(U Sungeun's third point!)
- It's a tie. / - 3:3.
(Attacks with her powerful voice!)
(Defends with her desperate emotions)
(Lee Jihye 3:3 U Sungeun)
(Lee Jihye 3:4 U Sungeun)
She's overtaken.
(Sangmin feels anxious)
Jihye looks like she's going to cry.
(Her emotions peak)
(Her husky, soulful voice explodes)
(She's good)
(Who will gain the remaining 6 points?)
(They filled the stage with emotion and power)
This is great.
("We Should've Been Friends" by Gummy)
You did really well.
- Good work, Jihye. / - Nice, nice.
You did really well.
That was good.
- 4 wins. / - That's a first, right?
Will she write a new history?
(The battle was neck and neck)
If I beat Jihye this time,
it will be a new record of 4 consecutive wins.
I really want to achieve that.
(But her opponent is Lee Jihye)
If someone responds to
the emotions that I sing,
it could turn things around.
(A point difference! Who will win this battle?)
(Loser Lee Jihye, winner U Sungeun)
For the first time on Singing Battle,
you've achieved 4 consecutive wins.
Sungeun, come this way.
no one else has won 4 times in a row.
Congratulations, Sungeun.
Sangmin, what did you think?
She was good.
As for Sungeun,
we all know that she's good.
However, personally,
I couldn't help but respond to Jihye's emotions.
Jihye's performance,
I felt really touched watching her sing.
I think they put on a wonderful performance.
(Lee Jihye eliminated, 3rd place finalized)
All that remains is
the final round against Tei.
- Good luck! / - If you can beat Tei...
It will be 5 consecutive wins.
If Tei wins this round,
Coach Yoon Ilsang will take victory.
I just have to sing 1 song.
Sing this and you'll win.
This song is perfect for you.
- Really? / - Yes. It really suits you.
Just maintain your stamina.
Which song will you choose?
It's an emotional song.
- A ballad? / - I've chosen this song.
Which song is it?
(A ballad?)
(All attention is focused)
It's called "Say Hello."
"Say Hello."
I'm looking forward to this.
She has sung a lot to get this far.
I hope her throat is okay.
I hope she sings relaxed and forget everything.
- Okay. / - It doesn't matter who wins.
Ilsang, what about you?
I'm just satisfied that we've come
all the way to the finals but
seeing as we've gotten this far...
- Rookie coaches tend to come first. / - Right.
I hope that happens again.
Korea's top vocalists!
12 singers have competed in the singers' battle royal.
It's now the final battle.
U Sungeun vs. Tei.
The battle begins now.
(Finals, start)
You're the best, Sungeun!
- Go! / - Good luck!
(The finals are about to begin!)
All 3 members of our team are perfect.
Let's begin with the best.
She'll eliminate 8 opponents.
(Her powerful high notes took over the stage!)
(Her first sacrifice was Whee In)
(Seomoon Tak charged ahead)
How can we beat her?
She has finished warming up.
Her real talent will shine now.
(Vocalist U Sungeun can sing any genre)
For the first time on Singing Battle,
you've gained 4 consecutive wins!
(As a result, Coach Cho Kyuchan's team...)
(Coach Lee Sangmin's team were eliminated)
(Only Tei remains!)
I have a feeling that I can win this.
I'm going to give Coach Kim Hyungsuk his first victory.
Rookie coaches have a tendency to win.
My singers can sing any genre.
(Raina's hidden clear voice and steady technique)
Tei has won.
I'm going to take responsibility.
I'm going to take my passion up another level...
And do my very best.
- Let's do it! / - Go!
(Who will win the singers' battle royal?)
("Say Hello" by Star, Na Yoonkwon)
(The stage feels extremely tense)
(Her emotional, soulful voice rings out)
(Feels nervous)
(Attacks with her gaze)
(Tei's husky voice touches the heart)
(Adjusts his volume with ease)
(Controlled emotions, desperate harmony)
(Judges begin scoring for the finals)
(U Sungeun gains the first point)
(She continues to gain points)
(She's 3 points ahead)
(This is just the first part)
(Soft tone)
(Desperate expressions)
(Plays with the melody skillfully)
(U Sungeun 3:1 Tei)
(Softly sings the lyrics)
(Listeners fall in love with her voice)
(Desperation can be felt in this beautiful harmony)
(U Sungeun 5:1 Tei)
(Each note is filled with soul)
(Go, Sungeun!)
(They enter the second half)
(This part will determine today's winner)
(Delivers the pains of break-up in his expressions)
(Tei gains the final point)
(Maintains her pace until the end)
(Controlled emotions vs. gentle expression)
(I smile and ask how you are)
(Husky soul to finish off the final performance)
("Say Hello" by Star, Na Yoonkwon)
Good work.
I feel more nervous than when I sing.
(The dice has been tossed)
I've never won so I'm determined to win today.
I reviewed the previous shows.
Rookie coaches have a tendency to win.
Of course I'm going to win.
(The battle royal has raced to round 13)
(Which singer will become the final winner?)
(Where will the remaining 6 points go?)
(U Sungeun 7:6 Tei)
(The winner was determined by just a point)
Coach Kim Hyungsuk's team has won!
U Sungeun has won 5 times in a row.
Coach Kim Hyungsuk has taken victory.
You've appeared on the show for a long time.
You've won at last.
- I knew this day would come. / - Congratulations.
- She's my Santa Claus. / - Right.
- She gave us our gifts. / - Right.
He joked and said that we'd win today.
We've really won and I'm thrilled.
It doesn't matter who won.
My ears were in for a treat today.
After "Top 10 Songs,"
it's the first show with the real singers and composers.
That's why I'm so happy.
It was wonderful to be a part of the show.
I really enjoyed this.
Everyone, join me.
- Merry Christmas! / - Merry Christmas!
The final Singing Battle of 2016.
Today is a playing coach battle.
The 4 coaches will volunteer as the Hiddens.
They can sing just once as a substitute.
He's the king of singers.
(Powerful singer, Park Wankyu)
They've dug the black hole to the car park for you.
- Songs need to be flavorsome. / - Flavorsome?
It's not just about talent.
In order to season the songs,
we need these men.
(I'll show you my flavors! Surprising vocal talent)
(Comedic talent takes over the stage)
Is this improvisation or
does it mean she should stop singing?
(Who cares? Just bounce!)
(A sweet voice to melt the cold winter)
Music has different grades.
I think he's in the top grade.
(Singing Battle)
("Fly High" by Son Junho)
DIY Christmas Decorations Ideas ◾ How to Make Christmas Ornaments ◾ Christmas Ornaments To Make - Duration: 5:31.
How to Make christmas Ornaments
DIY Christmas Decorations Ideas
Christmas Ornaments To Make Tutorial
Ginseng in Urdu | Mardana Taqat Ka Toofan | Nafs Ki Sakhti, Dheela Pan Khatam | Urdu Voice k Sath - Duration: 7:53.
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Johnny Trí Nguyễn: 'Tôi có 3 đam mê là võ, phim và môtô' - Duration: 6:40.
Powerful Panel Discussion Tip #81 with Brian Walter: How to End Your Panel Discussion - Duration: 2:22.
Brian, how do you like to end your panel discussions?
Ending is critical.
Here's what happens most of the time.
Most of the time we just run out the clock.
Usually the moderator is—and we've done everything from the audience dynamics view
to ensure we have a crappy ending.
That's just the usual default thing because here is what almost always happens.
The moderator asks all of his/her questions whatever things we're going to do.
Then they turn it over to the audience.
Do we have any last questions from the audience?
Oh yes, over here, and okay we only have time for about one more question and you turn over
all of your power.
We have time for one more question and we always, always, the lamest person—this question
is the only thing standing between the audience numbers and lunch.
Okay, that's always the way it is.
"Yeah, I've got a question."
And here comes the twelve-part question.
The people are rolling their eyes.
People actually surreptitiously start to leave because they hate whoever it is that's asking
that question.
That person has some genetic flaw in them that waits for that moment to ask that question.
You turned over that power to them.
So a couple things: One is you say we have time for about two more questions.
We'll take one live question and one from the cards or that was emailed ahead of time
which, of course, is one that you've staged.
Because you want to make sure you end on a great question Another one is that technique
next week, next month, next year where it's the advice one where you get all of them thinking
forward and an application of everything that has been talked about and they leave on that.
Here's what we're going to do.
Our last one, "okay, next week, next month, next year."
Well, if you apply all that, you will indeed have a great next week, next month, next year.
Give a round of applause for our panel.
It's time for lunch, talk, cocktails, whatever it's going to be and everyone believes it
was a good panel.
Как заработать на ютубе Приглашение на бесплатные вебинары от банды БалыГассов - Duration: 2:49.
The REAL Reason YouTube is Broken - Duration: 7:18.
how is it going everyone
youtube drama continues
though, that's nothing new
recently lots of youtubers have been claiming youtube is unsubscribing
people from their favorite youtubers
and also complaining about losing subscribers when they upload
for the past few months, youtubers have been pointing out
critical fluctuations in their subscriber counts
huge channels like pewdiepie, jacksepticeye, h3h3productions
and hundreds of smaller channels, posted videos relaying fans' complaints
that they were randomly unsubscribed from their channels
or didn't see the youtubers' videos in their subscriber feed
and there is massive amounts of evidence for this
just complaints of people saying that they were subscribed to someone
but then, out of nowhere they realized that person's videos were not showing
up in their feed anymore, which is not ideal if that person is a dedicated
fan and doesn't want to miss that channels content
and it's also really bad for the content creator
because, then they're not going to get as many views
and youtube was hurting creators who uploaded videos regularly
but on few days before, youtube help, published a video countering widespread
claims by youtubers that the platform is screwing them over. in an explainer
that can only be described as 3:27 minutes of actually youtube reps claim
that the streaming platform is not unsubscribing people from channels, an
accusation hundreds of youtubers have full-throatedly complained about for weeks
in the video, youtube says "youtube doesn't unsubscribe people from
channels." two reps say youtube "looked at over 100 individual cases and
haven't been able to find an underlying glitch." several of the video's
explanations echo language relayed to me by youtube press contacts
the youtube video, which comes off a little condescending, says that closed and
spam accounts don't count toward subscriber numbers. but youtube isn't
unsubscribing spam accounts. accounts that youtube has flagged as bots are still
getting videos in their subs feed. and those videos appear in the subs feed, on
average, 30 seconds after they're posted. this line of reasoning, commenters
allege evades the question of why meat-based humans widely report being
automatically unsubscribed or not seeing videos from their favorite content creators
this isn't the first time youtube has had to deal with complaints from its users
earlier this year, youtube viewers complained that they
were being automatically unsubscribed from channels
in product forum youtube also published a statement: we've done an extensive
review and found there have been no decreases in creators subscriber numbers
beyond what normally happens when viewers either unsubscribe from a
creator's channel or when youtube removes spammed subscribers
there's been no official final update or response, but i researched many sites
and also some youtube channels and found some reason why this is happening
youtube's suggested videos are broken and/or something changed
youtube is a massive site with billions of users, millions of active creators, and
thousands of individuals and companies who call it their full-time job. it's very
tough to gain insight into what may or may not be occurring on a macro, site
wide scale because each individual channel makes up such a small
portion of the platform's overall viewership
rather, it's very tough to gauge
the situation if you're not pewdiepie, a channel with nearly 50 million subscribers
and hundreds of millions of views per month
with those kinds of stats, the pewdiepie channel can theoretically
provide a more accurate assessment of what's happening on all of youtube
this is because of an increase in youtube pre-rolls
we're right in the end of q4, which is typically a time of year in which advertisers
dramatically increase their online video advertising spends in order to entice
individuals to purchase their wares during the holiday shopping season
that means ad inventory is in extremely high demand. and when more
advertising is present on youtube, more pre-roll skippable and non-skippable
is being served explained matt gielen, founder of
youtube audience building agency
if throughout the year on average we see about a 10% – 20% pre-roll fill
at this time of year we're seeing 30%+. that might
not seem like a lot but it can be as high as 50%
so, maybe an increased ad load is to blame for some of the perceived losses
this is part of youtube's subscriber audits
youtube is a massive site with over a billion users who watch hundreds of
millions of hours worth of video every day. it's hard to keep track of all those
users to ensure they're actual individuals and not simply fake accounts meant to
increase a channel's metrics. so, youtube routinely conducts audits
to remove the inactive and spam accounts, which could account
for the drop in subscribers seen by some channels
these are the two cases to consider with regards to "inactive accounts" as
explained by a youtube representative
a closed account: this is an account that the user has deleted. this user no
longer exists, so does not count toward your channel's subscriber count anymore
a spammy account. this is an account that violates our tos.
youtube has identified this account as spammy and so we do not count
it toward your channel's subscriber count
another thing may be, if you have a youtube account in good-standing, you will
not be automatically unsubscribed from any channels, even if you haven't
watched a video or otherwise interacted with that channel for an extended period of time
this is part of youtube's views audits
youtube routinely audits views, too. so,
maybe that's to blame for at least part of the losses seen by some channels or
these large jumps are the result of either an algorithmic change, or a significant
delayed cleanup happening all at once. this change is affecting all channels as
far as i can tell in amounts varying from 2% sub loss to 35% sub loss.
if you have a youtube channel and you're experiencing similar issues to the ones
please let us know in the comments below
we'll keep following the story as more news develops
thank you so much for watching this video, if you enjoyed this video plz don't
forget to like and share it. and also plz subscribe my channel to get new video
notification. thanks again, and bye for today
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How To Promote Yourself - Duration: 6:17.
Hey guys.
I want to teach you how to promote yourself and attract more clients and customers.
So in this video, I'm going to teach you how to get out there and have more clients and
customers through the proper promotion.
My name is Luis Congdon.
Not too long ago, I was sleeping on my friend's couch and trying to figure out how to do this
business thing.
And, it was very hard at first to figure out how to promote myself, how to let people know
what I do but I figured out a lot of keys and now I co-own Thriving Launch.
It runs a 5-time a week podcast and does phenomenal figures for our business and allows us to
have a freedom lifestyle where we could travel the world and wake up and work when we want
So one of the first things about promoting yourself is you got to promote yourself.
When I first started doing this, I felt very uncomfortable with it but I realized, when
it comes to sales, promotion, and attracting clients, people have to first know that you
even do something.
I had this idea that people that walk through my door because I was awesome at doing something.
But that's not going to be enough.
If you want to be really great at promoting yourself, you got to start letting people
in the world know what you do.
One of the first ways that you can do that is go on social media and just start announcing
what you do.
If you're a writer, an author, an editor, a graphic designer, a podcaster like me, or
a social media expert like myself.
Start letting people know, "Hey guys.
I help people crush it with social media and I'd love to help you.
Private message me if you're interested."
That's one example.
We could dive deeper into this but I just want you to get started with something simple.
All right.
So, this next step might feel a little bit uncomfortable.
I know it did for me when I first started and when I walked my clients through this,
it's something that a lot of them feel uncomfortable with but this is the difference for many of
my clients from being somebody that has zero dollars in their bank to being somebody that's
running a 6-figure business with high profit margins.
So what's that tip?
Start telling people about your wins.
Start telling people about your successes.
This is really important.
If you're going to be successful online or offline, people need to know that you're going
to be a winner.
Maybe you've seen the movie "Wolf of Wall Street".
There's this one scene with Leonardo DiCaprio.
He�s talking with his father and they're talking about all these different things that
he's purchasing like his yachts, expensive dinners, and these crazy amounts of expenses
on wardrobe.
All these different things that he's spending money on and the father's like, "Why are you
doing this?"
And Leonardo DiCaprio says, "Because people need to see that I'm successful.
They need to envy me.
They need to want to have my lifestyle."
Now, I'm not saying you need to go on brag around and buy the most expensive stuff.
You don't need to be a showboat but if you helped somebody get published in Huffington
post, go and share that win.
Tell people, "Hey guys.
I just helped one of my clients get in Huffington post.
If you're interested in doing the same thing, private message me.
Let me know."
But start sharing what the world your wins.
All right.
So the next tip is you need to start joining communities, forums, different places where
other experts are at and not only that, you're target market.
Not only just be seen as a leader in your industry but you also need to be around and
get to know people in your area and in your niche, and one of the ways that we can do
that is by joining Facebook groups.
We can also join online forums.
We can go to Quora and answer questions but these are some of the ways that we promote
Another really great way to promote yourself and it's not going to feel promotional.
For some of us, it's really comfortable and for other of us, it's really uncomfortable
but this was a tip that totally transformed my business and allowed me to go from charging
$50 to $100 to $400, $500, $700 an hour and up.
It is start teaching.
Start adding value.
Anywhere and everywhere that you can, be the person that knows the most in the room about
that subject.
At first, it won't feel like you know that more than other people but what you can do
is just start sharing what you know.
Start offering value.
Start offering advice.
Be the person that knows and as you do that, you will be the person that knows more than
other people in the room.
Now, you might feel a little bit shy because you're like "Oh, I'm going to give away too
That's okay.
Give away too much.
Don't worry about it.
At first, you need to establish yourself as the authority and the more that you teach,
that more that people realized that's the go-to person and that is when your value and
your promotion goes skyrockets and then your teaching does the work for you.
So one of the other ways you can promote yourself is be an expert.
Now, being an expert and proving you're an expert can be simply done by creating a course.
So one, you're teaching.
You're out there in communities like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and other forums and channels
but you also have your own products.
You have a digital product.
Like my partner Kamala Chambers, she's a launch strategist and specialist and she's known
as that because she has a digital product and she teaches people about it.
You can check out her videos and you'll notice she has a wealth of information.
Very similarly, I'm out here teaching you things and I have a digital course.
I have a Profit from Facebook Course that teaches people how to use Facebook to profit.
But I also have a free training that teaches and guides you through the process of how
to promote yourself, how to establish yourself, and how to use Facebook as an engine to become
the top expert in your niche and even become a little celebrity within the Facebook world.
It can blow up and become a lot bigger but you don't need a lot of clients at first.
Just a handful of clients, you can make a lot of money.
Head on over to
The link is down below.
So you can just click on it.
I've got a free training, a free guide, free videos for you, and I'm going to teach you
how to promote yourself and how to be seen as an expert so you can make more money and
crush it online.
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