Suicide Squad was one of the most anticipated movies of all time and when fans finally got
to see it, their opinions were very divided.
Some people were mad about the lack of The Joker, others were thrilled with Margot Robbie's
Harley Quinn and Will Smith's Deadshot and some people didn't know what to think.
Regardless of where you stand, Suicide Squad's marketing made sure that people knew about
some of the crazy stuff that was happening during it's production.
We've compiled a list of some of the most interesting tidbits in our list of 10 Suicide
Squad Behind The Scenes You Should Know About!
Enjoy the video and be sure to subscribe to our channel for more great Screen Rant videos,
every day!
Harley and Joker Scenes Suicide Squad was met with very divisive reviews
but one thing that pretty much everyone seemed to agree on was that Margot Robbie was awesome
in the role of Harley Quinn.
Before the release of the film, Robbie actually revealed she and Jared Leto did not rehearse
prior to filming their scenes and that all of her reactions to his insanity were genuine.
This was a decision made by Robbie and director David Ayer as they felt it would add a level
of danger and unpredictability to the Joker and Harley relationship.
It seemed to have worked well as friends were hungry for more Joker and of course, more
Croc Story Suicide Squad had a very big vast to deal
with and introduce and they did a pretty thorough job of providing back-stories for all of the
main Squad members.
Unfortunately many of Killer Croc's backstory scenes were removed from the final cut, including
scenes depicting his entire life as a social outcast due to his physical appearance.
These scenes also would have shown Croc crossing paths with Batman while he worked for various
crime bosses in Gotham.
One interesting scene would have even shown Croc as a sculptor, but it didn't make it
into the final cut.
The final film only gave us a small window into Croc, which is too bad, because it seems
like he's one interesting dude.
Joker Laugh Most of the time, if you are lucky enough
to see a professional actor in the streets, you want to go say hi and maybe even get a
This probably would not have been the case if you had bumped into Jared Leto while he
was getting into character in the streets of New York City and Toronto.
Leto reportedly was working on his Joker laugh and was walking the streets testing out different
types of laughs, while studying which style made people the most uncomfortable.
Joker Casting These days fans follow the production of their
favorite movies from the moment they are announced until they finally make it to the big screen.
Suicide Squad was no different as fans of the series stayed informed on everything from
reshoots to casting rumors.
One thing that was kept rather quiet was that Jared Leto wasn't actually David Ayer's
first choice to play the clown prince of Gothan.
In fact, Ryan Gosling was sought out first for the role of The Joker.
It was reported that he turned down the role because he didn't want to sign on to a multi-movie
Jared Leto ended up in the role, and the rest is history.
Body Hair As one of the many bizarre things Jared Leto
did to prepare for his role as the Joker, he also decided to shave his eyebrows in an
effort to make him look more deranged.
He wasn't the only one who did this for the movie, coincidentally, Jay Hernandez,
who played El Diablo, shaved his eyebrows for his role since his character was designed
to have no hair on his body.
This choice saved Hernandez half an hour a day in the makeup chair.
Unfortunately, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje wasn't so lucky as it took the makeup team five hours
for the prosthetic make-up to be applied to his head body each time he needed to shoot
a scene.
Harley Casting While reading the comic books in preparation
to direct the film, David Ayer had Margot Robbie in mind for the role of Harley Quinn.
This seemed like a good fit as she was just coming off the major success of The Wolf Of
Wall Street and was beginning to shoot up as a bankable broad.
However, Warner Bros offered Emma Roberts the role first, but she turned it down to
star in Scream Queens.
Some other big actresses such as Alison Brie, Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde, Emma Watson, Zooey
Deschanel and many more were also considered for the role of Harley Quinn.
Ultimately, Ayer got his way and Margot Robbie became an amazing Harley Quinn.
Enchantress Prep Cara Delevingne has had a very successful
modeling career and she has only lately starting transitioning into more of an actor.
David Ayer is known for taking risks with his movies and it he actually cast Cara Delevingne
before there was an actual script for Suicide Squad.
It was reported that Ayer asked her to prepare for her role as Enchantress by stripping naked
in the woods, preferably underneath a full moon, and walking around in the dirt.
She obliged, in the privacy of her sister's country home and Ayer felt that she was right
for the role.
We aren't sure if this is super creepy or genius directing, we will let you decide.
SKWAD Tatoos The marketing around Suicide Squad made sure
to let fans knows the crew of DC criminals really were a solid squad, but it turns out
the actors took things one step further.
During the production of the film the majority of the cast decided to get the word "SKWAD"
tattooed on them as a gesture of solidarity.
While most of them got it professionally done, some people opted to let stars Margot Robbie
and Will Smith actually give them their tats.
While method acting is intense, it seems pretty tame compared to permanently marking your
body for a role like the Suicide Squad did.
Footage Leak Back in 2015, the first footage of Suicide
Squad was shown in a teaser trailer during the Warner Bros. panel at San Diego Comic-Con.
The trailer was meant to be a glorified sizzle reel, just showing off some of the best stuff
they had shot so far and Warner Bros. has no intention of releasing this teaser to the
Unfortunately, a low quality version was filmed on someone's phone and surfaced online.
This put Warner Bros in a very tough spot and they felt obligated to release the footage
in HD and call it their first official trailer.
With how Suicide Squad turned out, maybe this leak was the first indication that trouble
was a brewing.
Leto On Set By this point it is pretty common knowledge
that Jared Leto got up to some crazy stuff while getting in character for his role as
The Joker.
Anyone who was on set with Leto was happy to tell the press how uncomfortable he made
everyone feel and how he refused to break character between scenes.
Will Smith has even stated that he feels like he has never truly met the real Jared Leto.
Leto also famously sent his cast-mates some pretty unorthodox gifts such as a dead hog,
used condoms, creepy poems and a ton more.
This all seems like a lot of work to get into character, but Leto is an academy award winner
so we will have to trust him!
So there's our list of ten behind the scenes Suicide Squad facts that you need to know!
What did you think of the movie?
Are you excited to see a Suicide Squad sequel?
Let us know in the comments section below and be sure to subscribe to our channel for
more fun videos – like this one!
For more infomation >> 10 SUICIDE SQUAD Joker and Harley Quinn On Set Secrets! - Duration: 6:32.-------------------------------------------
Indoor Sunshine | Poem - Duration: 2:32.
I told you You are an indoor forest
you are an entire ecosystem in one room
I wondered out loud how far down the room went
As I glanced over the railing "Hello?
How far do your roots go?
How did they fit a whole forest indoors?"
You told me I am indoor sunshine
"You are indoor sunshine" We go quite well together
"We go quite well together"
My thoughts swam above my head
Fixating on
How the sun gives and the plants take
How the forest is built to survive in the greenhouse
And how the sunshine merely peaks through the glass
how the forest has a shape and has a home
How the indoor forest is controlled by others
How the sun is growing and growing
How the sun will explode and destroy everything near and far
How it will destroy even the deepest of roots
how there was no indoor sun But just indoor sunshine
How the sunshine spreads itself out
How the heat was a product of what was light years away
How the indoor sunshine didn't last How the sun could always go on without the
forest How the forest could not go on without the
sun but after every sunset there it was
The forest Growing
Digging its roots deeper and deeper
How deep do your roots go?"
how the indoor sunshine Only had meaning
Only had purpose because of the indoor forest
how they gardeners have to pump hot air into the greenhouse
How the sunshine wasn't enough How the sunshine needed the forest
How the sunshine wanted to escape
How the forest needed the sunshine How the sunshine couldn't help but leave
How the forest kept on growing "How deep do your roots go?
How did they get you inside?"
I thought quietly about your hand in mine How your hand was always warmer
And mine colder "We go quite well together"
We go quite well together
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Pregnant Surgery Simulator - "Casual Games" - Android Kids Games Gameplay Video
Thank you for watching! Educational Kids Games.
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THIS IS INTENSE | Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location - Custom Night (Top Shelf) - Duration: 13:45.
hey there my name is MystFro and
welcome to another stylish gameplay so
we return back to us tonight for sister
location then this time with me playing
the top shelf and i think i should start
out you know the usual
normal mode so you know it's always good
to know what's happening right all right
okay around through are ready for rancho
oh I forgot his bilara two boys
me too hard so I need to focus on boxing
and then Laura it's not you that
ok so well yeah that's right my dear
oh not well let's see if we can catch it
it wasn't really sure the check on the
yeah it's 1am ok so I'm trying to but i
can't find a way to see foxy running
down the hallway anything can book it's
1am okay i think its bid fine
oh look not not no one time AK so like
hold on sorry spots of pretties for
whoo okay there we go someplace
okay so nothing much is happening
ok on it
so what did I want to say yes it's kind
of the same English like the others is
just dumb there's different electronic
time so it's like nothing you should
know ones
up like trying to talk about this like
laura is going right here so i want to
say there's nothing I wouldn't say
there's nothing new issue like it is a
new game after all
just the idea that comes quite
repetitive but it is after all in a
pretty soon he expect 3am hooray
ok so but besides that you know it is a
really good
it was like so much happening
oh sorry hold on to fix for something
that's really close
okay I'm good
so always gonna say uh yeah I wanted to
say that I'm besides the idea of you
know it is a really good game overall
you know it has a backstory and
everything I do like finest please
system is extremely thank you see you
know like five nights at Freddy's one
and that's Freddy's 2 and 3 environment
securities for and then you know you
could snap world that you got the snap
world and then with which is pretty much
to keep version of gum you far that's
Freddie's and it's 4am ok
okay it's coming closer wolf a game it's
gone now
I don't want to say it is bad like the
idea of having sequels prequels and is
really good it's just sometimes you know
it gets it all like I'm not completely
off but I'm not describing i'm not
saying looks fine am so yeah enough of
the Hat me concentrate
ah circle eyes
yeah i was so close but I actually know
what I think i should be able to do this
very hard mode so now I've got the ideal
the it's like everything should be good
lamb girl
it just sounds with his voice it doesn't
sound actually been happening like so I
need to check on foxy and then I need to
make sure i get back bombon and then
Laura was coming right in my ear don't
pound force
ok so there's so much happening so fast
so it's like very extremely into even
talk because if I were talking about i'm
losing concentration and focus on what's
happening off and up
okay there we go take a quick look
ok oh yeah I need to hear this one
an apple style who ok cool okay there we
what note
ok 1am okay i think i should be able to
get through these ones i just need to
make sure that time things right and
don't mess up the whole ok and the
chicken clucks see you concentrate on
Laurens gone
ok that's good i don't know what's with
that in this goal to know what happened
from so okay 1am that's good like
suffering through concentration because
make sure time things correctly and ok
sixty-two percent battery to a damaged
and that's okay i think that's okay
I need to get rid of you time to run
coming here we go
it's till 2am well okay you think it's
strange but you should be any minute now
to be am I could we go c3m it's not a
forty-four percent battery i don't know
i should be able to get through this one
this one's not too harsh
so it is very hard and applause like
everything's happening so fast but
everything should be okay i think i
should be ok
I've know like is this some sort of back
story today in this colton I have no
idea i have not seen that before I have
obviously seen any custom night though
I've know what you're doing as well as
bond there like bunnies in the sauna
yeah no hello no to lose its ok that's
very close very close very close are
needed also check on voxxi I need to
remember that yeah
again they're good but it
it sounds like some solid like fighting
games some reason when he says get ready
for rosh okay she's going around the ten
percent battery
good i should be good
they should
like a four percent 4% represent come on
please be six and please be 16 mm please
please please please
hahaha hahaha was so close
yeah all right I'll be right back key
Oh can do it huh
I'm so close though but not sorry I
can't do it
always well thanks for watching and
enjoying the day please like or
subscribe state stars nice
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