Hi guys, It's me Yoel.
Welcome back to another flight report video
Today I'll be flying Citilink from Jakarta to Solo
This flight is operated from Jakarta Halim Airport
the second airport of Jakarta
serving mainly Citilink, Batik Air, VIP and Charter flights
This boarding lounge used to serve both Batik air and Citilink
But now, it's exclusive for Citilink flights, making it more spacious for the passengers
Boarding was pretty on time.
We were transferred by bus to our plane in remote parking stand
like most low cost airlines, Citilink operates all A320 fleets in all economy class
The boarding process took some time
since the bus kept going back and forth to ferry passengers to the aircraft
After the seat belt sign is turned off
The cabin crew began the inflight sales as well as offering merchandise for sale
The flight was pretty uneventful
the weather was really nice as we approaching our destination
Thank you so much for watching
i hope you like this video
Be sure to read the full written review in description box below
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Till then, Bye!
For more infomation >> CITILINK QG150 FLIGHT EXPERIENCE JAKARTA HALIM TO SOLO - Duration: 5:56.-------------------------------------------
5 passos para aumentar a motilidade do esperma naturalmente_POR - Duration: 2:39.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,
5 steps, to increase, sperm motility, naturally, The three main components of, a semen analysis are,
Sperm Motility percentage, Sperm Count Concentration, Sperm Morphology,
Normal sperm motility, is defined as greater than 50 percent. When the motility consistently falls below 25
percent, The chances of a problem are much higher.
Your Sperm Count Concentration, is low, if you have fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen.
Or less than 39 million sperm total, per ejaculate.Normal sperm densities, range from 15 million, to greater than 200 million,
sperm per milliliter of semen. A complete absence of sperm is called azoospermia.
A low sperm count is also called oligospermia, Sperm morphology, are the percentage of sperm
that appear normal, When semen is viewed under a microscope. Normal sperm have an oval head with a long tail.
Abnormal sperm have head or tail defects, To increase, sperm motility, naturally, Eat healthy foods.
Eat plenty of fish, meat, eggs, fruits, and vegetables.
Peanuts, walnuts, cashews, and pumpkin seeds, are also considered to increase sperm count. Avoid
soy-based foods, and high-fructose corn syrup. Weight Loss, Intense Exercise Routines,
Increase Levels of Vitamin D, has been proven to help increase, testosterone levels. Reduce Stress, that blocks the effects of
testosterone, Doggy Style, for deep penetration, Hope this information is helpful,
Thank you for watching Fawzi academy, Please like, Subscribe, share this video,
and visit our website, fawziacademy.com
Explorer 1 - O Primeiro Satélite Americano - Duration: 3:29.
Jwar Bhata । জোয়ার ভাঁটা । Bengali Full Movie - HD | English Subtitle | Chiranjeet, Satabdi Roy - Duration: 2:22:40.
Asha, your wishes have come true.
Bijay has got his postgraduate degree.
He has not only passed
Bijay is coming today.
If you were alive today then..
You are still standing here?
Why? What's your problem?
I've no problem.
It's time for young master's arrival.
Won't you go and receive him?
You don't remember anything.
Well Dashu, is Bijay my son or yours?
What do you say?
You can't control your tongue.
It seems as if he is your son.
Why should I worry?
The person who should
..and others are
Listen. Listen.
Well Bijay, what changes do you
There are two changes.
Firstly, I'm feeling very hot here.
The temperature here is
Another is time factor.
The flight scheduled at 10
Drive faster.
Driver, why are you driving so fast?
What's the hurry? - Hurry?
Uncle is always tensed.
He called me from home.
I told him that the flight
He called again after
What? Does father go to the market?
You are returning after so long.
That's why he happily
He'll empty the markets
Well, I'll eat home cooked
I'm tired of eating
But, I'm not fortunate
I've to rush to the tea
No. No need to go to the tea garden.
Today we'll sit together and
To our heart's content? - Yes.
Bijay, your studies are now over.
What have you decided to do now?
I haven't decided on anything.
Let him rest for a few days.
I suggest that you pay attention
Brother, why should Bijay
Let Bijay opt for higher studies.
Actually the pressure
Uncle, it'll be better not to get
He is our pride.
Bijay, study further.
Stay abroad and do research.
Yes, brother.
Let Bijay study further
Okay. I've no objection.
Bijay is grown up now.
Bijay will do what he thinks is best.
Father, I'm thinking
"He has come, my friend has come."
"He has come, my friend has come."
"He has come, my friend has come."
"He has come, my friend has come."
"He has come.."
Your lover is here.
It seems that you belong
Don't give me lecture.
Please stay aside. Over there.
What's wrong?
You were fine. Isn't it?
Get up, scoundrels. Get up.
Come with me.
Get inside the truck. Get in. Go.
Driver, move.
Damn it.
Take it, Ms. Madhavi.
How do you know my name?
Here it is.
Where will you go? - Sukna.
Come, I'll drop you.
Let's go.
You said you'll go to Sukna.
In Mohurgong Gulma Tea estate.
Mohurgong Gulma ..
Sorry, there was a pothole.
As far as I know there is
..who live in the tea garden.
Yes, there was but it was stopped
The tea garden has arrived.
Please. - Bye.
Won't you thank me for saving you?
I don't want to demean myself
"Open the closed door in the dark."
"Wake up, wake up, new light."
"Wake up in this world."
"Open the closed door in the dark."
"Wake up, wake up, new light."
"Wake up in this world."
"Wake up, wake up, new light."
"Wake up in this world."
"The seven colours of light.."
"..brighten up this life."
"The seven colours of light.."
"..brighten up this life."
"Let the seven colours represent
"Let the seven colours represent
"Inside the heart."
"Wake up, wake up, new light."
"Wake up in this world."
"Wake up, wake up, new light."
"Wake up in this world."
"Your golden touch.."
"..turns everything into gold."
"Your golden touch.."
"..turns everything into gold."
"Wherever I look,
"Wherever I look,
"May it bring about
"Wake up, wake up, new light."
"Wake up in this world."
"Wake up, wake up, new light."
"Wake up in this world."
"Open the closed door in the dark."
"Wake up, wake up, new light."
"Wake up in this world."
"Wake up, wake up, new light."
"Wake up in this world."
Master, the labors
They've come to met me? - Yes, sir.
Okay, tell to wait,
Sir, coffee for you.
Scoundrel, isn't there a tray at home?
Can't you get it in a tray?
Whenever you get anything for
Go. - Right. Right.
Hello, sir. - Hello, sir.
Hello, sir. - Hello, sir.
Hello, sir.
Hello. Hello.
What brings you here?
Who shall we discuss our
Master, it was raining last night.
I remained awake throughout
There's water everywhere.
You'll understand our
..if you visit slum
What's the matter?
Why are you here?
What are you doing
What's the use of telling you?
You don't listen to us or do anything.
The owner has arrived.
We'll tell him everything.
Ranjan da, they are saying that
What? Is the roof of your
Stupid fellow!
Will milk rain down
Ranjan da,
Go back to work.
Come on, let's go back to work.
"Have lentils and roti, cook fish."
Hey Kancha.. - Yes, sir.
..get my shoes.
Coming, sir. Coming.
"My shoes are from Japan.."
Sir.. sir.. - Yes.
What's this? - Shoes.
I can see that.
That day you told me..
You told me to learn manners.
You told me to bring
And so, I've brought it.
I'm your servant. - Servant.
It's my duty to follow your orders.
What did I tell you the other day?
What did you say?
I told you to get tea on a tray.
Did I tell you to get shoes on a tray?
Sir.. - Yes.
..shall I get rascal on a tray?
Will you leave the shoes
Sir.. - Hmm..
Hello, sir. - Hello.
Manager, the laborers had come
They complained that the
Immediately make arrangements
Okay, sir.
Has the school bus of our
No, no, sir.
Then why isn't the bus
Mr. Ranjan has stopped the service.
I too have heard about it.
Immediately arrange
The students must avail the
I'll call the garage
Manager, if it's not
..to my bungalow tonight.
Why are you speaking like this?
You are my boss.
Just order me.
Bring the company's confidential
What happened?
Okay. Okay.
Sir is going to come.
What happened?
What happened?
Work faster. Work faster.
Sir will come here soon.
Hey Sukhia, smoking beedis
Work faster.
Hello, sir.
Hello, sir. Hello.
Send Kamli to my bungalow tonight.
You'll get your over time dues.
You are equivalent to god to me.
You are my provider.
Bye, sir.
Why are you shouting?
There's good news. - Good news? - Yes.
The school bus service
..will resume from today.
The owner's son has sanctioned it.
Owner's son? He doesn't stay here.
He came here yesterday.
Why is he so benevolent?
Father told me that Mr.
Come with me.
I'll change the dress and join you.
Who has ordered you to
Madhavi di.
What's the occasion?
We'll go to school only after
Yes Madhavi, we must thank Mr. Bijay.
Okay, let's go.
Have you sanctioned
Who has given you the
Why are you quiet?
Who has given you the
What's this?
Big boss. - Big boss?
Mr. Bijay.
Bijay, you've resumed
You didn't even think that the
Ranjan da,
..we've increased the price of tea
May we come in?
What's the matter?
We've come here to thank Mr. Bijay.
Sir, thanks for resuming
Here's a small gift for helping us.
Thank you, my young friends.
The unavailability of the
..for many problems
So, on behalf of
Sir, you are very nice.
Sir, you are handsome
Shut up! Let's go.
Madhavi di, won't we give
Sir, here you go.
We'll leave now sir, bye.
Madhavi, will you speak
Yes, tell me.
Did you know Mr. Bijay?
Why are you asking
Your meeting with
Like the first flower
Carry on the research.
Sir.. - manager, come in. come in.
Take your seat. - Okay.
Will you drink?
Come on, drink. Drink.
Drink behind me if you wish to.
Drink and watch TV.
I hope you didn't mind that I
Mind it? You mean get angry? Oh no!
Anger? I've forgotten shame,
..since the day you've
But sir, there's problem here.
What's the problem?
Mr. Bijay has told me to go to his bungalow
What are you saying? - Yes.
Bijay has asked for
That's what I'm saying.
If Bijay gets the confidential
You too won't be spared.
What can we do, sir?
You always have some wicked plans.
Don't you have any plans right now?
What sort of evil man are you?
What are you looking for?
I've got it, sir.
What? - An idea.
What's the idea?
I'll say that I'm sick
How long will you remain sick?
Think of another idea. Something else.
Where is Bijay right now? - In Office.
Sir.. - Come, Manglu. Come.
I couldn't get Kamli here, sir.
She has grown wings these days.
Chop off her wings.
I'll get someone else, sir.
I'll get Jhumri, Seeta,
No. No. No.
Who can cause a problem
Come with me to the next room.
Doctor, my head is paining a lot.
Sister, give him a novalgin
Don't worry.
Don't worry, sir.
He has regained consciousness.
Bijay! Oh no!
How did this happen?
Oh no! What if anything
I couldn't have faced uncle.
The people who have
Bijay, are you in pain? - No.
Ranjan da, tell the doctor
So, you want to go back
I don't like to stay here anymore.
Okay. Okay. I'll arrange everything.
Well, have you heard about
The man just arrived and
I've heard that Mr.
Who can beat him in his manner?
I pray that god cure him soon.
"Sita with Lakhsman, Sita with ram.."
Madhavi di, you?
Is your master at home? - Yes. He is.
Go inside.
What brings you to
I came here since I
Then the accident has
I'm blessed that you've
Why are you standing? Come and sit.
Sit. Sit.
No, no, I won't sit.
Since you've come you must sit down.
Please sit down. - No.
How are you now? - I'm fine.
I'll go now, sir.
I've to cook for him.
You have to cook?
My mother is no more.
In childhood she..
Wherever you go your fate follows you.
What do you mean?
You've lost your mother
I'll leave now, sir.
Just a minute.
I want to gift you something.
Rose. It wasn't looking
Sir.. - Don't' call me sir.
Only Bijay.
Just a minute.
I want to gift you something.
Rose. It wasn't looking
Don't' call me sir.
Madam.. - What's the matter?
Your shawl.
And master has sent this.
"If you want to get
"..you must endure
"Who has achieved love without pain?"
"If you want to get
"..you must endure
"Who has achieved love without pain?"
"If you want to get
"..you must endure
"Who has achieved love without pain?"
"You are the sun of my heart."
"When you set it gets dark."
"That's why I return
"You are the sun of my heart."
"When you set it gets dark."
"That's why I return
"I can't live without you."
"Who has achieved love without pain?"
"You are the dream and I'm the eyes."
"The sweet dreams never end."
"I dream of joys when I'm
"You are the dream and I'm the eyes."
"The sweet dreams never end."
"I dream of joys when I'm
"We reside in the rose of
"That's why the pain
"If you want to get
"..you must endure
"Who has achieved love without pain?"
"Who has achieved it?"
"Who has achieved it?"
"Who has achieved it?"
Dear Bijay,
..has created a new liveliness
Who is it?
Who is it?
Leave me.
Who am I? - Babu.
How did you know that it's me?
By your touch.
Every sister can recognize
Come inside. - Yes, let's go.
Come on.
Father.. - Babu, you?
The college is on strike so..
The college is on strike?
A problem is going on between
That's why the managing
..for indefinite time.
So, now politics has entered
Where is education system heading to?
You won't realize it now.
You'll realize it ten years later..
..but by that time you
Where is the country heading to?
Babu, come and eat something.
Something won't help, Madhu.
It's evening. Cook rice for him.
I think he didn't eat
The food available
Okay, I'll start cooking.
Sir, it's late.
Shall I serve food for you?
No, I won't eat.
What's the matter, sir?
Yes, I'm fine.
Hey Kancha! - Yes, sir.
Have you ever fallen in love?
I didn't make love today I've cooked
Oh no! I'm not talking
Have you ever fallen in love?
Love? - have you ever loved anyone?
Why are you scared? Tell me.
Yes, I had fallen in love.
When I saw Kanchi the
..exactly like yours.
What do you mean?
I stopped eating.
I even lost sleep.
Then? - Everything became alright.
How? - How?
Tell me. Why do you feel shy?
Get married.
Sir, marry Madhavi di quickly.
Everything will be fine.
Sir, shall I serve
I'll come to the table soon.
Babu, are you sleeping?
No, I'm unable to sleep.
Are you learning typing?
What's the use of learning typing?
Can't you see how aimlessly the boys of
Today no one gets
But, you can't give up hope.
Father is going to retire soon.
What will you eat after
The common food for the unemployed.
Shall I tell you something? - Tell me.
Well Madhu,
His elder brother is very handsome.
He works in Metro rail.
They've liked your photo a lot.
Have you given up studies
If girls are not married
You don't have to lecture me.
This is the truth.
Will you go to sleep
Father! - No! No! What a problem!
Babu. Hey babu. - Don't disturb me.
I'm sleeping now.
I'm also sleeping.
Look who is coming.
Isn't he Babu?
Hey! How are all of you?
Come on, sit. Sit.
Raju, what are you doing?
What can I do?
My father is feeding
What's your news? Job?
Oh no! How will I get a job so easily?
Who can stop you from getting a job?
You can join services of
You are speaking as if the
He may not be your uncle but
What? What do you mean?
Your sister is having an
What did you say?
Leave him.
Go and ask your sister
"Pitter patter the rain is falling."
"Everything I see looks sweet."
"You and I share a relationship."
"We both belong to each other."
"Pitter patter the rain is falling."
"Everything I see looks sweet."
"You and I share a relationship."
"We both belong to each other."
"Pitter patter the rain is falling."
"No, no.. no, no.."
"That's why my heart
"It gets lost every time."
"I know it today.."
"..the person who is close to me."
"If you love me know
"No, no.. no, no.."
"Pitter patter the rain is falling."
"Everything I see looks sweet."
"You and I share a relationship."
"We both belong to each other."
"Pitter patter the rain is falling."
"Someone speaks in my ears today."
"Love makes many things happen."
"The dream is no longer a dream."
"It stays right before my eyes."
"If you come close to me
"No, no.. no, no.."
"Pitter patter the rain is falling."
"Everything I see looks sweet."
"You and I share a relationship."
"We both belong to each other."
"Pitter patter the rain is falling."
"Everything I see looks sweet."
"You and I share a relationship."
"We both belong to each other."
"Pitter patter the rain is falling."
"Pitter patter the rain is falling."
"Pitter patter the rain is falling."
What's the matter? Where did you go?
To Gopa's house.
It's raining so heavily
Wait, I'll get tea for you.
Great! I feel ashamed even
..you've learnt to lie
I've heard about it, Madhu.
Shame on your Madhu.
I feel strange how a girl
What are you doing, Madhu?
Babu, is it wrong to love someone?
Of course not.
But there should be a balance.
Madhu, Madhu, don't forget
The person you are dreaming
Who is beyond our reach, Babu?
I've heard everything, dear.
Babu, love has no restrictions.
There can't be any restrictions.
If we can truly love like that then..
..we can love the entire world.
The main principle
Humanity, thy name is love.
But dear,
Don't do anything out of your
That'll be disrespect to love.
The most expensive sari of our shop.
I understand that.
I'm going to bless
Don't you have anything better?
Hello, Sam!
What's the matter? Benarasi sari?
Brother is going to bless Rama today.
Benarasi? He is going to bless her?
Who is Rama? - I'll tell you.
This is the reason
Rama is the daughter of
I've fixed your wedding with her.
You know Rama. - Yes, I know her.
But father, I was saying
..if you asked me once before
Don't you trust my choice?
No, that's not true but..
I'm not getting you
Rama is a nice girl.
She is educated, talented, has
Freshen up and come.
You must come with me.
What is it?
Do you want to say something? - Yes.
Who is the girl?
What does her father do?
She is the daughter of
Teacher's daughter?
Teacher of that primary school?
I'm surprised at your taste.
How can a bright young
..mix with a girl of such low status?
Have you forgotten your status?
Have you forgotten the family
Low standard?
Father you are calling
Have you forgotten that you
..from some teacher
Talking about blood,
..and Dashu da's body.
The blood is red in colour. Isn't it?
Shut up!
Do I've to learn what is just and
I don't know what is
But, this is the truth and I've
I can't agree to this
Bijay, is this your
Then hear my decision too.
If you ruin my honor and
..in that case I will
I'll be forced to disinherit you.
Uncle, don't worry.
Why shouldn't I worry?
The boy who never argued with me has..
I want to immediately
Please come inside.
Master, he has come
You? - Don't you recognize me, sir?
You are Mr. Shashanka. - Yes.
Yes. Yes. Actually I haven't visited
So, it takes me time to recognize.
Please be seated.
Dashu, go.
You are a teacher.
I've a question for you. - Tell me.
Well Mr. Shashanka, does anyone
Does anyone use iron
I don't understand what you mean, sir.
You are pretending
Don't pretend.
Don't you know that your
Yes, both of them love each other.
My only son,
..both father and daughter
..in love and are trying
What are you saying, sir?
I'm surprised at your courage.
Look! He is Rajen Roy, my grandfather.
The British government had
He is Uma Shankar Maitra.
The landlord of Tripura.
His only daughter was Bijay's mother.
I hope you can understand what
In that case if I get my son
..then my reputation in the
It's enough.
You need not say more.
I'll.. I understand
A poor teacher like
Only rich people who are have honor,
I didn't know this till
One more word.
Diamond ring looks
But diamond is not
It originates in a coal mine.
Father.. father, what have you done?
It's dead, dear.
Let it get burnt.
It was a book very close to you.
It's useless in the present times.
Till date I learnt
..have taught the
The country worships its king.
An educated man is
From today, I'll write a new book.
In it I'll write down..
The country worships its king.
Wealth is worshipped everywhere.
I've learnt the actual
What ahs Bijay's father told you?
It's better if you don't hear it.
But, as a father I must
That's why I'm telling you.
Two wheels help the
One is man and the other is woman.
Husband and wife.
But the wheels should
If one of the wheels is small
It stops running.
The pressure falls on the small wheel.
It may break down if it's
But the world blames
There's just one way to
Bijay's rich father has
..this universal truth very easily.
Very easily.
Madhavi! Open the door.
Madhavi, open the door.
Please open the door once.
Here you are.
Why weren't you opening the door?
That's because I shouldn't.
What do you mean?
Please forgive me.
It isn't possible for
Mr. Bijay? Why? Why isn't it possible?
That's because it's impossible.
What are you saying?
Hello. Whisky.
Not peg. Full bottle.
What's the matter, Bijay?
Why are you here?
You dislike drinks. What's the matter?
I was alive till now
But, today I'm finished.
So, I want to check if this
"It's easy to throw away."
"It's easy to forget."
"Yet you can't throw away,
"You can't forget, you can't forget."
"It's easy to throw away."
"It's easy to forget."
"Fire rages in the forest."
"Fire rages in the forest."
"The water douses the fire."
"If the heart is on fire.."
"If the heart is on fire it can't
"It's easy to throw away."
"It's easy to forget."
"The mistakes in life.."
"The mistakes in life break
"It comes back to apologize."
"It comes back to apologize."
"Why doesn't the heart understand it?"
"It's easy to throw away."
"It's easy to forget."
"Yet you can't throw away,
"You can't forget, you can't forget."
"It's easy to throw away."
"It's easy to forget."
Everyone is betraying me.
My life is dark.
Who.. who.. who is sitting here?
Sir.. - Kancha.
Kancha, everyone
Won't you go away? - Sir..
No, you are a fool. A fool.
Everyone went away.
Rose sheds it petals..
..it loses its fragrance.
It's just the thorns
Life is a tide and..
..high tide.
Madhavi.. Madhavi..
Who is it?
Kancha, why are you at this hour?
Madam, you are sleeping?
You are sleeping and..
..is calling out your name 'Madhavi,
..a state of unconsciousness.
What sort of love is this
God will never forgive you
He'll never forgive you. Never.
Madhavi, you?
In my room?
At this hour?
Is there any kind of insult left?
Bijay, forgive me.
Whatever I told you was
Believe me..
..believe me..
Bijay, without you..
Without you..
Why are you crying?
Mr. Bijay. - Who is it?
You are our boss.
Boss is equivalent to god.
We are ordinary people.
We are living because of you.
Stop this game with our sisters.
You are very rich.
Go, there are other
Wait! You can't take her away.
Will you let me take her or not?
What right do you
What? How dare he?
Brother, don't get angry.
It'll increase your blood pressure.
Uncle, calm down.
You want me to calm
How can I behave that way? Tell me.
My name, honor, prestige,
Brother, brother, what can you do?
It's our fate.
Otherwise a guy like Bijay..
Don't take his name
Uncle, they've come.
Tell the guard to shut the gate.
They shouldn't enter this house.
Master, what are you saying?
All of you keep quiet.
What happened? Go.
Brother, brother, what are you doing?
Can you live without Bijay?
Maya, I'll know that I
Dashu da..
Sit for some time.
Dashu da.
Why did you close the gate?
Don't ask me anything,
Dashu da..
Open the gate.
Bijay, I'm sorry.
I couldn't convince uncle.
As soon as he heard about
..and disinherited you.
I didn't realise that
I.. don't' misunderstand me, Bijay.
I'll leave now. - Okay.
Come out.
For me.. for me you have to..
I'm with you.
It's just a house.
I'm with you.
Let's go. - Where?
Let's see. Come on.
Just a minute.
Sam. Sam, I'm going away.
Take care of father.
Give these keys to father.
Tell him that I don't want anything.
Hello, sir
Okay. Okay.
What's the matter, manager?
Coal India isn't supplying coal to us.
Why? - 4 lacs rupees
They won't supply coal
They've written a letter to inform us.
The engineer of our factory Mr.
..if there is no further supply
..close down after two days.
Well, what's the condition
Well, it'll be difficult
Have you deposited the
How can I deposit it?
As per your orders the
..from the provident fund account.
70,000 rupees.
If we don't deposit 70,000
..we'll be jailed.
Why do you worry, manager?
Everything will be fine.
Tell the driver to take out the car.
I'll go to Siliguri to meet uncle.
Uncle.. - When did you come?
What's the news of the tea estate?
But, I'm in a problem.
We need to immediately pay
You took 4 lacs rupees last
Yes. Actually, I used it
The remaining 3 lacs
..rationing control.
Otherwise the laborers
..they didn't get any ration. - Oh!
Okay. open the wardrobe
Oh no pen.. - Here you go.
Where are you going
What happened? you've be come dumb.
If I don't become dumb
Master.. - What happened?
You've stopped coming to my room.
Sam also doesn't come.
Do you want to say something?
I want ten days leave.
Where will you go? - To my mother.
To your mother? She has expired.
Are you addicted to something.
No one can live in this
Everything is going out of control.
I'm going to Kalighat
I want peace to come
Wait. Listen. Listen.
Since you are going to the temple.
Take this. Offer prayers.
I will offer prayers in your name?
No, not in my name.
In Bijay's name?
Why do you question like a lawyer?
Offer prayers in whoever's
Master. Master.
Dashu da!
Dashu da? You and in Kolkata?
I came here to offer
My prayers have been answered.
Come. Come. Come to my house.
It's nearby. Come. - Yes, let's go.
It's over here. Come.
Wait, let me give her a surprise.
Hey Madhavi! Madhavi! Come quickly.
Look who has come with me.
Oh Dashu da.
Come on, keep these things.
Take care of him.
I'll go and get sweets. - Okay.
Go inside. - Please come in.
I'll be back soon.
Please come inside.
Sit here, I'll get tea for you.
What's this, Dashu da?
You haven't sat down yet?
Why are you standing? - I'm fine.
Sit down.
Madam, you are in lot of pain.
His big bed, room is all empty.
Your young master
Isn't it, Dashu da?
Have you given tea to Dashu da?
Come on, take the sweets.
Sit down. Sit down.
I'll sit here.
Dashu da, you've forgotten that
I'm an ordinary man just like you.
Master has changed a lot.
How is he?
Not good.
He always sits in the
Master, please come back.
Think of her and the child that
No Dashu da.
It isn't possible now.
I saw trams,
Didn't you see anything else? - No.
Worthless fellow.
I saw something.
Where in Kolkata did
I saw Ram and Sita in exile.
Sita opened the doors
She asked me how father is.
Take care of father, Dashu da.
I don't understand
Can't you speak in
I'm speaking in a
I met Bijay and his wife.
She looks exactly like Sita.
You could've stayed
Why did you come back to me?
Don't take their name before me.
I'll go, I'll definitely go.
If I don't go then who'll
Did you hear? Did you hear Asha?
You are going to be a grandma.
Bless them so that they come back.
I can't stay without them anymore.
Who is it? Ranjan?
Yes, it's me, your mother speaking.
Listen, come home immediately.
What? You can't come?
You'll come tomorrow?
Then remember that bad times
How is father?
Take care of father, Dashu da.
I met Bijay and his wife.
If I don't go who'll
What's this?
I hope everything is fine.
Well, Dashu.. - Yes, master.
..when shall you go?
Where, master?
Useless fellow! You told me
Mr. Bijay's house?
Will you take me there?
Will you go, master? Tomorrow?
No Maya, I must go.
Since you insist you can go but
..will you be able
What sort of trouble, mother?
Brother is going to bring Bijay
I was also thinking of the same.
But, I was not getting
..without your permission.
Really, I don't like
But will brother be able to
No. Never.
Uncle, you can't go to
What am I here for?
Since I've got your permission,
Okay, since you insist you can go.
Dashu, give him the address.
Go by plane and give
Is this house number 28? - Yes.
Who is Haricharan Saha?
Who are you?
I'm coming from Siliguri.
Is there a tenant by
I'm his elder brother.
But, they are not at home.
Not at home? - No.
Do you know where they've gone?
Why? What has happened?
Do you know which hospital?
Bed number 26. Maternity ward.
Mr. Bijay,
The patient may need
Presently we've no
Manage the blood somehow.
There is 10,000 rupees in this.
None of our operations have
That's good.
How will you carry out the operation?
With the help of knife or..
Backdated. It's old fashioned.
We are stone men.
Who are you?
Where are you taking me?
Look, my wife is hospitalized.
I'm going to get blood for her.
Here is the prescription.
Give it to me. Give it to me.
My wife won't survive without it.
Boss, everything is over.
Let's go to Bally bridge.
Swapan, hurry up, the car is here.
How are you, madam?
Show me your tongue. Very good.
Sister.. - Sir.
Okay, sir.
What's the matter?
The father is missing
Won't we get a treat of sweets?
He was supposed to come at night.
I don't know why he did not come.
Clean everything properly.
What's the power of the bulb?
No, put bulbs of 100 watts. - Okay.
Mr. Biren..
Welcome, welcome, Mr.
You are cleaning the
Actually, my son and daughter-in-law
Well, they are here.
Maya.. - Yes.
Okay, bye.
What's the matter?
Where are they?
Oh! I know. They must be
I had thrown them out.
I'll go and welcome them. - Yes.
Uncle, Bijay is no more.
What are you saying? - No!
Master, calm down. Calm down.
Brother, don't break down.
Please leave me alone.
Asha.. your Bijay..
..and my false pride..
..I threw him out because
But believe me,
He went away before
If you were with me today..
I can't even cry and feel light.
All of you left me one by one.
With what will I live? Tell me.
Oh god!
What's that?
Come. Come.
Hurry up. Hurry up and come.
I think he is still alive. - Yes.
Mother has saved him.
Make arrangements to take
He has regained his sense but..
But what?
Due to severe head injuries
He is suffering from amnesia.
What are you saying, doctor?
Won't the guy ever
It's difficult to say anything.
You can consult a psychiatrist.
Psychiatrist? - Yes.
I've a friend names Animesh
I'll write a letter to him.
What's the matter?
Why are all of you here?
What has happened?
All of you please go.
Come inside.
What has happened? Tell me.
No! No! No!
Who is it?
Why do you feel shy of me?
No.. why are you
You aren't eating anything.
Your breast milk has dried up.
As your guardian how
Take this. Take this money.
Take away your money.
I don't need money.
Get out of the room right now.
I haven't come here to go away.
Why are you making this mistake,
How will you fill your
I beg of you.
Don't come forward.
I haven't come here to go back. - No!
Come on. - No!
Leave me.
I'll give you. I'll give you.
From where has this new girl come?
Come on, let's go and check.
Let's go. Let's go.
Catch her.
"How does a boat
"Even if there is high tide in river."
"How does a boat
"How does a boat
"Show me the way, guide."
"Show the light in unknown skies."
"Amidst hopeless sorrows
"I search for the path."
"How does a boat
"How does a boat
"If fate is like a paper flower.."
"..the black bee won't
"If fate is like a paper flower.."
"..the black bee won't
"If spring is decorate
"..the cuckoo won't sing songs."
"How does a boat
"Even if there is high tide in river."
"How does a boat
Come. Come.
What's this, sir?
Why are you sitting outside
Sit, sit down doctor.
Doctor, you've been treating
Yet you couldn't diagnose
It's here.
The ailment I here.
Do you know any medicine
Any medicine which can
Then you must go for a change, sir.
Change? - Look if a
I'll leave now.
Dashu.. - Yes, master.
.the doctor has advised change.
Will you go for a change?
Where can we go?
I suggest that we go to Puri,
..behold Lord Jagganath.
Puri? No. No. No, Puri.
I'll go to Gaya.
It'll serve two purposes.
It'll be a change for me and I can
Master.. - The condition
..God may call me any day.
I want to perform Bijay's
..his soul won't rest in peace.
I won't be at peace even after death.
What happened?
Are you crying?
You are crying at the thought
..his son's final rites.
What can is ay?
This is my punishment.
This is what I deserve.
Hail Lord Vishnu!
Please come and sit down.
Hey! Hey!
The rites can't be performed.
Don't you see that this
It doesn't matter.
He is a small child.
What are you saying?
They've no family background.
Hey! Don't talk about my family.
Scold me since I've made a mistake.
If you talk about my father
..I'll land punch you and
Wait, I'll teach you a lesson.
He speaks what he shouldn't.
Grandpa, I've spoilt the last
Don't worry.
I'm not performing the
I'm performing the
A son prays for the peace
How can a father
Your son is not dead.
You are lying.
Will you give me a
My mother is very sick.
What's your name? tell me. - Raja.
Raja! It's like naming a blind boy
No. No. Don't beat him, priest.
Don't beat him.
Don't beat him.
Come on, take these fruits.
Take them.
Mother. Mother. Mother. Look.
From where did you
When I mentioned about your
Grandpa is a very nice man.
Grandpa? Which grandpa?
He is an old man.
I don't know him.
Raja, this means..
What happened? Tell me.
Mother, why are you crying?
I'm not crying.
You.. why do you
"Mother, tell me, tell me."
"Why do you love me so much?"
"Mother, tell me, tell me."
"Why do you love me so much?"
"You scold me a little
"Mother, tell me, tell me."
"Why do you love me so much?"
"You scold me a little
"Mother, tell me, tell me."
"Why do you love me so much?"
"When you see me smile.."
"..why do you become so happy?"
"When you see me smile
"Why do you lovingly embrace me?"
"Why do you lovingly embrace me?"
"When I get hurt why does your.."
"When I get hurt why
"Why do your eyes get teary?"
"Mother, tell me, tell me."
"Why do you love me so much?"
"You scold me a little
"Mother, tell me, tell me."
"Why do you love me so much?"
"If I worship you.."
"..I feel very happy."
"If I worship you I feel very happy."
"How do I explain how
"How do I explain how
"I don't have to visit any temple."
"I don't have to visit any
"If I get your blessings."
Grandpa, he is stealing
Hey! Hey!
Move aside, rascal!
Oh no!
Oh no! Oh no!
Oh no! Oh no!
Where is the hospital?
Come, come, dear.
Raja, you've a bandage on your head.
You are bleeding.
How did all this happen?
He is in this condition because of me.
He got injured while
Mother, he is my grandpa. - Grandpa?
You told me that I must call small
The elders are my
Children of my age are my friends.
Old men and women
That's why I call him grandpa.
No need to speak so much.
Come inside.
Won't you ask this
Come inside, please come inside.
Grandpa, sit down.
Shall I ask you something?
It seems that you are
..how come you are here in
It's a long story. My history.
Fate has landed us here.
I'm still swaying in a high tide
Wasn't there anyone except
Yes, I there is. My father-in-law.
Then you could've stayed
..living here in this
He didn't accept me.
H didn't accept such
Is your father-in-law stone-hearted?
Don't speak such things, father.
It's not his fault.
It's the fault of my fate or..
Dear, since you've
Leave your future to me.
Well, only if you can trust me.
Where have all of them gone?
Raja.. where has raja gone?
Master went inside with him.
Sam, go and get Raja,
I don't know who they are and
He has brought them from Gaya
He has become too benevolent. Well..
What's this? You?
Oh god! It's very difficult
After master's death
But I didn't realize that I'll
Dashu da, go and get Raja,
What's this? Will you go away?
God had taken you away
..he has brought you back.
You'll go only if we allow you to go.
No Dashu da, I couldn't
..how can I enter the
Stay back for Raja.
Why should he suffer?
He is the sole successor
Think of him and..
I'm ready to stay but
You..you'll keep my identity a secret.
Promise me, Dashu da.
What you say will happen.
Come inside now.
I was wondering what's delaying you.
Dashu, what's the problem now?
Come inside, dear. Come inside.
Let's go inside.
Grandpa, why have you put
Is he god?
This is my son's photo?
Why have you put a
He is no more. He is dead.
Doctor, it's been five years and
What do you feel?
I'm not leaving any stone unturned.
All these cases take
Come on, we have to go now.
Where? - What?
No.. no, I won't go there.
Go, son. Go to the hospital.
How will you get cured
Don't you wish to see your mother,
The people close to you?
I've told the doctor to bring you
Let's go.
Come, sage.
Shame! Shame on me!
You tripped because of me.
I'll wipe the dust.
I hope you are not hurt.
Get up. Get up.
Can you recognize me, scoundrel?
Bi.. Bi.. - Tell me. - Bi.. Mr. Bijay.
Yes, Bijay.
Don't go.
Has he..
Come on, speak up, scoundrel.
I don't know you
Yet you threw me in the Ganges.
Who had sent you?
Ranjan.. Mr. Ranjan. - Ranjan.
Who do you want?
You? - Yes,
Who are you?
You are the tenant
Didn't a gentleman and
Yes, they did.
After the gentleman's death
What are you saying?
She killed the landlord?
Listen.. listen to me.
Do you know the woman has gone? - No.
I'm not supposed to keep
Strange people!
Have you heard it, Thapa?
They've kept Mr.
The games of Mr.
He wants to fire the laborers.
The rascal!
Mr. Ranjan will soon
Yes. Yes. You are right.
Hail Lord Hanuman!
Run, scoundrel.
Hello, sir. - Hello. - Hello.
I never saw you in
I'm an outsider. I'm an outsider.
I just wander about.
When anyone's life is in danger god..
..god sends me there.
Look I've reached here today.
Thank you.
Only this much? - What do you mean?
Only this much, sir? Only this much?
Is the value of your
No, sir. No. No. No.
No, sir.
It's also true that
But sir, every person's
..and save his life.
Isn't this a duty? Isn't it?
Yes, that's right but
Won't you accept it?
Sir, sir, look.. look.
God has created so
The mountains, the rivers,
Sometimes I feel
It's mine.
I feel that the tea
Do you know why? Do you know why?
That's because I'm like your servant.
Just once, just once..
A servant must feel that
Isn't his a servants' duty?
Isn't it his duty?
Tell me, master.
I like you a lot but I don't
I can fight and I can also drive.
Can you drive?
Let me sit at the steering
Come on, let's see.
Come on, sir.
Hello, sir. - Hello.
What's the matter?
I've brought the good.
Come on.
Take this.
Sir, I've brought new
Dolly and Molly. - Wow!
Sir, the sardarji who has
How is he related to you?
Shall I ask him to go?
No. No. Tell him to come inside.
What are you saying, sir?
You want me to bring
Yes. Yes.
Get him inside.
Are you Dolly or Molly? - Molly.
Hey sardarji..
Yes. Sir has asked you to go inside.
My darling..
Sir.. - Yes.
You drive very well. - Yes, sir.
I'm very happy with your driving.
Your job is final.
It's all your benevolence, sir.
Manglu.. - Yes, sir.
..the manager to
..and give him 500 rupees as advance.
Tell him to make
Thank you, sir.
In whose name will the voucher be?
Oh no! I have not asked your name yet.
What's your name?
..sir, my name is Vijayendra Singh.
What's the matter?
You've been cleaning
..yet you haven't finished doing it.
Look at the way you work.
When will you cook?
It's almost done.
Well listen to me, I've fasting today.
Make around ten puffed
Fry them in clarified butter
Blindfolded man, catch anyone
Blindfolded man, catch anyone
Blindfolded man, catch anyone
Blindfolded man, catch anyone
Blindfolded man, catch anyone
Why did you pluck the flower?
Did you father plant this tree?
Why are you taking his father's name?
Why? Can't I take his father's name?
There is no surety
Illegitimate child.
Maya, shut up!
Your language is so filthy.
Brother, it would've been
..like that before a
Maya, don't forget that I've
If I didn't give you shelter
..from one place to another
I hope that you'll change yourself.
Too much.
Mother. Mother. Mother.
Stop. Sit down.
Mother, I'll give you something.
Rose. It wasn't looking
Driver.. - Yes. - ..I've
..at that quarter, driver.
You look very sad when you look at it.
Kamli, doesn't anyone stay there?
It has been empty for a long time.
Empty? But why?
The poor teacher of our tea
The evil man Mr. Ranjan threw
..of this tea estate.
Since then that
Sam, have you seen Raja?
Father, if like a film's story
..and Mr. Bijay's son.
Dashu, has god blessed
Hey! from where are
I wasn't finding Raja anywhere
This is why I wonder why
Come, wicked woman. Come.
Come on tell me, tell me.
Since when is this secret
..and my elder brother going on?
So, you won't say? You won't say?
Wait, I'll teach you a lesson.
You've seen me but
God, how long will
Make me suffer as
..but give me enough
I can't bear it anymore.
I can't bear it anymore.
Hello, Ranjan?
Uncle has brought home
Oh! What did you say?
She has illicit
Have you seen with your own eyes?
Okay. Don't worry.
What are you saying?
I worry that elder brother might
I'll manage something.
What happened?
What are you saying?
Who are you talking to, Maya?
Brother, I'm speaking to Ranjan.
Tell Ranjan to come tomorrow.
It's Bijay's death anniversary.
Tomorrow is Bijay's
Okay. I'll reach on time.
Singh.. - Yes, sir.
Here you go.
Madhavi, you are here?
Sam, you've caught me.
I've fooled you but
I've lost before you.
What's happening? What's happening?
Sam. Sam.
Sam. Sam. Sam.
Hold him. Hold him. Oh no!
Hold Sam, he has become mad.
Sam.. what have you done, Sam?
Why.. Why have you done this?
You can't escape now.
Master, we've brought him.
Don't beat him, he'll die.
Grandpa, don't beat him, he'll die.
Go and tie him up in the garden.
It's better to keep the
Ranjan, Ranjan, have you heard it?
Brother has thrown out that
He'll soon throw us out.
What nonsense are you speaking?
I'm speaking the truth.
What do you mean?
Bijay's wife and
In this house? - Yes.
Are you in your senses?
Listen, Madhavi is Bijay's
Are you speaking the truth?
Now do you understand
Don't be afraid.
Don't be afraid, Ranjan.
No one can ever harm you.
As long as I'm alive
Mother, shall I go and
Let's go.
What's this?
Where are you going, dear?
Where are you going?
Where will you go after
You are Bijay's wife,
My grandson, Bijay's son,
The successor of this family.
I..I've unknowingly hurt you a lot.
Forgive me, dear. Forgive me.
If you don't forgive me, even
Drink, drink milk.
Drink the milk, darling.
Don't drink the milk.
What are you saying?
Master, ask her to drink the milk.
Maya, drink the milk.
You? Shame! Shame!
You? Shame!
Sister-in-law, now withdraw
Yes, sister-in-law.
She is Bijay's wife.
You are my Bijay's..
Raja is my..
Dear.. today I'm being
He was right.
You had to suffer
Please forgive me.
If you were not
..I would've touched your feet.
Are you my real grandpa?
Ranjan! Wicked fellow!
You must give me 50%
Sign a stamped paper and bring it
..otherwise the sole successor
..will die as soon as the sun rises.
Leave me. Leave me.
Ranjan! - Master!
Mr. Singh, drive the car.
Mother! - Shut up! Drive.
Mr. Ranjan!
Pleas leave my Raja.
Why did you stop? Knock her down.
Please don't kill my mother.
I've no one except
Leave me. Leave me. - Mr. Ranjan..
Leave me;
Leave me.
Please.. please leave him.
I've no one except
Please leave him.
I too don't have anyone in
Who are you?
Bijay! - Bijay!
No one should step forward.
Ranjan, I say leave him
Uncle, first hand me
Leave me. - Shut up!
Come on.
Ranjan! - Mother!
Ranjan! - No!
Mother, my Sam has died.
What will happen now?
You've crossed all limits.
Over there.
Wicked man,
You've killed Sam.
You tried to kill my son.
Today I'll kill you. - No!
Bijay! Leave him, Bijay. Leave him.
Leave my Ranjan, Bijay.
Leave him, Bijay.
You want me to leave him?
I'm ready to die
It's because of him that
I'll kill you.
If I forgive him,
Move aside. - Think of your aunt.
He is my sole support.
He is my child.
I beg for his life, Bijay.
Don't kill him, Bijay.
I beg of you. I beg of you.
Sam.. Sam, I called you mad..
..I didn't know then
You've left this world
Make arrangements to cremate him.
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How to Download Youtube videos to Computer - Duration: 2:24.
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Quảng Ninh tiếc nuối vì không thể chiêu mộ Thành Lương - Duration: 2:26.
Easy Way To Weight Loss | 100% Natural - Duration: 1:58.
hello friends today i'm going to share
a weight loss smoothie
for this the ingredients we need are 1
cup of papaya pieces 1 cup of cucumber
pieces apple ginger and ice cubes before
going to the preparation let us know the
nutritional values of the ingredients
papaya papaya is rich in vitamin k,c,
and a it regulates blood flow
papaya is beneficial to live with it
is a good antioxidant and helps in
weight loss cucumber cucumber is rich in
water contained it keeps you hydrated
cucumber contains fiber which helps in
reducing fat in the body
Apple Apple is rich in B complex and
all vitamins present in apple are the
key in maintaining white blood cells and
helps in regulating nervous system
ginger ginger is great fat cutter ice
cubes ice cubes give refreshing and
cooling effect and enhances the taste of
the drink now let us start the
preparation take papaya pieces add
Cucemberr pieces Apple pieces ginger
finally add ice cubes
let us start blending now smoothie is
ready take this smoothe into a serving
this smoothe is so refreshing and highly
nutritious this drink help us to reduce
weight in very short time thank you for
watching this video like and subscribe
for more videos
Lean Belly Breakthrough Review - SHOCKING!!! This Hack May Cause You Lose Weight Too Fast - Duration: 52:33.
Lean Belly Breakthrough Review - SHOCKING!!! This Hack May Cause You Lose Weight Too Fastyou never look at me anymore don't you
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think you're pretty but why can't you
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your stomach is too big and you know you
have diabetes and heart disease
I just wish you'd try i miss the way you
used to look the words they spoke to
each other were like little daggers
leaving wounds in their marriage that
bleed and never heal
they both felt hurt neglected and
unwanted it was if something had changed
between them they worry that their
marriage maybe over and their best days
were behind them they decided to take
one last vacation together to see if
they could reignite the love and passion
they once shared and that's when the
unthinkable happened
oh god I think I'm having a heart attack
ladies and gentlemen is there a doctor
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what happened next is very painful for
me to tell yet it led to a medical
doctor in a faraway country and the
discovery of a two-minute rituals so
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father-in-law dan from life-threatening
open-heart surgery in a lifetime of
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days in another 30 pounds a month later
without surgery or dangerous drugs and
leaving doctors back home both stunned
and amazed it's true
nine pounds of pure belly fat in three
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that's not all dance Lean Belly Breakthrough Review
forty-eight-year-old why follow the
exact same ritual and she lost seven
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three days and another 22 pounds one
month later going from this to this
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reversing the painful symptoms of
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the greedy drug companies don't want you
to know about this simple all-natural
unconventional breakthrough that
delivers a total body transformation
with results you can see in just one
single day and has been proven to
prevent heart attacks and diabetes while
reversing and erasing any sign of weight
or age related health issues making you
lose a pound per day of pure belly fat
while cleaning your arteries eliminating
type 2 diabetes and restoring your
energy vitality elasticity of your skin
and joints and even your sex drive this
is shocking to hear Lean Belly Breakthrough Review
however in three minutes are also going
to discover the too revealing facial
features that you can see the instant
you look in the mirror they will
immediately tell you if you are a risk
of having a fatal heart attack
especially if you are carrying more than
five or ten pounds of stubborn belly fat
this little-known warning sign maybe the
difference between you living or dying
in the next few months so stay with my
story until the end so you can find out
what this facial characteristic is and
what you must do if you have Lean Belly Breakthrough Review
before discovering this new breakthrough
dan and Sylvie had no idea how
surprisingly simple ritual that cost
literally pennies per week and takes
less than two minutes melts away one
pound per day of several belly fat and
could have saved them from the Lean Belly Breakthrough Review
near-fatal event that happened in the
airplane that day had they know this
information they would never have missed
the three bizarre silent and hidden
warning signs that you think are
harmless and you're destroying your
metabolism and hormonal systems
especially in men and women over age 35
causing abnormal and deadly fat storage
around your belly and vital internal
organs you may experience one of these
symptoms today so pay very careful
attention to what I'm telling you and if
that isn't enough to make you realize
that the next three minutes will change
your life
let's not forget the one common food
that you believe is healthy and are
consuming daily is forcing your body to
store up to a pound of pure belly fat
every 48 hours and trigger the sudden
heart attack that nearly took Dan's life
that fateful day I must urge you to take
immediate action because you are about
to discover how a hidden condition made
worse by flying in an airplane driving
in traffic or even walking up a flight
of stairs is causing you to gain deadly
belly fat while putting you at risk for
sudden heart attack heart disease and
diabetes and why this one simple method
has been covered up by unethical drug
companies to choose profits over truth
dan and Sylvie struggled with
frustration over their belly fat and
symptoms of diabetes and arthritis for
years despite having tried prescription
drugs exercise classes workout gadgets
and every diet known to man
yet it was a heart attack at 35,000 feet
that led them to the doorstep of a
brilliant European Doctor Who's unusual
advice would uncover the truth and Lean Belly Breakthrough Review
change their lives forever had Dan and
his wife not found this life-saving
miracle breakthrough in the nick of time
they would still be putting their lives
on the line every single time they flew
an airplane or even drove a car they
would also be continuing to gain pounds
of embarrassing belly fat every week by
following the outdated and ridiculous
advice of TV diet programs snake-oil
salesman and drug pushing Western
doctors whose education is funded by the
drug companies and designed to keep you
sick and addicted and I promise
this you are going to be filled with
disgust when you hear one doctor break
his code of silence to reveal the truth
behind those prescription drug
commercials you see on TV and the one
true cause of deadly belly fat heart
disease and diabetes and yes they are
all caused by the exact same thing that
you will discover in this short
presentation however the most compelling
story of all is the miracle body
transformation and healing breakthrough
experience by my father-in-law dan after
he suffered a heart attack at 35,000
feet that forced the plane to have an
emergency landing in Germany where he
would meet the doctor who had saved his
life and help them lose 39 pounds in a
little over four weeks and his wife lose
29 pounds while reversing any signs of
heart disease and diabetes this
shockingly effective fast and simple two
min ritual will have you looking and
feeling literally decades younger and
can be done in the comfort of your own
home without the use of drugs or
prescriptions of any kind
there are no special exercise gadgets to
buy nor will you be required to perform
any strenuous workouts or pay for pricey
supplements month after month
best of all this will work for you and
any man or woman over the age of 35 who
is concerned about heart disease
diabetes and declining energy levels and
absolutely must lose those stubborn
pounds of dangerous belly fat gathering
in and around the middle of your body
putting you at risk of early death to
put it bluntly give me your full
attention for the next few minutes if
not you risk missing out on the one
piece of critical information that could
save your life like it did dan and his
wife i am going to share everything with
you including the simple two min ritual
that is scientifically proven to
eliminate one pound per day of dangerous
belly fat clear away harmful plaque from
your arteries increase sex drive and
youthful hormonal balance while
significantly reducing your risk from
diabetes and high blood pressure in as
little as one day from now this is
precisely what happened to Rachel from
Dallas she lost more than 25 pounds and
8 inches from her waist alone her doctor
was also shocked when he was able to get
her off dangerous blood pressure
medications they were putting her at
risk for further heart problems and even
death or how about Tim from New York use
this ritual to melt away 100 pounds and
12 weeks while saving himself from a
I'm of dangerous diabetes drugs and
blood pressure medications or Susan from
Miami be used the same simple ritual you
are about to discover to lose over 20
pounds in 29 days here is where Rachel
had to say about our success the
information you share in your
presentation has changed my life and
health forever
what was most helpful to me was the part
near the end where you describe the
simple ritual i use to lose 25 pounds of
deadly belly fat and get off of my
dangerous prescription drugs of course i
was skeptical at first however after
losing almost 10 pounds in the first
week I was convinced i am now on track
to achieving my goal of losing 40 pounds
by the end of next month
it couldn't be easier thank you these
are just a small number of the hundreds
of testimonials and success stories i
have received and i will share more
details of how they achieve this amazing
success in just a minute
however before i go any further you
really need to know more about who i am
and why this is the answer you've been
looking for my name is Bruce and I am
the married father of twin boys there's
a pic of me and my little guys playing
around in my backyard few weeks ago i've
been a personal trainer for my entire
adult life and have worked with hundreds
of clients and even celebrities like
nelly furtado and chris angel i am also
the author of several books on fat loss
and body transformation in fact i've
appeared on too many television shows
and magazines to list including best
health men's exercise toronto star just
to name a few
while this may sound impressive what I
am really most proud of is my 55 year
old father-in-law dan and the unique
breakthrough he stumbled upon after
nearly dying in the airplane that day
while in route to visit his family back
in Europe you have to agree that his
life-saving belly fat transformation is
nothing short of miraculous
the same goes for his wife Sylvia who
follow the exact same ritual to losing
more than 29 pounds of belly fat without
any signs of diabetes or high blood
this brings tears to my eyes as I can
remember the moment when i asked for
dance permission to marry his daughter
many years ago I recall standing on his
driveway on a sunny afternoon and
promising how I would take care of his
little girl and keep her from harm
at that time Dan was already showing
signs of the health problems that would
soon threaten his life his stomach was
sticking out and he
at least 20 pounds overweight on top of
that he was tired all the time and had
very sore joints that prevented him from
taking a walk
even the easiest exercises seem to
result in cries of pain and he spent
more and more time on the couch watching
TV while life passed them by
that's why it hit me like a ton of
bricks when I learned of his terrifying
heart attack in the airplane that day
dan was flying back to his boyhood home
in Europe what about three-quarters of
the way through the flight he began to
feel nauseous and like a weight was
squeezing his chest he started sweating
profusely and collapse in the aisle when
he stood up to go to the washroom in a
panic his wife signal the flight
attendant for help as he lay in the
aisle the airplane in pain with his wife
holding his hand his mind filled with
emotion and worried what do you see his
children again what he lived to see his
grandkids or enjoy retirement the tears
streamed down his cheeks as he struggled
to catch each precious breath
the captain was notified in the plane
was diverted to the nearest airport
terrified in unimaginable pain
dan was transported to a hospital in
Germany where he discovered that he was
in fact having a heart attack as scary
as this was for Dan and his wife it was
the best thing that could have happened
that's because it was in Germany where
he would find the doctor and the unusual
ritual that would cause them to suddenly
lose 39 pounds reverses heart disease
and save his life
fortunately for dan the doctors were
able to treat him in time and he
survived that horrific event the very
next day the specialist stop by to speak
with dan and give him the program that
would clean out his arteries reverses
diabetes and cause him and his wife to
lose more than 60 pounds of deadly belly
fat in fact it would be fair to say that
this near tragic event save their
marriage leading up to this their lives
were becoming more and more sedentary is
neither had the energy or desire for
activities or even for sex prior to this
happening neither of them realized how
bad their health really was they'd just
brushed off their lack of energy and sex
drive to getting older subtle signs that
something may be wrong like a crease in
his ear lobe has suddenly appeared
numbness and cold in their hands and
feet and strange foot cramps when lying
in bed were ignored
not to mention their ever-expanding
bellybutton thighs that seem to keep
growing no matter how many vegetables
the a
or how often they tried to exercise to
put it bluntly this whole event was like
one giant alarm bell going off for both
of them
if this had not happened then they both
would have kept on living life as usual
while their stomachs continue to get
bigger and bigger with each passing
month they would keep walking around
like ticking time bombs is their
cardiovascular health deteriorated more
and more while pretending not to notice
how much their bellies have grown how
tight their clothes were fitting and how
little energy and desire for life they
had they would brush it all off is
simply getting older in an attempt to
rationalize away the obvious decline of
their health and fitness like most folks
dan and Sylvia tried losing fat before
and had gone so far as to follow a
low-carb diet paleo and even those
ready-made meals from Weight Watchers
the sad part is that none of these
programs fix the hidden deadly problem
that is putting you at risk for sudden
heart attack or diabetes
sure you may lose a couple pounds of
first week or so yet the fat always
comes back with a vengeance
Plus these diets do little to remove the
deadly fat inside your arteries and
surrounding your internal organs and if
that's not enough these diets always
made and still feel like crap with all
the intense cravings and Dan's vision
even becoming worse at one point due to
all the wild blood sugar fluctuations
these diets were causing his doctor
warned him that he was already
borderline diabetic and a Sunni to go on
insulin injections for the rest of his
perhaps the worst part about all of
these other diets was that the fat
growing on his belly simply wouldn't
budge the frustration was unbearable
because it felt like they were putting
in all of the money and effort yet not
getting enough in return the problems
with their weight energy levels and sex
life was taking its toll on their
marriage and they found themselves
slipping into a long boring routine of
going to work
watching TV and going to bed while
feeling constantly tired depressed
unhappy and dissatisfied this is where
things were just before that faithful
day when they would board the airplane
for Europe not realizing their lives are
about to change forever standing in the
waiting room of the hospital with tears
streaming down her cheeks Sylvie waited
while the doctors worked hard to save
her husband's life
the next day she was allowed to see Dan
and the emotions over
took her as she fell to her knees
thanking God that he was alive and would
be able to go home in a few days time
that was when the doctor came in and
told her the words that would forever
change their lives he said still be your
husband was lucky if this had happened
while your plane was halfway over the
ocean he would be dead
fortunately we were able to save him
however there is much more work to be
dan must lose at least 30 pounds of
belly fat fast his current lifestyle is
killing him and if he doesn't lose this
weight is likely to die from another
heart attack soon his blood pressure and
blood sugar levels are off the chart i
recommend he sees dr. Heinrich and
starts on a specialized program to lose
his deadly stomach fat lowers blood
pressure and get his blood sugar under
control or you won't live to see is an
expert day silly was in shock yet deep
inside she knew the doctor was right and
that this was something they both had to
do if they ever hope to see their kids
grow up or live a happy healthy
retirement yet at the same time she was
skeptical she was thinking how could we
ever lose so much weight when everything
we had tried in the past have failed
dan and I have struggled to lose as much
as five pounds in the past three months
so how the heck are we both going to
lose 30 pounds in a month
still they also knew that Dan had been
given a second chance from God and the
next time they may not be so lucky
she also realize how quickly life can
change and how important it was that
they not squander this gift they have
been given it was at that moment that
she made a promise to the doctor that
she would do everything he recommended
so that she and Dan would not have to
live under the constant threat of
diabetes heart disease and other
diseases that come with having too much
belly fat
perhaps the biggest motivation was that
just before they left on this trip
dan learn that his daughter was pregnant
with twins more than anything dan and
Sylvie wanted to live to see their
grandkids grow and shower them with love
if they continue on the path were
following chances are that they would
not live to see them take their first
steps even though Dan Sylvia were not
very religious people that night she
fell to her knees and pray that God
would send them a miracle
tears stream down her cheeks as she
thanked God for saving Dan's life and
for helping them find the answer to the
problem they were facing the very next
morning Dan and Sylvie's prayers were
answered when they met
man who would save their lives dr.
Heinrich dr. Heinrich is one of those
rare people who exudes charisma warmth
and intelligence he burst in the dance
room and greeted them both with a warm
hug and a big smile and said welcome to
the first day of your life today I'm
going to give you a precious gift and
you are going to love it more than any
gift you've ever received in the past
that's because today i am going to give
you the gift of life i'm going to give
you the precise plan that will turn back
the clock and reverse these health
problems you are experiencing and make
you look and feel 20 years younger
dan the heart attack you survived was
your wake-up call and you only get one
of those the next time you won't be so
however here is the good news your heart
attack was just a symptom of an
underlying problem this problem is
simple you have too much belly fat and
your blood sugar and bad cholesterol
levels are off the charts rather than
put you on blood thinners and staten
drugs that I know can kill you i'm going
to give you a breakthrough new protocol
that we are using with patients here in
Germany to lose one pound of pure belly
fat every single day dr. Heinrich
explain this new breakthrough eliminates
the one true cause of abdominal fat gain
diabetes and heart disease
it's not a hormone it's not a type of
fat it's not new exercise methods yet
when you correct this one thing you fix
all those other health issues and your
body can naturally restore itself and
you lose the pounds of fat your arteries
clear and your blood sugar stabilizes
this has nothing to do with counting
calories or even balancing hormones what
this does is it eliminates the
underlying cause of heart disease
diabetes or modal issues and belly fat
when combined with five specific natural
body movements we have proven this
breakthrough can prevent
arteriosclerosis lower blood pressure
reverse diabetes improve circulation
while causing rapid fat loss especially
from the abdominal area at a rate of one
pound per day
dan was confused and ask dr. Heinrich ye
had not been told about this life-saving
breakthrough by his own doctor back home
he told dr. Heinrich about the advice
the dietician and giving them and how he
had not lost a single pound from his
stomach and over three months of effort
dr. Heinrich shrugged his shoulders and
said the reason you have not heard about
this before is simple it is all-natural
making it impossible for pharmaceutical
companies to profit from the doctors
North America are taught to prescribe
drugs first and are not taught about
natural healing methods like this in
this country we learn about both types
of Medicine naturopathic in allopathic
and this is why you have not heard about
this highly effective method before as
you can imagine
dan was excited after dr. Heinrich
explain the science he was blown away
and eager to get started
dr. Heinrich said that this new
breakthrough has a one hundred percent
success rate with his patients not one
person who try to failed it didn't
matter if they were in their thirties
forties fifties or even sixties or if
they were male or female
every single person lost their deadly
abdominal fat and that's not all
in addition to losing their deadly app
fat those people who had symptoms of
heart disease and diabetes have those
symptoms completely disappear in a
matter of days or weeks as well what was
even more shocking was that these
results were achieved without following
any high intensity exercise programs
restrictive diets dangerous fat burning
supplements or eating foods that taste
like dry cardboard all that was involved
with a few simple foods herbs and spices
and five natural body movements
performed in a very specific fashion and
this produced one pound per day belly
fat loss for every person who tried it
now even though dr. Heinrich is very
well respected medical doctor as well as
a naturopathic doctor and his won awards
for his groundbreaking work that
prevents heart disease reverses diabetes
and causes rapid and sustained weight
loss in men and women at any age
dan was still skeptical dr. Heinrich
then explained in simple terms exactly
how this method works and why it was
virtually unheard of back in the United
States Canada and other countries
he said that Dan's heart attack diabetes
and belly fat were a result of a hidden
internal irritation this invisible
irritation was causing fat to accumulate
on the outside of his body around his
waist and also inside his body around
vital organs and even in his arteries
Dan's heart attack and diabetes were
direct result of this irritation and
access internal fat he said this
internal irritation was like a fire
inside his body damaging his metabolism
and hormonal systems and unless he takes
the steps necessary to put the fire out
it will lead to certain death he
explained the same deadly irritation is
happening in the bodies of most men and
women over the age of 35 countless
studies have proven this to be the
number one reason people fail at losing
weight and suffer with symptoms of
diabetes heart disease and even
depression and the most surprising thing
he said was that too much exercise and
eating many of the popular health foods
is only making the problem worse leading
to more internal irritation weight gain
heart disease diabetes and depression
the worst part is the approach most
Western doctors take to reducing this
problem is through the use of dangerous
the problem with this is that it only
match the symptoms it does little to
address the underlying problem that
caused the irritation in the first place
and if that isn't scary enough get this
the latest studies show most people in
large populations especially in Western
cultures are living with high levels of
this internal irritation and this
creates a huge amount of stress on the
body this stress causes a massive
increase in the muscle destroying
hormone called cortisol which causes
more fat to accumulate around your belly
will also eating away your muscle tissue
killing your metabolism while raising
your blood sugar levels this then knocks
your natural fat burning cycle out of
balance while causing you to create more
sugar sweets and other junk type foods
when this happens you find yourself
gaining weight for no apparent reason
while finding it next to impossible to
lose even a pound seeing the pain and
suffering in Sylvie's eyes he grabbed
her by the hand took a deep breath and
said my research team and I have
discovered the answer to reversing this
irritation and the reason why so many
North Americans struggle with losing
belly fat diabetes heart disease slow
metabolism in arthritis our method works
so well the week guarantee the loss of
at least ten percent body fat in the
first two weeks alone and because all of
our research was done on men and women
over the age of 35 we know will work for
your husband to and that's not all our
exact method will also remove the plaque
that is clogging his arteries in Reverse
all of his diabetic symptoms in just a
few weeks time this all natural
combination of very specific foods herbs
minerals and vitamins taken in the eggs
act way we show you will not only
eliminate deadly belly fat free up
clogged arteries and lower insulin
levels it also increases levels of a
powerful hormone that will improve the
flow of blood and nutrients to increase
youthful energy sexual performance plus
tighten and tone the skin on the face
while reducing wrinkles dr. Heinrich
then sighed and said look still be I
don't want to sound out of line
however i believe that this is something
you will benefit from as well
in fact we encourage couples to support
each other and follow the program
together even though you didn't have a
heart attack
I can see the your waist is too large
for your frame and this is a ticking
time bomb for heart disease and diabetes
so I don't you both through the program
dad and Sylvia we're not sure what to
believe after all they tried many
different diet programs in the past and
it even worked with a personal trainer
you could never lose their belly fat or
stop the progression of heart disease
and diabetes they reminded dr. Heinrich
that they weren't exactly spring
chickens and he was dealing with a
couple who both suffer from joint pain
low back pain and problems sleeping dr.
Heinrich reassured them that this
program was different it was designed
specifically for men and women over the
age of 35 it was completely safe in fact
he said the most people who follow the
simple rituals in this program see their
joint problems disappear within days due
to the reduction of irritation in their
he also reassured them that his program
didn't involve any vigorous exercise or
heavy lifting
so there was nothing for Dan or silver
to worry about as dr. Heinrich was
turning to leave he suddenly stopped
turned around and said something down
and Sylvie would never forget i know
that this may sound strange coming from
a doctor
however you need to hear this in my 20
years experience i have never had a
patient have a heart attack on a plane
and survived
God has given you a beautiful gift with
a second chance so don't squander it
follow this program together and you may
live to see your grandchildren get
married one day or you can roll the dice
fly back home and take your chances
the choice is up to you deep down inside
dan and Sylvie new dr. Heinrich was
God had given them a gift and it was now
up to them to make the most of it they
both felt a sense of calm and knew that
they could trust dr. Heinrich to save
him from a life of obesity diabetes
joint pain in
any other diseases that affect most men
and women over the age of 35
so the next morning dr. Heinrich met
them carrying two three ring binders
each containing 29 pages of
easy-to-follow instructions he said that
inside these binders was everything down
and still be needed to turn off the
internal fire that was ravaging their
bodies clear out their arteries reboot
their metabolism and lose their deadly
stomach fat he also joked that they
should prepare themselves for the boost
libido that was coming their way to
finally he made them swear that they
would follow the program and keep him
updated with the results looking over
the manuals it was obvious to Dan that
this scientifically proven program would
be something they both could follow
everything was laid out in simple
step-by-step rituals and there were no
weird foods or complicated recipes just
natural herbs spices and foods that
sounded delicious
at first glance Stan wondered how
something that looks so simple could
ever reverse the symptoms of heart
disease and diabetes while losing up to
a pound of stomach fat per day without
the use of drugs or stimulants of any
kind then you remember the testimonials
and stunning before-and-after pictures
dr. Heinrich is shown him and how each
and every one of his patients
experienced incredible results following
the exact same plan he was holding in
his hands in his mind's eye he could
still see the remarkable changes not
only in terms of weight loss yet also
how much younger each person looked
after following the program the very
next day was an emotional one for Dan
and Sylvie as they found themselves back
on an airplane and heading home they
decided to cut their trip short so that
they can get started with the program
dr. Hynek had given them as the plane
reach cruising altitude Sylvie reached
over to grab dance hand they looked into
each other's eyes and started to cry
tears of joy as they were called the
traumatic events that they had just gone
through and how lucky Dan was to be
they were also very excited to share the
remarkable story with friends and family
as soon as they got home
dan called me the next day and asked
that I come over to discuss what
happened and get my thoughts on the
program had been given the moment I read
the program in the rituals inside I knew
this was something very special and
unlike anything I had seen by more than
20 years experience as a personal
trainer i quickly realized that I had
stumbled upon what could be the biggest
breakthrough to hit the health and
weight loss industry and death
gates as I read through the program I
was blown away when i read the true
causes of stomach fat heart disease
diabetes and other potentially deadly
diseases that are so common amongst men
and women over 35 and I couldn't wait to
see the changes in Dan and Sylvie I
didn't have to wait very long I was
awoken early Saturday morning by a
ringing phone and familiar voice it was
damn online and he was very very excited
what he told me next cause me to drop my
morning coffee all over my kitchen floor
Bruce you are not going to believe this
i have lost nine pounds and I feel like
a new man and it's only been three days
are you sure i said not really believing
what I was hearing
yes I'm sure and get this Sylvia's down
seven pounds that means we're both
losing more than one pound per day on
average and that's not all either i
don't feel tired my knees feel better
than they have in years and Sylvie's
lower back pain has virtually
disappeared i am not getting this new
program dr. hunter Kansas on is
Sylvia I are sleeping like babies and we
wake up feeling amazing with more energy
than we have felt in decades
I feel stronger my memory is sharper and
according to my blood tests yesterday my
blood sugar is finally under control and
one more thing I can't believe how much
food we get to eat we are even eating
bread pasta and other carbs and still
the weight just keeps falling off both
of us all we have to do is follow one
simple ritual
each day we then pick the foods we like
from the list and eat as much as we want
nothing is off limits and we don't have
to count points or calories this program
actually forces us to cheat on the
weekend and that means I don't have to
give up eating Sylvie's famous chocolate
ice cream cake we both love so much i
was amazed by what Dan was telling me
however is a personal trainer with
decades of experience working on clients
i was skeptical too so i decided to do
my own test of the program using a small
group of my own clients as test subjects
i want to see this program would work on
people who I call fat loss resistant
these are the clients i was working with
who are struggling to lose even a
pounder to despite eating a healthy diet
and exercising regularly i asked these
clients test five things before starting
the program body weight percent body fat
blood pressure blood sugar and
pulls the results were nothing short of
amazing at the end of just one month
following the exact same program dr.
hunter gave dan and Sylvie each client
lost an average of twenty two point six
one woman was on track to losing one
pound per day until her mom became ill
and she had to travel to Australia to
sere what's even more shocking is the
health changes each client experience
every single man woman saw drop in bad
cholesterol blood pressure and blood
sugar levels one woman in particular was
able to come completely offer
cholesterol medications leaving her
doctor shocked and asking for a copy of
the miracle program that was producing
results normally reserved for people in
their twenties
however as incredible as a results were
sounding there was no denying the actual
results my clients were experiencing
eyewitness men and women in their
thirties forties fifties and sixties
lose their belly fat and break free from
symptoms and medications related to
obesity heart disease and diabetes in a
matter of weeks so one by one I made
copies of the program and handed them
out to more of my clients i gave the
program to doctors lawyers
businesspeople moms and dads without
each and every client of mine who follow
the simple plan i'm about to show you
lost a minimum of one half to one pound
per day take Evan for example he is a 42
year old father and serving in the
military full time you needed to lose 10
pounds of fat fast before the end of his
leaf because he was scheduled to report
back for active duty
I put them on the exact same program dr.
Heinrich had given me and he lost eleven
point five pounds and 13 days while
still enjoying time with his wife and
kids or how about Katrina Katrina was
terrified and struggling with being
pre-diabetic and 25 pounds overweight
katrina hated working out and was also
fighting a tough battle with depression
she came to me crying one day because
she was dating a guy who seem to have a
wandering eye
it was always checking out women who are
slimmer than she was
she desperately want him to find her
attractive and fuel wanted again however
she felt that her excess pounds were
turning them off long story short she
followed the same ritual in less than
six weeks later she had lost every
single one of those 25 pounds and was a
happy girl again these success stories
in still more confidence in me
and what this program can do to help
people like Dan and Sylvie who are over
the age of 35 and having a hard time
losing belly fat or facing difficult
health issues such as diabetes so i
decided to share with more of my friends
and family members soon these people
were experiencing fantastic results and
we're jumping on email and social media
to tell their friends about it within
weeks i had dozens of emails and more
than a few letters for men and women
from all over the country riding to tell
me about their success with the program
there were messages for men and women
from 35 to 85 years of age and they all
had one thing in common they were all
using dr. Heinrichs program and the
rituals were melting off their belly fat
and restoring their health back to what
it was like when they are in their
twenties to be honest with you just
talking about this makes me emotional
sure I had helped people lose fat and
get healthy before after all this is
what i have done for most of my life
however never before had I helped so
many people lose fat so quickly never
without meeting them in person it was
amazing to see how easy and simple ways
for these people to follow the program
without having to see me as their
trainer face-to-face this told me that I
had something special and then I needed
to get it out to the world so that
others could experience the dramatic
reduction and belly fat incredible boost
in energy and perfect hormonal health
and my family and friends were
experiencing I took all the information
the dr. Heinrich gave me along with all
the notes I gathered from my wife
dan and Sylvie my own experience and
turned it into a systematic blueprint
for eliminating dangerous belly fat and
preventing and reversing the number one
cause of diabetes heart disease and
arthritis I broke things down into
simple rituals and lists of food that
when eaten in the right way will melt
away one pound per day of stubborn fat
in particular the deadly fat that
surrounds your belly area
I then made a complete list of the
dozens of natural herbs spices and
nutrients found in foods that operate as
powerful hormone influencers and work to
eliminate the underlying cause of
diabetes heart disease and even
I also include the list of signs to
watch out for that may be a sign that
you are at immediate risk of having a
near fatal heart attack just like Dan
and of course I also include the foods
that may trigger a heart attack at any
time including the food that triggered
and heart attack in the airplane that
faithful day plus i also included the
exact day to day blueprint for turning
on dead metabolisms this is essential
for men and women over the age of 35 and
is completely missing from popular
programs such as weight watchers jenny
craig and all the rest yet I didn't stop
I also included a special ritual that
shows you how to lose stubborn fat from
other areas of your body as well this is
the result of over 20 years research and
maps out the exact hormone imbalance
that is responsible for fat gathering on
your worst trouble spots and then
provide exact instructions in a list of
foods herbs and minerals to melt away
problem fat from those specific areas of
your body
this blueprint is perfect if you need to
lose 5 10 15 20 30 pounds or more of
deadly belly fat will restore your
arteries blood sugar and overall health
by as much as 10 years or more in the
first month alone and get this even
though the program was designed by a
doctor it is very simple to understand
in easy-to-follow results happen fast
and you don't have to turn your life
upside down to make it happen i am even
going to give you the exact tracking
sheet dr. hunter gave me so you can
track your daily fat loss while you're
watching your hormonal systems restore
back to their youthful glory because of
how this program saved my life and that
of damn sylheti I've decided to call
this the lien belly break through the
name is appropriate seen how this exact
same program has helped over a hundred
thousand people lose a minimum of 23
pounds of belly fat within the first
month of using it
people like Dana from San Diego who lost
24 pounds in three dress sizes in four
weeks before her reunion and gusts from
Oklahoma who dropped 52 pounds in two
months and is now diabetes free it is
very important that I make something
very clear this isn't a fad diet or some
silly fruit juice cleanse
we both know that those so-called
solutions don't work and are not
sustainable the lien belly breakthrough
is different because it targets the root
cause of your belly fat heart disease
and diabetes
this isn't some mandate that only
focuses on the symptoms the lien belly
you the exact blueprint for permanently
fixing the hidden cause of your stomach
fat and health issues and shows you how
you can eat like a normal person while
feeling and looking like you have a race
10 15 even 20 years from your
chronological age that is why you will
be getting the exact tracking sheets the
dr. Heinrich gave me so you can watch
your health markers improve while the
shape of your body transforms before
your very eyes
you will also be pleased to know that
this program doesn't force you to count
calories or eat exotic foods that are
impossible to find
plus there are no expensive prepackaged
foods to buy I should also tell you that
there are no strenuous exercises to do
this is especially important for Sylvie
whose joints were nearly destroyed by
one of those extreme exercise programs
you see on TV
however if you can exercise and want to
really zero in on your specific problem
areas i'm also going to include my
simple to follow 60-second belly fat
shred exercise program in video along
with my highly effective and
scientifically proven belly fat
targeting rotation workout that will
absolutely melt away one to three inches
from your waist in less than 14 days
this is the perfect program for those
special occasions that are coming up
where you want to look your best and
turn a few heads or if you need to lose
more like Dan and so we did just flip to
the hormone section and you'll find out
how to more than double your body's fat
burning hormones in as little as three
minutes time and even if you don't need
to lose weight and are just interested
in preventing and reversing heart
disease diabetes and arthritis while
turning back the clock on your body's
aging process and increasing energy go
to page 27 and do exactly what it says
to eliminate the root cause of heart
disease diabetes arthritis and
accelerated aging the lien belly
breakthrough will explain to you exactly
what you need to do to make this happen
for you
so now that I've shared my story with
you it should be clear that there really
isn't anything like the lien belly
breakthrough anywhere on the internet
bookstores or even medical journals it
is a complete system that contains every
single ritual that will transform your
health while melting off one pound per
day of deadly belly fat
this is something you need because you
could be like Dan and be a risk for a
sudden heart attack and not even know it
think about this 1671 people die from
heart attacks every single day in the US
alone that
one person every single minute in
addition 4660 people are diagnosed with
diabetes everyday that's more than three
people every 60 seconds the lien belly
breakthrough will prevent you or someone
you love from becoming part of these
deadly statistics of course you could
try one of those generic fitness
programs out there like p 90 or insanity
however why would you when you have in
front of you a proven system to fix the
exact problem you or your loved ones are
facing right now what's worse is that
many of these programs use exercises
that can leave you injured and diets
that will mess up your hormones and even
lead to developing eating disorders
I suppose you could also go out and hire
some kid trainer from your local gym for
five hundred dollars a month with no
experience working with men and women
over 35 who have health issues you can
give a dietitian a couple hundred bucks
for a calorie counting meal plan with no
focus on belly fat hormones or blood Lean Belly Breakthrough Review
sugar issues however why would you when
you could have the exact doctor approved
plan that melts away one pound per day
of embarrassing and deadly belly fat
while eliminating the number one root
cause of heart disease and diabetes
without any of the dangerous effects of
detox diets or high intensity exercise
programs plus the lien belly
breakthrough will save you from the
pitfall of buying expensive and Lean Belly Breakthrough Review
potentially deadly fat burning pills
that in reality do nothing more than to
stimulate your adrenal glands causing
your body to secrete more and more
cortisol leading to severe hormonal
issues adrenal burnout decrease muscle
mass nervousness headache insomnia
increase in blood pressure increased BMI
and possibly death
just imagine in less than three minutes
from now you'll be able to use the same
powerful system for yourself
they gave dan and Sylvie results like
this with the lien belly breakthrough
there are no drugs to take or any rules
to follow that will destroy your social
life there's no need to starve yourself
for work out like a self-obsessed maniac
all you have to do is follow the simple
doctor approved program and eat more of
the good food you already love each day
you will enjoy getting up in the morning
excited to see
the amazing changes that have happened
to your body overnight
this is what's happened to the thousands
of people who have already used a system
around the world and i want to return to
join the community of success stories
when we first put this program together
we thought about charging 297 dollars to
get access to it after all we went
through together this info on the
expenses you would incur if you did the
same we knew it would still be a bargain
heck this would still be less than what
you would pay for a month with the
trainer a visit with a dietitian some
prescription medications and health
insurance however we wanted to pay it
forward and make it possible for
everybody to have access to this
easy-to-follow program we know firsthand
how critically important it is that you
know about these little known hormone
balancing herbs remedies and methods
that turn back the aging clock and melt
away as much fat as you desire from your
stomach thighs and back while
permanently eliminating the true hidden
cause of heart disease and diabetes
doing so you'll enjoy health and energy
like you have never felt before in your
adult years
your belly will be flat and your joints
will feel as if they have been freshly
lubricated you look and feel younger
than ever before and you will find
yourself moving with the vigor and
strength of a person half your age you
will cut your risk of heart disease and
diabetes by more than ninety percent and
your sex drive will return as your
hormones come back into balance
just imagine how great you will feel
knowing that you have complete control
over your health and body weight with
any worries about heart disease diabetes
and arthritis a thing of the past
think of the comfort and security you
will enjoy knowing that you will be
there for years to come to spend time
with your loved ones and grandchildren
see yourself full of youthful energy
being active pursuing your hobbies and
loving the life you've been given
now think about what could happen if you
don't take action today think about the
moment she would miss the vacations
walks with your friends and family and
all the magical moments that make up a
beautiful full life
yes I think you will agree with me that
this is an incredible offer a two
hundred ninety seven dollars
however this isn't about the money for
me the lien belly breakthrough save the
lives of people i love I know what it
feels like to watch someone you love
lose their health
I know the feeling
your pain and helplessness of watching
your loved one suffer and not being able
to do anything to help them
I don't want this to happen to you too I
feel blessed to have found dr. Heinrich
and this amazing program and now i want
to share with you i am well aware that
many people would be happy to pay 297
dollars for the lien belly breakthrough
however I also know that price there are
many people who would be left out that
would not be able to experience the same
life-changing benefits like so many
others have for this reason i've decided
that you're not going to have to pay
anywhere close to two hundred ninety
seven dollars to get your hands on the
lien belly breakthrough today in fact
you even have to pay a hundred ninety
seven dollars or ninety seven dollars
which is less than the cost of one visit
with a dietitian nutritionist or good
personal trainer instead when you say
yes to the lien belly breakthrough today
and you make the commitment to eliminate
all of your stubborn belly fat and the
number one cause of heart disease and
diabetes that is slowly killing you
while regaining the youthful vigor
health and fitness of a person half your
age you will simply be asked to help
recoup a tiny portion of medical
expenses web costs and advertising fees
by investing only thirty-seven dollars
in your health fitness and wellbeing if
you are ready to take control over your
body and health today and wanted
easy-to-follow doctor approved program
for quickly losing 15 2535 pounds of
delhi belly fat or more while reversing
the signs of aging and preventing deadly
heart disease and diabetes act now by
clicking the add to cart button below
right after you will be taken to a
secure page that looks like this once
you've entered your information you will
gain instant access to the entire lean
belly breakthrough program you'll be
able to immediately start using the
breakthrough belly fat melting rituals
the emergency fat loss guide the
diabetes and heart disease reversing
recipes the little-known herbs spices
and minerals the easy-to-follow heart
attack prevention method the delicious
metabolism boosting meal plan and the
detailed instructional videos plus
you'll have immediate access to a list
of belly fat melting diabetes busting
desserts that you can put in your diet
immediately without fear of weight gain
blood sugar issues i will also provide
you with my list of libido-boosting
foods that will improve sex drive and
performance virtually overnight you will
be able to access everything immediately
from your computer smartphone or tablet
there is no need to wait for anything to
be shipped so you can get started in
just minutes from now all that is left
for you to do now is take action
I promise you this nothing is going to
change in your life until you make your
that's what Dan Sylvia and I did to
change our bodies and health
this is also with thousands of other
lean belly breakthrough users have done
as well now it's your turn
if you're still feeling some hesitation
and wondering if this will work for you
there is one more thing you need to know
your tiny investment today is backed by
a 100-percent 60-day money-back
I understand that sounds amazing and
that you may be skeptical about how
avoiding just one food can prevent you
from having a heart attack or how a diet
this simple could produce results as
incredible as you saw with your own eyes
a few minutes ago yet I assure you it is
all true i have countless stories of
people who are struggling with their
weight blood sugar and circulatory
problems caused by heart disease and
diabetes that suddenly saw their illness
disappear completely
while dropping 20 to 30 pounds of pure
belly fat and less than a month's time I
hate to say this
the clock is ticking you don't want to
go through what dan went through he got
lucky that day
however why would you risk it when the
solution is right on your fingertips do
the right thing for your family and
loved ones by pushing the add to cart
button you see below immediately after
you will have instant access to the
entire lean belly breakthrough program
the belly fat melting rituals the
emergency fat loss guide the diabetes
and heart disease reversing recipes the
artery cleaning fat melting herbs spices
and minerals the easy-to-follow heart
attack prevention method the delicious
metabolism boosting meal plan the
detailed instructional videos and much
more plus you will also discover the
exact foods and beverages you must avoid
if you never want to experience the
horror that Dan experience in the plane
that day after you claim your copy you
can take two full months to try the
entire program out for yourself if for
any reason you are not satisfied or you
feel like you're
wait isn't flying off fast enough simply
send me an email to the address i will
give you on the instant download page
and i will refund your entire purchase
with no questions asked
there is zero risk on your part the only
risk you have is if you leave this page
and feel the horrible pain of regret
because you didn't follow this simple
program when you had the chance
your body and your health are worth a
hundred million times more than the
small price today for this amazing
information i have for you and remember
there's a one hundred percent
satisfaction guarantee
so there's no excuse get started now by
clicking the add to cart button below my
time is almost up and we are nearing the
end of this presentation this will be
available forever so unless you want to
watch this entire presentation again I
suggest you act fast by clicking the add
to cart button you see below this video
screen your body and your health are
your responsibility
stop giving control over to the greedy
drug companies and diet infomercial
people don't waste another dime on
another DVD or exercise gadget that does
not work today is the day you say no to
feeling tired fat and full of aches and
pains and say yes to living the rest of
your life and a healthy trim body free
from heart disease diabetes and
arthritis the lien belly breakthrough is
the doctor approved solution you have
been looking for
try it for yourself get the belly fat
melting rituals the emergency fat loss
guide the diabetes and heart disease
reversing recipes the artery cleaning
fat melting herbs spices and minerals
easy-to-follow heart attack prevention
method the delicious metabolism boosting
meal plan the detailed instructional
videos and everything else that comes
with a program see how incredibly easy
it really is to melt away one pound per
day of pure belly fat boost your
metabolism clear out your arteries take
control of your blood sugar and look and
feel 10 years younger in just a few
weeks from today seize this opportunity
you'll be so very glad that you did I
wish you abundant good health
PS let me emphasize that the story you
just heard is true and so are the
results you will experience with using
the lien belly breakthrough i am always
surprised when people don't take action
when they have the solution to their
problems their fingertips
you have nothing to lose and there is no
risk with are one hundred percent
satisfaction guarantee to order simply
click the Buy button below and you can
begin safeguarding yourself and your
loved ones from the life-threatening
effects of having five or more pounds of
belly fat diabetes and heart disease
order now while there's still time
Lean Belly Breakthrough Review 2 Minute Ritual to Lose Weight - How to Lose Weight Fast. Lean Belly Breakthrough Review http://bit.ly/LeanBellyBreakthroughs Click Here. Lose Weight Super Fast. Lean Belly Breakthrough is the Revolutionary program to help people suffering with stubborn body fat. This One Simple Method Has Never Before Been Revealed To The General Public Until Today. Check it out: http://bit.ly/LeanBellyBreakthroughs Please subscribe my channel. ***WARNING: Due to recent reports from viewers who have experienced accelerated fat loss please consult your physician if you experience more than 1-2 pounds per day of belly fat loss or more than 12 pounds per week. This 2-minute ritual should only be used as noted in the above video. Get the Complete Lean Belly Breakthrough System for Just $37! http://bit.ly/LeanBellyBreakthroughs This Shockingly Effective, Fast And Simple 2-Minute Ritual Will Have You Looking And Feeling Decades Younger Get this Offer Excursively at Best Quality Youtube Official Channel Official Certified Representative. Why This Offer is for You! Especially if you are carrying more than 5 or 10 pounds of stubborn belly fat. Before discovering this new breakthrough, Many People had no idea how a surprisingly simple ritual, that costs literally pennies per week and takes less than two minutes, melts away deadly, stubborn belly fat every single day and could have saved them from the near fatal event that happened in the airplane that day. Had they known this information, they would never had missed the three bizarre, silent and hidden warning signs that you think are harmless and yet are destroying your metabolism and hormonal systems especially in men and women over age 35, causing abnormal and deadly fat storage around your belly and vital internal organs You may experience one of these symptoms today so pay very careful attention to what I am telling you. And if that isn't enough to make you realize that the next 3 minutes will change your life... Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeanBellyBreakthrough/ Join us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/LeanBellyBreakthrough/ Join us on Google+ https://plus.google.com/+LeanBellyBreakthrough Related Searches: #how to lose weight #weight loss #how to lose weight fast #lose weight fast #weight loss diet #diet plans #best way to lose weight #weight loss tips #quick weight loss #fastest way to lose weight #how to lose weight quickly #fast weight loss #how to reduce weight #rapid weight loss #weight loss programs #weight loss supplements #lose belly fat #diets that work #weight loss plans #best way to lose weight fast #quickest way to lose weight #low carb diet #diet to lose weight #how to lose belly fat #ways to lose weight #lose weight in a week #best diet to lose weight #ways to lose weight fast #best weight loss program #easy ways to lose weight #how to lose weight in a week #lose weight quickly #how can i lose weight #how can i lose weight fast #fast weight loss diet #weight loss tea #what is the best way to lose weight #weight loss foods #quick weight loss diet
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